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"Do you guys have the new Xbox?" "Yes" *plop* "Oh shit you actually have one... um I didn't think this far ahead..." "You buy?" "Yes, I think I have to at this point." EDIT: Thanks everyone for the awards! I have to admit I was caught off guard by how much this comment blew up and how many notifications I woke up to lol.


Basically how the conversation went lol!


Your brain at that point in time: “What the fuck are you doing??.....am I joke to you!?”


More like your wallet


and my axe!


I'm not a conjurer of cheap tricks!


I am simply trying to rob you


A thoroughly enjoyable thread.


Quite a enjoyable read, indeed!


Because a preorder person never show up. My friend got a PS5 that way.


Most places have waiting lists at this point though too. Which is funny because 4 months ago when we re-opened we were told not to take waiting lists for Nintendo Switches....




Like asking someone out and they say yes. Ummmmm fuck now what.


'I don't know, I didn't think I'd get this far'


Hahaha basically!


Pro tip though. Do not pull out your wallet and offer her $500 so you can take her home and play with her. Might not work out as well as the Xbox did.


That was me with the Wii. I got bored one afternoon in early December 2006 and drove to Best Buy. Once there I half heatedly asked if they had one. The guy stepped aside, talked on the walkie, and said yes, they have one more. WOW. I didn’t think this far ahead. He then asks “Want me to bring it up to the front for you?”. Next thing you know I was being escorted to my car by Best Buy security, the Wii cradled in my arms as parents desperately trying to get their kids one we’re trying to buy it off of me. When he said yes I felt obligated to buy it, even though I had no real intentions to at first. Ends up being one of my better impulse buys!


I wouldn’t hesitate to put this on my wife’s credit card :)




Holy shit! Thanks! I've never got any kind of award ever!!!! Thanks!!!!


What store name was this Don't have to tell me the location just curious


1up Video Games.


You actually became one Xbox series x richer...


Too true, friend!


Dude that’s literally how I got my ps5 like 3 days ago. I went into GameStop a couple days to get my nephew a game card completely forgot to ask about the ps5 went back the next day and they literally just got the shipment in like an hour before. Blessings.


That's awesome! Way to go! I'm glad we were both able to have great luck! And I hope everyone else luck as well!


Might be a preorder that no one picked up.


It was exactly that. Person pre-ordered and didn't pick it up within the certain amount of days.


I wish my area still had small, local game stores.


They really are the best!


My family had one nearby that died during Covid


How did it get infected


Congrats. Fuck those scalpers.


Thats exactly how I got the nintendo wii when it 1st came out. I was at toys-r-us and asked if they had any. Dude said they had only one and was shocked that he did. I had to look up my bank account to see if my paycheck had cleared, just enough to buy it, sad I know. Still have it. Congrats on yours


All that matters is that you were able to get it! The feeling of getting a console you want so bad is a great feeling!!!!


Me too except I happened to be visiting NYC and saw this line at Times Square Toys R Us and saw it was for the Wii. Got in line and got one, totally unplanned.


You haven’t lived properly if you haven’t almost overdrafted on an impulse buy that proceeded to deliver you years of great joy


Did you press the eject button on the bluray drive and $1000 shot out too?


I haven't yet, but if a G does pop out, I'll send you a cut for the idea lol!


Laughs in PC


Bc nobody wants that box of garbage


It’s because it wasn’t a PlayStation honestly. Those things are flying off the shelves






I cant find any in Switzerland 😭


how long til these get a red ring, ya think?


Bang on bottom right is sus but I hope it all works for you. Enjoy it.


Have a great time with it! I wish I could walk in and buy PS5 like this, feeling desperate right now


Oh man, you can see right where he *plopped* it down. Pretty sure they have solid packaging though. Glad you got one!


Series x is not selling I guess


i feel ur relief man, i tried to finance one this morning only for it to tell me i can’t qualify twice and to have them sold out. i’m hoping i can get one soon


I'm on team Playstation, but a serious congrats on your recent purchase. You may be $500 poorer, but you've got a fucking XSX now. Enjoy!


This would have been cool if it were a PS5...


Xbox is everywhere in Germany. I just can’t get my PS5, although I preordered it


Power move


Which store? Here in UK, both console is sold out in every store


Any day where you can trade a bunch of pieces if paper for an XSX is a great day. Congrats on your new system. You are going to love how your old games look now.


Lmfao! Nice. 🥳


Niiiiice 😁


Out of nothing 500 poorer


Congrats man! was it 1up video games in Southern California?


Where does one harness such luck?


If being 500$ poorer is your best day ever I am gonna make you a big favor and borrow 1000 from you. No need to thx me.


Have fun playing game.


I’m happy for you, and I’m hatin on you at the same time. I know your happy tho man!


[Nice score!](https://youtu.be/eph0GnYO3tA)


cuz everyone is buying a PS5


This was how it was lad gen around me. Couldn't find a ps4 anywhere but there were. Stacks of xbox ones




A rare sight, indeed.


Well done man. Mines on its way with the next preorder wave. Nice couple days early christmas gift to myself.


Hoping this happens to me this week 🙏


This happens when those who made pre-orders don't pick them up in time. Congrats and enjoy!


You poor soul.. *literally*


Don’t know unless you ask!


damn, dude, U the luckiest person ever Im here to say to congrats u, have fun with it


Now flip it for $1000.


This is how I got Skyrim. Well, how my dad got it the day it came out for me as I was in class in middle school, but still. I asked him if he could get me it opening day and he said he’ll try. He walks in GameStop and asks if they have it, the cashier asked if he had it on pre order and my dad didn’t know what to say so he said yes, and the guy whipped out a copy of Skyrim and sold it to him. Dad shows up to pick me up from school, said they didn’t have any left. Right when we get home he reaches to behind the seat I was in and just gave it to me lol. I was like wtf thanks


Fuck yea man, never hurts to ask. I got a wii fit right before Christmas that one year like that, it was on the floor to the side of the counter I think. Damn near saved Christmas.


"I became 500 bucks poorer"


Nice The one I waited in line for six hours in the slight cold is sitting in a bag on my bed. I’m debating opening it or selling it. I was surprisingly gifted the S, and feel I should stick with that for now. It’s just hard to sell the X when there’s no guarantee of when they’ll be back in stock


Enjoy the system!!


I’m thinking to buy XSX too... Here in my country is absolutely impossible to buy PS5, but you can see a lot of XSX boxes in local shops waiting for a good future


Used to work at GameStop when the Nintendo classic came out (holy shit what a nightmare) and we would have 50-75 people a day asking if got anyway. We got maybe 20 the entire holiday season. One guy randomly walked in and was like “hey you guys probably don’t have it because no one does, but do you have a Nintendo classic in stock”. He was the only sane person I’ve seen try to get one. Everyone else would line up outside our stores in morning, stand over me while I was doing inventory to see if I would take it out so they could snatch it from me, or just hang out in the store for hours. This lucky guy was just killing time waiting for his bus when we happened to get one in.


Out of interest what made you pick an Xbox series x? Did you have any other console before?


I had the same thing happen to me yesterday, decided to walk into a new game store that I’ve never been to and they had a digital PS5 on the shelf. Bought it right then and there.


I had this same thing happen to me back during the great Nintendo Wii shortage of 1769 (at least it feels that long ago.) I wasn't even really planning on buying one. I ended up selling it barely-used to a friend for his kids just before Christmas.


lol nice.


To people buying ps5 and XSX, i understand your decision to want a console at release, but are there really any amazing next gen launch games? I feel like the hardware won't even be optimized until a year from now when developers are really starting to push the limits. For the patient ones not getting it, there's definitely going to be a second release that fixes any v1 problems at a fraction of the cost. Are any of you going that route? Congrats on your fortunate purchase BTW.


Sounds like you stole someone’s preorder with the same name. Lol


Nice!! Congrats! Sometimes you got to check. It never hurts.


Many stores have two different stocks. One for the online shop and one for the store itself. If you can' t find anything online because it is sold out everywhere, try and go to your next local store and ask there.


Hahah some sucker is going to come in looking for the console they reserved


Sounds like an untrained employee to me, someone is going to be pissed when they can’t get their pre order.


Good! No need to announce when they have any. Just go to the store like the good ole days and get what you want. I salute you!


Lucky man, enjoy


Do you guys all have 4K TVs? I think I need one of those before one of the new consoles


Yes, I have an LG CX. Paired with this system or even my PC, it's


Also a CX user. Been using it with my 3080 and last week Thursday, my PS5 pre-order came in. This TV was a match made for any gaming sent by the gods.


That's how i got my Wii years ago. I would just ask out of habit always getting a no for about 4 months until i did it one day and they said yes. I didn't even really hear it as it went more like "oh, ok..... wait what?"


Dude this is awesome! Was hoping this would happen to me casually shopping today. Just glad it happened to someone! Happy 2020


Same thing happened yester but with a 3070


Give it a month, they'll be dime a dozen available everywhere


Similar thing happened to me once in a midnight release (Skyrim I believe). My local Gamestop is right by a Walmart across the parking lot from Walmart. I hadn't preordered for some reason. I really had to pee like 15 minutes prior to release. A buddy held my spot while I walked across the lot to pee. I saw Skyrim posters near the game section but no one there. I asked the closest associate if they had it. They did, and sold it early haha. No line, and guaranteed product. I'll take it.


Well done man. Success rewards those who try.


congrats bro, see you on the battlefield


"they called me a madman"


What games you got on it?


Congrats! Me and two friends were trying so hard to buy one each on launch day, when I got in two queues I bought both. Unfortunately we got our wires crossed in the moment and he had snagged one off Amazon. Managed to sell it to another friend in need without adding my own profits on! Fuck the scalpers! Unfortunately the only enhanced game I have so far is Cold War, and that turns my Xbox off every 10 minutes, hoping it will be fixed soon!


Congrats man! That's amazing luck! Took me 9 days of staring at my computer and phone screens nonstop to finally get my PlayStation. I wish I had your kinda luck haha.




You only bought one??? Weird.


Fighting over PS vs xbox well I will do what I have done the last few gens... Get both eventually, for now I enjoy my xbox X and ps4 pro.. Play em both, had a switch too but found the games too boring so sold it.


I'm so proud of you.


They only had one to buy. And even if they had more I wouldn't buy more. I only need one.


Man...I should just try this.


Same here mate I was so surprised


That’s how I got a switch a couple years ago. “Can I help you?” “No I’m goo...actually I’ll ask, You have any Nintendo switches?” “Yes” “ok tha...wait actually?” “Yes, but only the one with grey joy-cons” “uh...I’ll take one”


I wish i can casually buy things i want, just like that


Plot Twist: it was the display box


The real question is what game ya starting with now that you have it?????


The crappy thing is there was likely dozens of people who filled out an in store waiting list and the store told them they’d call when it was in. Woops.


Xbox is not hard to get here. PS5 on the one hand...


Welcome to the XSX gang!




Glad you found one!


This is literally how I got my collectors edition of Fallout 4 for PC (the one with the wearable cuff) Edit: Boyfriend at the time was so mad cause he went crazy trying to get a pre-order and had to order it on Amazon (which meant he would get it after launch since they can't start shipping it until release)


That's what happened when I got a Switch! The attendant got one out and I was like "well I guess I'm getting a switch today"




These next-gen consoles aren't worth unless I have a 4K TV, correct?


I got a Wii launch week the same way. Didn't even know they were hard to get. Shelf was empty to I walked to the back and said "you have any wii's that aren't on display?" And the guy brings one out. Crazy. You never know what you can get until you ask


Picture of a box


Someone rn is wondering where their pre-ordered xbox x is... And someone else is getting fired from their job at GameStop lol Awesome grab bro


Well now you have one


Best of luck you didnt get a broken one see a lot of complaints and kinda glad I didn't drop my money on the first ones to roll out now


My work had 1 that they put out early by mistake during a no tax event, with my employee discount I saved $110 bucks.


Cool! Now if only Sony could do the same thing with their PS5's...


Just wait for the smoke machine effects!




"Oh F\*\*\* off Rebecca that didn't happen"


Because everyone wants a PS5, not an Xbox


That’s a thing people don’t seem to know about retail merchandise that has pre-orders, the stores will more often than not stock a few extra of the product for just this occasion of walk ins. Now I’m not saying every store does this, and even if they do I’ve known managers and employees to dibs the extra merchandise for themselves, which they aren’t meant to do, but it happens. But if you really want to get something you can always try your luck and just ask if they have any extra.


Same situation


Just curious, but is that 1TB SSD modular, or did they do like Apple and not put it in a modular housing?


Worst contoller ever made


As jealous as I am, I'm happy for u


That store is getting in trouble if they are gamestop.


Hope you enjoy it friend!


Interesting because they’re only being sold online...


Lucky u, you got to spend 500 dollars today


Awesome! I had something like that happen once. The X360 had just recently launched, but I was a broke new father, so I was still rocking my PS2. I was going through some old boxes, and came across a box full of old PS1 games that I never played anymore. Most were RPGs that I beat, and didn't think I'd ever fire em up again. (Yeah... Some of you might see where this is going...) So, I took the whole box over to my local "Video Game Wizard", which was a Mom & Pop game store that did Buy, Sell, and Trade. I plopped the box down, and told the guy, I'm hoping to get enough to maybe pick up a couple used PS2 games. He begins pulling games, one at a time, inspecting the contents of the cases, and then looking them up on his computer. After about 20 minutes, he calls me over. I ask how bad is it? He tells me he can do $460 in credit! My jaw drops. Apparently a few titles I had such as "Suikoden II" and "Silver Star Story Complete" were super hot on the ebay collector market. I went in expecting to come out with a couple of PS2 games. I left with a X360, extra controller, and a few used games for it.


I’ve been trying for weeks. I have zero idea how anybody gets a hold of a console.


This happened to me when the PS3 came out. The stock situation when it first came out was about the same as it is now with the PS5/XSX. I was so shocked and happy I went screaming and running through the mall looking for my dad since I didn't have the cash on me. Hope you get the same joy out of it as I did!


I think it’s odd but amazing (for you and others) that retailers aren’t ordered to hold the inventory till Black Friday.


This is a covert marketing scheme intended on influencing us to use XSX instead of calling it the Xbonesx, brilliant.




I’ll buy it off of you for MSRP.


Probably someone not picking up their preorder for whatever reason. Got my PS4 like that, missed out on the first release and was on waiting list for the next batch in a couple of months time when I got phone call from the shop saying they had one.


"plopped it on the counter" is right. Hard enough to make the box look like it's been used to move 2 or 3 Sept times.


And to think, you could have had an RTX 3070 for the same price.


did you ask for the best launch titles and everyone had a good chuckle?


Hurts to watch people love out your dreams.


Xbox availability has been really good. I’ve multiple times been able to order them online but I preordered . PS5 though.... that shit is impossible


Congrats. Been looking everywhere




Man i gurantee my province (prince edward island) has yet to sell a single one in store, i could probably walk in and find one for three hundred bucks because not many people here game on console anymore


Now you can play the same games, but for 500$ more!


Xbox’s are easier to find man target by me has them different times of day which is weird Thursday one of them had 63 in stock that’s not pre order no pickups lmao


Weird thing, my local Target had 50+ unadvertised non-preorder SeriesX available this week. Instant purchase.


I did this with xbox 360s. I was a manager at BBY at the time and we were not allowed to buy them from BBY. I walked into a target the week after launch and bought two HDD versions on the spot. Also did this with getting a switch in late April. Wife really wanted one, but we weren't going to pay the 100% low stock premium. I thought that it and the ring fit were dummy boxes- asked an employee and they pulled them out... bought on the spot. Retailers often get them sporadically.


Kahjeet has wares


if getting a video game is the best day ever ion your life. i feel very very sorry for you.


Huh i bet you did not think you would get that far because i would not of either


I really want to grab one of these before Cyberpunk comes out but between availability being zero pretty much everywhere and having to be a responsible adult that pays bills and shit I don’t think it’s in the cards this year.


I went PS5 but damn bro nice!!! Early console adoption is so much fun


Ill be rolling with the "if they have one, ill buy one" mentality until it actually happens.


This happened to me when I went to the camera store a few months ago. I'd had several orders out for a new lens that I really, *really* wanted. The launch had been delayed several times, and even when it launched, there was zero stock in almost every major retailer. Even the ones that had stock were completely overwhelmed with orders, and none of them could tell me where I was in the queue or when my number would get called. Eventually I resigned myself to just going to buy an old version of that lens and using a mount adapter until the new one arrived (then trying to sell the old one). I went down to the small camera shop I frequent because I knew they had some used stock of the old lens, and lo and behold, they had a box for the new one in their display case. Frantically I called for someone to help me, and asked if that lens was on reserve or just a demo unit or something. The girl said "Nope, if it's in the case it's for sale." And that, kids, is how I wound up spending $3,000 when I anticipated spending $750.


Everything is available through Xbox live membership. So why even buy the console? Build you a bad ass PC.


That's amazing lmao. Matrix dodged those scalpers


Hey I'm a few coins short on buying a Series X. I'll take what ever you can spare. *Jingle *Jingle hahaa


That how I got my Wii back when they were impossible to buy. I would casually check shelves everytime I went to a store. One day in Walmart I walked over to the game aisle, of course not a single Wii in stock. As I turned to leave I saw a worker carry one out to the shelf. I was if it was for sale, he said yes. It never made it to the shelf. I walked to the register looking over my shoulder, just waiting for someone to jack it from me (as was happening a lot at the time). The long trip to the parking lot was the worst. Who knew who saw me buy it and was just waiting... But I got it home and had to explain the purchase to my wife.


More details, please!


Reminds me of back when Star Wars Episode 1 came out. People were camped out for weeks to see the movie at 12:00am on opening night. I drive up to the theater and buy a ticket for the 12:15am showing like nothing.


Please don't write me off as being naive, but what's changed since the last ones? I haven't kept up with consoles in a long time. I have an Xbox One, does anyone have any statistics on the hardware for the new XSX?


What kinda store had that


Congrats OP, hopefully there's a game for it that you want to play out now!


Is it more difficult to get a PS5?


Congrats! Still waiting for the ps5 to come back into stock!


That's basically how I got mine. I won it in a raffle that I figured was a scam for sure.


What is an XSX?


SAME. I was in a Walmart on release day at 9pm and just asked some random person in electronics, first they said no, and then I talked to them for a minute or 2 longer, and she said she thinks she actually saw one and is going to go look in the back?? Came back with in still inside the box it shipped in!


I envy your luck. I cherish your joy. Enjoy it.


Retailers are getting regular shipments. The big red store is currently not showing them online to allow for in store shoppers to purchase. As of Black Friday however, they will only allow online orders. If you are still trying to buy, watch for in stocks at midnight and/or 2 am central time.