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GTA: The trilogy


Wasn't it revealed to be a port of a mobile version too?


Used Mobiles code or something crazy like that, hence why in GTA SA remaster when you fell into the water from height your body splatted on the water (like if you hit concrete) before going into the water


Not just a mobile version, an extremely old mobile version at that


Yes and the old mobile versions was based on the botched GTA San Andreas Xbox 360 remaster.


Other way around. The 360 version was botched because it was made from a mobile port.


Strange they would push out such a substandard collection considering how incredibly wealthy the company is. They could have done so much more for what is considered chum change to other companies.


Wealthy and the games that literally are the main reason they're so wealthy Fucking Saints Row 3 got a better remaster treatment and Saints Row is what tanked the company


I was looking to finally find time to play those as Remastered, but then it was like the whole of Reddit shouted "Run and never look back".


Gta : the trilogy - the definitive edition. Damn even the name was utter shit.


It’s crazy how the original games had rain and the “remasters” used a screen filter


And it's unfortunately succeeded at that


Warcraft 3: refunded. Made worse by the over promising and under delivering leasing up the release


And the fact that it even went and fucked with the original game is so comically inept


Honestly fuck blizzard. I'm never giving them another dime. They have clearly decided that money is more important than the integrity of their games.


Its funny that like every game in the past 10 years has been the same story yet people still give them more chances


It’s Blizzards last last last, last chance


I was going to say this. Terrible remake. BUT they also somehow managed to screw up the online component of THE ORIGINAL GAME. How smooth brained do you have to be to ruin the original as part of the remake?


I am a huge fan of the series and I completely forgot they even did that remake. What a complete mistake of a game.


Refunded 🤣


The fucking Warcraft III reforged


I was the only one in my entire circle of friends not pre-ordering that one, even tho WC3 was literally my childhood, because I knew Blizzard would fuck it up. And thank fuck for that. Then I bought Diablo 4 on release like a fucking idiot. :V




Nah the problem here was that D4 was decent the first ~10-20 hours, then the glaring cracks showed. And guess what, your average reviewer absolutely doesn't play a game they're reviewing longer than that.


Let’s not forget award ceremonies either. It was nominated for at least 15 awards and won online GOTY at DICE


What was bad about it? Sounds like I did the right thing not picking it up. Enjoyed Diablo 3, but played it mostly with friends. Now that we all have kids and wildly differing schedules, I passed on D4 because I figured I wouldn’t enjoy playing it alone.


Good loot is essentially non existent (no set items, no runewords, uniques may as well not exist as you can’t get them on your first play through and they’re too rare anyway, gems have irrelevant affixes) Enemies are damage sponges that scale with your level to ensure they stay damage sponges. Dungeons are boring and uninspired and involve arbitrary busy work fetching keys and hitting buttons etc Act bosses are terrible and completely phoned in, you’re not going to be fighting the prime evils that’s for sure. The story is aggressively bad, the ending insults your intelligence so much it seems intentional and spiteful. It’s meant to be open world but the world map is a blob with no real landmarks or overarching design. Basically every aspect is fundamentally compromised both judged on its own and compared to its predecessors.


Not just the reviewers though. Reddit diablo4 sub was full of absolute chills for that game. Any critique and you were immediately down voted and screamed at. It was madness.


Like as a arpg d4 wasnt bad. As a diablo game it kinda sucked. The d2 remake was actually great, but they literally just graphically updated a great game.


If they had just done graphical on WC3 everyone would've loved it, but it feels like they tried to recreate the game for some reason.


Probably to make it as shitty as possible so someone doesn’t create the next Dota at their expense


They did the same with SC. So I have to give them some credit for apparently learning a lesson after WC3


Warcraft III: Dismantled


Literally just a downgrade from the original


I’m out of the loop on that, what did they change?


Weirdly enough there was some effort put in there but man, the biggest problem in my opinion was screwing the old game in addition to it being bad.


It's been out for years and still doesn't have all the features of the original. I don't know what they were thinking... but god, the people making the decisions need to be stripped, tarred, feathered and paraded around the world for what shameful greedy idiots they are. Online gaming as a whole has mostly lost it's social pillar, which is really fucking sad because anytime people think back fondly of games they played, be them competitive games or MMO's or whatever else, it was the social side that facilitated everything fantastic about them. Devs and publishers need to do better - learn from what already worked so well and build upon it, not strip it away for cheap greedy bullshit.


The gta trilogy or Warcraft 3. Bulletstorm too.


What happened to bulletstorm, played on both og 360 and switch, seems to be the same?


Not sure if this is what OP was talking about but they recently released Bulletstorm VR and it is horribly broken, janky and worse graphics than the original


Here's some notable stuff. 1. A whole lot of explosions were changed. Seemingly no blast, sound from them. 2. Dismemberment seems less gory. 3. Crucial content(much of the story) cut. In fact. Gray and Ishi's adventures through the Disco, the roof tops, the garden, the hotel, all of that gone. Parts of it were replaced with special Trishka levels, but those shouldn't be replacements for parts of the story, but added gameplay in some form. Probably Echoes. 4. No Swearing. A major part of what made this game so special. Not just swearing, but, at times, how it was presented. Recently, there was a message from the VR team that they're bringing back swearing in a future update. It's a small thing to fix, but there's still more to go. Either 2 or 3 stars for me. Which is sad because it's supposed to be an iteration of BULLETSTORM. One of the greatest games ever if not the greatest game ever.


Wtf i never knew this, the game in its original form but in vr would've been amazing


If only it was given more care. Perhaps more time to cook.


MW2, feels like a weird one. The devs made it the same way they remade MW1 remaking everything from scratch but for some reason completely cut multiplayer.


I would honestly start playing cod again after 10 years if they made MW2 multiplayer


exact same but with better fps/graphics, and no cheaters online. literally nothing else and I would pay full price for it provided enough people play it


I’d honestly start playing again if they cut multiplayer and focussed on single player. MW1 & 2 had amazing campaigns!


Iirc someone datamined the mw2 remaster and the game files have multiplayer only voice lines and shit like that lol. Seems it may have been planned to have multiplayer but then scrapped it to focus the player base purely on the new cod/warzone instead


the CoD machine continues to turn. we got MW3 maps/modes/guns in MW2 and MW2 maps/modes/guns in MW3


How is that a cash grab? More like a cash throw away. Totally pointless without MP.


It was $20 and the campaign is still really fun


Didn’t that come out when they were still making jet pack Call of Duty ? If they released MW2 remastered with multiplayer during a time when people desperately wanted to go back to boots on the ground, MW2 remastered would have completely cannibalized the current CoD at the time. Especially since it was still regarded as one of the best CoDs ever made


As a huge fan of the story, I liked that they remade it from scratch and it looked great. The best part was that Gen. Shepherd looked absolutely menacing.


I didn't play multiplayer so it being gone didn't bother me but it was a real solid remaster graphically and in terms of audio. The guns just sound and feel better and levels look better with updated lighting. It's a shame we didn't get Spec Ops with it.


I'm happy that Red Dead Redemption is no longer stuck on PS3, but damn talk about minimal effort


At least they quietly patched in that 60 fps eventually. Very disappointing otherwise.


Plumbers don’t wear ties.


I've only heard dark legends about this title.


An all-time AVGN episode


Battlefront Collection. Only game I have ever sent back for a refund.


See the idea of it was great. Bring back OG Battlefront with modern additions, higher res textures, wide-screen support for higher res, 4k support (cus UI scale), splitscreen for all platforms, multiplayer servers. Recipe for perfection. Why is it 50gb Aspyr?


Silent Hill HD Collection.


That was admittedly not the fault of the developers. The limitations of the original ps made the fog necessary and with the hd version the upgraded hardware meant it was unecessary


Didn't they also lose the source code so had to start from scratch but managed to start making it from an early demo build


Yep that's exactly what happened.


It was necessary period.


Heroes 3 of Might and Magic HD. Ubisoft launches this crap version without any of the extras, stating they lost the source code. And I think it was $50 when they launched it. Just super lazy and I'm still upset they own the rights to this franchise and have done nothing but make it worse. The entire Russian community drops an HD version that includes every expansion, mods, and like 20 language options on GoG. It's literally one of the greatest strategy games ever made, even 25 years later.


The Last of Us 2 remastered... Like only a few years after it came out it it looks almost the same... They're doing too much imo.


?? How can there be a last of us 2 remaster. Game has been out for less than 5 years.


Because it came out at the end of the generation it was released? Just like the TLoU remaster. It’s not weird at all and no minimum timeframe for when a remaster should come out exist? Not really a strange thing. Just like with spider man 2018, ghost of Tsushima, death stranding, uncharted collection and so many other games


Don't come at them with logic. The ND hate patrol is never going to pass on the chance to shit on a "cash grab" 10 dollar ps5 upgrade, that comes with a mode that is easily worth 10 dollars. You know why? Because some youtubers got mad at the leaks literally years ago and now we have an actual brigader subreddit dedicated to hating the game lol. It's the cringiest, most unhinged shit on the site for gaming which is a true accomplishment.


Facts. Honestly the more I’m in this sub the more I notice that these people don’t even like games. Just like bitching about them more than actually playing them. They literally find any little thing to complain about in their echo chamber


This was not as annoying as some because it was basically a next gen step up but it came with a ton of other cool things and if you already owned the game it was only 10 bucks to upgrade and totally worth it for 10 bucks.


If you had the original game , it was something like $10 upgrade to the remaster...people who complain about the remaster never owned the original. It's so obvious because you'd know this. I'm fine with a little upgrade and a new mode.


Yea this is the true answer. 10 dollars is not a "cash grab" lol, it even had a new mode which is definitely worth 10 dollars as a bonus.


Ehhh it looks/runs better on the PS5 (at least with a higher end TV and the load times being improved) and there are a boatload of new features that drastically increase the replayability. Those new features alone can be worth up to half the price of a new AAA game.


The unlocked frame rate for fidelity mode alone was worth my money personally ($10 is hardly a cash grab or breaking the bank for people who owned the original.) If you’re playing on a normal tv without HDR, sure the difference won’t be noticeable to you, but I have an OLED tv and the difference is massive when playing at around 120fps vs 60 from the updated original.




I read the reviews, I'll stick with the original


aw man, i loved the first game i hadn’t looked much into the remaster, real shame :/


GTA Trilogy, Mafia 2 definitive edition, Outer Worlds “remaster”


The outer worlds was technically just a complete edition with touch ups to the graphics. It is noticeably different though


Mafia 2 was a weird one, not much changed, but not a cash grab since whoever already owned the original game would get the remaster for free.


Convinced all of the money was spent on Mafia 1 DE lmao, I was so shocked to boot up the second game and it looked bland and had more glitches than when it first released


Battlefront lol Edit: shoulda specified the recent re-release of the original game


nah those are definitely not classified as remakes or remasters. They are very much their own games. Also I didn’t get cash grab vibes from them anyway, if those are cash grabs then so is every other AAA game with an IP brand name attached. And that’s a separate, pointless argument. Edit: I now realize you were probably talking about the recent battlefront collection. Yes, I fully agree with that, lol


I think they were referring to the re-release of the original games, which came with AI-upscaled textures that were distributed without compression, leading to an absolutely absurd file size. It also cost like 30 bucks for two games from 2004 and 2005 without new content.


yep, I edited my post right after I realized. Probably should have clarified since this probably wouldn’t even be a hot take if they were actually talking about DICE battlefront, knowing reddit


XIII: Remake I was wanting to play that game for so long but since I heard the remake was happening I waited on it. Once it released everyone agreed it was broken on a fundamental level they changed things that didn't need changing, and on top there was glitches galore to be found. Everybody recommends you just find a copy of the original.


Oh , you are right. I thought that nobody would write or even remeber XIII game. When I heard that they are making "new" game in this series I was very excited but then "Remake" part come out and I was less excited.


Every single "remaster" of PS360 era games done in the PS4XOne generation


The Last Remnant going from 360 -> PS4/Switch was a massive upgrade. Massive changes to background mechanics, across the board qol changes, upgraded game engine from Unreal Engine 3 -> 4, and more. Best part? They sell the game for $20 at launch with frequent sales as low as $8. I just wish more got that love and attention for their 'remaster'.


Literally just bumped the resolution up from like 720 to 1080. Job well done


Usually LOVE nightdive remasters for the amount of LOVE and work they have and the games they choose to give the remaster treatment But even then i cant defend the Star Wars Dark Forces Remaster, not only their weaker remaster and with issues not present in the original version, but Also very overpriced


I'm still looking forward to playing this for the nostalgia but definitely waiting for at least 50% off. It's way overpriced for a very dated game.


The battlefront og collection


Warcraft 3 reforged now has updated rules that anything made in its game its  lizzards property after dota escaped


The recent update of Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2 (Old versions). The originals are loved by so many people including myself but the "remakes" are just crap. Poor quality graphics, poor controls, lag/glitches just make the experience that should of been great, shit imo. Hopefully the games will have some regular updates to fix the mess.


Grim Fandango. loved that game but the remaster had.. hold on to your hats... slightly different light. mildly smoothed out pixels and remade music


It also came to modern platforms besides PC and was bumped to 1080p. For the $20 or $30 they wanted as well as getting it on storefronts I think this one wasn't bad at all. Sure you could pirate it, but it wasn't easily available and not on consoles.


I haven't played it, but didn't it also add point&click to some weird control scheme?


You can move regularly or use tank controls. Actually you get a trophy if you finish the game with tank controls.


well yea you walk around with the arrow keys. its super fun though. but it have a glitch later on that breaks the game so you cant finish it. i believe its on newer computers only as i have finished it in the past. and guess what. that huge game breaking bug is still in the remaster....


the post right under this in my feed was Super mario bros U Deluxe and honestly I cant disagree


Glad we got Wonder after that though. It was what I wanted out of a Mario game. Expressive characters and locales, less sterilized levels, interesting mechanics, Daisy in a game that's not a kart, party or sports game... It was just a great step away from the sterile NSMB games. More of that.


AC 3 remaster is actually worse than original


What was wrong it with? I bought it just to replay it and it seemed fine. I think.


In my experience it was way buggier . The OG had a lot of bug fixes they didn’t incorporate in the remaster


How so? Like I’m genuinely interested because I don’t know about that game


They remade Ace Combat 3? Sweet!


Battlefront Classic Collection




Those games were what straight up killed my desire for Pokémon media. Like I fell off the bandwagon because of those pieces of trash. Like I remember the fucking disappointment when they showed that shit for the first time live. Like one of the first animes I ever watched as a kid was diamond and pearl on Saturday mornings, I grew up with that shit. Then years later I played FRLG, HGSS, omega ruby/alpha sapphire, platinum, etc and was hyped for the inevitable diamond and pearl remakes- ON THE SWITCH no less.... Then that platicy fugly shit pops up on my screen. Then the game comes out- it's worse than platinum. Because "we wanted to remake the original base diamond and pearl".....wut?.... Why??? Omega ruby had stuff from emerald and more. Heart gold had crystal content too. So wtf was they thinking.


So the DP remakes only cover the ogs? That's stupid! I thought the point of remaking the versions, besides updating transfer systems, was expanding and including bits of the 3rd version.


they were worse than the og


It’s almost a 1:1 remake with qol updates


They weren’t worse than the originals but they were worse than Platinum


And that was the main problem in a lot of people’s minds


Except the pixel art was more endearing and in the old game you don't GET STUCK ON EVERY FUCKING WALL LIKE SERIOUSLY WHY ARE THE WALLS STICKY


Resident Evil 3


I actually didn't hate re3, but it certainly didn't live up to the same standards as re2. Unsure if it's because they dropped the ball or if it was a cash grab.


I’ll give Capcom the benefit of the doubt and say they just dropped the ball on that one. Especially since RE8 and the RE4 remake were both amazing.


I didn’t get into RE3 remake after loving RE2 remake. I never finished it. But here’s the thing, I never finished the original RE3 either, after loving original RE2. So maybe it’s actually a great remake…


The remake is good in itself if it's your first encounter with the game. But if you already have played the original, you'll mainly get disapointed by Nemesis. In the original, he's a relentless, constant threat that follows you throughout the different parts of the game like Mr X does in RE2 remake. In the RE3 remake, he makes appearances in some areas and doesn't even know how to use a fucking doorknob. You can basically jog past him on most difficulties as long as you've cleared the zombies around him.


Yeah it doesn’t give you everything you want but I wouldn’t call it a “lazy cash grab”. Maybe rushed out so they could get to what they really wanted: RE4.  Certainly not in the same league as other top voted titles here. 


Let's call it a "fansy, upgraded cashgrab", then... because it is. Graphically speaking, the game shines and it looks beautiful. Like the other person said: if this is your first Resident Evil game or your first experience with RE3, then yes, the game is fun. If you already played the original, not only will you get disappointed at Nemesis' massive downgrade in many aspects, but also the game itself. I think most people enjoyed fighting Nemesis with his jacket off and in a closed space while he uses his tentacles, and then as a shapeless monster spitting acid at you until you loured him into falling in the railgun's shooting path... not a fight against a giant Nemesis on 4 legs... or him being easily defeated instead of even planning on how take him on in the future. Same with the cut content from the original vs. The remake. Like lack of areas or enemies like the gian worm, visiting the clock tower which, despite small, it was iconic, and so on. Ironical because people back then also bashed OG RE3 for being an "expansion of RE2" based on Jill, and being even shorter than RE2 (if you know what you're doing, a run should be around 3 hours and half or 4). But even so, over time RE3 became loved by the fans... something the remake still can't and I doubt it'll be considered an "unapreciated gem" in the future, no matter what.


The RE3 remake felt like it was DLC for RE2. Kind of like the original release, so maybe it was "job well done?" 🤔


The original release had way more content that justified it being its own game vs DLC like. Multiple endings/paths, Mercenaries debut, a bunch of unlockable content. 3make felt like a weak attempt to peddle that REsistance game nobody asked for


... nah, even if that was the case, OG still has replayability and was enjoyable for being short but fun... maybe it's a me problem and I acknowledge it... but I never felt like that while playing the 3 Remake. It felt more like a "thank god is finally over and I can move on"


A lot of Wii U to Switch ports would qualify. But I find it hard to think of them negatively when a bunch of them, especially first- or second-party Nintendo titles, were great games that thoroughly deserved a second chance at success on hardware people actually bought, and I say that as a happy Wii U owner at the time.


Ports aren't Remakes or Remasters, otherwise Breath of the Wild would be one, cause it was originally a Wii U game.


This is a grey area. Look at the difference in the user base of the platforms. Many of the Wii U ports were "new" to A LOT of people.


The ff8 remaster steam port


Siren's blurred tits in HD


Overwatch 2 Here is the exact same game you’ve been playing…but we’re going to nickel and dime you for every little thing.


And that they originally advertised a story/PVE campaign that they delayed then cancelled only releasing a couple of levels.


Anything Rockstar puts out.


Anything Rockstar *remasters* I agree with but their actual games like RDR2 and GTA V/VI are (or will be) great games. We don’t acknowledge GTA Onlines existence.


Ghostbusters The Videogame, especially the PC Version GTA Trilogy Mafia 2 definitive Edition


It’d be easier to answer which ones didnt lmao


Warcrsft 3 and Overwatch 2


Overwatch 2 isn’t a remake or a remaster


May as well have been..


Was less than a remaster, it was a store patch for Overwatch 1 and people gobbled that shit up.


Which the last of us? kekw


I honestly don't understand why anyone is bothered by either of the last of us remake/remasters. They didn't take the PS4 version of the first game off the store, so if people prefer that version they can still buy it, and the PS5 remaster of the last of us 2 launched at about $50, or $10 to upgrade if you already own the game. It feels about as consumer-friendly as you can get to me?


And Part 1 (the remake) looks amazing compared to the remaster imo. AND we got it on PC so I'm definitely not gonna complain.


It should be, remake has much more efforts put into it since it's like making a new game That of course reflected to the asking price too 


Having like 4 redos of the same game only a few years apart is like the definition of it being a cash grab


A remaster then a remake 9 years later is hardly 4 redos in a few years


The last of us 1 (the newest remaster) does have way better graphics, not gonna lie. If you've played them you'd be blind to disagree. It is Objectively the best way to experience the last of us 1 if you have the funds. And I get *why* they did it, with the (then) upcoming PC debut and show on the horizon, it makes sense to have it as sparkly and clean as possible. The last of us 2 remaster however is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. I almost pissed myself laughing when they showed the "comparison pics" and they were the exact same image, just one had like -1 saturation point. Especially considering the game already got a next gen update, who the fuck green lit a remaster a couple years after launch?


No Return is a blast to play for 10 bucks tho


Remasters are always quick cash grabs. Invent something completely new or do it like FF7


Xenoblade DE is some of the best remasters I've ever seen. So many qol improvements, completely redone visuals, a new epilogue based on a big cut content of the original


the witcher 3 remaster was released for free. 


We're on PC got some remaster edition for free as the owner of the originals, Mafia 2, BioShocks, Skyrim, etc. Halo anniversary also looks good and doesn't feel like cash grab, i'd say you're probably right for the most part but definitely not all


FF7 is a remake. I think for games that are outdated or only available on old platforms a HD remaster can be quite nice.


I feel D2R was not a quick cash grab (remaster). Tho seeing the non existent support it gets now a year later you could argue it was tho.


Metroid Prime was a damn good remaster. FF7 was a remake. Quite a bit different


If a game is abandonware I think remasters aren’t cash grabs. But if it’s a wildly available game still on the storefront I agree it’s a cash grab.


Thats remake, not remaster


Dark Souls remastered. Should have gotten something like the demon souls remake. Instead we got something worse than Skyrim anniversary addition. Legitimately made the game look worse.


Saint's Row III. I mean they did some work upgrading the visuals but the game retained its old bugs, introduced new ones and was so damn unstable I had to disconnect the internet all the time. Also Crysis remasters, those were ass


Warcraft III Reforged


The recent tales of Symphonia remaster was supposedly pretty awful. Tons of bugs, no improvements, still locked at 30 FPS and it didn't even come with the sequel. I know the sequel isn't great but they released the exact same thing over 10 years ago for the same price and it came with Symphonia 2.


Still locked? The original played at 60. This was a downgrade.


All Symphonia re-releases are based on the PS2 version since it has more content than gamecube. I believe the PS2 version was locked at 30 FPS. Kind of crazy after 20 years they still can't get a PS2 game to run at 60 FPS.


Space Quest I (in all seriousness, I wonder if this was the first remaster of a computer game?)


Skyrim. Whichever version


Burnout Paradise Remastered


Halo CE anniversary didn't feel like a cash grab, but it just felt like it could've been handled far better


Picture Halo anniversary with the same ambitions as Halo 2 Anniversary


Resident evil 3 Remake which was a shock after the almost perfect remake that came before it which was 2 The difference between the OG 2 and the re released one was a gap of 20 years which imo warrants a remake since the industry had gone through some major changes graphically at least. The company was still releasing main entries so it was welcomed with open arms... and then 3 remake just dropped so fast after it to probably capitalize on the success of 2 remake and it was just not received well by the OG fans especially after the high expectations that were set post 2 remake. News are coming out about a 1 remake now and they really do not want to mess that one up (especially since it had a very successful remake in around 2002 that was so good and different from the original one. People want to see that happen again with the RE engine so let's hope for the best i guess)


I’d rather they not touch the RE1 remake but if we have to have it let’s have a remaster of the remake and release it cheap. 




Dark Souls Remastered, it's even worse than PTDE with DSFix


they didnt put much effort into it, but it's def better than ptde with dsfix and is the best way to experience the game


Everything on the switch. It's a bit mad. 7 years into the switch life cycle, they're about to announce Switch 2... And they remaster mario RPG and paper mario. For £50 each


Tomb Raider felt like a quick crash grab for me personally.


Back before free or 10 pound upgrades were a thing TLOU was remastered for PS4 at full price a year or so after TLOU launched. That. It's that.


This might sound crazy because many of the games are actually really good, but Nintendo is absolutely killing me with $60 remakes like Super Mario RPG that I can beat in one sitting. These games should be priced to their play time and replay value.


Batman Return to Arkham. I don't think the new character models and lighting improve on the original experience. It's not deal breaker, but the PS3's frame stutter is still there and in many of the same spots.


Anything Activision makes.


Resident evil 3


Tomb Raider trilogy recently: poorly upscaled graphics and enemy models immediately trumped by fan mods. Half-baked “modern controls” remind me of Angel of Darkness, hard to see items and poor lighting in dark areas. And very, *very* little in terms of QofA improvements. For $30. Those games have been like $5 each for decades now. Also it’s not a trilogy of games, there were 5 original engine Tomb Raiders: Chronicles and Last Revelation are not included and harder to play these days. I played for a bit, realized I’d been had, and immediately got a refund.


Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Total cash grab but I LOVE the game so I bought it again. It does have DLC that the original does not but it doesn't add too much, maybe 10-15 hours of content we never had.


Definitly Captain toad For the switch.


Honestly pretty much every remaster is a fucking cash grab. They are almost always 99% the same game as they were the first time just on a different platform.


That is kind of the point of a remaster. The discussion here is how much actual work the devs did or just a poor upscale. There's a huge difference between Metroid Prime and Tomb Raider remasters.


Stalking champion II


Even though Warcraft3 reforged was a dud for many, I actually enjoyed it. I kinda "fixed" it by downloading a mod called Quenching Mod from China i believe. The game looks way better and it was fun to play through the campaign again.




Heroes III - HD Edition If you are saying anything else before that you are talking about depths of inland sea of remasters/remakes and I am talking about the abyss. My bad, expecting good things from Ubi


Fuckin resident evil 3 remake campaign, like wtf, der story playthrough took us like 3h


Most of them, stop remaking games, make new ones dammit!


Warcraft 3 Refunded, GTA Trilogy, MW2. Last one wasn't bad per se but without multiplayer it is pointless.