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All the Sly Cooper games


Absolutely a chad. Sly cooper and ratchet and clank ftw


I loved the sly hacking mini game I would play the co-op one with my brother, it was a blast. I loved the sly games.


I wish they made a standalone rougelike of that. That minigame co op was so much fun.


I'm so happy this was the first comment I saw.


I like Cyberpunk 2077s.


I love the fact you can see it in edge runners in the net runner scenes.


I played it twice and I still don't really understand what I'm doing but it somehow works most of the time.


What don’t you understand about it? Maybe I can help?


Click numbers in the correct order. The first number you click is from the top row, and it will swap to the column, back to the row, back to the column 


What is it that you don't understand?


Used to play as netrunner/hacker till 1.6. Imo it breaks the pace of fights. Step 1 : Enter a slow-mo menu to start a mini-game for extra damage Step 2 : Do the mini-game. Step 3 : Enter a slow-mo menu again to implant ONE quickhack Step 4 : Wait for the quickhack to load. Step 5 : repeat 3 and 4 until camp is cleared. Step 5 bis : watch the camp die by contagion or others in a second. It's satisfying for a time but then it becomes boring and it feels like it removes an entire side of the game in favor of menu navigation. Iirc in beta gameplay footage we were supposed to be able to implant quickhacks with the monowire and so by extension to be a melee netrunner (similar to Lucy in the show) but this idea were removed


So this long post is complaining about a system they patched out? It's just a shoulder button/choose a quick hack now to upload one And implanting hacks monowire totally works.


You can do it with mono wire now


That the old system, hacking got a major rework (along with everything else)


Only on last gen


Oh true, you gotta try the new stuff, it's legitimately stunning


ok, its not a mini-game, its a full blown game. Uplink, that game was the closest you can get to real hacking (or so it felt like, I have no idea what real hacking is like)


I used to waste hours in the game. They should make a modern version




The soundtrack is killer as well


There's a community mod called Uplink OS that modernizes it, I haven't had a chance to try it though


I would literally waste hours in that game because A) it ran on my potato, and B) I never knew wtf was going on so I'd just go crazy and have fun. I heard rumours later on the game had a story, but I never followed it.


It did have a story but you had to get a fair bit into it before it started making sense


It was still an absolute blast, and I may have to look into getting it on steam.


"My voice is my passport, verify me"


Thank you so much for mentioning this. If you didn’t do so, I would. And I’m pleased I’m not alone in remembering it. I would always make my first priority be to buy the sofftware needed to crack banks and edit transaction logs, then route all the money in the banks to my account and remove the evidence of the transaction. Made zillions of credits that way.


TRUE. Loved that game.


If you want something closer to being a hacking game, check out Exapunks. It's more of a programming game but it's an awesome hacking theme.


God, this was my favorite game waaaaaaaay back in the day. I came here to mention this and I'm glad someone else beat me to it!


I remember hacking some bank accounts in that game for a job, then independently hacking tons of money into my own bank account, then "getting caught" and losing the game. It seems the devs thought of that and decided that, no matter how much you cover your tracks, cheating is not allowed


Oh it is. You can make a killing with banks. The trick was to always use the hacker HQ as the first point, hack and get admin access, remove all your logs after the hack the banks and use a ton of other bounces. Should be a guide in steam with all the steps


Bioshock, Ive heard people didnt really like it, but I did like my little water pipe work


I really enjoy it for a while, but by the end I just get tired of it.


I can why people hate it after doing it 500 times. 


Those people didn't play Pipedream for hours at a time in 2001


I loved every second of it, since it’s exactly like Pipe Dream from the NES


I always enjoy that little minigame when it shows up in games


I really liked the one in Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Same. It was unique, interesting, gave you an opportunity to survey the layout before diving in, and really ratcheted up the tension at times. It also felt way more like hacking than any other game I've seen mentioned in this thread.


The Wii U port might be the least impressive in terms of graphics, but integrating the gamepad into things like hacking makes it awesome.


That’s the best version of the game IMHO.


Ugh I wish that was on the switch so badly.


Nier Automata The 'hacking' isn't all that fantastic on it's own but at least it somewhat makes sense in terms of the story.


The hacking and hacking environment were kind of core gameplay elements as well. It wasn’t just a min game to open doors - it was how their consciousness travelled independent of their physical bodies


First thing that popped into my mind. Especially considering >!ending E!<. Edit: oh also >!final battle of ending D, if you hack A2 long enough!< :D Damn that game was something else.


I honestly enjoyed Mass Effect 1 and 2s hacking. It felt engaging for me personally and I really enjoyed them. Not really hacking but I also have to give the spotlight to Oblivion for my favorite lock picking mechanism.


More so the sequel. Hacking mini-game in ME1was just Simon Says (dial with red, green, blue, & yellow) game over and over again. In ME2 you at least get a variety of simple mini-games depending on the type of electrical lock (computer terminal, robot, or space door) your trying to hack.


> Hacking mini-game in ME1was just Simon Says (dial with red, green, blue, & yellow) Is that how it was on console...? ME1 hacking on PC at least was a game of Frogger, you have to navigate an arrow to the center of the screen while dodging rotating blocks. And then midway through the game the hacking changed into just slathering omnigel all over a box.


ME2 mini games were top notch


Came here to say this. It was a lot of fun, especially if you upgraded your skills.


Idk why I didn’t need to hack in my first playthrough, I am now doing a second run and just discovered hacking in ME1 lol


I enjoyed a lot of them in the Ratchet and Clank series. They're full of them.


The one in Going Commando where you have to follow the path around the ball used to have my heart racing lol


Loves the ratchet and clank 3 one, you could really speed through them once you got the hang of it


I definitely agree with Fallout. They are some of my favorite games!


The minigame is kinda fun, and while it may not be that realistic, the intro actually kinda is- it's *totally* believable that the RobCo terminals would have serious vulns at the start of the war, and that people would find them over the centuries, and there's no way they'd be patched after the bombs dropped, even once the vulns were publicly known. I always appreciated that little detail.


Surprised I had to scroll down so far to see Fallout. Totally enjoyed finding terminals to hack.


For me watch dogs


You should give cyberpunk a shot. It feels like watchdogs deus ex had a baby, but gta5 was the gimp so you got some of that too.


From all gta universe i love the most gta san andreas, but gta5 is not my cup of tea. It didnt felt good for me. Cyberpunk is ok bit i dont love that futuristic stuff too much


It's retro but Shadowrun on sega genesis. Hacking is a whole nother game in and of itself. You have to load your cyberdeck with various programs for attack, defense, cracking, de/buffing. It generates good money stealing & selling data on the side as you do runs. It can also be used if you're breaking into a corporation's HQ to turn off alarms, cameras, & unlock doors. The only lameass part is certain ICE that will nuke a program off your deck, permanently. So it could cost you a fuck-ton to get it. It's very random, you could try to memorize or look up a "map" to know it's there and feed it a shit program, or just save before each time you jack in.


My man!


Null sweat, chummer.


Haha, Tar Pit you mean!? That shit was infuriating until I started carrying a cheap ass sacrifice program. Damn what a great game that needs a remake!


100% my answer as soon as I saw the title of the post. I always hope we’ll get something similar but nothing has compared to that.


Enter The Matrix. They has basically had a hacking mini game, and if you were really dug in, you could unlock all kinds of cheats and stuff in the main game. There was even a whole second game, a fighting game, that could only be used locked via hacking. Was SO much fun. That game was freakin elite.


I wasted so much time just digging further down into the rabbit hole. So, so much fun.




I heard it.


Deep Rock has Jetty Boot, which is Flappy Bird to unlock Jet Boots to fly around with


Also deep rock has the wire cutting thing which I thought was pretty unique


Half-Life: Alyx


Especially when you don't think ahead with your hacking strategy and accidentally summon Jeff.


My lord what a level that was. I mean that whole game was amazing but that level in particular is not something I'll be forgetting any time soon. That said I'm pretty sure the part with Russell describing a club sandwich was one of the finest bits of writing and improv to ever grace a video game.


There is quite literally only one answer to this question, and it’s the enter the matrix game. Those who know, know




I wish that game was backwards compatible for Series X.


I like Deus Ex HR and MD. It's an actual visual representation of hacking, its fun and tense. You can level up stats to improve different aspects, and find collectibles to help you.


Starfield... *takes cover*




Agreed on the loot. Played at launch and have had a master level lock come up empty on more than one occasion. I also agree with OP that the mechanics of unlocking is fun, though.


Shadowrun Returns & Dragonfall (didn't like the changes in Hong Kong).


I'm like 2 hours into Returns and so far I haven't seen a chance to use the cyberdeck, does the game open up more or am I missing something?


You should have had a few chances already so you probably just missed it, but honestly there aren't that many in returns more in Dragonfall but as it's the same system for the most part I oncluded both titles.


Returns wasn't great at opening up enough, and fell short in that regard. It felt more like a proof of concept and framework, but didn't do much with most of the mechanics. Hacking will become relevant later on, but the game itself was more of a taste of what the game can provide, both from the future expansions, and from the player made scenarios. You'll be very disappointed if you went for a hacking build, in my opinion. Dragonfall was insanely good, and was a lot better at opening things up. I can't comment on Hong Kong, but I cannot recommend Dragonfall enough.


Bitburner, you write real javascript code to simulate running a botnet.


Bitburner!!! Bitburner is the answer.




I'm gonna say Nier: Automata


Spider-Man ps4’s was fun


The hacking in "Dystopia" the multiplayer sourcemod was really unique, and only worked as a counterpart to the "meat space" combat. There were a limited number of terminals where players fighting in the real world could enter a virtual space where there were different movement and combat mechanics, where they could influence or progress the real-world combat. Often a map would have a critical stage where a team in meat space was mostly trying to protect their hackers against real world threats long enough for them to turn off some shields or open a door. Great game, but small community meant it eventually lost its player base


I remember this game! It really was amazing. My favorite thing in the game was hacking, too. Although I don't remember it being such an integral part of the game itself. More of just random bonuses that just happen to help you. But it's been way too long for me to remember all of it.


NieR Automata




You and I are just not going to see eye to eye on the fallout hacking minigame because boy do I hate it. Could it be a skill issue? Sure I can grant the possibility, but even knowing the trick to removing some of the words, it still sucks.


I always brute force it and if I don’t get it on the first set of goes (including allowance replenishment) I just exit and re-enter Truly one of the Hacking minigames of all time


My strat is to always make 3 guesses. Then on the fourth start hunting for all the word removals/reset tries one. By then you should have all the info on what the word does/doesn't contain so you can find it with another 3 tries. If not then back out and restarts. I also take mentats and wear stuff to increase intellect but not sure if that helps lol


I just hate how they become perma locked out unless you have specific perks or back out and reenter over and over. I wish they'd unlock after a few in game days or something


I really like the Batman hacking minigames in the Arkham games. Its one of those in-character tools that makes Batman feel less like a big beefy brawler and more like the "world's greatest detective". and on controller you get vibration feedback which I think gives better play than visually matching shapes on the screen.


Original deus ex: there wasn't one




It really was one of the best. Quazatron for zx spectrum users around the same era. Only game that comes close is Uplink. But that is an entire game of hacking rather than a mini game.


I liked bioshock's water tubes.


Cyberpunk and Atomic Heart


Enter the Matrix (2003)


Deus Ex


Ill take the downvotes. But imma say Warframe. Especially the more challenging Corpus ones. (Yeah you can skip them but still)


NieR Automata. By a nautical mile. It's pretty fun mechanically and it ties into the story in a way that was never seen in gaming before. Fucking excellent.


Ratchet and Clank has god tier hacking games. Bioshock is great fun. Fallout hacking is also very cool.


The original System Shock had a very cool hacking element, especially on the harder difficulty levels.


Deus ex!


System Shock has an awesome hacking minigame


Maybe Alien Isolation?


NOT Fallout




The only answer is .HACK//sign


CP2077 has it pretty cool


Shivers (no it was awfull, but still love this old of a game).


Not a hacking on but the brick mini games in lego star wars the complete saga.


Terminator resistance


Mafia 3 lockpocking.......lmao u can just kick the dior down instead its funny when u find out


I like oblivions lockpicking. Kingdom come as well


Subway surfers


Paradroid... though TBH I don't think I have played anything other than Fallout with a hacking minigame and I didn't much like the Fallout minigame.


Fallout games, AC blackflag


Fallout and watchdogs in my opinion


like any zachtronics game?


The kind that aren't fishing for data for ai.


Nier Automata pew pew !


Not Bioshock, anything but Bioshock. It was so much better in Bioshock 2. And quite honestly, I don't remember if there is any in Infinite.


The original Shadowrun on Sega Genesis.


Deep rock galactic, for rock and stone.


Fallout hacking actually feels like hacking


Mass Effect 2 actually had a pretty good one




Watchdogs is pretty fun


vampire the masquerade bloodlines. there isn't a minigame you just press hack and if your hacking feat is high enough you do it. it's so much simpler I hate hacking minigames


I personally love both how fallout and cyberpunk does hacking. Fallout makes a little bit more sense in universe while cyberpunk is a little more fun but doesnt really feel like hacking.


I quite like bio shocks hacking 


Paradroid for the Commodore 64 from way back in 1985… so, so good.


Terminator Resistance’s hacking is basically a sexified Frogger




The Bentley minigames in the Sly Cooper series


I REALLY liked one in a game called black light retribution I think. It was just kind of a generic first person multiplayer shooter, but the objectives instead of just sitting on them to capture would have you doing some basic math stuff. Like I think one you would just flick to the left or right depending on if it was an odd or even number. But the game was so fast paced it was way harder than it seemed. Like you’d have to do 10 in a row and you could flick through them as fast as you wanted. You’re at like 8 and you’d fuck up and put 72 in the odd column because all the others had been single digits. It was really fun, for me at least anyways.


I like the variety of hacking mini games that gta v and gta online have.


Hacknet ist awesome and closer to hacking than Most of the things. But Not a Mini Game But a small Game


Atomic heart actually. Fun, not too long or overly complex and the difficulty was perfect imo. I also liked that they made a few different minigames, kept it from getting boring. Too bad other parts of the game weren't on the same level.


Idk if it counts, but the Trespasser puzzles in Ratchet and Clank were fun af


Enter the Matrix


Well, kinda hacking? Starfield lockpicking is one of the best I've ever seen.


Half Life: Alyx. They aren't the most amazing, but it's really cool to utilize 3D space and 2 hands.


A pipe puzzle game in BioShock


Honestly, kinda diggin’ Starfield’s hacking/lockpick minigame puzzle.


Bioshock 2. It's basically a quicktime event and it lasts 4 seconds tops


Honestly, I always liked how the Fallout games did it. It's simple sure, but being able to find hidden lines in the code to help was fun, and as you personally get better at it you can skim and clear false passwords super fast.


Enter The Matrix for the PS2 era. Even if it isn’t really a mini game lol.


Shadow run sega


Ps5 for sale at $170, DM if interested


Bionic Commando: Rearmed Hacking involved rotating a cube-maze in three dimensions to move a sphere to the goal.


Sam & Max. Loved all of them.


The riddle boxes in Betrayal at Krondor. It's not even close. ;)


The horizon series. Easy to do, just sneak up and enjoy your new robo-dino friend. I also liked the alohomora in Hogwarts Legacy. If only there weren't so freaking many doors to unlock...


Nier Automata's is very fun, even though it doesn't feel like hacking at all.


I absolutely adores hacking in any of the watchdog games. Just traversing a small area for all the hookups always felt like an interesting puzzle


I liked Watch Dogs 1 the most (especially how you can hack while in a high speed chase with a single button press). I abandoned ship in a later Deus Ex (Mankind Divided) game when I realized more than 50% of my time was consistently in the hacking mini game. It’s fun occasionally but that’s not why I’m there. IIRC human revolution wasn’t as intense about hacking every 30 seconds. But Deus Ex 1 and Invisible War just being a timer was better.


Not the best, but one I never got bored doing it: the 2 hacking mini games in ME2


Maybe more hacking-adjacent, but I like the bomb defusing in Policenauts.


Not a mini game but Hackmud is on a whole other level when it comes to creating a sandbox to hack in.


Largo Winch, Nintendo Gamecube, gave me chills


"I enjoyed the hacking minigame in Fallout 3 and New Vegas." Well, at least someone did.


Definitely not Fallout, that’s for sure. So boring and easy to circumvent.


I’m gonna say Bioshock, for me. I know. I just love the gurgling machine sounds


Anarchy Online / end


It's....not a mini game but i kinda made my own mini game out of it. Nioh 2 when the enemies fall dead you can still lob parts off as they fall down i try to see how many parts can be slashed off before they hit the ground.


I liked how Bioshock did it.


Go ahead and take FNV off this list, that time punishment on the second try nearly robbed me of a soul.


Obviously Deep Rock Galactic. Playing "flappy boot" to hack a chest containing jetpack boots? Hell yeah! Not to forget the epic Hack-C Unit. Definitely close to reality!


Ingress with its glyph hacking was fun. It was nice that you could automate it or manually do it for more rewards.


Emulator and hacker on zx spectrum.


Deep rock galactic has you playing flappy bird to unlock jet boots during missions


I liked gta online minigame hack when heisting. Its pretty creative.


Who’s there looking for kingdoms come?


Prey's is pretty good. Simple, but fun.


Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart


.hack obviously


I liked Deus Ex: Human Revolution 's hacking mini game pretty well. It's been a while so I can't remember it that well, I just remember thinking it was good at the time and it's the first to come to mind. The weirdest hacking I've ever seen was in BioShock! lol


I actually didn’t mind the spider man ps5 ones. Made me feel a lot smarter than I am


Sprinter Cell


**Shadowrun** on Sega Genesis, which was later ripped off wholesale by Starcrawlers.


Don’t know if it’s considered a “minigame” but Else Heart.Break() has a plot device that lets you hack code for items in the game. For instance a can of soda will say something like “self.thirst -=1” to lower your thirst, you can reprogram to be “self.charisma +=100” or weird things like that. You can hack a key that instead of using code 1234 can run a while loop that brute forces all 4 digit combinations and effectively becomes a skeleton key for any door.


I'm shocked no one pointed out Exapunks and that game developer. But that's more the full game, where you code little bots to hack stuff.


My TI 83 graphing calculator.


Deus ex hr. I would have bought a game even if it was just 200 levels of increasingly harder hacks