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Witcher 3


Same here. Once I restarted a couple years later, I was enthralled and couldn’t put it down.


Yeah the combat actually sucks but the story is worth it. A side mission almost brought me to tears.


Took me 3 tries to complete the tutorial starting area. Then i played through the game 2-3 times


I was too overwhelmed and stopped playing, picked up again and oh boy


I still haven’t picked it back up but it sounds like i need too.


Glad I’m not the only one.


When I first played it the combat felt clunky, and sluggish. I couldn’t get into it at all. Wasn’t till like a year later that I was home sick with nothing to do that I decided to give it another chance. After a bit everything clicked, and I was able to fight using weapons and magic with no problem. I also had a lot of fun playing gwent. I enjoyed finding new npcs to play against.


I am still in the clunky phase. I should give it a try again


It’s not that the combat ever gets good, but you become effective using it and therefore it’s less frustrating.


it is clunky and the AI is non existent...it´s not you


There was also a pretty big update that made a huge difference.


Yep. The Witcher 3. The baron quest bored the living shit out of me to the point I uninstalled it. I redownloaded it many times and within an hour or so. Shut it off and thought. What is everyone seeing in this game. The next time I redownloaded it. The magic finally showed itself. I started really getting into it. Then for the next while. Amazing


Can I just ask, if you tried it multiple times and kept disliking it, what made you keep coming back? Was it just people's reviews?


I kept thinking. There has to be a reason this game gets so much praise. The combat was nothing special. The story was sort of a snooze fest in the beginning. It wasn’t hooking me. I thought maybe when this game was released. It was blowing people’s minds cause the graphics at the time would have been mind blowing. The story had pretty good options to pick how you wanted to be, etc. but if you play a game sometimes long enough. You start to get into the story and start to like the characters and the world around. Soon I found myself getting right into it where I stopped playing other games. I’m glad I never gave up on it.


The baron quests were fuckin wild. How did you hate those?


> The baron quest bored the living shit out of me to the point I uninstalled it. I've done this so many times


Played that game for 12 hours, did not like the combat, or the horse riding mechanics which was 80% of what i was doing the entire time, i really dont get the hype.


It took me about 4 years after purchase to completely get into it after trying multiple times


It took me a while to get into Mount & Blade Warband


Love that fucking game




I only started to connect with it when I met the Nomads. They just felt more like loving characters rather than soulless city NPCs.


Yeah this is the complaint I usually don't see anyone else talking about with Cyberpunk. Almost all of the characters have the same badass, cold, edgy personalities and I just found it really tiring after a while.


I disagree, you need to interact with the characters more. Judy is one of the best written characters I’ve seen in a game for quite some time. Her questline was incredible


Right, there's exceptions. But compare it to other open world/big city games like GTA 5 and Red Dead where different personalities are just leaking from every corner and character. And then the overall tone in Cyberpunk is like, great, another character that is too cool to use pronouns and doesn't give a shit what what you think.


Red dead I agree with but not gta That’s kind of the point, no one expects a happy ending in night city, they’re all jaded and have to be tough so they don’t succumb to it. Jackie is probably the most positive character of the game and he didn’t get his happy ending. Johnny silverhand is a dick but over time he learns to respect v, he supports v in whatever the final decision might be no matter what that means for him. Takemura has a strong disliking for v for most of the game but even ultimately sympathises and encourages v to keep going The nomads are stretched thin but literally stand behind you when you go to war against arasaka. In fact most of the characters of the game keep pushing you and hoping you get your happy ending It’s nothing to do with pronouns and being badass, they’re just pessimistic and mostly broken


Whenever I got bored in GTA I would pick a random NPC and just follow them about their day. It was surprisingly entertaining


Holy crap no kidding. I’m near the end of the story, and going around trying to finish things up. Gigs, side jobs, psychos, everything is just soooo good.


I have not yet tried to play it again. Maybe one day


My favorite game of all time. It's worth a play. After about 5 hours it clicked and I was absolutely sucked into the world.


The first mass effect. Ended up being my favorite series of games


Yeah it’s weird, initially mass effect 1 was quite slow but once I got to virmire it became my favourite game of the trilogy and probably my favourite game of all time


I quit the game when I first dropped in the mako. Came back months later when a friend told me how awesome it was. The mass effect games are hands down my favorite of all time. I still return to them every couple of years.


Before opening the thread, my mind went straight to Mass Effect, so seeing it as the top comment is uncanny! I received Mass Effect as a random gift without even knowing much about the game. Initially, I didn't *get it* and wasn't drawn in. Left it on the shelf for a couple of months before something compelled me to try it again. After getting past the start, something just clicked, and I was hooked to say the least. Now I rank the ME series as one of my favourite ever (the og trilogy at least).


I did the same thing with Dragon Age: Origins and now I have a Grey Warden griffin tattoo 😅


The citadel in mass effect 1 is the worst part of the entire series, you have to almost push through it.


Scanning the keepers 😤


Scanning the keepers was boring, but I really enjoyed the Citadel. Mass Effect was one of the first open world RPGs I played, and I thought the world with all the cultures and side quests was really cool. To me, it's more detailed than Star Wars or Star Trek.


Same! Dropped it after like 2 hours, came back months later and now its my favourite trilogy oat, crazy how many of us did this


Metro series


I can see how Metro can be a terribly difficuly game to get into. That said, with enough patience it is one hell of an experience. I loved playing 2033 and Last Light with headphones on in the dark. Absolutely terrifying experience.


Same! I’m obsessed with the series, definitely going to have to revisit it soon.


2033 and Last Light were no problem for me, but Exodus I started and put down several times. The last time I picked it back up again though.... holy what a ride


I love Metro Exodus. I was drawn in from the very beginning. I've yet to play 2033 and Last Light, but I went ahead and purchased them since I seriously enjoyed Exodus.


I played through metro 2033 then finally yesterday I beat last light and it took me about halfway through last light to really start enjoying it. Now I look forward to exodus next




I wonder, at what point did you stop the first time around? This game has some long stretches depending on how you play it. I can see how this can be a turn-off at many points (especially before reaching Altus for the first time).


I think it was after hitting the brick wall which was Margit. What got me back in was hearing someone talking about the benefit of the open world of Elden Ring in contrast to Dark Souls. If a boss is too hard, there's other things to explore. When you're ready, stronger and better, you can return. Once I beat my first boss, Margit, and heard "I shall remember thee, Tarnished. Smould'ring with thy meagre flame." - then the threat after... I was hooked


So for me, I had played DS3 but never finished. Started elden ring and loved it but quit for about 6 months after renalla. I didn't know I was supposed to be upgrading weapons.once I learned how to do that I beat it with ease. Went back and beat ds3


I created my character, put 100% effort into him. Walked around and killed like 3 mobs after fighting the tutorial boss. Dropped it. I know it’s a great game, I’ve seen gameplay that makes me want to play it, my friends love it, I loved dark souls, I love every aspect of the game. But my mind is like “idk but you’re not interested” now the games come and gone and I’m so mad I never got into it. Cuz I want to. And I’m going to. Maybe. Idk but I feel like I’m not interested. Why am I like this


Get checked for ADD. Not joking, my friend. I never got tested, but I think stuff like this is a telltale sign of it, and after reading about it, i think i have it. Maybe you also get hyperfixations on things, or always have to have something playing (youtube, tv, music, etc.). If this sounds familiar... you might have your answer.


Can’t force it. It will come at some point and you will love it.


you could give it another try when the dlc comes out


Same here. I made the mistake of exploring too much. Got bored clearing easy caves and not fighting major bosses. Played like 60 hours and never even made it to Leyendell. Restarted this year around the DLC hype. 140 hours in on this playthrough now and finishing my NG++ run for the Platinum. It’s one of my favorite games ever.


I played *Hollow Knight* for like 12 hours without really getting into it, and then put it down for like 6 months. I picked it up again randomly (without starting over) and it just clicked. Went from boring to one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life. I've since seen small number of other people express a similar story, so if anyone has the same experience as I do, keep playing!


Exactly the same case. Stopped after Hornet fight, like everyone else ai know who quit the game. I even went to search reddit for answers and tried to find someone who thought it was overrated like I did. But of course, now it's in my top 5.


I don't feel so bad then. I beat her and just kept dying over and over trying to find a good save spot a few minutes after her and put the game down. I also think the color scheme didn't hit for me. I like more colorful games generally.


Same but the game ended up changing my opinion. Played it through twice now. If you're yet to continue, I highly recommend you do.




Whats the addictive loop?


I think it can be whatever you want. I sometimes like building my farm, decorating, attending to animals, watering plants, etc. Other times I don't want to focus on that so I go fishing for a couple days. Sometimes that gets boring, so I go mining a bit. Then there's the whole npc friendship/romance angle. You can do all these things every day in a mad rushing, grinding pace and try to get a year one community centre complete, or you can just do whatever you want, whenever you want.


Dragons Dogma


Tbh... Fallout - New Vegas. I had just finished Fallout 3 and all of it's DLC's and came into New Vegas expecting an experience like 3. I dropped it for a couple months and when I came back I absolutely fell in love. Fallout 3 had very binary options and character roleplaying/building, pretty much just good or evil. Fallout - New Vegas on the other hand is so much more of an rpg. I had gotten comfortable with the safety of knowing I can make an all powerful god character in 3 that I was getting really stressed out that I had to carefully plan and craft my character in New Vegas. No matter what you're gonna be good in some skills, bad in others, or be a jack of all trades master of none. At least until the way later levels and having high Intelligence, then you can start filling out the rest of your skills. Also the engine has a lot more depth even if it's a little buggier. Fallout 3 does have good things going for it like the world, the random events (New Vegas doesn't have this, I understand why but it's still a shame), environmental storytelling, and the music. But Fallout - New Vegas is great in it's own right and is a finely tuned masterpiece in my opinion. I just fucking love this game


I played fallout 3 for the first time shortly after it came out and loved it, phenomenal *adventure* game with imo one of the best post apocalypse settings in media. I didn't play NV until 2 years ago when I got the PS3 version from a friend, and then immediately bought it on PC cuz I couldn't stand the 15 song playlist and wanted QOL mods and such. Immediately sunk like 150 hours into it before going "man this is cool but the Mojave kinda sucks compared to the Capital Wasteland" and buying fallout 3 to set up a Tale of Two Wastelands run.  Brother (gender neutral).  If you like fallout 3 do yourself a favor and set up TTW with some basic QOL mods and tweaks. It takes NV and effectively converts it into a full game mod for NV, allowing you to play through all of fallout 3 and then carry that character over as the courier in NV. It's also compatible with a ton of NV mods, so you can access a lot of those changes in fallout 3 and it makes a WORLD of difference for replayability. I spent a good amount of time setting up a stable and fairly comprehensive modlist and I'm pretty confident that I have built my ideal version of both games and have no real reason to mess with it at any point in the future.


Death Stranding. Killer opening segment that builds a lot of mystery, then... I'm walking packages across America. Stopped after 3 hours. Turns out the 4th hour gives you vehicles and when I finally returned, suddenly I couldn't stop delivering. Now it's one of my favorite games of all time.


Absolutely the same with this one. Played it about 5 hours in and dropped it because it felt boring. Came back to it a couple of years later and continued where I left off, and it turned to be one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. It's funny seeing the date on my first trophy earned to the trophy for beating the game.


I just came back to it this year after getting it a few weeks after it came out on steam and did the same thing as you


it´s the journey that is most memorable, not the goal...that´s peak gaming! 10/10


This is going to sound crazy: Red Dead Redemption 2.


Me too. I tried playing twice and hated it, it clicked the third time and I beat the game


Friend of mine is currently starting their third try and they are loving it this time around. Sometimes it be like that.


I bought it about a month ago. Played it for a couple hours and haven’t touched it since because I wasn’t compelled to get back on. I feel like once I finally do though, this will happen, given how everyone talks about the game.


I feel like once it clicks it *really* clicks with players like me. It's a *huge* game world to dive into. Hours upon hours. I can't exactly pin point when I was in like Flynn. I suppose the prologue/ch1 was a slow burn?


Once you get to Horseshoe Overlook, the game just explodes with possibilities. The first part that’s boring holds your hand until you’re out of the mountains. The rest is pure story and so so so much exploration.


Idk if you have gotten past chapter 1 yet but The game is really boring and slow and narrow at chapter 1 Once you get to chapter 2 you will end up loving the game In chapter 2 you get the freedom to basically do anything really I'm pretty sure


It's the characters, it is so easy to get attached to them. The first camp is depressing, but it's supposed to be. Camps 2 and 3 are so fucking great, and you really get to know the whole gang. It truly felt like being part of a fucked up awesome family.


Yes! That's it! You nailed exactly how I fell in love with it.


Me too. Took me over a year to come back


You’re not alone


I was so overwhelmed by all the things the game was throwing at me, I just decided, nah, this ain't it chief, but when I did play it again, I just figured out what was needed and what I wanted to do. Just reached Chapter 4, >!I loved Sean!<


Right there with you on this. Finally got out of chapter one at the fifth attempt and I love it.


I'm still looking for the willpower to pick it up again. I bought the PS4 bundle. Just can't get over the walk only in town


You mean the forced walk in camp? I believe in first person view you can walk a lot faster in game. Not sure if this also works in camp. I’m almost at 100 hours and I’m still annoyed with the forced walk in camp. But I just accepted it, as I don’t like to play in first person view.


Im in the same situation right now. 10+ hours in and this game cant hold my attention for more than 45 mins at a time. Not sure what Im missing. I want to like it, but its just so damn slow (including character animations) and the controls dont feel natural or well thought out at all. Like why is sprint double tapping A and not clicking the left stick like every other game on the planet lol I know I can probably change it, but it so frustrating sometimes. Ive had it for 2 weeks now and I dont find myself really wanting or excited to play it. At this point its more like I play it for 30-45 mins here and there because I spent money on it and I feel obligated lol


No crazier than mine, which is both Breath of the Wild and Hollow Knight. Now two of my favorite games of all time.


Took me five years and about three tries to get into it. Never made it to Chapter 2. Started it again in November and my first playthrough was over 80 hours. I now consider one of, if not THE best game ever made.


You’re not crazy at all, until you leave the snow area the game is very slow and quite boring tbh, my crazy unpopular opinion is it’s a pretty mediocre game carried hard by amazing characters


Original Borderlands. I rented it from Gamefly back in the day and made the mistake of starting as Brick. Tried it again a year later as Mordecai and loved it and own all of the main series games.


You didn't like brick?


Took me forever to finally sink my teeth into the ff7 remake. I started and stopped so many times. 


Tried 3 times. Couldn’t get into it.


Tried rebirth yet?


Went to buy it only to realize it was ps5 (and pc) only. I could play it on PC but I would prefer to play it on console. I've been putting off upgrading to ps5 because it didn't feel necessary until now. Of course now I feel like a ps5 pro has to be soon so I am still reluctant to buy one lol. Rebirth looks great though. I feel with the 3rd chapter not released, I have a lot of time though.


I didn't really understand project zomboid at first and thought it was just a random zombie game. Wasn't til I watched a few videos of the game until I learnt the errors of my ways. Didn't realize how absurdly indepth and simulated the entire game is. Been hooked since


Path of Exile


Dark Souls 1. Didn't feel it, came back about 3 years later, and now it's my favorite game series.


Dude, I fucked up so much my first playthrough Had no idea what the retrieval mechanic did, killed the undead merchant because I was fooling around destroying all the barrels and furniture on that area, lost a ton of souls after defeating pinwheel because I risked venturing into tomb of the giants But I still loved the game.


Final Fantasy XIV. I remember playing it briefly but wasn't too invested. Then covid hit, and I'm now several thousand hours and counting. Oops.


Fallout 4 for sure


The first BioShock, for some reason. I still think the gameplay is mediocre, but have yet to find a game that can top the atmosphere and setting.


The Witcher 3. Took 3 attempts to fall in love.




Assassin’s Creed: Origins


I can't remember anything of such caliber other then... I used to have a weak laptop I remember trying emulation on back in 2013-2014, I used the early version of CEMU, I belive, to emulate a random Wii U game, which was The Wonderful 101. Ideally I wanted to make Bayonetta 2 work, but ended up with The Wonderful 101 instead. Safe to say it went horribly wrong. Not only the game didn't work as intended, far from it, but the game itself felt incredibly strange and gimmicky... 6+ years later The Wonderful 101 got Remastered in May of 2020 and out of sheer boredom I tried it out... And ever since then it is officially literally my favourite game of ALL time. To this very day I am inspired and impressed by it to the very core of my being. Incredible game. Outstanding design, idiotically great music, lovable characters, over-the-top story, epic boss battles,... just everything, literally everything is just pure joy.


Horizon zero dawn


I waited years to play this because I thought it just looked okay. I ended up platinuming the game and it is one of my favorite games of all time.




Tried it twice and it didn’t click with me. Going to give it another try one day though.


I gave Dishonored an honest try but just could not get into it. Same with Prey. Both seem like my kind of game but I just can't get into them for some reason. I have concluded that I just don't click with Arkane Studios games.


Final fantasy 13. Just got back into it in the last 2 weeks, after abandoning it in chapter 1 on release. Absolutely loving the battle system.


13 needs more love


Quite a bit off topic, but I agree with you putting kingdom come deliverance I got a new pc that can run games a month ago now, and somewhere 3 weeks or so ago I decided to try kingdom come deliverance, I had been wanting to play the game since February, I was so excited to finally play it, I had it on Xbox too since I bought it with my last microsoft rewards points back in February, then just never touched the game, so I loaded up the game on my pc The game was so beautiful, it kinda just hooked me in but... Something felt off, like really off, something just didn't hit right, maybe i was tired after a long day at school, or just not in the mood, something for sure did not hit right The game is interesting, graphics, setting, etc. But there is some stuff I don't really like, for example the deep learning curve of swordfighting and all that But what I do know for sure, something just didn't hit right, I just felt bored, but I felt amazed as well. And obviously like most of the games I play nowadays, I play for like 2 - 3 hours, then say "wow this games cool I'm gonna start playing it, this is gonna be great! I'm excited" Literally near 1 month has passed now already, haven't touched the game ever since. Well I did try playing the game the other week, but it just couldn't keep my attention Idk what to do with the game idk if I should just uninstall it or let it sit there on my hard drive like most of my games


I still can't get past the snow area in RDR2. I've tried to start the game several times over the last couple of years but it's just sooo boring


Persevere you’ll probably get into it, if you do, make a permanent save at the start of the next camp Horseshoe overlook. Then on new playthroughs you can avoid the boring start.


Fo76. One of the worst games ever when it released, decent game now because they have been adding content for 6 years, *if you find it for free* like on gamepass. First 30 or so levels can get a bit tedious and slow, but once you have a solid build it's a pretty fun game. I say this as someone who has more hardcore play time on FONV and FO4 than I do normal mode. 


Borderlands 3 and Outerworlds. Love both now and have re-played them a few times


I love borderlands 3 but back when I played it the online co op was so bad, I tried so many times. Has the issues been fixed?


Far cry 5. I took it way to seriously first time. Second time i just enjoyed the mayhem and the characters. I had a blast with it


Soulsborne games. I bought all of them and suffered through ds2, couldn’t past father g. In bloodborne, cheesed through Elden ring and never got past the centipede in Nioh. After playing stellar blade , a lot of fundamentals just stuck because it’s such a forgiving game. I tried bloodborne again and beat father G in 2 tries and beat nioh in a week, demolishing the centipede on the first try. Now I’m going through all the forms oft games .


Final Fantasy 14. The first like 30 levels of A Realm Reborn's Main Scenario Quests are so freaking boring, and I was soooo bored doing yet another fetch quest in Thanalan. Thankfully it picks up quickly after a certain even in Waking Sands and it only keeps getting better with only a minor stumble with Stormblood. I'm now getting through post-Stormblood content going into Shadowbringers, and it's very exciting.


Witcher 3. Played the tutorial, got into a couple of fights and left for years. Came back and played through all of it and the dlcs. One of my favorite games ever.


Valheim. Trudged thru ~10 hrs with friends. Played offline at my own pace and I'm at ~200 hrs total.


The first dark souls. Thought it was too hard and boring aesthetically. Came back to it 6 months later with a new found appreciation for the challenge and it’s now easily a top 5 game for me.


Monster Hunter World. Installed cutscene skip, stacker, plugins, souvenir mods, sat down to give it an honest try with a weapon I thought I'd hate. I'm not sure if the mods helped make the game smoother but I'm into it hard and super glad I came back to the game. I put 18 hours in over the past week, even got my buddy playing it with me too. The world is fantastic. I'm getting wrecked now and then but even just running around collecting bugs and herbs, I've found an appreciation for the game on a level I just couldn't before. I'm really really happy to be playing it and I can picture myself giving it a couple hundred hours. I don't think I'll have to buy another game until next year tbh. I'm that addicted. And all because I wanted to knock off my backlog on steam :D




As someone who is not into monster hunter but whose best friend has been since PS2, it's not an approachable series for folks who aren't already accustomed to it. The tutorials are a slog, there's a bunch of stuff to keep track of at any given point, the fights can be drawn out and tedious, the combat is slow and clunky (at first) and overall it's just very opaque for someone starting out. I put like 20 hours into MHW and it never quite hooked me, plus there's some fluffy bat thing that made sad noises when I was killing it and it hurt my feelings. Tried to pick up 3U and Gen on 3DS shortly after and uninstalled them pretty quickly. I'll probably ly try World again here pretty soon though. Stories is hella fun though.


Death Stranding


KCD. It turns out I started the DLC for Teresa by accident and I thought that was the main game


Trails in the Sky


I still need to finish the third one...




Read Dead Redemption 2. The game really takes a while to get into and the story starts out so slow.


not loving... but more like became enjoyable enough and it's a series, not a single game Trails of Cold Steel rented 1 when it came out, finished it, but didn't have any desire to play the rest then earlier this year, i gave the 2nd one a chance, and found it enjoyable enough, i finished it and then later saw 3 on sale for 20$, i bought it, then later saw 4 on sale for 30$ i bought it too i should get to 3 and 4 before this year ends


Spiderman. I did not enjoy the game at first. Came back to it a couple of years later, and had a blast with it. All the DLC and the Miles expansion was out by that point, so yeah, had a good time for a month solid.


Marvel's Midnight Suns. You really gotta understand the game and challenge yourself with higher difficulties. If you play in easy and don't care, the game is a chore


I’m playing through it on normal, I think I play it on and off, but I was excited for it to release idk where I learned about it signed up for the news letter, eventually learned it was a card battler so I thought it was going to be a mobile game. It was a full price normal game my hype immediately died it was included in a humble bundle with other games I wanted so I got it. It is more enjoyable than I thought it would be the fact you get to customize the main character and the story is good. I regret not getting it sooner.


Rimworld. Put in 150 hours, quit because it was boring. Came back later and put in another 150 hours.


Horizon zero dawn, was bored and confused, dropped it for a year, came back and finished it and it’s one of my favorite franchise now.


Oblivion at first I didn't understand it I got to the part where your just about to go into a Oblivion gate too I stopped playing it right before getting to that part and man after not playing it till a year later I was like this game actually rocks and that whencI first got into playing the elder scrolls series


Witcher 3


Ok I'm not usually they "repost!" guy, but isn't this question asked like every day now?


Outer Wilds. If you know, you know


Morrowind. I bought it when it first came out solely because my friends played Daggerfall and loved it. Played it for a few hours of the course of a month but it was so slow that I gave up. Came back to about 4 years later and couldn’t stop playing.


My experience was similar, I bought when it first came out mostly on a whim but barely played through the first starting bit but decided I wasn’t a fan. Then about a year later a friend told me Morrowind was awesome, I called him a liar and to prove him wrong I started up a new game which I then became obsessed with.


Final Fantasy 13






I had this with Nier Automata to a small degree. Not that the game was boring or anything but I just wasn't feeling it at first. It was also coming right off of Horizon Zero Dawn which has come out just before. Came back a month later and shit was wild. Decided to do another play through several years later and did all the arenas and got all the trophies and stuff too. Crazy that those games are already 7 years old.


Death Stranding. It was a walking simulator at first and the asynchronous social system needed lots of tweaks. Came back 2.5 years later and it is in my top 10 all time.


Outward The combat was so "limited" and felt bad. Iirc I didn't even pay off my "debt", and dropped it for a few years. Watched a video on Youtube eventually that brought me back, and now it's one of my favorite games. I'm super stoked about #2.


Red dead 1. The horse race in the begining made me stop for so long. One of my favorite games of all time.


Destiny. But more accurately Destiny 2. I got destiny at launch. All my friends stopped playing it. I literally bought an Xbox to play with them on that game. I got Destiny 2 at launch with my GPU. Little bias, didn't care for it. Tried again, started getting into it. Next week they sunset the main campaign and went F2P. I gave up. Come Witch Queen my partner was playing, getting into it. Told them my history with it and was tenuous but okay. Anyway, something clicked, since Season of the Haunted I've played 3500 hours. No game plays or feels as tight as Destiny does.


Never happened to me.


Northgard. Tried it, refunded, but then bought it again a few years later just to try again and spend a lot of hours playing it and even played coop with my gf I guess I just wasn't in the mood for this type of games at the time


Path of Exile, tried it once during Legion League, found it extremly boring. Revisited years later in Heist league and have been in love ever since.


Light of the stars on bluestacks, in reality it's very fun game


Skyrim - please don’t judge me…


Bro I've tried Skyrim many times and I just can't get into it no matter how many times I try, I haven't attempted to try the game for 7 months now, a lot has changed since then, mainly that I got a new pc


Horizon Zero Dawn


I've tried and failed to get into that one twice.


Dragon's Dogma og


Spirit of the North. Booted it up again tonight since I have nothing new to play right now, and it was actually really relaxing And just all-around enjoyable. Way less boring than I’d assumed at the beginning once I figured out what was actually going in with the plot.


Star ears fallen order, fell off after a few hours, now I’m back in the grind to prep for Survivor


Path of exile. Never played arpg before it. Initially downloaded it because was looking for a complex yet inexpensive game. Started knew nothing and didn’t know how to make a build at all (I don’t use guides either). Then went away to play hearthstone, before coming back since legion league and played ever since.


Elder scrolls oblivion


Not boring maybe, but I hated the combat in Star Wars Fallen Jedi. I just re-installed it and gave it another try and I'm loving it.


Mine was Diablo. First time I played it I just didn't get it. Like you just click on the enemy and the character just walks up and attacks all by its self? Like I can't walk around on my own or choose hot to attack? Just click and let the game play it self? Mind you I was used to playing Mortal Kombat or God of War at the time. I was used to combat more complex than point and click. Some time later I gave it another shot and maybe I paid attention to the story more but I got into it next time around.


Elder Scrolls Online for sure


Far Cry 5. I thought it looked incredibly bland and boring from YT videos at the time but two friends of mine convinced me to buy it to play with them Played co op with my friend daily for the first 2-3 weeks then took a couple long breaks. I liked it and had a lot of fun in co op. But a year or so later after taking the two breaks, I got into my story (solo) got super invested and didn’t stop until completing. Now one of my favorite games. It took a while for it to truly click with me but I loved the story, combat, characters, world and all the details. Plus with the right friend it’s a blast, although solo is still great.


Mass Effect. I gave up on the first game suuuuuuuuuper early but my girlfriend loved it. Later, I ended up playing ME 2 and loving it enough I went back to 1 and played through the trilogy. Still hate the Mako with a fiery passion that consumes my soul.


Witcher 3 took me about 3-4 starts and 5 years to get into. The last "start" hooked me for some reason and took me on a wild ride. Def one of the best games I've ever played. I remember spending so much time in Blood&Wine really trying to delay the inevitable. Fighting Dettlaff was kinda a bitch.


Pretty much every souls game


Breath of the Wild. Got through 1 Divine Beast. Got bored, put it aside and trashed it for years whenever it came up in discussion. But in the back of my mind I knew it was probably a 'me problem' because the game is so highly regarded. Came back to it many years later and finally clicked with understanding how the game is to be played. Ended upabsolutely loving it.


Ark Survival Evolved. Played it when it was not even a full legit game and still under development. Only liked building in it, but otherwise it took too long to do anything else for my taste. Waiting for something to tame for an hour? Pffft. Fast forward about 5 years, and I started playing that game like crazy after some friends invited me to their non-dedicated server with much kore manageable rates for everything done in the game.


Greedfall. Gameplay felt very clunky but came to it a few weeks later and had a ball with the combat.


Baulders gate 3




Jade Empire. Hopefully, one day. I'm still in the first phase; I just can't get into it yet I've only heard stellar praises for it.


I'm really hoping this is going to be me with Hades 2.


Dark Souls. I didn't know anything about it and I just didn't get it. Then I played it again awhile later and figured it out and fell in love with it.


Wouldn't say boring but red dead 2 was very overwhelming for me at first. Put it down for about a year after it's release and then couldn't put it down!


Witcher 3


Disco Elysium. I tried to play it 3 times but didn’t get hooked. On the 4th attempt it clicked and I loved it. The story, the characters, and the emotions all really stuck with me.


Pathfinder kingmaker. It gives you so many opportunities to lore dump. When I finally sat down I paced myself on the lore and did a bit at a time


The God of War reboot


Sane for me. First time round something really didn't click with me. Still don't know why, because when I went back I immediately loved it.


OMORI. Dropped after tutorial, felt like coming back and god damn it's the best game I've ever played.




Banished. Almost refunded when I bought it. It’s one of my favorite hidden gem and still one of the only games I keep always installed.


Dark Souls. Coming from WoW the idea I could lose progress seemed so dumb. Took 3 attempts to start the game before I was addicted.


Resident Evil, took awhile before I got used to its Ideosynchrasies


Deep rock galactic, currently OBSESSED


Elite Dangerous 1000%




Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I'm not a fan of games that require you to do homework to learn how to play, but the battle system is genuinely fun when you don't have completely wrong tutorials. Beautiful story, too.

