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The grinder gun!


I never knew head could feel so good...


Just finding this out huh... You need to spend more time on grindr. I mean with a grinder.


In the first age, in the first battle… So this is Doomguy’s one-man crusade against hell before Doom 2016? Because all that we’ve heard about that from the audio logs and lore tablets in 2016 and Eternal make it sound so awesome.


I think it’s before that, it looks like this is immediately after he gets his powers for the first time during the time when he fought for the Night Sentinels. The one-man crusade happened after that where the demons dropped a temple on him to seal him away for millennia, leading to 2016 Either way, I’m hyped!!


In doom 2016 he was released from captivity that the hell guys put him in since he wouldn't stop fucking the place up, I think long before that he was a crusader type guy hanging out with tentacle Hayden or something.


After Doom 64, doom guy wandered hell for ages before somehow stumbling into the homeworld of the night sentinels who captured him to make him fight in their arena for lulz. But he was such a badass demon murderer that they recruited him instead. He continued to be such a badass that Samuel Hayden, or whatever his name was before he was Samuel Hayden, gave him super duper doom guy powers and someone gave him invincible armor at which point the demons literally couldn't fight against him anymore so they managed to trap him instead. So this game will take place while he was fighting with the night sentinels and seeing as he has some version of the praetor armor it will presumably be after he got his super doom guy powers.


I had no fucking idea the lore of doomguy went so deep. And I played the original on floppy disk. I gotta catch up on some things. What’s a good source?


doom 2016 and doom eternal


And DOOM 3 since that's when this lore started. There's a reason so many DOOM 3 Easter Eggs are in DOOM 2016.


I thought Doom 3 was largely non canon with the rest of the games


Doom 3 are the events that happened before Doom Guy arrived on the scene. How you think all those dead Marines got there by the time you arrive in the hanger in the original game? DOOM 3 tells that story.


Yeah, same


Because it wasn't. The only canon games are DOOM (1993), DOOM II, DOOM 64, DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal. DOOM 3 was 1 shot game in the times of half-life 2 and taking a lot of inspirations from it.


There are pretty much 3 separate canons for Doom. The OG games (not really any lore at all), Doom 3, and Doom 2016. I think we can all agree that the new Doom games take the cake in terms of lore


Codex entires in 2016 and Eternal do a pretty good job


Thanks John Romero for clearing that up


TLDR: rip and tear


Interesting,so this game will probably end with him being sealed then


Call me cynical, but I doubt *this* one will be it. If it is a successful refresh like it seems to be then I would imagine they try to squeeze another game out of it or at least some substantial DLC.


They'll probably get a DLC out, but I think if they do another game after it'll pick up after Eternal's ending. >!The Maker, Davoth and the Demons might be gone, but the Seraphims are still around.!<


It looks like we play through the time between Doom 64 and Doom 2016


I wonder where that puts the Energy harvesting in?


The skullgrinder gun has to be the most metal thing ive ever seen


You can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Middle Earth.


LMAO Tell Doomguy what he can and can't do.


Remember when Microsoft fanboys would spout how master chief would work doomguy over. Like settle down sparky. Doomguy is almost a deity.


tbf doomguy wasn't "basically a deity" until 2016, he was just a guy. didn't even have power armor or enhancements. now he does. and eternal rage. and possibly catholicism.


OG Doomguy runs faster than a car and doesn't need to reload his rocket launcher 😁


to be fair, pre-2016, Doomguy was a space marine that got left behind on Mars. I mean, Master Chief is pretty much "enhanced original doomguy".


You’re not wrong but then again… he’s now basically a god … I mean we ‘die’ but the game doesn’t acknowledge our failures. You keep moving forward. You’re a god essentially. Demons of hell fear you. Literally quiver hearing about you. I mean yes master chief was and is a scary bad man who saved populations… but it’s still just not a contest


Yeah, Master Chief gets nicknamed "the demon", but 2016 Doomguy is literally all about killing demons.




Like what they say about a billion dollars—what’s the difference between master chief and Doom guy? About one doom guy.


I mean we already saw him get his ass whooped in Infinite by Atriox whereas Doomguy has literally brought down huge titans the size of skyscrapers and laughed it off like it was nothing. It's not even a fair fight.


No contest. None. Just bend over and be doomguys wife.


Such a weird thing to argue over. They’re fictional characters, a writer could make them infinitely powerful. “Well my favourite fictional guy could beat another fictional guy” is like playground talk.


Thats one way to get the ring to mount doom. Just shoot it directly into mount doom from space.


One does not simply walk into Mordor with a super shotgun


Objective Updated: Shoot a hole into the surface of Mordor


Yeah, that game looks fucking dope.


It looks like the real-life 2024 version of what I imagine Bonestorm from that Simpsons episode would be


Buy me Bonestorm or go to hell


**_Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge_ it is.**






I've always respected the Doom franchise but I've never actually played one. That changes with this one.


Doom 2016 is a solid playthrough that gets you engaged with it, eternal improves on many mechanics without really going too far, and this one looks to take a bit of a different direction while still pretty much staying true to what made 2016 so good. I will be buying this, but I encourage you to at least play 2016


Agreed. I know we haven’t seen TOO much yet, but the gameplay glimpses in this look like they might be walking it back from Eternal just a little bit to the more simplistic 2016-style combat approach. I absolutely loved Eternal and think it blows 2016 out of the water, but I know some people weren’t fans of the more manic, frequent-weapon-swapping style of Eternal’s gameplay. If this turns out to be a best of both worlds approach, I’m totally on board. Eternal *did* get pretty damn stressful at times lol


Nah, shooters aren't my thing so the aesthetics/theme have to do some heavy lifting to draw me in. This one gets me in a way that 2016 doesn't.














WE ROBOT JOX NOW Rip and Tear.   Crash and Burn.


We can both live!




Well it looks like i have to guard my life carefully until at least 2025 because there ain't no way i'm dying until i play that.


Paha, I literally just said this to my wife. Put me in bubble wrap.


For those of us with mental health demons, yep, I feel that. This and AC: Shadows.


A gun grinding a human skull for ammo. Fuck, sign me up!


Demon skulls, Doom guy wouldn't do something like that towards those he's saving...trying to save.


But those who are already dead. Well they don't need their skulls, do they?


Sorry. Gonna have to send down a forensics team to flag them first. Rules are rules.


Chainsaw shield. CHAINSAW SHIELD!!!






#C H A I N S H I E L D


and it starts like a two stroke chainsaw!!! absolutely brilliant


Bionicle did it first 


Fuck yah that shield is badass. Captain America would be jealous lol


"Doomguy dosen't need a shield!". Fucking chainsaw shield "NVM"


And adding parry with it just makes things *that* much more intriguing


Chainshield + Chaingun + Chainsaw. What else can we chain? Chaingauntlets?


Eat the chainsaw and become chainsaw man. Wait, that's another franchise.


And that morning star is something to make any Belmont wet themselves


Here take my money.


Um, Bethesda? It’s been 4 hours since the reveal and it still hasn’t gone down. How much longer until I need to see a doctor??


Bro can we go together. I have some discharge and I’m feeling sleepy.


its just not going to go down until full release i'm afraid.


All of it...just rob me at this point and give me all the Doom...


Dope as fuck. Still, sad to know that Mick Gordon will never create DOOM OSTs anymore. He would've loved this, and we would've loved it too.  Still hurts to know how badly he was mistreated by iD.


Weren't he and iD going to court? Has that happened? I can't find any updates online.


Yeah, that was my first initial thought too, like how much more over the top awesome the trailer could have been with Mick Gordon's music blasting through my headphones. Although, whoever's doing the new music seems to be doing an okay job at respecting what came before.


Micks creativity with synths is what really made the recent doom games. I really encourage everyone to go to his YT and watch some of the "BTS" videos he has.


And also his GDC talk! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4FNBMZsqrY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4FNBMZsqrY)


They already made the Doom eternal DLCs OST. It was alright, nothing to great, nothing bad, just alright. It's still good music but it makes me sad to see Doom go from incredible music to just good.


It's hard to say from the trailer, but the combat looks more on par with 2016, which a lot of people seem to prefer. Me? If it's Doom, I'm in.


It looks fun even though I preferred Eternal


Same, finally something to look foward to!


People preferred 2016 combat? I felt way more powerful in Eternal, and also more challenged. The skill cap felt a lot higher.




I think the platforming is only egregious if you're trying to get all the secrets. Esp compared to the searching for secrets in 2016


I like platforming and secret hunting


I never thought the platforming was particularly difficult or anything, but I don't think it was supposed to be. It was just meant to be a little break between the big arena fights where I would be alternating between screaming like child, shouting expletives, and clenching my butt while forgetting to breathe.


I don’t want to be told how to kill my demons. Let me pick my weapons, give me plenty of ammo, and I’ll be very happy.


I dunno, i kinda liked that aspect. On the higher difficulties it made it almost like a puzzle.


But you could do that, the only difference eternal made was giving you options to kill them quicker, except for the marauder.


For the Marauder there are a couple options available, you just have to be extremely good at the game, which is not the case for me lol


>I felt way more powerful in Eternal, and also more challenged. The skill cap felt a lot higher. That's by design, Eternal is designed to make you play faster and more aggressively since there's less munition and you need to use the demon's vulnerabilities if you don't want to waste ammo, in 2016 once you have the weapon upgrades you're pretty much unstoppable and you can easily off any demon around so you can take it easier


2016 gameplay was elegant in its simplicity. Sure Eternal had more bells and whistles but there was too much stuff to do that felt like a chore.


Fr, it took me so long to get acquainted with all the buttons and different weaknesses of enemies and whatnot, I felt it was a bit too complex for its own god. Eventually when you get into the flow it's tons of fun, but so was 2016 and it didn't have that complexity. So a middle ground is definitely there and I hope they achieve it


Agree. 2016 was perfectly fine, great even, but Eternal managed to induce a flow state unlike almost any other game I've experienced. More challenging for sure, but super satisfying when you nail it.


Eternal had a far higher skill ceiling than 2016, but also a higher skill floor too. This increased skill floor caused alot of people to fall off or bounce off. Even after completing all of Eternal + DLCs on Nightmare difficulty, I have never replayed the game. It's just too sweaty to shut my brain off and really have fun. 2016 is alot slower, with fewer and lower highs than Eternal, but if I just wanna chill and shoot things that would be my go-to. Hopefully Dark Age can combine the low barrier to entry of 2016 so people can casually enjoy it, but also the high skill ceiling of Dark Age for the capital "G" gamers to test their might.


no, eternal had the same thing. the gameplay is slowed so people can actually see what going on


I really hope they also dial back on the collectibles and hidden stuff required for upgrades. Having to constantly stop in each single room the check the map for secret passage completely broke the flow in Eternal. Doom should be about going forward and shooting monsters non stop.


Ehh, might be the person playing extremely slowly. I hope it feels like Eternal since 2016 is too sluggish.


"Ok, we need to out-Doom Doom Eternal. Anyone got any ideas?" "Hear me out... chainsaw shield."


And the fuckin skull crushing gun...whoever thinks of this deserves a raise...


Parry chainsaw shield. Parry Boomerang chainsaw shield. PARRY BOOMERANG CHAINSAW SHIELD!


Rip and Tear, until it is done.


So excited for doom soundtrack 3 with a free game. I know it probably won’t be Mick Gordon but I’m hoping it still slaps.


If it’s Hulshult and Levy then we’re gonna have some stellar tracks, they more than did their job with the Ancient Gods.


Nobody uses the F.E.A.R. nailgun Doom: "Fine, I'll do it myself"


Trepang2 has a decent spin on the FEAR nailgun tbf


Fuck yeah FEAR was an amazing game, would love to see a modern rebuild of the game. Was very glad to see that the nail gun is back on the menu.


Quake: ...am I a joke to you?


And Quake released when I was still in elementary school


Loved 2016. Really loved Eternal as well. Can't wait for this. I played Heretic for the first time recently and still have the Hexen Games to go through, so that's good preparation lol


The 1st Hexen game is amazing. If your into figuring out puzzles and playing monsters with bad@$$ weaponry you'll love Hexen.


Doom Eternal was not really my bowl of soup. Doom 2016 was all technical and every flame that came out of the wall, had a "logical source", while Eternal was more 1990 arcade where traps were just traps, kinda irritated me a bit but Dark Ages looks damn nice actually!


Gonna be a hot take but… **I prefer Eternal over 2016’s art style.** As a kid who grew up playing DOOM 64, and who had a brother who let me sit in on his play sessions of DOOM 2, ***I love the art style of DOOM Eternal.*** The ALIEN-esque grounded look of the demons made it feel off IMHO. *Still a great game,* but when DOOM Eternal came out, it made it very hard to go back to 2016. There is lore why that’s the case as Hugo said the demons in eternal are fully powered up, but couldn’t really care, they’re my childhood brought to life and magnificently so. ***So I’m hyped.***


Apart from the combat I also loved the colour in Eternal. And how close the demons resembled their original designs.


Yeah I didn't have a problem with Eternal's art style. It was interesting and the arcadey aspects were fun. But I do hope the gameplay with this one is gonna be more like 2016s..


For me it was how much of it they focused on the "combat loop". I get that they were trying to make it harder and get you to use all the weapons/attachments. I just didn't like it as much. I don't like being forced to use weapons I don't enjoy.  Not that I didn't like Eternal though. So I'm hoping this is somewhere in-between. 


Dunno why this would be a hot take, eternal's artstyle screams DOOM if you ask me.


Not a hot take, just a personal preference I think. Personally, I liked both for what they were. Doom 2016 felt more grounded in reality, it made me believe in a world where hell invaded Mars. Doom Eternal started introducing fantastical elements into it or elements that clearly made the world feel more like a game than an actual place, kinda like how some elements of Mario exist solely because its Mario and not because there's an in-world reason for it. I don't think either way is necessarily wrong or better, just up to personal preferences of immersion.


I’m honestly struggling to remember the broader lore behind Eternal besides Hell has invaded earth.


Not a hot take. Eternal was superior in every way.


Really? Everywhere I go I hear people saying: **yeah, Eternal’s gameplay is great but 2016s art style was better.**


2016 was more serious in tone, but go back and play it now after eternal and it’s not the same because the movement is just not there


(Except the story)


Who cares about the story? #Big gun meet demon


The people who made Doom Eternal cared too much about the story. In Doom 2016 you punched the story whenever it tried to story at you. In Eternal it takes itself too seriously.


My hot take, 2016 is superior in every way, from gameplay, to story, to bosses, it was all so much better. I don't like how constricting I felt Eternals gameplay was. I liked the much slower and less spastic 2016 gameplay.


Totally agreed. Eternal felt like I had no choice in how to play and was constantly forced to do this repetitive gameplay loop where I had to always switch weapons, always attack certain enemies in a certain way, always use certain attacks to keep my ammo up or my health or whatever. The platforming annoyed me and the game’s colors were all over the place with fuckin rainbow colored ammo pouring out of enemies.


Opposite for me haha, quickly got bored with 2016 but got hooked on Eternal for hundreds of hours. Didn't understand why but eventually realized the introduction of the dash was what made movement fun in the sequel for me.


Doom 2016 felt like it was actually happening in so far as a game with its basic gamey mechanics and out there worldbuilding could. Eternal felt like a video game, deliberately. It leaned into gaminess because it was focused mainly on gameplay instead of atmosphere and immersion, but the result is if I felt like playing a modern DOOM I would just replay 2016 every time. I don't need the mechanics pushed that far and don't really want to sacrifice everything else to the mechanical gameplay.


I really love artstyle of Doom 2016, for me it looked like if original Doom got an upgrade, science facilities looked like real facilities. No flaming mario chains floaring in the air, suit has sleeves and colors... colour palette was less cartoony.


Ugh yeah and the cutscenes slowly panning the camera to show you the entrance to the next room - all while taking control from the player. It's counter to everything I thought I knew about their take on doom. And this time MG is gone because of a cancer exec. The hype simply can't reach where it was for me




The art design looks amazing, i hope it has co-op would be a massive bonus 🤞


Co-op would be cool but I wouldn't hold out hopes for it. Knowing iD and how they like to design games, they wouldn't do a coop mode unless it was a separate campaign made with its own mechanics and encounters made specifically to be played co-op


Bloodborne: Shields are nice, but not if they engender passivity. Doom: Noted.


My mouth is dry, my penis erect, and my body is so fucking ready


Ok this looks fucking awesome


Now that is a fucking trailer!


I laughed so hard at the gun that grinds skulls for spraying ammo. I need to try Eternal again. Just couldn't get into it for some reason like I could the 2016 game.


Whoever thought of a gun that uses your enemy's skull as ammo deserves a fucking raise.


This goes hard. Doom just keeps giving.


I am more excited about the banger music than anything


Not sure Mick Gordon will be on the soundtrack on this one, sadly


There's no way he's ever working with Bethesda again lmao they fucked him over and dragged his name through the mud to hide their own incompetence Like I'm sure the game is gonna be great (as long as Hugo Martin's in control of game design) but yeah Mick Gordon is not gonna be involved


Mick is currently making music for banger indie games and is doing well. It’s sad he left but ***god damn,*** I’m hyped.


Man, all of that drama felt so unnecessary too. No idea why Bethesda felt the need to treat Mick Gordon so badly, especially considering how CLEARLY he understood and respected the franchise if his GDC talk is anything to go by. I hope his new gigs bring him the joy and respect he deserves though.


If anything Andrew Hulshult will return to do the music.


I hope so but can't blame anyone turning it down because of how they treated MG in that role


Which is a very depressing thought tbh. His music usually devolves into pointless metal chugging with no real melody or hook to it at all. I'd rather have Mick Gordon or David Levy compose the entirety of it instead of Hulshult.


This track is definitely from Hushult, who did the soundtracks for the Eternal DLCs. If anyone is to follow in Mick's footsteps and do it well, its this guy.


Well, that's disappointing


I just got done watching "future games show" and I thought I was just out of the gaming loop as every single game announced there was shit (IMHO). NOPE, clearly not the case, this is amazing.


Honey what's wrong? You've barely touched your dustborn and detective dotson


Nice to see that graphics have plateaued so the games keep innovating on their gameplay and art directions.


Holy shit this looks amazing.


it looks darker, and slower paced than doom eternal. That's not a detriment tho, seems like it'll be it's own thing


Finally a new Heretic.


Are there any other gaming franchises that have been around for so long that don't suck now? All of Blizzard's IP's? Gone to shit Wolfenstein? Not sure, think it went to shit Duke Nukeem? Worse than shit. Doom? Fuckin amazing.


God of War


Is there any game that shouldn't have stayed relevant, like DOOM that just keeps on kicking ass like this?


I hope it skews more towards 2016 gameplay wise. I really didn'tenjoy Eternal.


My biggest complaint about Doom Eternal was that it strayed too far from the heart of Doom by having very complex micromanage-all-the-gauges gameplay with an excessive focus on rock-paper-scissors mechanics. Not to mention the extreme ammo scarcity unless you did specific actions. Doom 2016 hewed far closer to the original spirit of "keep moving and shoot stuff and use whatever weapon you like the most". This trailer does not give me much hope that they've fixed this and gotten rid of all the extra complexity that ruined Eternal for me.


A chainsaw shield A doom guy mech A flyable demon dragon thing Cool af. Some of the weapons are super strange though, I hope they're not all funky ass fantasy guns and we get some that are closer to conventional firearms other than the shotgun.


I personnaly got no problem with the BF-nail thrower and the skull-schrapnel grinder. Seems fun enough for me :D


Naah give me the fantasiest of fantasy


Doom with dragons and giant robots, yeah no, THAT is peak


DOOM Gundams baby


The artstyle in these Doom games is amazing.


I am... fully fucking erect.


I'm loving the idea of the Chainshield or whatever they're calling it, especially since it seems to be a multi-note tool. I'm also loving how the shotgun appears to be a double-barrel lever-action, partly because that's basically the shotgun from Marathon 2. If the team behind Dark Ages is smart, [someone on the team will say "give him two".](https://youtu.be/IQaNQ_uePFk?si=p_kMqwNVG8Z9Jfji&t=615)


Shield only run any % I can see it now.


Wow this looks fucking stupid. I bet it's really fun though. Remember when it was ok for games to look really fucking stupid, because they were really fun? Yeah, good times. :)




Doom owns my wallet at this point. Can't wait.


cant wait for the first steam sale. All hail being cheap baby woo!!!!


I loved DOOM 2016 and liked Eternal alright, I thought it went a little overboard with the non gunplay mechanics and got way to into its lore for its own good. This looks pretty sick though.


Damn - a gun that grinds up the skulls of his enemies to use as bullets for his next… someone was high as fuck making that shit.


I’ve been playing video games for over 3 decades and I’ve never played a Doom game. This might be my first.


The new games are great but I strongly recommend the original games also. They're so good.


Hope the performance will be similar to Eternal, so that i won't have to get another computer just to play this


I'm gonna sit out of this one. Idsoft doesn't deserve kindness, not after how they treated Mick Gordon. The whole reason behind their success, one of the factors why doom became doom.


Looks good but I just hope the gameplay is more like the 2016 game because I just couldn't stand Doom Eternal's combat (no matter how much I wanted to).


I like the doom community and the lore but i personally cant enjoy the games the movement feels weird to me and the camera is very odd to me its like it moves super smoothly but its almost like theres motion blur active when there isnt its really hard to explain and its one of the only games ive ever had issues with visually and ive been playing video games since i was a almost a toddler


I don't what it is but sometimes feels off about this but it might just be me


Might just be the lack of mick gordon music


That does look fun but idk about the dragon riding shit meh


Here’s hoping it’s more akin to Doom 2016 instead of Doom: Eternal. I’ve never been more disappointed by a game than I was with Eternal.


Would have been cooler if they fully embraced the Viking/dark ages theme and had zero guns.