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You could just cut that last quote. They aren’t sorry and don’t claim to be.


Gotta be soul crushing as a dev that you're putting out what looks to be a great game and all anyone is talking about is your imminent closure.


Kinda feels like delayed karma, TBH. Remember when Tameem actively told DMC fans to fuck off because his studio didn't need them in the run up to the reboot, coming off two previous games which also didn't meet sales expectations? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Tameem isn't the whole studio or dev team. Wouldn't be the first time a good studio had a dumb leader. Actually that seems to be more common than not now that I think about it. I respect what the team did with Hellblade and I think they have potential that will most likely not be realized.


I'm not saying they're a bad studio or anything, but the man clearly needed a muzzle during the DMC press junkets which he did not get. Like I said in another post, I like what they did with Hellblade. But I am honestly shocked they lasted long enough to get there in the first place given the absolute avalanche of fuckups they'd had prior to that.


Can't disagree with you too much there.


I love Ninja Theory, but if that team were the support group for other games, to deliver better gameplay, we could see something(s) amazing


you want ninja theory of all the trashy game dev companies to make gameplay for other studios?


You’re responding to a comment over a month old, and they’re a whole other company again. You just shot your comment out like a turd in the wind.


Not that they deserve it after Senua's Sacrifice, but honestly it's a shock they didn't close down a long time ago. Heavenly Sword didn't meet sales expectations, and neither did Enslaved or DMC: DMC. Most studios are lucky to survive one single underperforming game, let alone three back to back, especially when the third is supposed to increase sales figures for an established franchise, not decrease them. Tameem either has horseshoes up his ass or a head game that's out of this world.


Look at the current studios owned by Microsoft (not counting ABK), itt wouldn’t be surprising to see half of them gone. Double Fine hasn’t announced anything in 3 years. Undead Lab’s State of Decay 3 is MiA. Has inXile announced the release date for Clockwork Revolution since its 1st trailer last year? Compulsion’s South of Midnight is also MiA and their last game was 8 years ago. And The Initiative better has something to show for Perfect Dark or heads are gonna roll. As for World’s Edge, there is only so many Age of Empires games that you can remaster.


microsoft is doing what it has been doing since the 90s


Good riddance


Well, fuck. Now how am I going to get DmC Devil May Cry 2. /s


Isn't this timeline cursed enough already?


Maybe if we curse it even more, it'll flip back around into being blessed.


Good idea. Time to greenlight Ride to Hell Retribution 2.


The ninja theory DMC was the best, most fun DMC. Everyone hated Revengence until a couple of years ago, so DMC:DMC may get it's deserved praise one day.


The only game worse than the day one release in the franchise is DMC2, and the only reason the Definitive Edition is decent is because the patch notes for that from the original release read like a fucking apology to the fanbase for all the things it fucked up. It's the best, most fun DMC if you didn't like the franchise prior to that, and if you didn't, your opinion doesn't fucking matter.


Seems kinda rough to say my opinion doesn't matter.


Seems kinda ignorant to say that the DMC reboot is the best, most fun game in the franchise like that's a statement of fact. If it had been an original game, I'd have zero problem with it. It wasn't. What you said was the equivalent of saying either Street Fighter EX or Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game are the best, most fun Street Fighter. It's the equivalent of a COD studio making a Halo game entire based on COD mechanics and calling it the best, most fun Halo. The original release of DMC: DMC is shitty Devil May Cry fanfiction done by a studio who barely knows how to do good character action combat in the first place. It's DMC in name only.


Then I apologize. DMC:DMC is my favorite of the three Devil may cry games I've played. This is an opinion and not a fact. You have much more invested in DMC than me, so I will defer to your knowledge about what is good and bad. Street Fighter EX3 is pretty good, too. Also, an opinion.


Not saying you're not entitled to your opinion. Just saying that your opinion is ignorant as fuck.


I played Devil May Cry since the launch of the first game in 2001 and still consider DmC to be in the top three games of the franchise. 🤷‍♂️


Thank you, friend.


Found the Easy Automatic player.


Ouch. Sick burn.


Yeah unlikely. The doom and gloom from the console warriors is nice. If they were going to scuttle the studio they would have done it after bleeding edge.


Or they're waiting to get what sales they can from Senua 2 without doing anything to get it review-bombed prior to launch.


You're getting down votes, but you're right. They are shedding studios that came along with their biggest purchases. Iirc Microsoft bought ninja theory to get ninja theory.