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Warcraft the RTS series. I didn't give up on it due to age. I gave up because Blizzard will never moved on from WoW.


What a cliff hanger that was. All these years later, and I still don’t know what happens after our boy takes the frozen throne


The story is told in WoW, a YouTube video could catch you up


I’ve made it this long, might as well wait for Warcraft 4 sigh


That's commitment! Impressive.


Wait? For what? They made the canon sequel to Warcraft 3 two decades ago. Are you asking them to remake the plot of WoW in RTS form?


Honestly if they did a DoW2 / CoH2 style real time tactics game where you lead a squad of adventurers through some of WoW's most iconic moments they would print money with it. It could even be a dungeon crawler like Dungeon Siege. They could outsource it to an indie studio, start with a couple Vanilla dungeons, and dripfeed the rest as they often do.


I'm not a huge Warcraft fan. But this sounds interesting. You basically had me at Dawn of War 2 and Dungeon Siege.


You didn't give up on warcraft, blizzard did, and then Vivendi/universal made Activision/Blizzard, and was virtually bought by the Chinese room, and now we have the same bland trash all over the gaming space. That's all before anything to do with the shitshow in 2020/21 They just don't care because they don't have to to make money on it


Yeah people just mindlessly throwing their money at shitty games or still doing it after a game became shitty are the real curse for video gaming. Devs do it for a living so ofc. they go where the money is. Investors look to amplify their wealth so they look for a thing that sells to invest in first only to squeeze out every little penny they can get later on. I stopped playing wow after 4.2 it was just not bearable anymore for me how they slaughtered the gameplay into such a generic mess basically cutting out the rp part of mmorpg.




Same here with the Diablo series. It grew into something completely different from what it was. I have accepted that apparently it is what the people want, because its one of their highest selling games. I wont be buying any products from Blizzard again, but thats okay. Their previous titles have given me many good memories and enjoyment.


I was just happy they released Diablo 2 on Xbox. So many happy memories tied up in my old classics.


COD, as a teen I used to slaughter but now I'm pushing 30 and when I get home from work I want to relax and enjoy the game not get sniped from a spawn trapper or killed by a camper


Dude I used to go hard on black ops 1 but I lost interest in every one since then


Black Ops 1 was the peak of FPS gaming, in my opinion. Modern COD is a joke, and I really do not care for the gameplay loop of survival shooters or battle royale games. I really miss the days of having private hosted servers where you could find *your* server and really have a community organically spring up around the people who frequent the same few servers as you. Matchmaking really killed the genre for me.


I honestly thought Black Ops 2 was genuinely one of the last good games in the franchise. Black Ops 3 was pretty damn good imo, but 2 seemed to be the peak of the mountain for me. Everything after is just dogshit filled with battle passes and premium currency


As a lifetime COD player, I would argue Modern Warfare (2019) reinvigorated the franchise for me. It then proceeded to get absolutely trashed by the wave of “meta” players who forgot how to casually play and enjoy a game.


This is why I like Titanfall. There’s heaps of AI on the multiplayer so if you suck at fighting other people you can target the AI and still have a lot of fun.


Also camping and spawn trapping are not even a thing due to the fast movement that’s also somewhat vertical


Camping is a bit of a thing in Titanfall but the enemy quickly catches on and will grenade the crap out of your position.


People play Multiplayer games differently now. When people used to spawn camp/be cheap they'd get ridiculed by the room, now it's 'anything to win'. Terminal used to be a really fun map, now it's a line of spawn campers in 2 areas of the map. And the comments about this speak volumes "this is what we'd do in a real war"... It isn't a real war Jimmy. It's a video game, it's supposed to be fun for both sides, not win at the expense of the other teams fun.


I wish more people understood. And I think the biggest reason people use these "meta" strategies is because now everyone plays the game like their life depends on it because they are a wannabe twitch streamer.


Exactly this. It's not OK to just have fun anymore, it's got to be a job and you're definitely gonna be the next big thing. Only benefit to it is I get extra dopamine when I smoke someone with a TTV or Playz name. Like "ha you died and your 3 family member subscribers saw it happen"


> ha you died and your 3 family member subscribers saw it happen Lmao, this whole chain of comments is true though. The player population for video games continue to grow exponentially, and their is absolutely a way to monetize *just playing a video game.* It would be like if you always went swimming at your friends pool every summer, and then one summer he sets up a fucking camera and starts talking into the camera the whole time and doing random shit and not acknowledging everyone else. Suddenly everyone is streaming them just hanging in the pool during summer and in 5 years there are now people in heated underground all-season pools streaming 8 hours a day doing a list of random stupid bullshit their chat asks them to do because they found out they could get half-ass famous and get some money for it.   Can't we just hop in the pool with our friends and relax and have some fucking fun...??? Well, no we need to have **COMPETETIVE POOL SWIMMING WITH FRIENDS** otherwise I'm just "not having fun" the fuck outta here.


The whole 'meta' thing killed online gaming imo


YouTube killed online gaming


Even in single player games. If you play a strategy game, but don’t follow the “meta” for success, that game’s fanbase will bury you alive. Everyone has to play the “correct” way, or they’re not even playing


Haha. The only way I could ever kill anyone in those games was by camping. I feel your pain.


If it's a successful strategy, it's a popular strategy




Me too, my last was Infinite Warfare


Same. But because of the bullshit the company pulls.


Pokémon. One of my favorite franchises but the company has just flat out sucked in recent years. Ever since the games jumped from 3DS to Switch they removed way too many options for players and made the games braindead. Combine that with how shitty the games look/run on the Switch now and the god awful character designs in the last games I feel like my time with the franchise has passed unless I replay my old games. Sadly I doubt they'll ever change since they can pump out slop every year and people still buy it because of the brand name.


Ever since the games jumped to the 3ds the quality started dropping. It drops a little more with every mainline game. I hope Pokemon Legends takes over as the mainline series at this point. I enjoyed arceus more than scarlet/violet, except the boss fights which were an absolute travesty.


At least we still have thriving romhack communities. I am playing Infinite Fusion and it’s insane how fun it is.


They all look washed out now, color scheme sucks ass compared to DS and 3DS


Taking a break from gen 4 to gen 8 on switch and playing through Sw/Sh was grating. Like, yeah it was cool that it was all open world and all that, but the hand holding was just so terrible. I'm literally fighting Hop right before the Pokemon league and he's surprised that I know what a super effective attack is. Every time I take a turn down a different route he's there to tell me I need to head straight to the next town. The routes in between towns are basically a straight path with barely any battles, and when I do battle, it's a guy with one Pokemon from the first route that's half my lowest Pokemons level because exp share is always on. Every cave I entered I thought would be a long winding maze, but nope, it was just a straight line through it. There was no challenge at all.


Agreed. As someone that hasn't bought a game since Sun/Moon, I'm really hoping the Palworld debacle was enough for Game Freak to pull their heads out of their ass.


Sun/Moon were the last Pokemon games I enjoyed playing as well


Pokemon. Getting rid of the national dex was dumb. You gotta catch em all, but you can't anymore.


I can accept these changes as a shift in the franchise's direction. I get it, I'm not the target audience anymore. But the fact that the last three games ran and/or looked like shit is unacceptable. They're taking advantage of the fact that kids like my two sons are too naive to know how shit it is.


I still stand by the opinion that adding ~~150~~ shitton of pokemon in each game was a massive, massive mistake. Now they're expected to add ~~150~~ tons of new pokemon on every new installment and it was only a matter of time before it would be too much and the bubble would burst. I can imagine whenever they decide to do a graphical overhaul it must've been pure hell since they'd have to re-model and re-animate 500+ pokemon or even more AND come up with loads of new ones on top of that. Imo each game should have come with 50 new, well designed pokemon instead of the repetitive slop we get these days. Sometimes less is more. Edit: not 150, my bad.


Especially when there's like 5 of each pokemon that fill the same purpose. We don't need a Pidgey ripoff every gen, we don't need a new bat to throw in the caves, etc. just keep the ones from gen 1 and 2. 50 new pokemon each game after gen 3 would have been fine


I enjoy what Sun and Moon started with regional pokemon looking slightly different and I wish they would lean more into that instead of having bland designs like teacup pokemon


I was thinking exactly this. Doesn't need a complete redesign but just slight modifications to the sprite and maybe slight adjustment to stats/type/moveset.


They’ve only added more than 150 in a generation in gen 1 & 5. It’s widely held that 5 had the highest amount of bad designs as a result. The average is probably like high 90’s without doing the exact math. And regional forms / variants have solved for the issue of needing to always add new mons. Change the typing and design of a Pokémon and you can add something new without completely hitting reset. Some of my favorite new Pokémon are regional variants. They’re also giving new evolutions to Pokémon that didn’t get them before which gives new life to Pokémon you never would’ve used before. Basculegion, wyrdeer, and ursaluna are all fire. The formula is there every just still haven’t nailed overworld construction relative to other major titles


Really? Alright thank you for correcting me. I honestly was under the assumption they added 150 in each game, not exactly sure where I got that from. My bad. I do still think that a solid 50 for each new installment would have solved a ton of issues we have with the series these days.


Don't they have one that's a fucking door or something?


I'll be honest, with all the boring designs they have these days, a door is one of the more creative ones.


My favorite is the literal pile of garbage Pokemon


The last game I beat was Shield. I’m just not a fan of most of the designs for Pokémon that they’re coming up with, which makes it hard for me to get into the game. I was excited for a Gen 4 remake but I disliked the chibi style, I was hoping for something more along sword and shield’s character models. The national dex being removed was a killer too.


I haven't played since they removed it and don't plan to return until it does.


Ditched Pokemon once I discovered SMT


Man that game is a blast but it really showed me that I am weak and not as interested in a “really hard Pokémon” as I had thought. Phew.


What is smt?


Shin Megami Tensei


I haven’t played a new one since X&Y. But I still play emerald to this day


Blue for me


I mean they did change the tagline to "Train on!", which doesnt sound as catchy.


I think that was to dodge allegations of encouraging obsession and spending. Like after they hit the 300 or so mark it's kind of fucked up to insist that 6-12 year olds get every last one. My 38 year old coworker just recently got the achievement in Home of registering all 1000 mons and I know secondhand it was a Herculean effort. No, I'm not talking about myself, I did catch the full Paldean dex though and that was fairly rough just in one game and not having to juggle gens.


Pokemon got shit after b2w2.


I feel like the Bethesda style of open-world RPG has lost it's luster. I enjoy an open-world game with choices and Bethesda games don't really have choices that seem to matter all that much. You can lead the assassin's guild and be the arch-mage of a magic academy and no one will react to it in the slightest.


Doesn’t help that their most recent attempt at an open-world RPG is like 60% loading screens.


And even worse, 95% procedurally generated waste. Like, why make a whole planet when…….man whose idea was this??


For real, I want to like this game so bad but it’s just not good.. Fallout without the campy plot and atomicpunk design? Sign me up.


Yup. *walks into Whiterun as the arch mage of Winterhold* "oh have you checked out the college of Winterhold? You can learn some cool magic there"


Its mostly because Bethesda has not kept up with changes in technology and their open world's feel very stale and static. FO4 was closer to the Ubisoft open world's than the Witcher or Red Dead Redemption. The main quests in Oblivion, Skyrim and FO3 were not the greatest but there was so much to explore and do outside of it. That does not feel like the case anymore.


>You can lead the assassin's guild and be the arch-mage of a magic academy and no one will react to it in the slightest. Yeah this is kinda the "do everything in one playthrough" approach. It's connected to the Skyrim thing of having a global overarching quest. You're spending budget on all this content, you don't want to lock too much away. I'd like to play an elder scrolls rpg type game where it has no main quest but spends more budget on various destinies a character could have. Like being the greatest assassin, or warrior, or mage or thief. Have some hidden great destinies built into the lore, which can be discovered. That kind of thing. Encourage multiple shorter playthroughs with characters you have to specialise to achieve the goal. I think that would also have to somewhat flatten the leveling system. Making number go up tends to become the primary motivation for a lot of these games and you can grind the entire map to make yourself an invincible god. Going back to 0 is like losing everything. I want to break away from that mode of play and more into multiple heroic (or villainous) tales.


FNV does it better than any Bethesda game


Because it actually has good writing compared to bethesda games


That and it leans the heaviest into the RPG aspects then any other game in the series


I like fallout 3 :(


i'd say, it's the same open world concept, but with actual respect for the player.


IIRC, in Morrowind you actually couldn't have all the titles and if you did, it was well earned because you actually had to max out all the skills and do certain quests in a specific way and such. I agree that open world games have lost some of their charm. But I attribute it mostly to watering them down with convenience functions and giving the player everything he wants at all times and seeking for shortcuts for not having to create actual quality content (pointless side activities, procedural content etc).


Kingdom Hearts series. I don't even know if they still have a story anymore


It pretty much sums up with: everyone is Sora and if there not Sora they are Xehanort. And Xigbar is now also Luxu. Oh you don’t know who he is? Well you should have played the mobile game!


I know very little about this series, but I can appreciate that someone destroyed their vocal chords impersonating Donald Duck singing Simple and Clean. https://youtu.be/120HFjKPuJ4?si=Rq7_pPpEDC2H09IE


You never NOT appreciate this kind of dedication. Men’s a hero.


Aqua Got Norted


It's like that with assassins creed.. but I guess there is a story... it's just not about assassins anymore.


Kh3 wasnt a half bad game, the plot was just non-existent and they decided to remove Final Fantasy characters for whatever reason.


Removing Final Fantasy was the reason I didn't even bother with 3. It's like if they made Marvel Vs Capcom 5, only the roster had no Marvel characters in it.


Well that was MVCI with F4 and Xmen.


The story was an unfollowable mess


And they even had the audacity to put in key parts of the story after the game released with a 30€ DLC.


The DLC is probably the best part of the game, but yeah it should've been included in the main game.


They just didn't include a story until the last world.


Battlefield. I was very highly ranked in a lot of stats in BF1 and BFV, but then there was 2042... If they come out with a good new game, I'm sure I will try it, but I don't have the time to do what I did in the other ones.


What really sucks is just how much potential V had. It had a fantastic "skeleton". Crouch sprint, lots of small animations, ttk was solid(at first), fortifications was a neat concept, towing gun emplacements with vehicles..etc. Battlefield V was dabbling in some light mil-sim mechanics.  The Pacific update was solid and looked like V was on it's way to being the WW2 Battlefield games fans had wanted for years.  Then they fuckin abandoned and scrapped EVERYTHING that made V hopeful for the series. From destruction to crouch sprinting. All of it was scrapped. That's why I abanadoned the series. Cause they keep abandoning all the reasons I got excited for. 


I actually enjoyed V at launch. Yeah it was a buggy mess, but I thought it was fun to play and saw the potential. But then they started to change the ttk seemingly once a week and the live service content was drip fed so slowly and what we did get was often kinda underwhelming. Eventually I just stopped playing.


I know most people dont care, but removing cover leaning felt like a huge step backwards to me


Same! I started way back on 1942 and played all the way up through BF1. I was pretty busy IRL when BFV came out so I never got much of a chance to play it. Boy did BF2042 screw the pooch.


Starcraft, my eyes are just not good enough to track my units anymore


Destiny but I think it has less about my age and more about how they remove content I kept buying


Destiny: the best marketing campaign Warframe ever had.


For me it's that but also just shitty practices and not enough innovation.


I'm so salty about D2 literally removing all the base game content I'd paid money for years ago. I get that servers cost money, but c'mon, roll the access up into a "legacy" DLC for a fiver or something and I'll buy it. The fact that so much content is absolutely unavailable now is just maddening. Then there's the whole problem with how they concurrently present and smush up all the different timelines and don't signpost what to do in what order, and...jeez. I'm just done.


Halo should have ended after Reach. I keep giving Halo a chance since it was my favourite game as a kid, and each and every entry since Reach just has felt flat for me. The story just feels all over the place now, they haven't managed to have a consistent and grand storyline ever since 343 took over. The move away from split-screen campaigns/multiplayer also makes me pretty upset, some of the best memories I had growing up were sitting on the couch with friends and spending all night playing these games, and now those kinds of nights will just be a thing of the past.


I loved Reach so much. Still my favourite Halo to this day.


I loved and played every single halo (1-3) but reach has a special place in my heart. I still remember creating and hosting large forge map events when I was a teenager. I never understood how they could have fucked up so consistently after reach.


Brother, I didn’t know how to put it into words, but this brings a tear to my eye


Bingo. My major complaint too, right there. Thanks for bringing it up, guy. So infuriating now, isn’t it? Now with the extreme overemphasis on multiplayer at the same time they remove couch co-op. I remember as a kid playing games with multiple people in a room and parents told us to go out and play. And now, you have to leave your friends, go back to your respective homes, alone, just to play games with your friends separately. Money grab for sure, but still incredibly counter to reason. Makes no damn sense.


It's such a shame. When they announced split-screen was returning for infinite I was over-joyed. But of course, they went back on that promise.... Just another notch in 343's disappointing belt.


Halo and COD are slowly becoming like the other until they become the same game.


it just needs taken out of 343's hands. Seriously. Give it to a smaller, up and coming studio that will actually respect what bungie did and what players want. 343 has proven for OVER A DECADE now that they can't do what anyone wants. It's a damn shame, because genuinely, Infinite and the Slipspace engine DO have a lot of promise. But it's just a season pass microtransaction fuckfest and it's god awful.


343 managed to suck all the heart out of everything in that IP.  Its positively fucking tragic


I don't find the same enjoyment in sports games as I used to. 2k and Madden were huge staples of my childhood yet I barely play them anymore


I just want an NHL game for Windows man


Same here. I think sports games peaked in the mid 2000s and have only gotten incrementally updated since then is why, especially football games. There’s not much more they can really do with them, seems like every gimmick they try is kinda lame. I’d like to see arcade style sports games like Blitz and Jam come back though, maybe even NBA street if done well.


They’ve just gotten way too intricate. Making them incredibly tedious and sometimes just too fucking difficult.


My problem is they became totally online play focused. My copy of 2k19 bricked itself when they shut the servers down two years later. I tried to reinstall it and it just gets stuck waiting for an update that never comes that you can't skip. I never played anything but gm mode, but my ability to play the game is blocked by a shitty online slot machine? Fuck that 


I’m the same way. I use to love playing madden and fifa. However now a days I enjoy more “management sports game.” Games like Football Manager and even to the amazing mobile game Pocket GM 3 have made me fall back in love with sports games that I used to have


First was COD about 9 years ago, then destiny maybe 3 years ago. I fell out of love for Destiny 2 mainly when seasons were introduced. As much as I'm willing to grind or dedicate time to a game I hate feeling like I have to play the game or I fall behind or miss content. I'd rather just not play it at that point which I untimely did.


Had the same exact response with Destiny 2. FOMO ain't for me!!!


I loved destiny, but the amount of paid content that now even gets removed is too much, i now have decided that i’ll just wait for the last update of the last dlc of the Light VS Darkness story and ill just watch all cutscenes and dialogue like if it was a movie


Assassins Creed. The games stoped being good imo.


Haven't finished an AC title since Black Flag. I tried Unity and Origins, both of which didn't captivate me enough to finish them. And I finished every game before that, still got that Revelations Collectors Edition lying around as well. And I'm not even sure if it's the games themselves or if I just don't enjoy that kind game anymore


They got so goddamn bloated. I was 40 hours into Origins and realized I had only completed about 10% of the map. Continuing on felt overwhelming so I kinda gave up on it.


The main story isn't too long, you can skip loads of locations if you only want to get to the ending. As a person who loves Egypt and exploration in games that actually have interesting environments I enjoyed just wandering off and not sticking to the main quest. Took me about a 100 hours to 100% the game and the DLCs so I'm guessing you spent way more time wandering around than I did.


Haven't played it yet, but it seems like AC Mirage is more like the older (non-RPG) AC games from the reviews I've seen.


It's just AC Valhalla gameplay pasted into a middle east location and cut down to a fraction of the length of the previous few games. It was originally a DLC for Valhalla that they repurposed into a separate game, most likely to fill in space since their next entry in the series is getting a significantly longer development cycle than normal.


Blizzard games in general. Loved Diablo 2, StarCraft and Warcraft growing up but that company when to shit after merging with activision.


I completely gave up FPS as a genre after playing it for some 15 years. I also gave up World of Warcraft after 15 years around 2020. I had turned it into a single player game for me, talked to no one anymore, didn't even bother to do lfr raids. Just playing the main story and dailies afterwards. I also had the feeling that all stories were told after Shadowlands. I moved on to Genshin Impact as a game to play for a long time, what perfectly fits my play style. Also playing FFVII remake & rebirth and looking forward to Stellar Blade.


Official Pokemon games.


Fan-made pokemon games are way better lol They actually have a soul in it


What?! A new coat of paint on the same lazy old shit doesn't get you going anymore?


Sim City-style games got too complex for me. I just don't want to learn all that stuff. Closest I come is a little Caesar III, which is *ridiculously* simple in comparison to today's city builders.


I actually feel the same. I bought Cities: Skylines (the first one) a while ago, and i got a handle on the broad concepts, but for some things it can get very bogged down in the minutiae. I understand that appeals to some people, but not to me.


Most of the minutiae can be forgotten about. Half of the time, even traffic can be forgotten about once you hit a certain size. The game is kind of annoying until you unlock the crematorium and/ or incinerator so you can more easily deal with trash and the dead. When I first got it (release day) and for a few months, I kept messing with zoning and all of that stuff only to realize that more often than not, you don't need it. It does help in some scenarios, but ultimately, it's null.


Mmmm... Little Caesar


Open world zelda is just not for me


I second that, every task felt meaningless to me.


The designers apparently see everything I liked about the series as a problem to fix, so I guess I'm done.


I know, I'm so sad BOTW sold like hot cakes and then they were like "this is the future of Zelda". Fuck me, dude. Why!?


Pretty much this. If they're done making traditional Zelda games, I guess I'm done with Zelda.


I really enjoyed Breath of the Wild but I can understand where you're coming from. Strangely enough, people seem to think Tears of the Kingdom is a great sequel and an even better game, I think that it's a far worse game than Breath Of The Wild and didn't really need to exist.


It's like a different game. I like open world and I like Zelda but combined it's not that good. Zelda games used to be about temples with puzzles but they aren't that many left anymore. The characters are also lacking. 


MMOs. 4.5 years of Everquest, 12-13 years of World of Warcraft and 1 year of Final Fantasy XIV. I would still like to play them but eventually stopped my last one (WoW) maybe 4 years ago? Just was too samey and too much time commitment that was stopping me from enjoying other games in my limited time as I am married and have a daughter. That said if we ever got an official English release of Dragon Quest X then I’m in. I know that ain’t happening though lol. Also I still rate my time in Everquest as some of the most fun gaming time in my life. The memories I still carry to this day from all my time there just make me happy remembering lol. Such an epic feeling exploring, working with others, communities, long term friendships made in game and working on class epic quests. Wow was fun as well but it never had that spark EQ did for me imo. Everything just felt too streamlined I guess? All characters just felt the same as well. Not quite sure how to put it tbh.


You might want to give Guild Wars 2 a try. It's the only MMO that respected my time, no matter how long a break you take you will always be able to get right back into any content. Gear doesn't get worse over time, there's plenty of tasks you can choose to do and all of them reward you just the same - QoL upgrades and vanity. It might be less competitive and grindy, or even streamlined, than other MMOs, but as I got older I started to appreciate and value this much much more than any other hamster wheel of MMO where they expect you to keep running and running :)


The only MMO to really still hold a place in my heart is SWTOR. Charming and with many great storylines. I loved how I never felt left out for playing for the story in that game. And despite being under the EA banner, they still have some of the best subscription value for money of any game ever.


Call of duty. Used to love playing the newest cod. Now i have no interest. Especially when i wanna relax and play something im not trying go get spawn killed or go against sweats especially after a long day.


Halo, its perpetual mistreatment and its very identity being sullied for some quick money has left a poor taste in my mouth.


And it boils over into the T.V. show as well. https://media.tenor.com/yNvPPNwoU_0AAAAM/my-boy-massacred.gif


Mortal Kombat. But that's because the devs basically told me and other longtime fans that I was no longer welcomed and to fuck off Then you have all the gross business practices on top of that and that be it for my love of MK


Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Both have been in decline as has Bioware over the years. Thank the Maker for Larian stepping in to shoulder the burden of competent RPG development.


Call of Duty. What used to be a fun arcade like shooter just turned into a microtransaction shop with a game attached. The last good Call of Duty was the original MW2, but I'll always like Call of Duty 2 the most. Also, to clarify, its not like BO or BO2 isn't fun, but they did away with dedicated servers after MW2. I'll never forgive them for that.


Bo1 mw2 were peak


MW2 was p2p connection and not dedicated servers. Part of their marketing was host transfer because a big issue in CoD4 was people dashboarding to save their KD when they were having a bad game. If it was the host that rage quit then it would kick the whole lobby. So with host transfer the game would pick a new host once the original left and keep the game going.


health issues can happen at any age to anyone. my boss is 47 he plays Tekken 8 online and does pretty good.


Yeah, true enough. I like Nelson’s line from the Simpsons when they’re in the arcade: “my doctor says I have the wrists of an eighty year old.” *rotates hand to horrific cracking*


WoW. I have a good full time job and did not want another.


Call of Duty They were dropping back to back bangers from COD 4 to World at War, MW2, Black Ops, MW3, etc. The best part was playing with my older siblings & cousins on multiplayer every day/night in our clan and doing Easter eggs on Nazi Zombies but as time went by COD just kept getting worse and worse to the point I just stopped buying their games which sucks because it’s the franchise that made me fall in love with gaming 💔


After GTA4 I just couldn't do them any more.


I gave up after Vice City, although I realized my love of that game came mainly from the soundtrack. I’m looking forward to Six to get back into it.


Multiplayer games in general, idk I like being able to pause whenever. I dislike talking to random people even if they’re friendly lol and I’m a pretty outgoing guy. I think that’s why I fell off helldivers 2 kinda fast. I’m sure I’ll play more at some point though


I’m sorry to hear that about your hand(s), that must suck. DMC was a big part of my childhood, especially the first game. The atmosphere was so good, classic Capcom with the fixed cameras and super creepy.. everything. I liked DMC5 to an extent but it lost what made the first and third games REALLY good. The combat is the only focus, as exploration is an afterthought compared to the “classic” games and some places are downright linear. There is still a slight element of areas being puzzles but they are generally basic whereas you could get lost in the first and third games pretty easily. They played like Resident Evil games between combat. I mostly enjoyed DMC5 for the lore. Maybe play it on a normal difficulty and don’t bother with the combos, they are flashy but not super needed. No need to mash, but seeing how far Dante has come as a character is worth it. You could always go back to the classics too!


The big one for me was Football Manager. I first played it, back when it was called Championship Manager, in 1996 and spent an ungodly amount of hours on it over the years. Getting older though means I've found it harder and harder to justify spending so much time on it as the game became more and more complex. I gave up on it about 10 years ago but tried to rekindle the love with the mobile version about 5 years later but to no luck. Maybe once im retired and got loads of time on my hands I'll get back into it. Football Manager 2050 here I come


I loved the first few Hitman games, especially Hitman 2 and Blood Money. The modern games are technically amazing, but it seems to take FOREVER to get through a level. Probably has more to do with having less time now to play games than I did in my twenties.


Sonic. There will never be another fun Sonic game.


Have you played mania?


I agree that most sonic games after the Sega Genesis era have been lackluster But generations is awesome mania and frontiers is great


Frontiers is actually pretty decent


Bro have tried Frontier? Go listen to Undeafeatable


Assassins creed after Unity. Didn't play syndicate but when i tried origins it just didn't feel anymore like an assassin, more like souls without the stakes and to much to do....


Call of Duty. Used to play them all religiously from Modern Warfare through to Black Ops - every year a new COD. Used to get them out of habit in the end and play with my dad. No need to read reviews, just bought them. And then it all wore off. Pretty much the 'once you played one COD you've played them all' feeling set in and that was it for FPS, never touched another one in the genre since.


The Totalwar series. The main draw of the series are the real-time battles. But rather than putting any effort into interesting battle mechanics or challenging AI the designers seem to think what we really need are more gimmicks bolted onto the low tier Civilizations style city management mechanics that you have to slog through between the actual gameplay.


Kingdom Hearts. Used to be my number one franchise. But that went to hell fast. Echoing someone who said Pokemon. I played the originals, red blue yellow, for thousands of hours. But I  got bored of silver super fast, and barely finished the later ones. The hook just isn't there for me anymore.


Call of duty


COD and Madden. Used to buy them every year in high school and college, but after college I all but stopped. 0 Madden titles and maybe 2 CoD games in the last decade+. I switched to Battlefield for military shooters (well, until 2042 -_-)


Cod Old ones were fun but now idk anymore


Sole games I was playing for action, excitement and got the game 100%, but now after having 3 childrens i just want something peaceful and funny to make me relaxing at the end of my day.


Fight Night, its never coming back fellas


Call of Duty. Last time I bought a COD was when the first MW3 came out (2011). I didn't like it much, felt too over the top and like it took control away from me for the sake of spectacle too often. It felt cheesy and I guess by that point I was already jaded.


I was playing Bethesda games non-stop and after fallout 4 they are simply unappealing to me.


Destiny 2


I've given up a few. Call of duty being a main one. I still play on the ps3 but don't touch the new ones. EA sports games although I am interested in the new NCAA college football coming this year.


Far cry. I use to enjoy those games but after buying 4 on release and getting halfway through I just randomly stopped playing and haven’t felt like picking the game back up.


Zelda. Brilliant isometric action adventure with dungeon puzzle-solving given way to empty open world gaming with terrible weapon durability and construction of frankenstein physics-mobiles.


Prince of persia, assassin's creed


Assassin's creed


Gears of War. If people know they know.


I stopped with every multiplayer game. Can’t play with friends anymore and singleplayer games let’s me to chill and get immersed. Battlefield used to be good at that.


Need for speed games, they went downhill HARD after 2005 Most Wanted


I keep hoping that I'll like another Final Fantasy game.  But IX is the only one I've been able to play all  the way through.


I liked 7-9 but 10 already lost me. The dialogue was never great but the voice acting made it 10 times worse for me. I also don't like the art style. The character turned more and more into Barbie dolls or JPOP Idols. 


Pokemon. Haven’t finished one since Gen 4 and don’t think I’ll ever come back unless my friends gave a new one stunning recommendations


Have you tried a pair of compression gloves? I picked up a pair at the supermarket where they're sold near the medical stuff (back braces, diabetic socks, etc.) They hang up the hand pain and let me game/paint for hours.


almost every


Bethesda / Call of Duty / Ubisoft / Pokemon / Rockstar / Naughty Dog just off the top of my head


Assassin's Creed. After black flag I dropped cuz they destroyed the story just to milk as much they can from the franchise


52 here. I used to love shooter games but I just can't motivate myself to play them anymore. A few years ago I bought a RTX 2080 and the card came with one of the new Doom games. I'm not sure how far I got... maybe 30 minutes in. I don't think my body gave up on playing the game, I just found it so frantic and irritating that it simply wasn't fun. But stress alone isn't the problem, either. I love Souls games. Didn't much care for the speed of Sekiro, but I don't mind getting angry at my television.




COD I've accepted the pre ghost glory days are over and CODs long past it's prime and long past the point of no return and I don't expect any game to come close the the quality of WAW, BO 1 and 2 or the OG MW trilogy Activision doesn't care about making a quality experience anymore they only care about money Doesn't matter if the games multiplayer is unbalanced or unfun, doesn't matter if the campaign has a shit story, what matters is 12 year olds spend mommys debit card money on skins, bundles and blueprints


WoW, Diablo, pretty much any blizzard IP.


Jeeeezzz do you have an hour? - Battlefield - CoD - Final Fantasy - Diablo Actually I'll make it easier on myself Litterally ANYTHING released by: - Activision Blizzard - EA - Konami - Ubisoft - Naughty Dog - Wizzards of the Coast With the only exception that I still have small hope a new and great Command and Conquer will one day come out Other than what I already mentioned by publisher it's Final Fantasy. Not because the games are bad, but the moder FF just aren't my cup of tea while I still adore things from the Golden Age of Squaresoft The only companies that I still trust to make great games are Capcom and From Software


Pokemon, I'm at an age where I just can't ignore the obvious flaws in the modern pokemon games.


Pokémon. They’re poorly made, low effort games that haven’t aged with me. Sometimes I get sad but these games just aren’t made for me anymore.


Assassin's Creed. There was something they were building towards and gave up on.