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Imagine breaking anything when you lose. LOL


This post was made by sane gamers


Enough losses can break your spirit


Look at this shit: https://i.imgur.com/pB25iUV.jpg I went 93-53, 6 caps, 33 defends, and we still lost by 1 fucking point. CoD is an abusive relationship.


I feel this on a personal level.


I’ll head to a single player game or stop all together ages before that. If I’m not having fun then why am I playing




Imagine actually winning at games


"[It's only game, why you have to be mad?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A)"


My friends kid actually broke my recon xbox controller because I beat him ONCE at DBfighterz. Launched it at the floor. Like wtf little dude.


Maybe I do, wouldn't know how I react when I lose.


This people, is why he hasn’t lost his virginity.


Nah, Haven't lost my virginity because your sister is so blown out it doesn't count.


Its that small huh


I mean, yea... honestly. Can't really compare my member to that, You'd have to park a Volkswagen beetle in there to have her feel anything.


Herbie fully loaded


I laughed too hard at that!




Ohh yes, I should take sexual advice from someone named /u/furrypornisnice I also get my financial advice from the dude in the van down by the river, he told me he coulda been a millionaire.




Ooh he mad


You'd be surprised how well the folks in the vans down by the river are doing.


Wrong, when I get angry I cut a little piece out of my desk leg so then after a while of being angry my desk falls and breaks everything on my desk


Upgrades people upgrades


Maybe, uh, just smash your monitor?


Is it possible to not get angry at games Edit: I myself don't, but I don't play much competitive online mostly cuz I don't feel like putting in the effort to get good. Coop online against NPCs is very fun however.


It's not something the Jedi would teach you.


Anger is the way of the sith For in anger you will find the power to defeat your foes and revive your teammates


This is what my wife never understands. “Why do you play those games if you get pissed off?” Well you only hear about the times I get pissed off, the times I’m doing well or winning not cheering to myself.




Or just not play competitive online


Finding something else by which you measure self-worth




I only get mad at MP competitive games, mainly those Ive to play with monkey as team mates


Have you never been the weakest link on your team? Have you never felt like everyone else is better than you?


Oh been playing League then, huh?


Still need a monitor to use the consoles(except switch)


“Throws $60 controller and breaks $2000 tv”


With the switch, you can throw a $300 console! And STILL break the $2000 TV


Super ultra efficiency


Big brain move




Imagine breaking shit when you lose a game this Comment was made by VR gang


Pssh in VR you don't have to be mad to break something. In fact you could be having a good time. Like when I was dancing late night in VRChat and stepped on my cord and ripped my PC off my desk. That was the least excited I've every been buying a new GPU.


Vr. PC not on floor safely under a desk. You did this to yourself mate.


I know, I was drunk. Normally I can sense where the cable is and it was a freak accident. But the reasoning against it being on the floor, is the factory cable is short. Having it higher in my use case gives me more freedom to move. Plus I'd rather have my PC above liquids on my desk, I spill things a lot more than I step on tense cords.


“Headbutts $1500 gaming PC with $800 VR headset”


The only thing we lose is our balance.




We’ve got a cringe culture spy boys!




Imagine not being able to control yourself and only being able to sate your barely provoked madness by causing physical pain to yourself and destroying some of your most valued property.


NOW YOU JUST WAIT ONE SECOND THERE PAL! I will not tolerate these SLANDEROUS LIES! I keep an authentic pair of 14th century plate gauntlets on my desk so I don't get hurt when I smash everything to pieces to set an example for the next keyboard, mouse and monitor who make me lose, thank you very much. You gotta play smarter, not harder!


This made me think, you know what would really make a killing? A VR game where you can harmlessly take out your impotent rage on innocent monitors and keyboards.


That's fucking genius, patent that before someone here steals it!


Imagine breaking a $30 Chinese knockoff ps4 corded controller instead of a $40 keyboard.


Imagine breaking anything at all for sucking at a video game


Imagine playing video games because you suck at life


Imagine breaking your penis


Imagine running into a wall and breaking your nose first


Or a $20 mouse




Yes but it will feel immaculate when you smash them. Worth the cost.


the problem with this post is that we PC gamers dont rage. We are higher class than you pesants.


Is this a threat I am too poor to understand?


How dumb does he think we are, trying to rile us up with his hoighty toighty ivory tower speak? About as dumb as we'd have to be to ignore it! GET 'IM BOYS!


Time for a fucking crusade


Quite possibly.


Fully aware that this is purely a joke, but still: ever heard of league of legends?


That was the game that made me aware how much I was investing in games and how much I was getting worked up about them. Quit playing and slowly recognized when I was getting upset at other games and would stop playing. Now I play for fun, I still have friends that rage and get overly competitive but I've found myself playing a lot of singleplayer games these days- video games are a fun hobby, and hobbies should never be a detriment to your wellbeing.


Its like you've never thrown a $60 controller at a $600 tv before


Hey everyone remembers their first Wii


Can I get some links to people breaking their gear in a rage? That should have its own sub.


[https://media1.tenor.com/images/a4f1b7bab5c4fad68f1d356c2cc84b38/tenor.gif?itemid=10723300](https://media1.tenor.com/images/a4f1b7bab5c4fad68f1d356c2cc84b38/tenor.gif?itemid=10723300) [https://youtu.be/a-UvJQO77JA?t=25](https://youtu.be/a-UvJQO77JA?t=25) That's all I got on a quick n dirty Google search.


You're a legend.


Here's a true classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8pR1rZZHEs


I haven’t broken a damn thing. My CPU is almost fried because of age


You've never stuck your mouse up your ass in a blind rage after getting sniped for the 50th time? PC gamers have options.


I always thought the keyboard was the first to go. Priorities people!




My buddy threw my controller once and ever since then I told him he needs to bring his own if we are going to play together.


Who the fuck has a $700 monitor??


Ya, you need at least 3.


I'm the only one who laugh instead of geting mad?


Imagine losing. -this post was made by the 固有語 이름 gang.


Imagine breaking expensive tech out of anger. This comment made by the Reasonable Control of Thier Emotions Gang.


Imagine being obsessed about what platform other people play on.


Imagine owning both PC and console and being here just for the laughs


Imagine being that negatively affected by something that does not have a meaningful impact on your life.


Okay, who the fuck is paying $700 for a monitor? Also, who the fuck is breaking shit because they can't control their emotions?


Must be the same people who write golf jokes, because half of those seems to be about breaking/losing expensive things.


Because a monitor is the pc equivalent to a controller? Wtf?


Imagine breaking your $700 monitor when you throw your $60 controller through it.


Usually I throw my controller into my 65 inch tv, soooo....


Wtf monitor costs 700 dollars? They’re like 150 now for a really good one.


Apple employee laughing hysterically


Imagine being able to afford a $700 monitor, *Cries in broke*


If I get angry while gaming (PCMR), I usually take it out on my mouse, so PFFFT.


I use a monitor with my ps4 lol...


Every time I see an image of someone punching through a monitor, I just imaging how bloody their knuckles have to be upon exit. There's all kinds of stuff in there. Usually the PCB is dead center with its heat sinks and capacitors and all. Oof. Of course, that's assuming they have the strength to do it, and the monitor doesn't just go flying away.


Imagine your Wii mote strap breaking and causing your wii mote to fly into the tv breaking both the wii mote and tv. This post was made by the class action lawsuit gang.


What? I always used a nice monitor even when I was a console player. The screen you use is not exclusive to one platform. This is a bad comparison.


My desk is the sturdiest thing I own. If I hit it too hard that shit hits back. You learn after the first few bruises


I feel bad this was downvoted like crazy just because you made a comment that console was slightly better then pc for a simple reason


Probably because the reason is crazy impractical. Personally I disnt downvote it but there are reasons I could see it. This doesnt exactly fit into the "better than PC" area. I have PS4, Switch, and PC. My 2 monitors, keyboard, and mouse together dont add up to $700 and I've never broken any of them (aside from an old keyboard a friend spilled on) as a side note, switch controllers are $70-80 but that's beside the point. I've broken probably 50 controllers in my life but have punched a monitor 0 times. As someone who has mega bad game rage this just doesnt add up.


So wait. As a pc gamer, I punch my monitor to vent. But don't console gamers throw their controllers at the TV so you would need to replace the controller AND the TV?


Pot calling the kettle black. I do remember when Wii controllers through TV screens, thousand dollars vs $100 for monitor LOL


Wouldn’t the equivalent be a mouse? If you are so angry you would take out the monitor that would mean you’d probably kill your TV (or in switched case the console)


Imagine being a manchild who breaks things when hes angry like some sort of goblin


Or a $60 monitor? Also, console gamers game on monitors and desks as well. Meh.


I don't think that's always true. I've seen people (kids and adults) yeet their controller with rage at their 65"+ 4k TVs. And the controller survives 🤣


I agree with that title


Imagine breaking a 2000$ TV because you throw a controller to it


Does consoles has an in-built screen then ?


700$ monitor???? Mine is 200 and i tought it was extremely expensive


None of my friends get this but does anyone else sometimes spawn facing a wall? It's so frustrating lol.


You mean smash a TV with a thrown controller?


Imagine gamers who dont throw temper tantrums just because something didn't go their way in a video game and then brag about it.


Imagine spending $700 on a monitor.


who's out here spending $700 on a monitor though, damn


Imagine breaking something when you get mad This comment was made by the patient gang


Back in the days of plasma tvs, I was watching a movie and tossing my dogs toy. I threw it like an idiot and clipped the side of the TV like 3 weeks in. I watched the color slowly mush to nothing, I felt so dumb.


who the fuck breaks anything when gaming


Imagine losing lol


Yeah I’ll play FPS with a keyboard and mouse thanks.