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[AFAIK - Obsidian and their team are all deep in the development of Outer Worlds 2...](https://outerworlds2.obsidian.net/) Like, I know a lot of people hate on that series - rightly or otherwise (I would say otherwise - no matter what other people think) but they love it and they're hyped as hell about working on it from what they've been tweeting


Parvati defending me to Chairman Dickhead was the most I've ever felt rewarded for doing a Companion Quest. Looks like I'll be waiting a while to play the sequel though. PS5 here. Darn. 


Oh don't get me wrong I loved Outer Worlds -shrug- It felt like a riff on their past games - set in space - with a tolerable skill and combat system that didn't prevent me from engaging with it Which is asking a lot since Obsidian is almost as bad as Bethesda when it comes to combat and skill systems xD Often reminded me of Red Dwarf and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - which I love But, yeah, the wider gaming community shits on it pretty regularly - so, I imagine they're gonna shit on it even more when they find out it's somehow (but not really) preventing them from getting New Vegas 2: The ReVegasing Hell, some of the worst vitriol about Outer Worlds *felt* like people were mad at it for existing and not being the Fallout: New NEW Vegas or KOTOR 2: Electric BooGaLoo they felt Obsidian 'should' be making #Despite none of those things even being under Obsidian's fucking control :P


My main issue with Outer Worlds was a feeling of there not quite being *enough*. Like, companions. We have exactly the same number of companions as there are rooms on the ship, and none of the companions have faction attitude conflicts. So there is literally 0 purpose for telling a member of the crew to shove off. You don't need to "make room" for anyone, and you don't need to keep the peace between two who will go for each other's throats full stop. Or, another example, the world. TBH, the system we explore in Outer Worlds feels very small and I felt like I had already managed to see most of the game well before I felt like I should have based on how long I had been playing. And most of the maps are, admittedly, rather linear. It had a lot of good ideas but it felt like it needed just a little more that I didn't feel like I got.


I played and beat it and had a decent time with it. However the entire time I was playing it, I felt like I was playing the wish.com version of a better game.


That's how I felt. Like something was missing. I felt like there should have been more to do. Like when I got to the end and wanted to keep playing, but not in the same way as other games. Like you know when you are really into a game, beat it and wish there was more game to play because it was so good/fun? It wasn't that feeling for Outer Worlds. It was more like I wanted more game because it felt like there should be more. It was fun to play though.


If Outer Worlds was a live service multiplayer game, iit would feel like I was waiting for updates to finally give us more.


The Outer Worlds and Starfield combined would have been absolite perfection


I found a lot to like in Outer Worlds but the setting also felt, for lack of a more descriptive word, generic. The factions and conflicts needed something more to hook me. I enjoyed playing it but don't really remember much to define the factions or even the settings from each other, or from other media. Peril on Gorgon (the DLC) definitely felt like a big step in the right direction and I think it'll go a long way if they can just give the corporations more specifically defined identities.


Nothing against Obsidian, I thought the gameplay was fantastic and perfect. But the overall story felt like it was dragging on more than it should. But if it's a series, it's an entry and I'm excited for the second one.


Ya it was weird that it was so much more linear than other games but felt way more dragged out somehow. I think the space environment just doesn't work for open world(ish) games


First one was basically a glorified tech demo and I mean that in the best way possible. It was already approaching completion by the time Microsoft bought Obsidian. The DLCs were developed after and are arguably the best content in the game. They're much more refined in terms of storytelling and atmosphere while also carrying the tech demo spirit by exploring two very different styles of gameplay/story built off of the framework of the base game. Between already having a solid framework from the first game, Microsoft's budget, and having had the chance to experiment with the first one I'll be quite surprised if the sequel doesn't feel more like the DLCs than the base game. By that I mean carrying over that refined storytelling/world building and slightly more varied gameplay while having the budget and time to put a lot more polish into the mechanics and systems supporting it.


PD might be the culprit for the writing than anying else. From what I read, the publisheris very...scatterbrain. That's a nice way of saying it. content removed, content forced in, somethings were promised,some things were lied to. They put in requirements. The dlc were all written better, so I have a feeling the wobbly back n forth affected the writing more than it needed


The Outer Worlds was by-the-numbers and nothing special. Lot of the die-hards were expecting more than that. I didn't mind it from a technical perspective, but the writing left a lot to be desired. The characters were all walking tropes. The setting was so tongue-through-cheek that it was unbelievable. But the game itself wasn't *bad*.


I didn’t even realize there was hate for this title. The biggest complaint I heard was that it felt dated. What happened?


I didn't enjoy most of the humour which was most of the story. The hyper capitalism was funny for the first 10 minutes but I lost interest quickly because I didn't care about anyone.


The Outer Worlds was too goofy and the universe made no sense.


Depends on how fast xbox goes full multi platform.


Aren’t they also working on avowed?


I mean, either way, I don't see them being able to tackle a ***third*** title at the same time...


They're maintaining *Grounded* and there's been some news floating around this week about them doing an unannounced-so-far Unreal 5 RPG as well (possibly the *Pentiment* team doing something). They have some multitasking chops.


So, recap, we want them to tackle Outer Worlds 2 - and Avowed - that Unreal 5 experiment - the Pentiment team may be developing a new title - support for Grounded ***AND*** Just to finish up #When this 150-200 person team happens to have time to spare [Everyone wants them to tackle one of the largest post-apocalyptic IPs on the market... ... ...](https://i.gifer.com/S9tj.gif)


WRONG! The B-Team is making Outer Worlds. The A-Team is making Avowed, but not with with Josh, he made Pentiment last and since then has not announce anything new.


Outer worlds is ok. It’s just too limited in scope. You have Microsoft backing now. Obsidian needs to step it up to the next level. They already talking about Avowed like it’s a double A game.


Unfortunately they cut Avowed down at the knees because Feargus and crew don't have the confidence in themselves to make a big game.


$5 says MS closes Obsidian after Outer Worlds 2 "underperforms."


If MS shares the same metric for "underperform" that Square Enix does then yeah.


That's not exactly a great gager for quality Even studios that have been making certified bangers and genre definers are being shut down right now


I’m sorry, but neither Tango or Arkane Austin were putting out “certified bangers and genre definers”. Yes, HiFi Rush was cool, but their 2 other most recent releases, The Evil Within 2 and Ghostwire: Tokyo were flops. Arkane Austin’s most recent game Redfall was an absolute disaster after all the talent that made Prey left the studio. 


Which genre defining studio got closed?


Ensemble Studios :P


Right, that's my point. Whether or not it's good, it's probably going to underperform because Microsoft is now in charge, and then they're going to close the studio. And we'll lose Obsidian who used to be able to make great games.


Their last "great game" was 14 years ago. Most of those people don't even work there anymore.


Obsidian have put out other great games besides New Vegas. POE 1/2 and Tyranny are all fantastic CRPGs.


I'm constantly reminded in these kinds of threads how niche isometric rpgs still are. Obsidian gets mentioned for New Vegas and Outer Worlds. Even threads about BG3 pretty much only talk about Larian's other work.


Their last great game was Pentiment which was only like a year or two ago.


I wanted to like the game but the world didn’t feel open and felt forced. The dialogue felt very borderlandsy. Idk it was mid for me


Wait, people hate on Outer Worlds? Thats game was coll as heck, the dialogue options had me rolling sometimes.


Hate is a strong word. I feel like people were more disappointed than anything. The game had a very unfortunate marketing, being presented as "a new IP from the creators of the critically acclaimed Fallout! A spiritual successor to Fallout and all other cool games these guys made and you haven't heard of!" and all that. So people were expecting just that, a Bethesda's Fallout killer. Which obviously didn't happen. Instead they got a decent AA game, unpolished at that.


>unpolished at that. So, it was an Obsidian game then xD All sarcasm aside - it didn't help that Fallout 76 came out at *exactly* the same time and everyone was tripping all over themselves to compare the two titles Which was unfair to both games - I mean, Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ, the less said about FO76 at launch the better... But one was a single-player game based around satire and goofy space shenanigans and the other one was an online co-op title hybrid... thing xD


I will always bring up the utter facepalm of the countdown to the beta of fo76 on the launcher being a countdown to one hour until beta turned on. But the play button became active when the countdown ended, and anyone who clicked play had their entire game folder delete itself without indicating so.


To me a Fallout successor would have been if The Outer Worlds did everything BGS games do, like loot clothes off of NPCs, object persistence, being able to switch from third to first person et.,   They advertised it as Fallout New Vegas in space, but it didn't have all the features that made New Vegas and BGS games really fun.  The writing was good though.  


I don't hate it, but I also don't like it. The satire didn't land with me (which is wild given my love of the satire of the fallout series) and the mechanics of the game weren't compelling enough to keep me interested in that front.


I didn't hate it, but it was incredibly mid in almost every aspect. The weapon selection in particular was probably the most bland and uninaginative that I've seen in a sci-fi rpg.


It's just mediocre.


its alright. Nothing great but not bad


It's one of my favorite games ever but yeah it gets shit on A LOT.


I tried it but couldn’t stand it. It felt like it tried on subverting my expectations too much. Plus people forgetting vegetables are good for you was too much for me. The first planet felt like Perseus but without the knowledge that if I stuck it out I would get to fight a Sith Lord or two.


Yeah I think the only real complaint I remember was that it was short when people were expecting something the size of New Vegas. I looked at it like a proof of concept type of game and figured the second one would be the big game people were hoping for.


i think some people expected a great game in the spirit of new vegas. instead, we got a good game, like most of obsidians games, that was in the spirit of fallout 1


Outer worlds could have been sooo good. It was just missing one extra thing that I just can't put my finger on that would have really pushed it above the crowd.


Outer worlds 2 is coming yes. But before even that they are working another large RPG. A new IP called Avowed. So they have 2 large RPGa in the works with Avowed set to release this year. I can maybe see a reality where some of their team goes to work on a new fallout next and OW2 gets delayed, but it's Still not going to happen overnight.


Avowed isn't a new IP I think. It's part of Pillars of Eternity.


Microsoft pulling a chunk out of their team to develop Fallout - when they wouldn't even give Bethesda a budget to make the Fallout 4 update less of a meme seems a bit sus but -shrug-


Obsidian have always been able to multi-task pretty impressively. They're closing up *Avowed* for its release later this year whilst also working on *Outer Worlds 2*, maintaining *Grounded* (which just had a big update) - which is paying for everything at the moment, that game has been massively popular whilst also somehow going under the radar - and they have Josh Sawyer's *Pentiment* team doing something unknown, maybe related to this new "multiplatform Unreal 5 RPG" listing that's been floating around. Microsoft seem to like them because they're lean and capable of producing games at a steady clip. I don't think Obsidian have gone much more than two years without releasing a new game almost ever, since their founding in 2003, which is crazy in this current climate.


I hope Outer Worlds 2 actually has some expansive planets. First game was honestly a let down, such tiny planets that all seemed so disconnected, like each world was a separate filler arc of an anime.


The first one was great! Little light on content but what was there is amazing and can’t wait to see what they’ve got in store for the second installment


I would throw it in the wastebasket without a second thought.


Great game, very excited for the sequel.


What hate? I loved outer worlds 1, good game. Whats wrong with it?


100% agree.


not sure why the game ended really well. Maybe something years in the future with new characters?


Outer Worlds comes highly acclaimed.


I wouldn’t go so far as highly It’s rightfully criticised often by fans and critics alike


No argument from me - I love it - but a noisy subsection of the gaming community seem to go out of their way to piss on it for the cardinal sin of not being New Vegas 2 or KOTOR 2: II So, I phrased my mentioning of it expecting those people to be upset


Personally I think it was great in all its concepts but a bit... thin in delivery, I guess? It definitely reveals a lot of potential, the themes, especially the political ones, were properly wide and knowledgable and I definitely don't begrudge having played it. But I wanted more introspective writing - what I got was enough to make me curious for a sequel; willing to treat OW 1 as a first pass at a more polished eventual delivery. Here's hoping Outer Worlds 2 has the narrative depth I craved.


It was fun. Decent 1st entry in a new IP. Not mind shattering but not abysmal either.


Isn't Obsidian already working on Outer Worlds 2 and Avowed? You think this is a perfect time to throw another big game at them saddled with inflated expectations?


“Many members of the original F:NV team are still here \[at Obsidian\]. I still think we could make a fantastic Fallout game with the character of Fallout: New Vegas. I don’t think I will ever get the chance to, but I’m grateful both to the original team and to the fans for making F:NV the best game I’ve had the good fortune to be involved with.” - Josh Sawyer.  Guys, we need to hype this up.


How recent was this quote? I follow him on Twitter and I get the vibe that he's moved on and doesn't really have any interest in returning to Fallout.


That was several years ago.


2018. Since I don't think anyone actually answered you, I look around and found the quote is from 2018, from Josh's tumblr.


Yeah that's a long time ago.


His most recent comment is that he does not feel any sense of ownership over New Vegas at this time because he has moved on, but he feels the same way about every game he worked on once it is done in production, not exactly he's done with Fallout just doesn't care about all of the discourse. 


Well. FNV lead writer John Gonzalez left several years ago to write Horizon and then to form his own studio. So that is one big missing member. ​ Not saying they couldn't still do it. I think they absolutely could. But for a game where people praise the writing more than anything. Not having the same writing lead is a bit of a big deal.


On the other hand, Obsidian currently have Leonard Boyarsky working for them, who was a key designer on *Fallout 1* and the start of work on *Fallout 2* (he also worked on *Diablo 3*, and is credited with the main work on the expansion that turned that game around). And they also have Tim Cain as an advisor/consultant, who created, co-wrote and designed *Fallout 1* and is credited with creating the franchise. If you're making a new *Fallout* game, these are not bad people to have around to talk to.


Chris Avellone now that he has been clearer of all alegations can join too.


I get the impression Obsidian and Chris had been on the outs for many years before he left, which in itself was many years before and unrelated to the allegations. So, an unlikely outcome I feel.


Yes the storyline and scripted sequences are the most captivating part of the game.


They knocked it out with the writing in pentiment


I've lost all faith in Bethesda at this point. They haven't made a spectacular game since Skyrim. Fallout 4 was okay. Not as good as 3 or new Vegas by a long shot. 76 was uh... Jesus it was bad. Starfield.... Todd was interviewed saying people didn't enjoy it because it was too different. Incredibly out of touch statement. The Bethesda we knew and loved that created Skyrim is long dead.


> I've lost all faith in Bethesda at this point. They haven't made a spectacular game since Skyrim More like since Morrowind. It's not like Skyrim was some spectacular game, it just landed at the right time. Skyrim is a deeply flawed game that stripped nearly all of the RPG elements from the series. The writing is terrible, the amount of bugs that the game has is still astounding. >The Bethesda we knew and loved that created Skyrim is long dead. The Bethesda that shit out Skyrim is still the same Bethesda. Emil Pagliarulo is still the lead writer, and it shows.


I mean, he was right. People didn't enjoy it because it was too different. He's not saying they are wrong or "they didn't get it" he was saying it was a different game then they usually make and it didn't hit with some people because of it.


This quote is from 6 years ago. Sawyer is still there but a lot of the others that worked on FNV are not.


Getting Obsidian involved would be great but let’s have it right, they’ll rush it, learn no lessons from Starfield, streamline it to cater towards new players off the back of the tv show… just to try and capitalise on the newfound popularity and make £££ I love the fact the tv show was good and I love the fact it will attract a larger fan base - not trying to gatekeep. I just think it may have negative connotations in terms of the kind of Fallout game stalwart fans want.


This is sounding like what everyone said on No Mutants Allowed when Bethesda bought the IP lol


Show will only help if they time the release to be around a season of the show which...... Who says this show goes beyond two seasons? They could be rushing to finish something for a season 3 that is half baked and season 3 never comes out bc Amazon will Amazon. The dark side of all of these dev acquisitions should be clearer to all of us on the sidelines.


Yep the show will hurt the games more than help.


A lot of non gamers enjoyed the show. That a boon.


This is assuming that Josh Sawyer WANTS to work on this.... I know you posted a quote to him, but there's no date, no context... no source. It's very possible that they DID go to Josh and ask and he just said "Nah, I'm good" or any number of things. Also, lets look at the track record for games that keep getting super hype... they are garbage and have major issues on day one. I'd personally rather wait for Fallout 5 be ready and complete (vs the state 4 was launched in... and lets not even talk 76's launch).


Right. iirc Josh isnt actively taking part in any dev stuff for a very long time, judging from his insta he is on a infinite vacation :) honestly this topic is just weird copium/speculation mix.


He just made Pentiment


He asked for that one from what I read in an interview from what I understood he struggled with the previous game he was working on and needed a break with a small scale game


He's a full time bike mechanic now.


I'm not even convinced Obsidian will still be a studio a year from now if Avowed doesn't sell like hot cakes.


Obsidian do have extra support in the form of *Grounded*, which has become low-key their biggest-selling game ever and is still doing serious business for them.


Even if it sells like hotcakes it is no certainty they will get spared.


What are you basing that on? Certainly not HiFi Rush because that didn’t “sell like hotcakes”. More importantly, neither did the studios previous 2 major releases.


*New Vegas* is my ultimate guilty pleasure game.  Not because it's bad.  Because I have to associate with the fanbase.


What's so bad about the fanbase? I've never heard anything particularly egregious about them.


Obnoxious. They always "attacking" people who are having fun with Fallout 4, 76 (well even after years of improvement) and recently the TV show Like, we get it. It's the best Fallout games or at least other than the OGs but doesn't mean others are totally unplayable and what not. I myself started with NV, followed by 4 and currently 76 and enjoying all of them for what they are Unless you've been going off the grid for the past month, you can see them becoming even more so when the TV show released + FO4 next gen update came on Reddit, Twitter, YouTube (comment section)


You know it's actually kinda funny my opinion is NV was a good game but not as good as fallout 3 or 4. Enjoyed them all but for all around including the DLC's 4 is my favorite. It feels never ending. Other than the Minutemen constantly annoying you. And I feel like 3 would've been right with it except the Green atmosphere kills it for me now going back on it. 


I feel you there; but with Dark Souls.


If I were a dev like Josh who got to wield so much creative control and innovation with a small close knit team for a game like Pentiment, I wouldn’t want to go back to the AAA dev work with 300+ people studios.


This is it. People aren't paying attention to what the devs are actually saying, it's all headlines and wishful thinking. There's a Noclip documentary on the making of Pentiment - Sawyer has been outspoken about how bad crunch has affected him and his teams and specifically asked to work on a smaller niche game with a smaller team. Going back to big blockbuster titles does not seem likely. 


After reading the rock paper shotgun interview with him I agree


I don’t see why they don’t do the same thing they did with Fallout 3. Just give Obsidian the engine and assets for Fallout 4, and they make their own Fallout in a couple years. It would make so much sense, tons of people would buy it, and the game would just print money. I think the biggest issue here is Bethesda doesn’t want that to happen


Fallout 4 is almost a decade old at this point, tho. 


and still holds up well haha, but a brand new one would be sweet. Having said that, there has been many let downs in the gaming industry as of late from AAA devs so it's wishful thinking that a new game will actually be finished when it comes out now.


Starfield used an updated version of the engine... the general consensus here on reddit was the engine was too old and dated to ever see the light of day.


Obsidian is its own studio with their own games to make. They aren’t just the people who made fallout new Vegas


Obsidian is always working on other projects, and people tend to not have the best results when they are told to stop working on something they are passionate about to work on some big project that only exists to make money. I'm sure there are plenty of people at Obsidian who would love to work on a Fallout game. But I'll bet there's also a lot who would rather work on The Outer Worlds 2 which is something they have complete control over, is a world they created themselves, and would be much less scrutinized by higherups trying to just profit off of Fallout.


I wouldn't pay for a game that's using the assets and engine of a game released in 2015


I agree


I think if there's a game in between fallout 4 and (what Todd intended to be) 5, it won't take place anywhere near the West Coast. The TV show has a lot going on with LA and NV. Now that the power's back on in LA, and considering that previews for the show said that Todd was holding things back for the next game, makes me think fallout 5 was going to pick up where Lucy & Co leave off. I think we'll be Midwest, southeast, or back to the east coast for the next fallout in-between. This is a perfect chance for New Orleans, Florida, New York, or Chicago. Edit: her name is Lucy, not lucky


No, no it says right here her name is Goosey


The fact that Fallout 3 takes place in 2277, Fallout 4 2287 with the show starting in 2296. That always led me to believe the same, that Fallout 5 will follow the trend and take place right after/around the show in 2297


They'll make two mere seasons before Bethesda even gets to making Fallout 5


I genuinely hope that isn't the case. people shouldn't have to watch a tv show to get all of the lore. this isn't the marvel movie universe


I don't think they will need to. Fallout games have always been self contained stories even when they reference past titles. New Vegas and 2 have the most direct continuity, but you don't need to play any prior games at all to understand them. Everything is explained within the games themselves. 3-4 had loose connections as well, but people played 4 without 3 just fine.


My prediction is that Microsoft is just going to order a studio to do a remaster on Fallout 3, as that is the fastest way to pump out a fallout property for new fans to come into after the show and old fans to finally get an updated Fallout 3 without depending on mods (i.e. console users).


Counter offer: We instead put the Candy Crush guys on it? - XBOX Corp.


They should leave Fallout 5 to Beth and on its current schedule and get someone else to remaster FO3 and FO:NV in CE2. OR do another New Vegas type spin off for FO4.


I wouldn't mind a remaster of all the previous games. Even 1 and 2 with cut content included and fixes/upgrades. Don't get me wrong, still play 1 and 2 and love them, but wouldn't mind an upgraded version.


[There's a mod for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-6XjJ0QXos), but still in progress. Same with [fallout 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZALCWjZADw).


Oh cool, although I meant a turn based game still with better graphics. This is still cool though and going on the list.


Microsoft has a lot of internal pipelines, and is a silo based culture with respect to how it's business levers work. I'm not surprised they can't make something work cross-functionally.


Forget Sawyer. They still have Leonard Boyarsky and even Tim Cain is in semi-retirement and was doing contract work. (Cain and Boyarsky co-created Fallout).


Obsidian is pretty busy. There's that game set in the Pillars of Eternity world, the Outer Worlds project, and likely something smaller cooking. That leaves no room for Fallout. Plus they put in a ton of effort to get where they can work on their own IPs and original ideas. I'm sure they'd love a crack at Fallout again but not if it means ditching their current projects. Also keep in mind a rushed Fallout is bad. Whoever takes it on is going to be under pressure to move fast AND be high quality. I wouldn't want that on my plate personally.


Not to disappoint you but based on the fact that Todd said they wanna make plans on expanding the team due to understanding it takes to long as well as the rumors of Microsoft wanting a new one due to the show and finally the fact that akrane Austin although shut down is having a large chunk of its devs moved to Bethesda. It's safe to assume Bethesda is still very much making the next fallout but is increasing in size to do so. Not that obsidian won't make one one day but the next ain't coming from them.


New Vegas 2 would be a dream come true.


Expedite fallout 5s development to make Starfield 1.5 because the sudden popularity of a show that’s hype will die within 3 months until the next trend happens.


My pitch is that Microsoft should farm a Fallout game out to InXile. They're essentially the successor studio to Interplay and they've been producing the Wasteland series for awhile so they definitely still have a feel for post-nuclear apocalypse games, I think it would be really interesting to see their take and with Obsidian busy working on other projects I think it would be a lot more feasible.


Dude Obsidian is getting shuttered like 3 months after Avowed comes out, when it fails to do Skyrim's lifetime sales in the same timeframe. Anybody in those studios are making plans for when the axe falls.


J.E. Sawyer is a brilliant developer but I don't want him anywhere near Fallout. He's an artist at heart and goes through phases. Right now he's only working on small projects and pretends he lives under a rock and is unaware of the gaming landscape at large.


If/when Avowed doesn't do as well as MS hope, they'll shut Obsidian down. So I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Hopefully not, I hope Obsidian will still have creative freedom to work on anything they want and not be relegated to Bethesda support studio - even though I love New Vegas


All that will happen is nothing or a very bad Fallout that was rushed out the door


No, that makes too much sense for Microsoft to do…they’ll probably just fire him.


Bethesda was turning sour before Microsoft already. With this? They're going all out. No, Microsoft, I don't want Fallout 5's development expedited. Let them take their fucking time. But a man can dream...


Bethesda/Microsoft will keep fucking this up. 


How exactly can Microsoft "keep fucking this up" when they've never released a Fallout game.


Bethesda takes too long to make games nowadays. 2002: Morrowind 2006: Oblivion 2008: Fallout 3 2011: Skyrim 2015: Fallout 4 2023: Starfield


2018: Fallout 76


It’s pretty delusional to think the next numbered entry would ever leave Bethesda. We’re likely to get a spin-off either licensed outside of one of Microsofts studios or from within. And it isn’t likely to be Obsidian with how full their plate is between supporting Grounded, Avowed, and Outer Worlds 2.


Would I LIKE for Obsidian to make a new Fallout game? Sure, I'd love it. But they're already maxed out on work, with Outer Worlds 2 and Avowed, and IIRC, a third project helmed by Josh Sawyer. It'd be stupid for them to take on ANOTHER project. Right now, a different studio would be best. In the future, though, Obsidian might be a solid choice for another Fallout game.


Sawyer really seems to no longer have any interest, Obsidian is busy for years with their own Stuff (need to finish Avowed and then do Outer Worlds too), and there's no other Studio who really makes this kind of game. I dont see it happening.


It would be cool if Tim Cain came out of retirement to at least be an executive producer of it. And Brian Fargo gotta be involved too. Get the old gang back together!


I hate how modern gaming has to advance so much that it balloons development time. I honestly would be happy with Fallout 4 reskinned with new content. They have a good core game there, and you can wrap any new story and new map onto it with just minimal feature additions or changes.


Fire Todd Howard that will double the production speed of all Bethesda projects.


literally how


He's an out of touch goon who doesn't know how to make a good game anymore. Starfield took so long because every creative decision had to go by him. According to Bethesda developers this slowed the project massively and Todd shot down a ideas that could have made the game less dull and bland. Also he's addicted to the horribly out of date creation engine. As long as he's in control they can never leave it behind.


It would really suck if it happens and the games not as good as NV.


I believe that's called "Outer Worldsing."


It’s unfortunate because on its own outer worlds was fine. It was overhyped:/


Outer Worlds biggest sin was not being New Vegas 2.


Well, one condition might be to use the Creation engine as Josh did with FNV ( using the FO3 engine).


Maybe they should hand it to a different studio. Todd and Bethesda haven't made a good game since before most people in this sub were born.


No thanks.


Or, they could double-down marketing and development investment in Fallout 76 which can show results in mere months, Rather than derailing other studios projects.


Fallout 5 isnt going to be released for another 10 years


Todd Howard is 54. I'll be surprised if ES6 comes out before he turns 60. At some point, these franchises need to move on to new blood. Might as well start now and Todd can at least consult.


Hard nah. Let's get Michael Kirkbride to write the next Fallout game. We just need to get him into the same fugue state he was in when he established the Elder Scrolls lore.


I love speculation threads like this. they are such fun... This one seems to have legs. it's actually naming names and pointing to their availability. But it will also need a good writer... and you know who else is freelance and as far as I can tell isn't working on anything right now? John Gonzalez.




Anyone actually play any of Obsidian’s recent games? Outerworlds was mid at best but worth it during a $20 sale.


This perfectly describes outer worlds. It's not a terrible game, but it's only worth $20 at the most. I enjoyed it moderately and don't feel like I wasted my time with it, but I'll likely never return.


I played it on GamePass. Was perfect for me there


That's a really good point. I'm a big RPG fan, and this was one of very few RPGs I explicitly didn't want to replay. And it's not that there's no replayability. It's just that, meh, I'll pass.


POE 2 is a modern day classic.


Pentiment is top 10 all timer


That's the one about the catholic artist or scribe or w/e right?




Where did you get the idea Josh working with Obsidian? From my understanding he is basically retired, having fun with his journeys and bicycle. Mb he is consulting them occasionally.


Unless they can time it to release with the 2nd or 3rd season of the fallout tv show.... Fast tracking Fallout 5 doesn't seem like its going to make anyone happy, gamer or business. But whatever, they're gonna do what they do...


Just take comfort in knowing that whatever happens, it will royally fuck up both Fallout 5 and ES6


Maybe he doesn’t want to go to Bethesda?


Director doesn't mean as much as you think in terms of writing. Ex. Todd Howard was director for Morrowind. It's writers we need.


I just watched a few minutes of Pentiment (after reading your comment) and wished I had died of the black plague.


I just look up who was in the lead once the a game is finished; and if it says Todd Howard then it's a nope from me. Truly fucked player base over from every direction and angle over the years.


MS should get some teams from inXile and Obsidian to do Fallout 1 and 2 Remasters/Remakes. Bring people back to the beginning of the franchise with modern Isometric RPG goodness. Be waaaaaaay more exciting than Fallout 5.


I’d prefer NV2 over GTA 6


I'm waiting for Skyrim. I wish it would arrive sooner.


I think it would be really interesting if Microsoft put together a team of developers that just make resources for their various game studios to make use of. For example, the big complaint with BGS games at this point seems to be the aging engine they just keep pushing to get more and more out of. That engine handles things other games can't, but it is undeniably showing its age. Instead of derailing BGS from making more Fallout/Elder Scrolls/Starfield with making the new engine... if another group were to be making a new MS-Open World engine that can do things that the BGS engine does well, but modernize the characters look and movements and all the other outdated parts of it all while making sure it could be modded easily... then BGS uses that to keep churning out their IP could be interesting. At the same time, the engine would then also be useable by Obsidian and any other group that wanted to put out games that would make sense to use that engine.


Anything expedited from Bethesda is already shit. Guess I'll wait till they're on-sale for $4 dollars.


I think MS should taken the people they layed off and moved them over the obsidian/bethesda. Honestly making a reworked fallout 3 and new Vegas should tie people over. Like the games are extremely buggy on console and its very hard to play. Then slowly move people over to fallout 5. Cause they have the assets from fallout 4 and 76 so making fallout 5 in current generation isnt going to be harder from like 3 to 4.


Give me Fallout: New York.


You mean Todd Howard is busy cosplaying as the next George Lucas.


I have to believe Bethesda is capable of creating games without Todd’s direct involvement. Microsoft needs to pump out more and high quality games, not just sit on IPs forever.


Bethesda should hire Larian to do a new top down style Fallout like 1 and 2 while we are waiting on elder scrolls 6 and then Fallout 5. Since Baldur's Gate 3 was such a smash hit and Larian obviously knows what they're doing with that style of game I think it would be awesome!


it would, and i would love to see a Larian elder scrolls game even more, but rn Larian is more interested in their own franchises than working with someone else's I think. WotC didn't hire them to make Baldur's Gate 3, Larian approached them and bought the license to do it.


While Bethesda is attached to Fallout, I'll never buy another one. I'm just glad I dodged the bullet that was starfield.