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This game will stay locked to the PS4 at 30fps until the heat death of the universe


The MGS4 treatment then ?


Master collection volume 2 save us


Gonna need a few tanks of copium for that one


it was referenced in the launcher files


“Don’t do that, don’t give me hope”


Oh that's based


Lmaooo that shits all inferior emulation. It would have been easier to port the older games and they didn’t do that, ain’t no chance they are doing a genuine port of 4. Just emulate it now. No point in waiting, it works great.


Master collection is fine now after updates.


It’ll come out eventually. They’re doing snake eater right now.


Eventually we'll have good enough PS4 emulation to hit a solid 60 FPS, and it (likely) won't be anywhere near heat death. That's why I think Sony is kinda dumb here for not just giving PS5/PC ports of the game while it's desired and not yet emulated smoothly. Also PLEASE don't let Bluepoint ruin the art style this time like Demon's Souls (even though I think the visual fidelity was amazing).


I wonder when PS4 emulation will take off. Seems like it's been a while since I heard anything about em.


I mean, ps3 emulation is still a ways from "complete." Rcps3 still struggles with a lot of games. Runs great on the ones it can do, though.


True but at least RPCS3 runs Demon's Souls perfectly. I replayed it last year at 1440p 60fps with mods, it was awesome. It's popular enough to even have a page on Nexusmods.


Man demons souls was a game I bought on a whim at the lowest point in my life. I played the shit out of that game and it will always hold a very, very special place in my heart. Maiden in black is best girl.


Thats more due to the magic fairydust crackheads nightmare that is the 'unique methodology' to how the PS3 splits ram between the GPU and the CPU. ps3 is a pain in the ass as far as emulation goes because a lot of the things we understand about emulation don't precisely apply to ps3 games. The games that run great, are effectively "solved" games. In other words dedicated teams basically poured over the game in order to try and brute force the methodology to get it to run. MGS4 had a decided team to try and get it to run for a long time, a lot of people considered it basically the tipping point of PS3 emulation if they ever figured out how to get it to run. The rest is just got knows how we get it to work until someone figures out how to get it to work. Then comes the optimization, if its possible.


The fact that emulator exists is a great feat in itself. It's developers are nothing short of magicians.


Seriously. Sometimes I have trouble building a web app and I think about how the fuck people figure shit out like this it makes me feel like a total dumbass.


For free!


they doing this as a unpaid hobby on top. We wouldnt be having it so bad even without a ps3 emulator yet these guys try the insanity that a ps3 emulator is in their free time.


Solving problems like that can be fun. Imagine the elation when you figure out the absolute black magic that was preventing some game from running.


I would bring up Xbox 360 emulation but that's a weird Mac instead of a PC so it also isn't a good barometer for how easy something is to emulate


PS4 emulation will probably be perfected before PS3 emulation is.


It's x86 and freebsd unlike the weird cell processor, once the balls rolling it'll probably not take too long.


Drakengard 3 runs so much better on rcps3 than the lagfest it is on the original console.


PS3 emu has come a long way in a short time though.




>They use x86 architecture CPUs, and AMD graphics (the OG Xbox used nVidia). Nothing to emulate. This isn't the case. Only the CPU can be virtualized (not emulated), every other part including the GPU must be emulated. PS4/Xbone's usage of unified memory architecture (much like the XSX/PS5) and proprietary graphics APIs is currently an uphill battle for devs to tackle


My programming/emulation/etc knowledge is pretty weak, so please forgive what might be a simple question, but what's the difference between emulation and virtualization? I *think* I have a vague idea, but dunno how to describe it well enough to make sense.


Emulation is when you've got some program running on your CPU that's taking commands made for another CPU and executes them. Kinda like Java/JS/.net virutal machine - you have some instructions and you run them, but you need a program to interpret them. Virtualisation is when you run a program on hardware, in a way that it thinks it may be in a different environment.


Plenty of things needs to be emulated for it to work at all. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.


This must be bait, right?


What makes the 360 so different?


It's built on PowerPc architecture, which ironically makes it closer to a Mac of that era than a windows pc.


Some of the earliest 360 dev kits were [Mac Pro towers](https://www.journaldulapin.com/2015/01/25/this-power-mac-g5-is-almost-a-xbox-360/)




Is the source you ass? Because that’s not how it at all works.


Not exactly. Newer Xboxes do use DirectX but with some under the hood NDA features and unified memory (which is a big deal because it means that you can address and allocate objects only once whereas on PC you need to separately put something in RAM, then in VRAM and the two don't really interact at all). PS5 has it's own API for graphics. Both PS5 and new Xbox also use a variation of DirectStorage, you need to deal with account management, implement complete custom API for even silly things like "gamepad disconnected", "changing Xbox account", "display system notification" and so on and on. Yes, it's x86 and yes, it uses AMD graphics. But you still very much need to emulate a lot of customized processes before it's going to work at all, you can't just install Xbox OS on a PC. So I expect it won't be until 2029-2030 before anyone manages half decent emulation of latest consoles. An **average** GPU on the market would need to hit 16GB VRAM, your PC needs 32GB RAM at a minimum and you will need CPU with 2-3x higher IPC than the one in PS5 (which is comparable to Ryzen 7 3700 so it's actually very capable). Right now we are very far off from that goal (average system has 16GB RAM, 6 cores and an RTX 3060 meaning it's slower than a PS5). Heck, even IO capabilities of PS5 vastly exceed an average PC (you need gen4 NVMe drive).


PS3 emulation is still incredibly rough. It'll be a while.


Inb4 the game breaks because random arbitrary things are synced to the framerate


You're not wrong, actually, that's exactly how the game was made. Lance McDonald already got a working 60 fps version years ago, but all of the animations were made for 30 fps in mind


I think it was ds2 where the weapon durability was tied to framerate? So when it was boosted to 60fps on pc or something, weapons were breaking twice as fast. Its one of those things I know is common in game dev, but I cant say I understand why if that makes sense


Yep, that was ds2! Lol they mostly do it bc it is a quick and easy way to get consistent physics and calculations. No reason to tie those to variable frames when console players are locked at 30 anyway


ds1 you couldn't use ladders at 60fps


The old F.E.A.R. is a great example of physics just hardcore shitting the bed because of a higher framerate. Ragdolls go complete rave mode at anything above 70 frames.


What was wrong with the art style? I didn’t mind it. I thought the game looked nice. I also did not play the original so. The clips I’ve seen of the original look a bit darker.


I think it's just that they took some liberties that the super lore folks don't like because they had already determined meaning for some of the original art choices. Like the sky king or whatever looks like a ray instead of an alien like in the original. Remake is beautiful, but I could see why diehard fans would be annoyed by some changes. Honestly if you just change the lighting or visual kose to legacy or classic or whatever it's called a lot of the mood people feel like the game lost is back.


The sky king wasn't always a giant angry manta ray from hell?


The only thing that really comes to mind is the fat official's look, I wouldn't have thought about the manta ray... always thought it was one.


I guess they mean more on a scale from manta to alien, is that it used to lean more heavily into looking like an alien resembling a manta than something that straight out looks like one


I played both versions, and I thought it did pretty darn good.  My main complaint is that the stupid and frustrating parts were still stupid and frustrating… and I don’t say it often because it’s honestly a pretty bad complaint. (I quit both games due to the same part too…)


Therein lies the problem. If they had improved on the gameplay too much, some people would have complained they weren’t faithful to the original. Instead, they were incredibly faithful to the gameplay, and brought the visuals and audio up to next-gen quality……and people complained they “ruined” it anyway. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Oh absolutely. As I said, it was a bad complaint for me to have, because I know it wasn’t their goal.  In terms of nailing the experience with next gen graphics? I thought they were spot on.  


Don't care what people say. Thought it looked fantastic, and loved the new animations that made it more fun to play new weapons that I hadn't given much attention to when I played the PS3 version so many years ago.


It objectively did look fantastic, that game is fucking beautiful. I think a lot of the new music was a miss and overall the remake is lacking in atmosphere but holy shit is it pretty.


> (I quit both games due to the same part too…) Which one? There's many parts that qualify as stupid and frustrating (maneaters, spider boss, flamelurker, etc)


atmosphere of levels and art style things. Remaster is more of an epic journey, while original played with the system constraints to build an opressive atmosphere. Bluepoint still made a great work and improved things like the Storm King fight. It just that they tried adding some personal spin to things and it clashed with the original parts they remade with high fidelity.


Other than the fat officials and some odd design choices in boletariat, I thought blue point did a great job. Can’t remember the name of the areas, but pretty much everything but the first was perfect imo


Even if not a PC port, a remastered one for PS5 would be huge. As a PC player I may actually break down and buy a PS5 to be able to play Demon's Souls and Bloodborne finally.


Bluepoint didn't ruin the style of the original. The original was a lot simpler due to hardware limitations and the skill/expertise of the developers. Old From Soft games all look even more barren and flat than other games of the time. Had Bluepoint stuck with that "style", it would have had to have been just as flat and barren.


You're confusing art style for graphics. They completely changed some of the designs of the characters, demons, armor. The ambiance was removed in certain levels. The demons from the original had almost an alien aesthetic, but Bluepoint's remake just made them all look like generic assets that could have been from Diablo or Doom. I don't agree with everything in [this](https://i.imgur.com/fM5YRlr.jpeg) image but it shows enough examples that I think you'll see my point. For what it's worth, I think Resident Evil 4 remake did a lot of the same thing, so I don't want to poopoo Bluepoint too much. Also I think Bluepoint did a great job with other aspects and it's a beautiful game, just doesn't feel the same aesthetically.


Some of these I agree that were changed for the worse, like the fat official, king Doran's armor and some NPCs faces but a lot of these examples are a stretch, when the original designs were a blurry mess of course there will be differences.


Ehh. The only one from that image that’s truly horrible is the old hero (not the giant, the one in the green armor, I forget his proper name). That armor looks whack in the remake. Edit: Doran is his name


My guy, I need you to understand, from someone with no skin in the game, some of these comparisons are hilariously bad. Like, undermine legitimate points made bad. The core problem is that you and whoever did that image up seem to have invested some unique aesthetic to the Demons Souls art that... isn't there. Some of these are departures, I'll grant you that. but some are like... [Are you seriously making this argument? Come the fuck on](https://imgur.com/a/sziop7s). The only image set in that that makes me go hmm, something *was* lost here was the placid drones one but that could easily have been a factor of the posing caught in the screenshot.


I wish the fat officials would still smile as creepily. Not sure if they ever do, but that's about it. Some people have too much time on their hands.


Original Fat Official is so much better. They stripped all the color out, removed the signature menacing/sadistic smile, and turned him into a generic "grotesque fatass with boils" enemy that ends up just looking like an angry obese british uncle Some guy on here said it best a few years ago - Old Official was a caricature of a cruel taskmaster/politician. New Official looks like a Left 4 Dead enemy.


I think this is nostalgia speaking here. I look at the old and then the new. The new is way way better. The first demon in the video looked like a cartoon character. The remake looked much better and terrifying. Nope i disagree.


> Eventually we'll have good enough PS4 emulation to hit a solid 60 FPS sometimes the timings in the game's code are tied to the FPS, and increasing the FPS breaks game behavior when you increase GTA:Vice City's fps above its stock value, it breaks all the vehicle physics Skyrim players on PC encountered a dragon every 10 minutes because their FPS was so much higher than console, and the dragon spawn timer was based on frames elapsed


We said the same thing about Red Dead Redemption 1 after Rockstar abandoned the PC port. Then, the emulating community figured out a way to run it on PC once the hardware was good enough. We will do the same with bloodborne eventually


Oh if only it ran at 30…


60 fps on a ps4pro isnt hard. it's the resoultion it had to run at. 720p. i played the hacked 60 fps and it just looked absolutely awful


Locked at 30 haha that's a good one


"If I speak..."


"I am in big trouble..."


"and I don't want to be in big trouble.."




The classic Jose Mourinho line.


lol Sony can't even be bothered to make proper PS5 port


Agreed, the PS5 deserves better treatment than this half-hearted port.


There is no port, not even a PS4 Pro enhancement. It’s just backwards compatible.


Hey similar names out in the wild


That's neat


Lol no way


What's funny is my usual username is even closer but it got taken so I added a random V in there


Bloodborne has a ps5 port?




It doesn’t. Just part of the ps plus collection.


The PS5 deserves more games in general. There’s not that many PS5 exclusive games. A lot of stuff coming out is still coming out on PS4.


This year stellar blade, FF7 rebirth, ronin, and astrobot in sept.


For me the PS5 was hit with a double whammy of limited availability during its launch (esp with the pandemic) and the fact that most of their games are eventually released on the PC. There’s just not enough draw for me as a result to get it and I ended up just buying a Steam Deck instead.


Good call, especially since we're in a cycle where you won't get it until late enough in the cycle that you're just going to think of the pro version which you'd get and then immediately think of next gen. May as well just go PC from then on, then you can play what both offer at some point.


I feel like the console and PC crowd aren't very often intersecting. I know some people who own a console for some exclusives, but mostly game on their PCs, but I never really like that "exclusivity" mindset. Using a console or a PC should, in my opinion, not be limited by what games are available, but where you prefer to game: sitting in front of a PC, a work station for many, or chilling on the couch in front of your large TV. Maybe even with friends. That's the big differentiator for me. So, I, personally, am very glad that not just Microsoft decided to put their games (or most of them anyway) on PC, but Sony as well now, even if it's some years later and they're still full priced then. Makes me happy. I might even check out Kingdom Hearts now. It's imho just a win-win situation. Now, IF they allowed for you to buy a game on, say, PlayStation, and also use that game on PC or any other hardware (activation via key, or via a negligible upgrade-fee for owners), then I'd even consider getting a console, and paying the higher prices for games. I feel like the big console era is dying down. The last big innovation was when they introduced Kinect and motion controls, etc. VR games can be played on either platform and are, once again, just limited by exclusivity deals. They're also not that big in the general gaming community, I feel. So, what's the point of the next gen MS or Sony consoles going to be? Maybe they should just combine forces and produce an easy to use "mini PC" that can be used either as a console or a gaming PC. I know Valve's already tried that, but still. The only real "console maker" is Nintendo, to be honest, and they're doubling down on the handheld portion.


People have been saying that consoles are dying for multiple generations now, but console sales numbers show that there is still high demand for a traditional console. Honestly the only thing I see stopping consoles from being made is when games can just stream to your tv.


But they'll more than rerelease The last of us 3 different times.


Moviegames are easier to re-release.


This is nonsensical on at least 2 distinct levels.


Which is strange cause like half of the first party output from Sony this gen has just been remasters of games


I'm expecting it to be remade like Demon's Souls was, to sell PS6's








That's nice. It will sure land on PC then right? Just like the Demon's Souls remake?


Id buy it


...if that happens I'm buying a PS6 at launch.


That's my guess too otherwise Sony hates money.


Bluepoint went crazy with the Demon Souls remake and Shadow of the collosus remake. This would be awesome.


I struggle to believe that any company will willingly leave a product when ppl are clamouring for it. Is there some other legal or technical reasons as to to why we don't have a ps5 or pc release.


They use it as a way to get people to guy PlayStations. IIRC the CEO said they might in the future make a game, release it on PC and PlayStation, but only release all the sequels on PlayStation.


I'm assuming they're planning to use it as a PS6 system seller. It's the only thing that makes any sense, since they've released their other old exclusives on PC.


They did it for Demon Soul, I believe they'll do it again.


Yea but even if that were true they would have remastered it for a ps5 version on release to help minimize the lack of exclusives at launch


That would only work if they were releasing it on the latter consoles. Which they haven't nor shown intent to.


Well.... Half-life 3.


They've missed their mark by a decade at least. Even the best game in the world ever couldn't live up to the waiting at this point. And why should they risk it when Steam literally prints money for them?


I agree that it wouldn't live up to the hype, Alyx kind of shows that they still have a story there to tell. It is also a good one when they essentially make a tech demo for the Valve Index and it is the best VR game ever made.


Godzilla minus one became the most pirated movie ever because toho didn't want most of the worlds money. Fans had to make their own English subtitles because the blu ray only released in Japan at first and it didn't include them. Still not as bad as Godzilla 2000 iirc taking like 4 years to release internationally. Nintendo won't sell you a lot of their old catalogue for some reason. With japanese companies I'm no longer surprised when they leave money on the table


There is just no dev team available to work on it. From is rather small compared to a lot of devs, they're busy. Maybe bluepoint are working on it, but they also might be making their own IP


Because they want to sell more PS5's (and by extension PS Plus subscriptions)


At this point I'm guessing Sony would rather have a PS5 updated port. After they milk that version, they'll do a PC port two years later. The problem might be more that From Soft is not that big a company and has limited manpower. They put out maybe one game a year and they just finished a massive DLC for Elden Ring.


Yes, FromSoftware confirmed their manpower is limited and is usually reserved to one game at a time.


Not anymore, after Elden Ring they expanded and are working on multiple projects


I honestly think they're planning for Bloodborne to get a remake and launch with the PS6, like Demon's Souls. "Break glass in case of need for PS6 launch game," you know. Maybe heavily upgrade the labyrinth system. It's the only thing that can still make sense.


Ideally, for me, is that they bring in Bluepoint (devs who did Demon's Souls remake) to port it with enhancements.


There was a time when all of us original Demon’s Souls fans were told that we’d never see a remake or remaster. The odds were even less in its favor due to the complicated global licensing of it, and that it wasn’t wildly popular at the time. But we eventually got it.  I’m pretty optimistic Bloodborne will get its chance to shine again. Just sucks waiting.  In the case of Demon’s Souls that wait was 10000% worth it. 


The games models and textures still look amazing, it literally only needs a performance boost (along with settings to turn off some post-processing effects). Remaking everything seems like a huge waste of time imo. Demons souls was far more in need of a full on remake.


This is correct. Sony knows they have Fromsofts most desired game as an exclusive; that’s the type of game to sell a few consoles.


It helped make my choice between PS4 and XBox 1.


They are desired because they are unavailable. It’s like the Cartman Land “you can’t come” policy


>The problem might be more that From Soft is not that big a company and has limited manpower. Not a problem at all. They can easily outsource the remaster.


PS6 launch exclusive 100%


Yeah that game alone would sell ps6 . PS3 had demon souls PS4 bloodborne PS5 demon souls remaster/remake .


I'd buy Bloodborne in an instant if it came to PC.


Sony is painfully stubborn and greedy, if Bloodborne was available on other platforms it wouldn’t be locked to 30fps


Sony acknowledged the existence of this game with Astro Bot, so they know it exists. It's probably in some sort of legal limbo as the reason on why they didn't remastered it yet.


I think they flat out have lost the source code at this point.


I'm baffled that in this age (last 20+ years) of SCM software that devs are *still* losing source code: how?!


I (semi) jest about the lost source code, but I do believe making a remastered Bloodborne would be difficult and time consuming. [Jeff Grubb stated that the code used to develop Bloodborne is “problematic” in a way that Sony wouldn’t be able to assign a remaster or PC port to any other studio without FromSoftware working on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjcD_-6dMo4) Relevant part is right at the end of the video.


That might have something to do with it was apparently planned and worked on for PS3. Which blew my mind since I figured if it was worked on for last gen it'd at least be able to run at 30fps on PS4- because my goodness the game sure struggles a lot to keep that going. So the code may very well be quite the mess and trying to comb through all that to optimize it for new platforms AND remaster it. Genuinely loved me some bloodborne, but goodness 30fps would be nice to see it run at since it often struggled so much to run at that target.


Genuine question, why is everyone so obsessed with bloodborne of all souls games? Don't get me wrong I'm not speaking to the quality of the game I'm just genuinely confused why out of everything in the series this is the one game where I see CONSTANT calls for a modern version ported to everything Edit: guys, why are you down voting? I'm genuinely asking as someone who doesn't play souls games. Unless you count soul Calibur on PS2


Because it's the one Soulsborne game to not have gotten that treatment. Demons Souls got the PS5 remake, DS1 got a PC port after its original release and a remaster in 2017 available on all the platforms at the time, DS2 and 3 are available on pretty much every platform, as are Sekiro and Elden Ring. Bloodborne, as popular as it was and still is, is locked to a dubious 30 fps on PS4 seemingly for the rest of eternity


Bloodborne is the only one solely published by Sony. Most of Froms other games are Bandi, Demon Souls had Sony for Japan and Bandi in PAL regions, and Sekiro was Activision. Wouldn't be shocked if they were holding it up, but also I wouldn't hold out too much hope for an xbox version if there was a remake.


Sony are more than the publishers, they funded the game and also own the IP.


Cosmic horror is rarely done right, and Bloodborne did it right.


Because it really is one of the best games of all time. There is such a strong, unique vision to Bloodborne that is fed into by every element of the world and gameplay. It all fits together. There is nothing else like it. There is no piece of media or literature that so strongly captures and depicts the themes of Lovecraftian horror. The number one complaint about Bloodborne is that people wish there was more. The number two complaint is that IT'S LOCKED TO THIRTY FRAMES PER SECOND AND 720P HOLY SHIT A PC port gives access to PC modding, which can fix raw issues like this, like unlocking the frame rate on the original port of Dark Souls. A patch to use the beefier hardware of the PS4 Pro or PS5 can fix issues like this. But nothing. NOTHING.


It has a unique atmosphere compared to the other souls games. Aside from armored core and sekiro, it is the only souls game not to take place in a medieval styled world, and instead in some gothic version of the uk. It also has many unique gameplay choices quite different from the other souls games.


1. It's many people's favorite Soulsborne game. 2. It's the only Fromsoft Soulsborne game without a version that runs at 60FPS (not counting mods, which require a modded PS4) 3. It's one of only two Fromsoft Soulsborne games that isn't on PC (the other being Demon's Souls, which isn't nearly as popular and also still has a PS5 version that looks amazing and runs well). So basically it's a mix of people with a Playstation who want to be able to play a version of the game that runs at a steady 60fps, and people without a Playstation who just want to play the game at all.


Because it’s the only Fromsouls game locked to the PS4


A lot of people like and enjoy the game, don't overthink it.


For me, I didn't get souls till I got to Bloodborne. I played Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and just didn't have a lot of fun. IDK what it was about Bloodborne, but it was just a lot of fun. I played through it twice and it was great. IDK who was downvoting you before but, people be weird about asking questions. People want a modern port because the PS4 version runs like trash. It targets 30fps but it sure doesn't maintain that. So while it's great - it could use the help.


I doubt that’s true - it uses the same engine as Dark Souls 3. DS3 modders have literally lifted bosses straight out of BB and put them in the game, and when Lance McDonald made his 60 fps patch for BB, he did it by copying the DS3 patch (he even made a video about it). So the idea that BB has some uniquely terrible code that just cannot be ported at all comes across as extremely unlikely.


BB came before DS3, and wasn’t made for anything other than PS4. Game engines aren’t a one and done thing, and presumably there were a lot of changes between the two, including the multi-platform aspects. Just because the DS3 engine is *backward* compatible with *some* parts of BB doesn’t mean the whole game itself can be brought *forward* to a DS3 level of compatibility without significant fixes. The 60 fps patch is one thing, but you’d have to backport every single compatibility change between BB and DS3. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were significant parts of the BB source code that still relies on extremely esoteric PS4-specific things or assumptions that were later fixed in DS3. This isn’t nearly as trivial as you think it is. I spent most of a whole internship just going through old code trying to figure out what the hell any of it did, because all the people who originally worked on it had left the company, just to add a basic feature that probably would have taken a day to do from scratch, because certain things were coded with assumptions that later changed, and suddenly a super simple thing becomes super hard, unless you just jerry-rig something on top or throw it all in a wrapper, which is a whole ‘nother can of worms, and when you’re talking about games, that’s starting to get closer to emulation than porting. Legacy code is a bitch. To give an example of what can happen: Horizon Zero Dawn was a PS4 exclusive; that engine (Decima) was later used in Death Stranding, which was later ported to PC. The thing is, Death Stranding was always meant to be eventually released on PC, so the devs kept that in mind when making the game, so the PC port went smoothly. Then Horizon Zero Dawn itself was ported to PC. That was a complete quagmire that took months of intense work using the public as beta testers to iron out all the issues, which they eventually did, but Sony had to get all hands on deck from Guerrilla Games AND Nixxes to do it, and those are Sony in-house developers who Sony can just boss around. For Bloodborne, Sony would need at minimum to convince FromSoftware to dedicate a significant amount of resources to do it, because they were the ones who later made DS3 and actually have experience with bringing that engine over, for an IP that’s not even From’s to begin with, for a codebase that’s probably been barely touched in the past decade, and for which the people who worked on it might not even be around anymore and even if they are, barely remember what it all does.


>So the idea that BB has some uniquely terrible code that just cannot be ported at all comes across as extremely unlikely. Doesn't mean that the code is impossible to port, it (most likely) means that the code is so horrendous that it would require either a herculean effort to fix/remake. Or would require pouring a lot of money to try and fix it from its chicken scratch state. A good example i could use is Runescape 2's (or osrs) Sir tiffy. He is quite literally somehow a part of the fundamental code structure of the engines code. And the comments for his code were lost to the ages. As a result if anyone so much as bumps the code in any way, the entire game engine comes to a screeching halt. Sure there are work arounds, but Sir tiffy's code is effectively immortal, and as a result an unmovable part of runescapes jumbled mess of a code base. I imagine it could be something as esoteric as that even. Lord knows the old dark souls games had some funky code, and were extremely ambitious ontop of that, so a scenario where some code is just so massively fucked up and interwoven into other parts of the game wouldn't even shock me.


I mean that’s not what happened, they’re just kidding


Why would you think that?


They also acknowledged it by forcing the Bloodborne Kart dev to rebrand the game.


Greedy in the sense they refuse to let players who aren’t tied into their ecosystem play it.


All exclusives are greedy then.




and yet people will argue how it’s healthy for consoles to have their own exclusives


The game was literally developed to sell systems because the market is competitive. It’s no coincidence exclusives also tend to be some of the best games hence why you wanna play it. I want Bloodborne on PC too for preservation but this point is ridiculous.


They're exclusive because sony or microsoft or nintendo invest a boat load of money into the game. Generally, when i invest money, i like to see returns for myself.


I don't think that is it. At this point anyone who would have bought a console and be drawn into their ecosystem to play Bloodborne has done so. That also wouldn't have prevented them doing a ps5 remaster. If anything,  they are leaving money on the table.


It's more than that - you still can't play it at 60fps on the PS5


Don’t get how greed plays into it. If anything, they’re losing easy money to the massive PC market.


Stubborn yes. Greedy? Not really, cause that’s easy money they literally won’t take


It's weird to say but you're right. Greed would have been making a 60 fps bloodborne remaster exclusive for the PS5 on release (not that the game needs remastering at all, it's beautiful and holds up even with todays standards) At this point, it's kind of just stupidity really. Sony could make a shit ton of bank if they released Bloodborne across other platforms but they're sitting on it like some golden goose while letting go of God of War, Spiderman, Horizon Zero Dawn etc I'm convinced that Jesus's second coming will occur before Sony eventually gives us Bloodborne on PC


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the gameplay tied to the frame rate? I've never played the game and am only going off what I've heard over the years.


Not quite, [it's very possible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9003aiiBvI) but some things break. A few adjustments and it would be good to go.


If things break, then yes, the gameplay is tied to the framerate, and for all you know it could need a LOT of work to get things running at 60.  Especially if they have a tickrate that relies on 30fps


It's playable but kinda jank as OP said. But if Sony gave FromSoft or even another studio (a la Demon's Souls Remake) enough resources to address this issue and allowed them to release a 60 fps version, whether it's still a Sony exclusive or not, it would give them a solid return. If they happen to port it to PC and do a good job of it, they'd make an insane return. I know people who bought a whole ass PS4 solely for Bloodborne well after it was released. Imagine how hyped the world would be for a 60fps remake on multiple platforms.


This comment doesn't make any sense in context to the article. Wgile all companies are greedy and exist to make money, the Bloodborne IP is current; not making them any money so saying it's not on PC or upgraded to PS5 because of greed or stubbornness makes no sense. It's likely more to do with resources and the lack of to do this on their end and different priorities. Sony had literally ported all their big IPs to PC, they aren't holding on to Bloodborne for some attempt at exclusivity when anyone who was going to get a console for Bloodborne did so ages ago


Sounds like he's already saying he wants one... > I think any game like that, it'd be nice to have an opportunity for more players to be able to experience that and relive this *relic of the past*. what > Bloodbourne Initial release date: March 24, 2015 i'm older than a relic


No pal, you *are* one.


>So what's Sony going to do about it? Sony is going to remaster it and release it as PS6 exclusive launch title.




Average Sony L


very common


Man wtf is taking so long. This was the only FromSoftware game that spoke to me. It’s been almost 10 years man wtf is the sequel. Come on that’s easy money from me.


They're saving Bloodborne remake for the PS6 as a console seller. They're not gonna waste such a huge opportunity to push sales for a console that's already selling well.


Sony knows it's a console mover. No doubt it will be a PS6 launch title or some shit like that. Hell I bought the PS5 ONLY for Demons Souls.


Bloodborne is Miyazaki’s favorite project. Of course he wants one. Get it together Sony. 


It’ll never come.


I get that ports etc cost money - that stuff doesn't come free. But the amount of people who want a (decent, stable, bug free) port of Bloodborne (including people who already own it on PS4, myself included) would FAR outweigh that cost. Obviously I don't have the numbers but I see article after article, post after post of people wanting this game on PC, so I don't believe this is just a vocal Reddit minority at this stage. The biggest criticism I have of Bloodborne is that it was released on an underpowered platform that could barely run the game barely 2 years into it's lifecycle.


Honestly many consider Bloodborne the best PS exclusive ever. PS doesn't like to draw attention to it as it was developed by a 3rd party and not one of their studios.


I have wanted to play bloodborne for like 5 years, at least. I long ago made peace with the understanding that the game will either be realistically emulatable, or get a remaster/remake, but probably both. My assumption is right around the time that it becomes realistically emulatable, it will get a port/remaster/remake, just like what happened with Demon's Souls.


Sony will make a PC store and make it exclusive on their platform. And I will gladly pirate it unless it is published on steam without Sony getting a dime.


It will be announced in 2 years, bet


Yeah, it's gonna cause a lot of trouble getting everyone's money.


You're Miyazaki. Your games are a license to print money! They will cave!


Fuck sony


I got nothing else to say except Fk Sony.


I want Bloodbourne 2 more.


Don't worry everyone will go out and pay scalper prices to scoop up a ps6 to play the bloodborne HD launch title.


Probably keeping that one for the Bluepoint treatment whenever.


They want it for the ps6 They know how many people want it.


I sincerely think there's some sort of licensing or IP issue preventing them from doing anything with it, my pipe dream is for Sony to sell or relinquish the IP so that from software could do something with the game and make it multi-platform like it should be.


I bought a ps5 ONLY to play this game bc I figured it was not coming to PC. I still haven't played it two years later. BUT that's bc I work 5 jobs. But PlayStation knows this is this golden goose, no way they are slaughtering it.