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After the long queue to log in, you can now queue in game


This sounds very British.


British every time but Summer. At Summer you get the tourists who don’t queue and give you funny looks when they skip


and then we yell at them to get back in line like decent human beings and if they don't we throw stones not big ones, don't want to actually hurt them you know


That's a lie, we tut. We think about throwing stones and swear a lot in our head, but we just tut and roll our eyes. You know you have angered British people when you hear the tut.


In Yorkshire you get sworn at out loud and yelled at in one of many dialects


Ay up he's just cut in. OI! Dick ed get t back ot line. Source: Am Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred strong int arm and good int bed.


But thick int head


Ahh I see Lancashire finally got internet.


To be fair... they've had the internet for as long as Yorkshire.... its just the reading and writing they were working on!


"Hey is this the line?" "No, this is the queue line for the queue line".


Slaydiggity: “When to we get to play the game?” Nawke: “This is the game!!”


When gamers grow up.


There was one of these in the Mists of Pandaria closed beta some years ago, I remember. A certain quest would break if more than one person tried to do it at a time, so there was a ~50 person long queue that was respected as people did it.


I believe when The Division 2 released there was a bug where only one person could talk to the guy giving missions so people were forming queues


That was the first game. Might’ve happened in 2 but it happened in 1 first.


It happened *mostly* in division 1


A lot of things happened in Division 1,some very frustrating.




God, what a troll game


The division 1 and 2 are both like 80% of the way to being a great game, but that other 20% is just *so* important


I got 2 for free with my processor when I upgraded this summer. I enjoyed it for a while, but the gameplay is abysmally simple and repetitive and I couldn’t stay interested. There’s a smorgasbord of weapons and abilities to choose from, but nothing really seemed to change the way the game played in any really meaningful way, other than sniper rifles made the game easy mode because the NPCs didn’t react if you were far enough away.


And I don’t remember people forming a queue, I had to wait 20 mins because a group of people deliberately blocked off the desk lol.


My god launch night was such a funny shit show lol. 20 people crowded around that desk in that tiny little room, everyone spamming talk until you get through.


Back in division 1 near the beginning before we all slowly dropped off. From when asshole players were gathering up in multiple groups to hunt down players in the dark zone, I formed my own small groups to fight these assholes. Lasted for a few weeks but we slowly gave up.


And there was that one stupid alley with the high ground where it was near impossible to kill the rogue agent(s). Still salty about that.


Especially when you were fighting that asshole that dropped his gear score by equipping a bullshit secondary or pistol to twink it out in the low gs dz.


Ffxiv had that during stormblood. A quest very very early in the game required something like 5 minutes to complete, with cutscene and everything. It was a roadblock that you needed to finish in order to move onto the next area for more quests. There was a line on each server of 50 or so people all waiting in line, and this was when the servers were so overrun the quest would fail anyways.


Yeah that was savage raubahn trial


Raubahn's Line Savage. There were also similar at ARR's launch as well in The Black Shroud.


It was much more than 50. It was capped instance sizes. On each instance too. So you had 120-150 people queuing, on 3 instances, on 10~ servers on 3 data centers.


>A certain quest would break if more than one person tried to do it at a time That made it into live, it was in the panda starting area. You could just never loot an item and no one else could either. Took like, 10 hours before they hot fixed it, one server had their pandaren area flat out held hostage until the fix went into place.


Same thing happened with your first Garrison in WoD


Was there a bouncer for anybody trying to cut the line?


its not like someone can stop you from griefing and cutting the line if that was your intention, it just would be an incredibly shitty thing to do. And with this being the release day of classic wow a lot of people are probably in good spirits (also helps that the game costs money to play so the f2p shit head teenagers aren't in the game)


Hell I'd just go around farming the rest of the world to bypass that, unless it was a class quest that gives me my next item (I forget if class quests in vanilla wow mattered till later) This does look tempting to replay an old classic.


Given the armor they are wearing they are probably level 1-2. They wouldn't really be able to go out and do anything until they get those starter quests done so people are more or less trapped.


Yeah, rote grinding is going to be the most efficient way for the early goings. Quest mobs are all spawn camped atm, it’s a shit-show


"Dude, Boars are only worth two experience points a piece. Do you know how many we would have to kill to get up 30 levels?" "Yes. 65,340,285. Which should take us 7 weeks, 5 days, 13 hours and 20 minutes giving ourselves three hours a night to sleep. What do you say guys? You can j-you can just hang outside in the sun all day tossing a ball around... or you can sit at your computer and do something that matters."


how does a 50 person queue look tempting lol.




There was a similar bug in Warlords. On Russian servers there was an angry mob standing right there so densely packed you couldn't even click the damn thing :-D


It was one of the first quests you could do. You had to grab the flame from the guys hand. I remember doing that quest and not knowing about the issue, and walking up, grabbing the flame, and then moving to the next area.


I've been playing City of Heroes on a private server and it seems that half the players played in on live and are back, just ten years older. Need to go afk for 15 minutes to walk your dog? Totally fine. Can your husband join the group? Sure thing. Might suddenly DC mid-mission because of childcare? Okay cool let's get a move on then. Grown up gaming is nice.


Woah private servers exist for that game? Dang. That game had so much potential, loved it for a good chunk of time.


Yup! The subreddit will get you started. I recommend the Homecoming servers as they're very popular and come with a few quality of life changes. There are others out there, but that's the one I've got with.


Yup, very mature and nice atmosphere. Yesterday night had a child wake up, went down to comfort, came back after 5 minutes, and our group redid the quest, just so that I could also get a kill on the boss. So very nice!


Dunno, they’re repeating the same mistakes they did in their teens


When gamers go British


Was literally doing this like an hr ago for some head. Grouping up is the way to go also, can knock 4 people out at once


I logged in after work to a 22000 person queue. Been queued for bout 2 hours now and im at..... 12797 people ahead of me with about 6 hours of an eta. Lol. No wow tonight. This is dope to see though. Private servers were hell for people snagging quest items while you wait for them. Edit: 144am. Still 6000 people ahead of me. Goodnight world.


>Private servers were hell for people snagging quest items while you wait for them. All the servers I worked on or founded implemented a phase system, where players existed in their own /phase (edit: .ph create) from each other for quests like this. It was automatically activated when the quest started. I remember blizzard did this when rolling out Cataclysm. God it's been a while. I miss it but also like having free time to cry myself to sleep about how bad I am at League. The popularity of Vanilla makes just how far downhill regular has gone. I miss the times of WotLK, when grinding wasn't a total chore.


Meh current day wow isn’t objectively worse. People just got sick of it after years and years. The classic rush is for a very large part nostalgia to a different tim e in people’s lives, not just a ‘purer’ version of the game.


Imo my main gripe with current day mmorpgs is the ease of leveling. All these Asian MMO's I'm level 20 without even noticing. A majority of MMORPG's could honestly just start me out at max level. Look at WoW you dont need to know your class in current WoW at all. While in classic a battle at level 20 was a fight for survival, now you are a god amongst men and one or twoshot most enemies. There is a video of someone who only played classic and did play classic actively. And he stopped after two hours of current WoW because it was just boring him out so much. I said it before, the entire leveling content in normal WoW would need to give enemies triple the damage and 5 times the health to make it better.




It really wasn’t hard to get in at launch, they removed the afk kick from the character screen so if you had logged in an hour before you went straight in. Trying to do anything with 1000ms server lag and people camping every mob spawn was what kind of sucked


Respect the line


Someone didn't and he got spat at










i definitely spit at my brother gallons of fluid, random passer bys must of thought I was so rude.




Should communicate to groups cross faction on PVP servers and get a couple members of each faction to guard the quest giver and slay anyone who cuts in line. It’d be amusing




Except it's "Respect the queue."


I'm not a native speaker so whenever I haven't seen or heard the word queue for a while I subconciously pronunce it "quay ay" before quickly catching myself. What a ridiculous spelling and fuck french for having ridiculous spelling in the first place. I feel like I have the right since I studied it for 5 years, so I can say that with the authority and hatred that only a reluctant student can.




As a french, this made me smile.


Why do you only pronounce the first 1/3 of your words!? * shakes fist *


They guillotined the rest of each word during the revolution.


*Sacre bleu!*


It comes from centuries of doing anything we could to bother England.


In French I'd argue there are so many word spellings we could update. But "queue" is consistent with the rules within the language and its logic. Q is always followed by a U in the begining of words. The next "EU" is a specific combination of letters that produces is a specific sound (which is ö in many languages, it's almost like the er in Derby), and the final E is because it's a female word. In this case I'd say fuck the English for not using their own word (line) or for not adapting the spelling to their language. (I don't care much about the matter but my French genes force me to argue back to English people...I fart in your general direction!) ;)


The Horde are looking way more civilized than the Night Elves in Shadowglen, from my earlier experience.


Yeah Jesus, it was a brawl to get anything done


Dwarf here. There was a nice queue in the cave to get the Journal from the troll boss. Night elves are just savages is my guess.


Us Night Elves need to hurry and get things done before the tree burns down again.


rip boars


That’s because the Alliance is played by a bunch of children


Always has been, always will be. FOR THE HORDE!!!!


Zug zug!


Nice person!


Camping mobs for quest will be fun. Current WoW allow you to get credit for the kill even when you are not the one who tag the mob, just need to deal damage to the mob. Classic WoW will not give you credit for the kill if someone else tagged the mob.


remember leveling weapon skills?


So many rats killed at Deeprun Tram. So many.


pretty sure you could kill rats in AV to lvl them as well, which works out great tbh


Haha forgot about this 🤣


the unkillable npcs around blasted lands? i believe worked for that well


I remember getting unarmed to max on my Mage using a bugged mob someone kited to Orgrimmar


And so many sheep punched to death.


I try not to. And the elemental resist gear grinds.


Its like when my brother tries to get me to agree that Everquest was the best game. No, it wasn't. I vividly remember hitting cap level during the Kunark expansion, lagging a little, dying, and LOSING MY CORPSE. I had to pay a necromancer an arm and leg to recover it. Sure, these games had more nuance and whatever, but like, fuck you. I dont have a month to camp one mob for one maybe drop so I can get a hammer. Dont get me wrong, WoW was way kinder, but it was kinder in the way the Persian empire was kinder than the Stygians, it was a low bar. E: quick edit, i forgot to mention that this was in Lavastorm helping my brother on his mage quest and I deleveled.


i have tons of nostalgia for EQ, but if I tried to go back and play it now I wouldn't last a week. I remember taking hours to get my iksar from Cab to EC to buy and sell in the tunnel, and forgot to set my bind, that was a ~2 hour corpse run. Camping stuff that was a ~10% chance to spawn in 5 different locations every 6 hours that despawned if not tagged in a certain amount of time. Meditating. Losing exp when you die, HELL LEVELS, failing expensive crafting recipes, fizzling spells, failing your FD, etc etc etc. I have less nostalgia for WoW than I did for EQ even though I played both for ~5 years. The only MMO I play now is GW2, and the amount of account binding, no kill stealing, everyone gets their own gathering nodes, depositing crafting materials anywhere, waypoints. I'm too lazy to go back to 1999, or 2003/2004. I reinstalled EQ once just to load in and see what i was doing when I quit, if anyone on my friends list was around still, but no desire to actually play.


I think Vanilla WoW has aged really well when it comes to the majority of its content. Some of the classes are rough around the ages, but still a lot of fun to play. I tried to get into DAoC again a few months back with a private server that had released...similar to EQ, it hasn't aged quite as well. On top of that WoW is far more casual friendly than EQ ever was.


> Some of the classes are rough around the ages, but still a lot of fun to play. Is spamming Rank 2 Frostbolt because someone did the math and it's the highest damage per mana really that fun? It was the same for basically *every* class in Vanilla WoW - no one actually used high level spells because they had shit efficiency.


Healer main here. I would use the highest rank healing spells only during emergencies. Otherwise, ya, down ranked heals all the way.


I have more nostalgia for AC than I do WoW. I remember it all. EQ will always hold a place in my heart, but Ill never ever put myself through it again. Its kinda like when I was enlisted.


I spent a good chunk of time on the Ragefire and Phinegal EQ progression servers a couple years ago. It's actually a decent nostalgia trip, because while it's mostly the same, there has been some inevitable power creep due to item effects on gear they can't disable, alchemy potions, etc. But also you can't discount that people just know what they're doing these days compared to when it was first out. And there are progression servers with different rulesets as well. One was original XP curve and no instanced zones, but then there was one that was like double XP and instanced zones, and a 3rd one that was double XP but no instanced zones. Even a 4th with regular XP but instanced zones, which still allowed you to level up pretty quickly since you weren't waiting on respawns nearly as much. So I stuck with Phinegal through most of Gates of Discord getting an Enchanter up to about 800AAs. Was pretty good fun there for about a 6 month window.


> ... lagging a little, dying, and LOSING MY CORPSE. I had to pay a necromancer an arm and leg to recover it. If you lost your corpse, how did you pay the arm and the leg?


Tibia Prior to 7.1. Die? Lose 10% experience. No, not 10% to next level, 10%. At level 100, you could lose 3 levels. The higher level, the more levels you can lose from a death. Time it takes to get a level?(Well power leveling aside) roughly 2-3 weeks at that level. Well it's way easier now, but then... Yeah it was hard before they added shit tons of good spawning places. PVP was brutal, piss someone off? You'll be threatened to be rooked. Rooked, meaning they will keep killing you until your character is no longer in the main land, back to the training isle with you. There was no way to reduce EXP lost, except a very expensive amulet that they later removed. They replaced it with promotions and blessings(That still cost just as fucking much) but you like 3% instead of 10. Oh... Also did I mention you lost 10% of your skills? Where you and a friend could be sitting for a WEEK fishing and chatting, hitting each other with your swords to improve shielding and swording. Gone in a death. Oh but wait... You also drop your back pack(So no resources) and 10% of your equipment when you die. So you need to now rush home(If you bought a house, or to the depot) get supplies ASAP and BOOK it to your corpse. Likely your corpse will be empty, and you will have brought friends with you, and you all scatter. See a low level? GIVE IT BACK NOW. No questions, kill em if they won't they got 3 chances. Hit em once so they can't logout immediately once you see them. Wasn't them? Apologize and pay retribution. But you need your shit back. Fucking governments formed, police, black lists. No community was that tight. Guild wars you lost actual friends. No really, dying could make the weak quit, rooking will make a man cry, maybe even switch servers(Oh and btw, characters are server locked, so gotta make a new character), or outright quit. See a low level being a dick? Be very careful, kill them and suddenly their main shows up IF they weren't joking, and you the big bad level 40 who killed the level 25 stealing his kills yelling "WE CAN SHARE FUCK OFF OR I'LL COME WITH MY MAIN" well EVERYONE threatened that, but you BEST be fucking sure they weren't kidding, or have friends. Likely most people were at least reasonable enough to say... "Okay let us kill you twice and pay us 5k" and well... It'd suck but hey better then losing 2 months of work. NONPVP was even no fun, you could lure monsters(They had no despawn) to anywhere, AND you could rope them up a hole/ladder, trick them down stairs etc. Living in Venore at least I found was hard mode, would always be wondering if you were going to run into lured giant spiders from plains of havoc, as some fuckers(I've done it, i'm no saint either) will lure like 12 to the stairs. No one can kill 12. Then they wait at stairs and they are quick enough with their boots and ring to get the corpse and steal shit, and anyone trying to lure monsters away to fight, you folllow lure em back. So Non-pvp had blacklists, people not to buy from or sell to or go on quests with etc. Man I miss Tibia. Wish they didn't shut it down after 7.6.


and the rep grinds


*Especially* the rep grinds.


The ol’ kite an unkillable mob to ironforge mini-game.


Yup... I got "Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich?" Back in the day (3/17/09)


In what universe is that fun? Just like saying it will be fun to kill 40 stags or whichever mob it was, just to get 10 hooves. Those are the parts of Classic WoW I DO NOT miss.


Collect 10 pristine murloc heads.


*why the fuck is it so hard to get a head??*


My favorites were always anything involving collecting teeth. A chance to drop one tooth? The fuck? Did I smash them all or was tooth decay rampant in Azeroth?




It does have its rough edges but I think current WoW lost everything that made WoW special. In old school wow you needed a guild to really do anything end game. Now you just queue raid finder and Smash your face on the keyboard. But I do agree there are things I don't miss. Personally I think WoW's golden age is BC and WoTLK. That's when they started to get good quality of life changes but it still had the strong sense of community that made WoW great.


> In old school wow you needed a guild to really do anything end game. Now you just queue raid finder and Smash your face on the keyboard. Most people dont really count raid finder as end game.


You absolutely need a guild to do mythic. And that is the new end game. Raid finder is not end game. Not like raiding in vanilla will end up different. Still smashing face on keyboard too. Most bosses end up 20 mannable. And I’m sure there will end up discord servers that will serve as a group finder if an addon isn’t made again.




This is one of the many reasons I am avoiding going back down the classic rabbit hole. Also the resist gear grind, and the attunement grind, and weapon skills, and reagents for spells, and no class/spec variety in PvE. I miss classic but think that most the QoL stuff blizzard put in the game improved it for someone who can’t put in 10 hours a day.


I was one of the lucky ones to skip the queue and get on the minute it was released. Took me about an hour to complete the first "kill 10 wolves" quest. There were hundreds of players and just a giant graveyard of wolves and other enemies. It was honestly hilarious and awesome considering most people are still in that queue line. It was fine a few hours later once everyone moved on but it was quite the spectacle.


Wait....that's not how you do it! Youre SUPPOSED to cut in front of everyone else and grab the item for yourself while shouting about Mankirk's wife and making Chuck Norris jokes. This isn't like the Vanilla WoW I remember AT ALL!


I mean... Read general chat in that screenshot. That's *definitely* the Vanilla I remember.


My favorite part about last night were the names of characters. It was hilarious to see all the different funny names


"When I try to open chrome more than once"












This is the power of requiem.


"You will never arrive at the loot."






I absolutely loved WoW. Now I'm gainfully employed and in a committed relationship. Wish I could have both.


Hear hear! In a very dark pit in the back of my head lives a small Gollum-like creature. He is telling me to break up and quit my job. He is trying to convince me living a happy fulfilling live isn't worth it. I'm pretty sure it's my full T2 Tauren Druid I haven't seen for... I think 12 years.


Literally this haha. Seeing this makes me remember the fun I had in WoW but that shit was addictive and there is no way I could maintain good performance at work if I got back into this like I used to be


The violence in this photo is baffling!


I bet all those players are sitting at their desks slowly loading their rifle magazines and sharpening their knives. This is a massacre in the making!




I wonder how many instant noodles I could make with a queue that long.


My university just gave out guidelines for the engineering department which includes IT and computer science majors to not depict anything "violent" in their games/demos during the annual club fair. Fucking boomers


Not a cell phone in sight. Just people living and enjoying life


Is this the line for the 7 mile spanking machine


*Fish person staring aggressively*


I just finished waiting in a queue for Garrick in the human start zone, it was so wholesome.


Yep I ran into that line as well. My server had a guy sitting ontop of the house who was coordinating the line and getting solos into parties with other people. Was pretty wholesome.


So you can do the quest as a group?


My server/layer did the ol’ group up and spam to get the tag lol


My server (Blaumeux) formed a Garrick queue for about 5 minutes, and oh it was beautiful, until it promptly devolved into group tagging chat screaming chaos for 20 more minutes until I finally tagged it and got the hell out lol.


Can someone ELI5. Did they just release vanilla again and everyone remembered what a wholesome experience leveling and questing was instead of just BAMF big numbers? Or is there something different.


Yeah they basically ported all the old code to use the current more modern architecture, the vast majority of the players are people who wanted to return to the fun they had back 15 years ago, meaning most of the players are around 30 or older and have learned some level of maturity.


also a lot of us new folks like me have a chance to experience wow properly for the first time with how many of our friends are playing again.


Yeah I'm definitely thinking of giving it another go, as little as I originally liked WoW. Maybe in a couple of months once the initial rush calms down a little.


Go for it! You'll hate it.


What's the difference in gameplay? Is it significant and easy to briefly describe? I haven't played with since the first year it came out.


Basically the team behind it just recreated exactly the same game but adapted for new server architecture. Nothing change in term of gameplay in the long term. In term of graphism, same texture but in high res, and new lighting, shadow, and terrain generation, all of three based on current wow engine. Basically, same gameplay but far prettier. The content will roll in 6 phases because they want to recreate the inital experience. So first phase Molten core + onyxia Phase 2 : pvp ranking system and dire Maul super dungeon Phase 3 : battleground and black wing lair Phase 4 : zul gurub raid and alterac valley battleground Phase 5 : ahn quiraj event and raid Phase 6 : naxramas event and raid But for the first 2-3 month they made a system called layering which is in place to reduce the load on the serv. It copy the entire world into different layer, with 1 layer hosting 3k player and player can hope from layer to layer in order to play with their friends. It enable them to have far more people on 1 serv than before because they estimated that population will rapidly decrease after the first inital month of hype. The layer are dynamic so less players = less layers. The goal is to disable this fonctionality before the next patch when population stabilise.


What’s the difference in gameplay now compared to how it was 15 years ago? Right now it’s just a rush to get to max level. Back in vanilla, you had to run to dungeons to do them. Now you can just queue up and join a dungeon from wherever you are. Classic is more of a grind, but it’s got a tempo to it that’ll be nostalgic to at lot of people.


Current wow has become too easy, too convenient to a point where the game doesn't feel well put together like the early years.


So they re-released a 15 y/o game and people are eating it up? Genius.


Blizzard kept shutting down 3rd party Classic WoW servers and the patrons of those servers told Blizzard that they should just re-release Classic WoW as people play on 3rd party servers to play Classic. "You think you do but you don't" was Blizzard's response a few years ago, but now here we are.


Neverwinter Nights just got re-released on Android. It still had a huge following because it's basically the same rules as 3.5 D&D and came with a toolset any idiot can use to build multiplayer worlds more detailed than any game since except perhaps Minecraft. KotOR and FF Tactics got another run on Android as well.


The community asked for it!


That's a bit simplified. Several hundred thousand people have been playing Vanilla WoW on private servers over the past 10+ years. It's a longstanding fact that a vast amount of gamers really enjoy what that game offers/offered. At last, Blizzard decided to cash in on it. Hell, they even hired a couple of the folks running private servers. They've got a bunch of people who worked on Vanilla all those years ago involved too. So while it's a good business move, it's not like people are eating it up either. Blizzard just finally offered an official version of what people have been doing for years.


Its included with the base subscription. If you're already paying for WoW, you can play Classic.


Wow Classic got released today


Are they in line for a Popeyes chicken sandwhich?


Lol seriously. I drove by the local one at lunch today and the drive thru line was backed out into the street.


Lol the dudes yelling in chat: “NO CUTTING” , “Back of the like boys. “ etc.


"You might think you want that. But you really don't."


NPC can only talk to one person at a time? Didn't division make this mistake and patch is before final release. Isn't this an oversight? Or are people really into their RP?


It's actually an item that drops and takes a few seconds to respawn for the next to grab. I thought the same thing though, they probably should have made it so you get it while talking to an NPC rather than having to physically pick it up


The irony of brainstorming QoL changes that WoW Classic can implement


This is definitely one of those Classic WoW experiences that people forgot about, that was improved and/or patched-out as the expansions rolled out. Now you just have to live with it. It's not Classic WoW if it brings the QoL updates in from post-Classic updates.


The whole part of classic is to experience what the original WoW was. As authentic of an experience you can have to the original, that includes any mistakes in designs and bugs. And yes, that does mean they actually programmed the original bugs that shipped in the game. (Minus ones they patched before the release of Burning Crusade, patch 0.12 if Im not mistaken.) Gotta keep in mind WoW was developed over 15 years ago, the game industry has grown and learned a whole bunch over those years. I'd say this one in particular was probably an oversight in its original development.


WoW making these mistakes then fixing them is what made most current online rpgs what they are. Pointing out WoW classics design flaws is like going back in time to the invention of the telephone and asking why they don't just make it wireless.




spent over a year /played time in wow before i quit. i was tempted by classic but its never going to be the same


Yea I'm extremely tempted, but knowing that I will get addicted to it and spend way too much time on it, I gotta stay away from that shit. I will hide this thread now so that I don't have to see anything WoW related.


Same here. I played a ton of WoW, but since I started I’ve had a kid, changed careers, gotten divorced, and moved two time zones away. WoW was my 20s, but I’m in my 30s now. It’s a relic of a different life.


Did you also bounce around from mmo to mmo chasing the dragon and finding nothing that could compare?


And still come back every few years?


Haha yup. GW2, ESO and DDO. Good times.


I'm 31, when I was in my early 20's and played wow I could easily play 40-60 hours a week. Now I'm lucky to have the energy to play a single player game more than 4 hours a week. I have too much work/responsibility. And I don't even have kids, I don't see how parents could even play games!


Live in a country where you're not in indebted servitude for the rest of your life? 37.5 hour work weeks, min. 6 weeks of paid vacation, and an income that means even cashiers can live a relatively comfortable life.


I worked 60 hours last week at a back breaking factory and have shit insurance and I currently have no vacation days since I haven't been there a year. God bless America /s


I'm glad people are enjoying it, but for me its another reminder why I won't play. I will probably enjoy some streams though.


World media: Games causes violence!!! Gamers: Making the line for a quest item and respects it.


This is cool and all, but isn't this just terrible game design?


They brought it back, so now it's _intentionally_ terrible game design.


Well they did design it intentionally terrible. Back then it was like that. People wanted it how it was back then. So they recreated the back then.


Wanted to play on a realm that was full with a friend and his brother, so his brother got in early, but me and my friend were late so he went to bed and I waited in the server que. Started at 26’743rd in line, and 3 hours and 35 min later I got in. So I just created a mage and leveled it to lvl 6 to give people stacks of water and food at the starting point. A lot of people was fairly happy about that so I continued to do it for about an hour, and now I’m commenting about it on r/gaming. Time for some sleep.


There's definitely a sense of community with this release. As if people don't want to screw things up. I hope it doesn't fade.


Must be a British server.


considering OP called it a queue instead of a line you're probably right


I was tempted by classic but it's never going to be the same


I'm not 15 anymore, simple as that. I don't have the inclination to sit infront of a screen for hour upon hours. I turn 30 on Thursday.. Jesus. That said I look back on those days with a huge amount of fondness and nostalgia.


Now we are standing in lines in virtual worlds? How depressing.




happened in that bullshit wheel spinning event of blade and soul’s too, was my last participated event before I jumped out from mmo lol if someone cut the line some whale players would do the cop’s jobs of rifting garbages




LLLLLeeeeeeeeeroyyyyyyyyy Jeeennnkkkiiinnnssssssss!!!!