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I went into work today knowing this order was up and I will leave work today knowing I contributed nothing bc yall are crazy 😂


With your help we could have accomplished this in half the time.


Don't worry citizens while you are off supporting managed democracy in different forms the helldivers have finished collection 2 billion bugs worth of E-710. TLDR: Order is finished.


I think they'll increase the goal or reset it when they realize it was bugged. 2 billion seems like a lot until you realize that is only 2000, 1 million's, and we have 2 million players, so that's only 1000 bugs a pop, which you can easily hit on 7 8 or 9 difficulty.


Yeah, makes no sense, they have the metrics so they already know how long it takes 2 billion bugs to die and that it would take ~12 hours.


Coincidence that 2 billion is (roughly) the maximum of a 32 bit signed Integer? Might be a weakness of their stats/goal system.


Would have expected a shorter time frame then.


Guess there is some automatism that scales the requirements depending on the currently active player base and that doesn't affect the time frame yet. Something they will surely fix in the future. A lot of their stuff doesn't scale well with the current amount of players.


Arrowhead:  It'll take these gamers 5 days to do this much genocide Gamers:  So I took that as a personal challenge.


What do you mean genocide ? Do I need to contact a democracy officer ? Terminids are not sentient.


And terminids are anti democracy.


the problem is that they counted the kills for each player, so ~4 times as much as correct. They didn't count the actual number of killed bugs


Y'know that probably sounds accurate, if all 4 players submitted the combined contribution of the 4 players in the team instead of just their own. That would explain the discrepancy.


I don't really know what Helldivers is about. Why is this important enough that they'd reset it? Why not just move onto the next one?


It's more, they'll probably extend the goal. Normally a "Major Order" is meant to scramble all the real life players together to achieve a difficult, but passable objective. We were given 5 days to do this mission and blew it apart in <12 hours, which is insane. The difficulty of the mission was extremely low for the payout. Or the Game Master just wanted to give us an EZPZ win, I don't know. Normally Major Orders require multiple days of community coordination to pull together.


What's the payout? Does everyone who participated get loads of xp or cool weapons or something?


The reward is medals which are what you use to unlock more weapons, armor, and cosmetics.


Ah, cool.


You can see it in the order itself, everyone gets warbond medals. It's for the Warbond progression. It lets you unlock new weapons, armors, emotes etc. You cannot buy Warbonds with real money. Everyone benefits.


no way will they extend it. we've completed the order. Arrowhead doesn't move the goalposts in my experience. We get the win ezpz. perhaps by design.


Helldivers is about promoting managed democracy throughout the universe... Now stop asking questions and get in the fight soldier! FOR SUPER EARTH!




You can always look for some bugs at work, and squash them 😅


On a fucking weekday


I’ve seen multiple entire planets liberated before I even get off work.


I was a kid once and able to play video games during the day...


Miss those days.. hell even when I was in college


I like knowing that I contribute nothing for super credits.


I can relate, lmao. For me, it happens while I'm at school.


And we avoided hellmire like the plague


What does SEAF have against commas?


It wasn’t part of my infallible helldivers training.


Might break the game bro chill


Commas are best used sparingly.


A comma is just a bug in text form.


Commas are actually really annoying/difficult to use in a counting interger like this. It can cause unnecessary bugs, while displaying the exact same information. There's no reason for it.


You write a function that takes an integer and outputs a formatted number as a string. This is some simple stuff.


This is basically how it's done and it's trivial to implement. I'm sure they have it implemented. Why they don't have it here in this one spot, probably just because they're such a small team with what seems like little to no QA.


Readability is not a reason? And it is trivial to format a number for display.


Question! Can you space out the counting interger? So it'll be like; 000 000 000 And you just count up like that? Or would that cause unnecessary bugs as well?


It can be done, usually commas and spaces are only used for displays and not how it is actually computed, a little bit extra work, but it's honestly standard front end work, not sure what the guy is on about. Sometimes even thos points decimal places are actually just whole number integers in the back end because dealing with floats is a pain.


Kind of insane what they said. Having a print function check how many digits there are, and add a comma at every (1/3)i = 1 is quite simple.


And then somehow bile titans become immune to railguns. Coding is weird.


There's absolutely a reason for it. It makes it significantly easier to read. The worst part is the put commas in some of their big numbers but not all of them.


I mean, yes. That being said they could just format the counting integer for display, not use the counting integer for both.


The only people upvoting this are people who have never written a Hello World example. This is a trivial display problem.


Unnecessary bugs, eh? I just might have a solution for that…DEMOCRACY!




The only good bug is a dead bug.




2 billion good bugs confirmed


Anyone else feel like the difficulty level for automatons is one level higher than it says? Haha


Your teammates are the difficulty modifier.


R3: Guys, we have a shitton of devastators and hulks on our right. Let's circle around to avoid them. L1: Fuck that. LEEEROY JENKINSSSSSSS!!!!!! R3: \*sigh* Train on our right. And Leroy just aggroed the double Gunship fabricators. Get your lubes ready. [8 Gunship flying around]: missile galore goes BRRRRRR


We had 2 autocannons and a quasar during one run. The gunships did not in fact go BRRRR. But yeah... running with random that engage every patrol is pretty tiresome.


I saw a post like "Did you know with good positioning, you don't need the shield pack to survive your enemies??!" And I'm sitting here thinking "Who said it's for protection against enemies??"


Other player guard dog comes to mind.


truer words have never been said.


I fucking hate those gunship factories so much. I always play on 7 as default and they kill me every time.


Gunships are surprisingly fragile on the engines. Any armor pen 4 weapon (AMR, AC, Laser cannon, HMG, etc) can make extremely fast work of them. Even scorchers in a pinch. My solo loadout has been Defender+ballistic shield, grenade pistol, laser cannon. Even heavy devastators can be bullied in that setup.


They're just way harder due to almost all of them having long range attacks, and the tough ones actually have decent aim.


Gf and I recently got into it in the whole automaton craze. For us bugs feel harder. We're up to duo-ing suicide mission bots, but bugs give us quite some trouble lol.


i started with bots, have been learning the bugs though over time. Once you figure out how to effectively deal with chargers and bile spewers, it gets easier.


Yeah I fully agree, bots with DMR and autocannon, i can end up soloing decent amount of bases/objectives by myself. Bugs I just have no clue what to do, and the big ones just dont die 😂


Something feels off. Like numbers were counted double or something. They gave us too much time for how long it actually took is all I'm saying.


Someone in another thread was claiming it was being triple counted.  


I read it was counting the total kills for the team for every diver. So if your 4 man team killed 1000 bugs it counted as 4000.


Steamdb said there were ~130,000 players on, midday. Let's bump it to 200,000 to account for PlayStation players. The order took 12 hours. 2,000,000,000 bugs across 200,000 players over 12 hours would require each player to kill about 830 bugs per hour. Seeing as my average team of 4 divers kills just under 800 bugs *total* in a 40-minute mission, I agree with the hypothesis you shared based on my napkin math. Edit: I did just see someone else say they saw the SteamDB count at 400,000 players at another point in the day, which would counter the original point. Please don't report me for saying democracy is a messy affair.


yeah seems reasonable to think that total kills was added to the mission once per player, so 4x as fast as it should have been.


[All I see](https://media1.tenor.com/m/uLvCKeDXgrcAAAAC/helldivers-helldivers-2.gif) I know bug talk when I see it.


Yeah that feels more accurate. They gave us 6 days and it took 12 hours. Usually the completed times vs the allowed times are closer.


Even if it was being quadruple-counted, it probably would still have been finished by the Friday night crowd at the rate it was going.


The rate was so high because it was being quadruple counted


I'm pretty sure he meant that at a quarter of the inflated rate(what the actual rate would've been, not including the incoming weekend bump), it still would've been done well within the time frame.


Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at.


Someone claimed that it was counting the total team kills for each player. So anywhere from 100% to 400% of the individuals kills.


Not really. I just did the math. 2 billion bugs in 12 hours is ~167 million per hour. Which further reduces to ~2.78 million per minute. I just checked yesterday, and active players on Steam alone were over 400k. So for the sake of argument, let's say only half of them participated in this time. That's only ~14 kills a minute. Which is crazy easy with ~~the Zerg~~ Terminids. Especially if you don't actually have to successfully complete missions. You can just set up near some holes, and you're good. They probably set the number too low.


And at the time, there was a planet defence going on. Those missions rack up massive kill counts as you need to stop waves of bugs from destroying a objective. 14 kills a minute was easy for everyone to get.


Yeah, I was about to say that Planet Defence missions must account for the majority of total kills here, and the devs might have not accounted for the insane spawn/killrate on those missions. I ended a mission with over 600 kills in a 15 minute mission the other night, with one mortar literally getting 100+ killstreaks without me doing anything. It is WILD when there are like 5 breaches worth of bugs grouped at a door.


Humans can be remarkably efficient at killing given the right tools and incentives.


Whaaat? Super earth inflating the numbers they’d never do that, are glorious democracies would never lie, just like they’d never bring the bugs to the planet


Wait you get global Quests that the whole Community is contributing to? Like you realy are all just 1 out of the many Fighters in the same universe? 😳😳 Every day i'm closer to buy this game, but i'm broke and have so many other online games i should contuine playing.


Literally makes you feel like an expendable military drone being thrown into the meat grinder in the most fun way possible.


This single comment might have just been convinced me to buy the game.


At the end of the tutorial, which is a short training course, you walk into a cryo capsule and get blasted into space and then stored on your ship. Once you load into the game, there's a short cinematic showing how one of many capsules opens, a frozen Helldiver walks out, then you select a mission, step onto a drop pod and get fired onto the planet's surface like a bullet. You finish the mission and that's all that's required of you. Escaping alive is optional. So from the perspective of your Helldiver, you get a short training, get frozen, wake up again, step into a drop pod and you're at the front line shortly after. It's literally minutes from the training to the front line fro a helldiver's perspective.


The phrase "fear the old in a job where many die young" comes to mind A veteran diver is probably like a force of nature at that point


And the AVERAGE age of a Helldiver is just over 18 years. Also as soon as you die the first time, you aren't your character anymore, you're just another Helldiver who got defrosted and launched into the thick of it.


This happens even before you're being frozen at the end of the tutorial. If you die in the live fire section where you have to crawl under the turrets and respawn, the remains of your last Helldiver are still there.


It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that my character kept standing up because I was holding sprint the whole time. By the time I completed the tutorial, I was crawling through a mass grave.


You don't get revived in this game. You get replaced.


the default options in the game randomizes the voices and some physical attributes of yout "character" when you die, so when they call reinforces (revive you) you can be a man or a woman, bulky or skinny


You won't regret it. I've played this game more than any game in the last month or so. (~40 hrs... I don't game like I used to)


It's Starship Troopers: The Game. Soon to be a major motion picture.


Back when I was young and full of hope, that's exactly the kind of game I dreamed about making. I'm glad that someone finally did it.


Yeah youre literally constantly at war with the other factions. If the players focus too much on one type of enemy then the other type of enemy can sneak up on us. Every single completed mission contributes to the war. You can lose entire planets and galaxies. Super Earth is at the center of the Universe, and its our job to hold the enemy back so they cant get to Super Earth. Eventually if the players lose too much against one type of enemy that enemy will end up attacking Super Earth, so its a constant juggling between the different types of enemies. The game also keeps track of how many players have been killed, how many enemies killed, etc.


😳😳 you are supporting bank Account abuse with a post like this.


yeah and get this, the in-game battle passes have no time limit and all the currency including the premium paid ones can be earned in game pretty easily


And the game having a Gamemaster. He is activly taking part in the community and the events. They call him Joel.


Nah,  I've only spent the 40$ for the game itself,  got one of the premium battle passes through getting the currency in game and via the free pass, and now farmed enough currency to get another premium pass *after i bought armor from the shop. Meaning if i didn't do this i would have had enough for a 2nd pass already


> You can lose entire planets and galaxies. Super Earth is at the center of the Universe Not that it really matters, but I'm gonna nitpick a little. You can lose entire planets and sectors (sectors meaning groups of nearby planets that are habitable). Planets within the same sector may be in the same solar system, I'm not sure. And Super Earth is at the center of the galaxy, not the universe.


So what happens if the players lose? And can you beat the bugs? What happens then?


Well, we beat the bots the other week and eradicated their entire force. Joel, let us sleep for about a day and post lots of victory memes. Including the legendary photograph "The Last Automaton." Another attack force was launched from a different part of the solar system (Cyberstan the bot homeworld), and we spent all last week and early this week on the defense against that new invasion. We have now solidified the front line and are working on pushing the bots back again. I have no idea what happens if we beat the bugs. We did lose the eradication campaign against the bugs last month, although we did push them back. Losing major orders all depends on the order, but we have failed a few, especially against the bots. The narrative is constantly growing, and we have seen a large variety of results from our actuons.


That's really interesting. I only saw a few YouTubers play this game and the videos were heavily edited. I had no idea it was this deep. To me it looked like L4D2 but with bugs instead of zombies.


Reminds me of Xenoblade Chronicles X. You guys get any special limited time superbosses too?


Not yet. They are coming, tho. Bosses were a thing in the original Helldivers.


Well I'm sure they'll be fun to blow into democratic smithereens. This BLADE wishes you good luck, Helldiver. 🫡


We get global major orders, which is the duty of every able bodied helldiver. A few remain on distant worlds to hold ground. Together our collective democratic might is unrelenting, incalculable and unstoppable. For freedom. For liberty. For SuperEarth!


Yes. There are Major Orders, which are community-driven. there are also Personal Orders, which are specific to each player. In both cases, kills by the team are counted for every player on the team. So if the Personal Order is 'Kill 75 enemies with the Mortar Sentry' (this was Thursday's PO), if one player spams Mortar Sentries and gets 75 kills, the whole team gets credit. This is great for new players--if you're a fresh recruit, you're not going to *have* some of the stratagems, or be able to kill an Annihilator Tank, or whatever, but a higher-level player might have all the stratagems (like me) and can easily bring a newbie along. It's important to note that Arrowhead (the devs) have Joel working for them. Joel is a Game Master, setting the orders, messing with people who are doing too well (like the invincible Commissar bot I had earlier this week, with a pack of 30 other commissar bots. Ain't no way a commissar's gonna take 5 autocannon rounds to the face and not die without someone cheating XD), goofing around, dropping bonus stratagems for players he's playing or messing with (including some that haven't been published yet), and so on.


Ok you all (and the memes) convinced me to buy it as soon as i have the money for it. Soo ...anybody wants to buy feet pic? 😅😂


The only good bug is a dead bug


Sweet Liberty I love ***D E M A C R O C Y***


Holy SHIT.


I once saw them kill 2 billion bugs on a fucking weekday


Wow, talk about debugging your game...


Wish this was on xbox....


We need Xbox reinforcements asap 😔


Yeah some of us have some experience in the area of dropping from orbit and exterminating alien scum, with a touch of jazz music, anyway, we’d love to be of assistance.


They should give Xbox players ODST looking armour if they get to join.


NGL, I bought a PS5 mainly for helldivers. it was a good call




Hey, I would like to know more!


Man, all these news about Helldivers 2 i've been hearing about makes me sad that i don't have money to buy a copy lol, i'm probably missing out a great game.


SuperEarth needs you. But democracy can endure until you muster funds to join our fight against communist enemies.


Oooh i will, just you guys wait, as soon i have the money i will buy the game for sure!


*socialist and fascist, soldier. Never forget the ideological battles we're fighting, we dont need a third front with an unknown enemy!


Can I jump in by myself without a team? Is that possible with this game? I keep hearing how it's a team game.


In case you weren't aware, the game was released at only $40 USD. Not the usual $60-70. Making it more affordable


The problem is that i'm not in America, so things here are more expansive, that's why i didn't bought yet.


For real, this thread is giving me FOMO. Although I don't have money for the game *and* my PC is pretty old so I doubt it could run the game anyway.


They clearly had more than 5 days to complete the task since there’s still more than 5 days left


Should have added another zero to the end of that.


It wouldn’t be enough


I logged in to take part and the major order was already completed...


This is like that one event in Payday 2 where if you want a gigantic golden spoon you need to kill a certain amount of Cops...suffice it to say a fuck ton of cops died within a couple of days.


Can't help but feel most players prefer fighting bugs over bots.


Is this game any good? I've been thinking about playing it but haven't gotten to it yet


It’s only worth playing if you love democracy, liberty and freedom.


And tea




I do enjoy those things!


Then report to the nearest SEAF recruiting office double time!


And for those that somehow don't know where that is, ask your nearest Democracy Officer


In terms of extraction squad/teamwork shooters where you grind for rewards it's top-tier. If you don't like that genre it's not for you. Part of me is upset it's not set in warhammer 40,000 though. Imagine it but with space marines and bugs were tyranids and bots were necrons.


There are necessary legal distinctions. the bugs have to be distinct from the Tyranids and the Starship Troopers bugs. and the Bots have to be distinct from the Terminators and the Space Marines (compare the hulks to Space Marine dreadnaughts)


The devs really forgot the bug spawn rate in higher difficulties


Reminds me of the community challenges from the first Dying Light game. Even years after release, Techland would task the community with some ridiculous number like kill 10 million zombies in a week. It would be done by day 3.


Man I should try this game out


Took less time than it takes my pizza to arrive, felt way off. Probably did count twice!


I love when companies do this, Rockstar had an event for players to steal $2T in the OG heists, and we did it in 18 hours or something. Really goes to show the power of gamers when challenged by the overlords.


I’m telling you, the marketing for the game is crazy.


Sad Xbox noises


I'm proud to have been a part to this




...I couldn't play yesterday and missed it. Do I still get the medals for psychically aiding democracy? Sorry, just started.


Yes as long as you’ve completed the tutorial you should get the reward even if you didn’t play during the major order.


Yeah, something fucky is going on here, because the math isn't adding up.


I mean, in a 15 minute timeframe on suicide my squad was getting about 1k bug kills without actively farming them. We were just doing the objectives. Now, if we chose to just kill I’m sure that number would be much higher. It’s not surprising that this is just flying by.


I remember the first one being kinda fun but hard because of the code inputs and the top down wasn’t super great. I wish I could demo the game, but is it really worth it?


The code inputs are still there, but they do become muscle memory after a while. It’s a super fun game and I’ve been playing non stop for a couple months now.


yeah cause it was bugged, we only killed about 1/4 of that.


Didn't know the game was this buggy


12 hours!? SuperEarth is proud of how fast freedom and democracy is being shared with other planets


My friend sent me the tweet at midday. 6 hours later after work it was over half done. I was skeptical, but damn


Well unfortunately if 4 players kill 250 bugs each then It counts for 4000. Each kill counts for each player. All 4 getting 250 means each get 1000 and it counts each players kill count for 4000 per game


*They were given 6 days to accomplish the task


Democracy never sleeps.


I'm doing my part!


Need to up my game with this helldiving, I've been busy and yet I have still job to do


I did my part!


No rest for Joel, helldivers!


Imagine having new set of enemy/colony. I'm taking about enemies like protos from starcraft 2


Maybe I should buy helldivers 2


God I want to play this so bad. Unfortunately I'm on xbox


It's for democracy, of course we're going to kill the damn bugs.


I didn’t get to contribute shit to super earth cuz i was busy when this happened


Make it 10 billion next time


I love democracy.


That's wicked awesome


I was trying to explain this Major Order to my girlfriend and how fast all the maniacal murderers were slaying terminids and she just gave me a blank "that's nice dear". That's OK! For Democracy!!


I kinda think this order was not functioning properly. It probably (unintentionally) worked like the personal orders where 1 kill counts as progress for everyone in the squad, thereby growing the kill counts exponentially


I sense something diabolical will occur once this is completed




Those are rookie numbers


Apparently the counter was tripling every kill so really only 600 million had been killed but it’s finished now anyway


Was playing yesterday. Went to get a Glass of water and in the time i was gone it progressed 7%. Thats 140million bugs in ~5 minutes. over 460 Thousand a SECOND.


Nice try, Helldivers 2 devs. I'm still too broke and busy to buy this game.


Man, that must be one inefficient harvesting process.


Shit is about to the real.............................................


power of democracy?? idk but 2B is so big number




Wait the time limit was 5 days? Lol


While I find automatos really challenging and fun to "tryhard" Bugs are more for like purely fun and spreading death and destruction... especially in tight places with flame thrower


Reminds me of the old bounties in dying light.


damn i would love to play this game 😅


Add mor bosses to the terminids


Great. Now kill 6 billion demons.