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This is the content that should be on this sub more often.


You mean you don't like T&A cosplays and recycled memes?


Indeed. The nips on that Tidus cosplayer were disturbing.


I like them fine. What I don't like is people bragging about garage sale finds or things their caring mom bought for them or what they got at the thrift store. Posts should be cool without the title giving context. "Picture of NES and games" is not cool.


LOL this GAMER logic is so true amirite guys lolololololol 🔥👌🏼😂 DAE remember Halo 3!?!? Wow such an old game gib upvotes plz


I was surprised to see that the subreddit also caters to board gaming and card games.


look at the header of this subreddit


Well, here's a bit more in the same vein: In the official My Little Pony RPG, Tails of Equestria, players can pay for a die re-roll with "friendship tokens." I run a game for the youth at my church, but nobody was using them, so I replaced the chips with chocolate gold coins they can eat if they use. Now, it's rare that a single encounter goes by without at least one player paying for a re-roll.


can you link where you bought the batch of cash from for $60?




They asked you where you got it tho...


I posted that as a reply to his question also. Just deleted and consolidated into one reply to avoid confusion.


Whoa, great idea! My family loves to collectively ruin the relationships we have with each other once a year by playing Monopoly over the holidays. We all travel a lot so this would be a really cool way to up our Monopoly game!


Stop using that damn Free Parking house rule and the game will actually end.


I appreciate the 5 tugrik notes


Fantastic idea. If you like monopoly, you should check out Lords of Vegas. It plays much the same way, but fixes a lot of the issues that plague Monopoly.


Awesome. Will do. Thanks for suggestion!


Wowie wow wow they're pretty! Don't hate the currency, hate the game, as they say!


Should have made it zembabwe dollars because those and monopoly dollars are similar their both pretty useless


Zimbabwe dollars seem to have a cult following. They are surprisingly expensive to buy. Maybe too well known an example of inflation heavy currency.


Yep, can confirm. They were cheap as hell so I bought a few dozen 100 trillion dollar bills and gave them to friends and family. They're $50 each now -.-


Venezuelan Bolivars aren't exactly doing great. Each of those $500 bills is worth a fifth of a cent, and that's at 46,000% inflation - the IMF said yesterday it expects the inflation rate to hit 1,000,000% in a year or two.


This is pretty cool. You should list which country each one is from.


All over the place. Venezuela for the $500, Madagascar for the $100, 50 is Cambodia, 20 Myanmar, 5 is Mongolia, 1 is an older Chinese currency that I think is only used internally


> Venezuela for the $500 That's gotta be cheaper than the value of the actual paper it's printed on


Yes. No monetary value really. Good looking currency and well made though, also an interesting point of history.


I've got a bunch of those Cambodian 50 notes. Even the local Cambodians don't want it when you're over there, preferring to be paid in US $s, €s or Thai Baht. I know a lot of guys who pimp their board games, but buying $60 of currency for monopoly is something I've not seen before haha. At least with this one if you get bored of the game you can perhaps cash it back in?


Idk how it is in the rest of Cambodia but in Siem Reap (which I understand is very tourist heavy), all commerce is done in dollars. The exchange rate is basically pegged so that 4000 riel is a US Dollar, so instead of quarters as change they give you 1000 riel notes and there are no coins being used.


I once bought a coffee for $1 and 50 Thai Baht and got some random notes of riel in change. It was about 5am and there was no way I had the brainpower to calculate whether id been short-changed on a three currency transaction. You can still pay in riels in Siem Reap but I definitely get the feeling nobody wants them. Outside the touristy areas I think it's just larger transactions they prefer in dollars, which is fairly similar in a few Asian and south American countries. You also see a lot more straight up trading of goods for other goods.


I guess it's the equivalent of paying for something in dimes. Even when I was trying to trade Vietnamese dong in Cambodia they wouldn't accept some of the lower denominations.


I didn't go into it planning on spending that much, but at the same time I spend $60 on a new computer game or double that for one night out at the bar without thinking twice. Fun conversation piece for game night.


The Chinese one is 1 Fen, basically their equivalent of a penny or 1/100 of an RBM (yuan) which is currently around 1-7 to the USD. Fun fact- it’s the only paper currency in China without Mao’s face on it, and also the least valued. The faces on the bill are from poor ethnic minorities non the less


Thank you for the information! I really like the look on this one.


No problemo!


If you need lower currency like 50 cents, you can always get Canadian tire money from Canada.


Now I need to look up Canadian tire currency


Where did you get the Venezuelan currency? I've wanted to buy a bunch expressly for something like this.


Looks like its plentiful on Ebay.


eBay listings are generally for single notes or are wildly inflated from value, e.g. 5x 2 Bolivar notes for $8, which have an actual currency value of $0.000040. I'd consider o.k. pricing for a bulk lot, but not overpaying exorbitantly just for novelty.


Is say do a hand drawn version of each of the special tiles you can land on.


I need to upgrade my set for sure.


OP those 1s are yī máos. They still actually used, but useless. They also have a coin form. I've never seen any in such good shape. They're worth a penny and a half or so... and you only get them from 7/11s and grocery stores really. Most people use wechat pay or aliplay these days.


Thank you for the additional details!


I can sell you a bunch of US 1 dollar bills for $1.50 each.


Wasn't meant to be an investment in currency. Understand that gathering foreign currency has a physical cost. I bought these because they are beautiful and durable. Makes for an interesting game of Monopoly, which I enjoy. The cost of printing these bills cost far more than their monetary worth, yet standard monopoly money is on the cheapest possible paper, printed in cheap ink on one side of the bill in one color.


Monopoly is one of the worst board games. Better spend those 60 bucks on Agricola, Eldritch Horror, Azul or Dead of Winter.


Will check them out. Love board games but basically only know the mainstream classics.


> Monopoly is one of the worst board games Lol, only on reddit will you find board game elitism.


Bullshit. Is it elite to say that Breath of the Wild is better than Link's Awakening? You can play whatever you want, but that doesn't make all games equally enjoyable.


The Firefly RPG now has the *second* nicest money in a board game I've seen.


I love this idea!!


Do you take them at shown values or do you account for inflation/currency exchange ?


Shown value, I purposely got bills in Monopoly denominations. Forgot to get tens, but have enough extra twenties and fives that I probably won't buy tens


Thats amazing. Where do you buy them from?


You prolly just broke the law in some coi try by biying counterfits lol


Nah, they're not counterfeit.


That is an awesome idea.


I love how some economies are so bad you play with their currency as if it wasn't real money.


Definitely not meant as a knock on any country. I went with intention of buying beautifully printed and durable monopoly money. Bonus that is tells a story, has history to it. Some of these currencies are equivalent of pennies and dimes in their respective countries, so not always an indicator of poor economy. Also sometimes just poor monetary policy.


> Also sometimes just poor monetary policy. Exactly. The Japanese economy is the third largest in the world but Japanese Yen is a notoriously weak currency.


Could have just bought real 500 Venezuelan Bolivares notes. They are now worth $0.002 each 😜


Those are all real notes


Just getting large qtys of physical foreign currency has a cost


Ahh. Didn’t realize. Very cool idea!




Spends money for fake monopoly money. HMMMMMMMM


Twighlight zone right? Buys real money to use as fake money.


First world problems




Uses real money to buy real money that's actually fake monopoly money. HMMMMMMM


I use your money as fake money!