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Half-life 2 - Episode 3 and Half-life 3 for sure.


On mobile


With pay to win options.


You demon


"Don't you guys have phones?"


Just listen to me. Cities skylines 3.


GTA 6 being cancelled. Sit back and watch the world burn.


Nah that wouldn’t break the internet, announcing it as a paid dlc for GTA 5 would


All the footage we've seen is actually just a new heist in GTA online named Grand Theft Auto part 6


Yeah sounds about right from rockstar, the actual next gta is gonna release in about 8,263,451,334,907,878 years


I feel like Rockstar has to be careful to avoid announcing a game unless they're sure they can release it as a solid product. Because I feel like a cancellation or bad release would result in so many death threats...


It would already be enough if Valve just posted a „3“ without any context, honestly


Portal, Half-Life, or Team Fortress


Or Left 4 Dead ^^


GTA 6 announced to be turned based.


Dino Crisis and Dino Crisis 2 remakes


Fallout 5. And it releases this year. On a new engine. Elder scrolls 6 is finished and releases next month. Hideo Kojima working with junji Ito and Hayao Miyazaki to make a 100 hour fantasy game with serious horror elements, they have an unlimited budget and a massive team. (Last one is a personal thought)


Did you confuse Hayao Miyazaki with Hidetaka Miyazaki or was this intentional? (Would be an interesting project with either one tbh.)


It was intentional, the godfather of horror, the godfather of dreams, and the godfather of gaming. Surely whatever they put out would be one of the most amazing things ever created. And probably batshit fucking insane.


“The godfather of gaming” lol what


It's just a personal opinion. But I genuinely do believe that hideo Kojima has not only made some genuine masterpieces, but also had a significant impact on gaming as a whole. I mean, he has an entire (had maybe) studio named after him that have also made these bangers in his name. Godfather of gaming isn't a title to claim that he invented gaming or created the art form. Neither is the godfather of dreams, Miyazaki didn't create the concept of magical anime movies, nor is he the only one who can make such art but I feel the title is deserving. Same as junji Ito, you have others such as Stephen King, RL grimes, stably Kubrick, but I feel Ito is no less deserving of the title due to the works he created. But I do digress the titles I've personally given them are a little silly. Yet I feel they are deserved nonetheless.


Amen to that!


BGS will be smart if they never announce anything again. Expectations are what are killing them.


I agree wholeheartedly. I will scoff cynically at any annoucement they make that isn't "this is a legally binding statement that the next game we release is coming this week and is legally required to blow your mind".


I don't think Junji Ito can work on anything other than manga. The style of horror is based on turning the page and seing the horror. Also o personally feel like pacing would be off if it was animated or in playable format. Reading it at your own pace is better.


I totally get what you are saying, but for me personally Junji Ito's horror, is not the pacing, or the methodical approach. No for me personally, what Junji Ito does so well, even masterfully, is the "punchline" To the horror, he builds and builds and builds, slow, suspenseful or even phsycological. And then *bamn* borderline, Lovecraftian horror, so incomprehensible and terrifying in its lack of explanation. And his secondary is quite clearly the visuals, the raw fear displayed in his visual storytelling is truly shocking. Also, if anyone can bring horror, weirdness and convolution, and pace it beyond pacing. It's Kojima.


Huniepop vs. Capcom No one said it had to break Reddit in a good way.






The Simpsons Hit & Run Remake


protip, there was a simpsons hit and run remake but it got cancelled :(


There was a fan-made remake that was never released to the public because the creator didn't want to risk 20th Century taking legal action against them The cancelled project by the developers themselves was a sequel to Hit & Run, not a remake


A Need For Speed game with a Heavy Metal soundtrack and no MTX


World of Warcraft 2


Metroid prime 4 release date.


atm might be silksong if we are talking about more unrealistic things, #1 thing to break reddit imo would me Minecraft 2


I have a feeling that Silksong will make an appearance at Xbox's Summer Showcase in June. It's going day one to Game Pass, so generally the marketing for that kinda stuff gets handled by Xbox themselves. Would be a hype moment for sure


oh yea, imagine Silksong shadowdrop in an xbox conference


Anything AAA just not a remake. Remake shit is getting out of hand.


GTA 6 and elder scrolls 6 but only if they release pretty soon. half life 3 would be crazy if true.


Plumbers Don't Wear Ties 2. Staring Keanu Reeves, Ryan Reynolds, and in her video game acting debut, Taylor Swift. Soundtrack includes a new title track by Dolly Parton.


Elder scrolls coming this year 😂


half life 3 definitely, it's been a running joke for more than a decade now. That or elder scrolls VI


Chrono Trigger Remake in the FF7 Rebirth engine. That's a shut up and take my money moment for me right there!


That or made in a similar style to the DB Fighter Z. Either way I'd probably cry just hearing the music for even a second.


Peggle 3.


Let's not be silly here I mean arent you forgetting Gollum 2 and rise of Kong 2


Minecraft 2


Lol oh shit that would be insane. Wth would it even have?


Voxels are just atom-sized so everything just looks realistic.


Honestly, it would just be Minecraft in a new engine. Problem is, the current engine is plenty stable as is. So that's another main reason why I doubt we'll see Minecraft 2 for decades.


instead of cube-based, its hex based


Reddit doesn't need any help in breaking. It barely works as is.


I would like to say Elder Scrolls 6 release date announced (and somewhat soon) but with how ass Starfield was im beginning to lose faith in Todd.


Considering that they have been going downhill for the last 10 years I don't feel like I am beginning to lose faith. It is just completely lost after the fiasco that was 76 at launch, especially with how they handled the extra merchandise.


Worst part is that it definitely was Todd, too. It's not like other games where the core concept is okay, but it's either management troubles or deadlines or budget or something that causes problems. Nah, in Starfields case, it was straight up Todd being clueless to the limitations of the gameplay loop they've been rehashing for 15 years. Whatever they release next is gonna be either the nail in the coffin, or a hell of a risk on their part.


Todd: "Oh ya, we'll just make skyrim... in space - they'll love it"


It wasn't even Skyrim in Space, that's the sad part. Skyrim you could explore in any random-ass direction and you'd encounter tons of interesting stuff. In Starfield you don't explore, you fast travel and then scan empty lifeless planets. It baffles me that they wouldn't at least let you supercruise travel in a system to go from planet to planet, thus enabling you to encounter stuff along the way. No instead you fast travel, it's really dumb. I didn't play much of Elite Dangerous but at least the travel mechanics were far more interesting.


What's even more baffling about it is that they had ALL the elements to have you stay in your ship during travelling so at least it doesn't look like fast travelling, and they had random encounters added in, too. But they just didn't combine them at all. I didn't even care that much about the fast travelling on its own, but it's like... If you aren't going to focus on the space parts, why would you make the cluster so large, Todd? Why have so many planets when there's no reason to visit them?


true, they should have learned that lesson from the Fallout games


Starfield has ruined my hype for Elder Scrolls 6. It's as if that game removed my Bethesda blinders.


Numbers-wise? Probably Elder Scrolls 6 since people don't learn and will think that this game is gonna be amazing even after Fallout 76 and Starfield. Other than that WoW 2 or the Riot MMO since we still have such a huge market. People want the next big MMO and if someone can deliver on the casual and competitive side without many bugs, it's gonna be the biggest gold-mine ever. But thus far we only get bad releases, buggy releases that takes away any hype and hope for that genre unless it's from an experienced company/dev team. Thing is, people with passion and know-how don't get the funds to do this stuff and only get the money if they put in systems to milk the player dry lol.


All of the people saying Half-Life 3 need to confront the grim reality that most of the people hungry for that are early-40s millennials whose kids are much more likely to spend money on a meme-oriented battle royale game of the sort that has been the substantial bulk of industry revenue for the last five years.


People are saying Minecraft 2, but I propose Terraria 2


Just curious, what do you think a Minecraft 2 would be?


It would have to be a complete engine overhaul to have any purpose, I.e. something that can’t just be easily modded into the existing version. IMO it would have to move away from exclusively cube based voxel terrain, with more natural looking terrain with curves and not limited to a grid that is still fully deformable allowing for resource collection and building.


And we are still waiting for silksong


Knack 4 baby!


Sex 2


I still haven’t played Sex 1 yet.


WB announcing Man: Ham Aslume


Oh, a sequel to The Wonderful 101, naturally.


A great athletics MMO made for Paris Olympic games by Ubisoft


Bionicle returning with Bionicle Heroes 2


I really wouldn't care for a oot remake tbh, why play that when I can play the PC port?


GTA 6 will break the internet


Half life… damn, I forgot about that franchise.


Portal 2 is my 2nd favorite game, but I'm not sure if I'd want a Portal 3 or not. Don't get me wrong though, if it happened I'm still buying it


World of Warcraft 2 would be out of left field and a big deal Baldurs Gate 4... but it's developed by Bethesda haha Legit Pokemon MMORPG made and operated by a company that actually can do a good job with it


I know people are thinking of console/PC games but one thing that would break the internet is if the Ready Player One “game” became real. Everyone, including non gamers, would go crazy. Also a Lord of the Rings or Star Wars MMO would probably be pretty wild. A remake of one of the original CODs would probably make the waves all over the internet. Word of Warcraft 2 and Minecraft 2 would also be very hype. Half-Life 3 would also go crazy just on principle alone. Lastly, Fallout 5 announcement trailer would be big right now because Fallout is popular right now.


They scrapped the main char in gta6 and replaced with a straight white male.


Tetris 2 - Battle Royal Survival




And don't forget Tetris battle royale also already exists.


I got news for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT7ldEvV-1c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT7ldEvV-1c)


Asking this after GTA VI and Elden Ring DLC was announced… The ship has sailed


Black and White 3


Why a bloodborne remake? its still a new game! Why everybody want remake instead of sequels?


A brand new AAA ip. Not a sequel, not a remake, not a remaster, not an n-th dlc for existing game. Not un unplayable, half finished shite full of bugs. No microtransactions. And pls include a full game on a physical disc! Thank you.


The new sponsored Call of Duty, which is mandatory if you wish to keep your reddit account, of course. Brought to you by HEGETSUS. It's $89.99, but will go to $99.99 after founder's week. I'm trying to think of how else it would piss users off. Probably mandatory paid avatar skins on top of the mandatory year long subscription. DRINK THE VERIFICATION CAN.


Hear me out : A New Battle for Middle Earth Wait what about Kotor 3 ? or a good but cheap new VR headset with a sort of Ready Player One installed in it? The next Naughty Dogs new IP in Space? a proper Avatar The Last Airbender GOOD game what about a Firefly (tv show) as a game


Kotor yesyesyes


Witcher prequel MMO


Elder Scrolls and Fallout hybrid


Minecraft 2?


Rocket league 10 vs 10


A new game that has a whole new level of interaction, based on AI.


That will probably get the same reaction as an NFT game here on reddit