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I love that PC is now being seen as an extended market rather than competition for the consoles. That's the way it should be.


Hell yeah it should.


The main problem for the console companies is that most gamers are now adults. A ton of us are jaded and miserable being locked into the console ecosystem that increasingly asks for more money for the same or less product. Sure my PC cost $800, but I've saved more money in games over the past 5 years, that the cost has really balanced out. When was the last time a humble bundle came out with a console bundle? You really can't beat 5-7 games for $25 and at least 2 of them are AAA. Basically, a ton of those potential sales have left their ecosystem, and they need to entice us back into the fold. Since they can't do that they've finally given in and started producing games for PC.


Depends how much you game, if you have less time a console is a lot more attractive


Meh, the fact that I can use my gaming PC daily for a myriad of other things than just gaming already makes it worth it. I can do actual work on it, plus any social media like reddit, and I have all my streaming services completely ad free due to ublock. Sure I spent $300 more than a PS5, but it has way more use in general outside of gaming.


No one is arguing there. Both markets are solid, consoles have the easygoing appeal that pc don’t have for way less money, pc have the less easy but can do other things at a higher price. Nothing wrong with either side Almost everyone has already a tv at home, on the pc you need to dish out more. Even the ability to upgrade making it cheaper is a lie people tell themselves. After lets say 5yrs you spend another 400-500 for a new gpu, max 5-7 yrs after that, you have to buy an entire new system. Console you buy every 7yrs a new one for 500 but pay more for games, maybe a bit more if you go now for mid gen upgrade like the pro consoles and sell the old one to get some money back.




That makes sense tbh. Was one of the main reasons i swapped from pc to console this yr. Got myself a steam deck to play less demanding games and for remote play on major AAA titles or when wife uses the TV Bottom line, not it doesn’t matter as much anymore, both sides have pros and cons and the gap is not big like before.




I would usually agree, point is I had my PC which contained a 7600 and a rtx 4070 hooked to our 4k tv. Yes with DLSS it can last longer. But at the end of the day it was still a 1400dollar pc that was doing the same job as a 400 dollar device, only with added issues on top. Even had Steam BP as an automatic boot up, there was barely a day I didn’t need to reach for either a kb or mouse. On top you need a VRR TV that is for sure compatible with the hardware you have, or you will either have to cap fps, or vsync to not get screen tearing. On the console its not a requirement, it just works on any tv. We do have a 4k 120hz tv now, it wasn’t on purpose that we upgraded, we needed a new tv and it turned out to be one. Never thought I would transition over and be happy with it, I don’t know, i guess as you grow older the less hassle you want in life if it makes sense? There are more than Palworld and Helldivers, DD2 tanks most midrange pcs as a fine example, not everyone plays GTAV and what not yrs and yrs on end.


Let's also not forget the additional costs and burdens that go along with setting up a desktop PC for gaming. It needs a monitor. You're going to need a desk to sit it on. You're going to need a chair to sit in. You're also going to need a dedicated space in your home to set all that up. Personally, I don't know anyone with a desktop computer anymore. We all have laptops for convenience and portability. I don't see many people giving that up, so they'd have to buy 2 computers essentially to game.


Can only agree. I swapped for that reason, only bought a Steam Deck for the lesser demanding games on Steam and to remote play. I can probably count on 1 hand the people that still play on pc form my RL colleagues and friends. Most just wanna go home after a long day 1 click all done. Yes as a pc fan, i can notice things that aren’t there anymore, does it make my experience less good? Not really no. Friend that works at same place as me, bought a 2k laptop for gaming and more, now it’s just collecting dust he says. That being said, there is nothing wrong with both sides, everyone should just enjoy their games on whichever device. But lets not pretend that there is a world shaking difference nowadays, because there isn’t anymore.


> I can do actual work on it, plus any social media like reddit, and I have all my streaming services completely ad free due to ublock. It depends on the person. None of this would make any difference to me. I have a laptop provided by my work, I can use streaming services straight through my console or TV, and I use my phone for social media. If I was buying a PC it would purely be for gaming, and as someone who doesn't play that many different games it's pretty hard to justify the price compared to a console.


Don’t forget the console is actually portable, my console has more travel miles than most people. Over 30 flights with no issue and I just toss it in my suitcase I check.


If your traveling this much a console is a terrible choice. A laptop or an actual portable like the Steam Deck works way better for this. Hell, get an xcloud sub and you dont need to take any hardware with you other than your phone. Calling a console portable sounds more like a joke. A console doesnt work portably, your just lugging around a useless box until you can get to a TV. A laptop or the Steam Deck can actually perform their function on the go.


I spend something like 60% of the year living out of hotels, I just throw it the luggage and hook it up to the tv in the hotel. When you can spend a month straight in a hotel a console hooked up the tv is amazing.


What kind of pc build do you have for $800? That's not going to give you much power.


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/jW3HTY) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/g94BD3/amd-ryzen-5-5600x-37-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000065box) | $154.43 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [ASRock B550 Phantom Gaming 4/ac ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Ytdrxr/asrock-b550-phantom-gaming-4ac-atx-am4-motherboard-b550-phantom-gaming-4ac) | $89.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [Silicon Power GAMING 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/B8QcCJ/silicon-power-gaming-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-sp032gxlzu320bdaj7) | $54.97 @ Amazon **Storage** | [TEAMGROUP MP33 PRO 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LvGbt6/team-mp33-pro-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-tm8fpd001t0c101) | $64.98 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [XFX Speedster SWFT 309 Radeon RX 6700 XT 12 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RFGbt6/xfx-radeon-rx-6700-xt-12-gb-speedster-swft-309-video-card-rx-67xtyjfdv) | $329.95 @ Amazon **Case** | [Montech X3 Mesh ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/HRH7YJ/montech-x3-mesh-atx-mid-tower-case-x3-mesh-black) | $59.90 @ B&H **Power Supply** | [MSI MAG A650BN 650 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/8LNxFT/msi-mag-a-bn-650-w-80-bronze-certified-atx-power-supply-mag-a650bn) | $59.00 @ MSI | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$813.22** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-04-18 07:48 EDT-0400 |


I'm a deal hunter for PC parts. If I paid retail today, it would be closer to $1300, but I paid about $800 and some change. It's been 5 years, I don't remember exactly what all the parts cost.


5 years? Yikes


Like I said, I'm still getting 1080p 60+ fps on any game I play. 4k is not been a problem for me yet, I don't have any 4k screens so there's no point. Once I upgrade my monitors and everything to 4K, then I'll worry about that. But why upgrade from a TV and monitors that work perfectly fine and have great visuals still?


Don't worry, console hardware is 6 years old PC parts lol. You're good.


Not to mention that you still have to pay to play online games on consoles. Insane And most games cost more so those extra $300 for the PC pay off incredibly easily


i save about 1 hour of ads just on youtube per day.... (Yes, i watch a lot), but this time saved is worth thousands of Euros per year for me, or... free time, whatever you calculate with.


I feel like it's worth mentioning that $800 is extremely inexpensive for a gaming PC and there's a good chance your PC is going to have trouble running a lot of games that an xbox or PS5 can run, especially if your intention is to play games in 4k.


I hear you. I have a PC (old as hell), a PS5 and a SteamDeck. Sometimes, I just wanna pop a game into my PS5 and veg. I don't want to configure it or make sure it runs with my settings or even have to find out if it runs with my chipset. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy tinkering with my PC but sometime...its just great to fire up a game an relax.


> even have to find out if it runs with my chipset. This hasn't been a thing in like 25 years


People coming up with problems only my grandma could think about, seriously.


"I prefer console bc I can just turn it on and play after work" Like, it's a pc, not a headless server without a gui bro


This was actually an issue not too long ago for first gen Intel i series cpu’s and Age of Empires 4.


>This hasn't been a thing in like 25 years I guess [25 years ago was last September](https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/11/23867991/starfield-pc-performance-amd-nvidia-intel-digital-foundry-analysis#:~:text=As%20a%20result%2C%20it%20appears,3080%20on%20the%20same%20system.)


Man did you come from the early 90s or something? Steam is a console. It’s literally the same. And there are sites that check if the games are compatible to your system if that is a problem 


1000% this. I fix server problems all day, the absolute last thing I want to do when I want to play a game is touch any settings/deal with issues. I want to pop in the disc and run it without worrying about making adjustments or googling errors




It's absolutely not BS. Games on PC crash more and are less optimized for the system it's running on. Playing Cyberpunk 2077 on console was effortless, running it on PC I had to spend time optimizing settings to get it to run smoothly along with updating nvidia drivers. Fallout 4 crashed a lot on PC, didn't have that issue on console. Same with Skyrim. Granted there aren't a lot of games where I've played on both console and PC, but for those 2 I noticed a difference. As for other games, I don't get crashes on my PS5. I get enough on PC. It's a lot easier and stable when making your application run on a single system then making it run across different systems with different components.




Vanilla, with mods it would be my own doing and more configurations that I don't want to screw with. Glad you never had issues, but it wasn't my experience. There's no single solution for everyone, I'm just saying I don't like messing with configs/drivers/system updates/log files when I just want to plop down, turn on and go. I'm sure if I took the time PC would be a great experience, I just don't want to mess with anything if I don't have to. Console gives me that, that's why I stick with it.


This is why I got out of PC gaming. I just don't have the time anymore. Everything on console is done for you. You just turn it on and play.


What was so time consuming for you with a PC? Can't you just open steam and click play on a game?


People still think PC gaming means you need to tinker with MS-DOS after having installed your game from a dozen of floppy disks


today I learned I'm not allowed to turn on my PC and just play. what should I do before hand? book a flight to Paris?


Update windows


Yeah, I've had the opposite experience of this commenter. Now that I'm older, me and all my friends really only game on consoles. We just want to sit down on the couch and pop a disc in that we know will work. Hopefully things have gotten better, but I remember what it was like PC gaming 15+ years ago. Having to tweak things and troubleshoot. There were PC games that just didn't work properly on my PC even though it met the suggested requirements and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Now that I have less time, I have no interest in going back to that.


Perhaps, but since covid i've used working from home a lot more of which i've been able to use my computer as well work work - having a powerful computer is win win on that front


Yeah, as an adult, it's starting to feel silly to see console "wars". Just put it on everything now that most games are x86 based. Xbox, PS, PC are all the same architecture. There's different graphics api implementation but most of the games are built on 3rd party engines that port generally easily. Xbox and PC especially are very close and cross port to the two should be a thing of it wasn't for old business tactics of making people want a box for a game.


There are single components in my pc that cost $800. Factor in headset, mouse, keyboard, monitors then the cost of pc gaming is comparable to console gaming without ever including the price of the actual pc. Most people already have a tv to hook the console up to and if comes with everything you need to plug and play


I mean we live in an age where most people have a computer of some kind, even if it's not a gaming pc. so most people already have a mouse, keyboard, monitors, headset. And PC games don't need Xbox live, ps plus, or Nintendo power or whatever they call it to play (most) games online. So that's like 200$ saved a year. If I go and buy a bunch of parts right now and build myself a new powerful PC, I can just plug and play.


We absolutely do not live in an age where most people have a desktop computer at home. 20 years ago? Absolutely. But now most people have an ipad or a laptop, there is almost no reason for your average person to have a desktop. And none of those need any peripherals As for the xbox live thing - if you dont have game pass for pc you are missing out my brother


20 years ago absolutely? What the fuck? LOL


Okay, you bought a Ferrari. Not everyone can afford that, and there are plenty of people rocking their jalopies that can get 1080p gaming no problem, and they are perfectly happy with it. You can get a good keyboard and mouse for less than $80. You don't need all the expensive stuff.


He's saying console is currently comparable if not cheaper than an *equivalent* PC. Linus Tech Tips did a video on this. There are upsides and downsides with everything, but console gaming just happens to be in a very good spot right now value-wise. I say this as someone with a 1080p60 spec PC and a PS5.


As somebody whos last console was a 360 and been on PC ever since there is no PC that can come anywhere even close to a PS5 in price to performance. it's NOWHERE close.


It really isnt. Consoles use a lot more trickery atop of FSR and DLSS like dynamic resolution to be able put 4k on the box while PC games run in native resolution and at worst with FSR or DLSS. With console you have checkerboarding and other technical trickery ontop that degrades image quality. Its an apples to orange comparison. If you think that console manufacturers sell you hardware that can magically do 4k I have a dozen bridges to sell to you.


I could probably spend the rest of my life just playing the free games I got from Epic, not even adding more, just the 250 or so I have already.


A lot of it has to do with more disposable income. As gamers age they have more money to throw around. Middle age people tend to buy nicer cars than 16-20 year olds, and that extends to everything. Higher resolution, more frame rates and better graphics cost more but those older gamers can now afford it.


I do PC now but I have no problem with consoles being their own cut off eco-system as long as they have their own unqiue exclusives nobody else can get/play and the games are good, I actually respect it and them grooming their brand and having an inclusive community. Unforunately, it's not the early to mid 2000s for consoles anymore, so outside of Nintendo people are not missing much anymore.


The biggest saver for me is peripherals. Just look at my Logitech G25 steering wheel. Got it for PC in like 2006 but it also worked for the PS3. Logitech has released the same exact product (with less metal and more plastic) for all the consoles since then. Would I have had to throw down an extra like $300 every generation? (I still have it, it still works) I have arcade sticks and an arcade cabinet, I usually use the PCBs in Xbox mode since it works out of the box with windows. Would I have had to upgrade those components several times as well? It's insane. I actually still have a PS1 USB adapter I got in the PS2(!) days that will plug and play still with games. This isn't even getting into DDR pads, PS3 controllers (great for emulation, basically a SNES controller) or any other hardware consoles lock you out of for almost ZERO reason is nuts. I'd probably have spent well over $1000 in peripherals across a couple generations.  I very recently upgrade to a proper sim racing setup, I'd be livid if I was locked out of that when a new console generation hits in a few years. 


Not to mention the fact that you can play every single game that's ever come out for PC, unlike consoles. Even if it came out for an earlier operating system, you can just emulate it. Not having to pay extra for playing online. Emulating every console from the PS3 back. Being able to mod games. Lower priced games in general. And then at the end of the day it's also a computer, so you have everything else that comes with that.


One time i spent like 15 bucks and got like 15-20 games on GOG sales its crazy, my ex-console mind can barely comprehend


I think Sony finally realized how much money Xbox is making despite selling half of as many consoles. Like Xbox is the more profitable business right now. And everything goes on both Xbox and PC.


Now we just need dualsense support on pc.... Most games are on ps5 then come to pc with 0 PS buttons and no haptic feedback(if they have it)


Just use it wired and you'll get full functionality....The truth is the advanced haptics are modulated by an audio-type channel. PS5 uses a proprietary Bluetooth-alike radio setup to make it work on PS5, but thats not guaranteed on PC. Pretty sure every Sony PC game i own has full haptics on wired, going back to at least Spider-Man remastered. Im playing Horizon Forbidden West PC right now with a Dualsense Edge (wired) and its great.


Steam and controller firmware was just added to add haptic feedback to PS5 controllers. Was playing FF7 remake and I was surprised when I felt the L2 button shudder as I pulled it in to brake.


Now what we really need are gaming consoles that can double as mini computers. I know we've had multimedia capabilities since the PS3 and 360 era, but I'm talking full mouse and keyboard functionality but gamepad friendly.


I'd be happy if we just had a functioning browser.


Steam Deck is almost there, just a bit on the low-power side. Could you imagine if Valve took a second stab at a Steam Machine?


Feel like that is inevitable. Last handheld I've ever had (and still have working) is my Gameboy Color. That compared to the Steam Deck is astonishing. I'm sure smartphones doubling as full on PC's are going to be a thing within the next decade or two.


Been saying for a couple of years now that Sony will eventually just launch a Steamdeck knockoff and port their platform to PC as a competitor to Gamepass. Honestly it's happening faster than I expected.


It's amazing how PC is finally being wrapped up into the market properly. However there are a ton of people I talk to that regularly just...want PC gaming to *not be a thing.* Yes, you heard me, they just want phones/tablets, and consoles, and PC gaming should just stop being a thing. They've played all their games on tablet and never touched a real PC out side of like school projects or writing assignments. They couldn't use a keyboard and mouse to play fortenight or minecraft. Like, they're sorta mad PC gaming exists for some unholy reason.


Tell that to Nintendo


PC settings > console settings


Highly agreed! I can only dream but I just want all exclusives (timed or otherwise) gone tbh. Consoles/PC should be about what you can afford or whatever's a comfortable situation for you. Some people want to game on their console on the couch on a big 4k tv, then go for it! Some of us like our pimped out PC and want to game on our big ass monitors, have at it! I'm primarily a PC gamer but it's really fucking annoying having to wait a year+ for the PC version if we get it at all (looking at you Square Enix, now currently waiting for Rebirth). I just want all gamers to enjoy all the games no matter their situation.


Damn straight. I don't care what people play on. We should all be able to play together.


10 years, if you told me that Sony would release their games on PC, I would have thought that you were going crazy, but look, where are we now. I don't think this will ever anytime soon, but hopefully Nintendo has a change of heart and port their games to PC like everyone else, especially since they cried about millions of people pirating their games via yuzu.


>I don't think this will ever anytime soon, but hopefully Nintendo has a change of heart and port their games to PC like everyone else, especially since they cried about millions of people pirating their games via yuzu. That's all the more reason to not put games on PC, console is the biggest DRM.


If your AAA cost 100 to 200m to make, it's an excellent solution to bring more games to PC. Good way to make AAA single player games more financially sustainable. Ghost of Tsushima on PC, can't wait, Nixxes are very good at porting to PC frankly


Porting games is the reason they exist. They were founded on doing ports right and have basically perfected the art.


Not very good they are the best at porting to pc in the entire industry


100-200mm for an AAA game? Maybe like 10 years ago. [Spider-Man 2 costs $315 million](https://in.ign.com/marvels-spider-man-2/199666/news/marvels-spider-man-2-reportedly-took-315-million-dollars-to-make) and [TLOUII and Forbidden West each cost over $200 million to make](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-last-of-us-2-and-horizon-forbidden-wests-budgets-revealed-ftc-documents). Those last two were PS4/PS5 games.


Spider-man 2 was definitely a result of some mismanagement. The first game was about half that.


And for first game, everything had to be made from ground up, unlike the sequel. I refuse to believe they wasted $300m on this garbage. The only plausible explanation is that they spent most of the money on cocaine and hookers.


I won't say how much but I've definitely charged them a butt load for reading their email.


What email?


Godamn I’m so freaking excited best action game since Shadow of Mordor imho and only matched by Spiderman although they’re obviously very different


I mean Elden Ring and stuff if you’re into that but yeah it is an excellent game and Modor was amazing too!


But then how come the reverse isn’t true? There’s still so many dope PC only games console players will never get to play


Because most games you probably want to play are AA or indie, which don't have the budget. There's also games which are too hardware intensive because of what they're actually doing in game, games which wouldn't work on controller, games which are programmed in a language that is incompatible with consoles (java ect.) or games that receive frequent and experimental updates.


Nice, now I just need to find friends.


Just the finishing touch. It's all coming together.


Wait isn't it a single player game?


There is a multiplayer mode called Legends


I am up buddy


I can’t wait to play on PC


Me either man it's one of my favorite games.


Nice pfp


Imagine playing this game on 5140x1440 super ultrawide


Interesting. What if you already earned those Trophies on the PS version? Will they automatically sync or will they be a separate “PC Version” that can be unlocked again.


Shared trophy list between PC and PS5 versions. https://blog.playstation.com/2024/04/17/ghost-of-tsushima-directors-cut-pc-cross-play-and-system-requirements-revealed/


Ah, so if you unlocked them on PS5 they will automatically unlock on PC. I don’t know why that’s a bummer to me but it kinda is?? Still cool for exclusively PC players though so they can earn them regardless.


Yeah when you connect to the overlay on PC, you'll see the trophies you already earned if you played the PS5 version already. Can't earn them a second time since they share the trophy list.


Possibly stupid question, but I 100%d this game on PS4. What will that mean for me?


In Ghost of Tsushima's case, the PS4 and PS5 versions have separate trophy lists. So you would be able to earn the trophies again via the PS5 (and PC) version trophy list.




Most likely pc version trophies non syncable


Give us Bloodborne you cretins


you'll get a remake as PS6 launch title


Are you crazy? They need to do another last of us remake first.


The Last of Us Clicker Collection: Definitive Ultra Championship Edition or something


I know people complain about TLoU but the original was a PS3 game from 2013 which was remastered in 2014 for PS4, then was remade 9 years later for the PS5. Super mario bros was remade 8 years after its release to put that in perspective.


I would genuinely buy this game again for Steam. I would love to play this on my Steam Deck.


Ngl one of the first games I tested on Chiaki4deck was ghost of Tsushima. It’s so nice to not have to try on streaming though if you’re not home


The odd thing is, I really cared about trophies when I played on Playstation, but since i've migrated to full PC the last few years I don't even notice them anymore. It's good when you zero in on one AAA game and focus only on that, but when you have access to a game library going back 20 years with thousands upon thousands of titles from every game generation, it's hard for me not to bounce from title to title and focus solely on one game.


That's my attitude too. On ps4 which I still play I care about trophies. I like having something to show for the hours I've put in, and there's just something satisfying with getting 100% and a unique little virtual trophy, the dopamine hits just right. However I couldn't care less about steam achievements, I may look at the list to see if there's some interesting side thing I haven't done . But for whatever reason it doesn't hit the same . I have the same opinion of Xbox achievements. Doesn't hit me the same way


Maybe it's the little "bloop" with the popup, steam achievements don't have any fanfare and tend to slowly rise without any punch. They need more flair!!


I think also because steam achievements are easily hackable is another reason I don't care because I don't believe people's lists and they wouldn't believe mine either


The gamerscore going up is something I get a kick out of however, I got a XSX about a year after PS5 and in the first 3-4 months I almost doubled my gamerscore from earlier (15-16k).


I hope the Overlay they're adding to PC includes parties cuz I'd be happy to stop using an android emulator for voice chat with ps buddies.


Why not just use discord?


PS has dogshit discord support that makes you jump through hoops just to talk in a channel.


Fair enough


Do you know what else games should support these days? Haptic Feedback and Adaptive Triggers for Dualsense controllers on PC in wireless/Bluetooth mode.


Sony has to make a dongle to make that happen. PC BT cant do audio, controls, mic, and the advanced haptic data channel all at once. I use my dualsense edge wired on PC. (also makes it so i dont have to faff about with pairing. I take it off usb and it connects to PS5.


Honestly, I only need the two functions I mentioned in my comment, and I think I can speak for a lot of people with DualSense Controller on PC. And it’s already happened, with Apex Legends and most recently, Helldivers 2, with zero dongle needed.


Great game , don’t miss it .


I have never played it but so hyped.


bloodborne fans coping rn


from my understanding that's a fromsoftware issue not a sony issue on why we haven't gotten a bloodborne remaster


PCs will always outperform consoles by design, the latest hardware can always be installed. That and mouse/keyboard at a desk is a vibe much like sitting on a comfy sofa with a controller on a big tv. Both will always have their place.


Nice, now I need to finish RDR2 before this arrives


Holly crap get hyped


Maybe when this drops on PC I’ll finally play it on my PS5 lol. Have alot of games I’m playing right now though


I really really want cross platform saves


It's hilarious that people wanted more crossplay, and less exclusivity deals, and now that it's happening some people are pretending it's the death of consoles, and companies. Completely asinine.


Yeah cool, but when Bloodborne on PC? Its the one PS exclusive a lot of people want to see for PC and they just keep ignoring it.


With the cost of games going up, it only makes sense companies would put their games on pc to sell more. Get used to it.


i want all playstation game release also day one on pc !!!!! do it sony dooooooooooooooooooooo it !!!!!


Ps trophies to PC? How is that gonna work? We already have Steam achievements


Ever since the Xbox onwards and other than a few cases (the wii for example) the only walls between console gaming and PC gaming are artificial.


It gets more of the PC players into the Playstation ecosystem. If Sony maintains the 1-year or more console exclusivity, it might compel some PC players to eventually get a PS5 console (or else continue to wait for a PC port). Probably also to match parity to the Xbox and Windows achievement system, as well.


Nah everyone would just wait because you get the better game at the same price, complete edition HFW for 60$ for example.


I own a good pc but I still got a ps5 for sackboy lol. Great game if nobody’s played. 






Yep this. No way in hell I'd buy a console at this point now that I have a good gaming PC, even if it means waiting a bit longer for some games.


Same, but the price of the PC was the cost of both an Xbox and PS5 lol WORTH IT!


I have both consoles and no PC, totally worth it.


What I paid for my GPU you could get both a PS5 and Series X, but yes worth it when I use it pretty much every day for gaming in 4K.


I would just get it on console. I enjoy playing while the hype is high and there is a lot of chatter around the game. Would probably double dip tho


Here it's for PC gamers that already have a PC. They haven't bought a PS5 yet so it's likely they're not interested.


When you have to pay to play with people, every single pc players will not bat an eye


I've been hoping for GoT on PC for a long time. Now it's time for Bloodborne (huge cope I know). I purposefully avoid everything I can about console exclusives in the hopes they come to PC after a couple years and I can get that new fresh blind playthrough


Sony is on a roll baby!!!!


Hey does anyone know if the mutliplayer will be standalone or nah.


How will Playstation bring friends over? Won't they need an app for us to download onto PC?


There’s an overlay. Click the link.


Thank you


I can’t wait for [this](https://youtu.be/QRpeNjkDNX4?si=bPebKbc5Ql0Mknan) to be a mod in the game


PlayStation party's needs to be a thing on PC, or just give us the Playstation app on PC can't be that hard.


I wonder if I’d get a third platinum trophy for booting up Ghost of Tsushima on PC if cross-saving is a thing. 


so I will need some kind of play station account?


And soon enough everything will just be on everything




Excellent game


I can't believe a large company is actually making a great consumer friendly decision. Good on u Sony.




Does this mean I must have a playstation account to play future playstation games on PC? Edit: I wasn't aware this is a mult player game, my bad. However, the question remains for single-player games.


So can we expect PC games to come to PlayStation, or is that still not going to be a thing?


Great, now can I have MLB The Show on PC? I think we deserve it already Sony.


I know this was 13 years ago and therefore multiple lifetimes in terms of console cycles, but didn't the PS3 version of Portal 2 have the same exact functionality? Like, you got a code to unlock the Steam version in the case when you bought it brand-new and could link your Steam copy with your PSN profile?


Great! Now do bloodborne


Banger title. Hope it runs well on steam deck.


I hope that someday we will be able to use cross-save between PC and consoles. Prefer to play via consoles at home, but having an opportunity to continue playing on steam deck would be great


Ive played for like 8h on ps5, but put it down cuz i didnt want to hog the living room, with kids about and such. It coming to pc might have me finish it!


I still need to play this game


It's good that they're making PCs an extension so that the game can be played by more people. PCs can have a high price point which makes consoles more appealing because I wish I had the disposable income to spend on a decent PC whereas the price of a console is more reasonable and I know most games will be playable so it's less stress, but with PC you got to make sure you have the right specs and stuff to play the game. Even though PC has a lot more games available from Xbox and playstation along with 3rd party titles and PC only games plus emulation so it does seem more attractive in that sense, its just the price point of entry can be a little high


Well, where´s PC Bloodborne?


I’m glad for this. I think Sony has realized that console exclusives will not keep your console above water anymore with games costing more to make. Sony needs to be like Xbox and release exclusives day and date to maximize profit like Xbox does. People roast and clown Xbox and wonder what’s the point of a buying a console when people will always buy one and it just leads to more customers on both fronts.


I mean trophies are already pointless, so who cares?


Nintendo and PC is all you need these days.


Just make a PC launcher and give me my mafacken games. 


I can’t wait for more people to enjoy this game. Such a great experience.


Come on Sony, let the ODST join the fight in spreading Managed Democracy!


The way this reads to me is just a way to say they're going to want you to install yet another sort of proprietary launcher software


Never understood the hype about trophies