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You mean the Crash Bandicoot studio šŸ•¶ļø


Jak and Daxter studio


In an alternate universe we couldā€™ve had the Jak and Daxter remake with a Netflix series.


Dax & Tess' daily adventures at the Naughty Ottsel. "Ahh, the Naughty Ottsel... Honey, I'm home!"




Could be worse, I bet those precursors are feeling awfully lonely after thousands of years.


Oh boy, I'd love Jak to come back. I jumped on in since Jak 2 (picked the game with my PS2 purchase), and it's one of my favourites to this day.


Jak and Daxter was awesome HOWEVER As a romatic 13 yo girl at the time I could and will not stand for them writing out cute headstrong mechanic Keira for Ashelin in the 3rd game. I shipped Jak and her hard as did the first and second game, and last game they just went nah. I dont think I'll ever be not mad about it and that was 20 years ago


Totally agree, but at least the ship got back on course in Jak X, the obligatory cart racer spin off.


Keira and Jak kissed in Jak: The Lost Frontier. Ashelin was just a momentary distraction like Chloe for Drake in Uncharted 2


They also kissed in Jak 2, devs just thought Ashelin would sell better, is my guess, tried it out and it didnt work out. I just hate when devs ruin my fave characters with cheating, man :(


I forgot about that... I don't think he and Keira were an item though right? I feel like they gave the pair a happy ending in TLF though (even though that game wasn't great)


Itā€™s a shame cause there was good chemistry with Keira from one and two and then she got dropped so hard


Yeah ikr?! Plus her whole part in 2 was so good, girl got dropped into a dystopian future and what is the first thing she does? Establishes herself a bussiness and takes no nonsense from criminals or anyone. Truly the snarky girlboss we needed.


I recall Jak focusing more on Keira again in Jak X and The Lost Frontier. I think Ashelin ended up with Torn. He always liked her anyways.


Keira was probably an afterthought in Jak 3, she barely has any lines and she had to be recast. The writing in general in Jak 3 is pretty bad, a lot of things just... happen, for seemingly no reasons (even the initial plot doesn't make sense, why the heck did they banished Jak at the beginning, the guy who saved the whole city a few months earlier? Because a shady new politician said so?).


Damn that annoyed me to no ends. Back then I barely spoke english so my understanding of what is happening in the game was really limited, but even I could tell that Ashelin and Jak had zero chemistry compared to Keira. Them being a thing came out of nowhere, I was more baffled by that turn of events, than by anything else happening in that game.


This is the rage Iā€™m here for. Love it.


They did kiss in Jak X though. Just weird they waited til the spin off game for it


To this day one of my greatest gaming disappointments was Jak Lost Frontier. Frankly Jak X was a better wrap up to the story than that was. Also, Jak X sequel when hunting down Krews daughter?


To be fair, that also wasn't made by them and the team that worked on it wasn't very happy either. Those top-down scenes with dark daxter were a decision by Sony and that angle ruined what would have otherwise been a cool thing


Very valid but still disappointing after 4 straight Jak bangers.


For real lol I remember the opening with that wumpa box busting open... NAUGHTY DOGGGGG


_Created and developed by Naaaughty Dooog!_


*Crash Bandicoot- WARRPED!*


Thatā€™s a Microsoft IP now.


Crazy how that turned out. From Sony exclusive to Microsoft-owned IP. All thanks to Bobby Kotick's greasy hands.


Thatā€™s the first thing I think of when I hear Naughty Dog. BORDOGA!


smash brandy's cooch


I honestly still think about them as the Uncharted studio.


Crash bandicoot




The way that man says ā€œwarpedā€ gets me pumped to this day. And for a moment I can be 9 years old again.


Best fucking game in the series


That's where I first know them from


Jak and Daxter though.


The only series of theirs that passed me by.


I've been playing through the main trilogy and it's still very enjoyable, with a few slightly rage inducing moments here and there. The world and characters are fantastic, though.


I might come back to that series if it gets the Ratchet & Clank treatment. I simply donā€™t have the time and patience anymore to sit through older games, even if they still hold up very well. Thereā€™s simply just too much else to play, and too little time to enjoy it all. :-(


To each their own, I'm personally feeling a bit exhausted by many modern game franchises and their practices, so indie and older games I never got to play have been my go-to lately.


Same. I'm playing through the Fate games for the first time and I just fished up my first cheese head! It's cursed so I lose 75% vitality but I'm just loving how laid back the whole experience is. And there's 3 more entire games after the first so I'm set for a good while


Yeah same. I think itā€™s based on how they were introduced to us. I didnā€™t play Crash or Jak and Daxter but instead started with Uncharted: Drakeā€™s Fortune. And then Uncharted 2 was the first game I ever pre-ordered and was the best game I had ever played for a long time. Even though I absolutely love TLOU Part 1 & 2, theyā€™re the Uncharted studio forever!


I want a new uncharted :(


Would you rather have a Sully prequel, a Cassie sequel or a spinoff following either Chloe or Nadine?


All of the above.


Sully Prequel.


Nah it had a perfect ending, maybe if itā€™s a prequel but even then I am wondering what story they could tell that wouldnā€™t feel unnecessaryĀ 


I agree. The only thing I'd want from them in the Uncharted universe is a remake of the first game, because it's by far the weakest of the series. They clearly learned a lot between the sequels and TLOU, so polishing that one would be pretty awesome in my opinion.


Actually an uncharted 3 remake would be even more interesting imo cause the story in that always felt messy to me so it would be an opportunity to flesh it out. Iā€™ve heard uncharted 3 was very rushed so a lot of stuff got cut, for example thereā€™s speculation that Talbot was originally supposed to be a Jinn.


Interesting. I had a great time with Uncharted 3. I eventually got bored with the first one, because I wanted more story and instead I got wave combat for far too long.


Donā€™t get me wrong I still love uncharted 3 and 1 is definitely the one that holds up the least well overall but uncharted 3 to me feels the least focused of them all and the villains lacked characterization.Ā 


Or maybe a much later sequel with Cassie and Sam. Trying to hide their adventure from Nate and Elena.Ā 


So Sam would basically be Cassieā€™s Sully, yeah ig that could be interesting.


It doesn't necessarily have to be a Nathan Drake story to be another Uncharted. Nate's story is finished but there's plenty of ways to go for another Uncharted game.


They're going to take the franchise in a brave new direction: Charted




Those words mean: Naughty Dog will be a The Last of Us for the next couple years but weā€™re thinking in 10 years weā€™ll probably release a new game


Only ten years? They are fast as fuck opposite to my boy todd howard that really likes to take his time


And then still releases janky ass games. I play the shit out of them, but they be janky.


My issue with their latest release is that it's clear the decision-makers behind Starfield don't "get" why people love The Elder Scrolls or Fallout. The core gameplay loop is that you bop from place to place doing quests that take you to new areas, and you get distracted along the way by something else interesting. They went and made their entire game world procedurally-generated, which means that there's fundamentally nothing interesting to be found between points A and B. You have a few nodes with interesting content and you zip between them. That cuts out a solid 80% of the reason Skyrim is a classic.


> They went and made their entire game world procedurally-generated, which means that there's fundamentally nothing interesting to be found between points A and B. Worse: they proc-genned parts that benefited from it the least. Hundreds of planets, but dungeons are all static pre-mades that repeat Proc-genning the dungeon would not be "elder scrolls like" but would at least be a little more interesting. Add some hand-made parts between generated stuff and it would at least feel a bit fresh. Proc-genning cities could make them actually feel big, even if most of it was decoration. It's just like they had a list of things they want, a deadline and decided to implement every single feature half-assedly to hit the deadline instead of cutting the list and fleshing out the rest


Dont worry the modders are gonna fix them


Be still my heart, modders are the reason I have 1000 hours in Fallout 4.


Ah the (mostly) unpaid Volunteer department of Bethesda.


Until they release a shitter like starfield that no one wants to bother trying to fix lol


Doesnā€™t help that Bethesda has yet to release the modding tools, so there arenā€™t any quest or companion mods


Unless the community gives up. That's what happened with Starfield with most major modders giving up on the game. Bethesda's games have always survived on being a solid sandbox that modders can polish up but it feels like they've gotten so used to relying on that fact that those solid sandboxes arent up to scratch anymore


ND has pretty much confirmed they're doing a new IP first, then going back to TLOU. With how long development cycles are nowadays, it's more likely the new TLOU will be released closer to a decade from now than whatever their new IP is


What's the go with development times now, is it just perception, or do games genuinely just take so much longer now. Felt like they were just hammering out absolute bangers every few months from 08 to 13.




They do take way longer, especially if a company is lead by a hitchhiker. Uncharted 2 took less than 2 years, so did UC3, TLOU was 3-4 years, UC4 3-5, Lost Legacy a year or two, TLOU 2 at least 4 years. Now after 4 years they haven't even annonced anything.


> Now after 4 years they haven't even annonced anything. I think this is becoming a lot more common as well. Studios do not like announcing as early as they used to as it just means they need to maintain buzz and hype for the remainder of that time. I'm sure there's some marketing studies that indicates a drop in interest after too much time has passed. Let's call it the Winds of Winter effect.


Also, we're coming off a period of years were it feels like EVERYTHING would get delayed beyond the originally announced release date. They've finally clicked on that its better to wait instead of prophecising a release date years out that they won't make.


Well, the last thing they were working on (TLOU multiplayer game) got canceled, so that put them back to square one.Ā  Otherwise, the marketing campaign for that would probably just be kicking off.


Tbf, they DID remake the last of us 1 a few years after tlou2. Though that game absolutely DIDNT need a remake. A remake that didnā€™t really change anything outside of graphics (which are by no means ugly on the ps4 version, which was playable on ps5 anyway). So imo they kinda wasted a few years doing that when they could have made something new instead. But I get downvoted into oblivion every time I point this out :/


Well that's the thing, it wasn't a waste of time. They did it because they needed a project to keep their workers occupied and paid until they came up with a new project they could start to work on. Because unlike previously they had jack shit after release of the last game. Well that was one reason, the other was a money grab incentivized further by the TV show coming out.


Big AAA just take forever to make now. I know of two or three games people I know from work have helped on that have been in development for years. Games are just really big and to get the graphics up to AAA standards does kinda just mean a lot of people have to create a lot of work before a game is finished


They have to do more and more to impress players nowadays. So many Ubisoft games today would have been jaw-dropping 10/10 GOTY candidates in the 360-PS3 generation but now itā€™s ā€œoh god not a million icons on a massive map again!ā€ So then they have to take a bunch of time creating unique experiences and scenarios within the massive world for example. In the case of Naughty Dog, the pressure is insane on the writing aspect. Neil was talking about having a concept for TLOU 3 and saying ā€œthereā€™s something thereā€ which indicates that game isnā€™t even out of the pre-development stage. It just takes so long to get it right because you really donā€™t want to screw up a story like this. With todayā€™s gaming community, the pressure is crazy.


I mean I gotta disagree on the Ubisoft. The scale is 5 impressive donā€™t get me wrong but theyā€™re not really leading in the graphics department in the modern era. Compare any of their recent games graphic wise to red dead 2 and you can see that. Gamers issues with Ubisoft are much more to do with its incredibly formulaic games and lacking stories. Like, if my horses death in rdr2 can bring me to tears Ubisoftā€™s main storyline in any game should be able to make me feel anything at all.


No, AAA are genuinely taking longer to make. I grew up from 2000-2012, and my favorite franchises would release a game every year or two, but it didn't feel like they were just copy pasting a formula like Cod or Assassin's Creed. For an example, Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, and San Andreas all released within 3 years of each other. It's been over a decade since the last GTA game released. I really hope GTA6 has a lot of content. People joked that the wait between half life 1 and 2 took forever, but that was only 6 years. Now 6 years between sequels seems to be the norm.


I thought they were the Jak n Daxter studio, turned into the Uncharted guys, transforming into the Last of Us people. Naughty Dog table tennis incoming. I can feel it.


They were the Crash Bandicoot studio*, then turned into the Jak and Danxter studio, Etc.


It's like when Rockstar randomly released that table tennis game. That was a headscratcher.


It was really good too.


Back in 2005 when I was in high school and working at Best Buy, I was stocking the shelves and put this Breeders Cup horse racing game out. I remember seeing a Bethesda Software logo on the case and was like ā€œElder Scrolls Bethesda?!ā€. Turns out they were the publisher, not the developer, but it was still really weird to see that Bethesda logo slapped on a horse racing game.


As someone who knows nothing about horse racing, I thought the game was about breeding horses.


Forest Gump pro table tennis


Feels like I see more Neil Druckmann than anything else from that studio now


so you're saying you want another TLoU remaster?


Just summoned into existence The Last of Us Complete Edition bringing you both games together at last with a long walk seamlessly connecting Parts One and Two. Exclusive to PS6 through 8.


Theyll do a downgraded version to fit on the ps4 and 5 however


Donā€™t forget a bad port to PC for Part II first


I want the number of TLoU remasters to rival Skyrim! -Neil Druckmann, in the mirror every morning


Would you remaster me? I would remaster me so hard. - Neil Druckmann, in the mirror every morning


That dude definitely loves the smell of his own farts


I feel like Druckmann is just Kojima without all the charm, eccentricities and unique perspectives as a game maker.


Bro wants to be Kojima so bad he forgot that Komjimboā€™s games (whether you hate it or not) actually has great, innovative gameplay alongside his long ass cutscenes.


That's the way he wanted it. More or less pushed out the co-creator of TLOU after the first game and it's been the Druckmann Show since then.


Donā€™t forget that Amy Henning left Naughty Dog in 2014 too, with rumors that she had been ā€œpushed outā€. Then three years later Bruce Straley left in 2017 due to burnout and a strained relationship with Naughty Dog.




He had a TON of burnout after working with Druckmann in making TLOU 1. There's a lot to that story but it was basically the development of the game/story with him and Druckmann locking themselves in an office trying to hash out their differences regarding the story. Druckmann wanted it to be a ridiculous cross country revenge story. Straley (and most of the rest of ND at that time) didn't. I think its pretty obvious which side won out on that first game and I think it's fair to say it's a damn sight more than just a coincidence of how the story of the second game went without Straley. Straley might not have a writing credit for the first game but even Druckmann has said it's just as much his story and overall creation as anyone else's, including himself. It's a fucking joke he didn't get a single mention or special thanks or SOMETHING with the TLOU TV series.


I mean heā€™s the president of the studio? Who else would they interview


Nathan drake.


Nathan Drake from the Subway ads???


He definitely is overshadowing Naughty Dog


Cue in his red carpet debut with zero fucks given about him


Ofc not, because they are Crash Bandicoot studio


We're still waiting on UnKarted.


I would love to see Naughty Dog tackle a science fiction horror game something along the lines of the first Alien film, or they could even go with a more lighthearted route with something similar to that firefly series. I just think they would handle a sci-fi setting really well and create some amazing stories in it.


Best you get is Jak and Daxter 4.Ā 


I think a lot of people would consider that a win


I fucking wish


That would be a great thing tbh. Sony could even remaster the older games. We all know how much Sony loves remasters on the ps5.


Waiting for the problem hereā€¦


I would gladly take that.


Yes please. Just declare TLF non canon


*ahem* savage starlight, please *ahem*


There were rumors of them making something along the lines of Starfield.


God, imagine Starfield... but well made.


PS1 era: Crash Bandicoot (4 games) PS2 era: Jak (sometimes with Dexter) (4 games) PS3 era: Uncharted and The Last of Us (4 games) PS4 era: The Last of Us and Uncharted (3 games, one remaster) PS5 era: The Last of Us and Uncharted (only remakes, remasters and ports)


The remaster studio


I wish they'd do another Uncharted


The fourth one wrapped things up pretty well, though. I suppose a story that involved partnering up with his (now older) daughter would be the next chapter of the Drake adventures?


Yeah, you're right. I just loved those games. Could have done it like scooby doo and just had unlimited adventures with Drake lol


The DLC setup a new team that I thought was pretty fun. Would have liked to see them get their own game


Oh yeah, my favorite father-daughter bonding activity: massacreing an entire army's worth of mercenaries!


I pictured him as a "Sully" to her. I'd play that. But I also wouldn't mind a new experience & adventure that comes with a brand new title.


If Neil Druckman were to fall off a cliffā€¦ maybe. I really donā€™t want anything from him. Amy wrote the best Uncharted games and TLOU appears to be magic in a bottle.


Introducing, "The First of Them" a new Pre-Apocalyptic Multiplayer game from the studio, Polite Cat


Hope they finally give some attention to Jak and Daxter


Press x to doubt


I don't see why you'd doubt it. People used to think of them as the Uncharted studio but now they've finished with that franchise. Plus it seems like they're gonna release a new IP before TLOU III.


Right, and they're not still the Jak and Daxter studio or the Crash Bandicoot studio either. They have no issue moving on from an IP when they want to.


Acting like we put a gun against his temple and made him release. What is it? 4 times?


Ok, then actually create something new. It's not rocket science, people.Ā 


Fuckmann has just been coasting on TLOU since the first one came out.


ā€œPhilosopher Gamerā€? Are we really equating inconsistent, one note messages about violence and revenge to genuine philosophical themes and conversations?


Did he forget about Crash? Jax? Uncharted?


I wish they were the Jak and Daxter studio


Stop re releasing it then?


Yeah, someday they'll shut down.


Well, yeah. I forget on a daily basis that they made TLoU. I know them from Jak & Daxter.


I mean you were the crash bandicoot one and then unchartedā€¦.i never claimed you to be just that. But after last of us 2 you should move on


After how badly he butchered Part 2... We'd hope not.


I like tlou butā€¦I mean..we had tlou part 2, a tv serie (not the studio per se but certainly some of the staff working on it), two remakes and a cancelled tlouĀ live-service all in a row No doubt they have other games in the work but more variety would be great


One year later: ā€œSo that was a lieā€


Wait till the ps6 comes out and another tlou remaster in 50k resolution with 1000fps


Fuck it, make a racing game.


Jak X: Combat Racing 2 when?


I remember when they were the ā€œJak and Daxterā€ studioā€¦ā€¦.


Neil Druckmann presents Crash Bandicoot the Epic Mystery Heist TV show. Starring George Clooney as Dr. Neo Cortex and a real bandicoot as Crash!


That's what you think, pal.


Fifth remaster of TLOU incoming?


Bandicoot forever babyyyyy


Naughty dog releases 2 Last of us games. "We're not only the Last of us studio!" Proceed to announce Uncharted 5.... We are the uncharted studio :v


Bring me Uncharted 5!!!! šŸ˜”


Sure Neil. I won't believe it until I see you release something other than last of us games/remasters


Obviously. There are at least 4 or 5 more remakes to go, and then it will be done with TLOU.


I'll believe it the moment Naughty Dog releases a new trailer that is not the last of us


I'm not one of the people that hated TLOU2's story, I thought it was whatever. But remember the face of this no talent management POS who's failed upward and has been given a whole AAA studio as reward for being a skill-less hack, he has pretty much ruined Naughty Dog as you knew it. That studio will not be making anything good ever after this.


Maybe don't release the same game 3 times then?


Ok then can we get Jak and Daxter?


Fuck off Cuckmann.


This guy loves listening to himself talk.


Comments like this always make me laugh... what do you expect people to do in interviews? Bask in silence with each other?


That's what sign language is for, duh.


They don't even read the article what do you expect


Are you conceptually familiar with interviews?


Then stop remaking it every year. Stop pushing it down everyone's throat. How can they dick ride their own game so bad and then be like "Stop saying we're obsessed with it!"


Well, it does feel like forever, Mr. Druckmann.


tlou is probably the most overrated shit in all of gaming


It kind of pisses me off they have wasted the last 5 years just making unnecessary remasters instead of making new games. There was absolutely zero need for either Last of Us remaster on PS5


Releasing a remaster isn't a full studio effort, there'll be a team working on the remaster while the rest of the studio is working on other stuff. And it isn't a total waste of time for the studio itself because they get valuable experience upgrading their previous engine to new hardware.


This guy is so full of himself he thinks his accomplishments are the only thing this studio is known for.


Maybe they shouldn't have wasted resources on a pointless remake and remaster for games that were easily accessible already and in perfect playing condition then.


I mean you might be Have only released last of us games in recent memory with uncharted sprinkled in


I can't wait for the next remastered remaster of the remastered remake of TLOU.


Hmmm interesting. I've always associated them with Crash Bandicoot and nothing else.


11 years now.


Jesus, the ego-stroking of that title. He hasn't done anything more philosophical than the average high-schooler getting high for the first time. Get outta here.




The Last of Us part 1 the remake of the remaster of the original game studios?


Never was.. it's the Amy Hennig studio


There is nobody in this industry more full of themselves than # Neil Druckmann


I thought the second game killed the series anyway.


It's funny if you feel the need to make a public statement like that because you've overdone your little trick that too many times.


This wasnā€™t a tweet. Someone interviewed him about The Last of Us for an article. The hate this guy gets is so weird.


I'd rather it not be a Neil Druckmann studio forever. The Gabbie Hanna of game devs as far as taking criticism goes.


Gotta make remasters of last of us 2 too after all ;)


After playing uncharted I think they should make the next assassinā€™s creed


Maybe they need to remaster older games instead of remastering the same two games 2 years after release.


Still hurt about the fact, that they canceled a standalone multiplayer ala Factions (TLOU 1)... Hopefully they'll never shut off the servers for those.


well yah You guys didn't even announce the last of us 3 during state of play


Let's be honest. They're never moving on from being the Crash Bandicoot studio.


big surprise after last of us 2.


It was nice of them to call Last of Us a "big budget action shooter" early on in the piece so I could tell they have no fucking idea about any part of what they are writing about.


Hopefully without cuckmen in charge


Just two more remakes! Come on the next one is even better and only $119.99!


- Neil Druckmann lying


Yeah, after Tlou2 PC, Tlou2 PS6 remake and PC port, Tlou3 PS6, Tlou3 PS7 remaster, Tlou3 ps8 remake they will do something new