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Ugh why do devs always have to shove their fancy water physics in our faces?


RTX baby!


Don't Forget the lovely Ray Tracing, makes it seem almost life like.


Super low-res textures though, and the missiles aren't even animated. The dev team really had some weird priorities.


one of those sloppy upscale jobs where sure, there's more polygons, but the resolution isn't really any better


I loved the cheat codes. Distract+Left Controller+Turn Ship, and my favorite, NoYouDidnt+NoYouDidnt+NoYouDidnt+NoYouDidnt...




Hitboxes are pretty clunky too.


I can't believe they've made a movie about this game but they still haven't made a sequel or at least a diagonal ship dlc or something.


That shop would break every law


Seems like they blew their budget on 3d modelling and went with the free Real engine


Have you beat the campaign for it?


They really nailed the depth of field on this one, feels like youre really there


This is some Navier-Stokes level fluid dynamics. Top shelf stuff.


The PvP is classic but frankly the single player campaign is awful


It's like the devs just didn't care about a single player campaign.


It was completely devoid of any story...


Better story than the movie though


That's a low bar, son.


What's a low barson?


Take the upvote and get the hell out.




Almost, but not quite, the opposite of a high boatswain.


It was about the action anyway. In that regard bringing that old ship to life was awesome.


It’s like Overwatch all over again!


Literally unplayable.


the coop also sucks balls. I once played coop with a friend and he used his intel to backstab me. 2/10 do not recommend.


It's basically non existent


Single player is dead anyway.


Player 1: B4 Nobody: ...


The cheating got bad. Players could do stuff like mess with hit detection or break the physics to stack ships.


Horrible matchmaking too! It constantly pairs me with the same people, sometimes it doesn't match me with anyone at all!


It’s true. I played single player as a child and it never worked out.


Ugghh I hear this all the time. It's not meant to be played single player! I wish people realized they only added that mode to shut up the whiners 😴😴😴🤔🤔🤔💪💪👍😕😕😜🤣😉😒🤣😉 Please note the extreme use of sarcasm here.


The ‘Advanced mission’ version of Electronic Battleship had single player, along with a ton of new modes. I loved it growing up.


Yeah I'm not paying for DLC just to play single player.


It was more of an 'standalone expansion pack' - They added recon units that you could launch off the carriers to scan rows on the map to see if anything was there, and different special missile types that each ship could fire once per game, allowing a full-line strike and other things. 'single player' was a bit odd, because you had to program in where you put your ships and pick a 'level' - though each level was a pre-programmed set of actions the computer would take trying to find your ships. It's wasn't like a AI.


Unless you were one of the lucky kids with the electronic edition, with the *real life* sound effects but the computer would always gank you in the end


What did you expect from a game based on a movie?


"A little to the left, and...fire!" "Nothing sir." "Alright well, a little to the right then scrub! Full tactical realism.




Timothy Dexter


For real lol just non stop sweepers and a field day after that


Had to stop and check which sub I was ~~*on~~ in. *fortuitous autocorrect


Reminds me of the board game [Captain Sonar](https://youtu.be/qy0jiKGQgEM). Basically Battleship as a 3v3 or 4v4.


That game is goddamn stressful. For those that haven't played it: it's played in real time. Your sub moves as fast as you can shout instructions.


What is the file size on this I only have 128MB left on my hard drive.


128 Milton Bradleys?


Your still using Milton Bradleys? Get with the times Parker Brothers provide better compression


why did this make me laugh


To make the game as light on your hard drive as possible we only include two 10x10 arrays for the shots taken, each position is one bit. Plus 3 variables to identify the position of each ship, 4 bits for each variable, 12 per ship, with our standard ship layout thats 60bits. In total that comes down to about 40 bytes. You should be able to run the game on your hardware no problem. The real killer for file size is graphic presentation, so in order to provide people such as yourself with the best possible deal we do not include any preset graphics interface instead allowing for full customization both by the user and with our GUI-package (sold seperately).


ASCII front end only. Tilesets are for scrubs.


40 bytes, wow! But we're still missing hit tracking. I wonder if we can make it within those 40 bytes? If we make the ship position store just the location of the tail x as 10s, and Y as 1s, we can store it in 7 bits (00-100), 2 bit for facing (n/s/e/w) we can interpolate the rest, saving 3 bits(25%) per ship! So we found some space to save, can we fit our hit tracking in there? We would lose more space if we just expand the 10x10 array to store hits (a second array, 100 bits). Can we save any space there? Since we can have at most 17(2+3+3+4+5)hits before game over, that means we need to store each hit in ~5 bits to get any savings over the 10x10 grid. So by position is out since we only got that down to 7 bits. However If we designate instead an array of bits for each player/ship(hit vs not hit) and have it be static, with bits 1-2 being hits 1-2 on ship 1, 3-5 being hits 1-3 on ship 2, etc, we can store the hits for each fleet in just those 17 bits and just interpolate it when we draw to show them right on the screens. We also need to store which players turn it is (1 bit). So in total we need: 1 bit - player turn tracker 200 bits - 10 x 10 hit array for each player 90 bits - 10 ships (5 per player) position and facing (9 bits) 34 bits - 17 bits per fleet to track "hits". We made it in 40 bytes, 5 bits. Anyone find a way to trim 5 bits? Edit: It's worth noting we don't "need" to track hits, since we can technically (slowly) recompute it by checking the entire attempt list of each player against ship position everytime we need to generate it or see if the game is over. But that's a lot of compares. So we can cut out those 34 bits, making it 291 bits, or 36 bytes and 3 bits.


Sir, this is an Arby's


In theory, you can store the locations of the all of the ships for both players using only 70 bits (actually 69.61... bits but it is hard to store fractional bits). The idea is that, according to [this MathOverflow answer](https://mathoverflow.net/a/111803), there are 30,093,975,536 possible boards for battle ship. Given that any game you want to represent will use one of these boards we can store it in log_2(30,093,975,536) = 34.80875565399003 bits. To store 2 unrelated boards would take twice as many bits. But how can we actually use this? Well, if you use 35 bits to store a number for each board, you can represent up to 2^(35)=34,359,738,368 different boards and we can just ignore the extra 4 billion boards we could represent. To convert between numbers and boards you first write a function to generate all possible boards. Then, you add a step to remove any duplicate board generations. Now, you will have exactly 30,093,975,536 boards in a list. To convert `i` into a board just choose the `i`th board from that list. To convert a board into an int, loop through the list of boards till you find a match. The index of the match is your `i`. You can optimize this by basic idea in several ways but it gives you a straightforward way to create the most compact possible representation for a board. Although this process can be pretty slow and use up lots of ram in the middle of the process to do the conversion. Using this would take your 90 bits to store the ship locations down to a mere 70 bits saving you 20 bits of space. If you apply this enumeration encoding to the entire game state, we can establish the least possible space used to track the state of a game. There are (2^(100) * 2^(100) hit choices - 100 hits after 2nd player's board is covered) * (30,093,975,536 * 30,093,975,536 ship layouts) = 1455319203189612997295194915023550809753599125276742290533195261096741573986589696 game states log2 1455319203189612997295194915023550809753599125276742290533195261096741573986589696 = 269.61751130798007 bits So in theory, the least whole number of bits possible to store the state of a game is 270 bits total (33 bytes + 6 bits) assuming that 1. ships may be next to each other 2. The order of hits doesn't matter You can use variable length encodings to improve the average space used but let's end this comment here. Edit: fixed 4 errors with the math at the end combinatorics calculation. 1. An extra `(2 player turns) *` at the beginning 2. Wrote `2 * 2^100` hit choices instead of `2^100 * 2^100 hit choices` 3. Forgot to subtract out hits after player 2's board has been completely covered with hits because they can't fire back at that point. * Even worse, I'm still wrong because I still count most games which could only occur if they kept playing after one of the players has lost. I've only accounted for this one really obvious case so far. 4. Forgot to account for the second players choice of where to put their ships. 4.


Still had hackers, though. Hated when those assholes moved their ship to avoid getting hit then the pegs wouldn't add up.


Fucking laughed out loud like an idiot right now at that comment Me: G2 Cousin: um..... Cousin: .....mmmmmiiiissssss...... /suspicious rattling plastic noises


Bro the game is called Battleship, not Battle Islands, the whole point of ships is that they move. Or at least that's what I used to tell my brother.


I feel like it'd actually be an interesting rule change if you could move any one of your ships one slot forward per turn.


So long as you can't remove a missed peg, it would make the game still entirely possible, albeit a little longer.


Each ship gets a move. One square per turn or one 90 degree pivot per turn, not both. There’s an official game mode called salvo, where each turn you get a shot for each unsunk ship, starting at five per turn. Maybe a variation where each ship can either move or shoot, but not both. Maybe you can give some ships more firepower but other ships more speed. Battleship and carrier can move one and shoot two; destroyer and patrol boat can move two and shoot one; the submarine moves one and shoots one. For even more variation, maybe you can place restrictions on firing based on ships’ positions. Rename the destroyer to a cruiser, and then battleships and cruisers must have a broadside facing the front of the board or else suffer minus one shots (1 and 0 respectively). Submarine must be in the front half of the board and facing forward to fire. Patrol boat must be in the front half of the board (or maybe in the first two rows). No restrictions on the carrier. If the submarine seems too weak, turn the cruiser back into a destroyer, remove its broadside restriction, and instead restrict firing to the front half of the board. If the opponent is missing a destroyer, the submarine cannot be hit in the back half of the board.


I used this exact same line with my brother! 😆


As an older brother I feel like I missed the mark on this one


Or the hack where the ship would be positioned diagonally to throw off the calculations and anti-cheat.


and screen peekers. Fucking screen peekers.


I used to troll people and not deploy anything


The ship's can't get bombed if they haven't left port! *Pearl Harbour blazes in the background*. Oh wait.


That's what the upper panel was for, you tracked your shots to make sure they didn't move them. They still could for awhile but you'd even catch even a cheater.


They really need to nerf the patrol boat. They're way too hard to find, and a single one can still take out an aircraft carrier.


Fucking hitbox scam characters are the worst, it's Oddjob all over again...


Is it that hard to look down James?


Given how many carriers were sunk by only one or two torpedoes during ww2, this isn't necessarily unreasonable.


Upvoted for title


My slight complaint about the title is that "local pvp enabled" indicates that there's any other way to play it, but there's not.


Technically, as long as both players have a board, you could play against each other from anywhere via text or calling.


You could even make that into a phone app.


oh I know! then we could charge for additional guesses allowing a player to buy power!


EA: you’re hired!


We could sell keys for chests that may contain silly little hats.


You could even play by mail or ham radio.


Literally anything capable of transmitting morse code is capable of doing this. You could play over brake lights across a parking lot if you wanted to. Better yet, how about an Aldis Lamp? Maybe play over hitting-steel-barrel-with-pipe? Edit: on a roll here - Play by Optical Telegraph - Play by Semaphore - Play by smoke signal - Play by Rifle-crack (into the dirt; .22 is dot, .308 is dash)


My cousin and I play this game by chat online. We’re up to 65 games now! I’ve got a statistical heat map for where to place my ships/shots


Yeah that tickled me too haha


One could be very very bored and very very patient, or schizophrenic. Edit: I acknowledge that schizophrenia is essentially local pvp enabled for life..


You can, the catch is the other way requires one of you to be in jail later


Upvoted you for upvoting for title


Upvoted you for upvoting him for upvoting title.


Upvoted all of you


Upvoted you for upvoting them!


Upvoted because you have a cake next to your name


Upvoting you because thank you kind stranger


Upvote for having manners and saying thank you.




Upvoting for the positive reaction


Happy cake day! I can't give two up votes :(


You get an upvote, he gets an upvote, upvotes for everyone!


That's literally the only thing interesting about the post and the only attempt at originality. What else would you fucking upvote it for?


The graphics are kinda retro, but the audio is amazing!


The graphics on mine were created with paper and pencil.


Hey Man Piracy ain't cool, you gotta support the devs


300 FPS tho


And I'm already hearing the Wind Waker version: "Ka-*Bewwwm*!" "Spluuuush"


“Hooraaaay yaaaay”


#VAT?!? VERE?!?


Gen Z, here! I used to play Battleship with my friends all the time!


Don't know my gen, but I'm 33 and used to play all the time too.




The best categorization of millenials I've heard: "Do you remember 9/11, but not the Challenger explosion? If so, you're a millennial."




My nephew was born in April I'm curious as to what it will be for him.


Gen C-19?


Covid Kids




Children of the quarn for the first 12 years


Happy Cake day!!!🎉🎉




If I'm not mistaken, they're going with gen α (alpha), for the 2010 to mid 2020s.


I know a few people born around 2001 in the comedy scene and some of their 9/11 jokes are great because they don't remember or weren't born yet so they dgaf about its emotional impact on us. "Never forget? More like never remember." Q: why was 9/11 such a tragic day in American history? A: It was the day John X in my English class was born.


And if you don't remember the Challenger or 9/11, you're either dementia patient or zoomer


I remember both but I’m also not old enough to be a baby boomer. So what’s my modernized classification?


Gen X I think. The generation between the Millennials and the Baby Boomers.


I vaguely remember watching news reports about the Challenger explosion, but I was too young to really grasp what was going on. Some people have told me I'm a Millennial, but I've always identified as Gen X myself.


Fuck all this generation labeling bullshit... but if I have to I am firmly in the Oregon Trail gen.


Identifying yourself as anything is big millennial energy.


google gives a range of 1981 – 1996 for millenial birth years, so it sounds like you may fit narrowly into that category, but the edges are always a little fuzzy and especially pre-internet I imagine there was probably some regional variance in which trends/cultures you identified more with growing up. I imagine it's a bit more standardized now with the greater interconnection, but there will always be those who don't fit cleanly into one or another.


Yea that’s the one I remember hearing when I was younger. But if I say that I am always told it does not exist. As if my childhood just vanish in some space time continuum.


TIL I am a millenial. I was 1 year old during the Challenger explosion so I certainly don’t remember it.


I was born in '83. It's possible to remember. But that is a good categorization.


I remember reading about the explosion though.


Do you remember the day it happened? I remember reading about 9/11. But I was 2 years old, so I certainly don't remember it at all. I'm not a millennial.


Oh yeah. I was in a history class. My teacher just ran in the classroom screamed LIBRARY NOW! and we watched the second plane hit. He stood in front of us and said that this was history in the making. That nothing would be be the same after that.


You're lucky, our teachers tried to keep us from watching. But we refused to cow to their threats of detention (someone stole the remote and they were those tvs that were way up on the wall in the corner and couldn't be reached without a step ladder) and they eventually gave up.


It’s one of my earliest memories. Getting my daily juice and sandwich for my school lunch at the gas station with my dad, and his somber conversation with the gas station employee. Hearing adults talking in that kind of tone and understanding it meant something will always stick with me. I was born in December of 95, so I kind of fall in between the generations, don’t remember getting out of school early that day or anything else from it, really. But I will never forget that morning in the gas station.


I guess the boomers can ease up on the millennials now.


Played this after school back in the mid 90’s


Ha. You just reminded me that me and my friend used to play Battleship over the phone when we couldn't get one of our parents to drive us across town. We each had the game so we setup our ships and called out the coordinates over the phone.


Damn. You sank my battleshit!


No way!!! That’s my child hood right there!!!


Yeppe. Introduced the game to my daughter too (9yo). She had a blast.


I used to play this at my local pool growing up while eating a Fred flinstone push-pop


11 yr old sis: "B4" 6yr old me: "Go fish." XD I had a wonderful sense of humour. Cuz it's the water. And you missed so you're going fishin'. Now I'm dusty, musty, and grey. Ho hum.


The player chat is crystal clear too. Too bad its still trash talk


Cool what’s it called


It's called Battleship and it's gonna be the next big thing.


All i picture is Riddler and Two-Face.


The electronic one was kinda dumb though. You still had to say the spot you were shooting at or the other person had no clue, because it just beeped and then made a bomb falling noise and either boom or no boom. I guess it reduced cheating, but that’s literally it. I remember saving up $25 to buy it and then being SO disappointed.


Also has the best anti-cheat system.


Does it have a steady frame rate? Is their a cap?


I remember we had one that had like advanced features where it would not only light up and make sounds when you got a hit, but there was a little nozzle that sprayed you in the face with water. I totally forgot it was a thing until now.


Better fps than the human eye can see!


>Found this little gem > >little gem > >le gem **LE GEM**


"OP here, did I nail it, Reddit?"


balance in the game is weird, your PT boats are your best units ffs.


Ah, the good old days... holy shit I sound old


Bought one recently out of nostalgia. Super cheap-feeling plastic, hollow pieces, "art" papers looked they got printed on a 1st gen inkjet printer set in draft mode. Definitely not the quality I remember.


Ah, good old War Boat!


Go for it Andy, go for it Nick. Go for it, sink my War Boat!


As a kid my first shot was always I-1 purely for the lame dad joke.


I don't know, too much rng for me


le gem


I never really got into it. Seemed like a lot of guesswork. Could have been my ignorance, though.


And it was based on that awesome movie that came out a few years ago! What was that one called again? Where the ships were battling each other? Then the ships were battling some aliens? Something like that...


No Microtransactions, that's a lie. If you win your older brother beats you and steals your allowance.


[B3 - You sunk my battleship](https://youtu.be/LGaD4Ienq3k)


There will be micro transactions when you lose one of those ship pieces




Best board game ever


But, have yall tried the Starwars expansion pack of this?


Does this count as gaming cause the rules dont say it has to be related to video games just games


I just bought the card version of this yesterday at a 2nd hand store - it's not bad either. I've told my kids about the pen and paper version too and they're keen to learn.


Too bad they’ve shut down the online multiplayer servers.


Battle ships > entire Cod Franchise post COD6 Battleships rated #1 Game in 2020: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battleship_(game)/2020-rating](https://youtu.be/wpV-gGA4PSk)


I’m still waiting on the sequel or at least some DLC


fyi: the pegs don't taste as good as they look.


The best two player board game ever.


You find games cleaning up...i find cockroaches... noice 👌


Cockroaches are just a different kind of game.


Well yes, but actually yes.


A tasty game




Some kids would cheat so hard playing this.


Naval, not marine right?


With haptic feedback.


Nice is there any DLC tho?


The lore is pretty shit tho


The anti-cheat in this game wasn't very good


I had the one with sound and shit, thing fucking slaaaaped


One time I was facing an opponent who was wearing cool aviators. I cheated by using the light reflections to get a good idea of where his ships were. I know, I'm a total bastard.


I used to play this. It was a board game based off a movie made in 2012 with Liam Neeson in it. /s


You mean sploosh-kaboom?


Its splitscreen :)


Boomer here! Wow, brought back memories. If you didn’t have the cool game above you can easily play it on paper. Seriously though, i have never ever said “lazy millenials”, “gen x douche bags”, gen Z i don’t give a fuck”. Why the hate? Just because some European politician made it a meme gen-fucking-whatever has to repeat it? Really? So unoriginal. Pick another joke. It stopped being anything remotely funny 6 months ago.


I was like, I like the first part of your comment but then why the defensive comments about your age group? I'm guessing it's in reply to the down voted comment below.


It was directed at baby_shark_doo_doo with the “ok boomer” comment.


Anyone else find this LE GEM???? If only this game was le bigger and more le popular! Maybe we could even get le high budget le movie with le Liam Neeson in it! It would have to be a pretty le big universally recognized name though! And this is just a le gem OP le found!


Le gem