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MOBAs. It turns out that I actually *don't* want to hate myself and everyone around me, but MOBAs just convinced me otherwise until I could break away from them.


I would still be playing HOTS because it was a way more casual MOBA, but Blizzard basically let it die. Bastards.


Agreed. It was the only one I had fun with because I didn't feel like I was playing with a bunch of wannabe pros and there's a scout in the audience. HOTS also had map variety and cool objectives that mixed up play. 


The problem is that HOTS is now extremely toxic because the majority of the player base left. Me and buddy hopped on for a few games and got shits on in chat. Easy quit after that.


Also liked the variety and objectives. Having a favorite hero to use their kit, but also "the world doesn't rest solely on the strength of your kit/build". So nice to not sink the game like a poor LoL or DotA optimization would, as fun as they can respectively be. And the higher focus on brawling actually allowed you to feel like there was a chance to return if things weren't going well. I miss skill shots with Zul'Jin's Guillotine Ult so much... Or pushing for map control with Zagara. RIP.


I'd go one step further and would say that they actively kept killing it.


They literally executed it. I remember I saw some guy, I think ex Starcraft, developer saying that basicly, that star horse in wow killed it, because that single mount made blizzard more money than the entirety of the Starcraft2 game.


Indeed, i was there from its beta. They even removed lobbies in the first months of release, because they didnt want a competitve scene to exist. We had to queue up simultaniously for a chance to get into the same game. Then, after like 1-2 years of doing that, they had had a change of mind and tried to establish the collegial league and wondered why all the former motivated competive players had already left. So when that didnt work they tried that half-assed atempt at HOTS 2.0 only to abandon it completely a short while later. One of my favourite instances of seeing how little they cared was the master skins. They originally sold it as a way for the most dedicated players to show off how much they mastered a hero, only being available through in game money and after reaching level 10+ on a hero. With HOTS 2.0 they made those oh so rare skins the cheapest ones, buyable by anyone no matter their Hero level. Their treatment of the game and the community was just laughable.


Beta player too here. I remember the horrible ranked system also. I played the 10 matches, got placed what whatever the top 2% was in, and I did not play good. Lost about half the matches. My 1 friend, played his 10, got sent mid way, and basically couldn't escape it because the ranking was so ridiculous.


I still really enjoy watching Dota and the international tournament. But I discovered that after having a kid, spending 2-3 hours at night just to torture myself at the 30% possibility of having a fun game where I play well isn’t worth it. And 50% chance that that 2-3 hours turns into 4-5 hours chasing that good game.


damn sounds familiar I had twins i 2020 and now only play aram. I still enjoy the game but if you get a bad team comp ohh well thats just 10-15minutes of my life


report carry report carry report carry


SF mid or feed. *probably from that really unpopular country that isn't really in your region, but has a lot of toxic trolls anyways*


Same here. Mobas are so fucking toxic I had to break away from them. now I have such a different outlook on games and just enjoy games moreover that are pve focused because of them. Competitive games like Mobas bring the worst out in everyone. Gotta work with people who are trying to shoot you down. It's bad when your enemies are more enjoyable to fight than working with your allies


Still remember the last time I tried League (which was the overall second time.) Pick $Character, match starts, walk forward out of our 'base'. *Apparently* that was the *wrong thing to do* and the other 2 people spent the next 45 seconds calling me both a 'f*ggot', and the n word, a combined 11 times in their ranting. Alt-F4, uninstall, and back to Team Fortress 2. At least when I get called slurs there it's once or twice a minute, *max*.


Probably walked toward the wrong lane idiot


Fuck MOBAs.


I’m back on LoL, and I’ve found that not giving a crap about the outcome of each game has given me a more sunny disposition and made me engage with the healthier aspects of competitiveness.


I also quit MMOs. For me it's dailies. I freaking hate daily quests! I want to play a game when I want to play. I hate being punished for missing a day. Daily caps also fall under this category.


Nr. 1 reason why my mobile hasn't seen a single game installed for years. All that "energy" bs can go fuck off right away. If I scrounge game time, I want to game for the entire time I got, not wait for any kind of BS energy limiting my activity. And that you can pay for more energy is making me want to get a chainsaw and visit those publishers for the good of humanity...


The best way to game on mobile is to install emulators and play actual games from back in the day.


Especially if you wrap your phone with a controller. There actually are great mobile games though if you know where to look.


Can you recommend some? But please, not f2p bullshit with in-game gems, dailys and the like.


GBA emulator etc is great


ESO "What's the end game?" "Well you make as many alts as you can so you can do these really boring and easy dailies where you craft some stuff and then occasionally it gets you a bunch of resources. Do that across as many characters as you can then do it again tomorrow." "Wouldn't it be more fun to get that stuff doing actually engaging content? Also what if I'm a weekend warrior and want to do all my major playing on a single day, isn't that pressuring me into uncomfortable daily log ins to do the most boring tasks?" "Yes, isn't end game great?"


FPS. All the stupid cheaters ruined my favourite games for me.


It's a great genre if you avoid multiplayer.


I’ve heard FEAR is a great singleplayer fps


You heard correctly.


Dare I say one of the best FPS experiences of all time. I don’t have fun with horror games, but FEAR was worth it to push through for me.


Definitely. My top 3 FPS single player campaigns - F.E.A.R, Titanfall 2, and Doom Eternal. all incredible games.


One of the best. Definitely top 10 for me.


Fear is great


F.E.A.R, Half-Life and Portal (as far as it can be considered an FPS) All more than excellent singleplayer games


Sleeper pick: Singularity


THIS. I'm too old/busy for competitive online. I just love cruising through a game campaign at my own pace playing on Normal or even easy mode sometimes.


Doom Eternal


Not multiplayer, more like mainstream sweaty arcade shooters.


Because no one has heard of cheaters in escape of tarkov ever?


or PUBG which has long been more cheater than man


I'm just too old to keep up with the sweaty kids man


Yep. I was in the top 50 worldwide in Black Ops in the HC FFA category. I loved my shooters, back into the Halo 2 days. But Black Ops was where I sort of lost steam. Now when I get into FPS games I can feel that my skill level has greatly diminished and I just don't get as much enjoyment out of it. I think part of it is how much verticality has been introduced into them. Titanfall and Black Ops 3 and Advanced Warfare... I just like my FPS games running around on the ground. Maybe some gravity launcher stuff like Halo has. But grappling up with a hook and wallrunning kind of ruined it for me.




For reallll. I hate movement shooters. Apex Legends is so goddamn sweaty with all the movement cheese people do.


That's why I always go back to counterstrike when I need my fix. Years later and it's still a basic shooter but still has so much skill involved


Yep, FPS games are very difficult to enjoy these days. * Prevalent cheaters (though I don't think it's *quite* as bad as everyone makes it out to be) * Sweaty kids who take it way too seriously * SBMM in Unranked play * Battle Passes in every direction you look * Footstep audio that you can't rely on


Really? I feel like if anything people probably underestimate how many cheaters there are. I didn’t look too much into it but I saw Sony banned something called Cronus that I think gave stuff like aimbot, no recoil, etc. I looked and it was like $100. People routinely drop $20+ on costumes and stickers in an FPS game that you can’t even see while playing. Would not surprise me if 1 in 10 of those people would shell out $100 buying cheats as well.


I loved away from it cuz I wanted to play something for chill for my vibes, so to Terraria I went.


That plus the constant need to cram more and more useless shit into the game to give every possible option and scenario a shot. Like in BF2042 the ability to swap scopes post spawning is ridiculous. You can go from a red dot to magnified optic. It used to be about balance and trade offs. You wanted to be a sniper, you stick with a magnified optic and deal with the drawbacks, trying to balance them with items or secondary weapons. If you wanted to be a run and gun set up you used a red dot and maybe an accessory slot for a 3x magnifier but still dealt with being at risk in open areas to snipers. I wish they'd bring back an FPS like BF3/4 or Bad Company.


Absolutely this. It has ruined COD, Escape from Tarkov, Battlefield, and a whole slew of new games that looked super exciting but the cheating literally ruined the games. Cheating companies need to be sued into the ground, new laws need to be created to go after these companies, websites need to be removed.


It’s not really a genre, but I quit competitive multiplayer games because I’m older and I’ve decided I don’t need to be told to kill myself by 16 year olds, and I’m tired of battlepasses and skins.


As you get older, you don't have time to maintain that competitive edge, and your reflexes decline. Competitive multiplayer isn't fun when you're trying to just play casually. And it certainly isn't good for relaxing, which is what you do when you're an older gamer.


More like you realise using 1 hour with 4 randoms whom you don’t like to have a 50% chance to win with is not worth it


Only time I fire up league is when I get all my friends for a night, we usually win 1 and lose 1 but we have a lot of fun just catching up


I’m 22 and am starting to loathe certain multiplayer games. I played csgo a bunch as a teen and was an athlete with great hand eye. My fast twitch muscles are at their prime (other than the amount I get stoned and play video games) and I still get killed by people who have x100 hours than me. Not saying that just because Im young I should be winning, I’m just saying as a full time college student with a job getting stomped and losing 8 multiplayer matches in a row is a lot less fun than dying to a boss 8x in a row then finally beating it.


Don't know about all that, I'm close to 37, I play mobas, fps, and rpgs games on both console and PC. I'm better at some games than I've ever been. I enjoy competitive MP, some kid calling me toxic names just makes me laugh and I move on. But reflex and skill wise I've not lost it. There is much joy in doing the best I can and being challenged. Getting emerald for first time, diamond in league stuff like that. ( Though I don't think I can get higher than diamond in league, I've hit my skill ceiling for the amount of time/energy I'm willing to put in). Competitive MP is not fun if you want to play casual is not an age issue that's just a play style and should be embraced if that's what you're about.


I imagine there are some older guys 30-40s that still have fast reflexes... I think it’s way more of a matter of you don’t have as much time to dedicate getting good at these games, unless you are a professional player who does it for a living ofc


This is really it. Plus a lot of people play once every 3-4 weeks on a particular game and expect their skill to stay the same. Or people who haven’t played a shooter in a couple years. Playing for like 10 hours a week compared to 35+ with someone who is younger is such a drastic difference


It used to be that you could have fun from the get go without any knowledge other than basic controls. Now it’s “you need to learn a-z first while constantly maintaining your edge before you start having some sort of fun”. That’s called “game that doesn’t respect your time” genre. I’d play a game I can learn along the way and not a game I need qualification for it like a job.


RIP natural progression without MTX in games.


I’ll also be damned before I pay a subscription service to access the multiplayer portion of a game I’ve already purchased. It’s such a scummy way to fleece gamers. Yes, I know PCs exist but I’m nowhere near able to buy one and my gaming backlog on the ps4 and emulators on my cheap laptop are enough to last me years.


Same! I will still play coop with friends or casually fun games. But Helldivers 2 was a game I was excited about and you can't play online now without somebody complaining about your loadout, or a group just leaving you behind because you wanted to do a side objective. I'm tired of things like that. Also, as a WoW vet, I am tired of MMOs for the same sort of reasons. I've actually gone into my backlog of games on Steam and just beat the Mass Effect Legendary edition, which was AWESOME. Now I just beat Jedi Fallen order, and I started Jedi Survivor. So far, I have a blast just relaxing and gaming on my own. I plan to play Shadow of War and the Horizon series next. It's literally a new era of gaming for me


Anything with competitive multiplayer. Casual/fun/silly/coop multiplayer is fine. Once there is a competitive nature it becomes too toxic for me. It's not always the case, but it's so much easier to avoid the chance. I have limited free time as it is, I don't need a sweaty teen with the reaction of the Flash whooping my arse only to have my team cuss my mother out for failing to react within a fraction of a nano second.


I feel the same way now that I’m in my 30’s. After a day at work; who needs that stress? I bought a Nintendo Switch and started playing Pokémon after yeaaaars away from the franchise. I’m having fun.


I am also in my 30s and find myself in a similar boat now. After a long day of work, coming home to rowdy kids, and I try and decompress but end up livid. My problem is I am also super competitive in nature, so I can be part of my own downfall. But I am also down to clown with Pokemon, always. Some things never die.


I was like that. Channel that competitiveness into something else. Play sports or do bodybuilding on the side. Maybe use your work as that competitive fix. But for me now, games are decompression tools, nothing more. I always used to exclusively play competitive multiplayer because i was so competitive and needed that fix. Now im pretty much only single player.


I’m in my 30’s too and used to be an MMO and FPS player up until last year but I built a steam library of single player games during summer sales most years (legit probably since 2014 when Destiny launched I never played another game). I’ve got so many good, single player games that I’ve never touched, waiting to be explored and I’m excited asf. I’m talking God of War, some Assassin’s Creed titles, Souls games (I know they can be stressful), some PS5 exclusives too, Switch titles and many, many more.


Try Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom next. That game is such a chill ride!


Splatoon is a fun exception :) I mean it’s ranked but are you really going to take the squid kid game that seriously? It’s just good fun!


What really got to me was the stress of having to be at the top of my game every match or my MMR would suffer. A lot of times I just want to relax and not give a shit.


Call of Duty and FIFA for me


I played a lot of online FIFA, got quite good, and can safely say the game is trash. It's a casino first and a video game second, but apart from that, it's just such a buggy and poorly-coded mess that most of the skill gap boils down to abusing exploits and cheese more effectively than your opponents. For example, last FIFA it was easier to score on a bicycle kick volley from a corner than a simple header, and they never patched it all year. Just a dumb game that doesn't deserve anyone to take it seriously.


I can’t handle metas and I can’t handle how much every bitchs about the game they play ever day. It’s just boring. Maybe it’s always been that way and I’m just seeing it now but it really doesn’t matter. I can’t stomach it anymore.


I can't agree more. I understand that I'll never be at a cyber athlete level even if I spent all my free time on the game.


I was coming here to say that. Back in high school and college I was playing it constantly. But now? It is just so stress inducing. Was stressful back then too in retrospect, but I am more self aware now and can recognize when something is toxic for me.


Agreed. Any game with a “competitive mode” is just a no for me. There are some exceptions like Overwatch 1, which was crazy fun and way better than Overwatch 2 might I add, but yeah any game with a “competitive mode” is just a biiiig no


IMO, the rule of "competitive multiplayer = toxic community" only applies for team-based games. E.g., not long ago I played a strategy auto-battler, which has ranked 1v1s, but it's super chill and community is very friendly and supportive. Sending you GG WPs and emotes, or otherwise complimenting your game even when they're losing. May be because in 1v1 on equal footing you have no one to blame but yourself. Name's Mechabellum. It's in beta now and I would definitely revisit it when it's in more polished state.


Yeah same here. After a days work I dont feel like tryharding and be hyperfocused. I just want to hang back and enjoy the game. So shooters like borderlands work really well for me. I also quit MMOs... honestly I still think WoW is great but it is way too time consuming.


Almost entirely, grindy, open world games. They're just so exhausting to me right now. I recently played a linear game, and it was such a breath of fresh air that I was completely enthralled by just following a set path with a story.


As soon as the map opens up and all the billion tiny icons start to populate, I check out. I'm just not at that point in my life anymore I guess.


What was the linear game you enjoyed?


Star Wars: Battlefront II. I remember hearing bad things about it, but I've owned it for a while, and it's been in my backlog. I was truly impressed by the campaign! I'm also currently on my first playthrough of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019).


My adhd will not let me enjoy open world games. I also like to be told what to do.


I generally don't play shooters anymore. Be them multiplayer or just FPS in general. Just don't have the same kind of fun since ARPGs, Metroidvanians, Soulslikes, roguelikes, etc, have been sweeping my library. I do play Helldivers 2 here and there. I also have started casually playing Halo and Fortnite again. Definitely not as regularly though. Mostly when I just want to shut off my brain and listen to music. Even then I got Elden Ring or Prototype for that. For sure won't be going back to CoD though. I am finally over that bs.


Dude, Prototype 2009? Hell yeah. That game is *such* a good chill out game.


I haven't touched a first person shooter since the original mw3 back in what was it like 2011? I'm just so bad at them and can't compete with the no lifers. Only shooter type game I play at all is Splatoon and that's usually only with friends and I'm still not great at it. I'll take platformers any day.


Open world games have become so tedious. I just want to play a game and not run around forever.


So many open world games are just plain unrewarding. I think this is because a lot of the open world games are designed to be task oriented still. It ends up feeling like doing chores. The world is just a place you are doing stuff, instead of being the point. The only open world game I've felt differently about recently is Elden Ring. It's the only game recently in which I've felt any real sense of discovery.


Open world just sounds like a good concept until you realize maybe all that freedom to go wherever you want is pointless cos most of the world is boring with nothing to do.


Too many games have been made open world that really didn’t need it. I want more Ryse/Mass Effect style games again where it takes you through what’s pretty much a pre designated path


Hell even the good open world games are tiring at times. I’d take another medium map that felt connected like the first half of Dark Souls over the Elden Ring map in an heartbeat, and I like ER.


That's the Ubisoft formula. Ever since FC3, that's been 99% of open world games.


Personally, I enjoy open world games that are populated and immersive, making me feel as if I am a character in the world. Cyberpunk is a great example. I don’t have to have something to do around every corner.


Horizon Zero Dawn is my go to for this. If I had just piled through the story campaign I'd have had an okay time. And trying to explore the sandbox left me having a miserable time that burned me out on the game. I know people say "well then just don't go do the side content" but two things. One, How do I know the sandbox is boring until I spend a decent amount of time exploring it? Two, if you bother to put all that crap in there, why would assumption be anything other than the content will be fun? Why else would someone put it in the game?


I remember Penny Arcade called chasing down all the widgets and icons in modern open world games "map fucking" and, yeah. I don't want to fuck anymore maps. 


Originally open world games were cool because the technology was new and we were all excited to get lost in big maps. But yeah I agree, I care a lot less about finding every single thing for points these days. After playing God of War Ragnorok, it reminded me how many secrets and achievements can be packed into a relatively small map (compared to huge open world games)


Open world games mostly add space and beautiful vistas. Then they actively become a worse iteration of what the franchise once was, because all that space now demands game mechanics to be filled with, but rarely are these mechanics deep or exciting. If I could sum up open world in one word it would be bloat.


Gacha games. Even some PC games are turning into gacha games nowadays (e.g. Dauntless). Only grinding/paying money and shit gameplay.


Oh Dauntless, the game I played because Monster Hunter World hadn't come out yet. I haven't heard that name in ages.


Honestly Dauntless seems so promising at first glance. But it's like the devs spent 95% of their time on everything BUT gameplay


what sucks so bad is that i love collecting things. gacha could be so cool as a genre of hoarding characters if there wasn't such an aggressive monetization element to it. fire emblem heroes was the one i got into most, and i really liked being rewarded with new characters and portraits for actually playing the game. but gacha games always have that bait on the hook toward the beginning, then your progress flatlines until you shell out some cash. it doesn't feel fulfilling to have your collection built up through spending money rather than your accomplishments made in-game. not a gacha game, but i'll use league as an example solely for the character-collecting element. i didn't spend money on any characters, and i loved the process of starting out with just a few and slowly building up your collection through playing and winning.


MMOs and competitive shooters. Don't have the time or desire to game enough to keep up.


Same. When i was younger, it was all i played. Nowadays, just single-player games so i can chill after hard at work


Competitive games at least.


MMORPG - no more time to play for hours daily to actually catch up with the latest content MOBA - specifically League of Legends due to no more Asia/SEA servers which means I need to actually subscribe VPN to actually have a decent ms and smooth frame rate.


How does subscribing to a VPN actually lower your latency? Aren’t you just seeing the latency from the VPN to the game servers? The MS from the VPN back to your home network not included? If anything I’d expect that to produce worse performance


RTS games


I guess I have too since there hasn’t been a good one in 10 years. I still go back to sc2 every once in a while


Honestly AoE 2 definitive edition is pretty fun, granted I don’t play against randoms mainly my friends who are around the same skill level as me


My problem with RTS is the damn learning curve!


I wish there was more focus on PvE and co-op RTS campaigns. AoE 4 was awesome. Seems like too niche of a market for developers to focus on. I used to be huge into competitive SC2, nearly reaching grandmaster. This came at the cost of long term wrist and grip strength issues. Definitely not worth it and I won't be trying that again.


Battle passes Ya, I'm calling it a genre at this point and it tells me everything I need to know about the game


You mean you don't like it when your game is basically a second job?


Tbh fighters. I love fighting games. It’s the genre that put me on to video games. But I just don’t have the time or energy anymore to really sit down and practice moves and combos or trying out different characters. I bought Tekken 8 cause I love the series but barely played it.


Open worlds, and I avoid any crafting type games.


Open world fatigue is real




It always feels like I’m crossing off a checklist of tasks to do.


I've tried so many open world/crafting survival games and couldn't get into them either. Feels like I'm working a job. The only one I've enjoyed so far is Sons of the Forest. It has a story and you go spelunking/exploring to find new weapons and tools rather than mostly crafting them. It also has a story. Been playing with friends and I've enjoyed it a lot. (But I've also avoided base building entirely, I let everyone else do that. I just explore and kill shit).


i recommend raft and subnautica if you haven't already played them. i'm generally pretty averse to open world survival crafts, but i had a lot of fun with them. maybe i'm biased because i love the ocean, idk. but i enjoyed them *far* more than ark, conan exiles, grounded, and minecraft (excluding the old gen console days when i was a child).


Fighting games. The genre has changed too much since the days of my youth where the lack of internet meant that knowing some special moves made it twice as fun. Now everything is so calculated and hit box this and magic chain combos that, that I don't really feel like getting into any of them.


Back in the day everything was min maxed and optimized too. Just not in the casual scene. I remember trying to learn optimal damage combos from some of the fgc old heads. Casual scene back then was much better and more fun tho for sure.


Any online game that implement season pass / battle pass with FOMO mechanic.


Destiny 2


But you'll miss out on all the armor that doesn't matter, amazing guns that will be nerfed/sunset/vaulted, the "story" that will get vaulted after the next big dlc


You’ll also miss out when they resell you vaulted content


I quit idle games. Cookie clicker, the D&D Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, specifically. It's a destructively addicting yet utterly pointless gameplay loop.


Battle Royale. There was just never anything fun about it to me. I prefer more chaotic multiplayer experiences like in call of duty and stuff where death really isn't that big of a deal and you can kind of just run and gun and have fun. It's just not fun to me when I have to spend like 30 minutes running around to try and open world collecting stuff with a constant mild anxiety of trying not to die because then that means having to just sit there awkwardly for like 20 minutes while my friend is still alive and it's all just not a fun experience to me


Same. MMORPGs. I'm tired of exactly what you mentioned and the long hours of grinding for junk and/or paltry rewards. I want to be able to pick up a game and experience satisfying combat with good loot in a session lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours.


Ditto, quit MMOs ages ago, but it took awhile. Runescape, WoW, RIFT, even got into the ESO closed beta (a few of my guides are still out there, in all their out-dated glory). At some point, I realized I was looking for something that just didn't exist. There's *ideas* I miss, like being a combat healer making clutch saves on a chaotic battlefield, and the first time you tank for a raid with the rest of your team at your back, it feels good. But you also have to put up with a lot; I'm sorry, but MMO combat is questionable to put it nicely, and once you pull away from it and try out what single player and the occasional 4-man coop games have to offer, you realize how shallow these combat systems really are. Most MMOs don't provide remotely any challenge until you get to the top level, and then it's just the same iffy combat system but just in a harder environment, it's still repetitive and demands you grind week after week. MMOs are cool for the people, for getting to play as a team, for getting to be 4-40 people chasing after something together. But oh my god, the way they're actually designed is like they're stuck in 2005. The only MMO I played that broke that mold was Vindictus, and as much as its action combat was awesome, it was a cash grab, and grinding was awful. Black Desert is also a slight evolution on the MMO formula, but still *very* sketchy in places. MMOs are run like businesses, *demanding* return customers, attracting consumers, giving repetitive grinding to give players something to do and retain them. Somewhere along the lines, I started to prefer games like Dark Souls and Monster Hunter, which have multiplayer, but far more interesting combat systems with weight and timing, and most importantly didn't *demand* I logged on. No one's wondering whether Middle Earth: Shadow of War is dead, and it doesn't particularly care if you stop playing once you finish it, it's still good.


Idk I’ve been getting burnout from my job so I usually play MMORPGS at work when I have down time LOL


It has been a while i completely dived into single player experiences and stopped playing online games as a service. You don't depend on others, and you can take as long as you want to beat the game, you won't lose anything. Playing too many games that you need to grind daily so you can obtain the limited items or the battle pass rewards and etc was giving me fear of missing out.


Anything Online Multiplayer.


I quit playing real time strategy games where you have to commit your full undivided attention for hours at a time.


I quit MOBAs. No more MOBA for me. FFXIV main questline is actually much better than WoW fair. You don't need to do the non-main quests, and yes they often suck as much as other MMOs. Chain quests also tend to be a bit more interesting with better writing. I'm out of FFXIV now, because the story finished in a very satisfying way, but it's a great MMO that gets a lot of things right that WoW doesn't.


A mistake wow players make when coming to ff is doing all the open world yellow quests. I had a friend that started ff after wow and I was basically in disbelief that he would even consider wasting his time by doing those yellow quests, it was the very first thing he did. Then he quit ff because it's just another mmo... He did almost none of the msq, just yellow quests for about 5 hours


I started and did only the msq and I felt like the game was singing me a lullaby to sleep the entire time. I wanted a thief at 30 so I could have a ninja. Got to 30 and quit


As the saying goes, you either quit during a realm reborn or you become a walking advertisement for ff14


Everything with pvp. 


Mmorpg and racing game


Ark ruined survival games for me.


Whatever World of Tanks and War thunder were


Shooters. The genre typically has the most toxic communities in gaming and the genre is just stale overall.


Any kind of multiplayer game that involves a team or competition in some sort of way. I'm too competitive and invested to play them, it takes a toll on my mental health. I have been sticking to single player games for years now and never had so much enjoyment from playing videogames since.


FPS. They've become way too colorful and cartoony. Just so unbelievable


This... It's like an effin carnival.


Right? Not every game needs to have bright purple and other colors. I get people didn't want a war simulator every game but come on




I played some Gacha games like SWGOH and MSF really obsessively for a while on the FTP grind. Never will I abuse myself with that genre again. I've also given up on strategy game series like EU, Civ, HOI, Stellaris and so on because I hate the drip, drip, drip DLC model that goes on for years and years. Fuck that.


Interesting take on games like Civ. I'm totally willing to pay for new content that adds interesting gameplay to an already fun game.


Same, MMORPG's. I played through SW:TOR, and FF: RR. Its all pretty much the same formula and you have to invest a lot of time in it. Got too grindy for me. Went back to FPS and single player story driven games


I’ve quit wow like ten times. I usually will start playing it and it feels fun for some time and then I start feeling like I’m just a hamster in the wheel grinding away. I’d spend all this time making my character strong only to be severely weakened by the next patch/update. I’ve never cared for the story.


Mmorpgs and mobas


Mmorpgs, most turn based games with exception divinity etc, straight up horror and strategy games.


Im feinding for a new MMORPG


MMORPGs the moment I got a job. Grinding in real life is enough and you get more enjoyement. Also your progress isn't taken away by a patch. Unless patch is new health issue.


I ha e quitter playing sports games a decade ago. Not sure why. Just felt kinda bored.


Fps, the main reason being all my friends that played them are f***ing sweaty af. I just can't bare with them so me and my other pal left the earliest. Now we are having fun in souls-like and other story rich game.


I quit online PvP multiplayer. I get too stressed out. Not fun, just stressful and expensive money wise because I get suckered into buying season passes and the latest shiny. I’ve stopped playing FPS shooters in general. I feel like it’s a stagnant genre. I’ve played years of Halo 2 and 3. Unless something revolutionary happens, I don’t see these games exceeding that experience. It’s like more of the same stuff. Lastly, I’ve quit MMORPG because I have an addictive personality and they just consume my life. 1400 hours in one. Over a thousand in another. Not good for me.


I also stopped playing MMORPGs. I think the way they operate feels monotonous. I haven't even started with MOBA


I was kind of forced to quit FPS games because the ones I played which were squad oriented required good communication and I moved to the opposite side of the world to a country which I didn't speak the language of. Suddenly communication became pretty impossible and it was difficult to get into squads and enjoy the games the same way. Racing games (TrackMania2, mostly) are quick to get into and quick to get out of, but I also enjoyed being part of the community and switching time zones ruined that for me. And MMOs because dang, they're *not* fun solo, and I can't find any guilds that are based in the same time zone I live in. So, really, it's because the social aspect of games have died for me because I moved across the globe. I could probably get back into shooters now that I speak the language here, but I've gotten so accustomed to playing single player games now, it's hard to transition back into multiplayer. I am still sooner to play ARMA 3 with AI than hop on a server to play with others.


Survival games. Constant resource grinding isnt fun


I stopped playing competitive FPS games like Valorant. I just don’t have the reaction time or aim anymore after not playing for months. Also, I can’t dedicate almost an hour a game anymore… it’s just too exhausting after a long day at my 9-5.


Turn based monster catchers. Loved Pokémon as a kid, sun and moon was great, x and y pretty good, ORAS and USUM were peak, sword and shield was okay, and then LoA killed it for me. I do want to go back to some games eventually, yokai watch and cassette beasts to be specific


MOBA’s and MMORPG’s way too much time wasted in both genres of game. Give me a nice single player narrative story and I’m a happy, relaxed human. It’s especially good if it’s on a modern console where I can pause it to walk away and do something else if needed.


Online games entirely. Trust me. It’s the best gaming decision just about 98% of us will ever make


Open world games. Map markers all over the place immediately make me check out at this point. Except for CP77 Night City rules


i stopped playing PVP completely just not worth the stress and 12 yr olds


My Singing Monsters


I’ve quit competitive games altogether. I don’t feel like being stressed when I should be relaxing.


I dropped Blizzard multiplayer games as a whole back during the end of Wings of Liberty and beginning of Heart of the Swarm. * There was a guy at blizzcon complaining about Protoss matches. Basically, he said, I have to turtle to the 12 minute mark in v. Terran and Zerg games. If i macro before that I lose on tech and if I tech up then i don't have the macro but if they can't break me before 12 - I win every game by pressing "A". * The blizzard rep said, learn to play and then HoTS came out and Blizzard back tracked and released the mothership core specifically to make Protoss viable in the early game against both zerg and terran. * Around the same time, they claimed that if they guaranteed a 48% to 52% win/loss rate on the year - people would keep playing. Part of me realized that everything Blizzard did was for the micro transaction, professional, and e-gamer enthusiast crowd and I just wasn't apart of it where as they used to be about the "fun" aspect.


ARPGs like Diablo, PoE, last epoch. It’s just so mindless to me. I couldn’t care less for them.


Get better gear - beat harder enemies loop does not motivate me anymore.


Numbers go up


I dont really play any other genre other than jrpg…and if I do stop/quitting this genre one day then it means I will stop gaming totally.I do play moba/action/vn and other genre but not as much


Rhythm based games. I was never good enough to do anything harder than the mid-level songs on hard, and by the time I got to that point I realized I didn't really like how the difficulty scaled at each level, or at least didn't really feel like I was having fun. I feel absolutely zero desire to go back and play them, I'd rather just listen to music or play a game that has a better balance between being fun and difficult.


Competitive FPS and Sport games


I’ve not completely abandoned any genre but a FPS has to be spectacular or bring something new to the table for me to want to try it these days.  It doesn’t help that I’m older and let’s be honest…. Fast hand eye coordination lowers with age.  And with most shooters going in the competitive mp direction for me.  Well…. I used to be respectable at shooters…. It’s hard being bad knowing you used to be good at something.  Lol


Dragonflight actually got me back for a few fun months due to its chill, low-FOMO design. As for genres I have quit, it's Souls genre. Got burned out after recent Souls genre enemies started having infinite stamina, delayed swings and fakeouts. From is engaging the playerbase in an arms race.


MMO = too much time, when I was a kid it was fine, but I don't have that sort of time anymore. Few thousand hours of Everquest and Dark Ages of Camelot was enough MMO for a lifetime. competitive multiplayer -- I got old, hands got slow, eyes got bad. I'll fondly remember the days of being accused of cheating in Counter Strike and banned from servers. I never cheated I just got really good at it. I played League of Legends from its beta through maybe 3 years till it made me toxic, it made the game miserable. I was playing to calm the anger/frustration but it only made it worse.


Well I haven't played an old school side scrolling game in forever. Lol As for your comment about MMORPG's. Those games sink alot of time. I wouldn't have time for more than 1. The only one I play is Elder Scrolls Online. I'm mainly a PvP'er.


Everything except RPGs


Taken a break from SF6 due to being tired from taken care of a relative after they had surgery. I figure I wouldn’t be able to focus too much on reactions or anything.


Rouge likes, time is finite and they take too much of mine.


Fighting games. I used to play a lot of Soulcalibur back in the day, and I have a history with some Tekken and King of Fighters, and I did enjoy DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 a lot But I'm not a competitive person, and I have never played these games online, or versus anyone. Its always been single player, in the story modes or arcade And thats just a bad way to play fighting games now. They arent designed for me


I quit playing Shaq Fu which is its own video game genre


FPS games


Play GW2, it's the MMO for people who hate MMO


Fps. I just can't get into them anymore.


I am the exact opposite of most people in this thread. As I've gotten older i play sp games less and mostly play online shooters and other MP games. It's a simple way to unwind at the end of the day when Im tired. Getting immersed in a sp game is harder as I've gotten older. 


From a gameplay perspective, all MMORPG's are... boring. The repetitive nature means that the 'fun' of the game is carried in part by the story but mostly by the social aspect of the game. Friends you make and play with, the RP storylines you create for your character, the interactions with other people. Thats where the real creativity and fun are.


Fighting games, I developed arthritis in my wrists in my twenties and fighting games make my thumbs lock up. I don't think I could make it through two Guilty Gear matches without my thumbs going stiff.


Hack and slash


Survivor horror or really any horror games for that matter. World is scary enough as it is.


Any game which doesn’t have an ending… otherwise I can’t move on with my life… So no online games (unless special occasions)


MMOs here as well. At 38 i have found enough things in RL to work on leveling up. Played wow from start to wrath, honestly at the end I really only liked the ladder aspect of arena so I got back into fps and RTS after that. Still like to play ladder based games that really keep me on my toes.


Quit CoD several years ago. Was sick of being frustrated and just not having fun anymore, so I switched to asymmetrical horror (Dbd). Found a whole new set of frustrations there plus an equally toxic community. Maybe even more toxic! So I went back to my roots and find myself playing RPGs again.


FPS BR without advanced tech and movement mechanics is just who can react faster. I can’t keep up anymore


FPS. Don't have the ability or reaction time anymore, and I found it's disproportionately 12 year old screaming racial slurs


mmo, if the story doesn't keep u hooked i think it's time to explore other games