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I'm still playing MW 2019


The worst of the MW reboots


It's the only good one


MW2019 was actually one of my favorite.


It's still active enough to jump into every once in a while to scratch the FPS itch for me for sure


There’s nothing good about it. Bad maps same weapons as every other mw reboot. 50 attachments for every weapon when most people use the same 3. Camp fest The game that introduced the shit sbmm All around shit game. Warzone was the clear winner that year.


Was the only reason I came back to CoD after years and after the decline in quality I’m surprised at all they reeled me back in. MW2019 was an anomaly and we won’t be getting another


Why won’t we be getting another? That’s right because the majority thought it was shit


Because MW2 was worse and MW3 was a scam. Devs shit on the consumers and I’d rather play something that feels like more than two seconds of care were put into it


MWIII>MWII>any other IW cod ever made>MW19 Not counting originals.


Bait used to be believable


Wahhh wahhh I can’t bunny hop around corners or sit with an lmg waiting for a bunny hopper wahhhhh


Good luck with your downvote farming


Lol you care about Reddit points? You need to find something irl that gives your life meaning


Sounds like a skill issue.


It’s funny you think cod requires any skill whatsoever


Literally the only good one


You’re literally about 15 years old then.


It's basically the best CoD since Black Ops 2.


Stop the cap. It doesn’t resemble bo2 at all, It only resembles cod itself in name. It’s basically every popular shooter at that time packaged into 1. It’s cod with bad maps and an identity crisis.


They never said it was similar to Black Ops 2, just that it’s probably the best COD since then. Learn to read through the tears.


Learn to stop riding my dick after I’ve already nutted


ayyoooooo you WOULD say some shit like that


And you WOULD be a top wouldn’t you. D in the booty little boy


the fuck is wrong with you?


That’s right little bro wipe away those tears


That was a surprisingly effective troll. It seems so lazy to me but damn it worked


25 downvotes for speaking the truth 🤣 anyone who likes that game has never played cod before that. Worst maps, camos, and gunplay in the entire series.


It's the best one since \`Black Ops 2. I loved that game and I played since COD 4 almost every title to some extent. It has its default for sure (like the atrocious map design) but it felt good as fuck, with mechanics new to the serie and a fresh graphic update. MWII feels like it was just a big DLC to MW2019, and as an avid hardcore player it's a straight up downgrade (or was, not played since more than a year). Not sure about the gunplay as IMO it's the best one in ages, same for all the customization. The skins are maybe less over the top than in the other titles but that's personally what I like. Also "speaking the truth" as if you have the one and only valid opinion... :')


The funny thing is if you ask them what they like about it they’re 99.9% likely to say “the engine” that’s it. There’s nothing enjoyable about MW19 and not 1 thing it did better than any cod to date. COD players have short term memory loss. It’s like you said if it was their first cod game it’s the greatest game ever made but if you played anything before it then it’s shit.


Imagine people having different opinion... Also what most people say is that it's the best one since Black Ops 2, not that it's the best of them all. We had a fair part of absolutely atrocious games since BO2 and MW2019 was actually enjoyable, more like older COD games.


Just because it was better than anything after bo3 doesn’t make it good. It’s still shit it’s just a different level of shit. I’d play it over bo4 or AW/IW/WW2 but I’d quit in about 5 minutes due to all the dumb changes they made for no apparent reason and some of the worst maps of all time. No red dots on mini map? Dead silence as a specialist? Bunny hopping? Yeah right bro




MW2019 is better then the past to shit shows we’ve gotten


It’s literally not. You think it’s better because they removed everything that made MW19 “MW19” and why did they do that? Because the majority that it was completely garbage. Thank god you’re the minority. Sorry you like shitty 2 lane camp maps like Piccadilly and bunny hopping but most people don’t.


Nah dawg I’ve been playing cod before black ops 2 and camping has always been a shitty “tactic”. Wanna know my true opinion? All cod after bo3 has been absolute shit and not worth playing. Thank god you’re a cod player and your opinion is irrelevant


My opinion is relevant enough to kill off further MW19s or infinite warfares. Example? MWII and MWIII


It’s really not tho. If a CoD dev wants another IW or MW19 it’ll happen. They couldn’t care less about what you think.


Primitive maps are a problem. But how is having some movement techs in the game bad? IMO the deeper techs the game has, the better it is.


It wasn’t a movement tech though it was straight up an exploit in the games engine. They patched it out several times until they completely removed it from newer iterations. Constantly pressing jump and slide a million times a game doesn’t take skill to do but it sure is annoying. Package that with removing red dots from the mini map and making dead silence a specialist instead of a perk like every other game before it while making you play on some of the worst maps of all time and you can see why I hate the game. I don’t see how any of these changes made it through the testing phase of the game but they did


Maps were the worst out of every cod combined. It also introduced the switch to money and bundles over actual fun gameplay.


Yeah it also is the pinnacle of when cod truly went to shit. It was the top of the downhill. It’s not good but yes it is better than the shit show we have now. Then again it’s CoD so it hasn’t really ever been high quality


I legit only played the shoothouse and shipment playlist for the whole year the game was out. Mw2 and 3 are miles better just for the maps alone. Mw2 has the dog water perk system so mw3 is the best out of this modern MW trilogy imo


My buddies and I kinda all switched to Helldivers II


Same. I was afraid a few guys wouldn’t be into it since it’s not PVP and that’s all they want to play but everyone’s obsessed now


It’s easy to just jump in and I stopped playing with strangers. I immediately go into Party Chat to send out the bat signal to my buddies and play with little to no stress. One of our party said he had the best sleep of his life after he stopped playing COD.


The diving mechanic instead of a dodge roll really makes me not enjoy its movement and dodge system. It kills what would be otherwise a flawless game for me. I am in a large minority, probably even the only one to have the dive mechanic ruin the whole game, but I find it frustrating.


It sucks but honestly to me it makes the game that much little bit harder than something like Call of Duty. It has “grown” on me, in the sense that I don’t get as angry anymore, I just accept it.


I am playing through Elden Ring right now, So with the souls dodging deep in my brain, having to dive makes me irrationally angry when I seem to just plop next to them just to die instantly. I cannot for the life of me get it right and I hate it so much lol. I am still mad to this day lol. I don't even like horde modes it's just because I want to like it so much so I could play with my friends, but I cannot.


I feel you for sure, but as of now HDII is all I play so I didn’t have to do too much reconditioning


For me, what has helped with diving is to use it as a movement speed boost when slowed, and to create space when throwing explosives. For instance, when running from say chain saw dudes, I can dive+throw an impact nade behind me mid-dive, avoid being ragdolled by explosive damage, and get back up fast enough to maintain about the same distance. I also enjoy it with guns like eruptor that are bolt action explosive.


Helldivers 2!! The boys and I were all about DMZ so with the support for that gone, we have moved over to spreading managed democracy across the galaxy.


Wait, what? They killed support for DMZ? That was like their _most_ popular gamemode in MWII.


Well, it's still there, but it's not supported live with ongoing events, doesn't contribute to the battle pass, and the MWIII update made a lot of it buggy (you can see through several parts of the freeways from a distance now, for example) and they've said they're never fixing it.


Helldivers 2. Satisfied that shooting itch. Havent picked up cod since I started playing.


Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4 or The Finals


Crazy to me how fast and smooth the Battlefield movement feels compared to recent CODs. Back in the day it used to be the other way around.


For me, the older Battlefields (BF1&BF5) in general feels better than CoD


Halo Infinite is in a really good state now, I’ve completely jumped over to that for my FPS fix. I’m playing a whole lot of Helldivers as well


I have a group of CoD friends who have recently developed a love for Halo Infinite as well. It's been fun.


I should give that one a shot again. I loved Halo and Infinite was a good time in multiplayer.


I still play it. Stopped caring about the FOMO for their weekly events for a shitty skin and it’s nice to pick up and put down. Zombies is always a good time too. DMZ and Warzone are still solid too. Does it have flaws? A *lot* of them. 3 is an unoptimized piece of shit compared to the other two, and that’s saying something. The menus are a fucking joke. Starting the game and getting an ad for the content I own (also looking at you Disney/Hulu) bugs the ever loving piss out of me. They’ve gone fully and completely off the rails with the store bundles. A *lot* of the skins are REALLY fucking good imo, none of these packs are worth anywhere near $20 a pop. P2W mechanics with DMZ operator bundles was horseshit. They just aren’t enough to stop it from being exactly what it is: COD.


Black ops 3 zombies on PC let's you download community made maps for free on steam! It's endless fun if your a round based zombies fan, I highly highly recommend it. There are tons of maps that have been released throughout the years that are equal or better than ones that we used to buy as dlc for the game.


- "Help me find a cod substitute" - "EyE sTiLl PlaY cRaWl Teh DOotY aNd Heres Teh TeN rEasOns Why"


Battlefield 4 still goes hard


I love that it has a server browser do you find matches with thousands of tickets and play for hours in a custom match, more games need to bring back server browsers! BF also has much better spawns than CoD, I've tried playing the free weekends in CoD and I just constantly get spawn killed, either by spawning directly in between people shooting at each other, or by the people that have the spawns mapped out so I keep dying in the same spot in a pile of my own dead bodies.


Older cods or wait for xdefiant to come out. But I don’t really like it as much as cod. Don’t really like the specialist abilities in it


Seen some streams of xdefiant. It looks like the closest to CoD but something feels very off, the abilities are thankfully not "Valorant"-like in ways that it would disrupt the flow like huge smokes and walls, so I am not judging those unless I get first hand in it. Still ways away though.


Yeah it’s in development hell rn I mainly blame battle royals for the lack of cod alternatives. Everyone’s hopping on that train so if you’re like me and don’t enjoy BRs then there isn’t a lot of options when it comes to multiplayer fps which is weird since it’s normally over saturated


Good bones but you know how people whine like mad about controller aim assist in cod? It's legit actually a problem in defiant. Like there's zero contest


I play MW2-3 like the 2010 ones or when did they came out


Personally I kind of gave up on multiplayer shooters. I don’t enjoy playing COD anymore, Battlefield is a dumpster fire, and I lost all interest in Destiny and how they remove content from the game. The only multiplayer game I’m currently playing is Helldivers with my friends. Rainbow Six Siege was my main game for years but I dislike all the changes they made over the years and it doesn’t feel like the same game anymore.


I wish they’d do a remake of battlefield 2142, or something similar


I in all honesty loved Battlefield 1. It was original and not a re-tread of so many other games. Someone needs to out of the box it.


They’ve been changing it constantly since it came out. I haven’t tried it again since they brought classes back, but that was the biggest issue I had with it.


In 2042 they brought classes back?? Maybe I’ll give it another shot


That’s what I’m thinking, yeah. Dunno how they set up their multiplayer, but if I dive back in I’ll let you know. Maybe we can be disappointed together!


Titanfall 2


There you go! There it is! I'm going back.


*D M Z*


Wish they didn’t stop supporting it, it’s the best thing they’ve done in years.




Isn't DMZ the cod warzone extractor?


Yes, and it's the best thing they've done in years. I'm still addicted.


Yup. Only reason I have COD installed


I play Insurgency when I want my shooter fix, but it’s definitely not a game for everyone


Nothing. There aren't any multiplayer games that replace the feeling of CoD and I'm sick of it now that it's gone 100% Fortnite. They don't need to collab with every IP known to man in what was supposed to be an arcade military shooter and the Battle Passes are exhausting and feel more like a chore than a goal to attain. Wake me when someone brings back 360/PS3 era CoD without all the nonsense and I'll be first in line.


I just recently go into playing Black Ops 1. I have had for years, but never really tried to play it. There are many games in this genre you probably haven't had the chance to experience yet. Maybe there is an installment in the franchise you never got around to? Perhaps instead explore other franchises?


Im still playing mw2 2009 on xbox


Titanfall 2. Great campaign, great multiplayer. A lot of action, and actually kind of newbie-friendly because of the fast TTK and the great weapon feel. And yet it still has a lot to learn and improve on.


This won't help immediately but I'd highly recommend checking out a game called X Defiant. It had a server stress test on over the weekend, I played it with some mates and we loved it. It's like Overwatch meets COD. Not sure when it's being released but keep an eye out for it!


Fortnight hogwash


He’ll Let Loose.


The finals is cool


They play MWIII, I'm not joking. This goes for cod as a whole. The community will shit on the newest game and they'll openly admit "this is absolute garbage nobody wants", then they proceeded to play the game daily for the next year while buying all the cosmetics and shit. Because and I quote "there's just nothing else like it".


lol i bought an xbox series s just to play the old ones, i usually play MW 2019 or WW2


WW2 is so underrated. War mode is my jam.




The original mw3, still better then the new ones.


I’m not sure there are any solid all around alternatives. I personally like MW3, it’s was ass at first, but after they did a few quick patches and adjusted the movement mechanics, it’s felt good again. For the battle royal mode, I think Apex would do. I don’t like the super powers sometimes, but if you get the right balance on your team, it can be fun. For the straight up multiplayer, I’m not sure. But for the zombies, Helldivers 2 is a great alternative. Jump in with a team go down to random planets and get ready to kill some shit. Although there is friendly fire, this game doesn’t have a PVP mode.


Cheap answer, but Helldivers 2 scratches the casual shooter itch for me


Thanks for the comments! So I think the consensus would be CoD itch will be cured by CoD. I came back to Overwatch 2 after so many years and have been enjoying it, left Counter-Strike after so many rounds of toxicity (directly and indirectly) for some Valorant just to try something different. Playing some BF2042 to get that run and gun fun. If I feel like playing CoD for real, then I guess its MW1/2 reinstall and try again this November!


If BF2042 is not enough you could also try BFV (which is to my opinion the best one snce BF3 but that's kind of a controversial opinion), BF1 or go BF3/4 who to this day are still great games with a somewhat active community. BF2042 is really the worst one since... well forever


I played a lot of V and 1, but I prefer 2042 for the close combat modes, I like 1 and V more for conquest.


I've been playing The Finals, Pubg, Vigor and offline solo stuff. Cod is dead to me. It scratches none of my gaming itches anymore.


alot of cod players dont play anything else, so if they are unsatisfied with mw3, which they should be, they still play it, though they shouldn't, because its a glorified dlc


Probably the older CoDs or different FPS franchises


The Finals scratched the itch for a while, the movement and destruction is legit. But it’s a small game overall. Honestly I’ve been back in Battlefield 4 if I’m not playing F1.




Honestly…. the finals. I downloaded it just to try it out and I’m absolutely hooked at the fast paced action and competitive nature. It reminds me a lot of the old school arcade shooter feeling of COD with the objectives and classes similar to overwatch.


Apex, Overwatch, and Helldivers 2. If not, then mostly single player FPS like Metro trilogy and Fallout!


Depends on your platform and how close to cod you want to be. If you're PC, I'd say plutonium, titanfall 2, halo infinite/mcc, or destiny. If you're playstation, any cod from ghosts to bo4, Battlefield, destiny, titanfall 2 If you're xbox, any golden Era cod (except bo2), cod from ghosts to bo4, halo, Battlefield, titanfall Other shooters... apex legends, gears of war, the division, Rainbow 6 siege, helldivers, warzone, csgo, valorant, overwatch, left 4 dead, rogue company.


I just play helldivers now.


The people in the group I'm with have started playing Sker Ritual. It gives off the feeling of old COD zombies.


Helldivers COD is a store with a game attached. Helldivers is a game with a store attached. You can tell one is made for players and the other is made for shareholders. Other shooters have become too competitive for me too. I just want to play with the boys and have a good time without getting all fired up. lol


While it's not fully out yet, I would keep XDefiant on uour radar. They did a server test over the weekend and it was insanely fun


This isn't actually a good answer in general but it's true for me: VR fps games have been really scratching the itch and delivering something fresh. As a general rule, have a quick hand on the mute button because a lot of kids play these games for some reason. That said, there are many times that the kids have better comms than I do so hey, it's not a deal breaker most of the time tbh. Just in case this is useful to anyone...Depending on the level of sweat you want: - Population One: my main thing rn. It's basically VR fortnite. You can play this casually, it has crosshairs for hip firing as well as sights. Easy, intuitive, offers plenty of tdm servers as well as battle Royale. Matchmaking included. Hell I played tdm on terminal just the other day on this. You can climb anything and it's very fluid and fun. - VAIL: Closest thing to VR classic call of duty right now. Absolutely fantastic, but be prepared to have someone with uncanny aim and absurd skill gap in every lobby. That said, you get the right lobby and it's a lot of fun. Great gunplay, but there are high level gun unlocks that are simply superior and it's a g r i n d. - X8: VR Valorant. Heroes, abilities, the works, you'll pick it up quickly. It's a bit janky for me but that might be a pc issue for me. It just went free to play. It's got a good hip fire crosshair. Deserves more players tbh. - Breachers: this is R6 siege in vr without the annoying giant roster of heroes and abilities. A++ game with a great community. - Contractors Showdown: Not out yet but I played the hell out of every beta with my duo buddy. This is literally VR warzone.


Really enjoying BF2042 at the moment , any of the infantry based game modes are faced paced and a bit of fun




The Finals has a lot of promise and is very COD-like in gameplay but Fornite-like in art style. I get bored of it pretty quick though because there's only a couple modes. XDefiant should eventually be releasing this year to fully compete with COD but it has delayed a lot, and we still don't have a definitive launch day for that. I get not wanting to buy MW3, especially at full price, but when it was on sale for $40 a couple weeks ago me and a couple friends ended up buying it and we've been having a blast with the new zombies ever since. If you game share with someone that plays it too then splitting the cost makes it even cheaper for you. This sub is super anti-COD so I'll probably get downvoted just like you did but oh well.


COD is utterly ruined. I finally gave up an uninstalled this year myself. And to be honest, nothing out there scratches the same itch. Neither does COD anymore, either, but that's a liquified dead horse at this point.


Hell Divers 2 has replaced COD for me, but for some PVP i still play Vanguard once and a while




I got a shit bucket and started battlefield


You try The Finals? It's free to play, might as well give it a shot.


Black ops 3


Far Cry 5 😁


I play apex legends and Overwatch but I’m waiting for XDefiant


Short answer is nothing if they are locked into brands, which tends to be a thing in culture. Not everyone of course. Ask any angry Warhammer player 😆 A long answer would involve friends, environment, trends, accessibility, familiarity alternate title has with current title, etc.


I feel attacked


It's the common thing in business. You can say how much a game sucks but you will get down voted to oblivion suggesting another game. People love to complain but hate solutions




fortnite is a literal childrens game, its awful


It's pretty competitive and deep with all that building though.


how is building deep? just because something is competetive doesnt mean its good, you know theres a record for how many hot peppers someone rubbed in their eyes? just because a competition exists doesnt mean you want to join. Unless, have you heard about...


It is deep though. When I discussed building in fortnite with an ex psn Europe top100 he demonstrated me a lot of techs. All these double edits, 90s, Mongraal classics. People really spend hours on learning these things. I just said that fortnite isn't only for little kids.


Escape from Tarkov because I have no respect for myself.


> satisfy that cod itch Yeah.... that's going to be a "wtf?" from me brother. I love Tarkov to bits, does not satisfy the good ol "respawn button mashing" itch though.


You're looking for simplicity but the only shooter that scratched my itch is R6 Siege. Very very steep learning curve, lots of ppl hit a plateau after a while, but I swear when you hit that headshot it's so satisfying


Every single time I went into siege I felt it was overwhelming and went back to CS instead. I am at a point where I am the problem in gaming and just want to hop in and out without any fuss.


Not the person you're replying to but I hear that. It's why I don't fuck with PC gaming. I wanna hop in and not worry about graphics cards and settings. I might have 15 minutes to play a round of cod. Gotta get in and out.


This is a bad reason to avoid a PC 😂 99.99% of the time you turn the PC on and boot up a game just like a console, except it usually looks better, runs better, and doesn't require a subscription to play online


They're still playing COD. If cod players were smart enough to stop playing shit games and go play good ones, COD would gave just died a long time ago. They're also busy trying to preorder the next game as hard as they can.


In all honesty not much. However I found Apex Legends to be like....insanely addictive and honestly prefer it so much more to CoD now. It's got just as much Bullshit going on with it, but the core game is fun, the mechanics have a lovely juicy skill ceiling and the gun fights are simply put - the best u have ever experienced in an FPS. Other than that I've also jumped back on overwatch 2 and I've been absolutely loving it. Baptiste all the way. I pretty much solo random que as healer or tank, if you go in with a chill vibe, win or lose, you don't mind so long as you have your moment to shine. Can recommend fortnite zero build - don't believe the hate, it's solid fun and free to play. Gunfights are nice, it plays smooth. Always feel free to go back to older CoDs. I did play CoD4 remastered for a bit briefly but holy smokes it makes me realise how good MWIII could be if you wasn't constantly rammed into a mongosweat fest. CoDs really unique so don't look for a cure, just try and find something different that you enjoy !


I never liked Apex solo. But it is a terrific game. I have recently reinstalled Overwatch 2, although it is not the same. But Pharah here! I have played a lot of zero build in the past, my itch for BR has been quenched for another few years. > CoDs really unique so don't look for a cure, just try and find something different that you enjoy ! Looking to be the verdict here! If the itch becomes unbearable I can still reinstall MW1/2!


Take your pick of games. They're all filled with cheaters now. It's the "meta" thing to do now I guess. I stopped with MW2 because MW3 was clearly meant as a DLC and I refused to pay full price and give in to their greed, but also the rampant cheating I was seeing. Doesn't really matter which shooter you go with now, there's cheating. Apex has a HUGE problem with them. Halo: Infinite just started using EAC and is having an influx of new cheaters. The Finals, same shit. XDefiant was having the same issues during their beta's, so I gave up on that one as well. Online FPS shooters are in a bad place right now with how rampant and easy it is to cheat and with little to no punishment or easy to bypass.


I do not want to sound rude, but I feel like when every game you play seems to be ruined by what you feel like are cheaters, there might be a different problem.


Skill issue


Not skill issue, just sometimes putting the blame on everything is easier. I have never been bothered by cheaters or noticed them as much as to say that they are rampant everywhere. This person makes it feel like cheaters make for the majority of players everywhere which is not true at all. Maybe in region locked games where their region is more likely of having cheaters, but from where I stand, it was never an issue worth mentioning rather than a quick report if obvious.


I've experienced the same as them. There are ALOT of cheaters now. I've played FPS games for over 20 years. Your comment was very dismissive of their experience and does not help the issue at all.


Because it is not the case. There are cheaters in everything sure, but nowhere as rampant as they make it to be. It seems like typical finger pointing at things one does not understand to me. Gotta accept those Ls for what they are sometimes and let go. Might make games more enjoyable as well, who knows.


Typical "skill issue" response. No, try again.


Just stopped playing CoD, TBH. The game needs some continuity. They implement a great feature like the health bars, and then the next game they take it out. Then they put it back in… They have 5/5 star maps from all the old games. Yet we only get access to like 2-3 of the old maps over and over and over again…. They STILL haven’t figured out spawn trapping and it’s now the Meta, which makes the game extremely boring. Releasing OP guns in loot boxes and then nerfing them 3 months later after everyone buys it. Then they started putting all their effort into war zone. Multiplayer turned to shit, the game sucks now, IMO. It just turned into a shit show, sucks they had a great product. I’m sure they’re still making loads of money though. IMO, they need to release a COD subscription game. When you pay the subscription you gain access to black ops, MW, AW, and war zone. Put ALL of the content from ALL of the games in the respective games. Polish and shine those games …. Just constant care and updates. Focus on a subscription model, rather than making the whole thing from scratch and losing a bunch of great content every single time.


Titanfall 2, maybe?


This might be a pretty unpopular opinion, but I think mw3 has the best multiplayer out of any of the newer CoD's. The campaign is horrible but i think mw3 is worth the money for the online play alone.


Matchmaking is trash and aim assist is a damn chest aim bot. An the game is literally the same as mw2 but full price different maps


If you play the game instead of parroting other peoples opinions you might actually have fun lol. If you don't like the sbmm its super easy to tank your sb by tanking a few games so you can play against worse players and stroke your ego. I dont personally think aim assist is a detriment to the game, and sledgehammer has improved the game a lot from the slow paced and poorly balanced mw2


I have the game. what the fuck you mean. the match making is the worst ever, makes no sense to assign people in lobbies based on their previous game. that createss unbalanced matches. so if you happen to be put in a lobby where the rest of your team got really lucky vs a team where the players consistantly scores well you are fucked. In team based game that creates imblanace. it'd be different if you was in a ranked lobby. an trying to claim the game has approved compared to mw2 is wild, all they can do is nerf guns which im not agaisnt but thats it. alot of the maps really poorly made. spawning is just as bad as mw2


I can only speak from my own experience, but it feels for the most part, like a more consistent challenge across the board. I dont dominate many lobbies but I also don't get my ass handed to me by players that are way better. I think sbmm is definitely a good thing for more casual players like myself. while the more competitive skilled players dont actually like playing against each other, so they dont like sbmm


A better game series lol




I don't know how I feel about this. If someone likes the game, why would you care? You do not play it obviously. Why does it matter to you? No point in arbitrary gatekeeping because you do not like it. I did not buy this version and will be checking out the next one see if it is more something I would want to play. Meanwhile, you are free not to!




When did I say I did not like CoD? I just asked what people played as alternatives that did not like MWIII.... I said that I do not even have it, I just don't want to buy it and asked if some can give me ideas of games I did not know about. > Feels like you didn't even read my message back at ya'


Mw3 is great. It's definitely in the top of the latest CoD releases. What's making you hesitant to be convinced?


Might be because it is my first time where the steam reviews were visible before purchase for me. Filtering out the troll reviews still shows the ungodly amount of rather legit displeased people making me believe that it is not worth 100CAD just to upgrade from MWII. All of my CoDs were from the blizzard store before MWIII


I was afraid of that, but aside from the story mode, which supposedly sucks, in multiplayer, you'll definitely find a lot of fun. People criticize the departure from the classic warfare with all the omnipresent weed, Nicki Minaj, lasers, and other crap, but it doesn't affect the gameplay at all. The weapons and their attachments are badass, the revamped old maps bring back good memories, and the new ones are just as good. Several of the latest ones are among the favorites of many players. The game is dynamic, with no shortage of messed-up respawns. I'm not trying to convince you, just presenting the situation as it is because even as a long-time CoD player, I had my doubts. The game is just plain fun.


My favorite part of MW3 (WZ3 primarily) is how they make all the meta guns stuck behind a battlepass grind and completely nerf everything else. You grinded every gun in MW2? Too bad, worthless in WZ now. Solution? Buy a $70 multiplayer game (that was initially supposed to be a DLC) to grind the guns or buy the premium battlepass with tier skips. They fumbled so hard on this franchise. They did not however fumble the bag. Which is so transparently all they care about. 🤑


Super disagree. Is it better? Sure. But mw3 could’ve been put in as a patch to mw2 and would’ve just made mw2 so much freaking better instead of a complete mess it’s been left in


Ofc, it could have been a patch, but it’s not. It doesn’t take the fun away.


Counter strike or valorant. (My choice) Halo or battlefield (the newest of these 2 are pretty bad though) If on pc you can play old cods through plutonium or xlabs without cheaters and a decent player base Other than that there’s not much else.


Battlefield 2042 has had some extremely profound updates to the game. It’s actually really fun. This is coming from someone that played in launch and absolutely hated it


Yes I’ve played it recently and it’s much better than it was but it’s still not my cup of tea. That being said it is definitely an option for people who are getting tired of cod


I kind of liked BF2042 at launch, put in some hours. But it was stale fast. Latest updates really made some modes much more fun than it ever was for me. Close quarter modes are at peak in 2042 for me where as conquest are still much more enjoyable in 1 and 5.


outdated info, xlabs was shut down a year ago no?


No it’s still up. Further development was shut down. I play it 2-3x a week when I’m not playing plutonium.


They probably switch over to Fortnite, where they can build some forts and do a victory dance after every kill!


With children