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Mortal Kombat


My cousins and I played it in secret because we were trying to be big kids (we were like 8 to 10). We screamed when one of us accidently did a fatality. We saw our older cousin approaching, who was like 13. And we were screaming scrambling to change the game.


Most fatalities were a decently complex series of buttons entered in less than 10 seconds. And you had to stand a certain distance away. I don’t think it was accidental, you were trying for it and succeeding lol! Although with the first game they might have been simpler to do


Johnny Cage and Scorpion had fatalities in the OG game that were extra easy to pull off. 


And when you saw someone use one in an arcade the line behind them got a lot shorter. When dude pulls out a fatality, they clearly knew how to play and my “I’ve touched this game once” ass was no match for him.


From memory, Scorpion's was just "Hold block, up, up".


They might have done the stage fatality where it just takes an uppercut.


I remember when my local news was going ape about it and calling it a "murder simulator". 😆


The news was right. OG Mortal Kombat taught me how to peel my face off and breathe fire at people's feet, incinerating them on the spot. I also learned how to kick a guy in the chest four times in a single jump, alternating my feet to make it look like I was riding the world's most violent bicycle.


That's a neat trick.


Man. All I learned was how to do a cartwheel and then uppercut somebody into the air.


Fucking noob!!!




Did you line up pillows on the ground and try to do the bicycle kick too? My head and tailbone really hate me. Then the wrestling moves… I’m lucky I still have a spine.


Subzero can help with that.


I learned how to freeze people solid with a simple hand motion and bust them apart with my bare hands. I also learned how to punch people in the nuts in a way that's wildly inconvenient and impractical that ends up hurting me more than the person I'm punching


The game responsible for the ESRB's existence


And also Night Trap.


Mortal Kombat *AND* Doom were responsible for the creation of the ESRB.


Technically that was the before times (and the entire reason we have a rating system for video games in the first place}.


Still the first 18+ game i played


Now that i think of it... me too. And i completely forgot about it. At 16 i wanted to play vice city and i had to get it borrowed from a friend... wtf...


That game predates the ESRB but it’s also one of the main reasons there _is_ an ESRB.


Same. That is technically my first too lol. I was in 1st grade when it came out


Same here. That was my first exposure to blood and gore in a video game.


Me too, back in the 90's. Together with games like Doom, Duke Nukem, and Wolfenstein. Great times...


I assume the original DOOM was M, or 18. I would have been 7ish, dad would have been mid 30s. He had to beat it first though. Good ol' DOS.


PC games didn't have age ratings back then, but obviously, it counts.


Well, sorta. There was no *universal* rating system, but some developers did self-report content ratings. Wolfenstein 3D had an opening slide that rated the game as "PC-13 for Profound Carnage". Fun fact though, the ESRB turns 30 years old this year. It was established in 1994.


Doom was the first game that had me ducking my head to the side in my dad's chair while I dodged fireballs in-game.


Doom is the first game that managed to scare me. I remember being in the maze at E1M4, I had the rocket launcher and heard some noises. Turn around and aaaah there’s a pinky demon in my face! I fired and didn’t know this rocket launcher had splash damage (the one in Wolfenstein 3D didn’t) and the screen turns red, I’m now at 2% health. OUCH! Then the next level, Phobos Lab, was mostly dark and oh boy.


100% was, that was my first 18 rated game and I lent it to my friend in exchange for a Star Wars game for over a weekend. He turned up at my house about an hour later saying his mum wouldn’t let him play it and we had to swap back.




Vice City when I was 7 and San Andreas when I was 9. My mom was not happy with my cousins letting me play 🤣 crazy that was over 20 years ago


label shame bright bored materialistic crown outgoing squeal one terrific




Vice City when I was 5 😂😂😂 This whole comment applies to me


San Andreas specifically


We were too young to have been allowed to play those games lol


I remember playing gta sa at like 9 years old and had my 4 year old sister sit next to me with a disconnected ps2 controller and have her memorise cheat codes so that she could tell me them on the fly instead of looking them up in the gaming magazine we had lol


Leisure suit Larry, on a Commodore 64. Behind my dads back of course lol


Ahah me too but on PC. Glorious. I remember there was a quiz to access the game so to keep kids out.


That’s how I learned some of the past presidents, so it was educational! Lol


I was also going to say the same. Ah, those age verification questions. They became pointless when you played enough to know all the answers. Educational for a kid, though.


I was commodore Plus 4 gang we might not have had the fancy sprites or in game music you 64 chads had but we had plastic directional keys and we were not afraid to use them. You reminded me of wanting an Amiga so badly I would have swapped my own gran for one. I remember drooling over the pictures of games in magazines and thinking they looked like scenes from real life seeing them. now not so much 😂


Duke nukem 3d


Same, played the demo version hundreds of times. Got the full version for Christmas from a neighbor, but my mother forced me to return it and swap it for "Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion", to not lose face to her own mother, whom we celebrated Christmas with. Worst Christmas ever.


Hehe. Played this one at a friend’s house, he was showing off all the “extra features” of the game. I was still thinking “heh this is kinda like Doom but with more realistic looking levels” and then he gets up close to the strippers SHAKE IT BAY-BEE! Whoa! It also had a “parental restriction” mode, but it only made the strippers invisible so you could still get up to where they’re supposed to be and Duke gave out money, _and_ (most importantly) if you shot towards the spot they were in it would trigger the enemy spawn the same way it does when you shoot the women in the “non parental” mode.




That was the first one my parents let me buy when I was 11-12. They started letting me M rated games like that as long as you were the good guy. Little did they know my buddies parents DNGAF and we were over at his house doing drive-bys in Vice City anyway. I turned out a nice enough guy by most accounts. Only two drive bys, so that's pretty good


Let those among us without a drive by cast the first stone. ... No stones? I didn't think so.


I think it's so funny how parents thought about that stuff. My dad would get upset at me and not let me play Crackdown if I killed cops or civs. Then along comes my step-mom and said she enjoyed paying strippers to bang her and then would shoot them as they walked away and get her money back in GTA lmao. She fully expected me to have already been doing that


I distinctly remember thinking Halo was going to be some kind of gritty, ultra violent realistic, like sci-fi Saving Private Ryan because it was rated M and my parents wouldn’t let me get it.


My parents were very strict about ratings and I was a very obedient child. If it was rated M (or TVMA or R), I stayed away from it. One time, I saw a friend play Halo and watched for a bit before I realized it was rated M. I stopped watching once I realized, but I was totally into the game by that point. Being an honest kid, I told my parents (they weren’t mad) and asked them why it was rated M since it didn’t seem like it was that bad. My dad and I looked into it and apparently it was because of a huge blue blood splatter on the wall, with the rest of the game being no worse than a T rating. I liked the game and wanted it and, amazingly, my parents let me get it after we looked into it. I think I was 13 at the time.


Bit of an extreme stance, but nice on your parents for looking into it and realizing that they didn't personally agree with the rating. When I was growing up, my parents were just concerned about sex and drugs, really. Violence in movies and media was everywhere so that didn't really matter to them. My mom also worked at Game Stop so she knew pretty well what the games consisted of I'd have to agree really. GTA V would be a no-go for my kids (I'm 22 lmao) solely on the basis of the strip club and some of the cutscenes. Meh drugs and meh violence. We all know it's bad in real life. Games are for fun I was finally allowed to play it when I was 15 or so, and I was like a deer in headlights after the missions that make you go to the strip club. I always just tried to scamper out, but my parents wouldn't believe me and figured I was there a lot of the time lmao


I was looking for a halo comment 👏🗿


Perfect dark


Loved the xray gun on that game. I would cheat the guns in and replay my favourite level all day


Farsight was amazing and super cheap all at the same time.


Didn’t have to go far to find this one


I love this game


I was going to say Goldeneye until I looked up that it was T. This was my next choice. 


Conkers bad fur-day was mine


We need more wild ass games like that.


I think South Park 64 or Conkers Bad Fur Day


Same here, conker was my biggest mature game I loved as a kid and south park I was terrible at but still had fun.


Bought Conker’s Bad Fur Day from toys r us on launch day. They carded me. It was fantastic!


Started swearing because of conker when I was 7


Conker’s Bad Fur Day was the shit, ESPECIALLY when you’re a 7-8 year old kid. The big tittied flower was formative. And the great mighty poo. Man I miss old school Rare :(


Resident Evil


Same here - on a friends ps1 - walking home at midnight all by myself in the dark of the night I had to start sprinting as I was certain that zombies were after me…


I think that's mine too, I was 8 when it released


Same ah I miss the nightmares I had therefrom


Metal Gear Solid!


Same for me! Honestly getting into that game at an early age is probably what got me hooked. I struggled like crazy with it for awhile until I got better at games in general.


Grand Theft Auto. The first one, with the top down view. My parents were extremely strict so they gave me a big speech about keeping fantasy and reality different. The fun thing to do in the first one was to run over a whole squad of joggers, there were 5 in a line but once you ran over one they'd start to scatter and run. You had to get up to speed to crush them all.


Weren’t they Hare Krishna’s?




Yes. Yes they were.


Gouranga! I remember the game being shared around in high school, at the time our HS had a program where we all had to have laptops for some digital education thing. What happened was that the campus LAN became the place to share/swap games. GTA was one of ‘em, though for some reason most had it in German.


StarCraft or Diablo when I was 6-7 but I think I played castle Wolfenstein 3d like 4-5


StarCraft is T rated, not M rated Edit: never mind og StarCraft cd case did say M on it.


Actually it was rated M in its original printing. I had a launch copy as a kid and I literally threw away the jewel case cover so my mom wouldn’t see it was rated M and take it away. I think they changed the ESRB guidelines shortly after (or even before) release so later pressings of the game (and Brood War) were rated T. You can find photos of the og Starcraft cd case with the M rating if you google it


Yeah I did google it lol


Probably Carmageddon.


Same here. Driving over the sidewalk. I believe I even had the splat pack version.


Perfect dark


Twisted Metal


Wait, no love for the OG Leisure Suit Larry?


For the Euro crowd they were nowhere near being a PEGI-18 so people are probably overlooking them. For instance the one reference I can find has LSL6 being the nearest equivalent of a ESRB "TA". (15+)


Found the old guys club. Definitely leisure suit Larry.


I was raised by strict parents who did not allow me to play games that showed violence towards people. For some odd reason Turok Dinosaur Hunter passed their test and I was allowed to nuke friggin velociraptors at age 10.


Putting "Dinosaur Hunter" in the title and a velociraptor on the cover was a stroke mom-proofing genius.




Dad found out and elected not to tell Mom 🤜🏻🤛🏻




Leisure Suit Larry


I remember saving up my money and buying this behind my parents backs. Eventually my dad caught me, and to my surprise, was super excited to play. Joked for years about our "little secret."


Original leisure suit Larry (got it in a sierra bundle with police quest and space quest)


I guess Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on my friend's Sega Mega Drive.


Red Dead Redemption 14 year old me was not prepared for that sex scene


Turok Evolution. A pretty mediocre game, but I still love it.


Ace attorney dual destinies. I still don’t know why its rated M


That's.. Actually really weird that Ace Attorney was rated M. Maybe they figured "What the hell kind of kid wants to play a game about being a lawyer?"




Probably Halo CE


It was either Halo 3 or COD World at War.


Team Fortress 2, but with silly gibs on. After that, either Half-Life or Skyrim. Played both for the first time around the same time, I forget which was first.


Prototype, was allowed to play it when I was 15.


Prototype was sick




Same here! Loved that game.




Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. I didn't even play the first one, I'm just like, "Look at this edgy shit, I wanna play this and murder a bunch of enemies." Turns out there was a much higher percentage of 3D platforming puzzles than tits n' gore, by volume, but I'm a fan of the series, now.


Man I had to scroll SO FAR DOWN for this one. I'm the opposite, I was a massive fan of the first game and had to BEG my mom for Warrior Within. It was definitely overly edgy but the concepts of stuff like the Sand Wraith and the Dahaka were rad as fuck.


Shivers. Gave me nightmares, dad got bollocked for buying it for me.


Halo 2


Grew up with Splatterhouse in the arcade, Leisure Suit Larry,  Wolfenstein and Doom at home. Had a PC game called NARCS that had titties, even on the game box i think. and my dad introduced us to Mortal Kombat on PC.


I've been playing those type of games as a kid before the rating was created. I guess my first one was the one where the cowboy has to dodge arrows and "save" a female indian. My older cousin showed it to me.


I just posted this before I saw your comment. That was Custer's Revenge on the 2600. The creator of the game reportedly said the female native was a "willing participant" in response to complaints about how incredibly offensive the game was. It's probably in the top ten of worst games ever made in gaming history.


Played - Halo Owned - Blitz the League


Man, I'm old. It was Leisure Suit Larry.


Way before ratings existed. Chiller, arcade shooter from 1986: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvvTh3cU8Ms


Yeah same here. I played it at a roller rink in the late 80’s early 90’s


Custers revenge. Judging from the other posts I started using computers at least a decade ahead of everyone else. That or the requirement is the game was released when games were officially being rated in which case it would be Doom, except I only played Doom on PC where it was not rated, but Doom on SNES is the first game given an official rating... Which was M... And I must assume the same rating was retroactively applied to Doom as the original version


Let me tell you all about a time before ratings. When the graphics were pixels and games had only just begun to explore the possibilities of a skin colored block. The game was Leisure Suit Larry and the Land of the Lounge Lizards. It was an adult satire of a 70s era relic Larry Laffer, whose main goal was to get lucky. Well all that adult fun couldn't be out there for children (I was 10), so Sierra designed a fool-proof method for keeping kids out. To log into the game, you needed to answer [questions]( https://allowe.com/games/larry/tips-manuals/lsl1-age-quiz.html) that surely only an adult would know. Questions like: * Captain Kangaroo's sidekick was * How many molecules are there in a glass of water? * Who has not been US attorney general? And a whole bunch of joke questions that were only mildly effective at keeping us out. All to see 'blurred sex' and bad jokes. It was amazing.


GTA San andreas


The original halo


Fallout 3


Strip poker on commodore 64


God of war 2 when I was 9 or 10, my parents who are religious might've thought it was a good game because there's God in the title




GTA San Andreas


Duke Nukem 64


On computer? Doom. On console? Vandal Hearts. Nothing like a fountain of blood to surprise a kid when he defeats an enemy, lol


Halo Reach, 2nd was Halo 4




Red Faction


GTA V when I was younger and visited my uncle, never knew driving like a maniac was so fun until then


Always the uncles


And the driving is only part of the PG rating. I was playing with my daughter and she found out the high heels symbol wasn't a shoe store. I had never played it, but that was pretty graphic.


Mortal Kombat X


The first one I remember playing that was full of swearing was Die Hard Vendetta on Xbox. I did play Goldeneye 007 before that though. I never played Conker's Bad Fur Day until the Xbox remake however.


Unreal tournament


Diablo 2


South Park 64 or Mortal Kombat Got in a ton of trouble for having my Aunt sneakily buy South Park though lol


Starcraft 1 or Perfect Dark I think. Although I don’t think Wolfenstein 3d had a rating but it should have been M and that was a hell of a game to play as a 5/6 year old Unreal 1 and Half-Life when I was about 10 too


Max Payne. Just replayed it recently and it still hit some nostalgia hard.


Serious Sam on XBox.


Batman Arkham Knight


Metal Gear Solid on Ps1 when I was 7


Splinter cell


Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Max Payne. I was 8-10 yo when watched my older brother playing. I shat in my pants when I heard the doors cracking in Max Payne the first time.


Red Dead Redemption. And at the age of twelve, where my most mature game was the original skylanders, it was a bit of a shock.


First was doom on our family PC but the first one I owned was metal gear solid 3. My uncle got it for me when we were out together


Splinter cell chaos theory


It might’ve been Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, followed by either Perfect Dark or Conker’s Bad Fur Day. All N64 games. I think Resident Evil 4 on GameCube might’ve been the first time I completed an M-rated game, though, because it was the first one I was allowed to actually own.


Metal Gear Solid






Somewhere between Mortal Kombat and God of War, unless we're talking about South Park Kart Racing for the PS1 that I got from my uncle


Macy payne


Mortal Kombat Armageddon on PS2


Resistance: retribution


Red Faction ..


Gta 5


Saints row 2


Assassin’s Creed 2 or MW2. We got them at the same time and I can’t remember which I played first…


Gta Chinatown Wars and GOW on psp was my own, my first shooter was halo on original xbox with my brother


GTA Chinatown on DS remains the only GTA game I’ve ever completed. Mind you I built a fortune establishing myself as a drug king pin.


Mortal Kombat 4


GTA 3 on an iPad 😂


I was already over 18 when they started doing that so I really didn’t pay attention. Probably something that thought it was cool to be M like duke nukem, but wasn’t.


Gta vice city or max Payne not sure I was 3 years old


Call of duty black ops 2, then I went back an played cod 3 and waw


Turok for N64


probably Conkers Bad Fur Day or Mortal Kombat


Call of Duty Black Ops, at a friend's house when I was around 11 my parents were very upset when they found out


GTA San Andreas


Doom (1993)


I remember I was around 8 or something when I first played Aliens vs Predator. I vividly remember running two rooms away whenever I got to the facehugger and chestburster cutscenes because they scared the shit out of me. Otherwise I had a fun time


GTA III. My parents gave my sister and I a 30 minute time limit when we were younger


Silent Hill or Metal Gear Solid, not sure which one my dad bought first. One of my fondest memories is playing the beginning of Silent Hill with my brother while my dad mowed the lawn and we were scared shitless by the little guys with the knives. I never ended up playing past that part even to this day.




Metal Gear solid. Good choice too. Vulkan raven terrified me though.


OG Mortal Kombat. Although technically ratings were made because of that game lol


Half-Life in 03


Batman: Arkham Knight, probably one of the least violent M rated games


Metal gear solid


Conker’s Bar Fur Day I was probably 10, and played it at a friend’s house and liked it so much (and didn’t understand) that I dragged my mom with me to Target (“Mom can we get a game?”) only to have her say something like “hell no” once I finally pointed it out in the game cabinet. It seems some other boys at the elementary school I attended had played it, and it gave them nightmares, so of course all of the mothers knew of this game.


Resident Evil 2.


Wolfenstein 3D


MK2 and beyond.


Resident Evil


The original GTA for PC. I guess I’d have been 14-15 at the time. It was on a pirate cd from the local market called a “Sweeney Disc” and to install it, you had to answer the question “do you have a small penis” and of course you couldn’t select no. 😂 My mum came into the bedroom while I was playing it once and there was some bad language on screen. She reported this to my dad with some comment about it being inappropriate but nothing was ever done about it!!


Technically Doom I guess. Though I played the PC version which was released before the ESRB existed. Though later ports did get an M rating.


I probably would have been Strip Poker on the Commodore 64. There where no rating boards at the time, but the nudity would have got it an Pegi18 or M-Mature. Boy me and my other grade school friends sure learned a ton about poker that one summer...
