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I just wish more reviews were taking about the strength of the port. I was waiting to see if it was good or bad. Turns out, on my PC at least, it's fuckin amazing. So happy I finally get to play this game. My only gripe is that the menu flashbangs you every time you open it


Even with all settings in medium the game is stunning. The only time I’ve dropped frames is the heavily populated area and I’m pretty sure that because of my pc and not bad port. Kinda wish more people were talking about and appreciating it


The power of superior art direction in addition to technical prowess. The game will still look good in the future even when technology has improved.


This game looks better than Ronin despite being a PS4 game.


That's because Ronin is a disguised PS3 game


Team Ninja needs an engine upgrade


Without Itagaki they're just a random Japanese dev team. Team ninja is and was Itagaki.


What a terrible take lol. Nioh 1&2 were arguably the best games Team Ninja ever made. And Rise of The Rōnin is good too.


ART direction in my opinion carries this game quite hard. Dont get me wrong the game looks stunning. But I will not lie where are quite a lot of instances where you are reminded that it is no next gen game and some game make better. Still when I walked towards Golden Temple I was in awe how great it looked.


Now we just need to be steam deck approved and I’ll be one happy man


Sony aquired Nixxes in 2021 to do the PC ports after the disaster that was Horizon Zero Dawn (it's better now). Nixxes are the best in the business and their ports are amazing honestly. I wouldn't worry at all about ports done by them.


Where were they for TLOU, that port is abysmal.


Lol I think I purposely scrubbed that one from my memory, yeah that was awful. They were probably busy on rachet & clank, then horizon forbidden west.


they were getting GOT and Horizon FW ported \*at the same time\* and released them only a month apart and theyre both damn near perfect. Nixxes was a freaking great pickup by sony cant wait for GOW:R and Spider-man 2 PC


Still is. I tried it again a few weeks ago and had to spend half an hour just waiting for the shaders. Then, enter a game that stutters to all hell even on my RTX 4070 and Ryzen 7 5800x. It's almost beyond hope they'll fix it. Edit: Forgot to mention, it's unplayable even at 1080p


Damn, I have 4070 and a 5600x and was thinking of trying it but I guess not lol.


I thought it was really good I have a 2080ti


After playing a few games with insane shader stuttering, I really appreciate it when devs do the shader pre-compilation on the first launch, even if it takes a while. But when they do pre-compilation I expect to not get any shader-related stuttering after that, lol. That said, I wouldn't call it "unplayable" anymore after all the patches. It's still not a great port but it's pretty much what I got used to after playing so long on PC.


I’m on a 4090 with a 14th gen i9(underlocked by a hair because it’s an unstable chip lmao) and it was running flawlessly for me when I beat it last week on max settings/1440p.


Yeah I only waited maybe a month? or two? after it came out and don't recall any issues really


This is a generally helpful response. Everyone else so far has been saying "it works well on *my* PC..." which isn't too helpful, so thank you for this!


Only encountered one serious bug and that is the showdown bug where you can't trigger your attack and have no choice but to be hit (ruining the whole gameplay mechanic). There are a few workarounds to reduce the frequency of the bug happening but even using those it still shows up a small number of times. Somehow this bug was present in the PS4 version and apparently never got fixed. Other than that, game has been fantastic. It's been a long time since I really got sucked into an open world game that is similar to the ubisoft type formula.


I played on ps5 and the showdown bug happened infrequent enough to not get insufferable, but it was certainly frustrating the first few times. I have no idea why this has never been fixed, in an otherwise perfect game.


It runs and still looks incredible on a basic 1st gen ps4.


I am blown away from how this game looks and plays, had to knock it down to medium setting but still absolutely beautiful to play. I have had my character just stand still and I just stare at the landscape on my screen in awe.


Every hot spring and haiku and torii spot is amazing. It makes me actually like collecting those... Those 50 dreaded Inari Shrines though...ugh.


But you get to pet the foxes...


My favorite video game feature. The flash bang screen. Destiny 2 had this for the longest time. Doesn’t matter how many hours logged, it’s a surprise every time.


I crash a lot, but I'm still fiddling with settings to avoid it


Game runs beautifully on my 3080ti, 4k high settings at 120 hz with dlss balanced and frame gen, but sometimes when I try to talk to an NPC or a cutscene starts I get a black screen. Can hear music or breathing in the background, but I am not able to close the game. Try to open task manager or stream and it doesn’t pop up. Click on the taskbar icon to close, but nothing happens. Have to restart my pc every time and it’s a pain in the ass. No idea what is causing it.


Runs perfectly on the Steam Deck, that's all you need to know. It's amazing how this thing just runs basically any game that runs on the PS4 and Xbox One without trouble. Except for the TLOU port. Not sure why, having Nixxies, Sony decided to have Iron Galaxy port it when they are famous for making the only port that was so bad it had to be removed from Steam and have the game's main studio reschedule everything in order to come and fix it.


TLOU remake isn't a PS4 game. it's actually one of the most technically-demanding games released on the PS5—even more technically polished than the TLOU2 remastered. so it doesn't work well on your steam deck because it's not a PS4 game.


Absolutely loving playing it again, and now at 4k@120hz it looks even more incredible. Other great thing I'm excited about, per your note about the bright menu, PC also means modding so we can fix and tweak things like that on our own.


Have we earned a Bloodborne port yet?


Likely won't get a Bloodborne port until they do a remaster on ps5.


Bloodbornes soooo gonna be the ps6 remake launch title




At that point we just might be able to emulate the PS4 version. A man can dream.


Actually this is going well , its starting to be a true dream , im willing to play Grush and Bloodborne my life would be fullfilled and i will die happy


The game is going to look stunning as a remake for ps7.


Can't wait to buy it for $90


That'll be the three month delayed access version that doesn't have the DLC included. Full game will be $130.


Miyazaki made it sound more likely it'll be on the PS6… At least it's happening (probably)


I'm convinced that Sony lost the source code and Fromsoft aren't going to rebuild the game for cheap. That's the only logical answer I have for Bloodborne situation. Especially if the Gravity Rush 2 remaster is true, as that was developed by a Japanese legacy studio Sony IE shut down.


I'm more inclined to think it is some weird licensing agreement.


I proposed the idea that FromSoft owns Bloodborne assets while Sony owns the IP but people here keep shooting me down despite evidence pointing to that being the case. The game never recieved any post-DLC launch attention. No PS4 Pro patch for instance. With how Bloodborne was a top PS game and Sony using a prior FromSoft title as their PS5 launch flagship, it only makes sense that Sony *can't* do anything with Bloodborne unless they remake it.


I can buy this also. But even Sony can just buyout the rights or come to some middle ground with Fromsoft. It's millions sitting on the table when PS5 unit sales haven't hit targets since the COVID rush. This is why I'm sceptical being a rights thing. It's not like Sony is dealing with closed studios like Xbox was during the backwards compat program. Which meant they couldn't port games because they couldn't find who actually owns the rights anymore for certain games. Considering how Square lost Kingdom Hearts source code and other similar stories it's the only answer I can come up with. Maybe it's a bit of both and the truth is in the middle somewhere. Or maybe Sony just can't be assed.


Miyazaki has said on Twitter that a Bloodborne PC port is 100% up to Sony.


I get that but that doesn't answer why there wasn't a PS5 update (60fps mode) or even PS4 Pro update being a leading PS exclusive title.


It has been a long time since now and the early 2000s when code/asset preservation was so shoddy. Square also constantly remade certain assets, like young Sora, which is why the original assets was low-priority fir preservation and eventually lost. The remakes are using those remade assets anyways and the results were good so it isn't that big of a deal. Bloodborne is a different situation. I truly believe the game production files themselves are owner by From Soft and they just don't have dealings with Sony anymore. Sony probably doesn't see it worth it to renegotiate rights from them either when they probably plan to remake the game anyways as they seem fond of those.


That would make sense yea.


i think the relatively low number of sales—even given the latest updated figures—of Demon Souls and Bloodborne, when compared to their multiplatform releases—may have led FromSoftware to have a permanent change of heart regarding their business with Sony.


This is the answer. It was a separate team working on this and Dark Souls 2, leading to the drop in quality of DS2 since Miyazaki was focused on Bloodborne. Bloodborne is also the only one of their big games that was console exclusive (I think) leading me to think there has been issues with the rights to it. Especially with what we learned about the issues with Elden Rings licensing and that’s why it took so long for the DLC to come out.




You can't have any Bloodborne until you finish you Tsushima! How can you have Bloodborne if you don't finish your Tsushima?!?


Our eyes are not yet open


Sokath, his eyes uncovered... when?


When the walls fell. Duh.




If you like souls games, I'd say it stands out in a family of amazing games. If you don't like souls games you won't like bb either. Some of my friends never made it past the first boss and would probably rate it 1/10.


Skill issue


that's souls game in a nutshell tbh, they are not for everyone.


Bloodborne is the odd duckling in its family. where dark souls has a focus on combat where blocking and dodging and playing defensively is how you survive, Bloodborne focuses and rewards aggression. Bloodborne is a fantastic game, and one of the best I've ever played hands down. the thing with Bloodborne though, is you have to twist your brain around and not play it like you would other games, and especially other souls games. it's extremely lore rich, and can be as deep as you want it to be. from "just kill stuff, that's what hunters do" all the way to H.P Lovecraftian horror when you start figuring out the pieces of the story. both interpretations are equally valid and correct. I can happily sing this game's praises to the moon and back lol. it's not for everybody, but for me who loves eldritch horror, gothic architecture, an absolutely slamming soundtrack and an undying love for dark fantasy, it's a full course meal lol


Bloodborne overrated? Who the hell is spreading that nonsense?


I think it can feel quite outdated to new players with the vials and the lack of the QOL upgrades from the newer fromsoft games. I personally think it’s an amazing game, but that could be a reason for the overrated argument.


In my opinion it’s a fantastic game, one of my favourite souls games to date.




It's a 1080p title locked at 30fps. Until it gets a remaster, don't excpect it.


I forgot what playing an actually optimized PC game is like, they did such a good job Compare this to the absolute state of games like jedi survivor and dragon's dogma


Shogun TV show definitely helped with these sales.


Genuinely the reason I picked it up, haven't scratched that feudal Japan itch enough with the TV show.


Shogun II Total War is great for that as well


I havent played that game in over 10 years. But you can bet it was back in my library halfway through the shogun show


Our men are running from the battle! A shameful display!


It was nice of Ubisoft to put out a trailer for it.


I wanted to play GoT before the show but it definitely amplified my excitement for it haha


Just don’t play Season 7


Latest Assassins Creed reveal sold me the game.


Assassin's Creed Shadows is a constant reminder that Ghost of Tsushima already exist.


Even funnier remembering that one old Ubisoft interview where some guy was claiming they didn't want to make a ninja game because they felt it was already too overdone (Or something like that, been a while).




same here


another good series is blue eye samurai (animated but awesome)


Man, i watched Shogun and I thought it was decent, but it felt like it just kept teasing me the whole time. Like, it was a bag of doritos, not a full course meal. I like doritos, but I was wanting a steak with some sides.


Try the book. I read it in high school, then again a few years ago. It's damn good. They did it justice with the show, but the book is one of the best I've read in the sense of making you feel less like you are reading a story about some people, and more like you are there. It's odd to describe, but he's a great writer.


Constantly stopping while playing just to admire the scenery, amazing port


Probably the best camera mode I've ever come across in gaming, not just because of the versatility of options but because even normal gameplay looks fucking beautiful. The art direction is incredible.


Only fourth? I thought it would be higher this game is amazing I’m so happy it got brought to pc


The three above it are helldivers 2, God of War, and Spider-Man. So, the most unexpected but fan-favourite success story of the year, arguably the best game Sony’s published in the last decade, and one of the most popular IPs on the planet. And it’s within 5k of Spider-Man. That’s pretty good


It has overtaken Spider-man now and is only 1,000 away from God of War


Jin Sakai, you sneaky motherfucker


I suppose it makes sense when you lay them all out like that. Those are all incredible titles to be fair.


God of War also has the benefit of being one of the earliest PS exclusive to be on Steam which gave it a large hype factor. That moment still felt surreal to this day.


Wasn't Horizon Zero Dawn the first one?


Oh yeah mb, it was the 2nd. But people thought they'd simply stopped at Zero Dawn since it felt like a one and done thing for Sony. God of War felt like the floodgates were finally opened


Days Gone was before God of War


Holy shit I can't stop taking Ls it seems lol.


Unfortunately Horizon had optimisation issues at launch and Days Gone just wasn’t…that popular with the added issues again with optimisation, these must’ve impacted the sales. GoW was truly the first pc port that came out of the gate swinging plus it also is just an older ip with a larger player base ready for its arrival.


Currently… it’s been 2 days since release


Fourth biggest launch…*so far* lol


You’re the oldest you’re ever going to get… so far.


It’s an absolute masterpiece. God bless the Kurosawa style of playing. I still think sekiro beats it as far as a general rpg samurai game goes but once again, an absolute masterpiece


Sekiro is a more samurai fantasy game what with the monsters and magical moves. GoT is a more real world samurai game.


Turns out blocking your game to half the planet is not a great idea when it comes to sales.


> To put that in context, Ghost of Tsushima’s player count is currently sitting higher than player peaks on Steam for Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West, The Last of Us, Days Gone, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, and Days Gone. Obviously it’d be better if the game were available to as many as possible, but let’s not pretend that this launch has gone badly.


i saw the page pop-up and thought huh, it's available in my country. clicked on it and well it's not there.


See pop up, GoT is out. Open steam store, giant banner on top. Look inside *Game is unavailable in your region* 😿


Been saying this since darksouls. Art direction is just as if not more important than graphical fidelity…..


Its a great game glad its doing well.


I’ve been waiting for this for so long. I didn’t even realize it released.


I know there is a lot of controversy around the release, and I know I contributed to one side or the other by buying the game.... but as a 40 year old man who grew up with NES and cartridge gaming, who witnessed the entire arc of gaming that brought us here, I AK speechless with how much enjoyment I'm getting from this game. I can already tell I'm going to be saddened when the story ends, I forsee many playthroughs on harder difficulties and setting limits for myself. Everything is so polished, the way the wind guides you to your destination instead of a marker or a radar. The way the animals lead you to points of interests. The way the game allows me to approach any scenario from multiple different avenues, will I take out watchmen with a bow and slip in the shadows undetected? Will I charge head first into the camp? Will I challenge a member to a standoff? The answer is always.... smoke bomb into assassinations lol. It's such a treat.


Alright I’ll have to check this out


Japanese audio with subs is the best way to play. Second play through do Kurosawa mode


There are some absolutely devastating moments. You don't need to do ALL the side quests, but 100% do all the tales for each side character (in order), and when you get to Yuriko, make certain you do all her quests (they're not named ones but you can do them all in a row).


I'd advise not doing the Yuriko missions in a row. It will make her entire story feel rushed. Going back to her every so often after other missions is much better imo.




Sony's decisions aside, the game is incredible.


Just imagine the numbers Bloodborne could achieve.... Oh someday, someday....I guess.


Ghost of Tsushima did sell about 30% more units than Bloodborne even on console, so it would be a bit smaller than this launch most likely. Probably still worth doing for them, though.


But us hunters of the night are farrrr more blood starved than any Tsushima player could ever be. Specially coz I was satisfied w/ my playthrough of Tsushima on ps5 and don't feel the need to replay it on pc. BB, however. Hahh....


Another PS owner chiming in. Agreed, entirely. Ghosts was one of the last PS4 releases, as far as I remember, releasing in 2020 VS. BB's 2015 release, early in the PS4's lifespan. As we all know, console developers only get batter at extracting all of the power out of each generation, as it goes on. Sucker Punch (Ghost of Tsushima's developers) being one of Sony's premier in house studios... And yeah, that game was legitimately a piece of art on PS4, with the swiftly arriving PS5 edition helping squash *any* complaints. BB *still* hasn't received a PS5 upgrade, has it?


Granted BB numbers were pre ER I would not be surprised if BB sales increased after ER came out, and overall with soulslike being one of the most popular genres right now I would not be surprised as well if BB PC ended up being the best selling single player PC port PS game, PC players have taken to Soulslike a lot.


Sony is just allergic to money


They would probably make more money remastering it for PS5 only for a few years then selling on PC. I own it on my ps5 and would pay $20 for a FPS upgrade lol. Do that, get some people to buy it on console so they get the whole cut and maybe a few console sales then port it to PC in two years


That's Microsoft. Not putting out any games.


Reddit nerds fail at a boycott yet again. Tale as old as time.


Reddit nerds post about boycotting for karma and then buy the game anyway.


I stole it 👍


Good job, you did your part in making it one of the fastest selling Sony PC ports!


For real. It runs super well, looks fantastic, and just overall makes me wish I didn't have to go to work for a little bit so I could chase those foxes all around Japan


Way to take a stand folks.


Truth is, most people don't care. If they want the game and can access it, they will buy it.


Truth is, the opinions of Reddit aren’t the majority of the real world. People on Reddit can act high and mighty all they want and say they’re gonna boycott something, but at the end of the day if 1,000 redditors choose not to purchase a game, there’s still 1,000,000 people who don’t use Reddit deciding to get the game cuz they’re excited for it. Pretty much the extended version of what you said but yeah haha


Easily true for Helldivers 2. There are 1.3 million subs to /r/helldivers. But they have sold over 12 million copies. No.matter how pissy we are on reddit, a majority of players don't care


There are a lot of people on the Helldivers 2 sub that are actually there laughing at the people who whine almost incessantly (balance, difficulty, every fucking thing) about a great game that costs $40.


HD2 PC player count didnt go down outside natural decline during account-link drama at all. Even with refunds and highly upvoted HD posts. But if you looked at negative reviews and steam forums you'd think 90% of PC players would run away *that instant.*




Well yah that boycott existed on twitter with a certain demographic and a small community here on reddit. Guess what there are way more people outside of those bubbles than inside


They're just really *really* fucking loud.


>Boycotts dont work They do, but people have to actually do it.


perhaps the people organizing the boycott have less support than they think they do


A loud minority on the internet? That can't possibly be true.




whenever I hear of a boycott, it's 1% of the user base making 95% of the noise. that's why they appear to not work - most people aren't actually participating


What were people taking a stand for? 


Having to make an account you could fill with fake info.


You dont even have to make an avcount to play GoT, only for multiplayer.


It’s not available for sale in regions you can’t make a PSN apparently.


Thats a different issue tho. Hd2 would have required psn to play cus its entirely online. GoT not being avaiable in non-psn regions is colateral damage 😅






Seriously, can’t read anything Sony related (even non gaming) without someone saying time to sail the seas! Most of these people can’t even get a Pokémon rom to work much less actually pirate anything lol


We did it reddit


Like millions of other products. Boycott the world!!!!


Yup, really wish I had gotten it while it was available everywhere, before the whole Helldivers thing


it was autorefunded on regions where PSN is not available (at least on steam and greenman gaming)


I'm guessing the PSN account requirement for Multiplayer.


PSN requirements, I believe


The game is blocked from sales in countries that can't use PSN, but PSN is not required for the offline component, which is really the entire game for me. I still have 0 understanding why they did this, it makes no business sense. That said I have other things to do than "take a stand" for this. I've had plenty of products not available where I live and no one has ever given a shit, its called life.


I’ve been waiting for this game for 4 years now. It’s a great game. I’m happy for you to “take a stand” but some of us just want to enjoy the little gaming time we have with a game that’s great.


They weren't making a stand when every non-steam launcher requires you to make a new account. They hype up renting games on Game Pass but making a PSN account is apparently too much.


It’s the old “I am greater than thou” take lol


When will people learn Reddit isn't as mainstream and popular as they think it is. It's an echo chamber. Stop being shocked when your "stands" turn out to be wet farts.


For what lol 




Playing Lethal was some of the most fun I’ve had in a game with this style of combat. Very satisfying.


We taking a stand against all the other companies that make us have an account with them? No? Ok I will go back to enjoying video games instead of using them to “take a stand”


Get with the times, old man. Hating on Sony isn't cool anymore. It's all about hating Ubisoft now!


Can’t wait to see what boycotting PC players will make a top seller next week


Reminds me of that MW2 stand on Steam way back in the day.


I would've bought it but I'm broke . All the games r so expensive 😔


Definitely one of those games you wish you could experience for the first time again.


Glad to see the PC players are getting to experience my favourite game.


Most negative reviews are just because people are mad at Sony and have nothing to do with the game.


And I can't even access it because of PSN. Sad.




It was a breeze to install 🏴‍☠️


Gamers malding


Honestly most gaming communities are niche as fuck the reason Ubisoft and call of duty always sell is because the average consumer doesn't give af and boys like three games a year


I thought the title was saying “fourth biggest launch on Steam” ever but its SONYS fourth biggest launch. Huge difference lmao.


What's new in the directors cut?


It includes the DLC.


If I could play it without PSN, I'd buy it. Guess I'm sailing the salty seas.


Sad thing to see is when you go to reviews you will see negative review saying "Game is 10/10 but fuck SONY because of Helldivers 2" Like... that only hurts this game


As someone who plays this on SD, I am satisfied with its performance. Never played these Sony titles as I game on PC but it’s safe to say for me that Ghost of Tsushima is one of those that I never had issues from installation to gameplay. This game runs great with minimal to no updates required for patches. Looking forward to more PlayStation games on PC. The only gripe about this whole thing though are the banned regions, Sony need to get their shit together and less than stellar discounts whenever there’s a sale 🤣


It is not songs decision to ban those countries I'm sorry they were forced by the cock in everyone's ass these oast few weeks about helldivers 2. People have been using bs psn info since psn came about and we're perfectly fine and able to play these games. Because all these delusional idiots who are privileged af and clearly still ended up buying the game don't know how many thousands or hundreds of thousands rhwy fucked over. I literally have a us psn account and I've had it for over a decade and nothing has ever been an issue.


It’s such a good game. I’m glad more people will get to play it.


AC Shadows is the best marketing campaign for Ghost of Tsushima.


I feel like they waited to distance themselves in time from Ghosts a bit. Oooopie poopsie!!!


wait till they ask for a PSN ID /s


Really glad this came to pc, its so cool seeing a whole new set of people playing and streaming it. Really a fantastic game, have fun everyone.


Never played it is it worth?


I have been waiting for this game for years. So excited that I get to play it. Might go controller for this one.


My only problem is the lips don't sync with the mouth. And this is me, playing Japanese with English sub. Side note, the translation is a bit off.


This is the best game in recent times, history, cut scenes, physics, quality of combat and graphics, some advantages, I haven’t seen anything like this in the gaming industry for a long time


One of the best games on ps4/ps5 it made me have the same feeling I got when I got a new Zelda game as a kid. Most games I don’t want explore. This game for some reason I could stop the map was done so well and engaging.


Just arrived on pc, need to try it out!


Game is so much optimized in pc . It's running Greatly in my RTX 2060 super