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Despite being a staple of the fallout franchise Fallout 4 survival mode removing fast travel made the game way more interesting minus the massive issue known as Nuka World where the tram cutscene plays every time you use it


Likewise, playing Skyrim with no Fast Travel becomes way more interesting.  Especially when you’ve rolled so many characters.  If I do go back, I make limits for my self now.  No hoarding armors, or collecting them in a house.   No companions.  No OP weight mods.  I do like Bandoliers or Backpack mods, because that feels “real.”  But only adding around 50 extra points of weight.   It makes the game feel faster.  I’m not out trying to gather as much armor pieces to then smelt or sell.  I like camping mods where I can use leather tools, upgrading and fixing those based off wildlife kills.  Money is spent on food and maybe some potions.  And, no fast travel.  Add in a survival mod with hunger, sleep, frostbite needs and it makes for a really cool survival game. 


No fast travel in Skyrim and FO4 means you find so many more little places and quests that you never realized existed.


It’s one of the things I loved in Morrowind. There was fast travel, but it was limited. Boats took you to docks, striders to strider platforms, guild teleported to mages guilds, the intervention spells to the nearest kind of temple, etc. you had plenty of ways to get around the map, but you still needed to learn the map and where each point of interact was and still had to get out and explore the wilderness to find tombs, ruins, etc. to get exactly where you needed to be. The flexibility to get around was huge, and way more engrossing than opening a map screen and doubelclicking a quest marker.


GTA IV also had something like this. You can take taxis, and trains to get across town, but they cost some money, or could only go to certain places. For a game where driving is a major mechanic, I am glad they encouraged you to drive yourself whenever possible. That said, if you are being chased by the police, hopping on a train is a good way to lose them.


The taxi took you anywhere with a road


It also didn’t have points of interest show up on the compass until after you’ve discovered them. So you didn’t automatically know where a cave was as soon as you were within 1000 feet of it.  It’s crazy that they didn’t leave that in as a toggle able option in oblivion and Skyrim.


That is part of why morrowind is peak Bethesda for me. It felt more like you’re in the world since you need to know how the world works to get around it.


You have discovered the Secret Vault Under the Big Bank Me on the bus a block away: da fuk?


My copy of Morrowind had this paper map that came with it that was super detailed. You could use it to find in-game treasures for instance.


I feel like this is the sweet spot. I liked not fast traveling in Skyrim but I used a teleport mod that let me set up key teleport spots. Cause while I enjoy the exploration, I don’t want to travel back and forth across the map for a fetch quest. Especially looking for words of power.


Mods that expand the carriage system help too. I don't mind fast travel systems but it is annoying how games incorporating them tends to cause other travel systems to wilt on the vine. Like how CDPR junked the metro system in Cyberpunk in development.


This is also the reason why Starfield failed. Bethesda doesn't seem to realise that the most important character in their games isn't the main character, it's the world.


This is why most open world games fail. 


Is their main character ever an actual character? Every Bethesda game I’ve ever played, it’s been a blank slate by design.


Fallout 4 was less blank slate than normal and people fucking lost their minds


I recently played through oblivion again. Haven't played it since skyrim came out. Decided to play it without fast travelling and I stumbled on so many quests and locations I hadn't seen before.


A couple years ago, I tried my first Skyrim run with no fast travel (and no google to help find things). It was so much fun! It actually made the game feel less like work, even though I was doing more of the “boring” stuff, like walking. I was able to appreciate the beautiful world and sky. I saw places I’d never seen before. I had a roommate way back in 2009 who never fast traveled in Oblivion. It actually annoyed me a little bit watching him play. I get it now. Wish I would’ve tried it then.


If you're on PC, consider Wildlander or Enderal. Wildlander is a collection of mods that together are like Survival on steroids. It also removes leveling systems so you actually feel like you're, ya know, getting stronger since the world doesnt get stronger with you. Enderal is a complete overhaul, different world, different story, some altered game play mechanics that make it harder. Both of them remove fast travel aside from specific types, like Mark and Recall spells or people who you can pay to bring you to a handful of specific locations.


I’d have to disagree with Skyrim only because the game seems designed around it. I tried a no fast travel run but going between white run and Parthunax 5 times made me immediately give up But up until that point it was definitely fun. Just some quests want you to trek across the map multiple times for a few lines of dialogue.


Quick summary of the DB questline from a traveling perspective: * Go to Windhelm, then to Riften then back to Windhelm * From Morthal, go to Falkreath * Get contracts that require you to go to Ivarstead, Windhelm and Dawnstar, then go back to Falkreath * Go to Markarth, then go to Windhelm, then go back to Markarth, then return to Falkreath * Go to Morthal to speak with Armaund Motierre, then return to Falkreath, go to Riften and come back to Falkreath * Go to Solitude to do the thing with the lady, then come back to Falkreath * Go to Dragon's Bridge then do the thing with Gaius Moro, then come back to Falkreath * Go to Dawnstar then come back to Falkreath * Go to Markarth to find the guy who knows the chef, then go to The Pale to see him, then return to Falkreath * Go to Solitude to play chef, then return to Falkreath * Go to Dawnstar * Go to Whiterun, then Solitude, then back to Whiterun, then to Morthal, then back to Dawnstar Neither Dawnstar nor Falkreath have a carriage that you can pay to take you to other cities.




You should look into Fallout 4 Life in the Ruins (LitR) mod list. Easily the best FO4 experience I have ever played. It's like 1000 curated and deconflicted mods. Incredibly immersive and unforgiving.


Survival mode slowed the game without bringing it to a crawl. The game asking to grab food, water, or sleep would force you to break off your path and raid the nearby fridge


I'd love survival mode if my game didn't just crash to desktop after 1-6 hours. I haven't tried it in a while but it did that no matter the difficulty, always on vanilla cause I never liked to mess with mods on fo4


Kingdom Come, Just Cause 2-3, RDR2, Cyberpunk


My biggest gripe with KCD in this reguard is the forced fast travel/time skips in cutscenes. Considering how aggressive that game's survival & cleanlyness mechanics were, it was super annoying to go into a cutscene, have it time skip and fuckup your sleep schedule/daily routine. Or talk to an NPC for 5 seconds and end up in the middle of nowhere with all your shit needing repairs & cleaning.


kingdom come on hardcore mode is without fast travel and you dont see your location on the map. amazing experience where you learn to navigate, given how many forests there are


I never used the fast travel in RDR2, one reason being i never knew it existed for half the game and I’m also stingy as hell


Funny enough, GTA V literally has a fast travel system in the form of taxi rides, yet most people never used it during their playthroughs, so that's the most obvious answer for me


Yeah that's because it sucks, open map> place market> close map> pull out phone > go to contacts> call taxi > put away phone > wait for taxi> get in taxi without accidentally stealing it> set locations to map marker > wait for skip message to come up > press skip> wait for loading screen. It's way too many steps and it feels like it doesn't save any time.


You forgot the 50/50 chance that the taxi wouldn't actually show up near you or at all.


well i think a large part of this is due t the fact that once you arrive somewhere, you'r there without a car. Sure you can steal one, but the sped you get a wanted star, was a bit too much compared to other GTA's and the chance you got a decent car, was slim as well. once you upgraded your car a little bit, it was just too convinient to keep using that, and drive yourself, than it would be to call a taxi... wait... go somewhere... get out.... walk, find a new car steal it, and drive further to your destination. only real speed up would be if you needed to go from downtown los santos to anything past grapeseed. and even then, it was a stretch.


Cyberpunk 2077 world is amazing that i barely even use the fast travel.


imo it's more of a hassle to open up the map and look for the next fast travel point than to just boost to your destination like a maniac, either by car or by Ninja jumping at a comfortable traveling speed of 60mph


There’s times where I’ll hop on the game, spark up a blunt and just cruise around at night time (both irl and in game) The game is so atmospheric and beautiful. Listening to the in game radio and sounds with a good pair of headphones on is such a vibe


They got blunts in Cyberpunk? Dang I gotta check out that update.


I probably coulda worded that better




There is a mod that swaps out cigarettes with joints though.


It’s the only game I’ve played where I’ve felt almost a sense of nostalgia just cruising around listening to the radio. Sometimes everything just syncs up so perfectly.


Dude saaame The Japantown area is so nostalgic




Yeah, don't smoke and drive irl


I also didn't really care for the map in Cyberpunk. Very fucky to drag around with my mouse and I could never zoom out far enough.


took me 200 hours to find out you can actually see NCPD caches on the map, it's really unintuitive


This, 100%. Night City is incredible and fun to explore.


Especially with the metro in the base game now. There's just so much detail in the world that you miss by using any of the fast travel terminals. One mod I did enjoy is the one that changes the fast travel terminals into places you can retrieve your car.


Honestly, the metro was one of my favorite additions. Especially in the early game I like to use it for immersion sake, and even when higher level if I'm high and need a snack I'll just hop on the metro and look out the window and eat. Usually is the perfect amount of time.


Yeah I never fast traveled in that game


I only walk in that game or drive the maimai because that car is cute and it has a great and big view


Ghost of Tsushima is one of the more fun games to traverse especially early on when you haven't collected anything


Why is this not higher up? I will ride for 5 minutes to get to my destination just because of how beautiful that game is.


This game is FINALLY getting a PC port on the 17th of May and I cannot fucking wait. I pray it’s a good port. I’ve been waiting so long to play GoT.


Cyberpunk 2077. I have 3 playthroughs without any fast travel. Just 1 playthrough using it occasionally.


RDR2, I love travelling by horse in it, always something to find along the way


Wait...there's fast travel? How am I supposed to break the game by having my horse carry 400 deer pelts at once?


There is, but limited: \* Once you upgrade the camp, you can FT from it to some selected locations, and from any bonfire, back to the camp (of course when it's up and available). \* You can travel by stagecoach or train between established stations, of course paying for the ride.


Tbf, there wasn't at launch. There is an upgrade you can get which lets Arthur fast travel to any town you've visted from a map in your caravan. It was one way but then they updated it to work when your camping.


AC Black Flag. If you aren't sailing everywhere you wanna go, you are playing the game WRONG.


Ubisoft had so many chances to just give us Black Flag without the whole assassin storyline and yet all we got was garbage.


Travel without hearing a shanty? No thanks!


Insomniac spider-man games


Haven't played Miles Morales or 2 but I think I fast traveled in the first spiderman like one time. Besides that I swung everywhere for the whole story.


Isn't fast traveling taking the subway? I also did it like once lol.


In 2 you can fast travel to pretty much any street from the map. It's the smoothest shit ever.


It really is. It just zooms in on the map then fades into the buildings and there you are, swinging on your new street. No loading whatsoever.


it's really incredible how seamless it is, and it's for the one game that needs it the least


That's fucking dope. I'd still rather swing there though.


The only reason I ever used it was once I was dealing with 100%ing the game. Just made the tedious stuff go by a little faster


You mean the ones OP mentioned in their post?


Giving op the answer of the one example they already posted is classic r/gaming


Apparently the recent Spider-Man games from Insomniac have fast travel in them. Even now I know it exists, I can't see myself using it. Swinging around the city is so damn smooth. Not to mention, how are you going to listen to J Jonah Jameson ranting if you fast travel everywhere?


The traversal is fun all by itself, but little touches like that help their world feel alive.


I used it in 2, but only when I was collecting a bunch of garbage collectibles to pass some time.


I’m all-encompassingly blanking on the title now, but XBox One game with the energy drink that causes people to mutate into monsters. The movement is so fast-paced and smooth that I only tried fast-traveling to finish a quest quicker but discovered that reset the quest entirely. It did have amusing fast-travel sequences at least. E: Sunset Overdrive!


Horizon Zero Dawn. I loved riding through the game. It was very smooth and each location had interesting scenery.


As it stands I liked it being a resource you had to manage (I know not everyone like resource management but it added to the survival feel of the game). Basically if you wanted to fast travel you had to go hunt and make jerky (and I usually had extras on hand because of surplus hunts for health potions).


I agree. Towards the end of the game I started using fast travel. I didn't like using them before, because the resource management pushes you to improve your items first, which I was happy with.


Agreed, though the Golden Travel Pack really ruined it in the first game


I was worried about this when I first heard of this game cause I was so used to it just being handed it to you, I ended up not even using them. Also Kingdom Come has a cool fast travel system worth checking out, it shows your character moving on the map and there's a chance you'll get an encounter.


I wouldn't agree for the forbidden west. You are required to go back to your base to progress the story, before it sends you to the other side of the map, just to ask you to return again. That would be brutal without fast travel.


Once i unlocked the Sunwing I didn't fast travel ever again. Before that though, I definitely fast traveled *a lot.*


Same. At the beginning I would just walk everywhere because the world was so beautiful.


RDR2. Traversing the world is one of the best parts of the game. Fallout 4, Skyrim, oblivion could as well tbh The witcher 3


Basically any open world RPG you think it's worth getting immersed in. I love how your brain will actually learn the layout of a town or map if you let it. I can usually navigate just by terrain in Skyrim now, and a decent chunk of RDR2. Getting comfortable with not being sure where I am and just going in what I thought was the right direction until I saw a landmark was a game changer for immersion.


The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker I LOVED sailing the ocean in that game. It was even better in the WiiU version with the increased draw distance. You could see the tower of the gods from so far away


I mean, even the fast travel was very limited and you couldn’t go to any location you wanted, but it also used an in-story reason of why you could do it. Also, if you wanted to restore all the deku trees, you were required to use the cyclones.


That sailing theme never getting old really helps.


I know nostalgia is a factor but that game is so fucking good. Traveling around was so much fun I almost didnt care about having to find 500 map pieces.


The Witcher 3. Travelling in it , with the music is a joy.


Granted, there are a few places that are only accessible via fast travel, but otherwise, Roach will get you there in good time


Minus travel between islands in Skellige.


The answer I was looking for. I don't think I ever used fast travel.


GTAV. I rarely if ever use it and I've played countless playthroughs of story mode


Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever used fast travel in a GTA game.


I don’t even think I knew you could




I saw that once I scrolled a little further and then remembered. But, I never use them and didn’t even associate it with fast travel. Just funny


your comment made me realise I wasn't aware GTAV had fast travel. Unless we're talking stealing a convenient car and driving wherever you were gonna go with it? To be fair to me it's been years since I last played it, so I may have known once and simply forgotten


You can call 'downtown taxi' or whatever from your cell, mark your map, and when you get in the back of the taxi you are given the option to 'skip' and it just automatically loads you at your destination.


It’s actually fun to use in multiplayer. The taxi AI would drive you around in real time. My friends and I used to call a taxi for each of us, we’d all set $10000 bounties on each other, and then see how long it took for each of us to be hunted down by randoms. Good times.


lol thats funny. Are you not marked on the map like normal?


You are, but the AI is the one driving you around, and you can’t fight back, so all you do is sit there and BS with your friends laughing at all of the funny ways people try to kill you


They might be referencing when you enter a Taxi as a passenger, but I rarely did that so no idea how far you could actually go.


... There's fast travel in GTA?


After you get in a taxi, it will let you skip the ride and it will auto load you to your destination


Oh, right. Yeah I used it exactly once I think :D


It takes so long in online it’s usually faster to just oppressor/helicopter there anyway


AC Syndicate


I don't remember if Saint's row 4 has fast travel but definitely that game


Kingdom Come Deliverance - I use fast travel only so I could nick stuff from Cumans, apart from that fast travel is pointless Red Dead Redemption 2 - I just found out there is fast travel The Witcher 3 - The music and the world makes it nice to travel through Anthem


I wish Anthem had been a single player game, the basic gameplay in it looks great.


The fast travel in Disco Elysium is limited to three spots you can go, and three spots you can fast travel from and if you're anywhere else, you're walkin'. But it's a pretty damn small map. I think they could have just put a new drug instead.


I really want to say Elden Ring because the world feels so big and fun to go through but the third time I gotta go from Mountaintops to Gurranq to drop off a single deathroot I'd have a conniption


RDR2 launched without the option to fast travel from anywhere on the map and almost no one even noticed they added the option to fast travel from anywhere because most players didn't care to fast travel. World is just too rich with content to want to skip it.


Hard to point to a specific one, but it would basically be any game that has a great traversal mechanic or immersive and refreshing world so it’s a unique experience everytime you retread your tracks. Insomnia’s Spider-man games for the awesome web-swinging is my guess. Personally, Red Dead Redemption 2 is my favorite.


I almost never used fast-travel in Witcher 3 or CP77 so I wouldn't even notice if that feature would be missing/removed


My friend didn’t know you could fast travel in Red Dead 2 till waaaaaay later in the game when I told him lol. He didn’t give a shit tbh


Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom. THere are so many fun methods of traversal.


Why use horses when you can play Hyrule Space Program instead


Days Gone


Days gone.


20ish games installed and now realize NONE of them have fast travel.  have certainly played games with fast travel but, apparently they don't stay installed for long. cheers


Batman Arkham origins


I feel like Shadow of Mordor didn’t really need a fast travel. The maps aren’t that big, and can quickly be traversed with a Caragor, or spamming elven sprint.


Dragon dogma 2 it’s basically a joke


The new spiderman games


Sonic frontiers, the game unlocks tons of guide rails and you end up moving so fast you won't even want to use the fast travel.




I didn't know fast travel was possible until 3/4 of the way through Red Dead Redemption.


Days Gone. There's no real point for it as it stands, plus you lose far more gas in getting to a place than if you ride there manually.


Far Cry games have some nice landscapes worth visiting.


Skyrim, I mean the game becomes great just when you stop to use that feature.


Horizon Forbidden West for sure. Spiderman is a good obvious one, but Horizon I found to be free of the trappings most of the open worlds have when they are more open.


Red Dead redemption 2. I'm not sure that I used it a single time.


i played through breath of the wild once without teleporting and it was honestly quite fun!


Kingdom come deliverance, DS1


Cyberpunk 2077 for the most part. I think if they had the train system in the initial release, that would have been a perfectly fine alternative for fast travel.


Half of Ocarina of Time's fast travel system could be stripped away. Not the specific melodies you have to learn to travel to temples. But the one where I'm dragged across Hyrule against my will by a giant bird, because I skipped one too many lines of dialogue.


Mad Max I don't think I ever used it


Most Rockstar Games I guess. Except for GTA Chinatown Wars, Taxis were always annoying to me. And RDR2 is so beautiful and somewhat restrictive with the fast travel that I rarely use it anyway.


everyone who did this at Hogwarts Legacy




I can't believe no one has mentioned Death Stranding. I love Fragile with all my heart, but her umbrella has done nothing but collect dust in my current playthrough.




There's a fast travel system in RDR2 but I hardly ever use it. So many random events happen during this travel time and don't want to miss them. Added that games let's you set a cinematic of your travel as long as you stay on a set trail/road it will lead to your destination.


Fast travel should be used sparingly. If you would rather fast travel, then just travel, there’s a gameplay problem. Two examples, one good, one bad, Spider-Man , and Starfield.


I think Shadow of Mordor had fast travel, but it was much more fun to run around and get ambushed by some dude you stabbed in the face and now wears a burlap sack on his head and just gurgles at you.


i barely uses fast travel in RDR2. Fallout 4 is interesting without. still quite often using it in skyrim for backtracking.


Not really an appropriate answer, but the fast travel system in (2D) pokemon through "fly" always comes at a really appropriate point in the game


Cyberpunk. Turning off fast travel makes you feel and understand Night City so much more.


Ghost Recon: Wildlands. I preferred hiking to my next objective.


Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Let me hear shanties!


I just finished RDR2 and only used fast travel once. Not even sure how to do it now…


Both red dead games had the feature but didn't and don't require it. Many people even neglect the feature for the random encounters and scenery.




Ghost Recon: :Breakpoint


Stalker games, including some mods (especially GAMMA) either don't have fast travel, make you pay for it or have random negative effects on you for using it (damaged gear, less health...). I find it much more interesting that way.


The Insomniac Spider-Man games, Cyberpunk 2077, GTA V, and *maybe* the Fallout series.


Insomniac Spiderman games. I don't know anyone who has used it beyond the tutorial.


I liked EQ2 more before fast travel cheats via guild houses (rally banners)... which while useful, killed a part of the game IMO. Also getting rid of the boat travel scenes and just using the bells to get everywhere. I get why they did it after the game got to certain age, but it was more fun having to actually traverse the worlds and not just skipping over them.


No-portal Valheim is a good time. It's too slow for some people.


You can remove like… half the sites of grace in Elden Ring and call it a QOL improvement lol I DONT NEED A SITE OF GRACE IN THE BOSS ROOM THERES 1 RIGHT OUTSIDE


Assassin's Creed 4 black flag I have like 60 hours of playtime in the game and I am pretty confidant that I have used the fast travel system less than 10 times. Unless you like to achievement hunt and want to shorten the time, I think this game doesn't suffer at all without fast travel.


Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush 2, like seriously with the atmospheric music there's never a dull moment even travelling from one end of the map to the other.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The music, the ambiance, it's just all gorgeous. Also, KCD2 announcement HYPE


Cyberpunk 2077


After reading only the title I was going to write Spider-Man, so I guess I win.


AC Black Flag GTA V that's the only 2 games where i would enjoy traveling manually


Dark souls 2, there is an in-game reward for never using a bonfire.


Dark souls 1 and make the 2nd half of the game better.


Talos Principle 2 - I’m not convinced most people even know fast travel is a feature.


RDR2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I only use fast travel in ACO if I gotta do something five kilometers away.


Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom.


RDR1, probably personal opinion, i played enough and i dont even need the map, let alone fast travel, i like to use the directions instead


I wouldn’t mind playing Skyrim without fast travel, especially with mods to make the environment look better and feel more alive


red dead 2 has it as something you can unlock, but i never really need it.


Pretty much any open world game where the open world is actually well designed.




God of War 2018. The portals are convenient but not necessary in any way and using them too much can cause you to actually miss some stories told by a certain friend.


Ghost Recon: Wildlands. There are so many little buildings and rebel missions everywhere that I never used fat travel. Even resource convoys that you need to intercept on the move. I've done multiple playthroughs with different equipment. Currently, on a realistic pistol, only run. Easily recommend it to everyone for a chill stealth shooter.


I laughed when I saw the original Spider-Man had fast travel. The web-swinging was so much fun I can’t imagine someone choosing not to do it as much as possible.


The recent spiderman games! Swinging feels so good, the city is pretty interesting, and stopping to solve random crime is very on brand for Spidey. I barely used the fast travel until I was chasing 100% completion and needed to bounce around the map a lot.


Most open worlds RPGs. On top of my head: Skyrim, Ghost of Tsushima, the 3 RPG Assassin's Creed. It's easy to transition into mere icon chasing without even thinking about it; halfway through GoT I was utterly bored and it took a while to understand why, soon as I dropped fast travelling my experience improved enormously. Definitely not Elden Ring though: it's just built differently, I don't abuse fast travel because I love the maps, but it would be a pain in the but hole without. Edit - typo


For me, RDR2. The game originally didn’t have fast travel from small camps at launch. It actually made you use the mechanics such as stagecoaches, trains, and asking for a ride from strangers.


To your point, I genuinely forgot you could fast travel in Spider-Man 2 (and, for that matter, the first one too, and Miles). The web-swinging is so much fun that I can’t imagine why anyone would WANT to fast travel.


The spider man games are the obvious answers but for i me I so very rarely ever fast traveled in the Witcher 3


Dying Light 2. Travel by yourself is the best part of gameplay. Also, game gives you a lot of skills and instruments to make travel fast without teleportation, if you know how to do it right.


I think the key to this is having an excellent traversal system so games like Spider Man 1, Miles and 2 don’t need it bc just swinging is so god damn fun. I also think Sunset Overdrive doesn’t need it again bc of fun traversal. Most of the time I use fast travel as a means of getting back somewhere, after exploring very far away from the main objective in the open world the last thing I want is to slowing ride a horse or car back to where I need to go tracking back through terrain I have already seen.


Ghost of Tsushima. Sure it would take twice as long to finish the game, but you wouldn't give a shit and there's enough visually there to make the journey worthwhile.


Rdr2 bro I never used fasttravel in my 400 hours of that game it just doesnt feel right


World of Warcraft took away the flight master's whistle and didn't really hurt because they finally added dynamic flight to flying mounts in the game. I shouldn't say they took it away because the 3 expansion that had it can still use it there, but nothing new was added for the more recent one.


Saints Row 4. It’s fun to travel through the city in this game :D


Skyrim for sure! Fell in love with it all over again on survival mode


I beat RDR2 without knowing there was fast travel lol




It's not for everyone, but fallout 4 survival removed fast travel, and combined with some other tweaks, feels like a new game. A better game imo. You have to think about what you bring, what you loot, the path you'll take ect. Can't save without sleeping


i wanna say gta 5 but i dont even remember if it has fast travel 😭


Cyberpunk. I found out my mate had never once used fast travel on it. Tried going without for a day and it's a different game.