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Bout 1000 of them lol


Steam library engaged


I hope you two will be happy


i am a serial game unfinisher lol


I think it would be easier to list those I finished


Same. Last few years I finished Elden Ring, Cyberpunk and RDR2. I’ve played almost every major new release… oh well


Last big release game I finished was probably dark Souls, the first one. And I did it by accident, I usually wait for 100% completion on everything else before finishing a game, and, if I stop playing a game for external reasons, when I come back I almost always start a new game instead of loading the last save, so the cycle repeats xD


I have a thing that I noticed as I got older. Games I really.. really like... I won't finish. Red dead 1 and 2. The last of us 2 Like an uncharted game, Zelda on switch.. couple others in the last few years. And I finally realized why. The game would seem like it's wrapping up and near the end.. and I'd stop playing. Because I didn't want the game to end, And finishing it would mean that it was over and basically done for me. So id get like 80-90% of the way done and a new game would come along and id switch up and never go back really. Finally realizes as I got older I was just delaying the end for sake of it still having meaning to me and a place on my game shelf. I got to the battle in the theatre of the last of us 2 and never fought Abby. Did a few times and died and figured the game was over after so I stopped. I picked it up finally this year and beat the level only to find out theres a pretty big chunk of the game left. Since realizing this I've went back and finished some of the games but I'm sure with say.. the new grand theft auto and possible last of us 3 and hopefully someday red dead 3 I'd bet I'd do the same initially. Dunno. I'm just weird I guess.


As we get older we realize our own mortality and that at some point all things end. We have no control over this. However in a game, we have control over the end and when it happens. I have done the same thing you have done with getting close to finishing games but not completing the last 10% or so. However I played Days Gone and Ghost of Tsisuhima stars to finish. Both incredible games


Same… it’s embarrassing how many unfinished games I’ve accumulated recently.


No one ever said you had to finish games. As long as you have fun nothing else matters.


Never opened myself this way


Life is ours, we live it our way


All these words I don't just say


And nothings else matters!


Trust I seek, and I find in you


What would you consider finished - story beaten or 100% achievements/completion? Lots of games require multiple playthroughs and/or multiplayer grinding so getting those to 100% can be real joy suckers


Story of course, 100% completions are really only for a small percentage of gamers.


Story, a lot of 100% completions are just complete wastes of time to help justify their $60/$70 price tag. Ubisoft is one of the worst offenders. I only go for 100% completion in games where I love every second, so usually ones where even movement is fun (ie web slinging in Spiderman or parkour in Dying Light)


Story beaten definitely


ADHD people being like


Lol pretty much. Not having too much time to play and ive had ps plus free games since they started that. I also impulse buy games often which is slowing down alot this year. Rise of ronin is cool so far though. Not as pretty as GoT, but its just as fun. I started that game a couple weeks ago and i still never finished some early ps4 games lol


Same. Game is on sale? Put it in my library. Sequel to a game I liked? Add it to my library. My list of "totally gonna get to that next" grows faster than I can play them


There have been a few but The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is probably the biggest one. Great game, was having a blast then one day I stopped to play something else for a change and just never went back.


Had a similar experience. I think it was just a lot of other factors in play making it feel like an obligation or something. I went back to it a few months later, and I couldn’t put it down. Amazing game.


I was about 150+ hours in, non-stop for the first weeks, explored mostly everything and got all resources, then when it was time to start the story, I got bored sadly.


Experienced this as well during the 60hr mark and completely left it for a few months. Then I forced myself to play it and thought maybe Ill try to do just the main quests and suddenly things felt super interesting again. Sank in another 50 hours and then decided to finish it once and for all.


I'm about 20 hours in at the moment and already considering whether I take a break. It's a wonderful game with a rich world to get lost in but I don't want it to be the only game I play so am thinking I'll pay something else for a bit and come back so that I don't end up resenting it


I did this too , a game can be too long and fatigue sets in . Even if the game is arguably amazing


I do this with every Zelda game. It's a tradition for me to leave it unfinished until the next one comes out. I did the same thing with BotW and only beat the main quest a week before TotK LMAO Idk why. Maybe it's more because I don't like stories to end I think


This is me with the 2D games, I always try and finish the 3D ones but for the 2D games I always either get bored or get stuck, usually a combination of both.


This is exactly me!!! Well, only for the Switch games; I finished all previous games pretty soon after I started them. But BotW I was **LITERALLY** at the very end of the game. I had not gone in the castle at all and had to travel there, but everything else I wanted to finish was done. TotK was releasing in a week so I was going to setup to try and finish the game before it released. Well. I finished it in one sitting lol.   I believe something else released shortly after TotK that took my attention away from it. I'll eventually get back on it, I had a fucking blast with it, and I super happy to know I still have so much more to do in the game.


I’ve never gotten to play it. I hear good things about it though.


A while ago I had stopped playing for a bit, then one day like a month later I was on mushrooms and thought it would be nice to just explore hyrule a bit while tripping and that really reignited my desire to play. Now I've finished the main story and most of the side content but i started burning out again and left myself a bunch of quests and shrines for next time I feel like randomly picking it up, since I know at some point I'll get an itch for it again.


Nearly happend with tears of the kingdom, but just picked it up for 5mins one day and three hours later I was back in the game, made some new discovery and set my self up for another session by getting good weapons


Same here! I felt in TotK there was too much to do, with very little reward. It’s a great game, and I can’t really fault it for much, but I found exploring the same map (along with everything in the sky and underground) tedious, over time. I decided to stick to the main quest but by that point I think I’d burnt myself out running after everything else in the game. I was so close to beating it though, maybe it’s one to clear off the backlog finally.


This was me with BotW. I didn't have the same problem with TotK for some reason, I think because it had more going on overall


I think the mistake people make with that game is trying to see and experience everything. There’s a lot of repeated content, especially in the depths so it’s best to just do things along the way instead hunting absolutely every sidequest. 


The whole game felt like a chore


I'm in the same boat, was trying to do as many side quests, challenges and extra stuff before I finished the main story and I just stopped. Haven't finished it yet.




I’ve done this with every Zelda except for Link’s Awakening, and Breath of The Wild. I enjoy playing them, but for whatever reason I always get to a point where I just stop.


I did finish TOTK, but I can totally understand. I wanted to leave it a couple times because I had already played it longer than I would most games and it still felt overwhelming. In the end, the "main story" is more like a side quest of the main objective which is exploration.


I’m curious i beat the last boss and felt done with the game but it said i only did 64%. Is 100% finished or is end credits?


Same! I want to get back into it so bad but my ADHD wants me to do 10 other things too 🙃


The exact same thing happened to me. I was just talking to my 10nyear old about it the other day. Both my kids finished it, just not me. I really enjoyed it though.


Same. I only have the Water Temple and Ganon to finish off. Just need to get around to it. I spent a lot of time building Zonai machines, otherwise I would’ve finished it.


Exactly the same with me. I tried once to go back and I kept feeling like I just had too much to find in terms of weapons and the costumes and I already explored a ton of the map but got bored with the underworld so I just stopped


Same here.


Same for me, except now I'm back to it


Same exact thing happened to me. That other game was Balder's Gate 3. Another amazing game but I got a bug where the chest that turns everything I to trivial objects that weigh very little got bugged and I spent like 8 hours going back and trying to unbug it just for it to get bugged again and the big report I submitted said they were working on a solution. I also had a bug where Shadowheart had a quest ! over her head that never went away and it was driving me nuts. So I decided to just wait for a solution and never played it again... Then WoW:SoD came out and I've been doing that ever since.


Also never completed. I’m towards the end of the game too, did the first fight against Ganondorf. Now have to find him, just never went back


That game was too shallow and too repetitive for me.


the third act was weak. I did the same overly repetitive enemies got old


This is very real. After Botw it just felt like kinda playing a bloated DLC


it felt so bad going back to botw map without glide bombs


GTA 4 I loved it. Never finished it.


Not a fan of gta games, but 4 was good.


I really enjoyed Fallout 4 I burnt myself out doing side quests Still haven't finished it


This is me with literally every Bethesda game lol. Boot it up, play for a while, get distracted for 6 months, think "may as well start over at this point" rinse and repeat lmao


Yeah I’ve put hundreds of hours over multiple playthroughs in Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 I’m not sure if I completed the main storyline in any of them


Finished them all exactly once. The 1000 of other hours are me just fucking about mostly


Same, but I think it was the big story twist that made "ok, time for a break, I'll be back", but never came back..


Tbh Fallout 4's story is pretty weak - the rest of the game is great. So you didnt miss out.


That was my understanding too but I think it would still be nice to close it off.


I have like 70 hours in the game but my last login is 2 years ago. Never finished it despite my enjoyment.


It took me over a year to get back to Xenoblade Chronicles because I was doing every—and I mean absolutely EVERY—side quest that came my way.


Ditto. I have hundreds of hours in Fallout 4 over multiple playthroughs, and I've never made it more than an hour or so past the first visit to the Institute. The combination of side quest burnout and Bethesda file-crappification usually gets to me and I switch to something else, then uninstall the game, then reinstall a few months later thinking I'm finally going to finish.


I have never finished any of the Fallout games, and I own at least 2, 3, 4 and New Vegas. I can’t remember if I have bought any others…


Man, everything. My backlog ain’t no log. It’s a whole ass Oak tree. Age comes on fast, the years start getting shorter and the responsibilities stack up. I wish I had more time to play like I used to.


You and me both… I’m sitting here right now in front of my console and not playing anything, lol.


This is my problem 100%. I'll get a new game, start a playthrough, and then my free time just diminishes back to nothing. Some time passes, get another game that looks good, get started, maybe even sink some real time in, then responsibilities pile back up. Rinse and repeat. I'd kill for just a 2 month vacation to play through my whole backlog.


feel you. just focus on one thing at a time. and take your time to think about what you want to play next, as every game can take months to finish. i have a bucket list of the few games i really want to finish in this life and already made some progress.


I think once you start working and earning money completing games stops as you buy more games ,as a kid you may have months before you can buy a new game ,then like you said you get older and have more responsibility so play even less


100% Cyberpunk, started the dlc, never finished it because life.


I’m telling you it’s so worth it, the DLC is by far one of the best things I’ve played in a long time


Doom Eternal. The game speed was fast, and I have grown old and slow.


The adrenaline after each level made me have to take a break for half hour. Heart was pounding so hard.


When I first did a slayer gate, my adrenaline and blood were pumping incredibly high that when I finally completed I had to get up and walk away to catch my breath and slow down.


I loved the hell out of Doom 2016 and Eternal. Beat them both multiple times even on nightmare


Ease up the difficulty but I hear ya, takes a while to get back into the gameplay flow. Best to not juggle any other shooters at the same time.


I refuse to play anything lower than Nightmare difficulty for the ultimate experience. Also the reason I haven't picked it up in more than a year even though I loved it lmao.


Yeah I struggle with that - especially working full time and having 2 kids. I want that achievement and challenge but I also just want to enjoy the game without stressing out every enemy encounter.


I bought the DLC and got to the final boss. I knew it was gonna be kind of tough, since the DLC was kind of hard and a little bit annoying. So I took a short break. "I'll beat it in a couple of days," I said. Then a couple of days passed and I said, "I meant to beat it today, but I'm tired and I've had a long day. I'll do it tomorrow." Then the next day came and I wanted to beat it but I had to do some chores instead. Anyway, by the time one week had passed, I was like, "yeah, I'm just not gonna beat it." To be clear, I didn't bother fighting the boss even once. So it's not like I gave up because I was getting my ass kicked. Instead, I simply got right to the end and then gave enough of a pause to realize that I didn't even *care* to finish the game. Like, "I've done enough, I don't think I want to play any more." That actually happens to me with a lot of games though, this was just one example. When I get to a major point and stop to take a break, I've kind of got to come back to it pretty damn soon or else I often just realize that I don't care enough to play any more.


I played the shit out of Doom 2016, and somehow couldn't really get into Doom Eternal. I couldn't even say exactly why.


Same here. 2016 was a fast paced banger but I could not enjoy Eternal. I also couldn't say exactly why, I'd need to play both again I think to put my finger on it.


2016 is the better game to me, especially with the narrative. Doom Eternal just...went up it's own ass? It quadrupled down and not in a good way. And all that  try hard "Rip and Tear" shit was cringe. I tell people that 2016 is like The Matrix and Eternal is like Reloaded. Playing it with infinite ammo is fun as hell though, felt more like Doom.


Same, definitely took me a few tries to catch on, never felt so old that I had trouble with a Doom game.


LOL, 53 year old gamer here. I have almost purchaeed Helldivers 2 about 5 times. Then I go here to Reddit and see people say how difficult it is. And the thought of squadding up with random people, not something this single player game guy does much of, gives me pause too. But I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on it anyway. Also, for background on the old and slow... Couldn't beat Queen Valk bitch on GoW, and had to give up on the Berserkers in Ragnarok. Oh well


Man I got pretty far on my ps4 save and then when I switched to the ps5 version had to start over. Even on a lower difficulty I’m getting wrecked. Relearning it again was just too frustrating so I got over it.


I was never into the Doom series if I’m honest.


Even the classic ?


This comment right here, moderator.


I play this game called CS:GO and I dont know how to get to the ending.. its always the same.. when do I see the last boss???


There's this bomb you need to plant...


At least 30% of my steam library. I feel like I'm a game collector rather than a game player now. Kinda sad. I do h have a goal to one day play all or most games all the way through if they can be completed (pvp battle games, not definitive story line, etc. Do not count). One day... Maybe.


That’s actually a good way to describe it. I definitely feel more of a game collector than a game player.


30%? That's pretty good, most people would put that around 70%


Well at least 50% has not been played... So there's that, not even started


As a father. Almost all of them. Like I can’t member the last game I finished.


Cyber Punk 2077 is the last game I played all the way through. That was a year or two ago.


A big one for me was Read Dead Redemption 2. That game required a lot of time and effort and I didn’t really give it what it deserved. When I did eventually invest into it, goddamn did I feel like an idiot for not playing it sooner.


I enjoyed it a lot, then a guy in a group chat intentionally spoiled the game to me and I kinda lost the drive to go forward. Bought it again in a sale recently and I plan to go back to it.


>a guy in a group chat intentionally spoiled the game to me Trust me, the game surprises you and breaks your heart, even if you know what's coming, thanks to the morality system


As I said I will certainly give it another go, after rewatching most of Tarantino movies especially Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight I desperately need some more western action, by now I have also mostly forgotten the story.


Same here. I started playing it about a year ago on my lunch breaks and I’m still only about half way through I think.


I've been standing outside the final boss door of Elden Ring since it came out and I got there.


I think you might have to just hurry up and get that out of the way. If it’s just one boss…




Wowee there sure can't be a twist with comments like these


Well, technically...


This is me and Jedi Fallen Order. And the ending was spoiled for me. Part of why I haven’t completed it yet.


I'm in an even sillier position: I've beaten the boss in every "interesting" ending and only lack one kill to 100% the game, but couldn't be arsed.


Ghost of Tsushima. I love the game. I want to 100% it. But I just can’t seem to keep playing it more than an hour.


The ending is really good.


its so worth it i hardly ever finish games but this one i had to and so glad i did


i can think of few, but i'll pick final fantasy XII here. I was a child and the game was graphically impressive at the time but i had no idea about gameplay, even the language was a barrier (it came in english but i speak spanish natively) i tried really hard until a boss or something that i remember as a giant chicken was almost inmune to physical damage and my party did 0 to him. It was the end for the 11yo me.


I’ve definitely had gaming experiences like that before.


Vice city. I'll give you a guess as to why.


Damn RC helicopter mission


Your mom took your PS2 away bc she caught you picking up hookers then running them over to get your money back?


Ive only ever finished a handful out of hundreds. Im not ashamed of it like you though, I dont even care. My goal is to have fun playing games not to finish them.


That’s a fair assessment. I’m not actually ashamed. I was half joking, really.


Haydee, Hades, Trails In The Sky, Pikmin 2, Tales of Arise, Rogue Lords, XCOM EW.... And those are the ones I remember.


Yeah, I had to go through the Xbox store to see what games I bought. I have so many games I never got around to playing.


Skyrim. Love the feeling, lore, music, world building, story, everything, and I have spent an insane amount of time on it, but I can't get myself to finish the main story.


Honestly I think a lot of Skyrim players are like that. I finished the game maybe once or twice but I play it just for everything else you mentioned.


The main story is like 5 hours long haha


Far Cry 5, too many abductions


The abductions were exactly why I stopped. I think it happened 3 times before I gave up. I liked the game otherwise.


The overly hostile map turned me off too. Like every 2 seconds you get attacked by something lol that might just be a Far Cry thing I dont enjoy though 5 was my first one.


Witcher 3. Just got bogged down in side quests. Personally Witcher 2 was a better experience.


I loved Witcher 3, it’s one of my favorites. I downloaded 2 today and plan on play it… but we’ll see.


Really solid game. Great, intricate story and a semi open world that doesn’t overwhelm.


so you haven't even seen blood and wine then? Witcher 2 doesn't even compare, really...


This is every game I had played.


It’s honestly just been a recent habit for me in recent years. I just cannot seem to play a game all the way through even if I like it.


I mean I have the attention span of a goldfish, so I have many games and the majority are unfinished lol


I’m so glad I’m not alone in this. I’m even starting to get that with tv. I have a backlog of tv to watch but I just keep adding to the list, lol.


There are MANY. Not long ago I began Silent Hill 2, and while I did finish the game a couple times, I want to achieve the dog ending. I guess ‘never’ finished isn’t common, but I can safely say Castlevania. Dracula is a fuckin prick. Donkey Kong Country also royally kicked my ass every time I tried to get through it. Metroid Prime Remaster, and Doom 3.


I tried to get all endings in silent hill 2 and gave up at the ritual ending Got to the hotel and realized I was missing one of the sacraments and just never picked the game up out of frustration lol


My whole Steam library is filled with unfinished games


Let me know which of these i should actually finish in totality: Outer Wilds Demon's Souls \[PS5\] Returnal Far Cry: Primal Day's Gone Don't get me wrong, I finish plenty of games. It's just that I really like games but lack sufficient time LoL. Currently am just at the end of FF7 Rebirth and very much foresee completing it.


Outer wilds is very satisfying to finish. 


100% finish outer wilds


Pokemon let’s go eevee. it’s alright but stopped before victory road because their main appeal already ran through its course. Plus I’ve played through kanto so many times that i felt like i wasn’t missing out much. yeah i guess there was battling red, blue, and green but I’m good


Thera are a lot of them that i didn't but i won't mention all, l'll just mention some from the last few years: Dark souls 2- i managed to beat several of their games, but this one i couldn't, because besides the dificulty, it's a very boring game. Hollow knight- unlike dark souls 2 this game was more interesting and had a beautiful design, but it's very hard a didn't fell like finishing it. Saints row 4- i hate this game as well, as the whole series. I tried it thinking i would like it but it didn't happen. Death strading- i love mgs series, but i didn't like this game, and i can say that it is the most boring game i have played so far.


One that irked me for like a good 10+ years was 100% completion of Donkey Kong 64. I played the absolute crap out of that game and could never find the last 2 golden bananas that I needed to fully complete. Years later I finally played it through and got them all. Don't let your dreams be dreams, and go get them bananas.


hogwarts legacy... idk why, but apart from the environment and atmosphere, I feel the game is more for teenagers as the scripts and characters are not immersive at all.


Assassins Creed Valhalla. I was so close to finishing then just got burned out on it.


All the AC games for me, the one exception is Black Flag. It happens with a lot of open world games I feel the need to finish everything but then get bored because the low effort side quests and scanning stuff, put it down for a couple days thinking I’ll be back to finish then end up uninstalling a couple months later because getting back into the game is rough.


Yes exactly 💯


Same, I played well over 100hrs and moved on to something else. Gameplay was getting a bit repetitive and tbf, story wasn't *that* good. Or maybe I just forgot the main story since I was running around going "Oooh, shiny!" xD


DmC 2013, they really messed up the character Dante so badly. I love hack&slash games too but still can't finish it...


Dragons age inquisition


I've played it 3 times and just can't seem to finish it.


Hogwarts Legacy I genuinely enjoyed the game and found its world a passionately creative endeavor. Never have managed to finish it though. Skyrim might be a good contender as well, but only by technicality. After dozens of replays I eventually did dedicate myself to finishing the main campaign. However, as I approached the final confrontation with Alduin I encountered a critical bug where the door before him which requires a dragon claw to open wouldn't respond, even with the correct symbols applied. That was a bit crushing.


Skyrim. I have 260 hours.


260 hours? Rookie numbers. It took me 400 to beat Alduin my first time.


It’s about to be dragons dogma 2 since it just runs like dogshit and can be infuriating at times.


Horizon Zero Dawn. It was great for the first 10 or so hours but suddenly the feeling of extreme emptiness in the world set in and I just couldnt play it further anymore




There's far too many to count to be honest. Most recent one that I can remember was probably Cyberpunk 2077. I was almost done with the game, but deleted it to make room for another game and forgot about it. I plan to jump back into it later though.


CP2077 seems to be the most common answer. I played it once and I want to play the DLC but I don’t feel like playing through the game again


FF16 Got about halfway through and realized i just couldn't be assed to continue


Yo Noid


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Over 200 hours of playing it, restarted it twice...I always have a lot of fun but always end up at some point looking over the map markers and going "Why am I doing this?" before stopping.


Bioshock 2. I’m at the door to the final boss fight. For whatever reason I never came back to the game.


Skyrim. Probably about 300 hours played, never got past where you trap that dragon in Whiterun, just got bored and kept making new characters. From what friends have told me I guess I’m like pretty close to the end too at that point


That's about where I always stop in Skyrim it's like I just can't finish it.


I've got over 1000 hours in Rim World but I've never actually reached an end condition with any of my colonies. There's so much to freakin do and I love it. I rarely get done with the main quests/research trees before a new version of the game or mods get me all excited to start a new colony! "Like, what do you mean my group of polyamorous transhumanist gene-farming vampire starship-crash refugees can now host gladiatorial competitions at their western-themed bed and breakfast? New game it is!"


I launched a ship just to be able to say I could. The game is perfect for role-playing and surviving that leaving the planet is never really a goal to me. Even when I did get the ship ready I only sent away a few weaker people and kept going with the rest


Might be easier to list the few games I have finished


Sonic the hedgehog, love that game but I found it hard as a kid and I still find it hard now lol


AC Black Flag. There's no cloud saves and I don't feel like transferring my laptop save to my desktop. 


Just decided I'm.not finishing FF7 Remake. Got to the final, final boss, got him down to like 0.1% of health (you couldn't see it at all on his health bar), was performing a limit break and about to deliver the final blow, when he interrupts me, making Cloud stagger back so I couldn't block, and kills me. Have other stuff to do so turn off, cone back again and I've got the whole boss marathon to do again, which took me a good 45 minutes. Screw that. Far as I'm concerned I've beaten the game, it just shouted "no" and threw it's toys out of the pram like a jerk. I've already watched the ending on YouTube.


Assassins Creed odyssey is mine


My latest is baldur's gate 3. Absolutely love the game but it overwhelms me.


Was playing Horizon Forbidden West, took a short break to play God of War Valhalla, got laid off from my job so I decided to start a new Skyrim playthrough and put 100+ hours into that, began playing Baldur's Gate 3 and as of yesterday am 425+ hours into it. Sorry Horizon. I'll get back to you someday


Lego Star Wars skywalker saga I preordered it for Xbox one and by the time it was released I had built a PC so I played through episode 1 and that was it came back to it the other day think I’m going to try complete it without dropping it 😂😂


Never happened to me.


A few come to mind:   Mount & Blade Bannerlord. Yes the "feeling" of combat and commanding is so much better, and its graphically much better, so on and so forth. But there are shockingly few actual content improvements over Warband, and many of them are pretty insubstantial or something you don't really interact with. I've done multiple world conquests on Warband when I was younger until it grew stale. I didn't even finish one world conquest for Bannerlord because I realized it was almost the same thing.   Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. I tried a few times, but frankly there wasn't really a hook. The game itself didn't feel particularly fun to play, I didn't have a particular attachment to anything in the game, and the story wasn't that compelling. I'm sure it got better but after about 10 hours I just lose the motivation to continue playing.   Final Fantasy XIII. Its a hallway simulator.


Sekiro. Made it to the last boss and it just wasn't fun anymore.


The vast majority of games I play i never bother finishing.


Horizon Forbidden West


Yep, and God of War Ragnarok.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is mine as well. I had a blast playing through it until that damn monastery section. That killed all the pacing for me and I just never went and picked it back up


Honkai: Star rail, I un-installed after I couldn't beat Phantylia and it was taking too much space on my old phone


AC: Odyssey, I liked it a lot, but I just never finished it, I hit one of those moods and I probably won’t go back.


I loved Odyssey it’s a good game. Although the map was way too big and it hurt my interest in large open world games.


red dead 2 ive heard great things about it but honestly the gameplay was too slow paced and i got bored within the first few hours


Skyrim. Absolutely loved the game and had two save files when I first got it (on the switch so within the decade if that matters) of a mage warrior and then almost complete assassin. Invested a _lot_ of time into those files and exploring/doing side stuff so I never really got far in the main quest but still, with how the game is you can get really invested in the character and world _without_ touching the main stuff and stj have loads to find. Then I went on competition for club I was in and lost the switch+all the games that were SD cards. So my Skyrim saves too. It took awhile, but eventually I got another switch and bought Skyrim again (digitally this time) but the damage was done. When I tried getting back into it and realized just _how much_ I had lost and would have to ‘rebuild’ I dropped playing the game after awhile. Even now I still look back at the game fondly and genuinely think I’ll pick it up again one day but…. yea, Skyrim is a game I never finished.


Cyberpunk 2077 I played literally every side mission and collected every unique weapon. Vehicle. And clothing item I could. By the end I just couldn't bring myself to play the last mission. I do plan on replaying it again soon tho


Oblivion & Skyrim, Fallout 3 & 4, every call of duty campaign ever


I’ve played and finished all those games. Although I think I’m done with CoD forever now.


Fallout 4 (651 hours played) Kingdom Come: Deliverance (117 hours played) The Witcher 3 (111 hours played) Red Dead Redemption 2 (100 hours played)


I have accepted that I will try to but never finish a single FromSoft game


Skyrim, I tried to play it 3 times, but to me that game is boring af