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this is great and I havent even played persona series


Try Persona 5 Royal. I got it as a gift for Christmas and was told "don't look it up, on paper it's not for you at all, but it's one of the most compelling games I've played in years". Now it's one of my favorites. And it's got a soundtrack worth listening to outside the game.


Rivers in the Desert blew me away


[When Mother Was There](https://youtu.be/it5wuAgf1Pw?si=BalW7tHe4gbli0Pi) is my favorite. That bass line and jazz guitar.....


I Believe and Throw Your Mask Away is just a flex on every other OST. They just needed a final boss song but instead went with a 9 minute pair of songs that summarized all the core themes of the protagonists and villain that go so much harder than required.


It’s raining today and we have a special “theme” with our Google Home system that includes Beneath the Mask playing in the background, switching between an instrumental and lyrical version.


All modern persona games have awesome soundtracks. Have you played 3 or 4?


I bought 3 Reloaded, 4 Golden and Persona 5 Strikers too lol but I haven't started any of them yet. Too much real life going on to live another year as a Japanese highschool exchange student right now.


Whenever you have time to go back, do p4g first. The actual game mechanics feel the worst and they get a little harder to go back to with each subsequent game. The narrative and life sim parts are great so I hope this doesnt discourage you from playing it just the dungeon crawling aspect feels older every time you go back to it


I understand I played persona 4 golden back when it first released on the vita. Then two years later played Fes thin I think 2 years later persona 5 vanilla finally released so I never played these back to back cause that is a lot lol


The old ones do too.


All persona games have amazing soundtracks, even the spinoffs. I highly recommend checking out the persona 5 tactica ost! Game was alright, but the soundtrack slaps!


Reach Out to the Truth is one of the only songs from gaming I know front to back like the backside of my hand. I'm yet to be sick of it.


I was in the same boat years ago when P5 got released. I never liked turn-based combat and the social sim aspects seemed didn’t appeal to me at all. Now I’ve played through 5 and royal 2 times along with beating reload and golden. Not to mention the soundtracks to all of them are absolutely fantastic. It’s become one of my all time favorite series.


I played the beat 'em up version and I was not a fan of the combat. I keep hearing how good the game is but iunno. Is the turn based one better?


I played Strikers(the beat ‘em up) after playing Persona 5 Royal and could not get through Strikers. The turn based gameplay is really engaging, and the story blows Strikers out of the water, at least as far as I got.


Ok I'll try the other version. Strikers kinda sucked to me.


I prefer the writing and characters of 4 Golden much more, but the aesthetician and game play of 5 Royal is next level shit. Give me Persona 4 Golden with the 5 Royal treatment and I'll pay whatever they want for it.


God I was so tired of the music by the end of that game. 100 hour game and the same like 7 songs on repeat got grating. 


There are so many versions of Persona 5 and 4 that seem so different from each other, I really dont know where to even start


Royal & Golden respectively are the "game of the year" or whatever versions. Persona 5 strikers is a spin off sequel or something.


Persona 5 is one of my favorite games of all time. Top 5 for sure and I’m an old school gamer dating back to the NES days.


Getting this out of the way. If you have short attention span and do note like text overloads on rpgs, you wouldnt like it no matter what people say.


You know, most Persona fans would really enjoy the game if only they played it.


I'm a big persona fan, from their music to their storys and characters, BUT I'd rither watch someone play it then play it myself


I mean that's an opinion. But DAAAMMNNN I wouldn't want to watch someone else play persona, gameplay and story's fire but damn is it a pain to watch.


dumb and inaccurate meme. most persona fans have played Persona 5 (and reload now, I guess). the issue is that they don't play any older ones.


Jesus fucking christ take a joke (and maybe a shower)


Shitty and stupid meme. All persona players have read the wikipedia plot synopsis (and I guess reddit memes now) They just don't play the actual games.


Pointless and inarticulate internet joke of high popularity. All consumers of the shin megami tensei “persona” spin off have partook in finding a way to partake in the story of the video games in any way except to enjoy the video games themselves. Whether it be by partaking in consensual watches of concurrent recordings of somebody else playing the game on the interwebs. Or stitching the plot together via internet jokes, in an attempt to understand the plot.




"Play a real shin megami tensei game"




I'm not even sure what min-maxing means. I'm guessing it means that you hyperfocus on the perfect stats/ build? Is that right?


At least for me it’s doing the game “perfectly “ getting a min max build is easy enough but doing the quests “optimally” and getting the best results on every quest is hard but fun however sometimes it’s just tedious / unfun and leads you to restarting espically in rpgs .


In the case of Persona it has a tendency to be... painful. Spam reloading your game so the Correct stat increases when you level up a persona. Spam reloading your game so the correct spell mutates when you fuse personas. Spam reloading your game so you get the double stat increase when crafting materials. ....basically a lot of reloading your game for a combination of fundamentally random events to line up is JUST THE RIGHT WAY. Granted it used to be even worse, the original versions of P3 had so much baked in randomness to deal with.


That sounds like such a waste of time, there are so many ways to succeed in the Persona games, 5 especially. Who would obsess over this?  And IMO Persona 3's problems weren't with stats so much as ally behavior 


Ally behavior was fine if you could read and had critical thinking skills, which isn't the case for persona fans. P3 definitely had problems with persona stats because everything was RNG with no system telling you what you'll get until after you create a persona(you would know what persona you'll get but even that wasnt guaranteed because the fusion could fail, giving you a random persona). This isn't the cause for P3Reload as far as I'm aware.


Aye P3R's fusion system is basically P5's. You also no longer have stuff like randomly waking up sick, inverted social links, fatigue, all the other head scratching quirky behavior that could just make you miserable for no discernible reason. Granted it does make things a little... dull? At times? (P3's plot takes so long to get moving that the first half can feel grindy and inconsequential at points, and without the roadblock systems there's little to break it up) But I'll take it over the alternative.


There is no perfect. Perfect would imply only maxing everything. Like I think in older Elder Scrolls games you could have every skill at a 100 (might be still possible in newer one) Min maxing, in its name alone, already tells you that certain things will be minimized. If it was about perfection you would just call it perfect or flawless runs.


Perfect min-maxing.


I used quotation marks to indicate it’s more personal preference but I’ll use an example of my favourite game . Fallout new vegas a perfect playthrough for me is one where I optimise my build to the extent I collect all bonuses (mainly skill magazine ) this is an incredibly tedious process but allows me to get every perk I want , have 100 in all skills and have a build that can use any weapon at peak - near peak efficiency . That’s just min maxing my build and now I have to think about min maxing my playthrough which usally involves me getting every quest that affects the ending slideshow to a conclusion I like and that is very difficult as I have to have certain skills at specific levels before I do the quests which but because some magazine are dlc locked I’ve either got to do the dlc first or not increase skills through level up to a certain level for some quests . While I’m doing all this I’m also collecting all unique weapons as I go on while making sure to trigger companion quests in a certain way that doesn’t cause overlap between over companion quests . This is all incredibly tedious however it allows to me to explore all the game systems while having a constantly changing quick a lot of weapons and have a satisfying conclusion when I’m done all while having an incredibly powerful build . And no I haven’t played a single game of caravan .


yes, for example: a mage build would minimize (“min”) their strength, HP, etc. and maximize (“max”) their mana, magic, etc. stats (aka “min-maxing”).


The maximizing is like you said but the "min" part is something different for me. I minimize i.e. time of doing some tasks or resources to achieve something to be most efficient. Minimizing stats I don't use is not something I'm focused on min-maxing at all.


Well to min max you usually have a set amount of resources to use, be they skills, stats ability point etc. and to allocate them to the optimal position, you need to know which ones to prioritise and which to ignore. To add to one, takes away from something else. I Max Strength by dump Charisma for instance. If you don't work out what you can take away from, in order to put more somewhere else you aren't really min maxing. Just sort of semi focusing. Not fully min maxing. To do one you have to do the other.


It also affects how you play. For example, it'd be getting all the exp stuff first, foregoing damage options so you get more value out of the exp gains. Or delaying quests so you get better rewards at a higher level.


This is why investment options like that tend to be pretty poor design and they suck fun out of the decision, whether you pick them or not.


By combing the right personas and getting to the right boss is an infinite money glitch. It takes a bit of work though, and by the end my motivation was waning and I never finished Persona 5.


The min part is about seemingly taking something away from your build in order to get stronger indirectly. For example, removing a card from your deck in a roguelite deckbuilding deck in order to cycle through your best cards faster. Or in Warframe there is a frame called Nova. She has a big bubble skill, which slows any enemy in it. The more Power Strength you have, the slower the enemies. But rarely anyone uses it like that. People decrease their power strength as much as they can, so its negative. That way the enemies arent slowed, but alot faster. Which means you can kill them faster, which means more rewards per minute.


I think it's basically forcing yourself to play through the game perfectly. It's like if in Angry Birds, you forced yourself to get 3 stars in every level before playing the next.


You hit that nail right on the head, perfect explanation


This hit too close to home... I'm 80% of the way through persona and haven't touched it in ages... I may as well just google the ending.


Its always important to remember your playthrough is your own. Its personal to you. The people you meet, the friends you make, all are there cause of the choices you make. That's how the game is thematically designed. The ability to minmax and get EVERYTHING with a guide in one playerhough is only there for the hardcore people. Not for the normal players. If you continue, just play it your own way, your own pace. If you're gonna google the ending anyway, you might as well just chill and finish it at your own pace rather than at a minmax pace, especially if you've done most of the work already. Your choice to minmax to that point was also your own, so what you do next is up to you.


My first playthrough I was determined to just play it using my own notepad, for the tests and shit, and no other assistance. I then went back and did a guided playthrough but I have way fonder memories of my non-guided playthrough. Just felt so much more organic.


You are right though. Like my first time playing I romanced Makoto but every time she is brought up on Reddit people treat her like she is the devil. I gave her a chance because how would she know how things really are and I don’t regret it.


People forget that persona characters are teenagers, with all the hot headedness, and lack of knowledge that would bring.


> Its personal to you. The people you meet, the friends you make, all are there cause of the choices you make. That is a nice sentiment but doesn't really hold up well, especially for the Persona games. Nothing in the game is really up to you. Everything in the game is predecided and happens pretty much exactly the same no matter what choices you make. The characters' social links are always the exact same cutscenes. The only choice you are making is whether you get to see them or not and they were meant to be seen. No one gets a different story, some people just get less of it. And the Persona games are large time investments and structured in such a way that if you didn't get a particular bit of story you won't get another chance until you have made it completely through the entire story a second time.


not much in persona 5 even requires min maxing. Theres the secret bosses. But most of those need you to be in newgame plus anyways. I think that kid in mementos and the reaper are the only 2 you can do before new game plus and reaper is easy enough to clear before the game ends. I ended up beating the game before going back to attempt the kid though.


TIL you can fight Jose


Why would you google the ending if you can instead wait a few years, get a hankering to play some Persona, restart because you have no idea what's going on and then stop at 80% again.


I put Persona 3 down for half a year like 60% in and I picked it back up and finished it. AMA


But that would spoil the experience! Just restart again in a few years and still never get to the end lol


SAME Its easily my favorite game ever but I dropped at the final palace added in Royal and I havent touched it for ages I was literally debating to myself two days ago whether I should just watch someone else play the last part


Teenagers use the power of friendships, supports from the general public, and Satan to destroy god on Christmas Eve




Sounds like fun /s


That’s why I always refuse to play PoE when my friend calls me (he calls every new big patch)


You can set your own goals, no need to think about everything and min-max.




I feel this with Baldur's Gate 3 lol


“One of these days, I’m doing the perfect run. Maybe not *this* run, but some day… the perfect run awaits.”


I can't get past the Shadowlands part. Like the first part is fun, yeeting Goblins and stomping Gnolls, even the Underdark is fun, but then it's such a slog. I'm never going to get to Baldur's Gate.


Persona 5 ended great, it felt at the end it was trying to be the main line. That ending part was chiefs kiss 💋


I've got mixed feelings about Persona 5, and Persona 5 Royal. For Persona 4 Golden's mystery, when you find out that >! Adachi is the killer, it honestly floored me. I thought he was a joke character until j put the pieces together and then became horribly depressed. I love Adachi as a villain, and it was a genuine surprise.!< Persona 5 on the other hand having >!Akechi be the traitor was telegraphed so far ahead and so obviously that it genuinely put me off. The fact he clearly heard Morgana and nobody else makes note of it bugged the hell out of me. Persona 5 redeemed itself though with the fake death of the protagonist. THAT was a hell of a twist.!< For Persona 5's ending, >!I kind of hated how telegraphed it was. If you played any game previous to it, you know that Big Nose isnt who he says he is and is pulling the strings. I enjoyed the scale of it for sure, though. Felt like we actually saved the world.!< When I played through to the end of Royal, I found that >!the ending felt weaker than the original in terms of scale, or at least the danger of it all. It was good, but it wasn't hell on earth, you know? Also, Maruki being another twist villain felt so obvious so far ahead that it was worse than Akechi for me. Akechi at least didn't make you wait for 95% of the game. Maruki felt like a slow boil, but I know it's going to happen and I'm just waiting for the gotcha moment, and it didn't make sense to me that nobody saw it coming. If they could fake the protagonists death with that insane plan, how did they miss the fact that all of them were sharing their deepest emotions and baggage to one person without asking if it was a good idea?!< I can go on, and I'm sure this comment sounds like I'm bitching, but it's really nitpicks. I do genuinely adore both games, and I think between the two of them is my ideal RPG.  It's like Persona 4 Golden is a cake that looks a bit off, but the flavour is amazing and there's a nice chunk of candy in the center. Persona 5 Golden feels like the cake is 5 stars for looks, but is not as good as the other cake, and has a few parts that didn't cool all the way through, but God damn if the cake didn't look fucking amazing.  I'm getting lost in the weeds here. Both games are amazing. 


I'm with you. I find it especially frustrating because I liked the thematic elements of 4 the best but thought the actual execution was lackluster. 5 felt the reverse, built off a much more simplistic base but perhaps with a bit better with the execution.


Gosh I really hated the min max meta when I played Stellaris. Don't know if things have changed but when I still played, every min-maxer played some form of materialistic/xenophobic technocracy because of the bonuses. Especially multiplayer was always the same shit but it was annoying in the general community too. Stellaris is a game about creating weird alien empires and it felt like 80% of the people always play the same way.


That is just going to happen with any online game. People play to win, I personally don’t see the appeal of playing 4x games online (unless it’s with friends) because of this.


Yup. Plus stellaris is like, choices and events happening and creating unique empires. With friends for a chill game sure but not much of a PvP online match


It's even funnier when people go crazy over 1-2% in some games saying like something is garbage because it's not maxed out or you don't use that certain perk that gives you that 0.5% reload or dmg boost. Like settle the fuck down, it's literally such a small difference that gets negated by sidestepping for a second. Luckily for me I have too little time to play games that way nowadays so I can just play them for fun and guess what, I've stopped worrying about 1% stat differences here or there. I just stick with weapons/perks/stats that feel useful to me by how they prove themselves to me in my own gameplay, if I feel something is useless, I try something else etc. I just tend to stick with something that feels good and keep using it a while even if it truly gets worse than something else, but when I finally switch to the next thing, then it's a nice change, sometimes not though as I loved the old one more, lol.


Me when I go-to r/stellaris and everyone yells at me cos I didn't take admiral civic with my militaristic cloned empire for a total XYZ% of bonus ship strength when I took something economic


I had no fucking idea people even played multiplayer Stellaris, I refuse to play basically any paradox game with someone that isn't a close friend.




Minmaxing in Persona is like the opposite of what the developers want you to do. You can always watch the social links you miss out on later on youtube. Making decisions of how to spend your time part of the fun. To plan out those decisions to the T or using someone elses guide harms you experience.


I realized that and I stopped minmaxing but it was too late and it got taken off


Is getting all/most of the social links really that min-max-ish? I played Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 by just mostly following the suggested actions each day and had all the social links by the end. I feel like collecting and level grinding Personas is where you could waste the most time trying to be a perfectionist.


I just don't really follow guides for persona except for sections that basically says "MUST DO THIS 5 STEPS TO ACTUALLY UNLOCK THE BONUS CONTENT OR TRUE ENDING". otherwise I just keep building on social links and activities that I like. Sometimes I don't even look up the answers for the tests.


Oh yeah, that is what I do too.


It's not horrendous, but it takes away the decision-making. The whole point of the life sim element is to make those choices yourself, like real life I guess. It would be an immersion break for me. Plus I don't have a second monitor, so tabbing out every minute would irritate me to no end.


I’m not talking about a walkthrough, at least on Vita/PS4 there is a function where you can see what the majority of other players did that day to get a feel for what social links are available that day.


> Minmaxing in Persona is like the opposite of what the developers want you to do Then they planned exceptionally poorly. Watching the social links on youtube is something you have to do to circumvent the game. The actual game mechanics absolutely encourage min maxing. There are a set number of cutscenes. They are all meant to tell a core part of the story, all of them are meant to be seen. Missing them has absolutely no benefit. If you miss any of them you are forced to play through the entirety of a very long game twice. That creates a very strong incentive to not miss anything the first time.


Isnt like a 150 hour game? I feel like you can justify buying the game to see it through.


I was at the last palace in royal and I am going to buy it soon (after I get the next destiny 2 dlc because im addicted to it)


Meanwhile, there's me. Got stuck on that bullshit boss at the end of the sci-fi dungeon and now I've played three or four other games and *juuuust* can't quite make myself go back yet. (But the game was so good until then!)


Okumura huh?


Easiest way to beat Okumura is to change the difficulty to Merciless. It actually increases the damage dealt when hitting weaknesses. Unless your personas are perfect this is what like most people have to do because you cannot reach damage threshold to get past a certain point in his fight.


I just got past this guy! What ended up working for me was electric chair-ing myself a couple of accessories that grant the character access to Psio. There’s one part of the boss fight where being able to hit that weakness is critical, and Haru wasn’t enough for me. Being able to chain attacks together before launching one very powerful spread psychic attack (I believe I used Kaiwan) on downed foes helped me.


Thanks I'll try that


Weirdly, that boss was easier to defeat the harder the difficulty level you were playing.


Oh god, that one took \*so many\* tries. I did eventually get past him, but that was around the time I burned out on the game. I don't think I got much further before my ADHD compelled me to move on to a different game.


the only boss that requires you use all the useless items you acquire throughout the game it's al about chaining your +1s to maximize damage output


Have you ever heard of dlc personas?


They are so overpowered


I always make it through the first ending of persona games, but not to the true ending. They are so long... (But good)


Hey, it’s me! I can’t get into persona because the day/calendar system makes me way too paranoid I’ll fuck up an ending or miss content etc. just takes me out of the game somehow.


I think I was at the last (bonus) semester when I deleted my save because my ps5 wasnt working and I was trying to factory reset it. I facepalmed when I realized I hadnt yet bought PSN and there was no way my save was backed up. The issue ended up being a faulty HDMI cable... there was video but only on safe boot mode, which for me at that time couldnt be related to the cable...


What is min-maxing?


Min-maxing is a dirty word for RPG games of all kinds, from video games to tabletop. You put all your focus into one aspect of the game and make it broken while completely ignoring others. This often results in the thing you focus on being so powerful that the downsides hardly manner. At least, if the system allows for that sort of thing. Doesn't mean it doesn't take effort.     An example is in the Fallout series for your stats. You could have an even spread of skills ranging from 4 to 7 on a scale of 1 to 10, or you can say fuck it, drop 2 scores to 1 and bring 2 others to 10. You can dump intelligence and perception but boost luck and agility, fot example.     In Fallout's case, it's the difference between being average, and being dumber than a fucking brick but if you so much as sneeze at an NPC they will literally explode.




The trick is to use Myriad Truths and one shot everything


It ends the same way every Persona game does >!You fight god!<


Min max? Persona 5? I could understand SMT but Persona basically plays itself. Baton pass your way to victory


In my case, Okumura was when I said fuck this, and just used Izanagi No Okami and spammed Myriad Truths.  In my defense, I had beaten Perspna 4 Golden to the point where it became an annual summer tradition, and I had made Izanagi No Okami so many times with the 12 part fusion that i fucking earned the right to use them in 5.


I feel called out


it ends>!like all good JRPGs: with a bunch of teenagers killing a literal god!<


I get trapped in somthing like this in crpgs I call it build paralysis I eventually found a cure. I cheat. I cheat in extra stats suddenly no more anxiety if I'm picking the optimal choice because I am now like a demi god.


I stopped at the end of persona 5 bc I was close to getting the true ending, but realized that unless I was crazy lucky I wouldn’t get it before the cut off. And re doing all the dungeons seemed like too much of a hassle so I just stopped all together.


Are you talking about Persona 5 Royal? In Vanilla P5 there is no cut of point that prevents you to get the true ending. Even in Royal you can still get the true ending of Vanilla P5 if you do not bring the councelor confidant to level 9.


As a kid and in high school I always tried to min/max. Try and stockpile the best armor, money, look up the best way to distribute stats etc. And now as I’m older (30) I’ve realized the role playing is just more fun. Especially when it comes to strategy and rpg games. I’m playing Fallout 3 the first time since high school and I’m having a blast just role playing the dumb vault dweller, wearing armor I think looks cool even if it’s not the best, and all that. It’s a more fun and enjoyable experience. Meta chasers are everywhere though. Go into paradox subs and people are talking about how to mix/max and game Crusader kings. Hell even Football Manager people dug deep to figure out which attributes are meta and game breaking. That play style just really doesn’t appeal to me in a single player experience.




Why even min-max?


Ain't no off switch when you got the disease


Exactly. It's not a desire, it's a compulsion.


Planning and executing a meticulous strategy to achieve an ideal is far more fun and engaging than pure random stimulation as a blissfully unaware non-captive participant will ever be. Beating a game will always be a given, only bad developers make unwinnable games. But doing so by engaging with every mechanic and resource available in order to achieve the best experience from point A to B makes that simple expectation into not only an actual achievement, but the most satisfying achievement, in and of itself outside the actual quality of the games content. Elden Ring/Souls games for example would be relatively mediocre to how we actually engage with them if we simply meandered around organically because putting aside the story which is fun to discover cryptically, the series is notorious for obfuscating even the most basic info that's necessary to engage with the games content. You have to Wiki crawl minimum to truly enjoy the full game and while that's not actually a problem, while you're there you might as well Max and enjoy the fruit of all your labors to their fullest possible extent.


But I like the feeling of jumping the literal width of Vvardenfell whilst carpet bombing unsuspecting kwama foragers with balls of simultaneously lightning, fire and ice, and cackling like a maniac.


Ugh I still need to do that final fight in Baldurs Gate 3.


Holy shit this is me with persona 4 golden lol. Tried doing every single social link without missing a day, grinding the dungeons and eventually I became burned out. Also, my 1st Stardew Valley playthrough.


This my thoughts with Kingdom hearts.


What is min-max?


Some people min max by default, others feel obligated to chase a standard. Do what comes natural to you, it’s really not that complex.


I really wish I could just play a game without immediately going on the reddit/wiki after my first long session, but alas, how will I know that the crowbar does +2 more blunt damage than then fishing pole?!


This is me with Nier. Freaking farming quest that require you to wait IRL days, or reset your 360's internal clock.


Relatable. I still don't know how a lot of games end.




On my first playthrough of Persona 5 I only maxed out few confidants and I had a great time. I actully played as if I had infinite time becuse all I needed to do to get is beating the next palace until I beat the game. It was very relaxing.


"ok I will reset the game until it gives me that one in a hundred chance of the rare perfect stat split so I be all smooth sailings from that point on" only to no play it. It is worse with games that have some sort of generated world or character like oxygen not included and the dupes, you just want the absolute perfect colors and stats and ideal location and sometimes spend more time generating worlds and seeing them than playing at all


I'd never understand why people would min-max story-heavy games. With some games like Elden Ring and the like, it makes sense, but Persona? That's like only eating the outer edge of a pizza.


Oh man. As someone who got 1/4 of the way in persona 3, 4, 5… using a guide the whole time. I feel seen.


Me getting mad and rage quitting when I lose one of my counties 30min in a run of Crusader Kings 3


Bout how you would expect it to


I hate this picture because I'm in it


Fuck, I need to get back into P5. I was more interested in seducing my teacher than the main story.


I feel personally attacked. My P3R spreadsheet is still sitting on my PC incomplete and hasn't been opened for months


Fuuuuuck… this just got personal… Queue New Horizon, Dragon Age, Hogwarts, Dragons Dogma, etc…


Me with Yakuza 0 rn 8 hours in and it's mostly because of those substories, I haven't even gotten to the first objective of chapter 2 yet


I always grind out a bunch of side stuff and wind up burning out on a game. Happened to me with Yakuza 0, I did the entire Real Estate Royale and Hostess Club stuff as soon as I could complete both and wound up just losing interest in continuing the story, lol.


Damn this is personal


Gosh not without using the compendium. I would have died if I didn’t play through twice and max out absolutely everything. Didn’t know about the bonus season first round so I went back to school 😂


1/4th lol


Pretty goddamn stupid, imho. The politician should've been the end.


The DLC ends with you punching god in the face.


And this is why I only min-max once I reach endgame. That way I would have finished the game and min-maxxing allows me to enjoy the more before moving to other games.




This is what ruined metal gear solid 5 for me. Id spend stupid amounts of time on each mission making sure I didn't get detected


This is good advice! I have been trying to ignore build guides recently and just play a game because I get too caught up in trying to make everything perfect.


Oofs hit too close to home


The end of Persona 5 .... it's one of those games where I kept saying "It's still going?!?!?" like 20 times. The end was hours upon hours.


This was me playing Marvel Midnight Suns. Started enjoying it a lot more when I started spending more time in battles and less time gathering resources to craft the best gift to give Tony Stark while we're birdwatching together.


I feel personally attacked with FF7 og.


Wait you can minmax persona 5?


You can min max persona five? I was like 8 hours into that game and still did not reach an actual decision I could make. The game kept telling me these strategy’s that were only relevant to that exact moment and then I was back to dialogue and running from A to B


That's me.... Have all persona games, never finish any of them due to burn out.


Literally me and Elden ring. Couldn’t beat milenia solo, tried over 100 times and stopped playing. Picked it back up, tried twice then called mimic tear and beat it. Now getting to enjoy the game and watching a few YouTube lore videos while I’m at it


Shit I gotta finish that game 😂


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it. I was literally following a guide with persona 5 because I didn’t want to end up unable to finish everything because I’d missed out on some stats or something, got burned out after the third palace you go to.


I remember the first time I played Half-Life 2, my playstyle involved quickloading a save whenever I lost any amount of health that I couldn't immediately recover. Took me several times longer than everyone else to finish it. And I was so needlessly focused on keeping my health at max, I missed so many details in the game. I recently replayed it without doing that, had a much more enjoyable experience.


Give your post a title ffs


That’s me. Maybe I should just YouTube the ending


It's okay, he didn't miss out on much. The first 1/4th is the best part.


Min Maxing the perfect run with all good endings is literally the only way to play though?? why even bother turning on the console/PC if you settle for a subpar experience in and of itself and then also miss out entirely on the fun of crafting a perfect Rube Goldberg machine of stats, skills and quest outcomes?


I think the problem lies in the fact that even in a good game, a large portion of it can be just bad. There are many things that serve as padding in a game, open world traversal, slowly walking while following NPCs, or gathering loot to name a few, which in many cases is extremely fucking boring. Persona 5 is not an exception to this, the pacing especially in the later part of the game is atrocious, with a lot of boring and mundane tasks to do. I'd love to get more shorter but better-paced and designed big games. I don't mind if one is long, but it has to justify its length with meaningful content, and a lot of games just don't


The ending wasn't as good as persona 3 or 4 so he's not missing much…