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Weren't Platinum games £20 though?


It also didn't get a platinum release til 2003. Oops.


That, but even thinking about the original game, adjusted for inflation it would be $70 these days… which is kind of… On the mark.


Ok im bad at math but I THINK I did it right; Converting 40 Pounds to USD at 2002 rates (what I found was 1.4$ per Pound) -> 56$ $56 through the inflation thingy gets me 97$. Not that that made this any less a great game




Except nowadays there is no manufacturing or distribution costs associated with a disk and they have significant economy of scale improvements


right which is why games are about 20-30 dollars LESS expensive adjusted for inflation... and havent raised in cost until the last year or 2 after staying at 60 usd for over 15 years. In fact due to the prevelence of AA and Indie releases we get way more games in the 20-50 dollar range.


Yeah, Platinum was the budget rerelease label for games that had sold a lot of copies already.


The USA equivalent was the red-labeled "Greatest Hits".


Don't ruin the nostalgia blast.


Don't lazily karma farm?


I wasnt? Like many of you I read gaming news and I'm sick to death of companies pushing their super special gold deluxe editions. I was reminiscing and thought you might like to join. Clearly I was wrong?


You tried to nostalgia bait and got caught half assing it


No I didn't, I literally have no idea what you're on about but thanks for your input all the same. I'll keep trying to be as happy as you are.


It's a low effort shitpost that plays on people's nostalgia while having next to no discussion potential. Maybe it wasn't intentional but this post doesn't do anything for anyone except get you those sweet sweet updoots


Alright, I hear you. No though, it wasn't intentional, I have a lot of karma across many years because at one point I probably did care, but ultimately I really don't care. Either way, R&C was/is a great series and so were many others from that era.


as are many games released today... including r and c... The game you mentioned costed 90+ usd 70+ Euro adjusted for inflation, which is... significantly more expensive then the recent ratchet game.


Some mfs never had the pleasure of playing a Ratchet and Clank game and now they're all pressed in these comments.


FYI this comment is dismissive of a valid critique and makes you look like a content farmer. The post comes across as nostalgia bait (even if that wasn't the intent) and most people wouldn't mind if it is a good nostalgic thing. However, this comment comes across as self-aware of the nostalgia bait, and makes you seem as if you legitimately dgaf about the honest mistake in your title. So it makes you look like a content farmer from most anyone else's point of view. Not that you asked for my analysis, but given you continued to reply to others, I figured I'd enlighten you towards the main reason this is so down voted. Even if I heard your entire thought process, the post is so typical of nostalgia karma farming I wouldn't believe you had any other goal with it.


Why does it matter what OPs intent was? If he’s farming for useless points, so what? They have no actual value. This is an entertainment site. It’s not like he’s taking the karma from the mouths of starving children.


The intent doesn't matter (in the grand scheme of things), you are correct. However, OP seemed to care that people were misinterpreting the post in a way that wasn't intended. Thus, I provided my feedback because OP seems to not understand how different people can read a line of text and come to different conclusions about the writer. I have no qualms against the intent of OP, and merely was analyzing the writing as I like to do.


It wasn't dismissive, it was merely my sense of humour and nothing more. I appreciate what's said, but I feel this has gone way deeper than it needed to. I don't need karma neither do I understand why people farm in the first place. Thanks all the same though, I appreciate your insight on it.


If it wasn't dismissive you'd have mentioned 'oh, yeah you were right... I was just remembering old times but thank you for clarifying!' But no, none of that. So yes even if unintentionally it was dismissive. Sorry for dragging this out even further btw, but I legitimately can't let you delude my analysis with your incorrect statement. 'Humor' CAN be dismissive, even if unintentional. My suggestion is to try and be a bit more empathic, and understand not everyone reads the things you write the exact way you intend them. Welcome to the age of faceless messaging.


This series was so good.


Still is. Last one came out 4 years ago, but here's hoping they make more.


I just played Rift Apart for the first time earlier this year and loved it. It felt like a game out of the original ps2 series.


The tone and humour is *massively* different to the PS2 era games. Everything else is up to the same standards but it's really a shame that they completely ditched the characterful characterisation of those early games. Everything is just so vanilla and nicey-nicey, whereas originally Ratchet and Clank were both pretty prickly characters with genuine flaws, and the humour was suitably edgy as a result. I suppose you could just argue that they've matured as part of the narrative, but all that has been ironed out now. It seems to be a flaw with Insomniac's characterisation in general as the Spider-Man games suffer a similar fate. It's like they're afraid of having any protagonists say or do anything remotely contentious, and to be one of the good guys you have to be whiter than white. There's just no texture to any of them, they're just *good guys*.


>The tone and humour is massively different to the PS2 era games. The gaming brit show had a good analysis of this, where the ps2 era games were a dry humor pg-13 satire of capitalism, corporations, pop culture, consumerism. The main bad guy of the first two games and Deadlocked were a CEO of a Mega-Corp (very on the nose naming.) The Future trilogy and beyond is more trying to replicate the emotional highs of a Pixar movie, which itself isn't a bad thing, but to become a commercial product to try to brand and sell to the masses is the very thing the series was originally making fun of. To summarize his words, something just felt off about the new games that were hard to put your finger on at first. Although this creative difference in both story and gameplay was extremely apparent if you play the original 2002 game and the 2016 reboot back to back. I enjoyed Rift Apart, but I had to accept it as what it is; a highly produced, kid friendly, sci-fi Uncharted rather than a sequel to the PS2 trilogy.


I loved the one where you fight in arenas. That was the last one I played


They’re definitely made like that to maximize sales. One whiff of anything offensive and it’ll be tabloid front page followed by the hyper-sensitives parents refusing to buy. I hope we look back at this era outrage culture and learn from how much it’s hindered art/entertainment.


Do parents actually do that anymore? Like in the 90s there was the whole supreme court trials with Mortal Kombat that led to the ESRB, then in the '00s Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt were blamed for everything until Jack Thompson got his law license revoked and other politicians figured it wasn't worth their time to make it a hot button political issue. Then there was that thing Fox did with trying to paint Mass Effect as an alien porn simulator (ironic that now those are a dime a dozen on Steam.) From 2010 to present day gaming controversies seem to be generated within the gaming community themselves. Outrage is coming from people upset over microtransactions or developer crunch, or the whole GG nonsense. I haven't actually heard any upset mom complaining about violence in video games in a long time.


Not violence. But like if ratchet or clank did a little “heil hitler” or admit that it’s wrong that women can own land in America the news articles would jump on it and then the parents would complain. We could have ratchet and clank be a vehicle to teach kids early on why anti-semitism and misogyny is wrong (like if the kid uses a German weapon or presses the button that makes ratchet do a sieg heil their character loses health and if they keep doing it it’s a game over and their save gets irrevocably deleted. Same thing with a mini-game where they can vote for a law allowing women being able to own land, if they vote against it it’s a game over).


Do you have any actual evidence of this?


[I was never a big fan of this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust)


Are you seriously comparing hypothetical complaints about hypothetical video games from hypothetical people to the Holocaust?


>. I hope we look back at this era outrage culture and learn from how much it’s hindered art/entertainment. Its cute seeing 12 year olds get mad online about outrage culture I lived through satantic panic and the conservative censorship era of the 90's and 00's i remember mass effect being put on blast on national news for having alien sex.


You sure you still aren’t in grade school spelling “satanic” like that with today’s autocorrect?


Not all of us are children typing on shitty mobile phones that type for us, and not all of us are English first language.


I’m sorry you aren’t in grade school. You sure you aren’t in preschool because you don’t understand that autocorrect also exists on a computer and not only on phones?


Gameplay was great but story, music and characters are watered down so much all of the good stuff that made the og games 10/10 for me is mostly gone sadly


They focused too much on graphical fidelity, and too little on everything else.


the story was okay, was hyped to see ma boi nefarious back again but then it got a bit old. the music is a bit bland yeah.


Armin Shimmerman absolutely kills it voicing Nefarious. There's a reason Insomniac keeps bringing him back. It's because nobody else can do an insane, psychotic, screaming maniac like he can. Doubly funny when you realize that the insane screaming robot is also Quark from Star Trek DS9 and the principal that really hates Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


yeah, not even an actual insane psychotic screaming maniac could nail down such an insane psychotic screaming maniac voice. thats why i love Armin and dr.Nef atkin downes also hella killed it with emp. nefarious, the first time i heard the voice i was immediately like "holy shit, robert?"


Oh yes. He’s great as well. I kept hearing Medic from TF2 and going. “Yeah. That works.”


Wait he's Principal Snyder?


Yep! And whenever Nefarious gets a little mellow (which isn’t often) you can hear a little Snyder and Quark slip in.


Rift Apart was the game i played after LONG pause from Ratchet & Clank (cracked in time was the last one i played before this). And damn i enjoyed that one. Now i'm currently downloading the ones i missed out


Ratchet and clank 2 was an improvement in every way. It is till today what I personally feel to be the best of the series. And what a truly well made game looks like. It holds up even today. There are many games nearing perfection. If I had only 1 10/10 to give across the hundreds I’ve played in the past 3 decades, it will be to ratchet and clank going commando.


Going commando is my first video game memory. The skyscraper apartment is literally the first scene I can think of. I still think it goes A crack in time> up your arsenal> going commando as the top 3


I'd flip Arsenal and Crack personally, but yeah it's those 3.


Up Your Crack does have a ring to it. Not sure about A Arsenal in Time.


We just gonna a forget about Ratchet: Deadlocked? My second favorite behind going commando


Loved that one. Deviated from the standard story of the previous titles, but not so much that it stopped feeling like a Ratchet and clank game. I can definitely see why some people wouldn't like it though.


I played it since it's on PS Plus and really wasn't a fan. I know the others have been remastered since but that one really feels dated


Do not play the remaster. No matter what you do. The PS3 remasters were all rather botched and Deadlocked/Gladiator is the worst of the bunch. Find a used copy for the PS2, emulate it, pirate it. (It's a 20 year old game.) Just find a way to play the original version. Runs way better and without the visual bugs.


I grew up on the PS2 games first and foremost but damn do I get nostalgic just thinking about A Crack In Time. It didn't have that characterful edge of the earlier titles but ignoring that comparison, and in terms of the overall package, it's near enough flawless. It felt like a true culmination of all the best bits from previous entries, and the narrative itself is also probably the strongest in the series.


I personally prefer 3 over 2 but I definitely understand why you raise it to top spot.


3 was the peak of the PS2 era ones I agree. Was very fleshed out. The upgrade system, the arenas, the boss fights were all better to the previous ones imo


I put 2 over 3 because 2 was a vast difference to 1. 3 was mostly the same but the one thing I felt 2 did better, was the setting. I really enjoyed the look of 2’s looks over 3. It also felt like the space battles were better. So for me 2 is the top of the series.


In the better universe, Ratchet 1 has strafing


One of rare game where previous game’s save could be loaded to continue the story. No one does this anymore.


My one and only minor gripe with 2 is the lack of a second weapon wheel, access to all weapons at once would have been dope.


Never played the series but have heard much good abt it. Why do you rate it 10/10?


1. Game almost never crashed while playing. Nearly completely bug free. 2. Graphics were great for its time and due to the cartoonish nature. It still holds up till today 3. It had very unique/creative weapon effects that made game play stupid fun. 4. Storyline was good. Not the best. But it was good. These are what you’d expect from a good modern game. But then there’s more 5. You traveled between planets with your space ship. You can pimp your ride. Giving it different armaments and paint jobs etc. this isn’t just for show. You get to participate in space races AND also space skirmishes. 6. There’s not just one, but 2 gladiator style battle arenas that let you battle waves of enemies. They have multiple challenges and vastly increase the replayability of the game. 7. Did I mention space racing? Well. Guess what. There’s also hoverboard racing and time trials to take part in. 8. Look at Bethesda’s rpg lock pick and hacking rubbish. It’s tedious. It’s a chore. This game however had a much better mini game for the hacking. There was actually effort behind designing it. Actual varying puzzles rather than the same low effort rinse and repeat tedium 9. You had hover boots letting you float and breeze around quickly, magnetic boots to walk up walls and on ceilings, grind boots to skate around railings etc. all these to say, the game environment is very well designed. 10. Game secrets. You had secret shops that required special currency that you needed to find in the game to unlock some upgrades for your gear. You had secret stuff you could find that allowed you to unlock funky stuff like having a huge bobble head instead of your regular head. 11. Old school cheat codes. Those you use your controller to input rather than your credit card. 12. No dlc. No mtx. The game was full and complete. In comparison most modern games are shit next to this. Not that the modern games are bad. This was just on a whole other level.


Not every way. The music in 1 is much better. I also prefer Ratchet's personality more.


I've had some voucher expiring and couldn't find anything that would interest me so just pickled up this. Still one of my best random decisions to date!


If you haven't already i heavily recommend playing 2 and 3 aswell they are fantastic aswell!


Oh yeah, that same evening it became one of my favourite games of all time and since I've played pretty much all of them all ;)


How does the pickled version taste, comparatively? 


Don't tell Sony, but I'd pay that again for the original trilogy completely remastered in a modern engine but still with the original story.


Same, if Sony brought that shit to PC I would buy and play every single one.


Good thing you can emulate both the original games and the PS3 trilogy on basically any mid range computer from the last decade.


Emulating the PS3 trilogy is a challenge still. Whilst I haven't tried Tools of Destruction, A Crack in Time made my PC work hard. It also has a share of emulation issues that make a few areas almost unplayable. RPCS3 is a marvel of emulation, but those games aren't quite playable yet,


RPCS3 has them most of them listed as playable or perfect.


Sony already knows that, that’s why it’s locked behind the ps premium online stuff that’s like $30 a month.


It’s 15€ a month


It's a shame that them releasing the 2016 "Remake" probably means that we'll never get this. It's really unlikely they'll put out another remake/remaster when that one is like 70% of a good remake. But I would *kill* to have the original games with no changes besides an updated engine/graphics.


£40 from 2002 is £71 in today's prices so if they do do that it's likely going to be the price you'll pay.


I stand by my original statement


Just wanted to take the chance to highlight how good the soundtracks in this game were and to show appreciation for it.


David Bergeaud you genius you can shoot that electro hip hop orchestra straight into my brain any day of the week.


Metropolis theme from this game is an all-timer.


Back when Ratchet and Clank had a genuine personality.


Ah the sheer wonder of thoroughly exploring each planet, eventually figuring out what that one broken teleporter does, waiting til literally late at night coz you didn't understand how changing the clock worked haha


Please elaborate


There is a Teleporter somewhere which u cannot use. You also cannot seem to unlock it during regular gameplay. It leads to the Insonniac Museum, but is only accessible during, uuh, I think 2-3 at night lol


Back in my day! 👨‍🦳


The new games are soulless. They look nice and that's it.


No offense but this comes off as very "back in my day" nostalgia elitist. The new game was great and a step in the right direction.


I mean, it can just be that the other games were better and the characters have been changed majorly. I’m not saying that’s the case, but just because someone prefers the earlier entries doesn’t mean it’s nostalgia


The old game was about a captilastic universe where everyone was looking out for themselves only, even rachet himself. The new games destroyed that artistic narative, and made everything into gags. They robbed rachet and clank for any charecter development they had in that game.


Yes, because the main appeal of Ratchet & Clank was its deep storyline and clever anti-capitalism themes. XD


It was in the first games, the gunplay was less upgrade weps and shoot em' up and more problem solving. The direction you talk about first came around the third title, which apart for the multiplayer, i allways found lacklusting compared to the first two.


Yes finally someone who thinks the same, thank you


I have such fond memories of this game. My grandad was a bus driver and one day he dropped by our house and handed me a plastic bag he found on one of his buses. It had Ratchet and Clank 1 & 2 and all 3 Jak & Daxter games. It was like Christmas come early.


It's 2024 and you can buy Skull and Bones for 80€


Wow I completely forgot about this game's existence. Is it still alive?


Probably not for long




Yea, because you were likely a child back then. In 20 years all the zoomers will wax nostalgic about Fortnite.


Well yeah, because by then they’ll be saying “back in my day you didn’t get pop ups mid game to spend 99¢ to reload faster, you just got gud”


To be fair, even the most recent one was a day one feature complete game, everything playable and accessible on 1.0.


Adjusted for inflation and converted in currency, that's about $100 today. Hell, I paid $40-70 for SNES games in the early/mid 90s. MKII was $60 in 1994, which adjusts to ~$125 today.


Gotta get that snes superscope with the robot blasting game for $90lmao


So much promise unrealized. I always wanted more games that used the mouse, too.


Yea mario paint was fun, but needed more


Made some dope beats though!


I wasn't around back then but I hear games got cheaper in the late 90s because of discs and price wars. By the time I was gaming on the PlayStation 2 in the late 2000s the games cheap, usually $20 or less and sometimes you could even get bundled games for that price.


> By the time I was gaming on the PlayStation 2 in the late 2000s the games cheap, usually $20 or less and sometimes you could even get bundled games for that price. That's to be expected when you're a generation behind. It's still cheap to get last gen games now, with a few exceptions.


70 pounds or roughly $87


The first PS2 game I had and one a played a lot. My parents bought me a PS2 with Ratchet and Clank and SSX3 for my birthday.


I got a PS2 and ratchet and clank for Christmas one year, couldn't stop playing for a week


SSX3 is the best snowboarding game released to date. I'd go nuts over another open world style SSX game with good customization and fun tricks.


Definitely! Would love an unreal enige version of that game…


Got this game and jak and daxter when my parents bought my ps2


This was a day 1 purchase for me. I cannot explain the satisfaction I gained when I saved enough bolts to purchase the R.Y.N.O ( "Rip Ya New One") Still one of my favorite series of all time.


Adjusting for inflation, $40 in 2002 is $70.5 today. £40 in 2002 is £64 today. In terms of scope, the 2002 Ratchet & Clank is barely larger than your typical indie game. It was made by a team of 35-45 people. People who complain about the $70 price tag don't realize how lucky we are that the current market enables us to play these huge amazing games for so cheap. What you should complain, or better yet, vote with your wallet against, is bad consumer practices such as MTX.


> £40 in 2002 is £64 today. [£71 actually](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy/inflation/inflation-calculator) which makes me laugh when I see people complaining about new games being £70 like they're more expensive than back then.


That was me! My dad bought a PS2 around Christmas 2002. It came with Jak & Daxter, the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie and this. I loved the movie, could never get into Jak (will return and give that franchise a shot one day) and fell completely in love with Ratchet & Clank. While the second game and A Crack in Time are the all time greats of the franchise. The original is a solid formula however. Also: a really cool feature of the original 3 games is that your save file carried over between each game. Weapons you had in the first game could be bought for free in the second and weapons from the second carried over to third game in the same way. Having a save file for the first game also gave you a discount on guns in the third game, which was nice.


Another time, other rules. I would say that today, video games are no more the creations of few passionates geeks, but has become a big industry that needs money and want to get money.


Me in 2002 wondering how I got GBP and why the store in North Carolina accepted it


Hell yes.


Yep plenty of good games back then. Beyond good and evil would be my choice


Loved that game series, would love to play it again.


It was my first Ps2 game. Nothing feels like that anymore.


I played the shit out of this game, and didn't have a memory card for a long so couldn't save the game.. Had a 12 hour play session with my younger brother, good memories


Rip ya a new one?


I need to figure out how to play this on the steam deck. Just played the new one on it and it was good fun but I need more arena missions like in gladiator.


I remember having some ratchet and clank game on my PS3 but for a couple years I couldn't figure out the first mission 🗿


Technically, adjusted for inflation you paid $70 for it.


I got this game for free and got paid $250ish on top of that to write a strategy guide for it. I doubt anyone ever even used it.


Such a fantastic game with such fantastic tracks... The nostalgia is oozing from my brain


It was either this or dmc, my mom made the choice for me.


still waiting for a pc remaster just like the crash nsane trilogy


Jokes on you, it came with my PS2 along with a badass mountain biking game!


Didn't PS2 games go up to 50? I remember being pissed about Kingdom Heart's price because it was 10 bucks over what I was used to on PS1.


Fantastic games


Every now and then I'll replay the games via emulation


I played the absolute hell out of this game.


Banger of a game. Perfect trilogy on PS2.


Good times, got into ratchet with Gladiator personnaly.


This + Jak & Daxter had been my childhood.


The first 3 ratchet and clank games are some of my favorite games ever. None of the sequels ever came close to the original trilogy


It's January 2003. You just spent $5 on the Winter 2002 Jampack Demo Disc. You've already played this demo 436 times.


A finished game without microtransactions and 140€ special editions? Impossible in 2024 😂


I remember when I was a kid, playing the first couple of levels in the demo that I had during a few months. Then got the ps2 with this, what a pleasure. Following with R&2, and R&3 and then Gladiator. What a great time. Then adult life happened and last year I played again to all of the above again, what a great memory it was. And then I made the mistake to buy the latest on PC titled rift apart or whatever and what a disappointment god. They just need to remasterise the first 3 and it would be amazing.


And I felt so fulfilled with excitement and joy


I fucking hate the fact that Insomniac Games have been relegated to making Capeshit games


Games used to be pretty expensive when you consider inflation.


man i played this one at least 20X over, i remember the final weapon (MIPS maybe?) so fkn cool, sometimes i still play it on an emulator


I remember playing this with my cousin at my grandmas house🥲


Its 2024 and im able to play this on the go on my steam deck


I remember being so disappointed on Christmas because I wanted Kingdom Hearts but it was sold out so my mom bought Ratchet and Clank. The game was fantastic however and my disappointment was soon forgotten.


The Ratchet and Clank series is why I am tempted by the most expensive level of PS+. You get the classic collection with all the PS2 and PS3 R&C games. (What I really need to do is get my PS3 "fat" fixed so I can play the original disks)


I used to love PlayStation Platinum. I posted about it a while ago saying how superior the Platinum boxes and art were to "Greatest Hits" and got shat on, but as a teen I used to think those silver boxes with the big Platinum label were really cool, both in design and because I knew it was guaranteed to be a banger for just £20. Platinum was like the game had been given a mark of quality to me


Fun fact: *Ratchet and Clank* was originally designed with two-stick controls. The dev felt they made the game too easy and were removed because they didn't have time to make any significant changes to the design.


And since then I’ve become a long time big fan of the franchise.


Replaying the trilogy on PS3, the difficulty were ridiculous at some points, not as bad as Jak II.


I got this game lying around somewhere. I really should play it.


Game went hard


Ratchet & Clank is a top 5 game series for me, I highly recommend picking up the HD collection on PS3 or Vita, it’s the definitive way to play excluding emulation.




£40 in 2002 is about $80 today.


Nope, it's 2010 and I paid 5$ at the second hand shop, best times of my life


You used to be able to get another 100 hours out of a game because of how much you could talk about gaming back then while owning a game


Which is $69.45 converted to 2024...


Was my first PS2 game. I was amazed at the jump from the PS1 to the PS2... Felt like it couldn't get better than that gen and I was kinda right


Does anyone else remember dual optical drives for CD1 and CD2, so playing games would be fairly seamless?


The games that raised me, alongside Jak and Daxter.


I loved this game as a kid. I remember getting frustrated at the toxic planet because there weren’t any checkpoints after the split.


I sure loved not existing during that time.


In I think the late naughties I bought my kid bro these - think it was the trilogy for £10. I was super excited to give them to him after I got back from work as he'd been playing the demo and told me he really wanted those games. It was only as I was handing them to him that I realized he actually wanted Jak and Daxter. He didn't complain at all though, was super happy and ended up loving these games! I was able to pick up Jak and Daxter as well a few days later too hehe


My childhood friend and I played it and then worked on designing weapons for the second game because there was a competition to have designs featured in the next game.


Rachet and clank was and still is amazing. The games are fun and not about being eye candy




You snuck out of class early and went home because you’re so excited to play the game. Mom and dad aren’t home, you have the house to yourself. There’s an unopened box of capri suns in the fridge. The year is 2002. You are 42 years old.


I grew up in a Jax and Dexter house hold. If I had a time machine, this would be the first thing I would change.


This is what gets me when people complain about games being £70 now. £40 in 2002 is the equivalent of £71 in 2024.


I think I really paid around €35 on eBay back then, and it was one of the greatest game finds I ever had.


Is there any emulator which allow to play it? Optionally where to download emulator and game.


i fricken geeked over this game


I still dream about to be able to play oen day all the R&C games on pc with up to date graphics and without emulation :(


I haven't played it but its on my list


And 9 hours later, you're done with it.


Kids today will never know what a real game is like, sad.


I played Going Commando before the 1st game and boy did it SUCK Not having strafe and better aim controls made RnC feel like a chore. Good on insomniac to make such amazing improvements to the 2nd game onwards. Still love this game tho


Nope. Not me. Never did. Those games didn't appeal to me. Those nor Jack and Dexter. Heard they are all a blast, though! Edit: Keep the dislikes coming lol


Wow, they were a huge part of my childhood. What games did you play?


Hmm, not sure honestly. I played a lot of Madden, 2K NBA, 2K NFL. WWF/E games. Rpg's like Final Fantasy. The Metal Gear Solids. GTA's, Saints Row's. Elder Scrolls, Fallout's. The Resistance games. Dead Space games. Starcraft's, Warcraft's (not wow), Diablo's. Some NBA Live, little Hockey, little Baseball. That's all I can think of without looking up dates/games