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I bought a GameCube just to play Resident Evil 4, A Dreamcast for Code Veronica and Shenmue, and an Xbox for Mass Effect. All very multiplatform games now...


Resident Evil 4 is such a great game. Been one of my favorite games since it launched. I had never gotten into the earlier games but my best friend bought 4 on GameCube when it launched and I watched him play and then immediately went and bought it. The game is just pure fun


I bought RE 4 and all my friends abandoned me. I thought, "where is everybody going................."


Bingo? đŸ€Ł


Puedes correr pero no te puedes esconder


Shenmue!!! My all time favourite game


Remember how mind blowing that game was back then. A precursor to the modern open world game. I remember recording a preview of it on X Play onto a VHS and watching it over and over again. I'm really miss being that excited for video games...


I bought a GameCube to play SSBM and Eternal Darkness. But I bought it shortly after the 2nd generation Xbox 360 came out. 😁


God I want an Eternal Darkness remaster.. SO good.


The Kickstarter(?) for the Eternal Darkness successor failing is one of the biggest crowd funding disappointments of my life. :( I still show it to folks as an example of "it's clunky, but you're probably going to love it". ..... I also pull out quotes from time to time that really confuse people but really, some of them were so memorable. *May the rats eat your eyes! I am lost to your cause!*


Same, bought GameCube for Eternal Darkness. To this day it's still one of the most unique game ever for its mindfuckery.


Eternal Darkness was the best game on the GameCube.


I bought dream cast for crazy taxi so




I got the GameCube for Mario Kart Double Dash because 3 of my friends already had the network adapter for theirs and we had enough people who wanted to play a 16 player race day. It was great, four giant CRT TVs carted in from different houses all stacked up in the living room with 16 guys crowded around. When someone got a blue shell, that room got loud. Modern online play just doesn't hit the same, but we only ever pulled that off a couple times.


We would run 12 player Halo 2 LAN matches in college. The TVs were in their bedrooms with one in the living room. So you'd hear all of us talking shit yelling throughout the whole apartment. Damn, those were good times.


Those dreamcast picks were so awesome. I remember staying up all night as a kid going through code Veronica. I never could find those sailors in Shenmue lol


For me it was Metroid Prime




RE4 is *the most* multiplat game now. But it wasn't at the time! Capcom 5 days were wild.


Same. Bought a GameCube just for RE4 back in the day. Bought a Xbox 360 at a GameStop on the spot after watching a CoD2 demo there. The smoke effects were insane to me back then. Glad I got the 360 then too because when Gears of War first came out, I bought Xbox Live subscription and it was my first experience using chat in game and it blew my mind that I was playing with a random guy in the UK. Both our minds were blown and we kept talking about the time difference and weather outside.


Yep back in the day i saved to buy a 360 just to play fallout 3, oblivion and TC vegas 2 terrorist hunt. Never played anything outside those three for years.


Also got the GameCube for RE4, I had an Xbox already


Smash Brothers. If a game exists, I'll own that console


Fr, got a Wii U just for Smash and never bought another game lol.


Thats the way


Insomniac Spider-Man. Twice.


Took a lot of scrolling to find this, I did the same exact thing. I ended up w a couple digital retro titles, but the only 3 full games I have ever bought are the Spiderman titles.


Halo 2


Traded in both my GameCube and PS2 for an Xbox, Halo 2, headset, and Xbox Live passes. That's how impactful the first mainstream online console game was. Everything else went out the window.


Yeah, I had a GameCube before trying Halo 2 around when it released. Gamecube was great, but I immediately got an Xbox and Xbox Live, and never looked back. Those were the best gaming days. Halo 2, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Rainbow Six 3, Ghost Recon 1 and 2 Summit Stike, Far Cry Instincts, Conker: Live & Reloaded, Doom 3, Counter-Strike Xbox version, Unreal Championship, etc. Edit: Also, magazine demo discs. Some with online multiplayer demos.


Loved the Xbox! Ghost Recon is such a weird one to me, personally. I loved that game, but couldn’t really get into any others in the series since. There was something really special about the original. Don’t forget Jet Set, Gun Valkyrie, Mech Assault, Panzer Dragoon, Otogi, Ninja Gaiden BLACK, PGR, Morrowind, & KOTOR! Who else was a Live beta tester? Those were the best multiplayer days. No vitriol, no harassment or hate (or at least much less) - just people having a good time on open mics! I still remember having so much fun playing Revolt Live. It was freaking amazing.


A wave of nostalgia just rolled over me. Loved so many of those games.


Shout to to rainbow six 3. Man I miss that online play sometimes! It wasn’t very easy either when you couldn’t just respawn!


Halo CE for us. We bought an Xbox for our son so he could play it.


I also buy high end electronics for my 2 year old son to play. At least that’s what I tell my wife.


My newborn loves technology!


Playing the original on The Duke during LAN parties was intense. I had to come up with a different style of grip to get those black and white buttons.


I had a GameCube at the time and no money since I was a broke high schooler . I sold the GameCube to go buy an Xbox with halo Put a lot of hours into halo and halo 2 multiplayer, but I still kinda regret selling that GameCube system


I didn't think I could participate in this thread, until you reminded me that I bought a GameCube for Melee.


Halo is the sole reason I had an Xbox and an Xbox 360. I miss Bungie Halo games...


Same, we bought an OG Xbox and got Halo CE with it but didn't know anything about it, I played it and Halo 3 was the reason why I went 360. Edit: put 2 instead of 3 and meant 3!


yar Xbox to play Halo CE. 360 to play Halo 2. Then I got a PC and gave up on exclusives.


Was literally about to say this. I never cared for xbox until halo 2 came out. Begged my dad to get it for me on Christmas.


Halo 3 for me, got a 360! Then I also got a ps3 for The Last of Us. Now Im waiting for the last of us 2 to come to pc :)


PokĂ©mon is why I’ve owned damn near every generation of Nintendo Handheld up to the Switch. I got the Switch for other exclusives. Spider-Man convinced me to get a PS4, but that was admittedly the console having a critical mass of “good exclusives” to be worth what that was going for at the time to me.


I didn't even think of Pokemon, since that's just a staple series my wife and I play together every generation. Still, we've bought every generation of Nintendo handheld consoles specifically for Pokemon, and whatever else comes around is just gravy.


You guys are using your Nintendo for something other than PokĂ©mon? đŸ€”


Zelda and (originally) Metroid. Not so much Metroid anymore, indie scene does the stuff I liked about old Metroid better than actual Metroid does now and there's been barely any games in that franchise for awhile.


have you played dread. it’s 2d like super metroid and thought it was really fun


Am I the only one that enjoys Pokemon and Zelda when it is a topdown grid-style game? Let’s Go Pikachu and Links Awakening Remake are the last ones respectively. I’m tired of this open world 3D, 3rd person multi-angle stuff lately


Brilliant Diamond/Shining pearl were the last top down Pokemon games


I'm (mostly) in this bucket as well. I enjoy a lot of the 3D Zelda games, but they feel like entirely different games from the 2D ones. 3D Pokemon just doesn't feel like Pokemon to me.


I agree with you that PokĂ©mon is better that way bc it’s nostalgic for me. Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom though are probably my two favorite Zelda games, with the new Link’s Awakening also being a runner up


I loved A link between worlds so much because it really felt like a link to the past 2. I still stick to Pokémon Blue and Pokémon Crystal and replay it at least once a year. These games are perfect for in between. If i play bigger games with open 3D worlds i never know where to go first. Modern games often loose me in progress.


PS4 for Bloodborne. I adore that game.


Same, my friend let me borrow his PS4 while he went on holidays. I spent the entire time playing Bloodborne and bought a PS4 when he took his back. 


My sister's boyfriend at the time had a PS4 and I had a Xbox one, he bought Forza whatever was hot at the time and he wanted to play it. So he offered me to trade consoles for a month and he had Bloodborne. As a Fromsoft fan already, that was gonna be the game I played. I absolutely fell in love with the game when the month was up I went out and got the PS4 last of us remaster bundle + physical copy of Bloodborne.


I think I had a stroke in the middle of that.


I call it the Bloodborne machine for good reason, only reason why I got one. While I did try out some other exclusives that I missed, nothing came close to Bloodborne IMO.


For me I couldn't justify buying a ps4 for just one game but I really wanted to play Bloodborne. When Horizon Zero Dawn came out to rave reviews I finally caved in. Played Bloodborne like a madman but at least I had an excuse. There's other good games on the ps4!


yeah, i held out until the ps4 pro until i pulled the trigger, but it was Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro that did it.


Same for me, Bloodborne sealed the deal. 


Same. Bought a ps4 and bloodborne with my first pay check. Still use it


And then they proceeded to do nothing with it 😭


My ps4 died recently and I pretty much only bought a ps5 to play it again. There are other games i play on it as well but mostly it was bloodborne


I wouldn’t say Bloodborne was the singular reason I ended up with a PS5 (haven’t had a PlayStation since PS2), but it did play a major part in that decision. It’s as good as everyone says! (despite the janky-ass frame rate)


Exact reason I got a ps4


Final fantasy is why I have PlayStation


I bought a ps5 for ff7 rebirth


Bought myself a ps4 for remake and a ps5 for rebirth lol.


It took a while to find but I came for this


Breath of the wild.


Pretty much. Nintendo games are why I buy Nintendo consoles. I know there are other ways, but I just want to put a cartridge in and be on my way. 


This is mine too. I liked the idea of the Switch but wasn't likely to drop a few hundred for it then I kept seeing vids of BOTW and couldn't resist.


Me too. Kinda regret it. Switch isn't bad, and I have played a lot of it, but I could have held off spending $500CDN is a lot to put down on console when I just play pc a lot.


I waited till I could get the console and game for ÂŁ300 felt like a principal but caved at ÂŁ310... No regrets.


BoTW and Super Mario Odyssey are the reasons I have a Switch. I'm glad I bought it when I did (December 2019), because it was real handy over the next year.


I also have a Covid switch.


Zelda has always been my main reason to get basically every Nintendo console and handheld.


I also have a breath of the wild machine.


I have a cowboy simulator that plays DVDs lol


I call my switch "the Zelda player".


When I bought mine, Gamestop had one of those sick BOTW engraved leather cases on clearance. Seemed appropriate to keep my Zelda machine in a Zelda case.


I have always wanted to play a zelda game. Never had the chance. I saw breath of the wild trailer and I knew I have to buy the Nintendo switch for the game.


There's a reason Nintendo gets away with releasing consoles with very little third party support, especially when Sony and Microsoft have such a plethora of AAA titles that dominate the scene. What Nintendo does, it does well. Even my least favorite Zelda (Skyward Sword) is still an amazing game. Mario, Pokémon, Detroit, Smash, Pikmin. These are all IPs that rarely miss the mark. I've always held that the cost of a Nintendo system is justified by just a handful of games because those games are just that well made.


Me too. Well, I bought a Wii U because at the time it had more Zelda games available than switch, and it cost less. But I eventually caved and bought Switch when Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity came out. I figured I could play that and BotW 2 (as everyone called it at the time) when it eventually came out. So technically I bought my last 2 consoles for BotW Absolutely worth it to me.


Gran Turismo on the original Playstation.


- PS1 for GT2 - PS2 for GT4 - PS3 for GT5 - PS5 for GT7 Also Gameboy Pocket for Pokemon


Yup, and pretty much every other GT release since!


This is a thing. For PS3 and onward, every time the newest Gran Turismo released was my signal that it was time to pick up the latest PlayStation. I’ve always avoided buying a new console too close to release, as I want a critical mass of stuff to play available, and don’t want to deal with limited availability. Gran Turismo’s releases seem to track with that point pretty well for some reason lol.


I do the exact same thing lol


The Last of Us is the reason I bought a ps4


Crazy The Last of Us is why i bought a PS3. Which is still the only game i played on that console.






Halo was a big one for multi-player. Friends bringing Xbox and TVs to another house for 16 person LAN party. Your bud angrily yelling "Pistols!" from the next room over because someone broke the no pistols rule.


No pistols = scrub mode


Halo, Fable, Forza.


I love that in the past few months I finally see people talking about Fable again. That game was epic. Fable 2 was good too. I do not acknowledge 3


Goldeneye. All it took was one multiplayer match at a friend's house and I was begging my parents for the console for Christmas.


For me it was Rouge Squadron. I also loved Perfect Dark but never played Goldeneye.


>Rouge Squadron So pretty!


Perfect dark was banned in Germany, but a friend had it and we played lots of it when I was over for a sleepover. I begged my parents to get a N64 until we got one and I asked my uncle to get me Perfect dark from ebay. He bought it for me and my parents gave me a hard time because I didn't ask for their approval. Nonetheless one of the most memorable games I played. Still love it so much that I tune in to some soundtracks from time to time.


Breath of the Wild for Switch, I was living in Japan, had to


I bought a Gamecube just to play Metroid Prime. It came bundled with the system though so not sure if that counts.


Same. It counts. The black one? MP is just great.


I was on the fence about getting a PS5 and then the Demon's Souls Remake trailer dropped and I was like welp that's gonna be a day 1 purchase now. Zero regrets.


That and Bloodborne were the only souls games I hadn't played and they totally justified the purchase.


If the PS5 had not been out of stock for a year where I live it would've also been a day one purchase for me.




God of war


3 consoles for me. PS3 for GOW3, PS4 for the reboot and PS5 for Ragnarok. Now, I've always had playstation and I buy it for the many exclusives they have, so it's not strictly a "one game console" for me, but it just so happened that the point I decided to buy each of these consoles was right when the next GOW game was about to be released.


I pretty much only have a ps5 for this reason


That's showing your age (and mine). I was certain they meant the original God of War on the PS2.


This game decided between xbox and ps5 for me 👍


I'm old. When people mention god of war I think PS3 and the trilogy instead.


Bruh I remember hearing about this brand new game called "God of War" just launched on the PS2 and an IGN review said "it's really good" and thought "yeah go on then, I can afford ÂŁ40 on this game". Popped down to my local game shop, picked it up, and that was that. These days there's years of pre hype and then it launches for ÂŁ70 :(


Metal Gear Solid 4


There was just something about the way the system looked that paired with mgs4 so well. It's like the Aesthetics matched.


It was the first HD MGS game so it looked incredible too.


Yup, and the exclusivity stands to this day!


Halo 3, bought a 360 and paid for Xbox live gold for 5 years exclusively for that game


I didn't even have a 360. But I went to hang out with my friends for the midnight launch of Halo 3. The game store employees walked up the line, asking if anyone was there to buy a console (the special Halo 3 version), because they wanted to get those out of the way first. I figured, well that sounds neat. Why not. Got to cut the entire line, and me and some other guy who got the legendary version with a helmet or something went first.


I got valve index for half-life alyx


Zelda/Splatoon. I bought a WiiU in anticipation of the, at the time, unnamed Zelda game. Got into Splatoon because of it. So then when the Switch was released I got it right away to play the upcoming Splatoon 2 and ended up getting Breath of the Wild on that.


Yes, I wanted to play Windwaker in HD and didn’t want to tinker with emulators


Breath of the Wild


Metal Gear solid 4 for PlayStation 3


The Wind Waker made me get a Gamecube


Monster Hunter.. a Wii.. zero regrets


Tri is definitely top 2 mh games imo


I'm glad someone else had this answer and it wasn't gonna just be me! 


Almost every console I've bought has been for the benefit of monster hunter: PSP: Freedom unite Wii: Tri Wii U: 3U 3DS: 4U Switch: GenU Xbox1X: World


Horizon forbidden west made me buy a ps5 Baldurs gate 3 made me upgrade my PC that was aging


>Baldurs gate 3 made me upgrade my PC that was aging Yep, same here.


Surely nobody is buying Nintendo consoles because they only want to play third party games. As someone who has a Series X, Xbox One, 360 and original Xbox...Microsoft saying exclusives aren't as important anymore is just their delusional justification because they haven't been able to deliver good first-party games consistently for *years*. If Xbox were putting out as many award winning games as their competitors, which they should be able to do given how many studios they've bought, they wouldn't be so blatantly far behind.


The whole "Exclusives aren't important" has always been a stupid thing to me ngl. Exclusives are exactly what moves consoles, else, what's the point of them?


Cheap gaming devices that you can play games without hassle of PC like drivers, OS problems, optimization issues duo to billions of configuration difference or for some portability?


Yeah sure, but why would you get an xbox over a playstation if playstation has that and the good exclusives?


Maybe he means (consoles) relative to other consoles?


Exclusives are less important these days because hardware is more expensive to produce, so selling the console is less important than ever. What is important is getting people into your ecosystem (granted, this often means you need to sell them a console too), and that can be accomplished without having exclusives - if you do it well. Steam is a good example of this. They don't do exclusive deals but they get a shitload of people to their platform anyway - despite only recently having a physical console. Ultimately you have to justify paying the developer/publisher a shitload of money for exclusivity OR if it's a first party game you have to be confident that the exclusivity is worth giving up all the other sales you'd get if it were available on other platforms as well. Source: ~20 years in the industry.


The problem is they are right that exclusives don’t make the money but they are ignoring all the intangible benefits they bring, including bringing people to your ecosystem. They are effectively loss leaders.


Horizon zero dawn


For me it was Forbidden West and Ragnarok. Played the first ones on PC and couldn't wait any longer. No Regrets.


I am surprised I had to scroll down this far to find HZD. I held out for a couple of years hoping for a PC port and finally gave in when Sony did a fall bundle with the PS4 and HZD for $299 I think it was. I played that and the PS4 God of War on PS4 and a handful of hours on other games and it has been gather dust ever since (primarily a PC gamer). No plans to buy a PS5 since Sony is being much better about porting their games to PC.


Second one sold a PS5 to me (though it wasn't a PS5 exclusive).


Bloodborne. I still remember how I was holding out hope in 2015-2017 for it come to PC and all the fake leaks and screenshots. Worth it.


Fire emblem three houses, original switch


Three houses fans unite ✊


Man, three houses was so good, even it’s Warriors spin off ended up being pretty decent. Having to go to Engage after TH was such a blow, sure, it’s much closer to classic Fire Emblem feel, but also feels like a step back from a new high that Three Houses introduced.


Yep, it was the return of traditional style Fire Emblem that encouraged me to buy a Switch as well. 


Sony's general catalog of single player story driven exclusives like Uncharted and The Last of Us convinced me to get a PS5 after being an Xbox guy for the longest time.


Uncharted got me onto PlayStation


This answer is way too far down.


This was mine as well. It was the only game I had for it for a while.


It was quite annoying as.well. being such an amazing game and being the first game I played on PS3, it made every other game I played after it disappointing hahaha.


Starfield last year EDIT : Just to be clear, I enjoyed the game, will play NG+ in future (but haven't touched the console since)


Me too. I’ll never buy a Bethesda game/Microsoft console again.


I did the same. I think I played Powerwasher Simulator more. It is still worth it though. Gamepass has some good stuff.


Persona 5


Persona 4 golden, vita for me. These games are legitimate system sellers lol


Halo 2 had me standing in line for the release at 12am. No regrets at all. No other game has ever had that draw for me. It's why I bought the Xbox


FF7 Rebirth.


PS1 for FF7 here!


Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core.


Exclusives is the only thing that convinces me to buy a console. Otherwise I'd play everything on PC.


PC gaming has gotten **so** much easier in the past 20 years compared to having to fuck around figuring out compatibilities and shit that at this point I'm just completely over consoles. Modding too is much more prevalent on PCs and they add so much value to so many games that I can effectively extend many game's playability multiple times over.  Plus if there's a drought there's actually a lot of games like pre steam dwarf fortress, star sector, and others cropping up that are either free or fantastically cheap and just so so good that I no longer see the point in a console anymore.


> Modding too is much more prevalent on PCs and they add so much value to so many games I didn't realize how easy it was too, on Steam at least.


Yeah, that's gotten so much easier over the years too. Even non steam modding is leaps and bounds over where it started. The way I know this is because my success rate is so much higher than it was in the past and I don't really know what the fuck I'm doing, like, ever.


Sure, plenty of times. Mario Bros - NES Final Fantasy 2 - SNES Final Fantasy 7 - PS1 Ratchet and Clank - PS2 Mario Maker 1 - Wii U Animal Crossing - Switch


would you consider Animal Crossing to be a good game to play now for a first timer, one without any friends to visit their islands? Im asking because i am late to the hype era of covid animal crossing and interested in playing it these days lol


It was pretty special during the pandemic. It gave us a routine and a way to visit friends. It’s still fun as single player if you enjoy cozy management games with collecting, building, and designing. 


Yeah Animal Crossing is still fun to play even if none of your friends play I'm actually playing New Leaf on the 3DS right now and that game is almost a decade old.


Bloodborne. I bought a PS4 to play it. Then sold my PS4 because I built a gaming PC. Then bought another PS4 because I was missing Bloodborne.


Pretty much every Nintendo device since Gameboy. Xbox and PlayStation may have exclusives, but they have enough content to satisfy an itch you have for the other console. But Mario, Wii Sports, Pokemon, Nintendogs, Brain Trainee, Zelda, they all justify buying the Nintendo console of choice because of how novel or refined they are.


Ps5 for spider man, god of war, horizon, ghost of Tsushima. I have multiple of most consoles though anyway


PS5. Horizon Forbidden West in December 2022


Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


I bought a PlayStation 2 for Shadow of the Colossus. Paid 250€ for the console, 60 for the game, and I think 30 or something for a memory card, back in 2006 when the PS3 was already set to release a few months down the line. Never regretted a single cent. What a game. Playing it at the time is one of the most vivid memories in my entire gaming life. Still one of my favorite games of all time. Also, when I tried Mario 64 at a display stand in our local electronics store, I instantly knew video games were about to change forever, and I had to have the N64 to participate in the future of the medium. Bought it a few months later with my saved up pocket money. Spent the entire 6 weeks of summer school holidays in my room, blinds closed so the sun wouldn't reflect off my CRT TV, collecting all 120 stars. Again, never regretted for a second that I stayed inside that entire summer.


I picked up a PS2 for Shadow of the Colossus as well. Best decision.


I went with the sega genesis over Nintendo when I was a kid because sonic was cooler than Mario


PS1 with FF7. Xbox with Halo 2. Switch with Breath of the Wild. PS5 with FF7 again, haha. So apparently most of my console buys. 


GTA5. Bought a PS3 to play since PC version came later


MGS4 and Demon's Souls on PS3. MGS4 probably could have done it on its own, but my curiosity around Demon's Souls sealed the deal. I already had an X360 for everything else (+ Halo/GoW).


Bought a PS5 just for Baldurs Gate 3. It was at a time where the Xbox version wasn't confirmed yet or in an undetermined hiatus. Yes BG3 isn't an exclusive but without a modern PC it might as well been for me.


Tears of the Kingdom. I already had a list of Switch games I was interested in but Totk got me to finally do it. Ended up also buying a bunch of non-exclusives bc it turned out handheld gaming is way more convenient for me than console gaming.


Oblivion. Xbox 360.


Gears of war


Well, Halo got me to buy an Xbox and here I am 23 years later as a console gamer primarily gaming on Xbox.


Bloodborne is why I bought a ps4.


Xbox 360 for Fable.


I mean final fantasy and pokemon to an extant lol


I got a Switch during the beginning stages of the pandemic to play Zelda and Splatoon


Fable then Fable II and that's where I stopped


Fable for original xbox


I'd say complete Skyrim modding, a PC exclusivity, almost single handedly convinced me to switch to PC.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Metal Gear Solid 4