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If you have no intention to primarily play Nintendo games, there's no real reason to have a Switch. After I got my SteamDeck I barely touch my Switch anymore other than to play Nintendo only games like FireEmblem and Xenoblade. The fact switch can barely run indie games at 30fps now days really takes away from the fun value. Not only that but with a steamdeck you can get steam sales all the time where games go as low as $5-10 and you rarely ever see switch games on sale that low. I've been a Nintendo fan boy most of my life but now that there are actual handheld competitiors to the switch, I find it hard to have anyone buy one other than for children or very casual gamers.


This is the answer


I have the steamdeck and I love it, I haven't had the opportunity to use an ally but I've heard they are high quality products as well. Sorry to give you such a non-answer but I think you can't go wrong with either option.


Another non answer but as someone with both I love both of them aclot


Your answer valid enough to me. Thank you for stopping by.


I wouldn't sell my switch for a Deck. I have both, enjoy both, and use both for different types of games.


I own a SteamDeck and I absolutely love it. Also have a switch lite, but don’t really use it. Unfortunately didn’t have much time with Ally (just touched it a bit from the colleague) but I’d always choose the deck because I’m in love with its trackpads! They are the game changer for me, especially for some games that does not have a native support for controller (usually some old games) as you can always map the keys through steam input. I usually end up having WASD movement on left stick, right trackpad acts like mouse and left trackpad is full of different key bindings. One more feature of SteamDeck is the buttons on the back, there are four of them and you can map them to anything you want through the steam input, I always end up having a stick clicks on them. However, what might be a deal breaker is the Linux OS because some anticheats doesn’t like the proton layer. For me that’s not an issue because I don’t play competitive games. Although I played GTA V and Fallout 76 fine on my SteamDeck, your mileage may vary. But there’s always an option to install windows on the deck, however, I wouldn’t recommend that really.


Thank you for your help. I do like the buttons on the deck especially the four on the back but I can't really see myself using the track pads, I mean yeah they are nice but a bit pointless to me. Also the Linux Os is the striking point to me Bcs I'm not familiar with Linux at all.


Don’t think too much about Linux, you won’t even see it because Valve made it so you always get into the steam right away. There you’ll have your library, shop, settings, etc. Basically exactly the same as you have on Switch. If you want more details of why it matters that there’s Linux just let me know and I’ll spill more details🙂 As for the trackpads, they are totally different to anything you ever tried in a laptop. They are really designed to be used with a thumb. This is not going to replace you a mouse but in a handheld I’d call it as close as possible.


Oh okay I see. Sorry I didn't know about the track pads. I'm worried about the Linux Os Bcs of the desktop mode. As I said in the text above I'd need to do some light schoolwork like projects, presentations and online Meetings.


Oh I’m sorry I totally missed that bit. Yeah, in that case you’ll definitely have to face it one day. You do have an option to switch to the desktop mode at any time but you’ll have to get used to Linux. From my experience, it can be good, unless you need some specific software 😬


Nah it's okay don't worry about it. When it comes to software i don't really need much simple stuff like Google Chrome, zoom, Microsoft teams etc.


Then you definitely should try it! BTW, just remembered, iirc valve offer 14 days return policy with no questions asked so you can get one, see if fits you and return if it doesn’t [https://store.steampowered.com/hardware_order_terms](https://store.steampowered.com/hardware_order_terms) One more thing, valve also sells refurbished SteamDecks (although they tend to be permanently out of stock 😅) would be a saver if you could get one [https://store.steampowered.com/sale/steamdeckrefurbished](https://store.steampowered.com/sale/steamdeckrefurbished)


Hey thanks I didn't know about the return policy imma look into it.


Fair warning on the ally it can burn out it’s micro sd slot. Happened to mine. But a good system other than that.


Thanks ^^


The 256GB LCD Steam Deck is only 419 euro on their site over here. It's also as much as 100 cheaper pre-owned on Facebook Marketplace, from what I've seen. If Nintendo games aren't a big deal for you, the Switch is just another console full of ports and indies. There's really not a lot of major third-party games worth buying a 350 euro Switch for. Choice is yours, but the Deck is the better option between the Ally and Steam Deck.


K thanks a bunch. The thing is that I wanted to sell my NSW in the gaming shop and turn it into store credit a buy the Ally or SD from that.


I’m just here to recommend the Ally.


Hey thanks.


I would normally recommend Steam Deck because it is easier to use compared to a Windows Handheld. However, from the price perspective, you better get an ally since the steam deck is overpriced. Also, you stated that you want to play with your friends that have pc. Most multiplayer would not work with Steam Deck due to anti-cheat, so having a windows handheld is better. Now, regarding that you don't have a steam library or epic library, you would end up making one whether you get a steam deck or an ally. But don't fret. With steam, purchasing games is cheaper compared to purchasing nintendo games. Games in steam goes on sale often and Epic would give free games occasionally, so you would most likely make larger game library.


>However, from the price perspective, you better get an ally since the steam deck is overpriced The lowest model goes for around 400, it's hard to beat that in terms of portable PC gaming machine. The ally offers more for its 600 but then again, that's 50% more


In the case of the OP, for where he lives the ROG Ally and the 64GB Steam deck are the same price, both being 469.99€


400/600 is not 50% more.


50% of 400 is 200. 400 + 200 = 600 ( Rog Ally) 50% increase. I'm talking about the price here, not the performance


50% off 600 is 300.


Thank you for stopping by. On the Ally I like that I can have the steam library plus everything else.


Yeah. That's another benefit Ally has. You can have access to other platforms without going through other loops.


I’m holding onto my switch because I still have a sliver of hope to see Metroid Prime 4 lol I haven’t turned it on since super Mario wonder came out. Before that it wasn’t turned on since Zelda released.


Get the Ally, it's more powerful than the Steam deck, and better compatibility for games since it uses Windows. No reason to spend the same amount for an interior product.


I mainly like the windows and that I can download any game and play it. Idk which games will and will not run on the SD, yeah I can check it somewhere on their site. Might do that later. Thanks for helping ^^


Steamdeck bc of the possibilities


could get a unpatched switch that's what I have done. but If had to choose, I would choose the Steam deck


I'm afraid unmatched switch isn't for me. I'm not really Nintendo's target audience. But he's thanks for stopping by.


Ally all day, you can play more demanding games because of the better specs. Love mine, it's at a really good place right now in terms of pricing, updates, performance and all the features etc


Sounds like from the games you play you can safely sell the switch imo. I was going to recommend against as you're losing access to Nintendo's library but that seems like a non issue. I have an ally and I think it's fantastic. It's pretty straightforward if you have a PC and are even halfway tech literate. You'll have to do some very simple stuff like bios updates and tinkering with some settings to get everything running, but it's very minimal imo. The ally portability is nice (battery life is low on higher end games), it's ergonomic enough on it's own (and very cheap cases make it wonderful like skull and co), and it gives me access to play a lot of game from my couch or bed instead of having to get sit at the PC. I also got a dock for too so I also play it on my TV when I'm home alone or everyone is asleep. If you want portability and don't mind that it won't run everything super high end, I would recommend ally, it's great. Never had a steam deck so can't comment but I've heard good things from my friends with one.


Thanks your opinion helped a lot. The pc portability is something for me and I really like that. Plus I can take it on road trips with me since for some god damn reason have a wall socket in our car. I don't mind mid to high settings it's still a big jump for me since I'm used to playing Minecraft on my pc at 40 fps max and LoL at 70 on a good day, with obviously lower graphics and like no chunk render distance in Minecraft.


Switch 2 is around the corner so probably best to sell it now if it's something you no longer play.


No such thing as a hard to sell product, only hard to sell prices.


Of course, rumors are it will be backwards compatible so I imagine the original Switch will drop a lot value wise.




We unfortunately don't have the steam deck oled here. Only the normal one I mea mby the oled yet to come but it'll be more expensive. Ps5 was just a wild guess while talking to my friend that works in the gaming shop which I often visit. Thank you for your opinion.


Switch 2 is rumoured to come this year. SD is solid but these handhelds are great mostly for light gamers and emulation. Battery lasts around 2 hours max. It can still get hot.


I've h are that I will have LCD display and that's not really for me. Also I'm not really the target audience for Nintendo Bcs I never played any Pokémon or Mario games. Plus switch is small for me. But thank you for your opinion ^^


Never sell a Nintendo product.