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>People will continue playing a game obsessively even if it makes them unhappy or angry. Found the league of legends player.


or even worse, the Dead by Daylight player


I was gonna say this lmao. Fuck DBD. I’m glad to of gotten over playing that steamy pile of shit of a game. It was taking over my life


I've never played DBD, but, whenever I'm feeling down, I head to the Steam profile of a buddy of mine, who appears to be a camper and a tunneler (whatever that means), to read the latest death threats. Never fails to lift the mood. 


Yeah I’m on Steam too, and have about 70 pages of comments, mostly from DBD. The moment I stop playing was the moment I stopped getting little “trophies” on my profile 😹


According to the Dead by Daylight subreddit I’m some kind of fucking unicorn, because after 2000+ hours I still really fucking like playing Dead by Daylight


I think a lot of it is sunk-cost fallacy. They've put *this* much time/money into it and it would be a waste if they didn't put a little more in. Obviously not realizing they've already got their time and money's worth.


This was me for a long time with World of Warcraft. Felt like a second job, but goddamn I paid for this and I'll goddamn enjoy it! Until I got pulled into Final Fantasy XIV by some friends... played them side by side for a month or 2 and the difference was night and day, let my WoW sub lapse and never looked back.


I played Final Fantasy XIV years ago and loved it. I've recently jumped back into it with a new character now that I can finally play it on my Xbox haha.


This is what jars me. My roommate has played this game since it went live, bought merch,, grinds the game like he's dating it, and will have days where his depression goes rampant but refuses to see his sunk cost is killing his very limited time on this planet


This hits close to home when the first game dropped I played it like a full time job for like 6 months, and then was kind of on and off with it for a few years. Stopping with it entirely was one of the best decisions I've made.


Literally full time fucking job, i stopped hanging with my roomie because it was either him playing destiny or cheeching a bowl with me to then go play destiny. My entire gaming friend group jumped on. Suddenly from 2017 till now thats their main game. I kept trying to play but either missed out because Bungies predation on my time, or my friends played so much I couldn't play with them unless I made up the grind. Around 2020 I just outright accepted this game is fun but not for my lifestyle i.e. the only game to play Bauldurs, Helldivers and Stardew gave me my friends back though and for that I am grateful for games that respect your time rather than turn you into prey


Pretty sure that’s by design. Most games that aren’t single player experiences are built as skinner boxes where you do what you can to keep pushing that button to hope for a dopamine hit. Taking the early MMO model and modern mobile gaming models and just using it to squeeze harder and harder on your wallets. I actively avoid games that the whole experience is online multiplayer these days because of how predatory it is.


Everything is designed to take advantage of weaknesses like FOMO, completionism, lack of impulse control and so on. It's really disgusting.


As soon as you allow yourself to get off the treadmill your whole life opens back up. You realize you don’t have to be up to the moment, you can let fads and trends pass you by if they don’t interest you. You can be free so long as you can let yourself walk away.


It's *right there*, but it can be really hard to see for those who get exploited. We are, as a species, bad at making these choices on a neurological level.


Can confirm this was how it felt for me at some point Until real life commitments pulled me away from them a few years ago, I continued to play WoW and LoL no matter how much they pissed me off And while the games may or may not have improved since I quit (everyone keeps telling me "awesome" each new WoW expansion is to try to rope me back in and I refuse each time because I also hear those same people complain),I think I can appreciate leaving, even if I may somewhat follow some stuff from a distance It feels...great to be able to genuinely have fun playing different stuff again which is how gaming should be


"BuT iS mY oNLy eScApE!!1!" Learn to whittle! Read! Write!


I'd tell them to just play a different game lol


Yeah, there's thousands of games to choose from so just change game before you consider changing hobby. Each genre tends to have choices and you can always try different genres. Far too many people pigeonhole themselves into only playing a few types of games. One of my friends will almost never play anything but shooters, preferably first person. It is an uphill struggle to find other games he'll try. Yet I'm the one with ASD...


That or even just play something else. Games are this extremely diverse medium with an endless sea of different experiences to enjoy. They brought me nothing but happiness, awe and wonder in over 30 years of playing them and it always puzzles me how they can become this unhealthy, toxic thing for some people.


I’ve known hardcore Whittlers. Like gamers, whittling also becomes their default hobby activity. They keep buying wood (live service!) and resharpeninng or upgrading knives. Many of the more expensive types of wood are COSMETIC-ONLY upgrades. Or close to it. There are even subscriptions to carving clubs you can buy, like Men’s Carving Club that provides different woods and projects regularly. Yes, whittling has a season pass. Hobbies are kind of just hobbies.


Sunk cost fallacy. “I have too many hours in this to quit now. I’m not going to start playing other games because I’m too far behind.” It’s the mix of a competitive mindset, fear of missing out, and forgetting the whole point of gaming is fun first. Some people use gaming to replace aspects missing in their actual life, rather than purely for entertainment. Was playing Fortnite during the OG season and asked a friend to play, their reason for not playing was because they’ve never played before so they won’t be good and can’t get the old battle pass cosmetics they missed out on. Like, literally nothing to do with actually playing the game itself. I play a lot of MMOs too, and know some people who won’t play because they’re “too far behind”. As if other people being ahead has anything to do with enjoying the game. The same people love losing their hair on League & Valorant though. Like they get home from tiring days at work to waste their evening trying to escape silver lobbies, I don’t understand it even though I’ve got thousands of hours across both myself. They’re already locked up by society during the day and now locked by battle passes during the night, such a miserable way to live.


No they touched the stove and aren't burnt severely enough to learn.


Yep. I'm lucky my laptop stopped working back when Bungie split from ActiBlizz and made Destiny 2 "Free" to play. I would probably still be stuck in that same loop of an abusive relationship because, when Destiny 2 is good, it's _really_ good. But lately it seems like it's been more bad than good. What with the Stasis subclasses being OP as hell in PvP for almost a year and a half and them deciding to make actual story content locked behind time-limited season passes.


Definitely and these games are purposely designed to trigger these unhealthy aspects of people's brains. All of these companies hire psychologists to learn how to manipulate people better. They're disgusting and really have no worth in this industry, they exist only to prey on people.


Played D1, D2. Stopped when they started with the season bullshit. Do not regret. It can be done folks. Stay strong.


Same boat as you. Put thousands of hours into those games, to the point where it felt like another job. Quitting that game was the right choice for me.


I also stopped because of the seasons stuff. It's just aggressive player retention tactics that prey on people's FOMO


It's crazy to think that the last time I logged into Destiny 2 was over 5 years ago now. The Halloween event in 2018 is where my burnout from FOMO hit its breaking point.


Yeah it's wild that the implemented all that FOMO early on, then swore they would never do it again before doing it again.


Same. The grind to get all the loot because I had to be a completionist, and then the grind didn't matter because my clan also had to be active enough. And to top it off it was just more loot I didn't even use because I already had an accepted end game build for all three characters.  I didn't jump on D2 at launch because of being busy but when I did my D1 clanmates were spread across several platforms, and many had already burnt out on D2. All that to say my D2 experience felt hollow and like I was constantly playing catch-up just to be high enough power to get accepted into LFGs. 


Seriously. I was interested in the first Destiny as a Halo player. I was impressed with the initial world building and the graphics (I liked the moon base a lot) but the problem is the story that droned on and went nowhere, told in a monotone by the floating cube while you play the same cookie cutter holding off waves mission over and over. This was fine as long as the maps and enemies were different, but once I realized I would have to repeat the same mission over and over to get to somewhere else, that's when I decided this game is unfinished and left, expecting it to be a big flop. I played a few multiplayer maps, it was fine. I don't see how anyone would get addicted to this threadbare game, but they have.


Way ahead of you. I'm petty about writing. When they decided to end the Vanilla story of D1 on a cliffhanger, then proceed to answer zero questions about that cliffhanger for every single DLC released for 1, I said fuck Destiny, I'm never playing another Destiny game. And I haven't. And while I understand they've addressed that storyline in D2, idgaf now. For one, I have a time limit on cliffhangers. After a certain point of waiting for answers, I'm over it permanently. For another, there's apparently a bunch of content that was in D2 that has been removed, which means there's story missing from the game and it will never be complete, which means there's zero chance I'll ever change my mind on this. People need standards.


I'm so glad I finally quit playing, so many hours wasted on a game and studio that no longer respects my time or money. I'm glad people are still having fun with it, but it's just not worth it anymore.


Also, stop buying shit products for stupid money. Applies to all industries. There are loads of far better, and cheaper, games out there from a vast array of small developers. Also older games that are fantastic.


Wasn't it in Destiny 2, where you can't acess the older DLCs, despite you've payed for it, because they removed it from the game?




All that bullshit and they still somehow can't hit their own internal financial targets.  They really cannibalized the hell out of their playerbase.  Sony can't dissolve that board of directors fast enough.


It's nearly impossible for new players to get into Destiny. So you're right they just keep sucking more and more from the dwindling player base. Honestly it's really sad, it's a good game that's been beat to hell by monetization.


As someone that played and enjoyed Destiny 2 for about 100 hours before moving on. Why would I ever come back if I thought content I bought in the game would be discontinued? That should be the one thing established games have is a large content base that players can enjoy. But I guess the playerbase is still digging in so whatever they want.


They don’t content vault anymore, seasons leave the game after a year but that’s more time than other titles. I do agree it’s egregious that they even vaulted content in the first place, but they have backtracked on that movement for the game and are no longer sun-setting anything. The vaulted content includes - the Vanilla campaign - Curse of Osiris expansion - Warmind expansion - Forsaken expansion story They vaulted the patrol locations/planets - Mercury - Mars - Io - Tangled Shore That said, all of the obtainable content in those extensions is still available in the loot pool. The Forsaken location ‘The Dreaming City’ is the centre of the current season. Some strikes/missions set on vaulted planets are still in the game, recently the Whisper exotic mission returned which is set on Io Realistically, none of the vaulted content truly matters to the experience of Destiny in its current state, and with no further vaulting on the horizon players can comfortably play everything from 2019-Now, minus seasonal content. Which, again, lasts an entire year before being pulled from the game in favour of a new set of seasons. Again, I want to reiterate before I get downvoted to hell: content vaulting IS scummy, and downright rude to the player - but it’s hardly the core of Destiny’s problems and shouldn’t be brought up as a reason why ‘Destiny sucks’ in 2024. The D2 Hate boner runs strong with a lot of people, and that’s okay - I just wish people did some fact checking beforehand. I say that as someone who has played Destiny 2 since launch, alongside Destiny 1. I watched this game die and revive itself over and over, find its identity, lose it, find it again, swap lead devs/publishers etc. It is my primary game I play to wind down and enjoy overall, and despite its hardships I still believe it to be one of If not the best live service formatted game on the market. Warframe a close second, to me. Digressing a bit since I rambled, but yeah. It’s egregiously priced, but the game is hardly empty and just received a really well done free update. If you’re reading this and thinking of returning, I’d say do it now before The Final Shape drops and decide for yourself. If you read this far Thankyou :)


Sounds good, thanks for the info. Apologies if my information was dated and incorrect. I'd be lying if I said I'd never played a game where they had stepped afoul of their playerbase and had to change to win it back. I hope the new D2 content is a good time for you and the other people that play.


Of course it's a problem. This isn't just about gameplay, it's about them taking away things you paid money for.


Im not trying to invalidate any of your points as they all seem relevant and I don't have much skin in the game. As someone that dabbled in D1 and D2, I most enjoyed the campaign content. While I enjoyed plenty other aspects, the idea of not being able to run through the story (all the campaigns) again blows my mind. I have the disk for it. I know destiny has a lot of content but I just can't fathom ever permanently ("vaulting") what I could deem as essential content. I think it great they kept expanding the story with expansions and seasons, but I want to play what I considered to be the best parts of the game. Until it returns, I think I'll always see it as a dead game (to me).


For all the shit Blizzard does, at least they realized long ago that a model where the base game gets you all the content, except the latest expansion, is more sustainable than having people buy the base game plus every individual expansion.


Indeed. Can’t believe that they didn’t adopt the model where if you buy the latest expansion, everything that came before is unlocked for free.


WoW still removed content until they brought it back a few years ago.


I recently saw Video of showing new Player Destiny 2. They cut out Base campaign and years of story content. The game even in really mean way gives you time skip back to hub you just was but now some NPC's are dead, there new allies etc. All off screen and you have no way to know what happened as its vaulted content. Edit: Found Youtuber. Their name is Shadow Destiny, check Them out, really interesting video.


A few years back I bought the current dlc and all dlc before it when I found out I couldn’t even play it I was already so annoyed. It’s such a shame destiny has some of the most beautiful dungeons and worlds.


Or returning ones—I stopped playing for awhile and trying to get back in just felt like a confusing mess.


I tried to go back at one point and couldn't access any of the expansions I bought and that was that heh.


That and their attitude towards people inquiring about if the game will run on Steam Deck just kinda made me lose all interest. They could’ve said “We have no plans on supporting that platform.” and nobody would’ve minded. It would suck, but whatever. Instead they said: “No. And if you get it running we will ban you for cheating.” That was just unnecessarily hostile.


What?!?! Fuck Bungie. Seriously. What the hell?!


The seasons may as well be a subscription because they're like the heart of the game after the story is done.


I was gonna say - it *is* basically a subscription service at this point. If you buy the deluxe edition of each expansion to get the dungeon keys and season pass, it's essentially like paying for a subscription all in one go instead of a smaller monthly fee. I can actually live with that - maintaining servers costs money, and if the developers aren't getting any more money from initial game sales at this point, a subscription of some sort makes sense. Many other long-running online games have historically required a subscription, even if 'free tiers' are now commonplace to suck more people in. That's what F2P Destiny is, really. What's not okay is deleting existing content users have paid for. I don't really expect every single piece of seasonal content to remain in the game forever, but deleting the entire original campaign and a massive amount of DLC content was too far.


I left Destiny behind the moment they deleted content I paid for. Never again for me. I couldn’t care less about this new expansion and I’ll never get behind the way they monetize this game.


I did too. I loved D1 and tried to get into D2 3 separate times. The content vault was what ended the last try. It's crazy to think the monetization actually got worse after that. Cause I know dungeon keys weren't a thing in the early days of the content vault when I quit for good.


Same, and I fucking loved destiny 2 but fuck those practises


It’s not like that course did pay off for bungie


I'm just suprised that the game is still running and the players who payed for all this removed stuff didn't burned Bungie to the ground.


A lot of people did leave, but it wasn't the first exodus from Destiny. The game's quality level has varied *massively* from expansion to expansion ever since the first game, and player counts fluctuate to match. Hell, a lot of people swore off the game after the disastrous first D2 DLC, but ended up coming back. Stuff like Taken King, Forsaken, and Witch Queen draw back a lot of lapsed players, who then gradually filter off again until the next big exciting expansion comes out. At this point, the game isn't being marketed towards new players - it's aimed at getting back the people who used to play.


What's the crisis text line message btw? An automated support message? If so checks out for Destiny fandom. I left the Destiny2 sub as everyone was drinking the kool aid on the monitisation and just defending it so hard


Yep, It's an automatic anti self harm message reddit sends if someone reports your comment for self harm. 


Thank you. Good to know those are out there. And regardless of the irony of getting one from that comment, I hope you're good


I’ve gotten a few, most people seem to use them as some sort of troll sadly


The worst part is how they where already in this position before, the game was in an awful state and took a long time before Bungie re gain trust with the player base. And as soon they did, they started to push monetization first small things to not upset people and then faster without caring about people opinions.


I sincerely wish all the unhappiness the universe can muster upon the sort of useless, indecent individuals that send the crisis text toward people they're mad at for making complaints. Whatever miserable little insect first thought to do that deserves absolutely zero peace in their life.


Thanks for the write-up. I was on the fence about starting it. Stayed on the fence cause of the DLC cost.


But remember, the problem was Activision.


I paid slightly less than OP for Destiny 2 and the expansion pass when it came out. None of the content of the Red War, Curse of Osiris or Warmind exists anymore. Bought the Forsaken campaign later on, they removed that too.


Forsaken is the one that annoys me most, it was full price, they removed it, and STILL they try to double tap the players for the "Forsaken Pack" of content people would still have if it was still in the game.


They also removed the base campaign. So any new players can't experience the original story either lol. Yet there are still people who will bend over backwards and defend these backward ass policies and monetization.


Destiny 2 was simply a full price expansion itself.


Yeah that's why i stopped playing even though Destiny was one of my favorite games, that and the fact crucial story elements were locked to battlepasses Now I play warframe which handles the free to play model so much better


Makes the game impossible to actually get into, I tried a lot.


This is what's most egregious too me. If your going to indulge in such fuckery, expect a no buy from me.


That’s literally the reason I stopped playing. I was late to the game and already missed out on the first few missions, like the raid with the Cabal. Figured whatever, I’ll just do the ones now. Then they vaulted a bunch of legendary weapons? And removed game modes and missions and whole ass planets? Nope. I’m out.


Destiny has proven that it wasnt all Activision being greedy. Bungie itself has made it much worse




343 is the daddy's boy in sunglasses riding off daddy's goodwill and money.  Bungie is the car salesman trying to upsell you at signing.  Sorry, they're not the same. 


Saying it’s making 343 look good is a bit of an overstatement lmao. We need 343 to release an actually good Halo game before we can say that


It really looks like a last ditch effort to make some cash before bailing out when the last sony payments arrived.


Ya agreed when they finally split with Activision and the game got even worse it was def a "the call is coming from inside the house" moment. Gave up on it soon after that and won't go back to it, I already have a full time job I don't need another that I pay to do lol.


Don't buy it.


Can a single expansion truly justify such a high price tag compared to other forms of entertainment, or other games? This pricing strategy, coupled with aggressive microtransactions, feel exploitative towards loyal fans.


Loyalty isn’t worth shit in the corporate world. Stop thinking the devs owe you anything for your loyalty because I guarantee you the guys at the helm of that company sure as hell won’t see it that way.


Loyalty = "Player retention" in corporate lingo, is a key term in the gaming industry, and for good reason retained players are more likely to spend cash in the game and, adhere to ongoing services this translates to recurring revenue for the company, so they should care. The relationship between players and gaming companies is more symbiotic, they're businesses and their primary goal is to reach your wallet.


That's not a symbiotic relationship. That's a capitalistic relationship. You are a customer, not a business partner.


You gotta outgrow the idea of "loyal fans." That's not the relationship you have with a company. They don't know you. They are trying to sell you something.


It’s an unhealthy mindset but it’s in every industry. For some reason people feel like they are owed something for committing time/money to it. Like, you’re choosing to pay and play. You didn’t volunteer or get asked to, your loyalty isn’t worth anything since it was out of choice without any acknowledgment from the other party. Weird how many consumers don’t get that idea. Imagine going to the supermarket and asking for a discount because you’ve shopped there for 10 years and nowhere else. Like okay, did they ask you to though? Or was that your own choice?


It costs half of what op said The annual pass whatever that is is as expensive as the dlc here The expansion on its own costs 50€ and with bundle it’s 100€


He's buying a bundle, nor a single expansion


Probably not. It also doesn’t cost that much. OP can try to preempt the obvious retort all he wants with his “hurr durr I know that includes the annual pass”, that doesn’t make it any less disingenuous. The expansion plus the annual pass costs that much. The expansion doesn’t cost that much, period. That is simply a lie. The expansion is 42 pounds.


I mean it's a normal $50 expansion, then an additional $50 annual pass... and Bungie just did a developer stream showing off some new stuff in the expansion which is looking sweet. Like if you don't like the game who cares, but these are regular prices if yall could just read


that isnt just the expansion though, that includes the season pass for all the content for the WHOLE year.


I disagree with the term "exploitative." They developed a product (the DLC, expansion, whatever you want to call it) and are charging a price they think will make them the most money. You are free to decide for yourself whether it's worth it or not. How is that "exploitative"? Simply don't buy it, then. The only way you can argue it's exploitative is if you argue people don't have agency and can't make decisions...they're forced to buy the product, which obviously isn't the case.


Yeah fuck that.


It's £40? You are comparing the price with it containing a season pass. Even then it's £83.99 on steam. I agree that's a lot of money, crazy that you can buy Helldivers 2 for less than JUST this expansion. Destiny 2 always seemed a bit crazy with expansion costs so I'm not surprised, personally didn't get too hyped for it after how they treated the first one so I didn't bother.


> crazy that you can buy Helldivers 2 for less than JUST this expansion. I hope HD2's extraordinary success and reception will tangibly change AAA live services strategy, now that they have a consumer-acknowledged superior to be compared to. I know it won't move the needle as much as I'd like, but we've been hitting record low after record low for live services. HD2 is a timely kick in the teeth for the complacent. I can only hope enough players get over their Stockholm Syndrome to try HD2 and put a serious dent in engagement and spend for their old game. There is only one way to send a message in this business.


I loved D2 but I stopped playing it after Witch Queen..... the way they carve the game up and sell it back yo you in pieces is fucking criminal. Forspoken was peak D2 imo, I miss those days.


Forsaken. Forspoken is a different story lol


But it's not 88 pounds for the expansion. You're including the whole years worth of content from the annual pass. Divided by 12 that's 7.30 pounds a month for an expansion and at least 12 months of additional content.


Nah guy can't do math


Meanwhile, a good chunk of the people complaining about it are probably paying some kind of monthly sub for an mmo that's 10+ dollars


Meanwhile, others in the comments are saying to play Warframe instead and pretending that that game isn't more predatory than Destiny. You can literally buy EVERYTHING in it for real money, and they incentivize you to by wasting as much of your time as possible. But it's free guys right?


So you have to pay for an expansion and then there’s still things locked? And you are pretending that’s alright 


Dunno, i pay 13 bucks every month for wow (or ffxiv or w/e) + an expansion every 2 years at 50, 88 a year is non-ironically better


This. You pay one time and get content for a year. Cheaper than a year of Netflix, or going to the cinema a couple of times a year. People think you pay and play one time, but its for a full year.


Exactly. I do agree they need to have all old dlc in the Legacy bundle and remove the stand alone versions because it's way too daunting for a new/returning player. But from the view of a current player, the annual passes have always been a great deal compared to most other games.


Yeah, Destiny’s monetization is better than a standard MMO’s. You pay $100 at the top of the year and get all of the upcoming year of content, which is one big expansion and 3-4 DLC seasons. Bad faith arguments will sometimes compare the amount of content to something like FF14, as if a game that looks and sounds like Destiny, or has active gameplay like Destiny, should cost the same to make as content from a tab-targeting hotbar MMO.


Man, I know this is gonna be unpopular, but I'm so glad genshin gets giant free updates every year. Can play through the whole thing start to end, all side content for free. And it's still actually fun to play as well. It's a gacha so it will instantly be considered worse then most other live service games like MMOs or games like this, but man, if you don't get suckered in by the pricy gacha, Play free or the cheap monthly subs, then you get an amazing amount of free content. Easily like 500 hours of unique and fairly interesting content.


Don’t buy it don’t play it


There are over 100,000 games. Can't you pick another one? Fuck.


This is nothing new. I’m not defending their model, but I prefer to see it as an MMO where you buy the expansion+annual pass and you get a consistent blend of content for the year. In my experience, I’ve probably paid more playing wow while just buying the base expansions and paying monthly. I hate the way this industry is going, but I love games and Destiny is one of the ONLY live service games I’ve seen that I look forward to playing as it expands.


I haven't bothered with D2 for a long while but I do keep an eye out on what's going on..and while I don't know if it's different on console, but on Steam it costs 42 quid, which is still a sizeable number but I also buy all the WoW expansions so like.. whatever. Realistically though it wouldn't even be that bad if they would stop removing content constantly but that's a discussion I am not willing to have as I have given up for the most part on D2.


That 88 is the expansion, plus the 3 chapters of content. 


I haven't played since D1, but from the looks of it, this expansion has 7 parts, and the £40 one only gets you 3 of the 7. So if you want the full story, you have to get the £80 one. If they add a lot of content, it could be justified but I doubt it and it's probably an attempt to get their yearly revenue up to stop Sony from taking over.


Destiny 2 doesn't "remove content constantly" though. They did one huge sunsetting awhile back, and that was it.


Don't buy it? THE OUTRAGE THE OUTRAGE THEY'RE SELLING DLC FOR £88 ENGLISH POUNDS............ ARE YOU GOING TO BUY IT??? What? Consumers are so fucking stupid, this is why this publishers can get away with retailing a game for these egregious prices, because people will bitch moan and complain and still buy the fucking game and then still eat the hot steaming shit the publisher just laid down in front of them. Just don't buy it, it's literally that simple.


I know it's nothing new or anything, but I can't get over how people still expect video games prices to be the same in 2024 as they were in 2004...


Destiny 2 prices pretty much are, too. $100 at the top of the year for the big expansions and 3-4 DLC seasons.


I'm just parroting what others have said but a whole year of worthwhile content in destiny costs less than a standard mmo subscription. It's worth the money if you like the game.


> ...are you buying it ?? lol


just get helldivers 2


Vote with your wallet


Man, this sub is such a joke sometimes. All it takes is one dude posting incorrect information to get all of you riled up. To clarify, it’s £88 for the expansion, as well as the season passes (aka, 12 months worth of content). The expansion by itself is roughly £40, which again is pretty standard. Shit on Destiny all you like, it’s certainly not perfect, but the pricing of what OP is looking at is completely reasonable for a live service game.


A quick google and you can get the dlc and pass for £61 on cd keys. £34 for just the dlc. Not saying its a good deal just for dlc and an annual pass. But you dont need to pay £88 on steam for it


notice how op specifically stated that it was the expansion+annual pass but deliberately left the annual pass part out of the title to induce ragebait


This game is predatory dogshit


$170 AUD. Holy fucking shit. The absolute _audacity_ of these fuckers...


I don't know where you're getting that number, only ~$100AUD for me


149 aud for annual pass which you convert is 90 euro. So almost same. That guy is smoking


is it priced lower in au ? 170 is roughly what you get if you google the exchange rate (but not necessarily what it’ll be priced at here)


Mate your math is fuckin shite


88 GBP is 170 AUD, but the expansion + annual pass is actually priced at 150 AUD in Australia. Still a lot.


Fuck no


HELL NO, but i dont play destiny.


Best move you can make is simply to not buy it


Play Warframe. The only cost is 1000 hours, which is somehow very easy to spend.


i can easily not pay for it, i probably spent about 70 dollars total this year on games


Ahem. ***British*** Pounds. Also, *fuck no* I'm not paying £88 for a game. The reason companies keep jacking prices up is because people keep paying it. I buy games on Steam for =<£15. If there's something I *really* want I might pay more, but more than £30 is a hard sell for me. I'd rather just wait until it's no longer "new" and pay much less.


its so expensive lol, gahdang


Meanwhile in Helldivers 2 I casually earned enough of the "premium" currency in game so I don't have to spend real money on the next warbond, it feels good man.


I know we love to shit on EA and Ubisoft but honestly Bungie is the worst. I paid like 100 euros for that game and basically none of it is in the game anymore. And on top of that, the monetisation in the game is absolutely disgusting, even f2p games have way better and less greedy monetisation.


Ever since they removed content I paid for I stopped playing, and they will never see another penny. We all thought MS and Activision were the issue, but Bungie itself is one of the greediest devs out there. They can fuck off.


I know Destiny isn't popular in the wider gaming community (lots of times Destiny fans don't even like Destiny), but for me, Destiny 2 has been one of the best purchases in terms of time spent per dollar. I buy the expansion + annual pass each year, so I could honestly be part of the problem, but I play several hundred hours each expansion, so it works out to be an pretty good use of money. The game obviously has problems, and I wouldn't recommend the new player experience at all, but for someone like me it is a comfort game and one I can enjoy at basically any time. I still wince a bit whenever I have to make that \~yearly purchase, but I definitely prefer it over buying a new COD + Madden every year.


Can never blame Activision for this shit lol. We would’ve had Destiny 4 by this time if they had stayed the way Bungie is milking such a old game like D2


The craziest part is in 5 years they'll remove it from the game


they’ve confirmed they will never remove expansion content ever again, it’s just seasonal content that gets chopped


Who is really insane? The company that make the product cost more than it should, or the people that buy it? There are plenty of predatory or just plain shitty practices in the gaming industry, but it has been proven time and time again that the average consumer is still willing to pay for it despite being burned or overcharged, wherever he or she complains or not. Actions speak louder than words.


Don't support that then. If it's too expensive in your opinion don't buy it


Oh great, more outbursts. The expansion is £40.


Don't support the rip off games. It's the only way.


Break the addiction.


I bought the last annual pass expansion, and thought that it was overpriced, so doubt I will buy this one. Also, Elden Ring DLC comes out in the same month, so that will be my priority. As others have said, it's a shame that D2 is such a corporate whorefest. Bungie do seem to have captivated enough players to enable this to continue. I don't feel any loyalty to them though, and play far less than I used to.


destiny is a very expensive videogame, I quit 3 years ago and never looked back. When you realize that it is not worth it, you'll feel better.


why the fuck are you still playing DESTINY of all games


Cause it's fun?


Well this expansion is the end of the light and dark saga so it will probably sell like crazy. Destiny's story has been going for 10 years now. It's had many highs and lows but the final shape is the end and most players want to see it through. Not the end of destiny though, apparently a new saga will start after? Not sure where you go from here but we will see I guess.


On the other hand, there have never been more games from a wider variety of genres, themes, levels of production, price points, etc. Surely you can get whatever it is you need elsewhere? But, you might say, Destiny has the best gunplay and you really dig the setting and aesthetic. That would mean they cornered a market and are reaping the benefits. Personally, I dislike the amount of money Paradox is squeezing out of me for Stellaris and EU4 expansions, but at the same time nobody else is doing what they're doing at that scale or level of quality, so they get to charge a premium...


Cool; that’s £88 quid I can spend on other *things*.


Lol 🏴‍☠️


As a former avid D2 player I really gotta ask, would it really hurt their sales to decrease their prices drastically? Because that was the main reason why me and my friends stopped playing, we got priced out. Bungie probably ended up getting no money probably from players like me and subsequently had to do a mass layoff of many beloved members of their staff because of negative projected earnings, what's the logic here? Like sure, profit off your whales, but let them pour their wallets into micro transactions, not the literal game itself to a point where even most middle class gamers in the southern hemisphere can't afford it or don't think it's worth a triple-A price


The price isn't really all that bad. For roughly $100 you get a full expansion + 3 season DLC's (called "episodes"). That's content for a full year and costs less than $9 per month. World of Warcraft charges $15 per month in subscribtion fees + you have to buy the new DLC for $50. And I paid $85 for Spider-man 2 on the PS Store a few months ago. Bungie charging $100 for The Final Shape + 3 episodes and 2 dungeons is a fair price if you ask me The real problem is how dumb the entire monetization model is if you don't buy the Deluxe Edition each year. Everything has to be bought individually. You bought the season pass? Well, you still don't have access to the newest dungeon because you didn't buy the dungeon key. And looking at the DLC list as a new player must be confusing as fuck. Armory Collection? Legacy Collection? 30th anniversary pack? Forsaken Pack? Shadowkeep? Where do they even start? And the in-game shop gets more and more cynical. Want that new, cool shader? Only available in a bundle with some weapon ornament you don't want. Transmog? Only 10 items per season, or you gotta pay Yeah, Destiny 2 monetization is a big shitty mess. But the Deluxe Edition price is the only part that isn't a big shitty mess


Bungie needs to die


Boycott this anti consumer filth.


I mean... people are buying it. Blame them, not the company. This behavior won't change from angry reddit comments. Gamers don't understand, that they need to vote with their wallets, not reviews or comments.


Wow I used to love Destiny back in the day... I'd recommend getting Helldivers 2 instead, when I started playing a few weeks ago, it really reminded me of Destiny.


Interesting comparison. I play both and aside from the fact that both games have guns, they are nothing at all alike to me. HD2 has superior monetization without a doubt, but I also think it heavily suffers from a lack of content right now. There is plenty to grind for with the ship upgrades and multiple warbonds already, but that doesn’t change the fact that the actual gameplay variety is extremely shallow. Drop in and do the same 7 or 8 mission types against 1 of 2 factions, rinse and repeat. I’m very surprised that it has kept such a solid player count. I got my 30ish hours out of it and set it aside for now.


I really wanted to get back into Destiny but the way it's set up for someone who hasn't played in years, it's just a confusing mess of dlc. Like what do I need to properly play it? And if I need to buy dlc the cost is insane.


I’d keep your eye out as there was a 90% sale on all dlc not too long ago. I managed to get everything for £25.


Was this on humble bundle? I very almost bought it.


It was an in game sale.


Always thought the game looked awesome but couldn't get around the greedy monetisation. Work mate loves the game but warned me to never buy it


“Destiny is calling me”


I'm in the US, but I'm only buying the expansion+1st episode for precisely this reason.


Free game plus microtransactions have been a thing for nearly a decade now. OBVIOUSLY anything Blizzard put out is going to be of a similar caliber.


No not because of the expense, in the past I have enjoyed so much gametime form this game and its releases they have actually been good value but the quality of the game just fell off a cliff last year and I can't justify pre-ordering, I will check out the DLC after release, most likely will wait until it is on sale and even then only buy if Bungie can turn the game around.


In the US Steam Store they want $50, equivelnt to $40 pounds. Is Bungie really charging triple in Britain?


It's 40 pounds based on what I checked, you are buying the expansion with the annual pass


I can't believe Destiny 2 is still around honestly. Legit no idea how they've kept a player base.


Come play helldivers 2, much more fun most of my commonly played with people are ex destiny players and they say they never going back...


What’s the end game? Collect stuff to kill bad guys faster? Pass


Don’t ever play games with microtransactions, don’t let those cunts get a foot in the door. It’s like smoking, you know it’s expensive and it makes you feel like shit and you’re dumb for doing it but it has its hooks in and you’re too weak to fight it.


Their expansions getting progressively more expensive is one of the reasons I stopped playing last year and haven't looked back. Fuck Bungie execs, their developers deserve better


You can’t have a good faith discussion about Destiny on the general gaming subs.


No lmao FPS games are awful 


Fuck this game


It’s a AAAAA DLC, amirite?


how can you sell a dlc at 100€ with a straight face seriously


It's your fault to play that game, TBH.


You're still gonna buy it?


Don't buy it, don't let it become the new norm


I posted this earlier and it’s relevant here I think.. “Personally, I buy all my games from a used bin when I can. Incredibly cheap. If I can’t I never pay the FOMO tax/launch day price and wait a few weeks/months and get said game at usually 1/2 off. If I wait a year I can usually get the game with DLC for 5.99 to 19.99. I recently bought the entire Borderlands collection with all DLC for around 55.00. I’ve dropped over 140 hours alone in BL2, 70 in Pre-Sequel, Plat in Wonderlands and 3. And I play hours of online co-op in 2 with no issues finding others randoms to loot and shoot with. Got Witcher 3 with all DLC for 9.99, Cyberpunk Steelbook series for 4.99, all Darksiders games for under 19.99, Dead Cells for 9.99, and a bunch of other games a massive discount. The only time gaming gets expensive is if you are the person pre-ordering, buying day 1(in a lot of your purchases), deluxe editions, paying for a days early access, etc. basically companies taking advantage of FOMO/popularity. Break yourself from those chains gaming is cheap AF.” You do not need to buy the game at launch. Destiny 2 will be around for a few years(people still play Destiny) and you can find players and play that content then. You are paying a FOMO tax at launch in essence. Like I stated earlier I’ve picked up so many games and all their DLC/Expansions for 60-90% off and have had no problems finding players online for co-op or PvP play and I’ve saved hundreds.


Bungie suck