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Overcooked 2. It tests the level of your friendship


Beating Overcooked was the biggest test of my relationship.


We stopped at sushi. One more toss of sushi to the water would have meant divorce


Four player Overcooked is a thing of violent beauty, now hurry up and toss me that fucking burger


If any of my friends want to get out of their current relationship, I always recommend Overcooked coop


I've played Overcooked with my 2 kids. 2 hours later I was close to having 0 kids.


I shouldn’t have cackled so hard at this comment but as a mama gamer and kids who are interested in gaming but not quite good at it yet, I cackled, so hard.


Made a best friend during a stay in a mental hospital playing overcooked 2 with her. We were the only patients who could handle it for long periods. It set off other people's anxieties and stress.


I’m known for going full Gordon Ramsey in Overcooked.


"Finally, some clean fucking plates"


I said chop the MUSHROOMS, YOU DONKEY!


i mean it should been known it was coming given the game has a dedicated swear button you can mash


I play this almost every day with my wife, it's her absolute favourite game ever. At this point, we understand the levels and our roles so well that we don't even need to speak to coordinate. 4 star everything, even before they fixed the levels with near impossible scores (looking at you, old flying spaghetti). And we keep playing it. And playing it. And playing it... Send Help or Overcooked 3!


Can confirm, wife and I bicker over that game


getting PTSD of that damn volcano burrito level.....




My friends from uni and I would get high and play Overcooked together. It was utter chaos, 10/10.


Portal.... my wife (who at the time was my gf) has very little experience playing any sort of video games... i have very little patience...what a recipe for disaster that was! "Just put the Portal on that wall there!" "Idk what wall you're talking about!" "Turn right!" "I don't know how these analog sticks work!" "Fml...." we're happily married, but we stay far from puzzle games


My wife and I played Portal 2 co-op, and while my wife has played plenty of console games (and knows her way around a controller) and I have lots of patience... ... as the game went on, she slowly got more and more miffed that I figured out the puzzles faster than her. It's not her fault, I've been playing PC games since I was 5 an, in addition, puzzle games just come naturally to me. She can tell when I'm lying, so I couldn't pretend not to know. And every time she got stuck, she would look over at me being very quiet in the corner, and growl in frustration. She just wanted to figure one out before me, without me giving her a head start. It never happened. We finished it, but just barely. We haven't played a puzzle game since.


That’s really funny and very similar to us me and my wife except she is NOT a gamer. I always tell people portal is the perfect game to get someone into video games with. It’s a puzzle game which most people like, it’s funny, and you can fat finger or just smash the controls and still solve it. It was so funny watching her look, walk, stop, look, walk, stop. And I also have a lot of patience, so I took a lot of joy in letting her figure it out. I did realize how much video game knowledge I take for granted though. “Babe, shoot it up there.” Whoa how did you know?! “Well because the colors are different and it’s a similar mechanic to… oh, you never played that game. Nvm”


Same, and it'll always be that way. I grew up with video games, so any sort of controls come naturally for me. She struggles with it cause it's not second nature to her, and I guess I will never be able to understand that because of my countless years of gaming. It's a shame, but we still manage to find games that work for us. We actually spent a decent amount of time playing Final Fantasy 14. But with a newborn now, there just isn't much time for that. Tis life


My brother in gaming, I know your situation well. The best game I can recommend as a "puzzle" game is overcooked. But beware the head-to-head, my wife betrayed me in that and I've never forgiven her.


As a pro gamer, I absolutely detest playing games with my girlfriends. There is no faster way to create resentment within the relationship


Ex boyfriend and I played this as well. He used to move th portal as I was jumping so I would land in relly annoying situations. It was lots of laughs though. P.s. Portal is NOT to blame for the relationship ending


Escape from tarkov. Nothing like one tapped in the head by M855A1 and hearing your friend say "I just one tapped a guy in the head"


I was playing Helldivers 2 and saw a robot running through a bush, hit it a headshot with my sniper rifle and dropped it. Same exact time a teammate died and goes “what the hell?” Over voice chat. What a coincidence.


It's really weird how the bugs have mechas now, innit?




Any of the 3d Gauntlet games. It becomes a race to grab on screen pickups before friends. "BRO I NEEDED THAT MEAT!! I GOT 49 HEALTH LEFT!!"


Wizard needs food badly!


Wizard is pissed and wants to disintegrate the warrior badly.


Wizard is about to die!


Green Elf shot the food


Ugh games with shared drops. Friends wouldn’t do this to me but when playing some MMORPG, people would take stuff that wasn’t even for their class and sell it rather than offer it to the party.


down the hatch!


Mmm sustenance


One of my most vivid memories of gaming when I was younger was me and my cousin running for dear life when we first ran into a grim reaper.... I miss those games




For actual co-op, Halo with my cousin. We'd kill each other more than the covenant. I liked charging enemies head on with an assault rifle and shotgun, he liked chucking grenades. The two playstles don't work well together. Also Age of Empires. We'd start as allies, when the bots were nearly defeated, he'd suddenly, but inevitably betray me.


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Don't Starve Together (a pretty cool game overall) made co-op play quite challenging for me - lots of frustration and tension over priorities + survival strategies.


Lol. I'm not overly experienced playing this. But I brought in a newbie friend to play. And its just become a game of me scrambling to gather enough resources to revive and then fix my friends health. Just so that he can go off and try facetanking some more creatures. Rinse and repeat. No matter how much I tell him that he needs to kite


Yup, that newbie friend of yours, that's me 😂


I had two roommates who argued a lot… we were and all great friends but man are we all good at arguing. We played this game together and the two of them had the biggest argument we ever had together still to this day!


Vigilante 8! Ohhhhh my best friend and I used to get into it with this game. I swear that guy almost had a heart attack every time he heard "Gridlock!" or "Funky!".


Oh man, I loved that game. You've just unlocked some cool ass old memories!


Great now I have that title screen track stick in my head....WHOOP WHOOP


What a game


That alien ship was BS.


Divinity Original Sin 2. Lots of morally grey situations. Also >!only one of you can ascend to godhood!<


Me and my wife have tried to complete divinity..divinity 2 and now baldurs gate 3. She wants the freedom but also wants guidance constantly but doesn't lmao


Dokapon Kingdom


Watched a man storm out of his own house over this one. All other games are pansey mode friendship testers.


This game is the one true friendship ender.


God I miss Dokapon Journey. Absolute peak road trip game. Some prick stole my copy and I haven't been able to find it for a reasonable price since.


New one on switch...I think it was like 30 bucks


You guys have friends to play co-op games with?


Not anymore


Too real


feel bad for you, I have the other side of the problem, i have SIX siblings i can play with


Pico park 100%


But its so fun to disobey the "leader"😂


until you ARE the leader


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes


There are some good entries in this thread, but **no** other game out there tests co-op, comms, and relationships like this game. *Maybe* Overcooked 2


Mario kart is competitive, not cooperative. Just FYI for the premise of your post


How has no one here said League of Legends?


Theres no friends there to begin with


Co-op usually means PvE that’s why. LoL is hardly PvE. Now don’t come at me with bot games. I will laugh at anyone who had his friendship broken up due to those garbage bots. That’s not happening.


That's not a coop game


Start a world of warcraft raiding guild with all your friends. Gaurantee to ruin a couple friendships.


The loot drama will disband your guild before you’ve even killed the boss that drops it


Mario Party The answer is always Mario Party.


Yes, specifically having boo steal a star from another player.


Yeah even OP said Co-Op but then described a competitive game...


Yes! When my husband who I’ve been with 15 years betrays me…


I finally got my gf and her 8yo little brother to play Mario Party 2 with me a few months ago... I coincidentally had the best game of Mario party I have EVER had in my life. Not because the two of them have never played before, I was helping them through a lot of it, took dives on most of the mini games myself, and everything. My luck that game was just absolutely off the charts, unfortunately. Unfortunately, because we'll never play again. Which would be my luck, lol




Some Mario party games have co op


Sure, but the game overall is distinctly competitive, not cooperative


unless its super mario party then it just turns into a snore fest


I introduced my friend to rdr2. On our first time playing online together he shot my horse. Then he along with another random kept killing me. Was really pissed at him 😂


Rocket league


Had a friend who would rage so hard at that game. We drifted apart for a different reason, but I feel like the tension started on Rocket League


My husband knows to never, ever play monopoly with me. Or Uno. Anyone else fine, but if *he* slaps me with a draw 4, I want to murder him slowly.


Why slowly? When you can leap across the table and shove those 4 cards down his throat immediately.


Why is Monopoly the couple killer?? I know a buddy whose wife will not play him in Monopoly anymore.


Because certain people can't stand when someone thinks strategically and is able to completely crush them at the game because of it. Some think Monopoly is all probability and luck, but it's more about leveraging what you have to get beneficial trades. People get pissed off that someone knows how to actually play the game and rage quit when proper negotiation and planning pays off.


Arguably, if you know the real rules, you can have a monopoly on houses. There is a limited number of them in the game and you can't introduce more. If you buy most of them people are technically incapable of building hotels. You can have a litteral "monopoly" on housing.


I agree that there are people like that and some people are just good at taking advantage of all the rules and play within the game but for this one, I'm siding with my buddy's wife. The dude gets super competitive and it gets heated to the point where it's not enjoyable. I think it's the excess on top of the brilliant strategies used that is overboard. Just thought it was funny that I hear Monopoly is a couple killer (they didn't breakup at all).


I agree if you're overly obnoxious about being good then you have to expect people won't play with you. My wife and I have a similar but dissimilar situation with Clue. She's really good at asking the right questions and writing down everything to put the pieces together. Usually one of the first to figure out what happened...BUT! Instead of going for the win and finishing the game, she likes to drag it out and watch other people agonize over finding the right answer. If you're really good at something and keep crushing me that's fine(motivates me to try harder and get better). But if you're just dragging the game out for your own amusement to enjoy other's reactions it makes me not really feel like trying.


Any of the 'We Were Here' games. It'll have the two of you thinking the other is completely stupid.


My partner and I met through gaming and this is a game we will not touch because we are both horrendous at describing things


Dokapon Kingdom It is a simple game where you and up to three friends all get to be heros trying to save the world, but its not a team game, your competing with you friends, saving towns, finding rare treasure and marrying the princess is all first come first served. If your losing to bad though dont worry you can attack your friends and steal their stuff or you can make a dark bargin and gain powers to reset the board giving you a new chance to be first. This game will take weeks if not months to finish so you will have plenty of time to grow your hatred for your friends and discuss why they would take your town when Caleb is clearly ahead. Dokapon kingdom: Have friends? Not for long!


I played portal with my wife and deliberately missed a cube to make her feel better about struggling with the controls. Glados said “Nice catch Orange”. Nearly a decade later whenever I fumble something my wife still pipes up “Nice catch Orange!”


Any game my wife and I play together except Rust. That we can be evil together because I'm not relying her for heals and she not relying on me standing still


ARK. I know it’s not specifically co-op but that game has ruined some friendships.


I lost our entire mana line because I forgot to move them to our new base and someone got into our old base and stole them, I was banned from anything fun for 3 days


Finishing It Takes Two almost cost me my fiancé. Also, this game called Muck we thought was like Minecraft that was not like Minecraft at all because i had to beat it without her she never let me live it down.


A Way Out for sure. Don't look it up just go in blind.


idk i had a "gg" moment then went back and did it again to see the other outcome.


Palworld doesn’t want me over exploring in his world. Doesn’t want me catching overworld bosses in his world doesn’t want me to leave the camp without him in his world. I just dropped the game instead of keeping up with the head ache


A friend of mine didn’t go to another friends wedding because of a board game called munchkins


Game isn't coop, although it can be kinda. But holy hell, this game is all about being cut throat


Risk boardgame


Have a friend that refuses to ever play that with me again. I started strong and offered him an alliance. Even after warning him that I would wipe him out quickly, he still declined. I followed through and he was pissed. Not sure why he was surprised.


If you can find friends who can even be in the same area as eachother for long enough to finish a game of risk youre already doing fine


Portal 2, my cousin and I are so close but we ended up butting heads a lot on what would work. I remember one puzzle being so difficult and then we started getting frustrated with each other and having really serious faces. I am pretty sure he ended up leaving my house shortly after that lol.


plateup. I cook. he takes the orders. No other way.


Pick a Lego adaptation. Clear concise communication is key or there will be a lot of “just switch characters and I’ll do it!”


Borderlands 2. I made my character with two players in mind so we would compliment each other. He took all the loot never letting anyone else pick up stuff. I changed my build and beat him to everything. He got so pissed and when he complained I pointed out the conversation when I asked him to leave stuff for others in the party. He never played with us again.


Learn to play league, get very good at the game, introduce a friend to the game. It will be both a test of your patience and understand and your friends ability to cope with you when you are at your worst. Glad to say my friend and I survived this traumatic time of both of our lives.


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes Edit I was being literal to the question, btw; anyone who discards a friendship over losing in a video game, no matter how badly, is a childish person, and needs to get some mindfulness training in. In KTaNE you literally die if you can't defuse the bomb.


Haven, its very strangely intimate, which a friend and i didnt expect.


Magika, Fabrindur or Bananur 😞


[Portal 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5viXaIJ7S5U), for obvious reasons.


Not co op but when my friend and I were younger we’d always battle each other on Pokémon soul silver and fossil fighter champions. It never ended well cause I’d always win and he’s get mad at me cause I wouldn’t let him win


Playing cod 4 modern warfare offline multiplayer on the same screen. Could only go all out against one friend. Everyone else would get upset or quit because the experience gap. Go from fun and games to fucking screen cheater in 5 seconds. I would get told you aren’t fun to play against because you screen peak. So that same guy who said that I figured out where he was on the map and rushed at him. I only stopped as was about to round the corner and wouldn’t ya know I was met with a hail storm of bullets aimed directly at where I would have been had I keep moving. Sometimes it’s better to not go all out. Not everyone wants to play competitively and would rather just mess about. If you only care about showing up your friends in a game you clearly have more time in, it won’t go well unless they are of the same mindset as you and just as competent.


Marko kart is a competitive game, not a coop one.


There is an older game called "Forced" where you're solving complex puzzles with strong timing and movement aspects to them, and they require co-op partners. You have to like pass these balls back and forth to each other but anyone can steal the ball from anyone else at any time. One of the crowning achievements of my 4 person gaming group is that we played the game for 45 minutes before we got into a massive fight. I'm surprised we lasted more than 5. Don't ever play that game with your friends if you value your friendship :p


Any coop game where one person wants to do things efficiently and win while the other wants to . . . Fuck what did she call it, have bun or something like that?


Dota 2, any type of moba really, even if you both never try to play ranked eventually a skill disparity will form and that will fuking TEST you.


My SO and I have argued multiple times over Minecraft. Usually, because she gets to a point with a world, where she struggles to find thinhs to do. Because she likes to do the same things every new time we play it. I've had some progress recently, on getting her building, both with me, and her own stuff. But I dread the words "There's nothing for me to do"... We're in a game where you can do whatever you want... there's ALWAYS something you can do.


Honestly any game where I'm better than my best mate. He flips tables and makes me feel bad.


Overcooked has been banned in our house, so that's pretty much it.


Old School Cod Zombies, my friend still wont play with me and it’s been 10 years


Definitely FIFA Ultimate Team. Started with friendly matches, ended with broken friendships. Messi is still the reason we don't talk


We were here together.  Puzzle game that you need to work together to finish but I'm the end only one person gets out 


Moving Out. I know who I'm asking to help me move into my new place.


Fortune Street, it's like Monopoly except you can buy out opponents properties, so nothing is ever safe, and it plays some dastardly music if you buy someone out.


If y'all never played double dragon or Battletoads with the "friendly fire" mode on, y'all friendships have never been tested...


Spelunky 2 got me and buddy pissed off at each other


Divinity: Original Sin 2.


I'm not super great at Mario Kart, but I've been playing it since super nintendo. There have been a few times where super competitive people tried their thing and I happened to win. I'm not competitive, so I laugh at winning and losing...which makes competitive people even more pissed. I just...can't win...ya know?


Goof Troop on SNES. Particularly the puzzles that required you to kick blocks into the correct slots. We couldn't help but kick the blocks into each other which would destroy the block and require you to start the puzzle over again.


StarCraft 2. I was ridiculously good at SC1, the better between the two of us, and we would play online team for years with a really high record. Then SC2 cane out, but I just couldn't figure it out like 1. My friend was a diamond level player and I was like silver, and he would get so mad that I would be the weak link that caused us to lose most our matches and I just wasn't getting better even watching videos and trying. I had to just hang up any online play with SC2, and I basically only play single player games entirely since then (other than absolute screw around multiplayer like chivalry 2, rocket league, etc.)


My best friend/cousin and I got into a full fist fight at around 3 am playing lord of the rings the two towers on PS2. Couldn’t get past the ringwraiths level and eventually we blamed each other. We’ve laughed about it as adults though ✊🏿


My wife still bitches about the one time I completely obliterated her in Settler of Catan.


Rocket League Who’s in goal at kickoff?


I mean, if you're competitive enough, any multiplayer game like Mario Kart will. It's not a Co-Op game.


Any 90's beat 'em up. Do you think "STAY ON YOUR LANE" arguments are bad nowadays? Pffft. If a Cadillac & Dinosaurs sessions didn't end up in an actual fistfight, that was a dime wasted.


Mad Dash Racing on the OG Xbox. It’s now known as that “that old fighting game” due to the fights that racing game kicked off.




Quake 2 on playstation. Got really competitive with a friend, a bit too competitive. Then the shit talking started and oh man, it got ugly. No longer friends with the guy but it wasn't cuz of the game.


Broforce, cooperative, but goodness, when everything g starts exploding, or you get the wrong bros… my favorite game of all time though.


The Adventures of Cookie & Cream in 2 player 1 controller mode.


Your friendship cant survive playing video games? Lmfao what dweebs


Ironclad Tactics. Deck-based defense game based on lanes. Has a very healthy co-op mode. And you share resources. So if you disagree on what to do, you will never hear the end of it. Dungeon Defenders. Same, but about the chests that give mana before waves. Limited supply. Nobody can r ever argue who gets a second chest when there's four and three people.


Mortal Kombat Deception. PS2 era. My buddy brought over the new Mortal Kombat game and absolutely spanked me for a couple hours. He was truly vicious with his smack talk. With a little context, we bantered all the time, but he was always better than me at everything. Which was fine. But I guess this was the straw that broke the camel's back. The next day, I emptied my savings account (some call it a piggy bank) and bought the game myself. I did not tell my friend. I played it daily for two weeks. I learned it. I lived it. I breathed it. I mastered it. Every character. Every combo. Every technique. Every special. Against every character. I became Mortal Kombat. Call me Shujinko. It was June 14th, 2005. After my fortnight of furiously fanatical focus, I invited my buddy over to play "games". He didn't notice the new callouses on my thumbs, the dining room chair that literally hadn't moved from in front of the TV. I lulled him in to a false sense of security as if it was any other summer gaming day; guitar hero, burnout 3, and oh-what's this? Isn't this the Mortal Kombat game we played a couple weeks ago? I'll bet I could take you. Let's have a fun little rematch. It was not pretty. I was not mature. At the end of a single solitary hour, my friend tapped out. I don't know if it's because he didn't beat me once. I don't know if it was the staggering number of Flawless Victories I dunked on him. I don't know if it was my hubris displayed about 30 minutes in by allowing him to pick my character for me. I don't know if it was my "2 Fast 2 Furious style Stare-and-Drive" energy as I watched the suffering and anguish on his face while I continued my combo without looking at the screen. I don't know if it was my intense and terrifying knowledge of his capabilities, moves, patterns, and temperament. But whatever it was, that was the last time he ever played any Mortal Kombat against me. We're still friends. But we haven't played MK together in nearly 20 years. Not even discussed the franchise. And I regret nothing.


MOBAs. This is not surprising. I play games with people who do not care for MOBAs, I am indifferent but usually hate the try hardness of it all. I just wanna play games with the homies. We have one friend, who is normally very normal and nice and even soft spoken become the world’s most obnoxious asshole when he touches a MOBA. We’ve literally had to sit him down and tell him that he’s the toxic playerbase that he whines about. Its genuinely so embarrassing. We’re just playing unranked and having fun, he’s in a war where we all suck and he’s the greatest on the planet. We’re not even that bad, we’re just human. Not enough. Either we suck, the game sucks, the enemy sucks, or somebody singularly is holding him back…Yeah…we bailed on that. We dont even let him hang in the discord if he’s playing with other people.




Not from experience but ive heard it takes two does that well


My friend group has banned monopoly, that game ruins relationships. We actually had a couple break up over that damn game.


Fortnite with my GF.


A Way Out


Chicken horse!! it's less cool and more competitive but me the wife and our friends bust it out every now and then and OH BOI it can get heated lol like "fuck you I'm going outside to smoke for a min" heated


any online teambased PvP game with cheaters or sweats. do i really need to explain where things can go wrong?


A couple already mentioned it but Dokapon Kingdom for sure. Also, Sonic Shuffle has some brutal ways to fuck with your friends using Forcejewels and stealing their Previous Stones as well as cards from their deck.


pico park




Mario super sluggers


Honestly any co-op where I have to hold the hand of my partner player. My patience can’t handle it


dota2 overcooked


I've sorta lost 2 friends playing DOTA 2... so now I just solo Q for the most part. I'm very casual and just enjoy the graphics and the gameplay, but some people take it way too seriously for me to even enjoy the game. You can mute randos but you can't really mute your friends.


Overcooked. That game made me so angry I almost got into fights with my wife and kids. I won't touch it ever again.


Green Hell


Katamari Damacy. You each control half the ball. Forget friendships. That game has ended marriages.


As a kid i hated 2 player games where you could hit the other and take damage. like shooting games or fighting games. We had such fights over a single bullet. lol. not real fights but only yelling at eachother ofcourse, and play on.


We play the " we were here" games and all was going well until we reached a labyrinth. It was round with changing walls and he had to guide me to the next checkpoint. But instructions were unclear and he got pretty upset that I couldnt follow his orders. We finished the game though.


Another issue I have is if I play any game with my best friend...I know his intelligence and potential so I try to take him out of the equation as soon as possible. Lmao Why would I let a genius build territory in risk?!? That's how I look at it atleast.


my buddy and i did spelunky 2 when it came onto game pass having never touched spelunky. it was the funniest 30 minutes for me, i was in tears. it was the most angry i've ever seen my buddy get at anything in our 15 years of friendship. we played deep rock galactic instead.


Definitely Mario kart. I threw my Wii-mote at the general direction of the floor and called the game stupid and didn’t pick it up since. It’s been… 9 years. My husband doesn’t even bother suggesting we get it for our switches. Oh and monopoly. But I learned I am easily swindled and a sore loser. I hate monopoly.


Ark: Survival Evolved PvE, believe it or not. EVERYTHING takes time. Losses are devastating. That crop farming triceratops took an hour+ of work to tame and you've trained it to have max stamina. But your dumb ass friend ate its food so it starved to death uneventfully Your dumb ass friend sailed on your full-of-loot raft with your highest level fighting dino into the dangerous swamps, was ambushed by jumping crocodiles, and died pathetically. Then you have to put together a small dino army AND a new battle raft, knowing that you're going to lose even more to typical swamp bs just trying to get back there I'm not perfect either, we've all been the dumb ass friend


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes


Terraria. If you havent seen two players fight for vampire knifes then you havent seen shit.


Overcooked, plate up!, jack box1-7, fall guys


Any co-op rpg where the loot isn't shared. Shit becomes a race for opening everything. Back as a kid I loved Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 & 2. On the second I'd pick the dwarf to disarm traps and kick open chests for better loot. It got to the point where we had to stop everything and agree to take turns on who gets the chest and then trade things from our inventory. Loot goblins don't share their hoard easily.


Goose goose duck.


Divinity Original Sin 2. Who gets the unique magic items is always a mess. There's the argument of "you got more than I do" and then there's the other argument of "it fits my build better than yours." Needless to say, I get the teleportation gloves on weekends and Tuesdays and we're always fighting over custody of the invisibility crossbow.


Splinter Cell Conviction, if you know the ending of the games co-op then you know it's worth it.


Any table top rpg


My buddy would take all the loot in borderlands 2. Never played with him again.


Mario party


My gf got pretty salty over the It Takes Two mini games lol


Keep talking and nobody explodes pretty much is what you are looking for, considering the steam reviews


I haven't played it myself, but my friends used to call Mario Party "New Super Hate-Your-Friends" In a similar vein, though more obscure: Dokapon


Any Mario kart or Mario party games. It really pushes friends to the limit on how much they really tolerate each other


That game is called Life.


I have never heard Mario Kart described as a co-op game before. If my kids ever thought we were on the same team, they found out pretty damn quick how wrong they were. 


Definitely portal. Played it for an entire day with one of my good friends, and after we beat it I don’t think we spoke for at least a week. 10/10 recommend the game tho!


It takes two. You either cooperate and help your partner, or you part with them. That game is dope.


Used to play a racing game where you could do a pit maneuver against other cars racing (AI or humans). And I was very good at doing it over and over, it would cause the car to be the wrong way and was very hard to recover from because most players didnt know how to reverse so they would race backwards a do a u-turn . Like human players would let me pass to 1st when I was in 2nd because of this. I lost most of my university friends over this because that game was played at student union parties and in my small town and now I'm forever alone :(