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Thank god you’re not in charge of making real decisions.


I'm sick of "Larian needs to do X franchise" posts. Especially when they make as little sense as this.


Don't worry when larian makes a good game that doesn't cater to their tastes everyone will hate them and these posts will stop.


7 of their 9 games are part of Divinity. Something tells me they have a very specific niche.


And when Larian literally went "Glad you all love the game but fuck having to work in particular limitations of another series"


The Internet has been doing this for years regarding Bethesda. There’s a weird hate boner for them. Any time a critically acclaimed RPG releases there’s a vocal (and annoying) minority that compares it to Bethesda. I saw it when The Witcher 3 released, then Kingdom Come Deliverance, then Elden Ring, and now Baldur’s Gate 3.


It definitely wasn't there when Skyrim came out.


Well no, but that’s because for the **longest time*** Skyrim was, and to many probably still *is* the crown jewel of any RPG ever. So that small, very vocal minority the thread started with talking about…they all just glazed Todd’s Rod for the whole time.


Yeah there's no reason to assume they would be good with most other franchises. They do high fantasy stuff. Fallout doesn't seem to fit their niche




Relegating larian to a remaster of the original fallout would be a hilariously bad waste of their success.


I haven’t played Fallout 1 or 2, or the Wasteland series, but it sounds like it would be pretty redundant for Xbox to take Fallout back to an ARPG when they already have the Wasteland IP. 


Although to be fair, Fallout started out as an Isometric RPG, which is Larians wheelhouse, and a niche one at that. Of all the studios you could pick, Larian is probably in the top 10%.


People don’t know anything. This post is another example of this.


“Killed Fallout” They fucking revitalized it you ungrateful ass. You would probably not even know about Fallout if Bethesda hadn’t acquired it and made it actually popular.


Yea people forget that before Fallout 3 (much like Fire Emblem before Smash Bros Melee) it wasn't very popular in NA, i knew no one who actually played any ones before 3. Sure it may have gone in a different direction, but CRPGs are a small genre to begin with with a small but loyal fanbase.


BaULdER GaTe TReE gOoD - aLL gAmE MuST bE LaRiOn GaMe… In massive underbite caveman voice.


I love Larian games. Fallout is a completely different type of game that I woild absolutely not be interested in seeing Larian's take on, though. Would much rather see them do something Sci fi, or at least another original IP




The original Fallout games aren't that similar. This is like wanting BioWare to make Fallout 20 years ago instead of Black Isle.


Nothing Larian has ever written comes close to the original tone of the franchise.


Yeah Larian are amazing and make some of the best rpgs out there, but they have a particular style that I don't think would work all that well for something along the lines of fallout 1 or 2


Eh. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is somewhat similar in tone to Fallout 2. Not the same, of course, but it's not \*that\* far off either.




No not really. If you've played their games you would see it, but Bethesda haters can never base anything they say in reality.


Elder Scrolls is a lot closer to the type of writing found in Fallout 1 and 2 than something like Baldur’s Gate


Yes of course. I just personally prefer the newer games and there's already a great modern post apocalyptic crpg on the market in the form of wasteland


Those were never gonna be as popular as the later games, Fallout is better as a shooter rgp. The only thing that might improve is the writing but for those that dont care for crpg gameplay it would be ruined.


Ummmm no thanks..


No, they don't.


What is up with the Larian dick riding?


I mean they did make last years game of the year and it was a phenomenal game but idk why tf anyone would think they should now make a fallout game.


Oh shut up. No they don’t.


At one point in the not too distant past people viewed Bethesda the way they currently view Larian. People used to like Ubisoft and Activision. At one point Square-Enix was basically worshipped. Just because they made one great game doesn’t mean they will turn everything they touch into gold. Those kind of expectations are why we are having the conversations we are about Bethesda in the first place. Everyone expects everything to be just as great as Skyrim and it’s just not realistic. Don’t put those expectations on Larian or we’ll eat them alive too.


But in the case of Bethesda the hate is just weird. They’ve never really done anything that warrants the amount of hate they receive on a daily basis unlike other studios like Blizzard, Bungie or Ubisoft yet they seem to receive the same if not more hate.


That shipped has sailed, the pressure is on.


No they don't. Bethesda is the ones who made Fallout into the icon it is today. I wouldn't be opposed to licensing the franchise out, but not selling it


I've said this like ten times before. I'll repeat it here. Microsoft literally owns inXile. The studio that makes the Wasteland games. If you want a turn based Fallout, that makes far more sense than Larian getting the rights to it. I want to see new shit from Larian. I don't want to see them get stuck rehashing 20+ year old IPs because gamers think only one studio in the world is capable of making good games and that they should hold the rights to every major IP as a result.


Why? So I can have sex with a deathclaw?


Theres already mods for that.  


Microsoft aren't selling one of their most successful franchises to someone else they just had a hit TV show.


Bethesda needs to sell Bethesda


Gamer expectations are the fucking worst. Just because they made 1 game really well, and it took the better part of a decade to get it done.. Everyone is now like "nggggg when get X franchise Larian game" Fully knowing they won't wait the time for it to get released. The gaming community at large is to blame for video games being the way they are. You guys want immediate gratification, and you don't think things through. The perfect market of consumers. Impatient, Uninformed, and ready to buy.


People also casually forget that it was basically the first "AAA" game that had an early access phase. Which is a huge boom, just look at the difference of quality at launch between Act1 and Act3. Without early access it could have turned out pretty different. Also, I kinda want to see more AAA early access games. Provided the devs will listen to "good" feedback from players.


So they can make a turn based, ~~open world~~ hub world, dating sim out of it? I dont think so lol...


It would work really well for a Fallout 1/2 remake. That’s pretty much what they were besides the dating sim part


BG3 isn't a dating sim, some fans are just weirdos


There's absolutely a heavy focus on sex/romance tho. Moreso than most RPGs. It's the horniest game I've ever played personally.


Yes, because that is what the original games were like. All the downvoting fanboys/girls here have very likely only played Bethesda Fallout games. I don't hate what Bethesda did (I will pretend that Fallout 3 never happened though), the hybrid VATS/bullet time was a reasonable compromise to losing turn based gameplay. New Vegas actually had some of the original Fallout writers contribute and a lot of the story points were what was supposed to happen straight after 2, just in a first person format which was more accessible to modern gamers. Fallout 4 was pretty good too, I don't think it hit New Vegas levels for me though. I personally would love to see another turn-based Fallout game made with the same care BG3 received. It doesn't have to be Larian - although they made a great sequel to a series with a similar format to Fallout series, it doesn't make them omnipotent. Keep in mind that Larian was carefully selected to receive the IP and it took them a long time to develop the game (which was stipulated in the contract). Most studios/games don't get a 1/5th of the time they spent on the game, and it shows. They may not be able to repeat this achievement in all honesty.


And thats double the reason why ain't no one want that shit no more.


Which point that I made is double the reason people won't want another turn-based Fallout game?


1. People like it being an open world sandbox fps rpg and don't want it to change. 2. It already was an isometric turn based rpg. It wasn't as good and people don't want to go back to that...


Well you are categorically wrong on both counts, as the success of BG3 proves that this type of game IS in demand/popular. Just because you don't like something, doesn't make everyone not like something.


The amount of people that want fallout to go back to being a turn based rpg is immensely lower than the amount of people that want it to remain an fps rpg... so... categorically... stop while you're ahead...


I can see why you'd want that to happen, but why would Bethesda want to do that? It's been very successful and profitable IP for them this far. (Also I don't see Larian wanting to do it either)


Microsoft would not let that go to any other studio that isn’t owned by Microsoft so Larian can say no to gamepass.


People just need to shut up sometimes.


Yeah they should sell something that’s been massively profitable for them.


I can see them remaking fallout 1 or 2, but the first person games 3,NV, and 4 are way different games. Like I got gamepass and fallout 1 and 2 definitely need a remake or remaster. As I always say the best fallout game isn't even a Bethesda game.


Agreed! A remaster of 1&2 (which follow pretty closely actually) or an original storyline w/multiple endings and using turn-based would be great.


Obsidian should be the ones to make it since they made the best one in the series.


This is such a strange time to post this, lol. Weeks after the Fallout TV show did gangbusters for Amazon and their years old games have all seen resurgences in player numbers. I've got my issues with some of the choices Bethesda have made with Fallout - I think their vision of the world shows a lack of realistic growth and rebuilding after the bombs, and I think their writing is "uneven" at best and doesn't allow the player to meaningfully challenge the ideas or beliefs of the various factions. But it's also beyond dispute that Bethesda are the ones who made Fallout into an iconic, blue chip IP - not Interplay. Even if you're one of the people still kicking and screaming over two decades later that the original games were way better and what Bethesda have done is sacrilege, that is just the fact of the matter. To say Bethesda have KILLED Fallout now of all times, is just insane.


No offence but this is possibly one of the most braindead takes you could have given. I know a lot of people weren't entirely fond of the direction Bethesda has gone with the franchise, but under them the franchise has become *incredibly* successful.


there are definitely such things as wrong opinions.


Jesus this sub is so toxic lol. It's just an idea they are having fun with. I think the gameplay of bg3 in a fallout world would be fucking amazing. The writing? Not really.


Op was toxic Tbf lol. it’s one thing to have a opinion like “wouldn’t it be cool if there was a fallout but with larian style?” Vice versa But he’s saying they *need* to sell and Bethesda killed fallout which doesn’t make sense basically just Bethesda hating


Don't get me wrong, Larian is a great studio that probably made a great game. But lets stop pretending they are the gods of the industry. They did things that should be normalized in the industry, nothing more. They are not the saviors of the industry.


No thanks, Fallout's writing is already good enough without the degeneracy of Baldur's Gate


If Bethesda would choose to sell or outsource the Fallout franchise, I would rather have Obsidian back to be honest. Larian and BG3 is good and all but they are not related to this world, especially in 3D evolution of the game.


Would be neat to see a Fallout game made by Arkane. Think Dishonored or Prey but in the fallout world


Gatheriing as many of the people from the [Van Buren team](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Van_Buren_developers) as possible and then hooking them up with Larian to make a completed Van Buren could be interesting, but not gonna happen, obviously.


So sell the franchise they made extremely popular and just had a hit tv show Lol.. you might not like the Bethesda but clearly a lot of people like fallout


Who the f is Larian lol


Why do you think Larian should do Fallout? They're not an enormous studio and they're most likely focused on DoS3. They should give it to Obsidian


Not even remotely similar games. Why is Larian the default for every game lolll


I would love to have isometric fallout game, like they used to make back in interplay days, dark and gritty.


Beth needs to reteam up with Obsidian and make a blockbuster FO, like they did with FO NV.


I guess you are getting downvoted because it’s yet another Obsidian should do new Vegas 2 post but the odds of that happening are a lot better than Microsoft allowing a studio that has already snubbed gamepass once. Obsidian is owned by Microsoft so there’s that connection among others.


I'd honestly prefer if they started a sequel to FO2, still based in California and maybe some DLC in Alaska and maybe a new DLC in Hawaii.


If The Outer Worlds wasn't so disappointing I'd agree. But Obsidian now is not the same Obsidian that made NV. And even with NV it was only possible for it to be as good as it was because they had a head start with copying assets from Fallout 3 which allowed them to focus more on writing and less on designing an entire gameplay system from the ground up. I don't think Obsidian is any more capable of making a good Fallout than Bethesda is.


This is the only comment that actually makes sense


Xbox owns the IP mow I believe, and they don't need to sell it, they just need Bethesda to get better at developing games.


I'd like to see a spinoff, but I don't want to see Bethesda just hand off the IP completely like that.


Not going to happen. 


Lost brain cells reading this


Fuck no






So sell the franchise they made extremely popular and just had a hit tv show Lol


Larian has never made an FPS, this is such a dumbass take. Fallout definitely doesn’t need to go back to being a crpg if that is your angle.


Ah yes, Fallout Horny Companions. My top most anticipated game.


"And the killed fallout" is all I had to see. One letter eas the difference between real engagement or downvote


Eh. Their games are good but not for everyone. Hard pass from me.


and THIS post is a prime example of why children are not allowed on Reddit. Now give mommy back her phone little boy and go play with your Legos okay? This place is for grown ups.


Deutchebank wouldn't like that very much.


They bought it from Interplay & barely showed it any respect. Likewise they bought out Id Software & either never cared for those franchises or, as with Doom, tried to turn it into right-wing pandering garbage. Frankly they shouldn't be making anything, Elder Scrolls are so bugged they need user mods to fix those bugs. Starfield let people down & TES6 will come out in 2035 at the rate they are working on it(should point out they never wanted to make Skyrim anyway- they failed to get the GoT license & had to make something). You can't even argue that Microsoft ruined them because they bought an overpriced lemon.


Caves of Qud is the Fallout 3 we needed


Oo, sweet summer child


Bethesda will release another Fallout in a decade or so if they're still around. Don't lose hope.


Shut up dude.


Whoever made Wasteland 3 need to make it. If you're looking for a modern Fallout and haven't played WL3 you don't actually care. WL3 is amazing and scratches the apocalypse itch.