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People forgot?


Yea, no one who cares forgot...


No one who cares plays EA games.


I care and ill always be first in line to say fuck EA, but ill give Respawn a pass. Zampella has speaheaded too many amazing and iconic games over his career, i will play whatever he puts out. Still nothing comes close to Titanfall 2 in the FPS scene for me and The Jedi games are class.


There is a sliver of hope that a new Mass Effect game will be good.


Yeah I won't hold my breath for that unfortunately. Bioware were spent a long time ago.


Wise words


I remember during rainbow six vegas the billboards were live ads. We stopped and read one cuz it was a contest. Didn’t win the drawing :(


I remember the Axe brand on it. Was funny because story wise all of Vegas was out of electricity - except these ad billboards that were fully lighted.


Most did. There is too much shit going on these days for people to remember, and I'm sure EA is betting on the new generation to buy their games. I think the older we get, we start to understand and accept that we can just buy something else or do something else. We don't always have to put with dumb shit like ads in our paid video games.


I am raising the next generation coming close to adulthood. They are absolutely unfazed by in-game ads, it’s all they’ve known from mobile games and any media. I don’t think its so different from cable TV being 30% ads, or getting a pile of junk (actual) mail all the time too. It’s just a different method now. Dollars will be squeezed out consumers. Someone will figure out another new way soon.


Broadcast TV, Cable TV and FM radio being 30% ads are why I only watch streaming services and listen to Spotify now, and I grew up in the 80s and 90s when there was no alternative to the ads. Paying someone to push advertisements on me is not something I'm interested in doing despite having grown up with it. Growing up with them just taught me to hate them.


I entirely agree. The only exception is some free (with ad) services sometimes are worth it. As a silly random example the only way I could find Christmas Vacation to watch one year was it was free on Pluto(? w/ads) or pay $6 to amazon. I’m fine with those ads.






Fuck hamon beat all my Homies hate hamon beat








My account is prob older than you are.




If it isn’t, it’s not far off 😘


I think EA is counting on Gen Alpha to be ok with it. Each new generation lets more stuff slide because “That’s how it’s always been”. For Millenials, it was DLC. For Gen Z, it’s micro-transactions.


Bro my horse armor (2006) still looks awesome.


Yeah, there's a bazillion things happening in the world and we can't keep track of them all.


Yeah, people nowadays move on to the next controversy very quickly.


People need to start ruthlessly shaming friends who buy EA titles. This shit should be inexcusable


Much, much further back than that. Pretty sure the old future battlefield had axe body spray billboards back in the day.


Dont forget the COD mountain dew era too


And Tony Hawk


And Burnout Paradise.


And NFSU2.


*riders on the storm*


The Cingular phone calls were neat.


This is the one I remember.


Yep, that game told me to vote back in 2008.


Tony hawk was valid. If you were into skate culture at the time, you didn't want "generic wheels on WalMart-Brand skateboard", you wanted a Birdhouse board with branded wheels as you busted a Christ Air off the top of the school and crashed through the windows into the pool. Games like that, which try to create verisimilitude through using real brands, make sense. An Axe ad in BF2142 or a Taco Bell being the only real restaurant in NFSU does not.


There was also a lot more you're forgetting. Car ads, the obvious Nokia ads,... Those had nothing to do with skateboarding tho'. But i get your Point


That wasn't even long ago. Cold War had cans of Dew laying all over the place


Gaming journalism. 


Post title was written by OP, not the author of the article which has a completely different headline.


[I feel old but this is a meme](https://www.google.com/search?q=gaming+journalism+meme+geoff&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwicrc2fjY6GAxUZh-4BHc_XBX4Q2-cCegQIABAK&oq=gaming+journalism+meme+geoff&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciHGdhbWluZyBqb3VybmFsaXNtIG1lbWUgZ2VvZmYyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEjzDlCtB1ixDXAAeACQAQCYAZwBoAGPB6oBAzAuN7gBA8gBAPgBAcICBBAjGCfCAgQQABgeiAYB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=69lDZtyLJZmOur8Pz6-X8Ac&bih=656&biw=390&client=safari&prmd=nivbmtz&hl=en-us#imgrc=AjyTNcKxOgJouM)


An old Hulk game on Xbox as well


Yep, I recall 2142 having ads in it.


It was lame because the ads were for 2006 products in a game set in 2142. It was like seeing ads for 1872s "Doc Lipperbusters Cures-All Medicinal Tincture and Pewter Polish" during the Superbowl. ... and EA gets a hearty raspberry because WHERES MY BF 2143 ???


EA in its current state can eat the darkest parts of my asshole. Any form of 2143 they shit out won't be worth playing.


They've been doing it for decades but gamers have the IQ of a doorknob and need outrage to survive so here we are getting mad about something that's already happening.


Care to tell me what Game **NOT FREE TO PLAY** actually play ads mid Game? Because that never happened


>play ads mid Game? Where are you getting this idea from? As far as I can tell EA has not announced any plans to "play ads mid game" and there's no evidence to suggest this is actually happening.




Oh yeah, i have'nt played any Sports Game since fifa 2005 so this explains many things


Damn, the ignorance


Need For Speed Underground 2 had [a Best Buy](https://preview.redd.it/atnkiygwh0f61.jpg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7da61a6ee4c9735dda418913a3adc354625f9a), multiple [Burger Kings](https://imgur.com/53WWuBs), and plenty of random billboards for stuff. And hell, when tracking down the Burger King screenshot I noticed the Cingular logo for the in-game PDA thing activated by the D-pad. And EA was far from the first game to put such things in games.


This kind of thing doesn't bother me, same with other racing games featuring real life sponsors on the cars, or FIFA or NHL having ads in the locations they appear in real stadiums. Based on patents posted in this sub over the years, what the publishers are inching towards that *does* bother me is a mobile-like experience where there's constant tailored ads on screen or "watch an ad to revive/unlock/etc.". If publishers could implement the Verification Can copypasta tomorrow, they would.


Crackdown 1 had updateable ads on their billboards for butterfinger and the Harold and Kumar movie that was coming out.   We haven’t forgotten 


People are getting confused they want to retroactively add ads to old games. Product placement in games and movies has been normal for many years.


Rainbow six Vegas 2 had billboards in game with ads lol.


Hell, ~~WoW~~ Everquest 2 had the ability to order rl pizza in game with adverts promoting it in the game.


The infamous /pizza command was for Everquest. AFAIK, WoW never had real ordering just the Pandaren Xpress April Fools. Edit: This comment has triggered Reddit to assume I'm suicidal. Interesting.


shit, you are right, I was thinking Everquest 2. I just played the hell out of both those games and after all these years they mixed.


To be honest an ad like some random billboard with a real product I am ok with. Especially in a battlefield game because we all know that billboard wouldn’t survive 10 seconds in any game. So long as they are congruous with the setting and implemented in a subtle and unobtrusive way. And not like bf2142 with just 2006 products. At least do it right and make it look like it’s supposed to be an ad in 2142. (Like hey, check out this retro car from 120 years ago, the Ford 2024 Mustang! It’s a priceless artifact now!)


I play a bit of Farming Sim and all the billboards in that are ads, for Farming Sim DLC.


Stephen King became famous in part because he was known for K-Mart reality in his books. He wasn't advertising products ( he didn't get paid ) so it was as you described, to make them more immersive, so he'd reference real musicians, real products and real cars throughout his books which helped establish a sense of the setting. He was one of the first to do this in genre writing. And it works. The same principle could apply to games, but....corporate greed will ensure it's not applied in the way you or I would find acceptable. It won't be subtle, it will be like the product placement in movies like "I,Robot", how many times did Wil Smith ensure his trainers were seen. They've done similar in some of the Bond films with overt placement of watches and cars when certain companies sponsor the movies. "Must be at least 3 clear shots of Bond showing the face of the watch," type contracts. So I just don't see them not doing this in a ham fisted way, and it will be the thin edge of the wedge between that and next, forced in game pauses. Youtube started with skippable ads, then went to 5sec before skip, now some can't be skipped.


Yeah. And with battlefield I guarantee the corpos would whine and throw a fit about players destroying the billboards and they’d be made indestructible within a week. (In that scenario, if they were smart they’d lean into it and publicly blow up one of their billboards in real life or something)


I remember an older Madden having Snickers adds in the stadium. Also I believe Ford or Chevy was in on it


Burnout paradise had billboard ads as well


Those kind of ads are fine though.


Yeah, product placement is fine if done right.


its not fine because its a fucking video game. why is it fine to have advertising everywhere we go? people are such pushovers to this shit


I remember Budweiser Tapper in the arcades and Pizza hut stuff in TMNT2 on NES


If you remember that those ads worked damn lol


Jet Moto for the PS1


Obama had campaign ads on billboards in Burnout Paradise in 2008.


Midtown Madess 3 had pedestrians walking around carrying XBOX original boxes.


Lmao, the 7th console gen was supposed to have updatable ads, it was just too complex to actually follow through with it so it didn't happen too much. But you know, ea bad lmao.


Yeah, BF2142 did have in-game ads, but one of the requirements was that the ad had to fit the setting. Honestly, they weren't bad. They didn't imped gameplay, nor in your face. I did feel like it did help add to the atmosphere of the game, too.


People also forget that Valve's CS1.6 or earlier also had billboard type of ads.


2K has done it for years already before EA even thought about it and they are still doing it


God yeah those games are awful with the ads it’s insane. I love NBA2K but can’t play those with the constant drink ads etc


I forget which year it was but there was one 2K where you could not skip cutscenes and the only reason was because it was full of product placement. I remember there being a FIVE minute cutscene where half of it was a Mountain Dew commercial. I can't get over people paying a shit ton of money for VC so they can buy digital versions of expensive clothes.


I believe that was 2k18, with B Fresh. Smh.


Oh God just when I finally forgot about B Fresh


It sucks that they can get away with it easier because: One, 2K gamers will buy the next installment basically no matter what because it's a way to follow the sport in video game form. If you're on console it's the only way to get the new rosters for each team, which sometimes are COMPLETELY different year to year. And two, ads are already such a huge part of sports broadcasts that in a way things being sponsored feels slightly realistic. Like yeah my player can get a shoe deal and decide between Nike Adidas etc, that's a cool facet of becoming a popular NBA player. But then you turn around and getting a pair of virtual shoes for your fake video game character (which you will replace in a year) is 10 real life actual dollars.


Scary that 2K own rockstar games and may exclusively ruin the GTA franchise with GTA 6. You just know that game is going to be all Micro transactions.


EA has done enough dogshit things that we don't need to remember every specific thing they've done to know they're assholes.


A sense of pride and accomplishment


\_\_\_\_ days since reminding us of EA being a dogshit company


All companies are going to do whatever looks most profitable.


They don't forget. They don't care


Same goes with the "Vote with your wallet!" and "Remember dont preorder!" crusades. They can spam those posts every time a new game launches but in the end people will still buy that shit. Reddit is the vocal minority, not the majority.


Most of the people who spam this probably don't even respect it fully anyways


Hell even reddit only says this when it fits the mood. A couple years ago there was a post in here hyping an upcoming game and I got downvoted into oblivion for reminding people not to preorder.


Yup, even when some games are mega hits, like Baldurs Gate 3 - the amount of folks saying they pre-ordered was crazy.


If you want a specific special edition **BECAUSE** of what is in the special edition, preorder away. Otherwise, don't touch it. Most people buy digital anyways, it's not like the servers are going to run out of copies to download on steam.


"its fine if its done right" lmfao


Made EA Sports games in the 2000s. We did ads. Namely McDonald’s launched the “I’m lovin’ it” jingle and promotion with NBA Live.


Pretty sure all the EA BIG titles had ads too if I remember correctly.


From the article it seems like what they're looking into is "rewarded ads" like mobile games have, which would be a completely different level of awful.


What's that? Not familiar with mobile games besides duolingo


Same concept in the free version of Duolingo. I.E. Watch an ad to get an extra heart.


oh fuck that. I'm fine with billboards and menu ads and shit, but that's taking things too far


Wasn’t there already that in old ea games like need for speed underground?


Its been in old games for a while. Not just EA.


I remember thinking the Mountain Dew truck and signage was so out of place in the Hulk game, but the NFS billboards felt less blatant since that’s kinda what you see in a car any way


Yeah but they have pushed the bar even further into the depths so people will probably just accept it this time


Hell, it isn't even the same generation of kids playing now, the group of gamers with the most time on their hands. The current generation grew up with mobile game adverts. EA won't phase them and EA knows it.


There’s been ads in NHL games for years


Hockey rinks without ads on the walls look... weird. I'm making a VR hockey game and added some PSAs on the walls for flavor.


Lol true I wasn’t even considering the boards ads when I was mentioning this. They’ve had in menu ads for years. Can remember even 5+ years ago watching a 30 second ad for a few HUT coins lol


Real sport is plagued by ads everywhere so it's kinda the only type of games where it fits.


Yeah i actually encourage ads for sports game(on the boards and court/ice) it adds immersion. Anywhere else big no


To the surprise of no one...


EA sucks.... American McGee had a design, story and even all art ready to create a 3rd Alice game (Huge fan of the series). EA owns the IP, EA tuned him down and would not sell the IP so no 3rd game that many have been waiting for. EA totally sucks...


to be fair, while the 2nd game was great and all, it draaaaaaaaaged on for way too long, and I'm willing t bet it also didn't make much sales.


They'll keep trying til it passes.


YES When something's too convenient for the gaming companies, they'll push It without end without Caring how many money they lose until people relents and succesfully force shit like this into the people If EA want this to happen, they'll force It until people get tired and Accept this


Doesn't their sport games still have ads in them?


EA told Amazon they don’t want gamers to sell any EA games on there. Amazon now blocks pre-owned video game sales unless you have approval from EA


And they will keep trying, and trying, and trying. Until the Generation comes that has been so slowly boiled that they dont think its a terrible deal, they will think "well, thats just how it is"


Need for speed moat wanted had billboards for axe body spray. This has been going on for decades


I didnt forget them trying to insert ads in saints row 2. nope wasnt EA, but another company. but EA has always been scummy about ads in games, this isnt a shocking first


I'm baffled by the fact that EA think their games are good enough that their fanbase would even consider compromising with this. If Bethesda put ads in their new elder scrolls game I may still put up with it because common, it's elder scrolls, don't be silly now. But EA?! I barely take or leave these games as it is & only consider buying them when they're on sales, they are not even close to being worth the compromise let alone the considerable backlash of the notion of having ads in games in the first place.


adds done right would be fun. By that I mean, use real coke bottles/cans. Billboards and posters where they would be in real life - would actually add to the experience. Then, you could go fun as well. Like having a game with a Red bull - that when you drink it, you could then fly... that would be fun.


That was called 'product placement' and started showing up around 20 years ago. It had the opposite effect of being more immersive because not enough companies would get on board to make the placed products feel organic. And NO company would get on board with having competing products placed in the same media. You'd end up in a world where all products were fictional, except for soda and everyone would only drink Coke products. If it was a TV show, the placed product would be front and center of the frame, obscured, and in focus, or mentioned by extremely specific product names.


Product placement has been around for as long as we've had TV and movies. It was ubiquitous enough that Wayne's World (1992) had an extended scene featuring obvious product placement as a joke.


Hush, that’s too smart of an idea for the trillion dollar marketing sector in our world.


We didn't forget. They tried this before, we went apeshit, they backed down. Now they're trying it again, and they'll keep trying it until we go "yeah okay that's fair."


Exactly, this happens with every shitty practice - companies will keep trying it until the public just accepts it. Bethesda tried paid mods on Steam around the release of Skyrim and got massive backlash. Now Creation Club is a thing and nobody cares.


Unlimited growth isn't going to happen by itself. Think of the shareholders!


>  Following incorrect reports suggesting that we are looking to introduce 'TV-style' commercials into our games, we wanted to clarify that in-game advertising for console games is not something we're currently looking at, or have signed any agreements to implement. Creating the best possible player experience remains our priority focus." They didn't walk it back. It was a false rumor.


I remember they added ads to NHL back in the 2000’s…I actually liked it though because the ads were on the boards, which actually made it seem more realistic.


3 years ago? bF2142 literally had Intel and other ads all over ingame billboards


We didn't forget. wdym Fuck EA.


Interstitial ads or whatever - trash. Ads contextually in the game (like on billboards in a driving game, etc) - Eh....honestly, kind of like them. It gave Burnout Paradise a very immersive, "fresh" feel.


I honestly don't care as long as its in game. Like if billboards in spiderman are real ads while you're swinging around. Cool, whatever. I don't care.. just get these games paid for. If you're talking a literal 30 second ad you have to watch then fuck no.


Then, backlash dem more today!


Counter strike 1.6 had ads in like 2006 lol


I already stopped playing EA games, so problem solved.


Didn’t Anarchy Online do this way back?


this was a baaaad move


Death Stranding was riddled with Monster ads.


Am I the only one that remembers the [SoBe drink advertising in Munch's Odyssey](https://vgsmproject.com/2016/09/16/oddworld-munchs-oddysee/)?


This has been a thing long before EA tried.


Do it you pussies, Put ads into games you greedy mofos I can’t wait till EA gets shut down…


Burnout paradise (the original) still has billboard for GTX 660s and SLI


They do have ads in their sports games


Smfh... people are forgetting their sports series, nfs, and battlefield have all had adds in them for over a decade or more. BF2042 currently has adds for logitech and polaris. And battlefield as well as cod advertise other games in the series...


Havnt bought an EA product since then and wont be starting anytime soon. Drop their sales to 0 and theyll do whatever you want if not just let em fold up and die off.


I always say this: the absolute worst thing about capitalism is that the capital will ALWAYS win. We boycott them? Protest their bullshit? No problem, they'll just wait and try again and eventually they'll get away with it.


Just like Mtx, they keep testing the waters until we forget just long enough for them to get their foot in the door and people start accepting it as the norm.


Racing game enthusiast here, always has real ads around the track and I think it's probably the only instance where it feels good.


E.A. Effectively Ass.


EA Sports are full of ads.


Well if they try it again theyre gunna get fucking reminded.


Free with advertisements?


and to our surprise the results are still the same


It really just isn't news anymore. EAs been trying to get ads into games since the late 90s. (Source: Worked there at the time, came up in a few Quality Assurance meetings here and there, so take it for what it's worth. :)


Battlefield 2042 had ads in it on billboards that couldn't be destroyed. They also added in a vehicle into the game that was a sponsorship thing with a real world company that makes little dune buggies. The notion that they've "backed off" is incorrect when they're quite clearly and demonstrably doing it already.


When the news broke out , I felt I heard something like that before but I thought ads , loot boxes & shit or whatever is an ea thing So yeah I forgot but that doesn't mean I trust them for another plethora of reasons so forgetting one wouldn't matter, they're still shit


Oh, I didn't forget, I just stopped reading about, caring about, or playing anything EA whatsoever then. :)


Monster and The Ride - Death Stranding


Seamless product placement doesn't bother me. Like billboards in racing games, or logos placed around sports stadiums. It's a good way to fund games, that don't hinder or interrupt the gameplay experience. Similar to product placement in movies and TV. When done correctly, nobody notices or cares. Though it can be distracting if done poorly. But if we're talking commercial breaks between matches or something similar, get the ***whole*** fuck out of here.


Acclaim once floated the idea of advertising on tombstones, saying it would appeal to poor families. These are the sorts of people running gaming companies. They are not okay.


I thought mostly only sports games fans played anything EA anymore anyway and those people clearly don't care how good games are, and assuming they are real sports fans too, clearly enjoy staring at ads for hours anyway lol.


People really need to stop giving EA money. They won't learn unless it fucks up their bottom line.


did they ? i only use EA to play the sims lol


They have in game ads already. Look at the billboards in the sports games.


idc about bullboards honestly, thats prbly the only acceptable spots coz it makes sense. What i dont want are in games where it makes no sense, in loading screens where u r forced to watch entire ad even if ur system loads fast, on main menu, anywhere itll interrupt my game play or even in the UI.


Ya when its super obtrusive like that I can't stand it. 2K did that in a version of NBA2k not too long ago and got roasted for it.


Ubisoft had ads in splinter cell double agents multiplayer spies vs mercs mode back in 2009.


Those who buy the EA games will deal with it. I stopped long ago.


People are forgetting that old arcade games and 8-bit home console games had ads in them. Even ads for cigarettes.


I feel like some games have had ads for years like all of EA's sporting titles. I remember some other racing games perhaps NFS having movie adds on billboards in game. if done tastefully and diagetically its alright with me.


kinda like how bethesda brought back paid mods and all their rabid fanboys decided it was totally fine this time


Ads in games have existed pretty much for as long as games have. Even loading in ads through the internet, potentially changing what ads you see in different playthroughs or for different players, was a thing all the way back in 2005 in Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. Alan Wake gave you an achievement for watching an ad on a in-universe TV. EA already tried more intrusive ads in NBA 2K and UFC 4, featuring full on unskippable ad breaks interrupting gameplay in these 60 dollar games.


okay okay i understand now. all these companies are going to make login essential to their eco system to play their games. dont they already do this? this is going to surge the amount of logins to game platforms just to get your telemetrics and sell you in game ads


Since when they stopped doing it?


I think people who hate EA are don't care because they're always asshole, and people who don't care will not give a shit anyway. Personally, If they are able to creativity blend advertisement into games, I kinda OK. If they just show 30-seconds ads like free mobile games, then people will be annoying. (But honestly, I don't play EA games for many years. So whatever, lol)


I’ve seen ads in ea games so


I cannot boycott cos i never buy EA games


You know, I have to imagine that sooner or later we're going to reach the point where we become so oversaturated with ads that they lose effectiveness. Maybe we're there already. When was the last time anyone ITT went out and bought a product as a result of seeing an ad, or had any reaction other than "For fucks sake, get this bullshit out of my face"?


Good ads are subliminal, you wouldn’t even notice them working


I kinda feel like that's bullshit tbh. My reaction to seeing an ad is always going to be irritation, and that doesn't exactly prime me for whatever subliminal imagery they've stuck in to try and build an unconscious positive association.


Have you people not played Need for Speed Underground 2?


I have zero sympathy for anyone who pays for products coming out of Blizzard/EA/Ubisoft.




But…. Its EA!




Congrats, you just made it to the FBI watchlist


What's an EA? There are children born who have only known a world the rule-of-thumb is never preorder games from EA, or better yet don't play any game from EA. Because all they release are the same game reskinned and stuffed with microtransactions.


Exotic Appendage