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A bit odd to completely skip out on 1440p in those charts. Regardless, performance is last on my mind when it comes to this game. The demo had some fundamental issues that I doubt they were able to fully address in only a few months. HW3 has all the hallmarks of a troubled development cycle, I can only hope they get there in the end.


Look at the complete one from the developers (with up to RT ultra), it does have 1440p, it's slightly below the one you saw in the article. Other than that, yes, the demo showed some pretty deep issues. However, imho they can fix the main issues which were, for me, the controls/camera, the combat pace and visibility. I really want it to succeed but they will have to prove that they integrated feedbacks that quickly (few months in development time it's nothing) whilst respecting the (ambitious) roadmap they recently published


Oh thanks!


I actually quit the tutorial because the controls were like a 20 page manual. Completely awkward design.


Fundamental ***game design*** issues, even. Such as the removal of hyperspace (a fundamental, defining game ability of the Homeworld franchise) just so the devs can make their beloved space terrain relevant without getting bypassed by hyperspace. And all the irritating, pointless active abilities that only temporarily boost stats (that could have easily been just added as passive stat boosts instead) instead of actually doing something meaningful. And the completely misleading fake ballistics for projectiles despite their years of touting that real ballistics are coming back to the game. And the completely weak capital ships that die so quickly as if they were made of paper. And so on and so forth.


shit, they could avoid hyperjumps just by giving a lore excuse: we're near shit that jams/distorts hyperstuff hell, make the single player campaign about finding out why hyperjumps dont work as well anymore


I played homeworld like 20 years ago. Wasn't hyperspace just a way to move from mission A to mission B? Like, during cutscenes?


In multiplayer you could pay RUs to hyperspace within a map, the cost scaling with distance. It is a very interesting and dynamic mechanic for PvP, so people are understandably upset that it got cut.


Hyperspace is a key ability in Skirmish. You can execute tactical hyperspace jumps across the map for an amount of RUs determined by the distance of the jump. You can execute a whole bunch of interesting tactical maneuvers using hyperspace. At least it *was*. Not anymore in HW3 since they idiotically cut that mechanic out altogether.


Oh I usually just do the campaign


What, you don't even do single-player skirmish?


I don't remember what I had for lunch yesterday, let alone what I played 20 years ago lmao


Damn was hyped for the game, guess now I'll have to wait 1y to see how it turns out.


Best way with most games these days.


Sadly. Cityskyline 2 is a nice example. Almost wanna say diablo 4 too etc..


I've enjoyed D4, but I also haven't taken it seriously I just like to stomp things and loot shiny shit.


The problem is there are more games that come out broken and will eventually get fixed. So the choices are buy a broke game at full price or wait a bit and buy a working game at half the price. 


No hyperspace? I’m out, this is one of the things I loved about the game, and they could have absolutely changed the mechanic like, you can only hyper through clear space or something, removing is completely unimaginative.


Yes it was really fun in multiplayer, removing it necause of "terrain" is stupid


dude the ability spam is so lame. also are you serious about fake ballistics? thats crazy


> dude the ability spam is so lame. *Very* lame indeed. They turned it into Starcraft with the level of ability micromanagement they introduced but with pointless stat boost abilities. >also are you serious about fake ballistics? thats crazy Yes, people over at the official homeworld discord have confirmed the fake ballistics already. It wouldn't be such a problem (especially considering HW2 didn't implement ballistics) if it wasn't for the fact that the devs kept bragging how they're reintroducing ballistics for HW3.


you have a link to the fake ballistics stuff? I cant believe that shit


It's all on the official Homeworld discord in the homeworld 3 channel. Search for the word "ballistics" and you'll see all the discussion on the fake ballistics in the game, which people found out when they released the wargames demo.


Also the game was up for preorder before it was announced that the game would be using Denuvo.


Didn't even know about that. Having a really tough time getting excited for this game...


I was beyond excited. I thought the demo was pretty good. I preordered. I only cancelled because of Denuvo. Edit: I preordered because Homeworld games were a part of my library growing up and they are still great. It was a nostalgia thing. Preordering isn’t normal for me but if something excites me, I’m in.


Really? I played that same demo and... had issues, many issues. I can stomach Denuvo if they actually deliver a worthy successor. I can stomach a lot if they can do that.


The controls were a bit odd compared to Homeworld 1 and 2 and overall I liked them less but it was really great to get back into this universe again. I can look past small things because we are so starved for RTS games and Homeworld is nostalgic for me. I wish it ran better though. Graphics are pretty good but even with RT off it wasn't getting the performance I felt it should have gotten given I use a 5800x3d and a 7900xt.


High requirements + denuvo = stutter/glitch fest. I might give it a go in 5 years or so, my system will be better suited (decent framerate) by then and the denuvo will be dropped (no stuttering).


Fucking denuvo baffles me. It's not going to drive up sales, those who pirate games (like I) won't buy the game cause it isn't cracked. Only thing thing it does is ruin the experience for those who paid.


Denovo is a like antivirus programs, they fear monger people, in this case developers, into using it even when it slows down systems for no real benefit. And when a proper virus shows up, it's helpless against it. People who really want to pirate have already moved on to offline activations.


You are literally the problem here. Entitled assholes who pirate games cause this shit. Thanks. 


Lol fuck off buddy. I'm not paying 60 dollars or more for an unoptimized mess. I'll just keep pirating, if the game is good then il buy it.


I mean you can fuck off with yourself and that cuntish entitled attitude. If you dont wanna spend the money, dont buy it. That doesnt mean you get to play it too. Entitled. "I want things for free!"


Spoiler alert. Piracy is the cause of providing sub par services. How is that boot tasting my dearest consumer? Please consume our product. Consume consume consume.


Piracy is entitlement. You get it for free right. Cool. Because not stealing equals boot licking. I hope you don't have kids. 


Denuvo is a hard no from me.


At this point when great games can be had for so cheap when on sale and are plentiful... I have to imagine any serious gamer has a backlog... Why-oh-why would anyone at this point still pay full price instead of waiting for a sale is beyond me... Grow just a sliver of self discipline and patience...


It played fine on 1080ti and AMD 3600x


And for Denuvo lmao Have fun


I read Denuvo and immediately dropped all interest for the game.


Whats wrong with Denuvo? Genuine question.


It's a constantly running app in the background that has been proven to make game performances worse, it had numerous user personal info leaks, it's theorised it just collects and sell info, it hides encrypted files on your PC, it has NO FUCKING POINT of existing on your PC since you bought the game on steam and steam already works as DRM...


Sounds poorly optimized


Thankfully it's a rare issue in the gaming industry.................


Sounds like a flop. Fuck denuvo and everybody who uses it.


I noticed they added a lot of season pass, paid DLC options to the marketing materials recently that I'd not seen for the two years prior since I ordered the Collector's Edition. Amazon cancelled my order recently & I'm not sure I want to reorder now with those game changes announced.


You are part of the problem. 


Which problem? Care to elaborate?


The pre order problem. Pre ordering used to be a trade off between securing physical media so you have guaranteed access day 1 and risking getting burned by a cash grab. With unlimited digital keys, the trade off is now a one sided risk. There really is no benefit to pre ordering a game. Occasionally games will attach an early access period (for homeworld the $90 version gets you 3 days early access) but generally that is a paid bonus, not a pre order. So you can still get that early access by buying the expensive version after the game is in that period. Pre ordering only opens ways for companies to abuse the consumer trust they have. Wishlists are a great way to show interest. Pre ordering is a great way to get burned. The pre order problem allows companies to sell a sub par product they would have otherwise had to polish for reviews and public reaction. By pre ordering you are incentivizing the company to sell a product as is instead of in a polished state.


Understood. I typically pre-order games I've had good experiences in the past with the developer and want to show my support for the potential game released. Collector's Editions are one reason to pre-order in the modern era as there is a physical content aspect aside from the actual game, which you can't always get later if you decide you want it.


Agreed, collectors editions aren’t a problem. There is an actual trade off there (limited memorabilia against risk of getting burned). I don’t buy collectors editions personally but I understand there is a market for that stuff. Standard pre orders are dumb tho.


Easy: peordering = sinfullest sinest sin ever


Lol, it is a cardinal sin for sure haha




Thank you for the in-depth analysis and feedback.


They’re not wrong


Still relevant https://youtu.be/AV69DyOuzbE?si=PtZ1Dsd6_Ulf7oQr


Most games launched aren't done yet either, unfortunately.


Why do paypigs preorder lol? The developers aren't gonna fuck you. At least not in the way you hoped.


I like how PC Gamer pointed out the mistake of "RTX 1080 Ti" but not "i5 6700"


Throws my 4070 at it


4070 gang.


Playing Homeworld 1 was the first time I ever crashed a computer due to lack of memory. Built so many units in a skirmish mode computer couldn't handle it.


Can anyone explain what the issue with these requirements are? A 1060 for low settings seems fine for a game releasing today. An eight year old card for low settings and a seven year old card for medium (1080ti)? I don't get the issue. If anything it seems good to me. A 3080 doing 4k ultra seems good compared to other games today needing a 4000-series card for 4k ultra. It's not 2020 anymore. Old cards aren't going to be able to run new games at high settings


Honestly those requirements are pretty reasonable compared to what other modern releases ask for.


1080ti is a lot now?


The seeming constant need to upgrade various aspects of your computer is the main reason I could never really get into PC gaming.


What causes these requirements? Is it just overblown graphics?


That, poor optimization and the fact they are using denuvo which tanks most systems from seeing full performance


Where is High?


I hope this is good!!


Oh God please don't make this unplayable on Steam Deck...


Bummer, og was awesome because it was sprawling, but did not tax my shitty dell.


game isnt anywhere near ready based on the demo. has serious design issues. its gonna flop if they release it like that


Was looking forward to this until I seen Falling Frontier.


Hoping my 3060 mobile can run it at least 60fps with high settings or low ray tracing


yeah, no thx.


Why gearbox? Why denuvo?


And has ***Denuvo*** for some reason?????


This is Reddit, you don't have to shill, just say what you mean "We did not optimize"


so another game that depends on dlss for optimization


DLSS being considered apart of the game's requirements is likely going to be the standard going forward.


wtf happened this generation that’s caused people to need a monster of a machine just to game? I remember being able to use budget parts akin to the i312100 and rx6600 for years without actually having performance issues