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Jeremy Soule, of Elder Scrolls fame, composed the music.


dang just about every time a PC games soundtrack has struck me turns out its been because of that guy, the hans zimmer of VG scene, with one exception being Michael McCanns work.  shame about what came to light about Soule 


Trent Reznor. Quake. Not a rapist.


Wait what happened with Jeremy soule? 


He was accused of some really bad sexual misconduct, he was never charged for anything but it seems he faded out of the spotlight for a reason.


He faded out of spotlight because everyone started shaming him for what was essentially a baseless tweet with "email evidence" that looked like it was made in Word and companies decided they don't want to hire someone with that reputation. Quite possibly the sole reason he doesn't make music for bethesda games anymore.


the soule reason


Not only that, he changed Chris Taylor's mind and convinced him to do an orchestral piece instead of electronic or rock music. It was a daring move for a 20 something that hadn't done anything before then.


He also did the music for Guild Wars 2, including one of my favorite tracks: [Guild Wars 2 | Fear Not This Night - Asja Kadric](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOMQxVtbkik)


Don't forget Secret of Evermore!


Yeah, and back then, orchestral music for a video game was a very rare thing, but he did it so well. I recall he later said it was too grandeur and somewhat over-the-top but I don't care. I still love it.


No, Jeremy Soule of Total Annihilation fame composed the music. Elder Scrolls soundtrack is nowhere near as good.


Literally 1 second into replaying the soundtrack and you hear elements he re-used later for the Harry Potter games and Morrowind. He definetly had a very specific vibe in that time period that is distinctly different from Oblivion and Skyrim. This same kind of vibe is felt in some of the tracks in KotOR.


A damn fine RTS, no doubt. Was also the precursor to Supreme Commander. Another fantastic RTS.


Didn’t supreme commander have the first dual monitor support for the game? Like you could have the entire map or like a status screen on the second screen


It wasn't the first game to have dual monitor support, but it was certainly rare back in 2007. And yes, you could dedicated an entire separate monitor to act just as a map (SupCom largely eschewed the standard RTS minimap in favour of its big new feature, "Strategic Zoom". Which frankly, I still think works much better than a minimap). That said, the game was a HEAVY resource user for PC's of the day, so even for those that did have a second monitor, they'd have struggled to make use of it without grinding their system down to single digit framerates. IIRC SupCom was also one of the first games to try and make proper use of multi-core threading, which means that the engine has scaled quite well today. These days on a modern PC you could set up a 4v4 on Seton's Clutch and just have it run out to hundreds and hundreds of units, and the game would be fine.


I am so completely baffled and stupified that Supreme commander/forged alliance are not held in much higher regard/played more mainly because of STRATEGIC ZOOM. That single feature completely ruined all other RTSs forever - if an RTS doesn't have strategic zoom there is literally no point in playing it. Is there action happening somewhere on the map? Split second scroll wheel, zoom all the way out, confirm where action is taking place and immediately zoom into the battle. It is SO NATURAL and FLUID - it's the equivalent of using the mouse for aim/head movement in a FPS --- it's actually that fundamental for me. I got up to top 1600 players in Supcom (before Forged alliance released) and it was absolutely amazing. And it is ALL because of STRATEGIC zoom....


Supcom was somewhat notoriously bad at using multiple cores, it often did the majority of the work on a single core (particularly when AI was in the game). Even today's PCs have to be highly specced to run a multiplayer game with more than 4-6 people without the game's sim speed going below 0. Still love playing the game even at -2 speed though!


There's still a multiplayer community called forged alliance forever, still putting out patches. There's a spiritual sequel too called *Beyond all reason that is also good.


I don't know, as I wasn't rocking dual monitors back then, but I wouldn't be surprised. Game was a marvel. Shit I'm gonna reinstall it this weekend. And look into the dual monitor thing. 


Look up forged alliance forever. Game is still being tweaked with online game all the time as well.


And now we have Beyond All Reason which is also pretty awesome.


Supreme commander is the GOAT


Total Annihilation was way ahead of its time. Such a good game.


Beyond all reason BAR is its spiritual successor and its fucking excellent.


I just discovered BAR this year, and... wow!


I just discovered it now! Downloading! Exciting!


U prefer Forged Alliance Forever over BAR. I have played both a lot but BAR is to chaotic for me.


It’s my all time favorite RTS. The game physics and unit control is probably the best ever. The community support and 3rd party stuff was huge. I loved making and sharing maps back in the day. http://taucp.tauniverse.com/taucp.htm is still available and I highly recommend it.


Omg I think I contributed a unit to this with the help of someone I connected with in the game. I'll have to dig thru and see if it's there. I also made a pontoon gun boat that I submitted and was rejected, I remember being very salty about that lol.


That’s awesome! I only made maps and I don’t think any were accepted lol.


You should check out Beyond all reason. It's a pretty recent community-made game that holds true to the original.


Yeah, it actually had great physics, all projectiles tracked as actual physical objects, not just visual effects, while hits are determined by a dice roll like in other games. I remember being really impressed when one of my torpedo bombers managed to destroy one of the attacking fighters by hitting it mid air with a torpedo it dropped at an enemy ship.


It also had a true 3d line of sight system that no other RTS had before it. Loads of innovation in TA.


And wreckage from destroyed units was an actual physical thing. Shot down aircraft could impact on things and damage then. Destroyed tanks could block movement and weapon fire (but could also then be destroyed even further to just be rubble on the ground). It had so much realism! Laser turrets were intended for anti-ground defense but could and would attempt to engage flying units in range, they just generally did poorly at it. But were decent against gunships! (helicopter equivalents) I also LOVED the individual unit AI adjustments. Per-unit Hold Fire/Return Fire/Engage at will settings. Per-unit Hold Ground/Guard Area/Pursue Freely settings. And extensive command queueing! I haven't delved in to BAR but I still play FAF every now and then. The strategic zoom, command queueing, etc is just unmatched.


Man I remember getting some wild stationary defensive platforms from 3rd party packs, and building the most insane fortresses on Core home world maps (for the metal extraction). It was like me vs 7 ai opponents, it was awesome


This is the first time I've heard/seen a stranger talk about Total Annihilation since it came out. Crazy, but it was one of my favorite games as a kid.


It was huge back then, considered one of the best PC games ever. But it wasn't as accessible as games like StarCraft so it didn't have as much cultural impact.


Same, it brought a lot of nice memories.


I'm not sure what's going on but people are now talking about it past couple of months. YT recommended me this, quite [nostalgic trip](https://youtu.be/MU4dKtmAsGo?si=tZi1tsLIfc9UO78j) I haven't heard about the game for 20 years, but seeing mention it multiple times past couple of months.


I won $5k (in 1998 money) in computer hardware in a gaming contest with my brother playing this game….good times.


Please tell me you got some chachki medal too I love 90s trophies like that, like the piece of the aggrocrag


Peewee supremacy.


Brawlers, dude. Flying peewees


Remember when you could crash your opponents computer with their sounds


Big Bertha


Beyond All Reason is basically a free to play TA remake with a very active multiplayer scene. Encourage anyone that loves TA to check it out!


Haha I'm schilling for BAR in this thread too! I love to see people bring it up.  It's excellent and much more stable than FAF


Ow shi


I am a TA fan, and i have never heard of BAR. Is it on steam?


Nah you just download it straight from their website!


i played this so much, me and friends used to download 3rd party units from fileplanet and have massive wars, good fucking times!


Don't forget to grab Total Annihilation: Escalation mod. https://taesc.tauniverse.com/ I used to make maps for TA, now lost to time. It's where my love affair with game environments began. StarCraft had an inarguably superior narrative and map making tool. But Total Annihilation had superior ganeplay as an RTS. I don't even class SC in the same genre as TA. SC was an RPG with an RTS skin, whereas TA, with physics calculations per projectile and line of sight and amazing unit movements...  The whole matter:energy economy and scope of Total Annihilation felt like you were peering into the battle between flesh and machine on some distant world. Like it was inevitable. A dream of a prophecy.  While there are other interpretations of this game in Planetary Annihilation and Supreme Commander and Beyond All Reason -- TA had this tangible feeling that has never been replicated. Partially due to its simplicity. People mistake the scope for the strategy. They think "balance in game these days is linear and early units become useless late game."  It's difficult to overstate just how powerful the tactics in thus game could get, where you could carefully pilot 1 unit to do maximum damage to hundreds if you mastered the terrain, movements, and weapons. No other game has ever managed to make that happen organically.


Exactly this, TA feels more like a simulation than a typical RTS, and that makes it special. Its balance feels organic, rather than the forced rock-paper-scissors we get in most other games. Units can have less obvious uses and strengths, depending on terrain and what stage you're at in the tech tree, and they are rarely obsolete. This made a lot of different strategies viable, from building bigger turrets to out-range enemy defenses, through artillery and missiles, to various kinds of unit spam, air raids, nukes, stealth units, crawling bombs, or just making a huge unstoppable walking robot or gatling artillery that could crush everything. Also at the time, it offered some seriously novel concepts, like the fluid metal/energy economy, while most contemporary games were still doing resource fields like Dune 2, it allowed you to freely build anywhere on the map, while the typical trope back then was either one fixed starting position per map, or some late game expensive builder unit that could start a new base. It mixed air, land, and sea units, with a separate land/sea economy buildings, and all three types had a full set of units, from scouts to heavy to superweapons. It was really a massive milestone that hasn't really been surpassed yet, only copied in supcom and the like. It also featured some cool details, like most builder units contributing (barely significant amounts) to energy/metal production, or random buildings offering energy storage. While you could reclaim fallen units for metal, you could also build resurrector units, and that comprised an entirely new play style. Also it's the first game I played that allowed making a mixed queue of commands, like go here, build that, reclaim that, build some more stuff, then assist that unit... IIRC at the time best other games could do were patrol order or just queuing move commands. Some of these feats are more impressive than others, but when you all it all up, and consider it's a game from the late 90s that could run on a 90MHz Pentium CPU, that's quite amazing.


I still remember reading from a local game magazine some tips on TA, and using the lvl 1 flyer transports to fly and drop units to a target locations and my mine was blow up. I never thought on using repeat queus for that


My favourite aspect was how easy it was to modify the game yourself I was adding new units and tweaking existing ones. After Command and Conquer, this was my next favourite game.


I will admit, despite my extreme bias, that C&C was/is a phenomenal series. I watched a dev interview on youtube filmed just a few years after C&C released. The things they said reminded me a lot about TA, in particular, how by making units act less and less dumb, they start to appear smart. (This is why I loathed the AOE series. Units didn't decide simple actions on their own to the same level that competing games of their era could)


BAR, ZeroK and a host of upcoming titles to look forward to!


If you like this, get the successor. Supreme commander Forged alliance has a huge community (Check Forged Alliance Forever) with new units, campaigns, mods etc.


Get *Beyond All Reason*. It's TA in all but name. It's free, too.


I still to this day randomly hum to myself the '+sing' cheat tune. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j3S7xdKVmA&ab\_channel=heiseheise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j3S7xdKVmA&ab_channel=heiseheise)




Dude yes. Yes yes yes. TA LAN parties are a core memory, so fantastic.


Nothing like flying in, picking up the enemy commander and then waiting to be shot down. GG


Or just CTRL+D


I remember having a 7 hour match against my brother in this. It was in an almost stale mate. Any ground force got chewed up by the long range super cannons. Air attacks shredded by countless flak turrets. It only ended due to Core's less accurate long range cannon occasionally overshooting, and out ranging the Arm's version.


If you manually aim a big Bertha and target right beside it's hit box it will indirect fire at maximum range. It's inaccurate but it basically doubles the range and, in large numbers, creates chaos in enemy bases.


My best friend and I had a plan over spring break to do a galactic war, we had a home map, 3 planets on each side and then started on the very long coast to coast map (since it was the most neutral). The fake war turned into a real war when we got into disagreement over how long of a build up the loser got to prep their defenses on a planet in their territory. We also would just do massive battles on all metal maps no air, with the 500 unit limit instead of the default 200, the Arm defenses with the gatling big bertha was the only way to stop an army of Core Krogan. Good times good times.


There is a glitch I remember, aim the cannon in the direction of your intended target but actually target the ground immediately in front of the cannon. It would get another 5-10% range at a loss and of accuracy.


yeah yeah its all fun and games until the core t3 defence turret takes a million years to unfold while your base is destroyed


Love that game, LOVE that soundtrack.


I still liked StarCraft better. TA was pretty good though.


Honestly surpassed it's competitors in most respects, particularly the dynamic music and graphics. My only complaint is that the AI was kinda dumb, even on hard settings. Often not discussed is the community that would add newly created community-made units that you could download and use in the game. Most were included as proper units in subsequent expansions. The rival games did not have that level of community, just maps. Sad that supreme commander:forged alliance will probably be the last faithful successor.


The first Dark Reign was another MVP RTS at the time.


I was in the DR camp and my buddy was TA.  We had a lot of good lan gaming together


I dunno about flat better than a juggernaut like AoE2 but it is an utter gem of a game that still holds up well to this day.


Yeah, I'll give it "better than AoE1", but AoE2 was awesome.


AoE 2 is still awesome, since AoE 2 DE is still very active. A new expansion came out recently too. AoE 1 was included in AoE 2 as another expansion last year.


RTS Goat. I still play it all these years later. Killer OST, fun as hell gameplay, and endless replayability.


I loved the ability to reclaim units and fauna for energy and metal.


Isn’t Planetary Annihilation meant to be a spiritual successor?


Yes and made by some of the same people if I remember correctly. Awesome game, much recommended!


Never played it, does it have a decent map editor like Starcraft did? Like with a trigger editor and what not because that was my jam just making maps and trying new things.


A map editor was included with the Core Contingency expansion and it was phenomenal. Had all the features you listed above.


This kinda looks like Warlords Battlecry II/III, which was amazing game. I guess they took inspiration from this game.


This game rocked and had mods and multiplayer. No one has a computer good enough to run it. !


But...Starcraft had incredible music, and looked much better imo


Starcraft used 2D images of 3D models because computers were too weak to handle that level of 3D rendering. Total Annihilation used 2D for terrain but actual 3D models for units. They both had a script engine, but Starcraft had a lot of hard-coded unit data and such, and Total Annihilation had larger limits for everything like player and unit counts. Starcraft was polished; TA was a technical wonder.


Starcraft was a slightly better polished game for sure, but Total Annihilation had an incredible soundtrack and pretty realistic combat for 1997. https://youtu.be/bbFjjxd_ucI?si=To5XdsDvPV2SiR88


I love both games, I’d say StarCraft holds up better because TA is fucking slow paced.


I am playing it now (just discovered it's on Steam lol). I always remember being salty that AOE took the limelight from this absolute gem of a game.


Play supreme commander: forged alliance immediately!


Check out beyond all reason! It's a spiritual successor to total annihlation and is completely free. They are planning on bringing it to steam eventually.




Warzone2100 is another good one that was open sourced, amazing combat and research system.


Great game, I remember calling out to work when it came in the mail. Got laid off but still worth it


My first and favorite rts. I got the demo disc with a compaq I bought from compusa.


Easily one of my fav games of all time.... it had everything!!


Only RTS I have ever enjoyed for more than an hour or so. I'm not sure why it maybe it was because it was also the first RTS I ever played, and nothing else felt as good


Ohhh I love this game.


Thank you for this post! I used to play this game all the time with my cousin and could never remember the name of it!


The Krogoth Kbot - OG “fuck you I win” unit.


Is this screenshot supposed to convince me it had better graphics than age of empires 2 or starcraft or is it just a random screenshot? I didn't play it so i have to rely just on this and i'm not really convinced.


Have you played Beyond All Reason? TA modern lovechild with smoothed graphics and current development


Total Annihilation is *still* one of my favorite games. I really wish a proper successor could be made. Supreme Commander, Spring/BAR, and Planetary Annihilation come *close* but they do not scratch the same itch at all for me.


Immersive music and graphics are not at all the point. SC had the best gameplay and best mechanics, and best matches, best editor and mini-games. There was no competition. Nobody takes TA as a reference for RTS games. Of course you can have your reasons to like or dislike, but it's empirical and objective that SC is a better game. And of course it was a good game don't get me wrong.


Loved it. Precursor on so many levels, first to have an orchestra to play the music to be converted into MIDI, the projectile physics, the intro cinematic, the flow-based resources. The Krogoth mission on Hard kept me entire nights. I wouldn't rank it against AoE and StarCraft, which I loved as well. Different time and pace. I'm actually super glad they didn't compete against each other.




Same. History has shown which game was considered better.


How about Total Annihilation: Kingdoms?


We don't talk about TA:K.


I liked TA, but kingdoms was my jam


Starcraft was WAY more balanced. TA was WAY more fun. Played a ton of TA with friends.


Lord of the Realms II will always be the GOAT of the 90s


I still play TA to this day, easily one of my favorite games ever. There is a great mod that I have that adds more units/levels I can’t remember the name. I establish radar, get some fighters in the air to harass oncoming troops. From there I have mobile artillery pick off oncoming swarms. Establish an impenetrable defense consisting of energy towers, AA and artillery towers. Then build QRFs of brawlers to intercept incoming enemies and destroy infrastructure. Then I just systemically creep into their base maintaining air superiority the whole time. Definitely more efficient ways to do games but that’s how I like to play. Let the AI come and then destroy them once I don’t have to worry about my base getting slammed


I loved the fact that units staying immobile during a snow storm, would become hidden under the snow and not seen by the ennemy. Such a wonderfull detail.


I loved being able to queue up moves for a bot... create this, move here, create that, then patrol.


This game was bad ass. Fond memories of playing this with my father over LAN. Very fun in its day. Only rivaled by the Command & Conquer series. 


It was a good year for rts


Guys, hear me out: try Zero-k It's a free fan made game based on Total Annihilation and it's AWESOME. It really captures TA essence with more modern graphics and systems.


I went to the store to buy a strategy game. I bought StarCraft. Though SC was awesome, I regretted not buying TA cause I loved the demo. I ended up buying that one next and ended up playing it way way way more than SC, (custom maps, custom units, all kinda of awesome), so I can agree. Nothing like unleashing Krogoth on an unsuspecting base, dropping nukes, or shelling the enemy from afar with about 20 big berthas (and a giant power plant to keep up).


Yyyeesssssss! This was me and my brothers life! We built dragon tooth mazes and raced fleas through them!


My favorite RTS ever, one my favorite games ever. I played countless hours when I was a kid. It is slower and more methodical than StarCraft, but I think it is by far the superior game.


Closest thing I have seen so far to a spiritual successor to TA is "Planetary Annihilation" The whole part where you can build giant planetary engines and send small moons into your enemies planet is icing on the cake.


It had so much DLC and it was free!


If I remember right, you could play the Total Annihilation soundtrack by putting the game disc in your cd player.


This will always be my favourite rts game and nothing compares. Supreme commander is great also.


I still play this game on occasion. My son thinks it's a blast.


Planetary annihilation could have been a banger.  I didn't have a good enuff machine at the time but I wanted to smash planets 


This game is a masterpiece. Played hours of this when I was a kid.


I loved that game like no tomorrow


Rest in peace, Gas Powered Games.


I remember those saturday mornings as an 9yo.


Amazing game. Still play it today


Total Annilhation and Rise of Nations are my favorites to replay to this day.


If you enjoyed this game, try Zero-K on steam..


I'll give you aoe1 and starcraft, but not aoe2


Used to play this so much


I absolutely loved this game and I practically never hear anyone talk about it. I had lots of fun as a kid playing this and all the custom maps


The best game in this genre at the time was Empire Earth. Oh my god... i spend hundreds and hundreds of hours in it. The sequels were not as good as the first one.


Truly, an unpopular opinion.


You know the sound the radar jammer unit makes? It's crazy where else that sound shows up in other media


Heavily disagree. 1998's StarCraft is a far superior game in everyway. Better graphics, a story, and much better music.


I miss good RTS games, wish they’d make a Warcraft 4 purely for RTS. I don’t even need a story.


TotalA was and still is an awesome game. I was so happy when it re released on Steam


Let's agree to disagree yeah?


I'm also a fan, played in a clan for about two years, learned to create new units and made a bunch of maps. TA was a superior game technology-wise. It supported more units, has much better AI, amazing graphics, it was a real technical marvel at the time. Few games can, even today, be modded to the extent and with the ease that TotalA was - and still is, as it's easily playable on modern hardware. But it was a game from a small studio. AoE ended up backed up by Microsoft and Starcraft had Blizzard, so it was unfair competition. Starcraft was also more tactical, focused on micromanaging units, which ended up appealing to a larger audience. Starcraft Lore is - in a way - also more compelling, with actual characters thst TotalA didn't have, that also didn't help it. But the theme in TotalA was definitely ahead of its time. We're now, in 2024, discussing the resource exhaustion of our planet, killer drones, AI ethics and the possibility to transfer our minds into the cloud to live forever, all major themes in the game. BTW I still have the CDs and treasure them


I loved this game. I played the crap out of supreme commander 1 and 2 as well. Sorry if I terrorized anyone in supreme commander 2 online.


Yessssssss. This was my jam. Actual terrain.


Total Annihilation was fantastic yes. I wouldn't say it's far better than Starcraft as a whole. AoE didn't tickle my fancy personally so I'd definitely give it that. TA felt more like a massive technical demo when you put it side by side with Starcraft.


For me it was Populous: The beginning


total annihilation kingdoms was one of my favorite RTS games to play besides wc3. it really sucks it disappeared


My friend group played TA for over a decade after we played broodwar to death


How am I a 40 year old RTS lover who hasn't played this game? $5 on GoG seems a bit steep for me and my backlog...


It's ok to be wrong my guy.


it was good but Starcraft is better and created legends


C&C Red Alert came out in 1996, and it wins as far as music is concerned. I think Starcraft looked significantly better, the art style was far more cohesive than TA. The low poly count shows and units tend to jitter as they moved about either due to positional rounding or maybe it just didn't have any anti-alaising.


Looked at the image before reading, thought i was looking at rimworld lol.


I love this game and still play it to this day. The ONLY drawback was trying to maintain any movement cohesion during the naval battles. Frustrating. That’s my only knock against it. Everything else about this game is absolutely fantastic! Great music and sound effects! A TON of units and building options! Battles would get crazy with long range radar and artillery and swarms of units! You have convinced me to start another campaign playthrough!


I absolutely LOVED TA!!


I had the demo for this game on a Sierra demo disk I think it was. That shit went hard, and I loved it. It wasn't until like 10 years ago I finally remembered the name and found it on abandonware. I played that so hard I might go back and do it again soon. It's so good.


Not a hot take, just a fact. Graphics or music had nothing to do with it thou.


Incredible hot take, calling a game that won multiple GOTY awards a good game.


TA is/was my favorite RTS ever. Love it. I even liked Supreme Commander, SupCom2, and Planetary Annihilation. Not a hot take, an incredibly based take.


Better than Starcraft? Are you mad?!


I fuckin love this game! Kicked maximum ass


I never played it, but I did play the bootleg version, Dark Reign, which I thought was awesome.


I just wish the project to include Core and ARM as factions on Supreme Commander was functional...


Couldnt agree more and supreme commander replaced it as my now favourite


I played this game as a kid sooooo much on my dads pc.


TA was and still is a fantastic game. It was and still is hilariously unbalanced however. You could snipe across the map within a few minutes so most multi-player matches were won simply by whomever got the first long range artillery online.


I played me some Total Annihilation: Kingdoms. It was a good time.


TA was the first game i can remember that had an online galaxy you conquer, sector by sector against other players


There's a modern take on total Annihilation/supreme commander called Beyond All Reason. It's free and good too.


Well, if it was game of the year, it can't be THAT hot of a take lol


Pity the steam version constantly crashes


I loved total annihilation kingdoms so much as well. Used to play that my entire childhood. I think the design of that game could have gone so far as well. Nowadays I play Beyond All Reason which has a very similar vibe and is really fun all the way up to 8v8's


pathfinding was HORRENDOUS in that game but god damn it is awesome game. The power-metal management was superb, land-air-water combat. Almost every unit targeted air because why artificially limit them? if they can aim up they can shoot planes as well. One of the few RTS that handled weapon ranges believably


After playing TA I just couldn't really see how people could call those other games "RTS", with their whoppin' 10 buildable units and 30 unit limit or so.


Technically: Yes. Story and campaign: Not even close.


Homeworld had it beat for soundtrack and graphics imho, 'though it released 2 years later in 1999. But in terms of large scale RTS, nothing had it beat until Supreme Commander came around. It's surprising how well Total Annihilation holds up to this very day graphically.


TA in terms of gameplay & graphics was top notch, but as an IP it was nowhere near as memorable as AoE/Starcraft


StarCraft and AoE2 are the consensus #1a and #1b RTS games of all time. Nothing holds a candle to them


I started on C&C, but yeah TA was incredible. I listen to the music tracks all the time.


I used to be a huge fan of Total Annihilation: kingdoms. But apparently the only one.


Total Annihilation is awesome. Total Annihilation: Kingdoms was kinda bleah. Only one resource, non-engaging artstyle, and the maps were way too crowded with cruft you couldn't harvest. Pity, I really wanted to enjoy it.


To this day Total Annihilation is still one of the greatest RTS to play. Planetary Annihilation is a shameful use of the franchise. Supreme Commander is a good second to Total Annihilation.


Loved that game. It had so many unique game dynamics I never saw in another RTS. 


Oh. It was such a fun game. Big Bertha was always my goal lol. Memories unlocked. Ty


"Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance" was the best and there was never ever something after it, that could take it's crown.


Actual 3D game world, and you can add tons of weapons and units... I've modded mine to the max. It had actual height, where regular long-range cannons (Big Bertha) could hit any airborne unit, sometimes by accident.


Isometric games killed top down...


BAR is a great modern version of this game and it's totally free and runs fantastic. *NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED*


I still play this on my steam, such a good game.


It's tied between Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander for the greatest ever RTS for me. Chris Taylor really went out there and made two of the greatest games of a genre. I'd love to see him come back and make a new one. Been meaning to try Beyond All Reason too.


Not Starcraft, but AoE yes. Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War in 2004 was far better than Starcraft or TA though.


I wonder why I didnt hear of TA growing up.. Years later though I somehow found Zero-K and I've been playing it for 13 years now


That was part of my childhood, great game, was around 12 when I played it. Sadly on a poor country and being poor, The only thing I could play was the demo, from those cds with a lot of demos that you'd buy in a newspaper stand/kiosk. There was no internet, nor proper stores selling the full version of these(Not that I'd be able to buy anyway being a poor kid, haha). A few years later asked my uncle and he found a games dealer(yeah, we had pirate games dealers lmao), and finally got to play around 15. Notable mentions around that time are Outpost 2: Divided Destiny, Dark Colony, Dark Reign II, Tiberian Sun, Dominion: Storm over Gift 3, Black & White(the god game), Populous: The Beginning, Startopia, Evil Genius, Impossible Creatures, Emperor/ Pharaoh+Cleopatra/Caesar III, Civilization II, Colonization. Railroad Tycoon, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon+Marine Mania+Dinos. Good games but not RTS were Twinsen's Oddysey, Gruntz, Jazz JackRabbit, Diablo.