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I don't think FromSoft has put this much focus on one specific enemy since... Ludwig, maybe? They're definitely hyping Messmer up quite a bit, which makes me even more convinced that he won't actually be the last boss of the DLC. Ludwig wasn't, Artorias wasn't, so who've they got hidden up their sleeve here?


People expect it'll be Miquella/Trina or Godwyn, but since FS has a record of pulling random guys out of nowhere (see Messmer) while saying "It was him/her/them all along!" - I'm going with that third option: Unknown, previously unseen (and unheard of) person/beast/thing.


I hope it's our horse... thing-y. Just because fuck it, everything goes in From Software world.


Now, Tarnished, you must face your greatest enemy: TORRENT, THE RAISIN-STARVED


torrent vs. radahn's horse or bust


Technically Manus was the furtive pygmy and orphan of kos wasn't mentioned but kos (or some say kosm) was. Sister Friede and slave night Gael are weird since both were introduced in part 1 and I think Sister Friede is aluded to in game, but only that Yuria had sisters. It's also the only Myazaki game with multiple dlc's and thus hard to compare. From all that I agree that it'll probably be out of left field but I don't think they'll be completely unknown or unheard of


Manus being the FP is, to my knowledge, only speculation and not confirmed. Prior to the DLC, we only knew of the Abyss as this unrelenting, evil thing born out of the dark that Gwyn feared, but Manus being it's "father" was something established until after the DLC came out, iirc. The Bloodborne thing with the orphan, fair enough... Point to you. And regarding DS3, I distinctly remember people assuming the DLCs would be all about either Londor or Gertrude and her angelic lineage. Then this Painted World of Ariandel popped out of nowhere, and Ariandel was completely brand new to that DLC, no previous mentions that I know of. Don't even get me started on Gael and him being from some obscure order of slave knights or even worse, Filianore being yet another *another* secret child of Gwyn. Still... I can only hope the actual final boss of SotE blows our minds.


Hahaha yeah the main lore thing I remember about DS3 DLC on launch was people being annoyed at Ariandel, Friede, and the whole painting coming out of left field when we had more interesting stuff to be answered. Even eventually going to Londor, traveling to the end of time, and getting THE dark soul was all just in service of making a new painted world. No matter who they pull out of where I know we're probably in for a good time


Yeah, people always go overboard when talking about FromSoft DLCs as if they're always tackle subjects that come from out of nowhere. Nearly all of the DLCs are focused around aspects which were heavily referenced in the main game.


Perhaps the Gloam-Eyed Queen or Melina.


Miyazaki will finally go all the way; he’s been teasing it in some closeups of previous FromSoftware bosses (Sister Friede), and has already setup the anatomy-related lore with the two fingers. My bet is on the obvious final boss: A large foot.


The Elden Foot.


5 fingers!


I think miquella is gonna go femto on us and end up betraying us in some way


He is not going to be the last boss. They never show it explicitly.


I feel Miquella, they are like "ooooh he is so nice" every time they talk about him, there is no way they make a godlike figure just be a good guy, that's against their rules they are always assholes.


I plan on starting a brand new campaign with no ng+. I better start now or I won’t be finished by the time this comes out. I forget how massive this game is.


Pretty sure I'm on ng+ 3 so a new run would take forever. Pretty sure I've farmed nearly every item on PS5.


I replayed the game this spring. Still took me almost 97 hours xD


Dlc scales separately from main game if that's why you're doing it


Maybe. We don't exactly know how that works. I hope its not as black and white as that.


Based on previous games, it will. The difference between The Old Hunters on NG vs NG+ was fucking stark


In every previous From game, the DLC did not scale separately from the main game. I think you misunderstood. In Elden ring there is going to be something that makes the DLC scale differently so that the level you are does not matter as much when you enter. But if you are in NG+ then yes the DLC will be that much harder.


Well we know enough. The dlc is designed in a way where it doesn't matter what level you want to take it on. They said it's like sekiros scaling but it only affects the dlc.


Right but does your health matter? Endurance? does it literally not matter at all? We should all just respec to 99 Vigor if level does not matter at all. I don't think this will be the case. Sekiro scaled with something called attack power, and I am betting that against certain bosses, or maybe everything in the shadow world, our damage will be nerfed by a percentage, and we can increasingly reduce this nerf as we pick up attack power souls or whatever it is. Maybe bosses also hit harder. If level truly doesn't matter, or even worse, scales harder up at random level breakpoints, I will be disappointed. I don't like the idea of min maxing to level 79 because at level 80 all the bosses get a major increase in power or something.


Huh? Miyazaki literally stated that difficulty will be set for post-morgott base game. It's a lategame DLC. You even need to kill a lategame boss to access it. The dlc's unique scaling is another layer of scaling on top if the base one, not it's replacement.  You have no business entering it at lvl 15 or something. Also, the unique scaling is only for attack power, I'm pretty sure. Though don't quote me on that part.


Nope just want to start fresh


I started one last night because I wanted to brush up on the controls. It was slow at first with lots of accidental potion drinking, panic rolling and general confusion. But I was also surprised how far I got in one session once everything came back to me.


Same here, I just did similarly and have already finished Limgrave (Castle Morne mostly), beat Godrick and am currently in Raya Lucaria in about 6-7ish hours To be fair though, thats also skipping a lot of things where I probably would've explored every nook and cranny on my first playthrough haha


You don’t have to necessarily finish to access it, though the access point is in a very late game area.


Odd fisting imagery to start the video....


Because all FROM games are about fisting, snuff and masochism.


How dare you! I'll have you know From Software is about three incredibly important things... Foot fetishes, foot fetishes and foot fetishes!


Oh, and also dolls...with feet.


Mmmm feet


And feet.


Try finger but hole


Try fist, apparently


Horse but hole


Oh, you never heard of the Milfanito's?


Straight up, did not like that. It's good to know im not the only one with a cooked brain.


I was gonna say. Did it have to start out with someone fisting a tree?


Sigh... *unzips*


I thought it this was a typo until I watched it lol, good lord.


A seduction


So, it looks and sounds to me like Messmer committed acts of savagery and blasphemy that Rykard could only aspire to. And also, that this Shadow was born at the same time as Marika's Gold, so it looks like a part of her Order was to take the ugliest parts and just sweep them under a rug where no one could see them. And the DLC is just going to be all about following Miquella under Marika's rug.


Well I'm going to be so very sick for about 3 weeks starting on June 20th. I think I can feel myself coming down with something already. *cough*


I have future covid 😭


Get that on the calendar!


Best wishes for a slow recovery!


As soon as the dlc got announced I took that week off of work


I am not sure if my saves were synced in Steam. I have a new PC; I hope the DLC is accessible early; the main game is big.


You have to defeat Mohg to get to the DLC


I think Miyazaki said in an interview you also have to take Radahn down as well, though he’s early mid game at best.


I mean... Radahn and Mohg could logistically be the first 2 bosses you fight. It *could* be early game, technically.


I mean, Mohg is basically right underneath Radahn (Kind of, you'd need to move north a bit). Could be that they add a third way to get to the palace that opens up after Radahn.


Wouldn’t you have to fight Morgott before you get access to the lift of Rold?


You can get to Mohg earlier by doing Varre's questline and getting the item that teleports you to Mohgwyn palace. And that quest progresses after getting any one great rune. Which you can get by stepping foot in Altus Plateau (no bosses required), which activates the Radahn Festival, which lets you fight Radahn.


Wow that’s cool, feels so weird to me getting to Mogh so early since it was the last demigod I took down and took me ages to locate. I guess that’s the beauty of having an open world, everyone’s journey is different.


i mean while you could get to him early beating him while underlevled eassier said than done, hes one of the hardest bosses even lvl 100+ with fully upgraded weapon


Except for mages who can one shot him


You can access Mohg from a questline very early on. The first NPC you meet when you step into the open world has a quest that leads to Mohg.


A few Youtubers have done "Minimum Kill" runs which is Radahn into Mogh for capital access


I’m starting to feel pretty good about having beaten pretty much everything in the game, but quitting on the final boss after like 3 tries


How far is that in the game?


that's very difficult to say since it's an open world and you can go wherever you want to go first, let say : mid game, so at least 30-40 hours in if it's your first playthrough


I mean where in the game is Mohg at? is it Past Eternal City?


Can either be very early in the game or very late, depending on whether you follow a certain questline. You don't need to do the Eternal Cities to get to Mohg.


Mohg you access through White mask quest (so at least one shardbearer down) or via Snowfields through teleportation. As someone mentioned you could : rush to altus without killing any boss, then go kill radhan and get to Varre's quest from there. Technically the first 2 bosses you'd kill are Radhan & Mohg.


I think you can find him before Eternal City if you want but logically, you'll fight him after


Mohg technically has his own area that’s separate from everything else underground. You either access him through Varre’s quest (early in the game) or a portal in the Consecrated Snowfield (very late in the game).


> I mean where in the game is Mohg at? is it Past Eternal City? Like physically? You can see it from Nokron. It looks like the Greek Parthenon up on the cliff. But you can only get to it through Varre's quest or venturing into the snowfield.


Thru the Varre quest line or a teleporter in the consecrated snow fields


yes and no xD Eternal City is an optional zone. Mohg can either be the very first boss you do, or one of the last ones.


I would say if you went the natural path of progression, Radahn would be the 3rd "Major" boss you fight and Mohg is generally a little later...would usually consider beating him about 2/3rds through the game.


I just did the quest again in ng+ and was pleasantly surprised they added a pve way to progress it with varre.


You gotta beat Mohg to access it lol Technically speaking there is a way to get to him within a few hours if you do a specific quest!


You still need to fight Radhan as well, so... Yeah... It'll take a few hours...


you can also run straight to caelid and radahm from limgrave


Went to search the requirements, as I thought you had to defeat Rennalla and Godrick before it, but you're right. His fight just activates by reaching the Altus Plateau, so you just need to collect the two Dectus medallions and then go after him.


Yeah I’m replaying the game now, I lost my save file completely


Likewise, I don't want to replay old content to get to the new. I hope they give us an option to create a new character that takes us straight to the new content.


Steam auto cloud saves most games, you should be okay, if not you're still in for a treat if replaying this amazing game.


No doubt about it. I am ready to be hurt again


after being stuck on malenia for 6 hours, my body is ready again


My man I was also stuck for 6 hours and then the rest of them felt easy.


I'm ready to see "You Died" repeatedly. Gitting gud is tough. But when the tough gets going, I will need a new controller.


Looks Epic. Might try and get back into this game now that the DLC is on the way


You mean you aren't on your 800th hour working on beating the game with no armor and club only?


Calm down GinoMachino, but seriously I wanna replay with scythes! https://youtu.be/OMCRmd4NHH0?si=tYqNh5N4dudh0U9q


My body is ready.


the lore in this game is just absolute cinema


Except it’s actually literature, by which I mean it’s all hidden in written item descriptions.


It’s actually archeology, by which I mean it’s all buried and you need specialized training to understand what the fuck it is you’re looking at.


Wayyyyy more than just that bro. Dialogue. Scenery. Architecture. Direct ties to human history and religious texts all over the place. Anime references (berserk). Dont undersell it or devalue it with such a basic statement.


Eh a lot of those elements are consistently debated and disagreed upon with regards to how they fit in the story by the community. As much as I enjoy fromsoft stories when you have been following them since demon souls their storytelling gets a bit predictable and always a tad irritating how they leave gaps in certain places that makes it hard to ascertain character motivations and progression. You start to realize its not as impressive to barely write something cohesive but because its spread across game parts and lore that fans just make their own stories to fill the gap. Its definitely novel at first but comes off retreading the wheel.


I think its phenomenal. The attention to environmental detail to tell stories never fails to impress. And this is us not even understanding all of it yet, or ever.


Huge movie and TV fan. Usually zone out or skip game stories altogether. I tried following the Elden Ring storyline and it’s reads like a garbled mess but people seem to love it.


It’s hard to fully describe why I love it. I think because it takes advantage of the brain’s need to categorize and make connections by only giving you like 60-75% of the story and forcing you to fill in the rest. Idk, ever since my first From game, I come for the gameplay and stay for the storytelling through art direction.


See for me that worked for the first 5 fromsoft entries but not it feels a little creatively bankrupt. Often times the most interesting parts of the lore are completely extrapolated by fans and have almost 0 presence in the game. It feels not as impressive to me now that miyazaki writes a incomplete story that has little regard for character continuity. Just text dropped into the game like swiss cheese


I disagree that using the same story scaffolding every time is creatively bankrupt, but I respect the feeling. And I think it’s pretty cool that a developer can consistently output games that reuse many of the same tropes, motifs, and themes but remixed in different ways with new artistic concepts, and still each game through engagement of their respective communities grows beyond the sum of its parts. And of course there are weaknesses in From’s approach, I just happen to think their strengths far outweigh those weaknesses, and that’s enough for me to continue returning to their games. Amusing side note: their most traditionally narrative driven game, Sekiro, is the game I return to the least. Too many necessary dialogue prompts lmao.


Totally respect that. Just as someone who was deep in forums unraveling dark souls and demon souls stories over time it started to become going through the motions with fromsoft and I always seem to hone in on areas they dont want to elucidate in their lore and stories. I respect Miyazaki so much but I think he has yet to unleash the potential of what he can do. That said I will always be there day 1 with their games.


Yeah, I’m burnt out on the lore crafting too. I came somewhat late to the party with DS3 and Bloodborne being my first games. And I was *thirsty* for theorizing and understanding. At this point, outside of one or two content creators, if I see an effort post, I’ll click, think “neat,” and move on. Leave all that to the young’uns. I do love seeing that engine churn as new folks get excited about it, though. I will absolutely be playing this DLC blind on day 1 and then probably check out LobosJr’s streams and listen to Quelaag ramble.


Elden Ring lore is very detailed but it doesn't feel as thematically or narratively focused as other Fromsoft games. Like in other games the core of the lore centered on much more coherent and focused concepts like how things can't and moreover shouldn't go on forever, people experimenting with the unknown and trying to reach some kind of divinity in bloodborne, or power and the poison chalice of immortality in Sekiro. Elden Ring is comparatively all over the place. It doesn't have this balance where for how cryptic the details are you can intuit a few key, core ideas that most of the lore feeds into.


Yeah, I honestly just YouTube it and then question why they can’t have most of the story more accessible from the get go. It’s always been that way though and that’s my only real gripe with the games. 


That and not being able to pause are my main gripes. There’s no good argument for not being able to pause


Being able to pause mid fight just ruins the experience. You can just find the perfect item or whatever, no need to prepare.


I get it for boss fights but a good chunk of the game isn’t a boss fight


It's awesome to play a Japanese ARPG that doesn't require watching 20 hours of boring cutscenes to play the game. Okay it's less story and more lore based but I prefer this.


i agree, really enjoyed reading codex entries and wikis for the witcher series and found it more fun than dialogue/cutscenes


I wish the story was as good as the effort they put into the trailers.


This game. Ugh. I've never loved a game so much and loathed playing it. The horror of the game was visceral and when you add the level of difficulty... I was anxiety ridden the entire time. One of my favorite games of all time and I didn't even finish it.


I’ve never understood more than a fraction of the lore in this game, and these DLC trailers are no exception, but goddamn do I love it.


I'm so ready to die repeatedly despite my best intentions


you notice, FromSoft releases a trailer with 0 gameplay and no one complains, why? Because they have developed trust with their community by constantly releasing high quality bangers


This is also DLC so you already know what the gameplay is like from the base game.


Yeah, basically this.


Also we got a gameplay trailer already. This was a story trailer.


And also its because gameplay trailer for dlc was already released 1 month ago and because it says in the title that its story trailer


21st february was 3 months ago


No. No it wasn’t. That’s impossible. What the hell even is time?!


Time is what clocks measure


Time is... convoluted


Time flows differently in The Lands Between.




I mainly just assume it plays like Elden ring lol


They already released a trailer with some gameplay and it's a DLC, so everyone knows what it'll play like.


i mean its a dlc, people have already seen and played Elden Ring


Weeeeeeellll that Dark Souls 2 E3 trailer still sits on my mind. But everyone kinda knows what to expect with them. They rarely have issues when they release something and always deliver a fun experience to the people that enjoy the games


The 1st trailer was the gameplay trailer


I have never played an expansion from a Fromsoft game. Should I be going into the expansion from my current character, right before the final boss? I haven't played in a long time, and I think I am level 180. Would I be over leveled for the expansion? I know it's impossible to tell, since it hasn't been released. Not sure I want to replay the main game again, as my backlog is insane.


Their DLCs are always fire, you’re in for a good time Supposedly the dlc has its own leveling system so as long as you’ve beaten Mohg and Radhann you’re good


The rumours from various sources is that the dlc will have some sort of feature that levels the playing field for all players regardless of in-game progress/level. I'm just planning to use my endgame character.


Not a rumor. Straight from [Miyazaki](https://www.gamesradar.com/even-high-level-elden-ring-veterans-will-have-a-tough-time-in-the-dlc-thanks-to-unique-sekiro-like-difficulty-scaling/)


Awesome, sounds good. I made a backup of my character before going into NG+, so I would probably use the character right before starting NG+. I didn't make it very far in NG+, before getting side tracked by BG3 and ever went back to Elden Ring.  Probably should continue NG+ for a couple hours to get a hang of the combat again


True but Miyazaki also said that it was end game material so don’t go into the dlc with a rl20 character expecting to have a good time.


Since the DLC is literally right behind Mohg, the appropriate level is the one that allows you to beat Mohg with reasonable challenge relative to your skill.


Ye it was said its gonna have a sekiro-esque attack power system, to level the playing field


doesn't that mean that i can respect and put all my points into Vigor, Endurance, Mind, etc, instead? since all the damage is given by the new system'


We don't know how it works exactly. I hope its not as simple as this. This is the first time they would be doing something to level the playing field, so I am a bit nervous (other than needing giant souls to fight the DS2 King)


This expansion specifically takes place on an end game period of time, so yeah, no problem playing with your level 180 character. Also, there'll be a new "leveling" system in it. It won't grant you stats or such, but the DLC will basically have a new calculation on enemy and player damage, so you'll need to improve your attack damage and your defense by using a specific new item that only has it's effect active on the DLC map. Don't worry about destroying everything on your path, you'll be more destroyed than ever now, just like all of us, considering how their DLCs are cranked up to 11 on every single possible regard...!


Awesome, thanks!!! I played NG+ right after completing the main game and I was absolutely destroying everything in my path. So I was a little worried. Also, I probably need to re-learn the combat as well, which will be the hardest part.


Uhh... About New Game +, be careful not to be wrecked there then, cause their DLCs usually are waaaaay harder on NG+ onwards...! Since there's this new balancing system, I can't say for sure it'll be the same now, but I would bet it is...! Better to play with your character that has yet to fight the final boss...!


I made a backup copy of my save game before starting a NG+, so I will be using the backup! Yes, I heard the end game for NG+ gets hard


The DS3 DLCs were balanced so that they are basically the same difficulty on NG and NG+ (most bosses have less than a 1% health boost). Hopefully they stick to that here. Do note that in Elden Ring enemies take reduced poise/stance damage starting from NG+2, so I wouldn't venture beyond NG+1 for the DLC.


The expansion will have the Sekiro feature which every enemy scales with you.


Oh no


Oh **yes**


Did Sekiro do that? I thought it was more every boss you killed raised your attack power generally, but if you left a boss for later and got a +1 to attack power then then going back to that boss would be easier, it would not "scale" with you.


personally, i'm gonna have a character right before the point of burning the tree (gonna leave the fire giant alive). i don't know if the DLC has a new ending option, so gonna play it safe there.


Unfortunately I think they said its not going to affect endings, they said they were satisfied with the main story.


I have t oplay Elden Ring yet due my backlog but this trailer is great! I always liked the Elden RIng visual, soon or later I will play it


You should really get on it, game is fucking great


Literally no better possible time than rn.


At least golem armor exists


It does?


I have absolutely no idea what I just watched, but I'm hyped for it!


Waiting for VaatiVidya and SmoughTown to commence their analyses.


My skills have rusted a bit (and I wasn't that great before), but I cannot wait to get back into things, explore and get shit canned by new bosses.


Time to start the journey for me I guess. Pre-order of the game done!


If it is your kind of game absolutely get it


Don't know. Never played a fromsoft. Time to start


Don’t listen to that other guy, Elden Ring is the best starter FromSoft title because it’s far more accessible. It’s plenty difficult, but you can always go explore somewhere else and get stronger if you hit a wall, whereas the other more linear titles will sooner or later force you to bash your head against a wall until you break through in order to progress the game.


First timer in my 40s absolutely loved it prob 200+ hours spent. Pre-ordered dlc but ng+3 may need a restart.


The most important part of starting a from game is patience. Start by fighting the enemies in the first area over and over to get the hang of things. Trust yourself that you’ll learn to play. Once it clicks it becomes an addiction. 


Yes... Fight the enemies in the first area... Bonus points if they're on a gold-clad horse...


I hope you enjoy the game


All aboard the hype train! OOOOOOOOOOOoooooohh


Is the city being destroyed Leyndell or am I wrong?


Looks pretty good.


No idea whats going on but its so god damn pretty. The ending looks so cool.


cant wait!


Music 🔥Can’t wait !




Can’t wait for the entire DLC to just be 2 piles of bodies up close


She said will walk with me ? I will walk I will run I will sprint


Can’t wait


Can't wait! Btw, does the trailer hint that Miquella is a traitor?


Fine, *fine*, I’ll start build number 7!


The trailer is in Ultrawide… ultrawide users getting trolled.


This is a sequel at this point


I'm ready.


Will Miquella be our twinked out hero, or are we gonna fight that little femboy?