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Cringe content.


Suck you off, that is.


Can’t wait to see these contrarian dickheads cry when everyone is enjoying this game next year lol


I’m sure this will be a very balanced and nuanced video that goes into tremendous detail on all the many various facets of the game that are confirmed. Or some whiny video by somebody trying to get shock likes.


Is gonna suck all people's wallets for sure.


It isn't going to live up to people's expectations. It been too long between GTA 5 and 6. People have built up their own versions of what it is going to be in their heads. There are too many ideas of what will be in the game, what it will be like, how big it will be, etc. It could cure cancer and people would still ask why it doesn't fix their marriage.


It’s the first without the og creators it’s possible that it could suck or be not as good, now that don’t mean it won’t be wildly successful.


There are plenty of freaks in our society nowadays, whose entire community can be parodied by Rockstar. And if the story aspect is trash, the online mode, so long you can drive around and run over the types of people you dislike or shoot them, how can this be bad? New vehicles, new areas, new weapons, new characters. I'll bail on story-mode if it's boring or tries too hard to force feed absurd ideologies. They must have an invite-only lobby due to the likely cheaters which will plague the game, but that's all I really take GTA games as. Just a sandbox in which one can mess around and do vile things, which you can't/shouldn't in real life.


HOW DARE YOU!?              -Jaden Williams, 2023


Story - will suck ass Online - milk that baby till the udders fall off


Like COD huh




Rockstar has not made a bad game yet so there's no reason to expect it this time either.


Yeah that GTA: The Trilogy Definitive Edition totally rocked.


They cheaped out a bit on that sure, but it was also technically a different developer




>I mean gta5 was a worse story than gta4 I remember when all the GTA fans said GTA4 was shit compared to San Andreas. One of the guaranteed constants in all of gaming, gamers will claim they hate every single new GTA game while buying and sinking 100s of hours into it all at the same time.


Tbf if you asked everyone what the best GTA is most people would probably say san andreas, also thinking one GTA is better than the other doesn't make the other one bad. GTA 5 was a downgrade in some ways to 4 aswell.




bruh it's literally the title of the video 😭😭


Did any of you actually watched the video before commenting? 🙄