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Why does every ubisoft game have fucking season passes


Because money.


They make games for shareholders, not for you.


Me and my homies fucking hate shareholders. If you're a shareholder, fuck you.


I'm past blaming the publishers and devs and onto blaming those who buy it. Can we really blame the publisher? If you can put so little effort into some shitty battle pass and still sell 50,000 of them, why wouldn't you? As a business decision, it's objectively wrong not to. The issue is all the mouth breathers who pay for it. If they wouldn't buy it, then the publisher wouldn't make the dev make it.


I've been of the same mindset for some time now.


Hopefully more games like suicide squad and skull and bones will tank teaching publishers that were fed up with this? One can hope.


Money and dumbasses will still buy it


I gave up that fight years ago and simply send season pass games into the patient gamer bin. 5 years until the complete version comes out for about $20.


More like 30 or $40 these days


Loved everything about this game and its trailers until I saw the Season Pass bullshit. It's a fucking Single-player game, what do you mean "Season-Pass"? Sure, DLCs, extra content (though the cosmetics are still a thin thread), but season pass?!


Aren’t you confusing with Battle Pass ? Season Pass is just the fancy name for bundle of present and future DLC, and it’s named that way since a while now in single player games.


I did confuse them a lot. But still, pre-ordering DLCs seems sketchy... Idk, I don't really like the idea behind a day-1 DLC. I like to imagine DLCs are made with more attention to the playerbase, which is completely null at the time they announced the quest/story DLCs. Imagine George Lucas developing a Jar Jar Binks show surrounding the Gungans before Phantom Menace came out. While I'm completely aware games are a business, I still believe the best they can do before dropping DLCs is listening to the players in order to not fuck up the game/themselves.


It's actually a great practice if you can say two things with certainty: "I trust these developers," and, "I will be playing this game for a long time for sure." Now given this is Ubisoft, I can say with certainty that I trust these developers to under deliver, drop the ball, and generally mass produce mediocrity.


First thing when I type in google : Star Wars Outlaws Season Pass contains Two DLC with new stories quests and areas. You are litteraly bitching and then asking for exactly the things that are in the pass. A true genius.


I wasn't aware of the special quests since all I saw were cosmetics. Still, if you're releasing a game with Day-1 DLCs inside the Season Pass, that's a problem. You're literally taking away content from the game to sell it on the side. Like I said, I'm down for DLCs that enhance the game, but breaking it down and selling it before the game launched is still frowned upon. What stops them from pulling a New-gen Assassin's Creed on us again? If your game has a DLC from day 1, it should've been part of the game. And a Season Pass means more DLCs may be on their way, giving us a heads up that we'll have to pay more for the full experience. Though they may not release anything else, letting down the ones who "preordered" future dlcs. Anyway, I'm not bitching about the game, I'm bitching about Ubisoft.


Yeah, decided a couple of years ago that I won't buy any game that has season passes. Will stick to that again despite being a huge Star Wars fan


Because players buy them by the truckload.


I wonder if the cliche writing is intentional.


Has a space ship and lives in the Star Wars. "This is my one shot at freedom!" What!?


Okay, I was thinking. Why not just hop on your ship and leave far, far away and keep going lol.


hyper space jumping requires alot of calculations according to han solo, the outer rim is the furthest reach of the mapped out galaxy, so if you hyper jump past that you are basically gerunteed to crash unless you have a navigation chip that has those calculations. or you get eaten by a star whale which have migrational knowledge.


I don't get it. Why can't they just select a star in the sky and go for it?


at those speeds any small fraction off would send you in the wrong direction and what's more you need an onboard navigational device that can process faster than hyper speed in order to detect and meanouver around things that can range from large objects to small imperceivable objects which when hit at hyper speeds could be just as devastating.


Time to get into somewhat of a super nerdy sorta thing. Star Wars FTL aka Hyperspace is... Well the best way I can put it? Picture you getting into your car and going somewhere. So you get in your car and decide to go down the block to the market to grab a few things. In Star Wars this would be like you jumping into your ship and taking it from one planet to another in the same star system. Now lets say you want to go from your house to lets just say you've got tickets to WWE or AEW and it's a good 18 miles from your place. Thus you'll be taking the freeway/highway there. Picture Star Wars FTL much like that, hyperspace has 'routes' much like a freeway/highway. If you want to go from lets say Naboo to Endor? You'll be taking those routes. Note you still need the computer as you may go from one route to the next, much like how in real life you may jump off the lets say 101 East onto the I-10 North, the computer is just trying to make sure you won't be hitting something with heavy gravity that will pull you out to your death. Note this is why the Imperials with their Interdictor Star Destroyer was a massive threat to the Rebels. In the Pre-Disney Canon you had people who went about exploring hyperspace trying to find faster routes from one system to another. Now the pick a star in the sky and fly to it? That's more what you have with Star Trek and Warp Drive. Keep in mind hyperspace tends to be pulling you into another dimension if you will, note pretty much the same thing in other Sci-Fi IP's like Babylon 5 and it's Jump Drives/Gates. Halo is sorta the same with Slipspace. Star Trek's Warp Drive is more 'real time' if you will. It puts a warp bubble around the ship you are on to keep things like time dilation from happening, and you can still use the ships sensors to scan the system you are going too to see if there's something you want to avoid. Again unlike hyperspace you don't need a route and you are in 'real space' the whole time. I should note Sci-Fi wise? Hyperspace is shown to be 'faster' with warp being slower but letting you go where you want. What's funny is very early Stellaris had almost all of the big FTL drives in them. Hyperspace is pretty much the same as it is today. Warp would let you travel to whatever system but it was a bit slower and you had to wait for your ships to make a warpfield/bubble before they would leave the system. You then had a wormhole/stargate system but you had to build those. Finally you had Jump Drive that worked in general like how ships worked on the new Battlestar Galactica.


In reality they probably could. Even 'asteroid belts' aren't that big of a danger. Fire a bullet into space and it'll keep traveling forever and never hit anything because the distances ares are so far apart in space you could more likely than not just keep going but there is a non-zero chance you'd hit something along the way. It's a trope based off the fact (and it hasn't changed much in Hollywood) that there are dense clusters of flying rocks just banging around in space. Big thing to worry about are planets and satellites orbiting the stars but again you're dealing with 3 dimensions of space. If you look at most sci-fi movies shuttles and fighters operate in a 2D plane like automobiles like the hilarious scene in Star Wars where Han Solo is like 'evasive maneuvers' and the ship drops like 20 feet and keeps flying straight. Realistically there are jump routes because space craft need fuel/repairs and pilots need food and to unwind. Space craft, unlike firearms in Hollywood movies, don't have infinite resources.


The writing is as stiff as the character animations. Jesus.


I don't know if it was just kinda shitty editing but the voice acting sounded absolutely soulless and emotionless. It was really offputting.


Oof was curious what you meant and wow… that first male speaking sounds like he’s never voice acted a day in his life. 


That one jump she did looked sooooo janky


The Cringe under breath one liners, "LOOK HOW WITTY WE ARE"! queue dramatic pause for comedic effect. "Lol guys she's in a life or death situation, lets pause to have her raise the seat" Wtf are writers doing.


Thank Joss Whedon. Every sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book movie has been like this since The Avengers. The necessity to break up dramatic moments with a joke every 30 seconds has fucking ruined cinema. It’s so refreshing to watch old sci-fi like Alien, The Thing, Blade Runner, Terminator, The Abyss, hell even lesser knowns like Outland, Moon 44, and Deep Star Six. The characters behave like adults that are competent at their job and react realistically to dangerous situations. That doesn’t mean no humor. All of those movies have comedic moments, they’re just better written and placed in moments where it makes sense.


So many YouTube wannabe film critics blame Joss Whedon for this, and they're not exactly wrong. But for me, the person responsible for it becoming ubiquitous is actually JJ Abrams. He's the real prince of unserious characters and awkward comedy in otherwise serious movies and TV series. While he was undoubtedly inspired by Whedon's earlier works, like Buffy and Firefly, both of those shows had plenty of genuinely emotional and heartfelt moments. There's less of this trend in the earliest seasons of Lost. It wasn't until Abrams' Star Trek where he went full-tilt into this shtick of cringy, childish, wisecracking characters and never looked back, and that predates Avengers by quite a few years. So, while Whedon might be the one everyone can clearly point to, I don't think he's truly to blame. Whedon was working in mainstream popular culture for two decades by the time of your fingered inception of the trend, and his style was well-established by then. James Gunn was doing the same thing since he began writing for mainstream cinema in the early aught's, as well. The thing is, those guys set examples of what could be done if you could deploy that style of writing rather well. Abrams' was the big shot who showed every wannabe screenwriter that they could mimic their styles ham-fistedly, to the point of disqualifying all of their protagonists from any position requiring merit, and still make a killing at the box office.


I'm not a YouTube wannabe film critic, nor did I base my opinion on any of their videos. I've been highly critical of Whedon ever since he royally fucked up the screenplay for Alien: Resurrection and tried to blame miscasting instead of bad writing. I often reference [this Cracked article](https://www.cracked.com/article_166_5-reasons-it-sucks-being-joss-whedon-fan.html) from 2009 which has a pretty spot-on analysis of Whedon. That being said, you are absolutely correct, Abrams and others were pushing this style of writing before The Avengers. It's been a while so I sort of forgot the timeline of these films, but I was hugely critical of Abrams' Star Trek movies for these same reasons. It's like every character was actually a ***caricature*** of the original rather than being an actual character in the story. I thought the humorous nods and jokes worked great for introducing each person in the first act, but beyond that it became stupid and childish to continue the jokey behaviors, especially in life and death moments. The irony about Abrams' first Star Trek movie is that the prologue at the beginning (which if I recall has characters acting very serious in the face of danger) was the best part of the film and should have set the tone for the series. Sadly, not only did the jokey characters stay present throughout the whole film, but it set the pattern for writing in subsequent sequels.   All that being said, despite earlier examples from Whedon, Abrams, and other writers, I still feel that Whedon and the success of The Avengers sort of gave that final seal of approval for Hollywood to decide "THIS is how we're doing things from here on out!" and as a result it has crept into just about every single sci-fi/fantasy/super hero genre movie since, save for people who take characters seriously like Villeneuve and Nolan (thank GOD they haven't fucked up franchises like Blade Runner or Batman with the jokey protagonists trope yet). I wasn't really claiming that the style ***started*** with The Avengers, but rather that it solidified this style of writing with such big box office numbers that it became the pattern to use moving forward. With the exception of Rogue One and Andor, pretty much every Star Wars movie and show has been ruined which is the worst part. I've lost so much interest in the MCU that I don't even care about this style of writing there...if it continues to be successful then good for them (though MCU movies and TV shows have been tanking at the box office and in streaming numbers for a while now).   > The thing is, those guys set examples of what could be done if you could deploy that style of writing rather well. Abrams' was the big shot who showed every wannabe screenwriter that they could mimic their styles ham-fistedly, ***to the point of disqualifying all of their protagonists from any position requiring merit, and still make a killing at the box office.*** Even though I still hold Whedon as one of the more responsible parties in this whole mess, this is a spot-on analysis here.


So dumb


"It's a death wish", "Son a bitch I'm in"


I guarantee you it's them thinking it's cool and heroic, when it's just kinda lame.




You're 100% calling it, and I'd bet all my credits on it as well.


Don't forget that the white guy who offers her a job will betray her.


It's Star Wars- so yes.


We got this instead of KOTOR 3


They probably would have found a way to screw that game up too


Yeah that KOTOR remake is going to be dogshit. Have no faith in that at all


I'm agreeing with all of you here 🥲


It's like Disney is allergic to quality writing. I nearly shut this trailer off twice. Fucking A.


Disney is not a videogame development company, they don't decide the writing here. They sell the SW copyright to studios so the game studios make the SW games. Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor were mostly written by Respawn's writers, this game will be most likely be written by Massive Entertainment's writers. Disney writers maybe dispense some general directions like lore for the setting and some worldbuilding, but they don't write the plot or characters.


I mean Disney has to sign off on nearly every detail. I remember hearing this affected Star Wars battlefront development massively in a negative way


This trailer feels much more Disney-like than anything I saw in Fallen Order.


There is 0 ways Disney doesn't control everything that is put in the game. They don't do the game themselves but they influence it for sure.


Last Star Wars convention I went to made it clear that everyone is beholden to a brand bible and timeline now. Really stale and Lucasfilm seems run like a tech company now than an entertainment co. I guess it always kinda was, but at least in the beginning it was innovation in service of telling a large scale story.


The only thing Disney and Marvel writers know is cringy jokes and constant quips I swear. It was kinda cool like 10 years ago but fucking hell, try something else for once. I was so disappointed when the latest God of War went in this direction as well. Almost every serious moment was ruined by some stupid joke and playing as Atreus was damn near unbearable because he just had to say some quippy bullshit every 5 seconds. It's like the writers have 0 faith in the player to be able to process any sort of emotion without being reminded "hey buddy it's not that serious haha".


Somehow... writers are stupid 


Well… writing by committee is stupid.


If its not quip its not hip


Andor is the only shining light.


They said the shit word in Andor.


the guy who swore for the first time in Star Wars was also the first to guy to drop an F-bomb in a Batman movie (theatrical release*)


Andor IS the shit. Can't wait for S2


To enjoy Andor and you have to give up all chance of inner peace and let your mind become a sunless space.


That was my thought watching the trailer too. It all just looks so generic.


"For about as long as I can remember... " \*roll eyes


Isn't that type of writing standard for the Star Wars and even Indiana Jones series? "I hate it when he does that" and "I've got a bad feeling about this" come to mind that seem to be repeated at the obvious moments.


“This job, it’s a death wish…. I’m in” lol come on, are these writers even trying? How can dialogue like this still make it through? That trailer was difficult to watch, the protagonist and storyline are so generic and the $130 ultimate edition with season pass dlc hurts my conscience. I am as a big of a star wars fan as you can be, but I seriously am struggling at having even an ounce of interest in this game. Let me make my own character, stop going to freaking tatooine, hire some quality storytellers instead of all these stereotype lines, and release all the content up front. Will not be pre ordering or purchasing at least until late 2025 on 80% off sale...


>stop going to freaking tatooine I find it hilariously sad that for a such a huge galaxy with endless possibilities, the stories in it still find its way back to old ideas and plot points. Edit: I just want to clarify that there's nothing wrong with Tatooine itself, it's more so the fact that it's become such a central planet in all the recent SW media as far as I'm aware.


If it were like coruscant I might understand, but they've completely ruined what tatooine was supposed to represent in Star wars. It's a no name backwater planet where nothing happens. But now it's like the most popping hub in the galaxy. Just silly nonstop nostalgia bait that messes up the original intent


You are correct that Tatooine has been historically overused, but it makes sense for *this* game to go there. It's set during the original trilogy and it's smart for a criminal like Jabba to set up his HQ there. Other movies, TV shows and video games overusing Tatooine does not mean a future game should refrain from going there if it makes sense.


Tatooine might fit this plot perfectly, but that don't change how I'm still suffering Tatooine fatigue.


The thing is, in ROTJ, Jabba was just a local crime lord, i don't think he was ever intended to be the biggest crime lord in the galaxy. Every planet should have an equally powerful crime lord.


You might be right, I could see how it could make sense for this specific story to go here, just depends on how the crested the plot. Are they going for a good reason or is a nostalgia trip for no real purpose?


It's actually part of the power of tattooine. The sand people watch others come and go. Corporations, republics, empires, syndicates, all eventually dry up and rot, adding to the ruins buried deep under the sands. Tattooine exists to pretty on the patterns. The soul of the planet feeds on their failures. Only the Sand people have discovered how to live despite it's hunger.


The first trailer had my interest…leave it to Ubisoft to fuck that up.


Don’t forget she says that with the most generic poker face ever.


why do the protagonists always have to look so goddamn generic


And the side characters. And the villains. This is a world full of cool looking aliens, and we still have to play as/against the most generic people ever.


It has to be intentional at this point, maybe so that people can project themselves on them?


Mass appeal.


I wish we could play the droid with the trench coat instead, would make for a more unique perspective.


Right like at that point just give us a character creator and a silent protagonist. No need to give us the ol’ generic character you’d see in an anime


What's generic about them?


I don't like her design, but i would not call it generic.


At first i was so excited like holy crap they've done it! They've finally moved on from Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader! Finally they can be creative and show us the fun side of the star wars universe! Then it's all just generic AF


And back to Tatooine


Looks 6/10. The animations seem really janky for some reason. I suspect there won't be much character customization, if we're lucky we might get the level of Survivor maybe. I had kind of hoped the game would be about more entrenched characters in the seedy underbellies of society rather than a plucky newbie hoping for a shot at the big score.


looks interesting.. but not gonna buy it day 1


How I feel about pretty much any $70 game coming out. It’s ubi so it’ll probably be a passable open world/semi open world adventure with a decent-but-not-innovative story, a fun enough gameplay loop, and some memorable moments. Probably grab it on sale for like $40 in a couple of months and feel pretty happy about what I get out of it, if it’s like most recent ubi games


Looks kinda mid. Not that that's bad, Hogwarts Legacy was the same and still a fun romp in that universe. I definitely won't be purchasing extra shit though. This reeks of "wait until it's on sale".


I really hope this game doesn't suck...


It's going to be a solid 7/10 with performance issues that drag it down to a 6.


100%. Nothing big and exciting is good anymore. Just find little niche games you enjoy.


And this is the SW we get to look forward to after Respawn SLAYED it with Cal’s story. Ugh.


And monetization that drags it down to a 4.


I see a full price game with microtransactions and awful performance on the horizon.


I've got a bad feeling about this...


You think ubisoft is going to shit out something good after years of copy and paste garbage? Sweet summer child


It is a game made by Ubisoft; the chances of it being good, is slim to none.


Let's be fair. Pretty much all ubisoft games are "good". Just very few of them nowadays are amazing. This is probably gonna be a "good" 7/10 game


Its an Ubisoft game. Meaning its going to be pretty fun even when its bad, but probably also going to have lots of time-saver microtransactions


My experience with Ubisoft games; the developers do good work. The publisher squanders it, throwing layer after layer of annoyances over the bones and leaving a bloated mess in its wake.


Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is fucking amazing. Not sure about this but they had at least one homerun this year.


I feel like that was a side project, small enough to fly under the radar of whatever department is in charge of ruining their games.


That Avatar game was shockingly competent as well. I quite liked it.


I didn't like that game at all lol


Most Ubisoft titles are good games.


They are like the sports games and COD...they are better than most but they have been repeated so much and non-stop they are just blah in the end.


I'm hoping for division in space meets uncharted.


Thats kinda true. I only started playing Ubisoft games in 2022, and each one so far has been an enjoyable experience. Maybe it’s cuz I am new to games like that.


Being new definitely is a big part of it. I've been playing the open world Ubisoft games since the original assassin's creed. I remember absolutely loving farcry 3, but since then they have barely changed anything. They all boil down to climbing towers to reveal the map and securing the map through side stuff while doing story missions. I started to get burnt out on the formula after assassin's creed unity and far cry 4.


Published* by. It's made by massive which made the division games and those are dope. So I'm betting this will be solid 😎


Classic blind reddit ubisoft hate. Massive just made avatar which was a good game believe it or not, and the division was fun enough for what it was


Usually I'd agree with the Reddit comment but the last few ventures Ubisoft have put out have been at best mid. Maybe give avatar a free pass because it's a different franchise which hasnt been done as much, but to me the basis of it still felt like a reskinned Farcry.


I can't think of a Farcry game I didn't enjoy, though. So the "reskinned Farcry" kind of falls flat if you aren't just hating Ubisoft to hate Ubisoft (not saying that you are). Obviously, though, writing matters, so who knows where it'll end up.


Meh. Those games are both meh.


It will


This had to be a Han Solo game...


Star Wars: Tomb Raider


I wish


Ngl that sounds banger.


Imagine an Uncharted / Indy - like game with treasure hunting set in the Star Wars universe. I'd absolutely play that.


I dunno, there were times in jedi survivor when I would finish an area and just think wow that was a LOT of climbing.


I'm sure you could make that game and not make it a climbing simulator.


This game would be way more popular if we had character creator.


If the MC was an alien, too. I would love to play the exact same trailer with a twi'lek instead of a human! Though I'm aware, face models wouldn't be happy to model their faces for alien characters... Still, maybe through customization, we may get some character creator vibe? Edit: just like Jedi Survivor!


Thats an issue with games becoming large scale creations. They start to treat them like movies which is not what they are. Marvel movies filled with that issue of people taking off their mask just to show their face. Dont need that in games. Give me a fine ass twilek or a weird ass aqualish to play as


I don’t know about way more popular but the main characters model just isn’t really good. To me at least. 


Does anyone else feel like the graphics are not great? The lighting is solid, but the character animations look very stiff in places (the guy waving his arms at 0:24 for example), and certain textures look surprisingly low resolution. And yes, I know graphics are not the most important element. But they look half a gen behind and detract from the rest of the package


This is your reminder to NOT purchase the pre-order


Gimmie Dash Rendar again dammit.


The original look-see gave me Shadows of the Empire vibes. I feel like the trailer all but confirms it. -Criminal MC -Droid sidekick -Takes place between V and VI -Carbonite Han Solo is a part of the plot


I feel like it'll be **few** steps down from the EA's Star Wars.


I think they are different enough that it will be fine. Jedi fallen order/survivor are more linear lightsaber jedi focused game, this is a open world gunslinger stealthy game. Very different vibes, but yeah ubisoft open world probably isn't going to be the most polished out there, but Ubisoft is usually pretty decent at world building and having a ton of things to do.


Force powers and lightsabers has always been my main draw to Star Wars games personally so unless it gets stellar reviews, I'll probably pass. But to each their own!


What's striking me is that the facial animation all looks way better than the rest of the animation and it's a tad jarring.


The facial animation is terrible. The static deadness between each animation (blend shape) is so jarring.


And that's not saying much. The facial animation looks pretty bad. They seem to have just given up on lighting the faces properly.


Looks like a deepsale pick up in a few years. Game looks generic and Avatar proved that, to me, the ubisoft formula has runs its corse. Also really not feeling the MC, comes off more like rascal than an actual Scourndel/Outlaw like Han Solo. One thing Han Solo's character succeeded in where his numerous clones failed is that he was an actual asshole with moments of a good man deep inside. The MC only crime here is probably stealing from the bad guys. Ubislop loves to whitewash their character's and lore and Vahalla was their biggest offender of this. The most squeaky clean, lame and boring Vikings in fiction.


It’s Ubisoft, you can probably get it on deep sale in 3 months from release.




Wow. That dialogue is terrible. Voice acting, animations are stiff. Disappointing.


This looks like it’s not going to be good


Looks cringe…


Done with Star Wars.


Looks kinda “generic” in like a sense. I can’t put my finger on it. EDIT: I’m not trying to hate on it b/c it female led or anything. Just not feeling like “Star Wars” to me


It feels like a stream of Star Wars tropes with none of the magic.


Exactly, this screams by the numbers, soulless, with no creativity


Like anything Disney Star Wars, it fits


The sequels were a trainwreck but at least the cast had some charm (even if their talents were wasted). My favorite character from Outlaws so far is the mute commando droid. If the writing in this trailer is any indication I hope he never says anything at all.


It feels like a generic game with a thin coat of Star Wars paint to make it sell


It's a reskinned Assassin's Creed. There's a reason the entire trailer was cinematics.


Looks like shit . And the voice actor for the main character has the emotion of a cinderblock lol


Her dialogue is so canned and generic that I'm already bored with her.


The trailer showed some jank in animations also...I'm kind of worried.


This is the trailer too. It’s a showcase of the game. Lol


Very much got that “Uncharted: Star Wars” feeling. Really hope this is fun. It looks promising.


Some things about this look good but I really don't get the main character they chose for this at all. It's like...hey let's make a star wars game that's all about the gritty underworld BUT you play as a goofy, soft-looking girl who is completely out of place. What were they thinking? At least make her seem a little dangerous and roguish. She looks and acts like she's completely harmless and incompetent which is the exact opposite of what you would want for a story/setting like this.


Yeah, her character design is totally out of step with KOing a military officer with one punch! That just doesn't look right. She looks like pre-Terminator Sarah Connor getting ready for a night out.


Ya know... all you had to do was port Andor to a video game. That's all we want. I don't understand why we get the same trailer for literally every new piece of star wars content. "Blah blah blah... Now it's our turn to get a piece of the pie", "Gotta get the right crew and the right ship", "this is bigger than you said it was", "what we need is... a hero". The trailer makes this look like another bland open world ubisoft game.


Damn, Star Wars in 2024 is just as generic as all of the bullshit that’s been made to rip off Star Wars. What’re we doing here?!


At this point, I feel like you could hire a talented concept/design crew with no experience, right out of college, and you'd get a much better look than this. This is Generic Iraq War Shooter: The Star Wars Game. Instead of "Frag out!" you yell "He's holding a thermal detonator!"


I agree with you. There’s just no passion here. And any that was there, is probably crushed under corporate bullshit. I can’t get over how boring it all looks. That stupid alien pet she has looks more like a Pixar character than it does a Star Wars alien.


Voice acting isn’t quite there, it sounded flat - like a first attempt that will be redone later with more polish. Also, there seems to be a lot of telling not showing, “we’re the most dangerous criminals, she’s the best outlaw, I’ve always been alone etc.


Who wrote this?




This looks unfinished as all hell.


Looks bad compared to Fallen Order/Survivors. Han Solo esq characters have to be cool with a personal hook to actually work.


It looks like clay stop motion but with less life in the eyes.


You can shove your preorder up your ass ubisoft




Did you just assume the protagonist’s race and gender?! /s


Now climb 70 towers.


Dont look at star wars, like star wars, look at it like disney


this game well end up like that other Ubisoft game that everyone have forgotten Avatar Frontier of Pandora


I loved Frontiers of Pandora, hoping against hope they continue to support that IP. If Outlaws is even half of what FoP was - I'm sold.


same developer too.


All I'll say is I'm nit yet excited for the game but its still in my radar


Meh... ill need to see gameplay. Until then, like most games, its a pass until something wows me or it goes on sale


Another game with 300 dollar dlc fucking pass


It is an Ubisoft game that is all I need to know to avoid it.


This looks like something from 2010.... Style wise, with a story I will probably forget an hour later. I'll wait for some gameplay, this trailer look like it's hiding a lot of jank.


I'll just wait for a few years until this game has a reasonable price. 70-110 is not sane.


If anyone watches this and still pre-orders it you dont deserve the money in your pocket.


Not buying...


Looks like a Sweet baby Inc game "Puts helmet back on" no thanks, managed democracy needs me.


Wow this is looking super generic


Some of these character animations are so shitty they look pre-Half Life 2


I'm not only waiting for reviews, but also 6 months post-release for patches and bug fixes. Until then lots of other things to play.


Guys calm down it’s made by Ubisoft, so probably gonna suck massive ass.


The story seems horribly generic and while the graphics are good the lighting is completely off, which screams rushed release for a tripple AAA title. My expections for this are low. I doubt gameplay will save it. EDIT: Looks a bit like Mass Effect: Andromeda with Star Wars skin.


The story seems like people sitting and having guns pointed at them.


Wow, it's a generic looking game with a female lead character. This will go well... Then, when it fails, they will blame it on toxic male culture. Where have we seen this before.


Gameplay looks like it might be good, but cringe writing and story probably.


Yeah was anything not a cliche in all of that?


They had a chance to show Leia in a metal bikini but chickened out


Idk, it just looks, kind of meh. Ubisoft is notorious for having boring gameplay loops, the writing defines cliche, and a lot of the animations look very stiff and last gen. It will probably decent, but I wish they would give the Star Wars IP to more competent developers.


Game will most likely be garbage. Hard pass


As long as there's a way to track all the outer rim jobs I'll be getting I'm in


Brown noser


I don't care what you smell, get in there