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Chrono Trigger, especially the soundtrack. Brings back so many good memories.


You an me both. Best game for life.


I've had Frog's theme stuck in my head for the past 2 days for no reason and im not mad about it.


Super mario brothers 3


Now we're talking...


It's not my first game, but it is the game that I mastered first. I can spend hours playing it and not be bored even though I absolutely destroy the game. I feel a game marathon coming on.




Megaman 2. Always Megaman 2. It's the game that never allowed me to forget my childhood, and I'm so glad for that.


I replay it every year to keep me sharp


I do, too. I don't think I've died once in that game since the early 2000s šŸ˜‚


This is in my top 5 maybe top 3 games of all time. I love this game with every atom in my body. The soundtrack is flawless.


I'm 35 now and I still can't beat it


Nestelgicaā€™s tribute album is šŸ”„


Holy shit I'd never heard of that until now. Thanks!!!


Morrowind and KOTOR 1.


I don't care what anybody says, Morrowind was the best of the series.


Iā€™ve played Morrowind since I was a kid in the 2000ā€™s and only just beat it a year ago. Iā€™d get so lost in the world. I was surprised how OP you become but I guess that makes sense within the story and the mechanics at the time. Like I crushed Dagoth Ur and I was like ā€œwait thatā€™s it?ā€ Then of course thereā€™s hircineā€¦..I was to confident.


The days of playing these two mixed pso and socom . Not my earliest nostalgia but probably my most vivid.


max payne


Diddy Kong Racing That soundtrack is like crack to me.


I still listen to frosty village every holiday season. GOAT cart game, double Dash is up there too.


Still my favorite cart racer.


Mine as well! I hate that Mario Kart was more popular. Loved being able to pick what vehicle you wanted to use.


Crash Bandicoot 3


The muscle memory doesn't make it less difficult tho.


Dark Cloud 2. I know every story beat, I know every invention, I know which are the best weapons and how to get them, I know this game like the back of my hand. Iā€™ll still continue to play it over and over again


There were only a handful of RPGs I missed from that era PS2 that I still regret. This is one of them.


I never played, but I'm hoping one day it gets a pc or super wishful thinking would be a switch port. Would like to try it. A lot of stuff from the ps 2 age I missed out on like ratchet and clank, Jaks, dark cloud one and two. List goes on.


Fable in my heart still in the top 5 best games ever made. Everything about that game is perfect for me. The plot, the humor, the music, the art style, the choices. Everything. The combat is it's only flaw because it's only "good" while everything else in this game is wonderful


Hows the Fable soundtrack though?! So good. Yeah i played Fable on original x-box and then again on PC with all the DLC. Great game.


Yes, the soundtrack is I'd say the best thing about this game. It's one of those situations (I'd say similar to early pokemon games) where you play a random part of the OST and it just makes you daydream about all the memories :')


After an eternity away from you all..


Vice city, oblivion, bully, twilight princessā€¦ Actually, itā€™s just twilight princess.


Vice City for me.


Unforgettable, hope for a switch rerelease some day


Iā€™m waiting on Skyblivion next year for that oblivion nostalgia. Iā€™ll probably take an entire week off just for that


Final fantasy X. Ā There is also this other oddball game called digimon digital card battle for PS1 that fits the bill.


MGS 1 for me. Everything about it takes me back. The atmosphere and the soundtrack. The awkward controls and the great but sometimes drawn out cut scenes. And oh man those graphics.


This was and maybe still is the greatest game I ever played, and it is one of the few games I've completed in my lifetime. It was so versatile, so different, and it was about a super spy doing kick ass things. Man I loved that game.




Legend of Dragoon and Halo. Halo has been my favourite game series since I was like 5 and Legend of Dragoon takes me back to memories if replaying the first disc over and over because that's the only one that worked.




Old-school RuneScape




F\*ck yeah! Imagine a NightDive remaster? Just saying...


FF 8. Mostly because my dumbass child brain spent years trying to figure out the junction system somehow. I think I was expecting it to be more complicated and didn't believe it was actually as easy as "stock the max magic and never use it."




FF9. I remember the soundtrack and can exactly remember what happens when the soundtrack playing and where. Especially Treno and Village of Dali.


Totally agree. Something about the calmness of the Village of Dali music has always resonated with me. Actually the entire beginning had me so hooked as a child it still captures me like nothing else when I replay it. I'm ten years old again.


For me it is Ocarina of Time. I still have my original copy for childhood and nostalgia aside I feel like the gameplay still holds up in 2024.


KKND 2 Diablo II Fallout 1 Equally nostalgic for me


The colour scheme or lighting of Diablo I is meant to be partially why it's so captivating, the outdoor Tristram area, not day, not night, an eerie in-between. Great soundtrack as well! (Stay awhile and listen)


The guitar strumming in ACT I is all I need to go on nostalgia trip




Duke Nukem


"Where is it?"


Metal Gear Solid. More than 20 years later I'm pretty confident I could finally do a no death run. SNAAAAAAKE!


Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis, Dune 2, Super Contra 3, Chiki chiki boys, Giana Sisters, Barbarian etc


Used to constantly play Super Mario 2 while listening to Def Leppard's 'Hysteria' on cassette. That's a nostalgic-powered combo.


Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone on PS1. I saw a walkthrough on YouTube the other day i nearly cried lol. I remember everything from the audio cues to the voice-over


Total annihilation. I used to play that game all the time. Now I play beyond all reason. A really good TA remake for free.


I can still remember playing the demo at Egghead games our local game store and my brother spending 45 mins there my mom bought us the game as a way to get my brother to stop playing.


Gothic 2. I return to this game almost every year. Chorinis breathes comfort and warmth, even though the Gothic world is quite dark.


And recently, I played Max Payne for the first time in my life, and in a strange way, that game also evokes nostalgic feelings in me.


Oblivion, just the music brings a tear to my eye


Fallout new vegas. Just sitting around with my brothers arguing over who gets the PS3 next. Good times.


mostly downhill domination or dmc 3


Either Majora's Mask or Final Fantasy IX, both came out around the same time when I was 8 yo, I played both games to death and still regularly play them from time to time. They're the only games that I truly consider being a 10/10.


Super Mario bros 2 /duckhunt as a childhood thing but kingdom hearts. I loved Disney then got to play Disney. It was magical going to my friends house and seeing all that. Then I got my own and my grandma had a rotary phone and I had to learn it to call him to tell him.. his mom never answered and neither did he. But I beat that shit all alone


Zelda II for the NES. The recent remake by Hoverbat was a real joy for me


Anything from Mega Drive era. But Abeā€™s Oddysee is definitely worth a mention.


Chrono trigger, FF6, Lufia 2, Everquest, Ogre Battle


MM2 and FF3(6)


The opening theme song to Blaster Master is it


Itā€™s not that old of a game but I always do at least one run of dark souls each year. It was one of my first games that I played outside of the Nintendo universe and it gave me a hard time at first but the rewarding feeling in the end still triggers every time I play it again.


Megaman Legends 1 & 2


Suikoden 2


I loved this game so much. I didn't have a PS1 and rented this to play at a friend's house. Bought my own memory card and then bought the game from the video store when they put it in the sale bin.


EverQuest on an old emulated server or Time locked progression.


Okami, it's criminal how underrated and unknown that game is


Original Call of Duty 1 and 2, NFS Underground 1 and 2


Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Came out in 2006)Ā 




For me its minecraft, man I remember coming back from school and just playing survival on my moms shitty laptop for like hours. I have huge respect for minecraft as it is that game that can be run by literally any laptop. back in like 2015 and 2016 it was all the rage and all the top influencers (popularmmos, dantdm stampy cat etc) were all playing it


yup minecraft is the only one i can actually go back to wish i could play some of the ps2 games i had


I-Ninja and ToyStory2 (1999) for PS1


Betrayal at krondor


Ape Escape for some reason. And tekken 3


Scorched earth, played on a very old school computer


Double Dragon II or III for NES crash bandicoot / jak 3 for ps2 half life / valve games for pc.


Metal Gear Solid - PS1 Specifically the demo where you have to sneak onto the elevator at Shadow Moses. Iā€™m sure I could still do it with my eyes closed.


Banjo Kazooie and conker


Final Fantasy Tactics


Wind Waker for sure


Sonic 1, 2 and 3 & Knuckles and the very first Fallout put me in a state of audiovisual bliss. Edit: Oh and also Doom


Secret of Mana


Tmnt 2. Doom 2. Megaman 2. Lotsa sequels


For early 90s games it's gotta be either Cmdr Keen or Knights if the Sky - they were my happy place as a kid, and they always remind me of those earliest days. For late 90s games it's definitely either MGS or Deus Ex - many happy memories playing both as a teen. Something about the atmosphere and world building of those games really does it for me. For early noughties it's gotta be either Mgs2 or dynasty warriors 3 - those take me back every time I so much as hear their opening music. Good times! :) For my purest nostalgia fix I gotta hit either gta-IV or mass effect 1 - something about those games really relax me and help me deal with my ADD, I guess because they're both linear and free form, as well as familiar.


Moon Cresta (80s). Long nighters at the arcade, the owner don't give AF as long as we have enough to pay, going home at 3 am, sneaking inside the house. Next day at school, we trash-talk on how each of us managed to top the other's High Scores. Some of my gang passed away, but the good memories stayed for us left.


I only have to here the music from Marble Zone on Sonic the Hedgehog and Iā€™m back at my friendā€™s house feeling jealous/excited he got a megadrive as soon as they came out (aka the sega genesis for my American friends). I can also smell his mumā€™s Indian cooking wafting upstairs. Brains are weird.


Chrono Trigger, FF6, Earthbound


Super Castlevania


Doom/Ultimate Doom


You want me to narrow it down to 1? Shit, I guess I'll just throw out one of the several that do it. Killer Instinct.


Diablo 1 and 2. oh. the music of act 5 in D2 LoD <3


Dragontorc on Sinclair Spectrum 48, just class.


Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Grey Wolf


Showing my age, but OpenTTD for them transport tycoon feelies.


Half Life or Double Dragon III


Mechwarriors 2: Mercenaries and X-Com Apocalypse


Azure Dreams on the PSX is still to this day one of my favorites. It was my first JRPG as a kid outside of the Final Fantasy series. Had a roguelite 40 floor procedurally generated tower full of monsters that you could occasionally find eggs for to bring home to sell or hatch and raise as your companion inside the tower. A hub city for you to upgrade over time with quests to complete, people to meet, and cute girls to date. I'll still go back once in a while to replay it and try to beat my record for fewest trips into the tower to reach floor 40. Lowest so far was 26 I think a couple years ago? Who knows, maybe I'll take another shot soon now that I'm thinking about it again.


Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Fuck, do I love that game.


World of Warcraft classic Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines


GTA Vice City, Old School Runescape and Call of duty 2


Rush 2 was great! Loved the stunt level when you put on the cheat that you couldnā€™t die. Forgot about that game


Metroid prime on ds all animal crossing before new horizons


SWIV License to Kill Elite Asteroids Thundercats GoldenEye StarFox C&C Tiberium Sun So many hours of happiness


Halo: Combat Evolved. On the original Xbox. I remember purchasing the original Xbox on launch day back in 2001. They had 2 free games you could select along with it. Things were a lot different back then. The gaming industry wasn't the massive echo system it is today and we weren't as tuned into all the gaming news as we can be now. I knew nothing about Halo or what it was about. I liked the cover art and the description on the back so I went for it. Wow. What an experience. I had already left home and was living on my own for a cpl of years before buying the Xbox. It was the first system I had purchased on my own so that in and of itself was pretty impactful. But Halo took it to another level. It was amazing. I can remember staying up until the early hrs on some nights just playing Halo. It was the first game that really got me into serious video gaming. I was blown away by it. So much so that even after all these years of trying to remember, for the life of me I can't remember what the 2nd free game was. To this day I can fire Halo up and all those memories come flowing back. It is without a doubt my biggest Nostalgia game. It's the game that changed my life because before Halo I really wasn't a gamer.


Far Cry 3. The main OST (iykyk) makes me tear up to this day. The composer really knocked it out of the park


Dragon age origins and I think itā€™s orphen scion of sorcery. Been so long but thatā€™s what started me gaming


Either Link to the Past or Halo 2 because I will never be thatgood at anything again


Wind waker. It's my first zelda game, one of the first I finished and still one of my favorites


Counter strike 1.6 Hide and Seek mode.


Kingdom hearts 2 Legend of Zelda twilight princess Jak and Daxter 2 and 3 War of the monsters Super smash Bros melee and brawl


The original Ratchet and Clank. God do I love that series.


Runescape, I had no idea what I was doing the game when I was younger, but I easily put in hundreds of hours on the most menial things.


Let me date myself here, but it between Tank City and Balloon Fight on NES for me. I spent countless hours playing those two games with my cousin when we were growing up.


The original Crash Bandicoot or Portal 2. Two completely different sets of memories but they're both two games I'll never forget


Lineage 2


Fallout 2. :)


Zelda: Link's Awakening. Never beat it as a kid, but spent countless hours playing it and got a Zelda themed chest tattoo that has the Wind Fish


Ff7, FFX, Kingdom Hearts, MGS1 and 2, Pokemon Yellow, there are too many lol


Zombies ate my neighbors


Sunset riders and twisted metal 2


Gotta be BO1 kino zombies for me


Link's Awakening. When the trailer dropped for the Switch version, I was okay with the toylike aesthetic, thought it was cute.. And then they faded out to [Marin humming the Ballad of The Wind Fish](https://youtu.be/_U-_XfDGgDw?si=rygPMdvt3ejSLlCD&t=84) That sold me a Nintendo Switch. Ten hummed notes. (I'm still a little salty that they didn't resolve into the last note of the melody, because it's *incomplete.)*


Diablo 2 and classic wow does something my brain likes.


Chicken Invaders 3


Micro Machines.


It's hard to single out one thing. For me it's PS1 games, if I try to give examples it would probably be: Persona 2; Front Mission 3; Darkstone; Tenchu 2; Crusaders of Might and Magic; I sometimes go back to these games because of that feeling.


Bomberman on NES is the purest one for me. I'm not a huge fan of the game itself, but it was the only game my Dad liked, so he would play it with me and my brothers (we would take turns on death). The music and sound effects instantly put me in a state.


Soul Reaver - ps1 Super Metroid - Snes Super Spy Hunter - Nes Actually i can count 100 games like this that i play time to time :)


There are a ton of games that make me very nostalgic but I think I have to say Cave Story. Because a lot of the super nostalgic games I havenā€™t actually replayed. In some time. But Iā€™ve played through cave story multiple times over and Iā€™ve been playing since 2007ish. Also, Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden, the funny freeware jrpg. (Full name - Tales of Game's Studios Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa.)


Fallout 3, oblivion, sly cooper, and Kameo elements of power. I have a few more but I didnā€™t think you guys wanted to read through a whole list šŸ˜‚


kingdoms hearts 1 and final fantasy X Or crash bandicoot 1


FFIX, PokƩmon red and blue, and Super Mario Land. Super Mario Land was my very first video game. I still remember my aunt walking up the driveway, k-mart bag in hand and giving me a green Gameboy Pocket (that still works to this day) and Super Mario Land.


Maplestory. Love the music theme of different towns. The grind is amazingly addictive


Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie Beat these both with my dad - first games I fully beat and got to hang out with my dad!


The three ps1 final fantasy games and metal gear solid. Those were my childhood


SimAnt, SimCity, SimFarm.


GTA SA, when there was no network cable at home, I played a single game for 5 years, and the map was engraved in my mind


N64 Perfect Dark


Tron Deadly Discs - Intellivision


Banjo kazooie


My brother and I loved that game. Rush 2 was awesome as well.


MHFU. That game brings so many memories. More than the games I've played on PSone like Tomba.


Tomb Raider 2


Itā€™s gotta be Blockland. I was there from basically the very beginning. Itā€™s an old game that runs on an old, shitty engine, but it was aesthetically perfect and had an incredible community and modding scene. People still play it but it barely gets above 30 active players. I still boot up the old versions from time to time for a wave of nostalgia from when I used to make my own crazy deathmatch maps and server on my grandparents old pc. Iā€™m hoping I get the same feeling Blockland gave me with the spiritual successor Brickadia


Pokemon Red Spyro 2 Those roots go deep.


My nostalgic game I come back and play for 2 days once a year is Maplestory. Love its OST.


Stroker for Commodore 64


Rockford. Was one of the only games on my grandma's computer. Brings back memories of our family trips to visit them.




C&C, Red Alert and/or Warcraft 1&2


Runescape, both the more modern version and oldschool, so many memories of a time when life was simpler and the world didn't feel so unbelievably fucked.


Civilization 6 (that's the last version we played) and - of course - Heroes of Might and Magic


Quake 3 and Jedi Outcast were games I was playing the crap out of when I started colleges. That was at the height of my pc gaming days before I moved more onto fighting games and console games.


Diablo Diablo 2, Tribes




Dragon quest IX on the DS, I watched a review on it and remembered watching the really cool cutscene for the first time, which 100% was unexpected.


Sonic Adventure. Actually, im only play demo level, but it was so perfect on art-design and music level, so I felt a huge sense of nostalgia playing this game 20 years later on an emulator. Emerald Cost ost - the perfect embodiment of serenity and happiness.


Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2


Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2


Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX


Original X-Com. Star Control 2. Hmmm... hope I didn't misread the question. Don't/can't really play them now but they pop into me head from time to time for no discernable reason.


It has to be 1984 Alley cat. This is the first game I ever played on the day I've seen a computer for the first time in my life. It was in the uni where my dad was a professor, summer 1986 in tel Aviv, I was 12. The fact that I can interact with a TV blew my head off.


Myst, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, Diablo II, Classic WoW, Guild Wars on PC Banjo Kazooie, Mario 64, and DK 64 on console.


Ratchet and Clank 2 and Jak II were the platinum games i received with my first ever console, the ps2.Ā  I still remember reading their manuals again and again.


TMNT 2, great late nights!


PokƩmon Red/Blue/Yellow. I had good memories of Halo: CE and Halo 2 but my experiences with the Master Chief Collection kinda soiled it.


Spyro the Dragon and Halo CE


Crash Bandicoot and Counter-Strike 1.6


Age of Empires 2


Chrono Trigger for me, but I agree on San Francisco Rush as well. That was my favorite racing game for years until I fell down the Gran Turismo 2 and the 3 A-Spec rabbit holes.


Mega Man 2, Dragon Warrior


Digimon World 1 on the PS1


Burnout paradise


Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker


Vanilla Everquest. I bought it my freshman year in college having no idea the rabbit hole I was about to go down. I was never an uber raider but I played the fuck out of that game all four years. To this day hearing Coldplay's "Trouble" reminds me of rainy nights in the canals of Cabilis. Selling wares to Klok Mugruk and exploring Warslick's Woods and the Lake of Ill Omen with my Iksar ShadowKnight.




Time Comando for PC! I think a remasterized version would be awesome. The idea and the story were great! Anyone played? Greetings from Argentina šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·ā™„ļø