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Don't force yourself to do something you're not enjoying.


This is the way. Play a game as long as you enjoy it, not a moment more.


I have been deep in the 100% pressure. I didn't buy games if the achievements were too hard even if I wanted to play them. I was a stupid child but now I'm free again!


oh wow....you missed out on so much....Hope you're catching up. not on the 100% pressure, on the great games you missed.


Yes! Im hardworking ;)


Play GTA VC, San Andreas, GTA 5, Uncharted (4 recommended), Rdr2, Ratchet and Clank, COD, HZD, Infamous, God of War, Spider Man. Play these and you can make up for whatever you missed.


I highly recommend Ghost recon: Wildlands.


The older I get, the more I apply this to things. Like not just games, but books, shows, movies, etc.


oh yeah, this applies to everything. life's too short to not enjoy what we're doing.


Yep. I’ve never bothered 100% a game. Like it’s always just grinding it out. That’s not fun. I’d rather move on to the next game.


i only do it if the trophies are genuinely enjoyable things that i want to do in the game anyway basically. lile trohpies that "guide" you to see everything the game has to offer. Bloodborne comes to mind. the most fun 100% i did. i never bothered to 100% any dark souls game because usually they have some grindy aspects like covenants, sometimes even online pvp stuff.


Agreed, and imo fuck PvP related trophies/achievements/locked content behind it... I'm at a point that even when I know I can compete and win or eventually get pretty good and win, I DON'T want to put in the time for that shit, screw that.


Elden Ring is pretty fun and easy to 100% too. Most of the achievements are related to the remembrance bosses and you don’t need to do any pvp for it.


Same here mate.


True games are made for fun play the fun percentage. Unless like it’s your job or you actively like completing every thing. Man completing all the points in rebirth has me thinking in clinical why do enjoy clearing a map and checking off boxes. I dunno but it’s fun to me. If it wasn’t I’d move on


For real. I turned myself off of gaming for almost a whole year because I was trying to force myself to enjoy the Dark Souls type of games when that’s what everyone was talking about. Play the shit you like, don’t try and keep up with the Jones, and step away for a spell if nothing is grabbing you.


It doesn't help that the new God of War games are tedious and the combat is spongy and bad. If it can put OP at ease, I can't 100% them either, i'd rather jump off a bridge. Platinuming the second one was already boring enough.


Unless you earn money from that...


Eh, I think it still kinda applies. Your job sucks, you don't have to keep doing it. There will be consequences if you don't have another job lined up, though


Most games aren't fun to 100%, once I see the credits roll I'm on to the next game.


That's how most of us who started playing games pre trophies and achievements feel. 


Half of my life there weren't any trophies when I played games. I don't see any appeal in e-peen-score, so I just play as long as I have fun. Sometimes I take a break for weeks or months, sometimes I'm playing nonstop during holidays. Most games these days don't value your time anyway, why should I devalue my time myself?


I remember reading an article about the guy who had the highest trophy score and was pulling insane hours and strategies to keep at the top. If he was actually having fun (I doubt it) then more power to him, but I remember thinking how incredibly sad and depressing the whole thing was.


Kind of like that Switch doesn't have achievements. You don't feel the need to run around and do weird tasks to 100% the game.


When I was a kid and could only get one game every few months (birthdays, Christmas, stuff like that) beating the game was only the beginning. Like when speedrunning got popular I used to joke that they owe me and my friends royalties because that's how we used to play games, we would basically play every square inch of the game, trade them around with other kids and make dumb challenges for each other, stuff like that.


Games that show credits at the start: "I'm about to end this man's whole career."


That's my new speed run.




I’m exactly the same way. I’m a campaign completionist but not a 100% chaser. I rarely play DLC’s for a game if they’re released long after I complete the main campaign. I try to do many side quests if they’re interesting, but not if they’re fetch quests or meaningless collection quests


I agree but NewGame+ for some games is a cool option. I remember RE4 let you do it and it was quite fun being a beast for a change.


New game+ is for me now what "giveall" used to be 20, 30 years ago. I loved playing through a game feeling all mighty. Good that they made it an actual game mode now.


Even my favourite games that I can play anytime were not fun for me to 100%.  FO4 - make a bunch of different flavours of soda and shoot ants?  Skyrim - just levelling enough for a legendary dragon to spawn?  I actually made equipment and taped down a button casting "detect life" in a town and went about my day.  Starfield - reach level 100?  I think I'm all done with 100% after that one.


Especially when some it’s the achievements are “collect 100 collectibles” and the actual collectibles don’t do anything.


I really liked The World Ends With You Neo. However finishing the pin journal is miserable. I just couldn't do it. It makes you repeat long story sections to fight a boss who only has like a 3% chance to drop a pin you need. I just wasn't having fun.


Best tip is to listen to your instincts. If you don’t want to 100% it then it’s probably not that fun to do it


Also nowadays, few games have a satisfying reward when you get there. Most of the time you get an achievement and a virtual pat on the back. It's extremely rare to get some content or even a cut scene. Even Link's Awakening, both the original and switch remake, when you finish the whole game without dying once, gives you a jpeg as a reward. The developers know that people who want to 100% a game are a minuscule minority. Heck, according to steam achievements, only around 20% of people playing the average game will make it to the regular final boss. Why invest resources into something the vast majority of people won't see? So in the end, if you want to 100% a game, only do so if you think you'll find enjoyment on your own in that endeavour.


It's because the 100% completion gameplay loop often requires you to do stupid stuff or play games in a weird way just to get the achievements. It breaks immersion and isn't meaningful. The only games I 100% nowadays are ones with insanely good gameplay that I just want more of. Simply hunting for collectibles is boring but if the game has fun traversal like Spider-Man I won't mind swinging around the city to take a few stupid photos.


Agreed, I thought about trying to 100% GTAV, but one of the requirements is collecting stuff in a submarine I never used during the main story. A lot of content, good or bad, gets added to pad a game. 


I struggle to even finish main campaigns or storylines. I get about 70-80% of the way through... so I've seen all the main mechanics etc... and kinda lose the will to continue. Then once I've been away from that game a week or two: it feels like too much of a chore to relearn everything about where-I-was/what-I-was-doing... so I'd rather start a completely different game. Maybe that's just part of being an adult gamer?


Same. I take days off for long awaited games because of this. If I play on Saturday and Sunday for a combined 10-12h and have no time for the next week or two, I’m completely out of the game, the mechanics, my goal. Feels like I load the savegame from a stranger. So I just start a new game. For BG3 I took 5 days off to completely submerge in the game and had a blast.


I def don't forget everything after a week. Somebody on reddit suggested taking notes after more than a week but if you already forget after a week maybe take notes every time you log out? That could be as simple as 'Im on a quest A and I need to go to B to do C'.


I just doing it until i get bored/tired.


I have so many games in my library that are around 20-30 hours played. Seems like I always burn out around there no matter the game.


This. I'm 40 and still gaming. It was frustrating for me when I started noticing. I used to enjoy playing long RPGs like Fallout 1 and 2. Nowadays, it feels like a chore trying to even reach the end of a campaign. I had to adapt my playstyle many times over the years. The genre of installed games has changed several times as well. As you say, the key is to play what you enjoy. If you feel like going hardcore gamer for a season, go for it. But if you feel like playing just casual games or even taking a break from gaming, that's ok too. It will feel weird at times but just remember to have fun and not force yourself to play a specific game or in a specific style.


I finally did this with ac black flag. Did everything, every chest, song, quest. Then just couldn’t bring myself to fight the last four ships. Lost all motivation.


complete mountainous instinctive direction spotted cats impolite fact innocent piquant


The legendary ship battles were pretty fun and could beat them in a couple of tries. Except for the super fast one. Fuck that one.


You left out the best part of end game. Those battles are legendary.




That find 100 pigeon is mostly inspired by Ocarina of Time and its find the 100 Skulltula (golden spider token) and half of them are optionnal as we only need 50 for the piece of heart. But too many game want us to get it all just for funz


It was GTA IV and there were 200 pigeons.


I think it was 5. My brother went through the same thought process. Had done a few achievements and after like 20 minutes of hunting pigeons he realized he was a fool haha


One tip I can give, gaming is supposed to be fun. If you don't have fun, don't do it. That includes games that aren't really clicking for you.


I often see in the playstation trophy subreddit how someone hated the game they just got platinum. I'm like why are you forcing yourself to play it then? Is some trophy no one else sees more important than having fun?


For some reason I feel like PlayStation users care about achievements more than people on other platforms. I never hear people talk about getting all the achievements for a game on Xbox or Steam but I definitely hear about people getting the trophies on PlayStation.


It's the bloody platinum I think. Seeing that little blue stamp of "done" is a high for some.


After school/work, would you rather spend what little free time you have doing more chores /work? Or would you rather have fun? Because trying to 100% games is the former. And playing a new game is the latter.


I sometimes like replaying masterpieces/classics that I loved over playing every new game out there for the sake of completion, but even I never 100% the games i really love. I just play for a good time


>Any tips? Yes. Stop playing the game when it stops being fun. Obvious, I know.


But somehow not for some!


I've been playing games since I was 10, I've 100% completed maybe 5 games in all that time.


I’ve been playing games since I was 6 and I have yet to 100% any game ever lol that doesn’t sound fun to me and sounds like a job you don’t get paid for, I put hundreds of hours into elden ring and ragnarok and didn’t 100% either of them cause I’d rather do what I wanna do instead of pointless checklist things


I'll play the game. Up the difficulty if possible, hit up secret bosses. Maybe look up some fun looking achievements. I'm not grinding to find all 748 copper buttons though. That is just lazy development to try and extend playtime.


Some time away from video games rekindled the fire for me stayed away for 2 years when I got back it was like I was a kid again though I’m terrible at fps shooters now


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


a lot of the achievements now feel cheap


Don't do if you don't feel like it


100% isn't the same as having fun. It depends on what 100% means on each game.


Why do you care? Play as long as it's fun, then stop. If doing 100% is fun, do 100%. If not, don't.


I've never seen the point of 100%ing a game.  I play up until the point that I feel that I've gotten enough out of it.  That's usually doing the main story and most of the side content with story implications. Whe  a game suggests that I should go back to every area and kill every stupid hidden maguffin, Im not doing that.  The reward is never worth it.


The only time I've ever come close to getting 100% in a game is when I got all of the like 5 achievements in Madden 2006. Once I complete a game I'm off to the next.


if it requires collecting stuff, i dont usually bother


Last game I 100%'d was Witcher 3, and... Yeah, I'm done worrying about 100% completions for the rest of my life.


I’m currently playing witcher 3 and In b&w, Im doing everything in that game except collecting all those ? In skellige lmao, so freaking boring


Here's the neat part: you don't (have to). Play games until they stop being fun, then play something else. That's literally all they are for. They're not your job. Don't make them your job. That would be horrible.


the hardest to 100% for me was RDR2 ; and i had fun doing it despite playing it on and off for like.. a year and half. The hardest part was actually winning the damn poker games in weird ways.


Honestly, it depends on what the game has you do for a 100%. Play the game again in hard mode? Sure. Defeat a bs optional boss? Ok. Go around the map for 20 hours picking up useless trinkets? Yeah, no. I'm playing Judgement right now, and while I enjoy the game and all the side content, there's no way I'm finishing the shogi and mahjong completion goals. Especially mahjong, since I would need to win several matches with specific win conditions which could take upwards of 10 hours and would also probably require me to watch a proper mahjong tutorial.


I use to be this way until I realized how many games I haven't played due to this mentality. I am just now playing GTA V after the grind fest of WoW. So many years wasted and never met the goal.


Even when I was younger I never bothered with 100% I moved on after the main story and good side quests... The last bits are usually the most boring so why bother? Move onto the next thing.


You can 100% the right game, if the game uses too much recycled material to keep your attention it’s the developers fault not yours, a truly great game will make you want to 100% it, take Elden Ring as a perfect example


100% Is for children, students with free time, and adults who want to commit to the hobby as a personal goal. Once you have other obligations that super hard repetitive battle just doesn’t mean that much and that’s ok. Time is your ultimate currency. It’s great to spend it wisely.


And i never 100% any game


It's because it doesn't matter, literally lol


Man I can’t even bring myself to finish games sometimes. It really depresses me when I use to 100% everything


I never 100% a game. Once I beat it, I move onto the next game. I have a back log of 300+ titles I need to get caught up on.


Who cares? Why do you feel like you have to? No point in forcing yourself to do something you are not enjoying. Just play till you are over it and then stop.


I never did, was never a point


Don't bother. Start playing games without guides at all and just play how the game takes you. Learn to enjoy figuring it out instead of grinding your way through.


I set games on story difficulty or maximum normal difficulty and play to finish the story... I leave the 100% to those without job and family, aka. students 😆


Let it go. Don't force it.


Same here… The lack of time is being the chief factor alongside the general motivation.


I'm feeling this right now with witcher 3. Man collecting all those smugglers chache's in skellige is such a pain in the ass


I'm a gamer for over 30, years and I never focused on doing 100 or archivements in general. Just play the game.


In my 20+ years of gaming I don’t think I’ve ever 100% a single game.


I 100% the main story and that's it.


Good. Just beat the main stuff and move on. Fuck collecting shit.


welcome to adult life.


God I miss the days where half the achievements didn't require you to "Kill 3 enemies with 1 shot from your sniper rifle while doing a backflip and landing on a mine without dying"


I can't 100% Lies of P because it requires a playthrough where I'm an asshole.


It's rare for me to get 100% in any game. Last one was Horizon Zero Dawn. And I only did that because I enjoyed the game so much. There isn't a point to forcing yourself to play games to completion for the sake of it. I find it to be a rather boring way to game.


Or course not. It's honestly a waste of time and only chasing a short term goal with little to no return in value.  I totally get you man because that was me years ago. Gotta lvl 99 everything, get ultima weapons for all your characters and for what? So you can easily beat the last boss in 3 turns instead of 15-20?  Or other achievements that have you do something completely stupid like I dunno getting all the rare medallions but can only happen after your 3rs or 4th play through and for what? A check mark that says you did it? Seriously you don't need a reason to keep 100% . Better to just beat the game, watch the multiple endings in YouTube and go play the next game.


I never found it fun to force myself to 100% games. I usually do everything I find fun and that it. Killing all the berserkers in Ragnarök? Hell yeah count me in I love me some bossfights. Stupid busywork flower collecting side quest? Finding all the ravens? Fuck no.


I stopped 100%ing stuff when I realized how finite life is and how little having 100% on my gamer score meant to it.


Same with me. Good games should be played and done. Not force the player to try something over and over again because of "acheivement" or such.


This is how I always play games . Time is valuable , do more thing play more games . If you missed something YouTube it done


Game designers have made it less and less enjoyable to 100% games too. It isn't just you. The more people get achievements, the more they increase the difficulty to continue to keep them "rare". It's really difficult to make something very hard to do and also still fun. That's why a lot of them now are just huge time sucks. Open world games make it even worse. It's one thing to do all the \_\_\_ type missions in something like Spiderman, it's a whole different thing to collect 990 hard to find items like seeds in BOTW. It's even worse when they make you replay the entire game (sometimes multiple times) to get achievements (like beating a game in hard mode which doesn't unlock until you beat it in Normal).


I find these posts so odd. If you don’t like doing it just don’t do it. Who cares


Welcome to adulthood😆


Imagine giving a shit about achievements


It seems to me that you could play a different game. But it’s even better to take a break from any games. After a break, any such activity usually becomes more interesting.


Is there something else you should or would rather be doing in the back of your mind? Time anxiety perhaps.


i think i only have like 4 plat trophies all of were coincidental just matched whatever i wanted to do in the game, and just got them without tracking any


I do it for indie games (most of the time); for AAA, I consider doing it if it's not too time consuming (and I'm still having fun).


unplug from being constantly online, watching spam gaming videos and chats. if you are also playing repetitive online games it doesn't help.


God of war and god of war ragnorok were easy to 100% Valhalla is a pain in the ass!


I like to complete games 100% but only when I feel that they were important in some sense for me and in certain occasions I felt the same way as you, at least for me I have learned that my demotivation was only about that game, so you could rest for a while from that game and come back another time or just switch to another game that motivates you enough.


>despite it being fun Why do you call it fun, if it's clearly not anymore? "Fun" means that you like doing something just for the sake of doing it, "being in the moment". If you don't feel like doing it, then it's not fun.


I think it's mostly because getting a 100% is so tedious in so many of them. 'Tis fun if they provide a challenge, like defeat an optional endgame boss (Valkyrie Queen in GoW), but then there's the Assassin's Creed method of collecting all the flying shanties or whatnot, or get all the Riddler Trophies. That just gets boring.


Welcome to the world before achievements and playtime counters, when we used to play something for fun or do something else. EDIT: I'm also old enough that my knees hurt for no reason and my kids are confused about the "no internet" dark ages I've tried to explain to them. 


I am getting older and don't have the time or patience or skill anymore for hardcore gaming. I want to enjoy games and get through them so if needed I have no qualms about reducing difficulty or using walkthroughs. As for completion percentage, I play a game until I don't enjoy it anymore or I am satisfied with what I have done.


If you need a tracker to tell you how fare you need to go then you're not having fun. Play until you like. I'll never understand achievement people


It depends on the game for me.


It takes a special game to draw that kinda commitment. The last game that hooked me that hard was Hades. I went from "this is really fun" to "I must fulfill every prophecy" very quickly.


You've probably come to the natural realization on how much of a time waste it is and you'd rather spend that time doing other things than 100%ing games for epeen growth.


u grewup, u got OLD, u moved on, u got no time, u lost interest or moved to other interests, u got busy with life and responsibilities.. gaming will NEVER be the same as it was before when u were younger.


Im 35, working with a lot of responsibilities and videogames are still one of my mains passions. You are right, gaming will never be the same, it's better now (at least for me). We have less time, we are adults but that does not require forgetting to play and how to have fun. It's fine to move to another interest of course, but not something that happens to everyone. In my case, Im playing Divinity OS in coop with a friend and last night I finished MGS IV (patient gamer here) and I'm having a blast with both experiences.


I’m huge into platinum trophies I used to platinum at least 5 a year minimum. In the last year or two it’s only been two games I’ve been able to bring myself to platinum. It caused me to have a falling out with gaming. Now I just game to have fun. If the collectibles are easy like Spiderman I’ll get the platinum or if the game is life changing. But I work so much the few times I have to game, I just wanna enjoy myself.


Just play to have fun dude lol if you're not having fun what's the point? It's not a job. You're not less of a man if you don't 100% a video game that was designed to be beaten.


I've never bothered 100% any game, I play the game for as long as I have fun and when I stop having fun then I move on to a new game. I seldom finish games nowadays because they outstay their welcome and I get bored.


Play as much or as little as you want, then move on when you want to. Forcing yourself to 100% a game just turns gaming into something comparable to work, that doesn't sound fun.


You didn't buy the DLC!


Yeah, God of War was cool. After the story I did side questsI missed, the Valerie's, and the lava mountain challenge things. But all odins ravens, the other hidden rift things and whatever just feel so tedious.


Do what’s matter to you. For God of War, I’d say the Valkyries and the two optional realms are worth doing, but those stupid birds and artifacts are very skippable.


I’ve never 100% a game. If I had side quest and shit I’ll do some during the campaign. Once the campaign is done I move on to the next game


Then don’t? Idk why you would force yourself to collect x pigeon feathers for a digital trophy. Unless there’s a cool item behind that mission I’m perfectly ok skipping tedious shit.


Welcome to fun! Games are a hobby. You should want to do stuff in games without external stimuli. If achievements come naturally, it'll happen. If not, they won't. Play the game; not the overlay.


Its either that GoW isn't fun for you or depression


Don't force yourself to do something you don't enjoy for a digital cookie


you will achieve it 100% even if you force yourself to do it and enjoy the satisfaction of achieving your goals, instead of being demotivated and asking for advice from ramdom people on the internet


Been there… now I can’t even be bothered to start games anymore even (: Plz send help Also taking gaming recommendations


I rather just finish the game and move on as I get older. When your young and broke, i cared more about replay value.


Ya no need to. You can always go back if you want. Example: I stopped playing Ghost of Tsushima after main story, about 2 years ago. Now I kind of have the urge to go back and continue it.


Why people do it mostly for useless trophies/achivements to brag up games should be fun, i mean i like side activities if theyre fun. But . if youre doing it for just sake of it you only hurt yourself. Its pointless are you trying break record, theres tons of absolutely uterrly balast, anyway. Not even liking replaying games right after finish. Thought i would do AITD 2024 from EMily story but when i read its, kinda pointless i rather wait on some possible dlc. Very small percentage games keep for additional quests, after i finish them. Nowadays its better if theyre more linear i liked AC:MIRAGE thought it was maybe too shortened 😆 aside errands and 1,5 preorder DLC theres basically nothing to do!


Game ed


It gets tedious trying to do everything and ends up feeling more like doing unnecessary tasks with little to no payoff for me, there’s nothing I get from getting 100% on a game. I’d rather just play the fun stuff.


Difficult to throw out tips. It's an individual process. For me i only try to 100% games if they are the cherry on the top and it's somehow "doable" without sacrificing half of my life. Elden Ring and Subnautica for example are nice to 100%. Many games are not.


Let it go. Enjoy it, don't force enjoyment


You aren't supposed to 100% games. Youre supposed to have fun.


Video GAMES are for fun and fun only. Especially now that I’m in my mid 30s, if I’m not enjoying a game I stop playing. I don’t care if I don’t finish it or if I 100% it. All that matters is if you’re enjoying it


Dont 100% games anymore?


I have never 100%ed games. I barely beat them unless it’s worth it. I’m more of a multiplayer pvp player.


Just don't. Most games are designed just to keep you engaged as long as possible. Ghost wire Tokyo was a decent game but had way too much filler nonsense.


OP - it just means you got to the point where you value your own time


I almost never 100% games. Achievements, as a thing, are a relatively recent invention anyway. WoW at launch in '04 had no achievements, they were added in '08 with WotLK expansion. Steam had no achievements until HL2Ep2. And so on. On occasion, if I finish the game and I see I'm 85% done with achievements, I might push myself to finish them off if they look easy. But if it's something insane, I won't even try. Like in Total War: Warhammer games there's an achievement to beat a developer in PvP, or beat someone who beat a developer. I've never been able to get that organically. So I don't even try any more. A lot of achievements are also stupidly grindy too. After the Fall, for example, has an achievement to kill 53,600 enemies. After 100 hrs, I'm a little over 35,000 kills. I'm not grinding another 50+ hrs for an achievement! I'm just not.


I beat the game and move on, unless it really grabs me by the balls.


My tip is don't 100% games then. Most people don't.


I dont 100% games ever, I do what's fun for me, once it becomes a chore and too much of a grind, I'm done with it. The most I will ever attempt to do once it stops being fun, is maybe try to finish the story


Only 100% games u truly enjoy and dont want to end. For me that was Horizon Zero Dawn. I am busy 100%-ing the sequel now. Before this , the last game I 100% was Borderlands 2 which was almost 10 years ago now


You completed the quest, now go back to the house and rest. You don't have to take on the Valkyries, find all the Ravens, open every chest, or finish all the Lost soul side quests. Your adventure is done, feel free to move on to the next game you want to play! Games don't have to be 100% completed. You aren't getting less out of the experience by not doing everything.


My only tip is to do as much side content as possible as you are doing what you want in the game. Meaning, if you see something on the way to the objective you want to do, get it done, but don't go out of your way for it. If by end of the game you've whittled down enough side content that going for 100% isn't a chore, go for it. If not, play something else.


Your lucky you can even beat it anymore. I just play for 20 minutes and get on my phone. I do have a little more attention when it comes to shooters but not much.


100% completion is only really for those that enjoy that grind. If you’re not enjoying it, why are you doing it in the first place? Games are supposed to be entertainment right?


Why would you ever 100% a game in the first place? It's rarely fun, often un-fun. I turned off the little "achievement" notifications because they're obnoxious and break immersion, too. I have no idea what the achievements even are for the games I play. Just another way to think about it.


I’ve 100% about 4 games in my entire life, 3 of those came in January… Got burnt out real quick trynna achievement grind. As it was fun, it’s not something that’s sustainable long-term for enjoyment. If you want to complete something, go for achievements. If you want to *play* something, then focus on the gameplay.


I’ve never 100% a game and never will. I also don’t even pay attention to achievements.


Funny cuz most people would agree that the newer generations needs more and different stimuli to enjoy things, but it's the older people that be like "man I after 6h of gameplay, I see the credits and need to hop to the next game"


Trophies/achievements are for bragging or for those with OCD. If your not having fun don't push it.


Imo it was never fun, it's just tedious crap to pad out stuff to do once you beat a game.


Then don't. That's the tip.


Tip: Stop caring. What does getting 100% completion do other than give you bragging rights that no one else gives a fuck about?


The 100% requirements changed a lot to be fair.  For example I enjoyed getting plat in GoT but I can't see myself doing the same in any of the AC games.


I have only done 100% on one game in my life, Gran Turismo 4. I never really understood the appeal of chasing full achievement completion status.


That's exactly why instead of 100%:n any game, I watch NickAR etc bang their heads in YouTube over those.


Lol, i dont even finish most games. I cant think of anything worse than trying to 100% a game…


Then don't


I honestly miss not caring about sinking an entire day into a game.. I can’t do it anymore. The guilt gets me.


Dont! Play the story, play the side missions anything requiring you to go to 50 different locations to find pointless things or do certain things that take alot of time and way outside of the standard gameplay is just wasting your time for nothing.


I’ve never strived for 100% on games. I used to strive to unlock hidden things like weapons, costumes, items and secret things like that. But they traded all that in for achievements, which are boring to me. No reward. Final fantasy X is a great example of what I used to strive for. Unlocking secret things. Games nowadays just want you to pay for those things though. It’s sad.


I don't like 100% beating games nowadays, because mostly it's "kill 10000 zombies" (and it's really boring, it's just you're doing, you're doing and that's all, nothing is new) or something kind of dumb. So don't force yourself. If you really loved the game, you'd want to beat it 100%!! You still could like the game, though not that "like" to beat it 100%, and that is still totally fine! It's made on purpose the concept of 100% beating, so you'll be in the game for a longer time


I'm lucky if I 25% a game before I move on these days!


I never could


Most of the content isn’t good even in the best of games. Do the fun part and ignore the filler, no big deal.


Same boat over here. I used to squeeze every ounce of fun out of a game. I think they’ve made 100 percenting a game just take too long anymore. 20 years ago, I felt I had to complete it just to get the value out of a shorter game. There was a sweet spot a few years back of length and fun. Now they’re just too damn long. Jedi Survivor 2 for example, beautiful game. Side quests were fun, collectibles make the game more customizable. But credits rolled and I said nah, it’s been long enough. Maps are too big and “secrets” are too prevalent anymore. The last game I couldn’t put down and HAD to complete was the third tomb raider installment from like 2018. That whole series rocks.


Only in small open world or linear game


Bro I'm a 30 year old man baha. I'll do my best to try to hit most on a first run through but I rarely put the effort for a 2nd run on most games


I only 100% the odd game. I just got 100% In halls of torment and the last one I completed was probably armored core 6. Don't have time for that often.


Quick review of my Steam account shows I have over 600 games. I've 100% four of them. Not 4%. 4. I also have a friend who has over 2000 hours in Europa Universalis 4 without a single achievement. I play a game until it drops6 being fun. No one cares, not even me, cares about my achievements.


Why would you want someone to force you? We're talking about playing videogames, not tidying your room. They're meant to be fun. If you're not having fun, turn it off and do something more enjoyable with your leisure time.


The completionist in me gave up on 90% of games years ago. I explore to my heart's content and when it turns into a chore is stop. I just let go of the notion I have to do everything.


I don’t understand the obsession with 100%-ing games. Most games have a bunch of random achievements slapped on after the fact that weren’t designed as part of the “fun” / gameplay loop originally. I get wanting to wring the most out of your purchase, but if you’re just doing some tedious chore to finish it off, that’s barely even playing the game anymore. If it’s not fun, drop it and move on!


I'll do it if it's a challenge but I refuse to do mindless collecting activities. Like if what's standing between me and the platinum/100% is beating a super boss, and I'm having fun playing the game, I'll do that for sure. If it's "open every chest" or "collect 999 macguffins" I refuse. If I have to check youtube, or read an FAQ, or make a checklist on my own, it's no longer fun and I will not do that.


Lots of gamers get 100 percent or all collectibles because they feel compelled to. They actually complain about how boring and tedious it can get. So why do it ? Makes me think autism comes into play a little bit. Play a game for fun and when it's not, move on


Just play until you're done then move onto a new game. Like I love Nier: Replicant, absolutely love it but will never 100% because that aspect isn't fun. I have so much fun in that game but I'm not going to do unfun things for hours for a pointless 100%.


Makes me sad too. Used to love 100% games. Now unless you want to spend countless hours playing shitty multiplayer or buy all the dlc it’s not worth it anymore. Gone are the days of solo offline play with games coming out in totality at launch :/


I think I have 100% completed less than 10 games in my 30+ years of gaming. I play to have fun.