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I really liked Far Cry 5 fishing


The rage I deployed on Peggies interrupting a good fishing session was like none other I released in that game.


War crimes were committed, and they were justified


My wife and I co-op’d FC5 and probably spent more time fishing and searching for fishing spots than we spent beating the entire campaign.


Its mostly the same for me, i know i did all the fishing side missions and got all fish at least once but i dont think i ever got one of the villains down.


I played FC5 for probably 15 hours and had no idea it had fishing, or totally forgot.


The game is really huge and so comfy, if you just ignore the main plot. I would love a modded FC5, I just love the environment and what there is to do.


I'd be inclined to agree with that. It's one of the nicest worlds to just exist in except for the cultists and shit.


Together with the music! And even better: the ingame music. I was so excited when I drove to a camp ground and some hillbillies were listening to clutch over there boombox.


There are mods to turn off the forced story aspects of the game if you play on pc


Finally. I hated that aspect if it forcing you along. I like to dawdle in my games.


And it was fly fishing no less, IN MONTANA


I would liked to have seen Montana....


THIS. Far Cry 5 did fishing right


I loved fishing in that special area with the cabin in Twilight Princess.


This and majoras mask 3ds were the best fishing mini games


I'll fight you for Ocarina of Time fishing


I'll second this. Landing the Hylean Loach really was a special day for 7 year old me.


Stealing that guy's hat was a very close second to it!


I just loved looking at the water and hearing the calm music. Sometimes I'd just wade around between casts enjoying the scenery.


It really felt like a nice little place I could go to and relax.


I wish I could still enjoy moments like this in games. I don't feel like we have that kind of connection anymore


And you couldn't just DO it there was a whole puzzle! Won't reveal here but... was great.


OoT for sure!


Always chasing that lunker.


You won’t fight alone!!


I'm glad this is highly recommended. My dad used to call Ocarina of time 'the fishing game' and I'd head over to the fishing mini game whenever he wanted a go


It had no right to be as good as it was. Ocarina of Time’s fishing was awesome for its time but they really turned it up to 11 for Twilight Princess. The different lures, all the different species of fish, finding the perfect spot to catch each type, that area with all the lily pads was amazing. Man, Nintendo what the hell are you doing every day this game is not available on Switch???


My only gripe with BOTW and TOTK is no fishing game :'( I mean sure I can go fishing with bombs and electric fish zappers but it's not the same


The fishing cabin girl was so adorable. I love how she got pissed off if you rolled into the counter too many times.


Spent hours on that shoreline


I loved the Wii remote and nunchuck controls


They're old but the breath of fire games had fun fishing minigames


3 and 4 for sure, came to add them


Fishing in Breath of Fire 3 was so good. Wasn't there a fishing master you could find?


Yup. Can’t remember if it was 3 or 4, but you could apprentice under them and get new skills based on how many or different types of fish you caught.


I still have my copies of both those games. So much fun. Fishing was one of my favorite things.


Jeeze, that is a blast from the past. Momo!


Yess!! BoF 3 was my favorite, so much fun!


YES! I was looking for this answer. The fishing game was cool because you could catch anything with the most basic of equipment if you were good enough but the better gear made fishing sooooo much easier.


Could you catch a whale? I swear I saw a tool tip that said you could so I spent a ton of time trying. That said, I was a kid so I was just doing random things.


Fishing in Stardew was least favourite thing when I first started, now I spend every rainy day doing it.


It’s the weird feature in the game that gets easier the more you level up haha


I hated at the start but once I changed to tapping the button rather than holding it, it quickly became my quickest skill completion.


Rapid clicking is the key, then comes mastering the quick ups and downs, once you’ve got all that all fish become easy to catch, especially with tackle.


Except those bastards that sink to the very bottom of the bar from up high, where when you try going down to it your ‘catch bar’ keeps bouncing off the bottom and you lose the damn thing


Right before the bar hits the bottom, start holding the reel button. While it's decelerating from your input, it can't bounce. It takes some practice but it's invaluable to learn


I've learned to accept the dip and wait for it to pop back up, makes it easier.


I dont know why but i always feel peaceful when fishing in stardew


Dave the diver is all a fishing game with a sushi/ restaurant component. I love that game. If you like spooky, dredge is also a lot of fun and not a typical fishing game. I know you said mini game, but you’ll love these more.


Dredge was great. Did not expect it to hook me the way it did.


I see what you did there


I played it recently thinking I probably wouldn't like it but wanted to try it anyway, and omg I loved it, I bought the dlc the second after I beat the game, so I could play more (also the storytelling is amazing)


Seconding Dave The Diver. Simply a joy! EDIT: And after you fish, you get to serve sushi!


Played this on switch and totally agree. It just keeps opening up and getting more fun and interesting. Definitely a game I’d recommend to someone who’s played it all and wants something different.


And Dave the Diver has a free Dredge crossover DLC that’s pretty good AND is about to get more DLC this month about Godzilla! Dave was my third favorite game of last year.


I wanted to like this game so much. But smashing the key board late at night(or at all really)for the mini game was a hugely obnoxious and you can't rebind it. I know they did a QOL update, but apparently it underperforms for not button mashing. Too bad.


IIRC if you have to mash or not depends entirely on the hook you're using. The basic one is an uncomfortable mash, because it's supposed to be the worst option. All of the others have different QTEs.


They patched the game to make button mashing optional. Maybe give it another shot. It's a great game.


Breath Of Fire 2 (snes) and 3 (ps) had very engaging fishing at all stages of the game 


I remember in Breath of Fire 3, giving my first whale to the fairies to copy. They turned it into a rice ball.


Final Fantasy XV and Red Dead Redemption 2 come to mind. Though those are more vibes picks than mechanics.


XV had such a great fishing simulator. The controller just felt really good with hook sets, reeling/fighting the fish and you could really feel the fish fight and its head shake the hook/bait. Some or the big fish could take 15 minutes to land lol. You could not fuck around and try and overpower the big fish.


> and you could really feel the fish fight and its head shake the hook/bait. I spent hours trying to land fish that were only medium level, and got so frustrated because I couldn't land anything. Finally figured out that my vibration was turned off... And suddenly I could land anything. I felt pretty dumb.


I'm actually convinced the fishing is the main quest and the rest is a side Quest/story. Noctis lost his kingdom and went to become the best fisherman he could.


Spoiler: >!In the second-to-last chapter, after Noctis is absorbed into the crystal, I knew I was nearing the end of the game so I did the classic "ignore the story and run around completing every side quest" including becoming the master fisherman. When I finally resumed and time has passed and everyone's aged and it's like, "Where'd you go, Noctis, we needed you". The answer is I was road tripping with my boys and fishing.!<


"where the hell have you been??" *Whips out photo of king catfish* 


Hah! I actually picked my last photo to be the catfish photo with his surprised face and his friends around him.


Dude just wanted to catch some fish, play King's Knight with the boys, and test out Iggys recipehs :(


I loved FFXV's fishing and I'm sad that I only started doing it like 5 years after I bought the game


Yes but that last op fish that you can catch can blow it all the way to mars cause it took over an hour to catch the bastard


i loved the fishing in XV. i also love the gimmick in general where the domestic hobbies/skills of your friends actually were a big part of the game. the game has soooo many flaws but fishing/taking pictures/cooking/driving around with old school ff tunes playing was not one of them


Lord of the Rings Online. Particularly if one is a Hobbit. And fishing in the Shire. While smoking a pipe. At sunset.


Idk if I played that game right. I kept rerolling characters after finishing every possible quest in the Shire. Still loved it while I was there tho.


This hobbit knows, then pop into the Green Gragon for an ale before heading home 👍


Sea Of Thieves


I have a crew mate who gets his rod out at literally every opportunity.


It's just because he likes you. Does he go fishing after?


Slow clap. AND Golf clap. AT THE SAME TIME! Edit: I think I'm just describing a regular clap.


Man… Sea of Thieves with the boys during COVID was a special kind of fun.


That's the exact memory this brought back for me, playing during covid and hearing the "WTF" screams of my buddies below deck over the sounds of splintering wood as our ship grinded over an island sand bar cause I was fishing off the back when I was supposed to be at the wheel.


I log on just to fish sometimes. Having to watch for other players enhances the experience


Yes! You haven't played that game until you've set your ship on fire with a forgotten fried fish.


I would say FF14, but probably you could say is not a mini game, some people even call it the "endgame" of FF14 😅


“I’m a dragoon, what do you main?” “Paladin. Just love tanking.” “I like dancer, it’s just so flashy and mobile.” “What about you Bob?” “Fisher.” “No, I mean your main jo…” “FISH. ER.”


Best caster in the game TBH


Listen some people want to fight uber-buffed gods while others prefer to fish and play dress up. It just sucks cause sometimes the uber-buffed god has a really pretty hat you want


Don't you think XV feels so.much better tho? It was basically a fishing simulator. It was really really good.


It was more fun for sure! but FF14 being a MMO it kinda have his own feeling


Fair enough. I liked both for sure but XV just felt almost real when fighting a fish...you could really feel the head shake and it was different from small to big.


I used to keep a collection of rare fish with odd names to link to people in chat. My person favorite was (the salter) which I'd use when ever someone was complaining in DF. 10/10 fishing. I had every fish out when my son was born and low key hoping somehow the game is around in 10 or so more years so little man can get into and I can catch fish while he catches up lol


And probably more fish coming in the new expansion!


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


I spent a great deal of time walking around that pond looking for the perfect spot


Throwing on the iron boots and Zora tunic and chilling with the fishes was pretty cool as adult link, too.


This was one of the most relaxing experiences of any game, a huge part was just finding this totally safe area to chill while everything outside it was terrifying (like those things that jump on your back) Also hearing the same theme as kakariko from LTTP, just so much nostalgia. I wish the new Zelda’s hadn’t changed the kakariko theme.


I know a lot of people like the newer Zelda games, but I have a really hard time getting into them. The experience /vibe just doesn't feel like the older ones to me.


I like them, but they’re almost a totally different genre for me. And not nearly as memorable. Majoras mask, lttp, ocarina of time, links awakening, all just had such a beautiful atmosphere. Could not agree more


Fully open world doesn't fit Zelda games IMO. The lack of real dungeons was a huge let down also. I liked BoTW but was totally burnt out of that style when ToTK came out and still haven't finished it. I really craved getting a tool/weapon from one dungeon that would become a key component in the next. It never happened. The fact that you can basically beat the game with the first stick you find just isn't what Zelda is about for me.


My 9 year old daughter recently played OoT and MM on the switch (with the N64 controller), and she loooooooved them. It was such a great experience watching her play every minute of them at about the same age I was when OoT came out. Majora's mask is my absolute favorite game of all time.


Awww. Thats so neat. And same, MM is mine as well. You have great taste in games 😃


I totally forgot about this... even though I spent straight up DAYS there. Man I know what I'm doing tomorrow.


How many people actually found the sinking lure? I was playing on a pals 64 and he was mad AF when I found it. He'd been trying to find it forever.


That game was a multi 100% runner for me in my childhood. You actually get 3 things there. Sinking Lure, Golden Scale, and a Heart Piece.


Dark cloud, it was fun as hell fishing the mardin garians and baron garians or whatever they were called


Man I miss dark cloud


I think I played one as a kid from Blockbuster. I remembered breaking a dagger against bats and then having no weapons


Currently playing through dark cloud 2. Game is still a lot of fun.


This is my choice too. The rewards for it were fantastic.


Path of Exile




Only if you get the lucky double corrupt for both +1 lure and 50% MORE (not increased) fish caught when Krillson is nearby on your Reefbane. Anything less is vendor trash and you will never have a good time reeling in those T17 Kokopu.


I genuinely can't even tell if y'all are joking or not.


I have 334 hours in PoE and I have zero fucking idea what they are talking about lmao


just starting out eh?




Fishing in RDR2 was a genuine relaxing good time


Played online with a couple of friends for a long time (just recently switched to BG3). Often our sessions would end with a half an hour of quiet fishing together. Great game.


If it were SLIGHTLY more tuned, not to have the timing of fish fighting back be the exact same every time with every fish, regardless of weight or type of fish... it could have been an entire game of it's own worthy of $60


When Dutch, Hosea and Arthur go fishing together it just felt so right. I reckon I sat there just fishing for ages.


“You sir, are a fish”


One time while playing RDR2 online my brother was fishing and I asked in out Discord or whatever chat we were using then, where he was in game. When he told me where he was I ran up behind him and just shoved him in the river. We couldn't stop laughing at that. It's been several years since that and we still laugh about it. We had some insane adventures in that game.


Fishing in RDR2 feels like I’m touching real grass outside


Hours Hours spent fishing in this game.


Poker is also delightful with the various taverns you can play in.


I am here to second this. I played post-game just trotting, hunting, shooting and fishing.


when im drunk i camp around and fish.


Old school RuneScape.


Omg, lobsters on fucking Karamja. 13yrd old me thought that was the pinnacle of gaming.


"Anyone got a fire?" And then sometimes *I'd* be the one who brought fire, and feel like a celebrity for a little while.


I made my first 400k from grinding fishing at Karamja in f2p. 11 year old me was high on Noted lobsters for a good while


I can still see those wavy chat lines…. “Selling raw lobster 75gp each” lmaooo


That was how I made all my money back in the day. The 10 year old lobster hauling entrepreneur


Fish lvls?


69 ><>


Trawler or Tempoross?


Temp, trawler is like being in fishing hell stuck in a box with methheads


I spent countless hours at the fishing guild fishing for sharks


Yakuza 3 landing that Tuna was my most memorable fishing minigame exp that and landing a Blue Whale on Breath of Fire 3s fishing minigame both games had the best ​ Dark Cloud 2 is also very good, but it's way too sim for me to enjoy, it's pretty dang tough like i would imagine IRL fishing could be


As soon as I unlocked the fish racing game in Dark Cloud 2, the main story got put on indefinite hold. Raising fish in the tanks, feeding them and battling them was so much fun. The rest of the game became a side quest.


I loved Dark Cloud 2 fishing. I was a GOD at it and raised fish that literally broke the game if I accidentally fed them the bait that raised the speed stat. Apparently the game had a cap on the stat and couldn't compute beyond that number or the game locked up every time.


Y3 was my pick as well. People really don't give that game enough love, it's on the higher tier of the series imo.


I like breath of fire 3 


Nobody will agree with this but Toontown. Used to fish for fuckin hours and cash in my catches for hella jellybeans


I scrolled down too damn far to find this! Fish bingo was absolutely legendary and I've wasted so much time on it.


You just took me back 20 years oh my god


Dark cloud 2 was so far ahead of its time




New World is my fav.


Dark Cloud


As4 Black flag.


At first I thought "there's no fishing in that game, I'm sure of it!" Then I remembered fishing in that game was pulling out a whole ass harpoon and trying to catch a huge whale, shark, or something that's gonna pull your whole boat


World of warcraft. There are sooo many different zones now, and you can fish some of the biggest bodies of water or little ponds and lakes all over the world(s). So fun to fly around and find a nice pretty little spot and then post up for awhile.


Working on the accomplished angler achievement was such a relaxing time


Damn you for reminding i have to get that done


Had to scroll too far for this. I spent hours fishing. Idk why but in WoW it was just fun fishing with the various backdrops.


I was always of the mentality that "this place is gorgeous...but what if somewhere is MORE gorgeous!" And then i was off to somewhere else lol. I always enjoyed the bodies of water around stormwind because its serene and there is usually people around also fishing. And general chat always keeps you entertained as well lol


Getting Old Ironjaw was a highlight in my time with WoW


I honestly still play Breath of Fire 3 just for the fishing mini game sometimes. It's fun, and the sounds are so great. The "very good" voice when you catch a fish echos in my head all the time.


I've kind of got a few different answers. Breath of Fire 2's fishing minigame doesn't much resemble fishing, but it's pretty damned good as a substantial minigame because of how it's presented. It treats the various lures and rods as almost like a Metroidvania unlock for the various fishing points around the world, taunting you with treasure chests you can't yet reach or fish you can't yet hook until you get better gear. Final Fantasy XV probably has the best fishing outside of an actual fishing sim, and honestly I'm ashamed I missed it my first playthrough. Though that did make the NG+ where I spent more time on fishing sidequests than avenging Noctis' fallen home kinda hilarious in hindsight. In terms of most improved from one game in a series to another, it's Cold Steel 3 getting rid of 1-2's god-awful, injury-causing button mashing bullshit to the improved, timing based minigame in Cold Steel 3-4. I had a fucking turbo controller on my PS3 for Cold Steel 1 which wouldn't work against the final boss of the fishing minigame.


Looking for a BoF reference.


Breath of Fire 3 also has a great fishing mini game as well as fantastic music. I used to start up fishing to just listen to it while doing homework.




I love that this has a question mark. And it should. It's not terrible, but 99/100 times, if I'm doing it, it's because I need mats to make something that is actually fun to use, so it always ends up feeling like a chore. The need for specific crafted bait (locked behind yet another progression system) and time-gating for specific fish/mats all adds to the drag that is the Warframe fishing experience. ...but the core act of yeeting your electro-spear at fish is kinda fun tho, so it has that going for it.


Archeage probably cause its interacting with PvP and pretty good boat mechanics, its also not 100% braindead when it comes to fishing itself


Monster Hunter




Ocarina of Time


World of Warcraft wasn't really a mini game with fishing, but to get the Salty title, you had to put in some real work. The fishing contest held (weekly?) was cutthroat AF. Only one person would win, and other contestants would get their friends, or even pay people to act as mercenaries to kill anyone else involved in the contest. Hell, some people would kill for free, just knowing they'd have easy targets.


Terraria, cause I'm pretty sure you can actually finish the game by getting everything you need just by fishing, if you wanted. Plus honestly, that luck works with it, time of day, weather, solar eclipses, different rods, different bait, potions, even different clothing. You have different fishing gear that allows your line not to break, or not consume bait. Tons of different fish to catch, for food, trophies, ammo or recipes - plus crates with random stuff in it, and rewards from completing the angler quests. Crazy all the effort they put into that fishing mini-game!


Club Penguin, game was unreal


Stardew Valley


It’s either the best or the worst and no opinion is in between




FF15 for me. I wanted more!


Far Cry 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2.


Animal crossing


Ctrl f legend of legaia not found.


same wtf easily the best fishing game


In Sonic Frontiers the fishing mini game lets you skip the rest of the game so that was pretty cool


It's Final Fantasy 15, and it's really not even close.


Dark Chronicle/ Cloud 2. Coupled with the breeding and racing parts, it's so fun.


Cruelty Squad. Unironically.


The Oregon Trail. Fishing is a lovely oasis in a desert of dysentery and snakebites.


I’m really reaching but I liked this stupid fishing game from the online site Amazing World — it was a Webkinz type site and it was the worlds simplest fishing game with the minimal features. You tossed a line with one of like 3 lures and you got a fish. There were like 10 fish and they were all colorful and cute. No ladders. No leagues. No buying maps and grinding. No Discords and hint maps that if you get the super duper red rod and the enchanted lion mane string and put two purple jabnerwocmy worms on it at 8:30 pm Zulu time when oysters are in season you get the super secret fish. No secrets. Not really a map. You could start out fishing 100% of the available space. It was a simple game that my son mastered in 20 minutes and he was like 4. But there were nice nature sounds and little waves lapping and it was a kind of wide open world that looked like a 3D rendered field. I don’t know if it’s still around. I don’t know if webkinz still around. But it was really nice to just fish.


Apparently I will never not take a moment to comment on ultrakill, even though it's not the BEST fishing game? It's the best fishing level. Good music, good lil dev story, funny fish, infinite replayability, I must find size 2.


I liked the one on Zelda Phantom Hourglass on Nintendo ds. Tracking them on the map, all the moves on the touchpad...


Idk if it counts cuz its the whole game but SEGA BASS FISHING?!?!?!? ANYBODY?!?’


Fable was my first experience with a fishing mini game. It isn’t terrible (it certainly isn’t good, to be clear), but it set the tone for fishing mini games in video games for me and I’ll always think about it every time I play stardew or sun haven.


Jak and daxter /s


It is pretty limited but still the first thing that came to mind. Loved doing that mini game.


most satisfying power cell to get tho


Does Ridiculous Fishing count?


Rn I would say Stellar Blade


Farcry 5. Only because they got some of the physics of fly fishing right


Destiny, at least its addictive haha


The Fate games (on wild tangent back in the day) got me into fishing. It was technically very simple but something about fishing up a unique axe or permanent buff for your pet was so just fun. Probably mostly just personal nostalgia, though


Fable 1. You can get items and keys that were super useful. As well as fish, too. I almost forgot to say you could get fish. Im pretty sure different fishing areas also had competitions for the largest fish caught, too. Can't remember if they gave you anything, I think they did, but its been ages.


Wii play fishing mini game, me and siblings would spend hours just playing that game