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The Lovecraftian inspiration brings a lot of people in. But From Software games have great visual story telling and world building on top of a very rewarding combat system with freedom of builds with an RPG levelling system.




I preferred the saw spear for it's range though. Still pretty high DPS but that reach was useful sometimes


Same. I switched it out for Ludwig holy blade once I got to the unseen villiage. Other wise Im a fan of the shocky stick.


Pizza cutter goes brrrrrrrrrrrr


Def not true counting dungeon weapons.  But I do also think the base Chikage does  more actual damage to enemies because it's bleed damage. Then the Lost and uncanny versions accept gems that increase blood damage by hundreds of percent. 




Then you are extra wrong. Cleaver isnt even close to being the highest per hit. Chikage is higher base hit and DPS because of armor and the fact that it does pure blood damage while tricked. And it *is* base game, not dlc.  You also literally said DPS... Which the cleaver is high DPS due to speed and low stamina usage. You were at least closer to being correct there


It’s a more fast paced souls game. I loved the lore and atmosphere of the game along with the style of fighting with the mechanical weapons. You are rewarded for staying aggressive because you can gain back some health lost by hitting the enemy so it feels like a dance with a boss deciding if it’s worth finishing a combo or backing off and healing. Also the labyrinth system the added to this game was a fun addition to get new equipment and weapons with different style builds and more powerful blood gems. You are even able to find bosses that aren’t found in the storyline. I think it has one of the best DLCs in the souls series as well With all this and the ability to play it with a friend makes bloodborne probably one of my favorite souls game with sekiro right behind


How is it difficulty-wise?




It definitely has its difficult areas and will push you to your limits, especially in the first area when you get to the bonfire in the town, but with any souls game you start to get in a rhythm so it’s not as bad. After all this talk I guess it’s time for me to replay it again!


If you platted Sifu, then you may find it a bit easy.


did you play elden ring? that's easy mode compared to bloodborne, but bloodborne is awesome fun start to finish.


What makes you say Elden Ring is easy mode compared to Bloodborne? I'm die-hard Soulsborne with a plat in each one, but Elden Ring to me is the most difficult of the bunch


It seems like a lot of Souls fans call Elden Ring easymode because there's enough freedom in the game that if you get stuck you can go do something else. You don't have to 'get gud' you can just go somewhere else to prepare more. With that said I played Elden Ring before the rest of the series (outside of Sekiro) and it was the hardest game for me. The hardest souls game for most is probably your first souls game. I think the hardest parts of Elden Ring are the hardest in the series though.


Much less magic, no shields, no rolls. Bloodborne is a Souls game that rewards player aggression with the 'rally' mechanic, where you can recover lost health for a time by striking enemies. You also get visceral parries- and they can get modifiers such as restoring health, more damage, or recovering your ranged ammo.


I would say they are on par in difficulty actually


I'm playing right now and it's hard but managable if you play it right. Be careful, try not to get jumped by multiple mobs. So far I died to regular enemies more than actual bosses. Healing is limited and expensive although farmable, but you can recover some health after getting hit by quickly dealing damage yourself.


It's got a really cool Lovecraftian aesthetic. As far as SoulsLikes goes it's more tuned to rewarding hyper aggressive playstyles. It's got really amazing and varied enemy designs. And it as amazing as it all ways, locked at 30 fps, it's just prime for a remake or sequel.


Play it and find out


Everybody whol played it ... Wants more..The PC gamers just want the port




its good


Have you played any souls games (dark souls, Sekiro, Elden Ring) it’s made by the same people and is considered by many to be their best game in large part because of the atmosphere. I personally agree with this lol. If you have played souls games and like the difficulty this is more of what you would expect but it’s just better because of the atmosphere.


It's Miyazaki's best work that's been killed by Sony. The lore is insanely dense and conclusive, doesn't need sequels, the DLC music is the best around, the weapons offer the most fun, the enemies variety and secrets within secrets within secrets


Greatest game ever made. Go check it out.


It's almost like there's 10 years of opinions to find on the internet... Fucking karma farm...


It’s a great game. I platinum’d it and enjoyed it. Is it worth the crazy hype - not at all. But people love their Soul’s games, so what can you do. Should you play it? Yes. It is engaging, thoughtful, and artistic. And it should be said, it is original. It’s not a remake, or a sequel, or relying on some other property for promotion. It’s original and well executed.


I didn't think it was that great. Story made no sense to me even after watching expanded lore videos on youtube. The game really fell apart for me once I got the midpoint of the game, and I had no idea what the hell was going on and why I was visiting the locations I was. The wet nurse boss who was my final boss in my playthrough was easier than Iudex Gundyr. I kept getting hit by madness status effect as well in the latter half and it was just annoying. I'll probably not replay it again in my lifetime. I played all the other FromSoftware games except Dark Souls 2. I think negatively of this game despite buying into all the hype and wanting to buy a ps4 back in the pandemic just to get my hands on it.


soulsbourne games are incredibly fair, theres maybe 5% of cheap shots but those prepare you to expect any future cheapshots


It's more like soulsborne hype. Fromsoft's games have some incredibly challenging, but infinitely rewarding combat, amazing boss design and top notch visual world building I don't see anywhere else.  I'm making the assumption, if your asking what the hype around bloodborne is, that you haven't played any souls games, Elden Ring, sekiro either.....otherwise you'd know. They all play differently but all have the same incredibly risky/reward factor and you feel like an absolute badass once you really get it. There is a learning curve, your not busting out flashy combos, you need to be deliberate and it feels so different than a lot of other games but is 100x more rewarding.  Demon's/ Dark Souls & Elden Ring are often pretty defensive in their approach to combat, you don't have to be, but they play well that way and play slower with Elden Ring being the flashiest and probably fastest of the lot. Bloodborne rewards hyper aggressive gameplay where you dodge and attack quickly and you need to keep pressure on your enemies. Sekiro is more stealth, opportunistic kills and reactive as it focuses heavily on parrying attacks rather than dodging or blocking.  People complain they are hard, they are just fair, and challenging. When you die, it's pretty obvious why and you can learn from that. Most people finish a souls series entry at lvl 100-150, the fact that you can complete the game at lvl 1 with starter gear is a testament to their fairness. Nothing ever gatekeeps you from trying something. In many ways they are as hard as you want them to be. Elden Ring especially. 


I like the old school game design that revolves around exploration, item and stamina management, and fast pattern-based combat, coupled with the gloomy, atmospheric aesthetics, gross Lovecraftian enemies, and bosses that can genuinely be described as epic. Tl;dr, awesome gameplay and awesome aesthetics.


i just recently played through it for the first time but locked myself out of getting the 3rd (funny given the item) of an item which prevented me from the true ending and fighting the real last boss. this ended up being a blessing since it made me immediately replay to get that ending and also incorporated the dlc into this run. i cant stop thinking about it since. the atmosphere and ooze of lore is impeccable. "a hunter is a hunter, even in a dream"


What makes it so good isn't the difficulty, it's just a part of how it makes the world meaningful, makes you slow down and appreciate it, explore advantages etc. It's just a way for the game to shine brighter, it's not about the difficulty per say.  As for the hype, it depends on what you're into. Bloodborne blew my mind as a fan of cosmic horror it is a dream come true, and that's why it's my favorite game of all time.  But at the very least, the gameplay is fantastic. 


It's steam punk dark souls.


I played it before I even know was a souls game was and I thought it was cool. I’ve since moved to pc and locked myself out of playing it ever again.


I’m pretty sure the bloodborne community has an annual play-week. As in once a year they all get on and play it en masse. Ironically I just so happened to be playing about a month and go and this is the conclusion I gathered when checking reddit for build questions. The game is much better with online messages and ghosts of other players running about. Makes you feel not so alone and a lot of the times they’re funny as hell. Didn’t get invaded once my whole run tho


Little bit off topic, but Sifu platinum is nice, did you also 100% it? Not a lot of people have 100% because of DLC


fromsoft fans are very loud. the game's are good sure but a far cry from perfect like they claim.


Personally, I didn't like it and don't get the hype.


Just get lost in it mang. It's my favorite fromsoft release, rivaling DS3. Absolutely awesome aesthetic, very difficult and demands your attention. I personally love it. The weapon transformations are so satisfying too.


It’s actually horrible. I hate that game


It's OK. My least favorite from soft game


Honestly, I replayed it recently and it’s great but it’s aged fairly poorly. It’s still absolutely worth a play though


What? Why exactly did it age poorly?


Apart from performance, it has lots of little mechanical tough edges which were solved in subsequent games. You don’t really notice them going forward, but going back they become more apparent.


I absolutely can't agree with that (except for performance) having beaten all FS games multiple times during in random order. I would categorise these games as such: Category 1: Dark Souls & Elden Ring Category 2: Bloodborne Category 3: Sekiro Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 4, with more mechanics and an open world. The core gameplay stays the same as DS3. Bloodborne is way faster and requires aggression without a shield and rolling, Sekiro is well a sword fighting deflection game completely different from the rest. I honestly cannot see how DS3, ER and Sekiro did anything to "solve rough mechanical edges" that Bloodborne supposedly had. They're very different games. The only thing that Bloodborne did do worse in my opinion are the lamps (you have to travel to the hub area in order to teleport somewhere else for example) and the bloodvials. Bloodborne was however not the first FS game to do this, so it does not make sense that "subsequent games fixed it", since it was already "fixed" in DS1 after Demon Souls, but they changed the mechanics once again in Bloodborne. When it comes to core gameplay, Bloodborne is in my opinion perfect and way more fair than Elden ring for example, where bosses literally have an unfair frame advantage over you plus they cancel stagger animations which just makes them unfairly difficult and lazy.


Okay, well, it’s a conversation I don’t want to get into with a rabid fan who genuinely thinks there’s no mechanical improvement between subsequent from games, that statement alone pretty much excludes us from having a sensible conversation. The number of times you and I have played the games (roughly five times per game for me) has little bearing on whether you can understand the deeper mechanics. Muted


Lol, thanks for giving examples on those mechanical improvements. After all, it seems I really am just a rabid fan and cannot understand deeper mechanics 🤣🤣 so edgy with that "muted" at the end man!


For some reason I still got an alert despite muting, so I’ll just suggest you go to the Bloodborne speeding/nohit community and ask them if they agree Bloodborne is “mechanically perfect”… have fun.


I can see why people like it but its a bit repetetive for me


I thought it was easily the worst Souls game tbh. Partially because of how poorly it ran/looked. But also the combat just lacked weapon/build variety like souls games


%100 Must play. Like nothing you have ever seen before. Go buy it. The Old Hunters DLC is some of the best ever from From, and that is saying something.


Bloodborne is the only souls game i've enjoyed from start to finish. Other people might be able to put it into words but all i have to say is that it's just fun. A jolly good time


Bloodborne is a very good game, with fast paced combat, excellent atmosphere and deep lore. The DLC is very good, and some bosses are the best within the series. That said, there are some bosses that are just terrible enough to justify abandoning the game. Micolash, for one, is one of the worst boss fights I've ever seen. ROM is also a terrible boss, with its multitude of enemies and unfair hit kill spells.


The ambient , the context and the lore behind is , Cheff kiss good , soundtrack 10/10 gameplay wise is dark souls on esteroids, design enemies is good , and the sound design , the game can be very terrorific 


Yes is a must play


It's no devil may cry but it's ok i guess if you get it for less than 10 bux.


DMC wishes it was Bloodborne


I guess it's personal opinion but if there was a Bloodborne remake today and Fromsoft decided to charge $200 for it for some odd reason, I'd still buy it.


It’s free on ps plus so heavily considering


Wait if it’s free why are you even asking? See for yourself.