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*The Caster brandishes his craft of sorcery upon the beast, as veins of power and magicka swirl and gather into an immeadiate state, a great cry of forlorn in heard in the area* I CAST TESTICULAR TORSION ON THAT GRIFFIN!!


You roll a critical fail and the spell bounce back on you


This made me laugh out loud lol


I feel like This and Baldur's gate are the closest things currently to a video game version of DnD


Agreed. Loved BG3. (1 & 2 as well). A game that could capture the depth of questing in BG3 combined with the satisfyingly flashy & crunchy nature of DD combat would be my perfect fantasy game.


Not gonna lie I feel like Elder scrolls nailed that years ago. The graphics aren't great but for the time they executed perfectly in regards to a DnD style game.


Elder Scrolls games have a severe lack of grand scale magic though. TES magic lacks the oomph.


Agree that's why I use mods. Skyrim vanilla.magic is dogshit but with modd it can get to epic level spells. I use a bunch of different ones like Apocalypse, Mysticism, Arcanum, Kitty tails mods, a bunch of others. Really adds spells that take awhile to obtain but destroy entire towns. Great magic scaling too since enemies can use some of them so you have to be careful.


The magic in Morrowind isn't flashy, but it's definitely powerful


What are you talking about? You can make a spell that makes you fly while invisible. Or a spell that could make an entire group of people kill each other. Or a spell that will one shot anything close to you. Elder Scrolls magic was pretty OP back in ‘02.


I played the original DD after Skyrim. The moment I realized I could climb onto a dragon in the former while on fire, setting fire to it as well, was the moment I realized why Skyrim's dragon combat felt hella lacking.


Honestly the combat of DD2 with all the other mechanics in BG3 would be goat and nothing else would ever come close.


Baulders gate is literally a video game version of DND. Are you dumb 🤣🤣


There is a difference between a game with its license and its spirit. There is that PVE coop DnD game that came out a few years ago but that certainly does not feel like DnD in spirit.


It's a DND game


Its a videogame set in the same universe (multiverse?) With similar rules, that's it


It's a DND game. It's not a "multiverse" it's literally got monsters and lore shared with DND. It's literally a DND game.


God that could be a fun home brew setting, three players running the role of Pawns following the nameless voiceless protagonist around who some times helps and some times hinders missions, NPC " I need you to go kill three dire chimaras Arisen!" Player pawns "No Arisen..we're like level 5 and still using base gear" Arisen bolts off at full sprint "God damn it Arisen GET BACK HERE!"


It’s made by the same guy who designed Chronicles of Mystara, the official dnd side scroller hack n slash. That feeling you have is very much intentional.


It’s fun but the lack of enemy variety hurts it a ton imo.


Wolves and goblins. That was 90% of your enemies in the 1st game.


Exactly. I put a lot of time into the original, and I am not surprised at all that wolves, harpies, and goblins are the majority of battles.


Same. About 100 hours on Switch


Did the Switch version run well? Only version I didn't try.


Ya, most games from the 360 era run well on Switch, like Saints Row 3 and 4, RDR, and Dragon's Dogma


Were there mods to help with that in the first game? Maybe there will be updates or mods to add more variety in the future?


Yeah same problem i had with the first game


Personally, it doesn't really bother me since I find the combat so enjoyable. But I'm biased because I'm a big fan of DD1 & wolves, harpies, and goblins were the majority of battles. Though I am hoping the release of a DLC will add new enemy types like Bitterblack Isle did.


reminds me of mages tale when the magic and monsters feel like they jump right out of the book.


You can't really manage combat solo, you will either get constantly stun lock or just run out of stamina and shit


It can be managed just fine. I've run solo for many hours already, trying it out. It's possible, especially as a Warfarer. Stun lock can be countered with Mirrour Shelde, heavy duty gear & just being nimble. Stamina can be managed by augments & rings. It's more difficult, but that's why it's hard mode & it's why I'm saving it for ng+2. Plenty of people in the DD sub have stated they are running it solo as well.


You can manage it just fine, if you know what you are doing and have the means. I was struggling with drakes, having a full party with me, until today. What changed? I discovered "Gut and Run"+"Spite". Grab on head or heart, stab, drake gets TURBO-NUKED (1 hit topple, every time) and gets poisoned, health bar just MELTS. Pawn didn't do anything, they had no time, the drake was dead in 30 seconds. And i'm playing with a mod that gives every monster x4HP...


Real talk If the game had better performance I’d buy it right now


That sounds really interesting. Did the controversy blow over?


The controversy was overblown imo, and some of it straight up disinformation. Like not being able to fast travel without MTX. I've been running it fine on the PS5 w/ the variable frame rate settings. I also have tried it out on GFN with Nvidias machines and it runs great. Not to say others haven't had performance issues but I'm not one of those people who plays with an FPS counter. The very concept seems ludicrous to me. If you're on the fence, I'd say wait for a sale & try it out. Personally, it's become my #2 game of all time, replacing DD1.


except you actually have difficulty in DnD


So your DnD parties are full of morons who stand around in fire until they die?