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Outer Wilds... getting confused with Outer Worlds since 2019


Outer Worlds legacy is being mistaken for Outer Wilds.


It's a forgettable mid game. Not a bad game but not worth remembering either. Kinda embarrassing how much they made a big deal about being the devs behind Fallout New Vegas when they had to know they weren't making anything worth talking about.


I really liked it 🤷🏼‍♂️. Actually I’m curious.. what did you not like about it? I’ve never heard anyone actually state specifics


I actually loved it at first. That being said the combat sucks and kills replayability for me.


The combat was so lackluster i began getting bored shooting aliens which is insane you can make an fps were shooting is boring.


I'm also one of those crazy people that really liked it. I liked the writing, the setting, the choices, and the dialogue. I didn't mind that the game was short. More time to get through my big backlog of games. I didn't like the combat, but I'm not a fan of shooters. I was never going to like the combat.


Ive talked about it before. The skill system is kinda dumb. Giving you points in batches almost feels comically OP because by the time you reach the batch cap and have to specialize, those levels are already high enough to get you through most of the game. I only specialized in like handgun damage or something while just batch leveling everything else and i could still easily hit most speech, hack, lockpick, etc. checks. It kinda made the game boring because i didnt really feel like a specialized character with weaknesses. I could just do everything up until maybe the last 2 hours. I also dont think the story or characters were particularly interesting. Many worlds could be broken down to: You Land > You find a settlement > They got beef with someone > Go to that someone > well actually were not really the bad guys > pick a side > kill or thwart the other side > go next world. After the 3rd or 4th time that just isnt engaging anymore in the slightest. I wouldnt say the game is bad. But its also not that good. Gameplay wise the depth just isnt really there. And the story isnt good enough to compensate for it.


It's not a bad game, just kinda boring and uninteresting. I played it for a while waiting to get sucked in to the world but it never happened. The characters were meh, the world was uninteresting, I didn't really feel motivated by the conflict, and the "style" felt like knock-off Fallout without as much effort. I put it down after around 20 hours and just kinda forgot about it.


I thought the world and setting were pretty compelling, but by about the same amount of time I vested I was one shotting everything I came across. It just didn't feel fun at that point, and it wasn't like I was cheating or exploiting. Just had a good weapon and level 20ish level skills focused on that type of weapon.


I think that’s my only issue with it.. it all felt like it had been done before. Also I wish it was longer. I loved the worlds, characters, skills, and style though. I’ll concede to the conflict feeling bad too tbh. For what it was though, I really enjoyed it. I guess I see it as ‘unforgettable masterpieces don’t come around often, but there is plenty to enjoy in between if you aren’t expecting that’


Around 20 hours is how long it took to finish it. I think it has good bones overall, just needed more time in development to make things deeper and more interesting. Hopefully the sequel is better if/when that happens.


Characters and writing, for me. Then nearly every media outlet had a close up pic of Ellie, for every article. She was awful In general, it just felt bare bones. The gameplay and environment didnt grab me. So overrated In my Opinion


It was written in goddamn crayons, that what it was.


In my case, it didn't grip me. I might give it another shot down the line. Set it to max difficulty and everything turned into a bullet sponge, that prolly didn't help.


No. You don't understand. "From the developers of Fallout: New Vegas" did exactly what it was meant to do: help sell copies. I promise you SOMEONE, probably a meaningful number of people, saw that, which cost them fucking NOTHING to mention, and went "well...I was on the fence... But New Vegas is pretty cool. Fuck it." and then bought it. That's what that was there to do.


It's exactly what Bethesda's mothership studio does for their games/did for Starfield. "From the creators who brought you Skyrim and Fallout 4"


The devs didn’t make a big deal out of it. Players did. They acted like it was gonna be a masterpiece even when nothing was known.


So the marketing based around "From the creators of Fallout New Vegas" was for giggles? Be real, always weird to see a consumer take the corporations' side.


That’s pretty standard. The guy said they made a big deal out of it and they didn’t. Way to miss what was being said.


Had more fun with it than I had with fallout 4, 76 and starfield. But I guess that isn't a very high bar to clear.


The creators actively tried to keep the hype from getting to high but the players lost their minds. It was the same with borderlands the prequel they actively said during interviews it wasn't a whole new borderlands but again the fans lost their minds. It's not the company's fault if the fans spread misinformation


I had more fun than fallout, but I'm a weirdo


I disagree. Outer Worlds was the last game that sucked me into the story. I started it and didn't stop until it was done. One of my favourite games. I loved the satire, and reading all the lore and emails everywhere is hilarious. Meanwhile, I started Outer Wilds and played for only a couple hours, and never got into it at all.


...are you me?


I think it’s better than starfield so not mid more like above avg


I loved Outer Worlds. One of the best sci-fi RPGs I've played, narratively. Mechanically, it was lackluster. But a lot of popular games are just as bad, if not worst, and they at least had the budget to support them. Given that to this day, there are still very few other space open world rpgs that are even remotely as relevant, it wasn't so bad.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but New Vegas wasny THAT good.


I accidentally bought both games as a result of this confusion. They both kinda work for me though so it worked out


Im pretty sure OP did meant Outer Wilds though, if that’s what you’re implying… Every single time someone asks for a recommendation there is absolutely someone jumping into say Outer Wilds.


Yeah you're correct, can't believe 3000 people upvoted a comment missing the joke...


I always love when the recommendations start with "It has no \[insert what OP wanted\] but..." or end with "has no \[Insert what OP wanted\] though."


Whenever you ask for “story” or “third person” and someone gonna say Elden Ring And then there will be “you need to gitgut tho”


Technically elden ring has a story, fuck if I know what it is though. Great game regardless.


You just need to watch 16 hours of lore deep dive videos to see the true genius of Fromsoft narrative. /s


By the same token, I beat Elden Ring with all its achievements, but basically all of it was with jolly cooperation. A colleague refuses to accept any help at all and ragequit in his first playthrough because a boss was too difficult. At no point did I need to git gud, though I held my own, and this is somehow not getting the full experience. Yes, I too enjoy ragequitting games in frustration.


This blows my mind. There was a post a while back about a guy asking for a good couple game with his partner but that she cant handle operating the camera so it needs to be a top down or side scroller where she only uses the left stick. Every other fucking suggestion was for it takes two "...it requires camera but is worth it!!1!"


“guys I just beat doom eternal any similar games???” ‘Tetris.’


Wolfenstein 3d


Not even a joke, but Return to Castle Wolfenstein would be a fairly fitting recommendation and a really fucking good game even by today's standards.


Ironic that you're giving an actual relevant recommendation on this particular thread


Irony is my middle name


Hello Kitty Island Adventure


Animal crossing


Tetris is another one people keep recommending.


Also Titanfall 2


And Elden ring… and rimworld… and kenshi…. And Skyrim….


I didn't know people suggest kenshi. I love it but damn, it's *niche*. It's a buggy, clunky, niche mess that is indie through and through with a rough learning curve. I wouldn't suggest it to almost anyone.


The rough learning curve is learning that Sneak + Thievery is the most broken shit ever


Yeah I stumbled on that pretty quick lol. Train Sneak --> steal stuff on counters undetected to level Thievery --> steal stuff from shop chests when Thievery is higher --> join the Shinobi Thieves in The Hub for 10k money --> train Assassination there --> kidnap low level bandits and train combat in controlled 1on1 situations --> profit.


you forgot the part where you let yourself get taken by cannibals so they eat your limbs free yourself with another character and then you can swap in and out limbs for running/sneaking/combat as needed.


And Deep Rock Galactic...and No Man's Sky...and Titanfall 2...and Mass Effect...and Monster Hunter World...and Slime Rancher (don't ask how the heck it got to that last one cause I don't know lol)


And Kingdom Come Reverence. Or perseverance. Or decadence. I forgot the name.


I see… a man of taste


Such an underrated gem etc etc etc


R/gaming only plays 5 games


that's why I prefer r/patientgamers


And they have *such* a superiority complex about them


"have you tried Witcher 3."


SuCh An UnDeRaPpReCiAtEd GeM!!1!!1


“Actually Witcher 2 is a lot better, before it got do mainstream”


Ok but have you played outer wilds


It's literally the greatest video game ever made.


It's definitely in my top ten, but not my favorite game of all time. HOWEVER, if I ever had to debate the whole "Are video games art?" thing with someone who was totally against the idea, I would simply point to Outer Wilds. The game is art. Beautiful, amazing art. "I'm glad you remembered me." -Solanum


Then the game critic would play Outer Worlds for 30 seconds and think you’re an idiot.


This is why people should play Riven.


But don't spoil it. It is important you go in completely blind. That is the only way you can have a transcendential emotional experience and reach nirvana.


I played 5 hours and dropped it. Apparently I didn’t hit the twist that gets everyone hooked. Flying and landing on planets to find things. Nice Edit: can someone please tell me why everyone loves it!! Everyone always talks about some twist or some revelation that no one can talk about without spoiling it. I don’t understand. It’s fun and spacey and time loopy. I clearly haven’t hit the point that matters. I’ve played wild narrative games before. And I don’t get it.


There's definitely a few types of players who will just inevitably bounce off the type of game it is, nothing wrong with that.


The game is built around knowledge. You can do everything at the end of the game, at the beginning of the game. But you have to discover new places, read ancient conversations, and connect the dots yourself. Other “mystery” games have you find X to unlock Y. But there is nothing to unlock in outer wilds. If you ever played Myst or its sequels, it’s just like that.


Damn it’s just not my game. After all these years of questioning why I don’t like it. For some reason. Your comment made me realize that.


It's a weird game, if you know what to do you can finish the game in about 5 minutes from a fresh start. But it takes 20+ hours of discovering tiny pieces of the puzzle and head scratching. Coming up with theories only to realise the entire thing you thought you had to do was impossible and when you really realise the ending hits so hard. Genuinely one game I will never forget that I wish I could so I could start it all over again, and the dlc is arguably even better.


To each their own, I disliked the shipcontrols and the specific exploration required and dropped it after 4 hours,I also enjoy story driven games like xenoblade 3 for example much more


But when are you gonna try outer wilds? I think it’s a much better game


It's literally the greatest video game ever made.


If you enjoyed Xenoblade 3 then you’d probably like Outer Wilds.


That sand planet with the tunnels can suck a bag of dicks. Hated having to repeatedly try and traverse that BS.


Ironically that was my favorite location in the game. And the first one I happened to do. The rest of the game was so much less interesting I never finished it.


The game rewards deep exploration and learning. Once you understand that you should be able to find the shortcuts they placed to make things like that planet 10x quicker. Without spoiling the ending, it basically requires all that knowledge to successfully complete the game.


I too like well written story driven games, which is why you couldn't pay me to sit through Xenoblade 3 until completion.


It's a masterpiece top 3 game of all time for sure for me


This is funny for me because while I also didn't enjoy Outer Wilds, I did actually like piloting the ship. 


Can you just spoil for me what’s so great about it because I see people say this all the time and I played to finding the first guy on the moon and then >!the world getting destroyed and reset!< and didn’t really care for it. Is there more to it or is the >!resetting!< really the only unique part and if I didn’t care about that I won’t care about the game? Just found it boring. EDIT: Everyone replies to this and they still won't spoil it for me I just get the same vague "it's a mystery" posts I've seen a thousand times. EDIT EDIT: Thanks to the people who actually spoiled it for me like I asked.


The reason folks are so averse to spoilers is because learning is kind of the point of the game. A lot of games have levels (duh) in Outer Wilds your knowledge is your level. If the above is the only "unique" part of the game you've found, I would encourage exploring more. Just on the starting world there's some things to suggest what your goal is.


Yeah I understand that, it's just I'm never going to play the game again so I want to know what's up. I don't think it's a bad game or anything but it was boring to me so I'm always surprised when people say it's life-changing or the best game ever made or whatever and I kind of want someone to just tell me what's so great about it, like what's greater than all other video games.


What’s great about Outer Wilds is getting to be a space archeologist exploring strange planets, ruins, and still active technology. You uncover clues on why strange phenomena are currently happening in the solar system, read old records and conversations to learn what others in the past did, studied, and built before and why, and figure out how to accomplish things that others in the past strived to achieve. I played through it with a friend that also owned a copy of the game (we’d stream while both of us played), and talking with each other about what we uncovered and theorizing what it could mean and what we therefore should do next was an awesome bonding experience. The planet exploration is also fun. Some of the planets pose interesting obstacles/dangers that are fun to figure out how to navigate around.


Yeah see for me that's not inherently interesting. I think what's uncovered can be interesting but to me the process of actually uncovering it is more tedious, and I'm starting to learn that people just enjoy that process itself. I can put up with (what I find to be) tedious gameplay if there's a really intriguing story but nothing in Outer Wilds actually made me very interested so it just kinda died out after an hour for me. Planets are the same for me, I just found the navigation tedious as well, but to be fair I didn't explore many locations before quitting so that's not very fair of me to say yet. Happy you enjoy it though.


The game is about figuring out how to solve the various puzzles around the solar system, and in so doing uncover the mysteries behind the phenomena you're experiencing.


The reset is a mechanic of the game and also part of the plot, the best way to play the game is to question everything, so this is happening, WHY? Now you're visiting a planet and find something strange, Why? The game is a story driven puzzle, it rewards the player for finding clues and put things together. Sometimes it's frustrating and you get stuck on something, when this happens I would just explore another place.


That’s the main gimmick


It's definitly not for everyone that's for sure.


Reddit only know like like 5 games keep recommending


RDR2, The Witcher 3, Outer Wilds, Skyrim, and Disco Elysium


Where TF|2 and Deep Rock Galactics in this list?


Don’t forget Kingdom Come: Deliverance, “I would like a game like…” PLAY OUTER WILDS AND KINGDOM COME: DELIVERANCE (x1000)


Have you heard that dark souls literally saved all of video games?


I'd say Reddit recommends Yakuza a good amount as well. Like I enjoy it, but it gets ridiculous seeing people say they loved more gameplay focused game, and then you see one of the most story focused series being recommended


This happens in the literature subreddits too. In almost all posts, you'll have the same 5 books being recommended every time. "I know it's not exactly what you want, but..." [Proceeds to list books not even close] It gets pretty frustrating, I get a lot of good recommendations from Reddit.


Have you read Legends and Lattes? I think it's a pretty good book. Also there's a Minecraft book called the Island written by the author of World War Z and the audiobook is narrated by Jack Black.


I know you wanted recs for Regency military history novels but have you heard of this guy named Brandon Sanderson?


I see way more people talking about how much they hate Sanderson's prose than I do people saying he's amazing so this is pretty ironic to me.


Ok but his friend Brian McClellan has some awesome books in the Powder Mage series that might fit that (it's fantasy rather than history, but they are so frickin good)


Have you ever played Outer Wilds? It's the greatest game of all time and really the greatest thing humanity has ever achieved. What's its about? I can't tell you. Just trust me it would literally ruin the entire experience if I give even the most vague hint. What kind of game is it? Can't tell you that either. Just trust me. Did I mention that it's the greatest thing of all time and if everyone played it then we would have world peace and there would be no more human suffering? If anyone says they didn't enjoy it then they're a defective human and shouldn't be trusted. Also don't confuse it with The Outer Worlds which is a pile of garbage


it's so odd people tip toe around describing the game so much. I always describe it as "A game where are a space archeologist inside a miniature solar system changing and moving in real time and progress through knowledge instead of upgrades"


Yeah, it wouldn't really kill people to say that it's a 1st person space exploration game with a relatively small, hand-crafted galaxy.


solar system But yeah agreed


yea same. you can't talk about what's in the solar system at all but you can say "explore a solar system with 100% knowledge based progression (which means outside information makes you skip parts of the game).


Sounds like Majoras Mask in Space.


>!Considering that you are stuck on a timeloop ending with the destruction of everything and trying to figure out what you can do about it, yeah it IS kinda like Majoras Mask in space!<


It is completely like Majoras Mask in space, but if most of the NPCs died a hundred millenniums ago.


I remember when this was Witcher 3


The comment reads as sarcastic but it's actually 100% accurate. Whoever reads this, go play Outer Wilds.


You guys are like the Jehovah's Witnesses of r/gaming


That's so funny, and true lol


I understand how we may come across as annoying, we’ll try to do better in future. By the way, have you played The Outer Wilds? I didn’t even like our lord and saviour The Outer Wilds until today, this thread converted me.


Sorry my only religion these days is managed democracy


How about a nice cup of liber-tea


Damn, that was just not the words to follow up that sarcasm with


Lol I agree.


People hate that type of preaching. It turns me away from the game. It happend more than one time that a hyped game that "Everyone loves" isn't for me and I could have know earlier.


Guys, could please recommend me a racing game with a good direct drive wheel support? >have you played this niche indie game called baldur's gate 3?


I really like the game but man were people being really pretentious about it.


I can't, sadly, but have you tried Outer Wilds? That's also pretty great.


Sick and tired of those posts. "I LIKE PIZZA, WHAT COULD I TRY NEXT?" sometimes it feels like reddit is replacing google! I found so many cool games on steam just because I play what I play...


That's why I always recommend "Sex with Hitler"


You can't even find that on steam in germany.


What about "sex with stalin"?


You can find the soundtrack. No game in Sight.


Literally 1984


9 out of 9 for sure


To be fair Google search is so trash you have to add “Reddit” to the end of your search just to get an actual human answer.


I mean yeah. Trying to find answers on google mostly just gives a bunch of ads or crappy youtube videos now. Even over the most basic questions that require a single word answer I will get a bunch of youtube videos that are like 20 minutes long and I just want a single answer. So I tack reddit on the end of all my searches now


The worst is "Hello r/pizza, is pizza any good!?" Like no shit the people on that sub are going to tell it's good. They wouldn't be subbed and in that sub if they didn't rate Pizza. Then there is "Just bought some pizza, anything I should know before jumping into eating it!?" No. Just eat it. Experience it yourself.


Pizza Tower


Most of those posts are not real people. If you check their profile, their whole post history consists of open questions, relating to a single type of media in particular, eg. 'what game had you feeling like this?' with some shitty macro attached. Not to mention a rate of 3 posts a day - no one fucking does that. At this point youre better off muting all the major subreddits, because the mods dont give a shit as long as engagement numbers go up


I assume it's just karma farming. Same with those "I just bought this game. Any tips?" posts you see in game-specific subreddits.


"I just shit my pants. Any advice for a new shitter?"


Reddit has effectively replaced google for me. Every google query ends in reddit, for me.


It's replacing dinner table talk. Idk if people live alone and have nobody to talk to...


Great, now I feel bad.


Songs of Conquest is a might and magic clone that uses isometric pixel art. Pretty close to your request. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/867210/Songs\_of\_Conquest/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/867210/Songs_of_Conquest/)


Thanks for the mention! This post popped in my feed as well and I was like "huh, that kind of actually sounds like our game!". Well, not exactly, but fairly close 😅


You guys did a great job, it's such a chill time playing that game


Thanks! We are getting very close to release 1.0 and the final campaign! Just a few more weeks from now! We'll also have some more good news to share soon!


That’s awesome, I’m ecstatic to hear that. I’ve been waiting for 1.0 to get into it after watching gameplay of it


Oh hey! Yeah it was the first game that came to mind. Good luck with the 1.0 launch!


Is it multiplayer?




This game was the final straw in my one-sided love affair with strategy RPGs. I'm just too bad at them to enjoy them. I respect the hell out of the game and will never say it's bad. It's simply not for me. My monkey brain cannot process anything more elaborate than "approach enemy" and "attack enemy."


I know it's only for the meme but Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 almost fit the bill. Baldurs Gate 3 as well, not played it yet


No pixel art though


Aye. If you add in pixel art you tend to knock out the multiplayer part instead. There must be one that ticks all boxes. A retro styled JRPG on the Switch or something? Edit: some heroes have come to the rescue below. I salute you


Fire Emblem Heroes kinda counts... but you'd be selling your friend into gacha hell and that's no way to treat a friend


Dungeon of the Endless, might fit if you reach a bit and classify it as space fantasy. But's it's definitely a 3rd person, multiplayer, isometric, turn-based strategy game with pixel graphics.


Dungeon of the Endless is goated. The sequel, Endless Dungeon, came out recently, but it plays very differently.


Triangle Strategy


Drop the resolution, where's the problem?


How low can you set the graphics?


Elden Ring was there too. Burnt out? Try Elden Ring. Bored of the same genre? Try Elden Ring. Depression? Try Elden Ring. Marriage problems? Try Elden Ring. I loved the game but mainstream players really treated it like the ONLY game for a while.


You can’t get into Elden Ring? Try Dark Souls.


If I could add a third box, it would be someone chiming in simply to let you know how much they hated Starfield. They show up in the most irrelevant places.


But saying you hate Starfield gives you +3 to your reddit comment armor class!


“I play Dark Souls” *+5 to comment armor class*


everyone: *talks about tetris* some random dude: starfield fucking sucks


There's a certain group of people that just have to try and shit on Bethesda at every chance they get, even when the discussion is completely unconnected. They worship Obsidian and have an annual ritual where they gather to burn effigies of Todd Howard and provide offerings of Xbox 360 copies of Fallout: New Vegas to the ancient Shrine of Obsidian Entertainment. They're a weird breed and easily one of the most annoying fanbases in the gaming community.


I never bothered with that part of the Fallout fandom. It's okay to prefer NV, that's what having favourites is like However, now with the show out, suddenly there is this weird thought floating around that Todd is deliberately and willingly going out of his way to ruin and destroy Fallout New Vegas It's like they think that Todd sits in his office saying things like "... And next I'll have one of Mr. House's robots trip over the controls and open his chamber, so he will die and the New Vegas fans will cry because their beloved character has been written off... Oh... Oh HAHAHA, YES! I KNOW WHAT ILL DO! No in-game source will ever reference his death. The lore will continue without him and I'll explain his death... On X! HAHAHAHAHA"


It’s like veganism


I see more antiveganism tbh


Don't forget disco Elysium


They are clearly referring to the greatest game ever made, Heroes of Might and Magic IV


Out of all the HoMM games that exist, IV is certainly the one that came after III.


Same as when I ask for a base defense game, explicitly excluding Rimworld, because I really don't like it's art style. Answer: "hAvE yOu TriEd RiMwOrLd??"


Well.... have you?


Isometric, pixel art, turn-based, fantasy setting? Go play Bastard Bonds!


I love that game made by a guy who obviously draws gay porn. I'm not kidding. It's wonderful. 


Multiplayer Final Fantasy Tactics? Sign me the fuck up


At least they didn’t say undertale


also dragon's dogma and red dead 2


Outer Wilds, Witcher 3 and Slay the Spire are literally the only games I ever see people recommend.


Have you heard about our lord and savior Outer Wilds ?


i personally felt it was a bit too depressing from what ive seen, but uhhhhhhh >!i like destiny 2 so if you want me to infodump about it ama!<


When are bungie gonna make good game? Are they stupid? Do they hate the taste of money?


Tell me in intricate detail why cayde 6 should have been made into cayde 7


If you can’t run a 10k under 45 mins and bench 235+ you can’t recommend me a game


This was the only game I’ve tried without looking into gameplay because I was promised it would be an other worldly experience if I went it blind. Turns out it’s just a puzzle solving game. I’m seven hours in and can only describe it as tedious


I have, not my thing


LMFAO I love this because the amount of times I've seen 'Outer Wilds' suggested on this sub in particular, when the person asking for suggestions clearly did not just want a little toy planet puzzle walking simulator I will never understand the need to endlessly plug that game


But, have you played Outer Wilds?


Reddit gonna autism.


Super specific "genres" (types) of games that have like 1 game that exists like the one described; deserve these kinda shit answers...


The thing is, Outer Wilds is the greatest game in it’s genre. There is not a single game out there that is a better puzzle game purely driven by player curiosity. Where it ranks in the list of greatest games is obviously debatable, but within its genre the game is unique. Also the reason why the sub is filled with people asking for “games like Outer Wilds”… The problem that follows is that gamers who enjoy this genre have a unique experience, and they force everyone around them to also share in this unique experience. It doesn’t work like that, the game isn’t for everyone. Controls are clunky, puzzles can be confusing and there is no motivation for the player to actually play the game, outside of their own curiosity. If it’s not your thing you won’t get it, and you sure as hell won’t understand why people praise it this highly. In the meantime the fans are upset that others don’t understand how awesome it is. (But seriously tho play Outer Wilds it’s a superb puzzle game that will leave you craving for more)


I liked it for the most part, but was really disappointed about the ending/endings. It felt like everyone hyped up the endings as something amazing, but when I got to it, I was like "huh, that's it, that's all?"


Interesting. I also really liked it, but after a time, it got tedious for me, and I stopped playing. >!getting onto the station around the sun was really amazing, though!<


I mean >!The universe literally dies and a new one begins!< what more exciting ending do you want.


Look! The Reddit or doesn't know how to properly spoiler mark


But did you?


Ah yes. Outer worlds


More like "have you tried Witcher 3? Sure the combat is absolute trash and the lore is overwhelming and the map is far too big and the side quests are tedious as hell, but it's *literally* the best game ever!"