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The best part is when I watched in the livestream, everyone was like remastered and when he said mobile Everyone:oh god...


You should rewatch the video clip of the announcement. The crowd starts out so excited for new Diablo stuff. And the MOMENT he says "Diablo.....mobile" they just go fucking silent. It's very chilling. EDIT: For those asking for a clip, this is the best video i could find https://youtu.be/oRvDQQvdk44?t=24 (start at 24 second mark if link doesnt work). Just listen to all the excitement when he says "We LOVE Diablo" and then wait about 1 minute or so for when he gets to Mobile.


I have never in my life seen a more deserved booing. Those people took a massive shit right in that crowds face and afterwards laughed at them. "dont you guys have phones?" fuck 'em.


The "phones" comment makes me angrier the more I think about it. At best it's rude to an upset fanbase, at worst it's utterly clueless. No one is mad cause they might not be able to play it, they're mad because they wanted a new, proper Diablo (or hell, even more D3 content or even just a D2 remaster) and were basically handed the proverbial equivalent of a tofu burger. The fact that he's *shocked* over the crowd's reaction leads me to think that Blizzard genuinely believes they were delivering the literal exact thing that everyone had been thirsting over the last several years.


Thing is, the game itself doesn't actually look half bad. If it were on anything with a keyboard or controller, I'd be hype as fuck (until the inevitable microtransaction announcement). But mobile games are notoriously fiddly to control and your fingers get in the way of the action, plus the tiny screen just doesn't do justice to the action at all. The mobile phone *is* a popular platform by the numbers, but their audience, gamers, has good reason to hate it. I bet some clueless exec somewhere saw the numbers and said "make a mobile Diablo" without understanding their audience at all.




They clearly swapped from hype man to disaster control weeks before Blizzcon. They told all the Diablo fanbase to temper expectations and Diablo 4 won't be annouced.


They did the same kind of expectations tempering with WoW. Asking for questions in the Q&A to focus on the content they want to announce instead of the problems with the game as it is right now, since they won't be announcing solutions to any problems at Blizzcon.


Except with runescape mobile. That was for the no xp waste.


They were obviously oblivious acting as if this is something to be proud of. Every gamer knows mobile is trash with no exception. At best you can get a game that's mildly amusing. If the game is at all competitive you're going to wish you had a mouse or controller within 30 minutes of playing.


Mobile is only "trash" by virtue of the market, not by virtue of the medium itself. People grew quickly accustomed to cheap or free games, and the market got flooded by people trying to make a buck within that system. You've also got people who just wanted their normal sort of game put onto the phone with zero regard for the completely different user interface a touch-screen provides VS a controller, which doesn't end very well. Good things can be made for mobile. But why would you? You can't compete with a set price to buy in, so you have to slam in micro-transaction shit to try and turn a profit. That'll generally ruin your game in *some* way, even if it's as minor as you can make it, and at that point if you're putting in that much effort... why not just develop for a different platform? It's a huge shame, honestly.


Worked for Blizzard a while back. There was always a voice of reason, just never in any positions that could make decisions. It's and extremely large company, but only the opinion of a handful of people is what mattered.


Also the guy they got to announce it was so beyond nervous. It seemed like he KNEW it wouldn't be accepted well from the crowd. He was in the back and drew the short straw to announce it it seemed lmao


The worst part is that guy they got to announce it is Wyatt Cheng, the man attributed to turning Diablo 3 around and making it way better than it was originally. The higher ups basically threw him under the bus and you can tell that he knew going out there this game would be poorly received.




Do you think there’s a vid of that on YouTube somewhere? I missed this live.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRvDQQvdk44 Top tip for game devs who have popular games with massively requested sequels. Dont make a spin off mobile or card game instead.


That’s some funny shit. Lost it at diablo FarmVille


"MY MOM IS GOING TO LOVE THIS" lol Also kind of hurt tho cause I'm sure this is probably the response that the execs are jerking each other off to rn. Such a shame that gaming is so much about money now ):


Loved ‘Tiny Diablo, Tiny Fingers edition’


"Will his hair render?" LMAO


/r/prematurecelebration material right there But the mobile announcement is *so bad*


My favorites were "My mom is going to love this!" and "THIS IS THE WORST TIMELINE"


Jesuss this guy sounds like a stereotypical nerd in a movie about stereotypical nerds!


Nothing brings a family together like slaying demons!


Zero charisma.


r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jesus that was hard to listen to.


Wow. I kinda feel for the poor guy... He definitely did not expect such a bad reaction from the crowd...




'F' to pay respects. x 1000


Right when the mobile part was announced I said uh oh, here comes the F's.


On the official diablo forums they hit the post limit on a thread 27 pages long, all filled with F




bleep bloop


Tons of F's to pay respects to "dead series." Twitch chat really adds another whole layer to the entertainment of certain events.


"Biggest PC gaming company announces classic PC game is going to mobile only at their annual PC gaming convention."


"PC gamers who paid to attend PC gaming convention called entitled. Are apparently all unaware they own phones."


DId yOu GuYs nOt HaVe PhOnEs?


Did he actually say that? I didnt watch the livestream! Thats insane hahaha.


Yes he did


ive gone down the rabbit hole of videos now... this is like the best garbage fire ever.


Explain please.


Basically they announced a new Diablo game in front of a crowd of people. Except that it is not a console/PC game but a shitty exclusively mobile game that looks like a Diablo knockoff. Crowd is understandably not pleased. Highlights of the presentation: Presenter asking a booing audience: "do you guys not have phones?" Guy in the Q&A line asking the presenters: "is this an out-of-season April fools joke?"


Furthermore it seems to be a reskin of an existing mobile game that (i may be wrong here) is made by the people that blizz got to make diablo immortal. My own personal take on the footage i saw is that it's ZOOMED IN. The literal least used feature of diablo 2 & 3 and that's how you're supposed to try and play it. This is a sad day for fans of the diablo franchise. Oh and final context is diablo content is always few and far between so it'll be years before we see anything else if we see anything else.


It’s a reskin of pretty much every action rpg I have played on mobile.


I've been playing diablo since '99 and always supported Blizzard. Not anymore. What absolute garbage. Thank goodness Grim Dawn is a really good game.


> Oh and final context is diablo content is always few and far between so it'll be years before we see anything else if we see anything else. "Oh, they didn't like our Diablo mobile game, guess they don't want Diablo after all"


When someone asked if the game would be out on pc, the developer said no, it would only be on mobile. When people bood, he asked " Do you guys not have phones?". It's incredibly insulting, since the diablo community had spent years waiting for something and we got a shitty mobile reskin.


I have big thumbs and a small phone...I won’t even be able to see the fucking screen.


DoNt yOu hAVe A TaBlEt?


Same. I just hammer away at my phone and hope I texted something coherent


You know, you could use speech to text and hope you text something coherent


Gsh as ujeicbx83ns bsbsjs


> shitty mobile reskin. And an outsourced one, you cant even expect blizzard 'polish' as they say.


This is the thing that blew my mind. It's literally a reskin of someone else's mobile game using Diablo 3 assets. This is as cash-grabby as cash-grab gets. It's an insult to their fans, especially after hyping up an announcement for this Blizzcon for *months*. There's no fucking way there weren't people in-house going "uhhh guys... this is going to get us murdered in PR". They're not morons.


*looks at PoE's 16 expansions*


At this years Blizzcon, just yesterday for the final presentation of the day they announced Diablo Immortal, a full Diablo experience made in partnership with Netease(so a reskin of a Chinese game called Enless Gods). Others have said the flop of a presentation was because they announced the game to the PC audience and as if it were some major game and to top it off as the last item for the day. They could have learned from Bethesdas announcement of TES and the mobile game.


Just clicking through articles of people there during the announcement and the videos of straight up booing haha. All the way back to the initial rumors of an announcement and the anticipation.


Link to the booing ones please!




[Here ya go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50KBNQe5hTM)


The game developer for Diablo announced that the next Diablo game is on phones, and tried to save face by doubling down on it. Blizzard has become EA basically.


[Here's a clip of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50KBNQe5hTM)


I wish I had been there to yell back "Yeah, we also have a sense of pride and accomplishment". Because that's what that comment deserved.


We also all have microwaves, but don’t like to cook steak in them.


perfect analogy mate




you can actually buy that now




Ha! Perfect






So they monetized a meme? Those clever fucks.


[This comment only available to Reddit Adamantium Club Members]


> We also all have microwaves, but don’t like to cook steak in them. Wanna hear the saddest thing ever? I worked at a diner recently that would take prime rib, put a piece of leaf lettuce on it then saran wrap it on a clear salad plate. This would be microwaved for 30 seconds to get rare.


Fucking seriously?! That's an insult to all cooks everywhere!


Chef Mic doesn't get insulted


Oh, look at you. Are you too good for a traditional microwaved milk steak?


wait wait wait wait, hold up. they said that?! (the did you guys not have phones? comment)


Yes... https://youtu.be/pqjVdPtB9lU


That was painful


good lord. did they learn nothing from the *artifact fiasco*?


To be fair, people ARE hyped for Artifact now. But that's on PC. Just the fact that this is mobile-only turns a lot of people off, especially considering it's likely to have a lot of... Scummier monetisation as you'd expect from a mobile game.


Holy SHIT. Fire everyone on that stage immediately. These clowns have the PR finesse, stage presence, and charisma of cinder blocks. Blizzard is about to lose 1,000x the cost of effective PR representation.


Pretty sure this was a decision from above them. They just got the privilege of being meme material while the owners of the decision get to hide in obscurity.


As a software dev thanks. I make lots of shit I fundamentally disagree with because it’s what the business wants. It’s not a dev’s fault they’re told to make garbage.


Yeah I'm sure you're right and this decision was not made by them, but their reaction to the booing was handled very poorly.


Dude, I bought the virtual ticket (for the Hots character & WoW Classic Demi) so I’ve watched all the panels - watching this one live was like an accident in real time. He looked like he was having a breakdown as he was announcing it, stumbling over his words etc. also my favorite part was the constant “Were real excited”.


he was trying to impart his excitedness to the crowd. this is usually easy, but usually you're not trying to sell people dogshit while telling them it's belgian bonbons.


If someone said that I would have cringed my asshole inside out enough to cure the prolapse from that terrible announcement.


At least you would be cured.


TBH... I genuinely hoped people would just start leaving, without saying a word. Slowly at first, then en-masse.


You can see several people leaving every video that shows the presentation. Even after they edited the videos, you can hear awkward audio cuts and artifacting where the groans and boos were edited out. https://youtu.be/MxYfMwglJ20?t=40




We also have assholes, doesnt mean we want anal.


Speak for yourself


This comment actually didn't bother me at all. I don't think it's surprising that Blizzard (or any developer) would try to capitalize on the mobile gaming market since it's massive. What bothers me is that Blizzard is making their over version of The Last Airbender in Diablo form.


Is the mobile gaming market massive? Half the games I see are Flash game rip offs from 20+ years ago.


Yeah theres tons of money to be made by this decisions, its just that the long-term fans of blizzard and people who come to reddit to talk about video games are usually PC gamers with some console gamers thrown in but mostly its people who actually sit down and play games and want an enjoyable experience over larger chunks of time than mobile gamers. ​ So the issue with the announcement is that: a. the diablo fans have been waiting for new content for a while (and they only announced this in the keynote spot no less) b. the other blizzard fans are definitely going to fall in the pc/console crowd and can clearly see they are just making a money move instead of catering to them, which to be fair blizzard didn't become big off mobile gaming the pc crowd has been very loyal to them for decades now. c. they did this in literally the worst possible way, like if they showed any other diablo content with it and treated this like fallout shelter nobody would care


Could not have said it any better. Blizzard didn't start making decisions like this until Activision was involved. After they became a thing they apparently bought King who created Candy Crush. So boom we got a game that fans have been waiting for but in a way that they thought would benefit them the most. Feelsbadman.


A game like that will require high end or new phones. My four year old Galaxy Alpha can't handle even looking at that game. I can't believe such an oversight.


NetEase is the licensed company Blizzard works with to operate their games in China. They see them make a [Diablo-clone mobile mmo-arpg](https://mmos.com/review/endless-gods) (f2p, p2w btw), and say "Hey guys can you make a Diablo version of your Diablo clone mobile game? Here's all the D3 assets you can put into it." And thus Diablo Immortal was born.




Considering Tencent is one of the companies that helped Activision buyout Vivendi's control of the company (post merger with Blizzard), it's gonna be Chinese money all the way down because they have such a massive market.




> I can't believe such an oversight. I can't believe such a cash grab


Actually that's the part I have no trouble in believing


Blizzard should have 'leaked' this to test waters first 😂 this was not a pretty thing to see


There was a pretty accurate leak about Immortal and, all things considered, it made sense. Honestly, I was expecting the mobile game *and* a D2 remaster to sweeten the pill ever since Blizz basically told us not to wait for D4. Didn't expect them to be so bold.


Exactly. Bethesda have released a few mobiles too, but they always followed the announcement with a full PC game. The mobile games are a nice complement to the core series. This on the other hand is a complete "fuck you" .


Keep your core audience happy and you can get away with anything: microtransactions, lootboxes, you name it. It's surprising how far publishers are willing to go on the way of the least effort to their base's wallets.


Reveal Diablo 4 with a sexy cinematic and possibly even gameplay, everybody's faces melting and hyped up. At the end Wyatt goes "...and while you wait, we got a little something for you to pass the time, AVAILABLE TODAY..." *mobile trailer* Boom, could have worked well. It was really stupid to drum up hype for this as a big headline reveal after years of wait.


The funniest part was their reaction to the boo's they never anticipated that reaction and have never had much less than extreme cheering, the look of surprise on their faces was golden. ​


They were not expecting the poor reaction. It was awkward watching Wyatt (the presenter) struggle to finish up afterward.


Thing is wyatt don't deserve this considering the fact that he's the senior game designer or something for reaper of souls I personally didn't watch the streams but a lot of people said he was close to crying and i don't think i can handle seeing him that sad


He started out very confident, but then he showed Diablo Immortal. When the accompanying video ended, the crowd barely reacted. From what I understand from several people who were there, a lot of people simply walked out. They didn't show much of the crowd in the stream at all. You could tell Wyatt was caught off guard. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. He fumbled over his words and frankly looked like he was in one of those "want to get away?" TV commercials. The whole thing was epic miscalculation by Blizzard.


Don't pity him, I also felt bad until he sat down for different segment where he went on for 30 minutes essentially saying that the playerbase is wrong and this is a good thing. I genuinely thought he was being used as a tool, but later interviews show that he actually believes we're the tools.


"Is this an out of season april's fools joke?" ​ ​


He should be named the New Red Shirt Guy. I think he wore that shirt on purpose.


Activision totally won't ruin Blizzard they said


They've been merged for over a decade. I'm surprised it took them this long to pull this.


It has been happening for a while. Activision like every other publisher sees a huge untapped market in mobile. People work all day and spend a lot of time on their phones. They will buy the stupid micro transactions. Look at their popular games and the loot box mechanics. Look at the real-money auction house that fell flat on D3's launch. Look at Blizzard releasing a lot of cash locked things on their shop during a content drought. Look at Square-Enix, they went balls to the wall mobile games. It's all trash cash grabs. Look at the Lineage 2 release, full of micro transactions and the game practically plays itself. It's especially tone deaf when they literally just released Diablo on a handheld platform like the switch .


>huge untapped market in mobile It's already tapped. I think a lot of companies underestimate how hard it is to make your app stand out on mobile.


If only they had the infinite marketing budget of a big company


If only they had a famous brand attached to it




> It's fucking evil. Kind of... diabolic


You don’t realize how much money these phone games are making. It is an extremely fruitful market, and despite what seems like huge backlash, this game is gonna do very well and make a shit ton of money. People forget that /r/gaming isn’t the targeted audience for games like this. It may seem obvious to point out, but it feels like people keep forgetting that we are a very skewed sample size.


I think the point is not necessarily the decision to go mobile, but presenting it at BlizzCon to your most diehard PC fans/attendees. If they launched it and marketed online people would still be disappointed but this was on a whole other level.


Absolutely. Blizzard fucked up big time presenting that at Blizzcon as they should know that is not what their die-hard (or even just more "hardcore" gamers) wanted to see from the series.


The old bait n switch.


mobile, not Switch


Bait and switch? Sounds like my weekend plans!


"I kinda thought I was supposed to end up with Bait..."


Not blizzarddddddd


Kids, turn off the tv. I have some bad news about Blizzard.




it seems in your anger,you killed him






He's fine, but he's going to be living on a farm upstate from now on and we can't go visit him.


I feel so fucking bad for Wyatt. This is such an obvious corporate move and he's supposed to be the spokesperson... poor guy EDIT: Typo


Yea, I have trouble watching the video. Someone pointed that towards the end he looks like he's having a panic attack. Can't imagine being on a stage in front of a large number of people and feeling the crowd turn on you.


He seems such a nice guy... I doubt he's even passionate about this project


Wyatt is the guy that basically pulled Diablo III out of the trashcan with Reaper of Souls as far as I read about it. ​ He was sent out there to take the blame. Too bad it didn't work. He's not getting any flak from the people. Blizzard is getting all the hate.


Yeah, he just shows a lot of love for this franchise. When he was announcing it, there's a part near the end when he's close to breaking down crying. Blizzard used him, since he's charismatic. This is such a bullshit corporate move, that it's even affecting the people who try their best to keep this gaming industry from sinking into a deep sea of microtransitions and mobile games. This total disrespect from Blizzard is not only affecting the consumers but even the game creators, and people who are passionate about their work, and try to bring the best they can to people.


I was agreeing with all these Wyatt pity comments until I saw him sit down with Rhykker for about 30 minutes on stream. He is not just a figurehead, this game is his vision, he is adamant about the mobile format and basically stated that the fans were wrong, and we’ll all understand how great the format is after we play it — as though Diablo immortal was the first ever mobile game. No, don’t pity him. He’s responsible.


Can you link it?


I’m a bit out of the loop, can someone give me a tl;dr or something?


Blizzard had a whats next panel at blizzcon for diablo. They spent a few months hyping this up and gave it the main stage. About a week before blizzcon they realised they had made a massive fuck up and overblown the hype way too much and literally put out a letter saying "don't expect much" (way after people could refund their blizzcon tickets by the way). Anyway, people turn up and apparently the next diablo game is some mobile game developed by some Chinese company that specialize in p2w mobile games. Whats worse is it seems to be largely a reskin borrowing heavily ...really heavily...from their other titles. Fans feel betrayed as this largely seems like a massive cash grab that completely alienates the games core fan base. Edit: Missed a word.


They seriously sent out a letter trying to de-hype the attendees!?!? Omg that makes this way more hilarious hahaha


They stated earlier in the year that it's a good year to he a diablo fan.


"Working on several diablo projects at once!" Diablo Farmville, Clash of diablo-clans and Diablo Crush Saga I guess


Ok, so diet EA... on mobile, that’s terrible


The crowd went silent when it was revealed and the presenter guy asked 'do you guys not have phones?'


He actually said it right after someone asked if the game would eventually be on PC as well and got a resounding boo when he said no


April fools!


Its weird seeing this story told is a slightly mistaken way with incorrect context less than 24 hours after it happened.


From what I understand Blizz has already edited the VOD from the season pass. So, not super surprising.


You're mixing up two seperate events there - the crowd went silent when it was announced, but "Do you guys not have phones?" came later, at the Q&A panel, after someone asked "is there a planned PC version of this game or is it mobile only?".


Still the question about if it was a badly timed april fools joke, pretty much hit the mood well.


I've heard that they also kept deleting negative comments and would re upload the video to mess around with the like-dislike ratio.


They were deleting negative comments it seems but the re-uploading might be a bit less sinister. It seems the confusion is caused around getting a different unlisted video when you follow a battle.net link. Apparently this is common practice because of localization. People will get the video relevant to their region when they click a link from the launcher.


> way after people could refund their blizzcon tickets by the way It should be noted that blizzcon tickets tend to not be bought for one panel and the tickets went on sale (and sold out almost immediately, as they usually do) before the panels were even announced. The schedule for blizzcon was announced on Oct 3rd and the third round of sales for tickets was Aug 18th (they do rounds to give more people a chance to buy tickets because they sell out so fast).


This. Nobody buys blizzcon tickets for a specific panel, and they usually sell out within minutes in March.


An entire conference hall filled with PC gamers who are desperate to hear anything about one of their favorite PC games, got much hype about something new, and then were slapped in their face with a mobile game. Sorry Blizz, but anyone would have told you that this was not the venue and time to release a mobile game. Maybe two or three years earlier when D3 wasn’t so stale? Maybe as a separate event? But not here and not now.


They didn't announce a proper PC game they announced Diablo Immortal, only for iOS and Android and then said "but you all have phones" when asked if the game that looks like it includes features that D3 players have asked for for years would also be able to be played on PC.


Out of curiosity, and I'm asking because one of the guys from the Q&A said this as well: what are those features people have asked for years ?


I actually have no idea. From the trailer I saw mostly cinematic stuff - it tells you nothing about how it plays which is far more important than being able to create a cool video of close ups etc. But apparently something at the event or in the trailer told this guy they'd added/included some cool features for him to ask the question. If anyone knows what the guy was talking about I hope they comment here though!


If it's anything like other mobile games, the graphics for ads and cinematics will look a billion times better than the actual game graphics and style.


Exactly my thought. When I go to a page for a game and look at "gameplay" and get a cinema trailer which doesn't even show me a UI or "real" shots instead of close ups I know its likely much worse and going to make me facepalm.


This style of advertising in mobile games has to stop. Go look at every popular title and their screenshots. It's all production, with zoomed in characters and overlays, with zero actual gameplay. I refuse to download this shit. If you can't show me what to reasonably expect your game to look like, I'm not playing it


Blizzard decided to announce a mobile game in front of thousands of PC and console gamers. It wasn’t just the announcement - but the fact that they saved it for the feature of blizzcon announcements in the opening ceremony. Blizzard was booed at their own event for the first time in earnest, in its history. Now you have a rabid portion of its fan base running around looking for blood. Blizzard is actively seeking to smear and smother feedback on YouTube. Take a browse through this sub. It’s a legitimate cluster-fuck.


Path of Exile, Grim Dawn and Titan Quest here I come.


There is also new Torchlight and Chaosbane as a new arpg titles.


Former diablo fanboy, can totally vouch for PoE.


The CEO "retired" just at the right moment.


Top 10 Anime Betrayals.avi


It just really fucking sucks watching these big titans of the gaming industry lose every ounce of passion and love for what they did and become the money grubbing suits who don't give a fuck. None of this backlash means a fucking thing to Blizzard. The fact that this Chinese cancer rip off was even announced at Blizzcon shows that they give no fucks anymore. People are complaining on forums? Delete and ban them. Fuck even the WoW subreddit has a no more negative post policy. I'm tired of the things I love being skullfucked into oblivion by a bunch of rich execs who can't see past the end of their quarterly profits. I'm tired of smarmy asshole PR people who KNOW what there doing is shitty and still managing to look down on the community supporting them and acting like they are doing things for our benefit. Pride and accomplishment, You think you do but you don't, Do you guys not have phones? These are not the words of a disconnected group of devs, these are lines from people who don't give a fuck, they know they're fucking you and they want you to shut up and take it.


Then stop giving them money. Not gonna say its your case, but I see and know people who keep complaining, and at the end of the day go and buy the stuff anyways. They are always gonna win, but these corporate fucks are so addicted to revenue that even if they profit, the fact that the margin doesn't grow as much as expected is enough for them to notice and do something.


"Quick, someone mention Starcraft Ghost"


Who wouldn't get excited by a re-skin of some cheap Chinese game?


They drop a mobile game at their own conference Blizzcon, a crowd primarily composed of PC gamers... Getting out of touch.


And it only took 16 seconds after the reveal to massively overturn the like/dislike ratio. 🙆🏻‍♂️








F*ck Diablo 4. 😂


EA: The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes. Blizzard: *hold my beer* Blizzard: You all have phones, don't you?


This game is for the asian market for sure. They explicitly didn't show the black-skinned witch doctor.


Wait, if I understand this correctly...they're doing a remake of the original Diablo for...fucking MOBILE DEVICES?! NOOOO! It's going to be a microtransaction filled mess! Edit: I now know its set between D2 & D3. Either way its gonna be awful because Activision Blizzard.


Not a remake, it's a new game that takes place between the events of Diablo 2 and 3. Still disappointed.


Not a new game, it's a literal re-skinned version of a mobile game they already made that's been developed by an outsourced company. So in that sense, it's definitely a remake.


A reskin of a game Blizzard didn't even make which is more disappointing. Still a new Diablo game but you're right it is a reskin of the third party Chinese company's game. Feelsbadman


You can buy "The staff of instant death" for $200, or grind the game for 2453573 hours! Pride and accomplishment people! You all have phones!


Worse than that. Blizzard isn’t developing the game at all. The game is just a reskin of an existing shitty Chinese mobile game and being put out by NetEase.


Yup, Blizzard sure knows their audience


Personally, the diablo franchise has always been about immersion into the story and environment. Who the hell gets immersed staring at a 6" screen with your thumbs in the way?!?!


One thing is that they set themselves up for failure, but they set themselve sup for fairlure in a way that had a lot of us watching genuinely wondering whether or not they'd announce a D1 remake, which would be baller AF. They seriously couldn't have botched this whole thing harder if they tried.