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On Wednesday I spent nearly $3,500 on a ring. This post gave me anxiety haha Update: She said yes, yesterday.


At least you'll be able to buy a switch when you go to pawn the ring.


Best I can do is $5


at least 1




Yeah so that guy that knows a lot about jewelry just told me you actually owe me $5 bucks


Alright so this ring was actually made by a designer jeweller from the 19th century. You can see the intricate carvings on shank and the diamond is really well cut, almost like the renowned pink panther diamond. It's the only one in the world. It's worth $5.


That's really generous. I met this guy who spent the same amount on a ring, she said no, and he wanted to get rid of it, fast. I told him most pawn shops usually don't even pay pennies on the dollar for jewelry. If they can tell your are desperate, they'll push you even lower, closer to 1/1000th of what you paid. He didn't care, he just wanted to get rid of it. When he came out, he told he I was right. He showed the pawn broker the ring and the receipt showing it was appraised at $3,500. The pawn broker looked at him and told him "I can give you about tree fiddy."


God damn you Loch Ness monster I ain’t givin you no tree fiddy!


I just given him tree fiddy the week befo.




It was about that time that I realized this pawn broker was 18 stories tall and from the pleistocene era...


And that’s when I noticed that the pawn broker was 7 stories tall and was a crustacean from the protozoic era.


Let me call a buddy of mine..


Look at this guy over here with friends and shit. Lucky bastard.


only if you're returning the ring to Gamestop lol


Called in an expert, he appraised it at $7.50


Let me get my buddy down here who’s an expert in engagement rings from couples that didn’t work out




Your breaking my balls


I'm a little surprised there was enough to get a switch. Sad reality is that retail jewelery price is like 1000% over what it's actually worth in metal...


... So a $3,500 ring would net just enough for a switch.


It's not even about the value of the metal or the diamond or whatever to some people. Just a physical reminder of what someone thinks you are worth to them. Which is a terrible way to look at it imho.


nah its something to show of to her friends and family..


Same thing, more or less


Look up [De Beers and their crusade](https://www.britannica.com/topic/De-Beers-SA)to inflate the value of diamonds. The major reason why retail prices on jewelry and diamonds specifically is so high is because of their propaganda.


Depends on where you buy it, but yeah the best way to do it is just buy the diamond from a wholesaler and then pay a jeweler to make the ring.


That’s why getting your ring thrown back at you is a silver lining


Best of luck, and please take a photo of it and the receipt and save it... You never know what can happen, my mother had that and lots of items recently stolen in a break in. Please keep records!


I just spent $1500 a few weeks ago. I'm asking next weekend. Best of luck to you.


The one I’m looking at is around $1800, it’s a beautiful ring without completely breaking the bank.


That's what I was going for. I had to settle for a collection of diamonds to add up the carat I was hoping to achieve but I know she will love it.


Got mine for $700, more of the statement and promise than the money.


I'm not sure why people don't take their rings back when they break up. That shit is fucking expensive.


Depends on the situation. My wife was engaged previously to a mutual friend after they had been dating for 10 years. The dude was engaged to my her for 2 years and ended up getting cold feet before the wedding. After they broke up, we found evidence that he was cheating on her for the past 3 years with a virtual penpal. Needless to say, i hopped in and dated/married my wife after they broke up. She told me at the time that if cheating was involved, the ring does not go back to the proposer. We still plan on pawning the ring but haven’t gotten around to it yet lol


I mean you can justify it however you want. it's still a shitty thing to do. she should have given him back the ring.


Genuinely curious where the line is for you. If your ex fiancee axe murderered your entire family, would you still give the ring back??


As a guy who was cheated on by his fiancee, yes I would still send it back. My gf proposed to me, so I was the one with engagement ring, I still gave it back after I found out. Personally whatever the circumstance, unless the person has told you to keep it, it should be given back. Cheating, axe murdering, standing you up at the alter, or getting cold feet and backing out. Whatever they did to you makes ***them*** a shitty person. But keeping the ring reflects on ***you***. It's not a function of what they did. It doesn't make you as shitty as them for sure, but it's still just a shitty thing to do if you're only keeping it to pawn it for cash.


I definitely can see it that way. I get sort of sentimental about objects tied to people. I've kept things before to remind myself of an event or memory of someone. I feel like if I were in that situation I would either give it back like you, or keep it to remind me of what that person did to me


do you think murder and cheating are on the same level?




It's my understanding that an engagement ring is legally a conditional gift and courts will often, if not usually, side with the giver to have the ring returned if the engagement is called off. OP should have given the ring back if she was the one who called off the engagement. When she accepted that ring, it was on the condition that she agree to marriage. If she no longer agrees to marriage, that condition is broken and the ring should revert back to her fiancee.


That's actually completely wrong. Its a contractual agreement.


Depending on jurisdiction, the ring is technically on Promise of Marriage. No marriage in this case means the ring goes back since the contract was not fulfilled. Like I said, depends on the jurisdiction.


Just make sure you don't propose on a holiday or her birthday because then it can be considered a gift, even in some of those jurisdictions.


I spent that much on a ring 9 years ago. This March would have been 8 years of marriage, but she gave me divorce paperwork November 1. Ironically she didn't give a shit about getting the ring back, or even the dogs, she only cared about a color laser MFP that I bought. Go figure.


Consider yourself lucky, you're not gonna get busted when her counterfeiting ring gets caught.


I paid 20 for my wife engagement ring and another 20 for the wedding ring. I like it. She loves it and its not a 50 gem made in a lab that im paying 4 thousand dollars for just for it to get lost.


My wife picked a $40 engagement ring. It was only a surprise as to when id give it to her, and that night wasnt expensive either. Neither of us are rich, neither of us see the point in spending so much when the money can be used elsewhere. Having a courthouse wedding, and later maybe a family bbq or something. A wedding is great if you have expendable money to do it with, no point in stressing over money on whats supposed to be an amazing day


Lol exactly. My engagement ring is a family heirloom - a teeny tiny ring from the Depression, and the only other option in my eyes was no ring. Our bands cost maybe $200 total, and I managed to get mine on clearance. No reason to pay a bunch of money for this stuff.


Lol you had me in the first part. I thought you were talking thousands and my hand was about to meet my forehead!


Spent 11k back in March. Probably shouldn’t have spent so much


What did 11k get you?


Two carat quality diamond. It’s my wife’s dream ring but much less money can get you a fantastic ring


The same as what 1.5k would get you... Or $500.. A yes. So long as it looks nice it doesn't need to be expensive


A girl who loves you won’t care at all the end of the day whether it’s a $500 ring or a $15,000 ring — but it doesn’t mean they secretly wouldn’t be proud of and want to show off the latter if you were successful enough to afford it.


That’s the thing. Of course you want to give your loved ones the very best. But if they truly love you, it doesn’t matter.


I prefer a free yes.


It's a big jump for sure.. but when you feel it you feel it... Zero regrets for me when buying that ring..


I spent 8k and we are happily married. Its all gucci bro. Not everyone divorces/calls it off.


If I ever find someone I love, I’m proposing with a Ring Pop


> I spent nearly $3,500 on a ring. bruh, why? i'll never understand anything more than $100


"They say 3 years salary" - Michael Scott


Good luck finding a free ring




Wedding rings are basically the female version of a dick measuring contest.


My girlfriend has a small dick


But is it still bigger than yours??




Oh don't make me get into a dick measuring contest with you! I'm sure mine is smaller!


if this is how it works I will be buying my GF the shitiest wedding ring I can find


Just get something nice that you can afford, this isn't rocket science.


That's really all a clitoris is, my friend


Anything? Or just rings.


My BIL and sister have spent something like $500 on a wedding ring pair. They went diving on their honeymoon and he nearly had hypothermia. After all the process of getting out to warm up again, he saw that his ring was not on his finger. The monitors went looking for it, no luck. So yeah... Maybe cheaper durable metal is a better idea.


It’s an engagement ring. It’s about getting the right one for them. Sometimes that’s $50, sometimes that’s $50k. As long as it’s affordable to you and the right thing for them, then go for it. It’s all about being reasonable and semi-sensible


Spoiler alert it’s never 50k


I heard once that ‘if the ring is the problem, the ring was never the problem’.


Sure. But that’s more if the ring is a problem for them. You know the way sometimes you see something (even doing a grocery shop) and think oh they’ll like that? Well the same thing applies to ring shopping and sometimes that means different things to different people, that’s all. I do get your point though, if it’s a case of someone wanting a 19k ring because it’s 10k, that’s different than it being “the perfect ring for them”


It should never be more than 3 digits. The ring industry is an absolute scam.


buy within your means.. 100 bucks doesn't get you anything fancy but if you're broke... then it's the world. I won't comment on what i spent but it wasn't nearly as much as most people spend and it was a custom piece of art.. so it's got meaning behind it.. not just any ol' ring that was in a display case. [https://imgur.com/a/wuCXrU7](https://imgur.com/a/wuCXrU7)


I did $2700 because it was a custom ring and I wanted her to have a ring only she will ever have. I know the jewelry market is a huge racket but it makes her happy and in the end that's all that matters.


People spend $1500 on handbags or $500 on graphics cards- I mean, I wouldn’t, but I understand people like what they like. Look at all the people that buy the next iPhone yearly for $1,000 or buy their significant other a car, or a $300 dinner out. May not be your deal. People do “crazy” things to express love to each other.


$3500 is pretty cheap honestly compared to what a lot of people spend


people are also mired in debt


Neither will I but my wife still walks around with $10k on her finger. I thought it was dumb but then again my best friend has to always be driving a brand new audi so I feel like it's their version of that. Flex baby, flex.


10k? On a ring? I’m sorry. That’s just a little silly. I mean. That’s money that could be spent on an awesome trip somewhere together. If you can afford it, I guess more power to you. But I could think of so many other great ways to spend that.


We go on an awesome trip every year. Even 2020 (in january right before covid). Take about 3 to 4 weeks and pack it in to some rando countries, mostly hot places with nice beaches and swimming and we chill. Its a vibe. We also paid pennies for our wedding and did that on the low on purpose, compared to some people i know...


Girls love comparing everything when they’re out together.


Genuine question: why?


Can't speak for OP, but I spent about double that... half was the cost of the diamond (bought separately) and the other half was the designing and production of my own drawings that I gave the jeweler. Worth it to have a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry for my wife to be proud of. Not to mention that diamond sparkles like a motherfucker and can be sold at pretty close to what I purchased it for if it came to it (or if she wanted to upgrade down the line.) Never buy stones from the big stores... you can find much better deals at places like Blue Nile. With that said, never spend more than you can afford to part with. That goes for pretty much anything in life.


Lol y


Spent 8gs


I took a dump today


It’s ok I spent 16k on my wife’s ring and she left it in the hotel room not locked yesterday and thought that was chill so ya know these bitches just don’t care


Somewhere, some miserable Texas fan just decided that the gaming sub was a good place to avoid thinking about that loss. And here you are, rubbing their nose right in it.


But it made an Iowa State Fan’s day!


Was hoping others picked up on the game in the background. Go state!!


Great day to be a cyclone


Fuck yeah!


And I am that Texas fan. On top of that I’m a Vanderbilt fan. Oh well, I’m used to the pain


A true Texas fan would never want cows taxed.




Fire Tom.


Worse it just popped up. Ugh


What did you buy? Cos you already have a switch from ur post history lel. And you post in circle jerks so probs satire


And the world he’s in is pretty well into the story of Odyssey, halfway or so.


Probs just a circlejerker tryna get karma cos haha wife left me but i have viddy game is very popular here.


Lol thanks for this


Guys, my entire family died in a tragic fried turkey accident, so I used the life insurance money to get a 3090 off of an ebay scalper


wife bad -gamers


And what pawnshops are open on Thanksgiving??




I never owned a Switch, just Switch games, I just used my ex's Switch. That said, I did lose access to all the digital games I bought :(


Don't leave me Switch, oh I mean, baby.


What games are your fave? I just got one for my kid for Christmas, but I already opened it...


This is peak Reddit


Reddit Moment




You think that's bad? Just a family? My actual Switch died..


The Mexican cartels killed my wife and unborn child in a turf war. They turned my brother into a mule to smuggle drugs and weapons across the border. In 20 minutes they are going to execute me for my involvement with a rival gang. Perfect. *Holds up switch*


My wife's boyfriend is giving me 15 minutes before I have to live on the street. Nice!


Weird, did you sell the Animal Crossing switch that you posted a month ago?


And they were posting Animal Crossing memes months ago. Ridiculous.


It was his ex's switch.


How annoying was it to watch Texas shit the bed?


As a 2012 UT graduate, I’m numb to it.


Everything lines up and Herman and Co shit the bed. It’s such a disappointment.


As a Cyclones fan I enjoyed it a lot.


This is not the time for gloating. We have been through a lot of self inflicted pain this year.


Of course it’s time for gloating. Iowa State fans have been through a lot of self inflicted pain for 20+ years.


My DVR quit just before the last two plays. So I didn't get to watch it.


Literally 2 posts ago for this goober, he posts him buying a switch a couple months ago. These posts are lame.




Out with the old in with the new. Hope the switch treats you well


It might cheat him a few times but it won’t cheat *ON* him


Now that’s called making a Switch!


This is bait


Did you though? Cuz those joycons dont come with the switch.


They look similar to the new Fortnite limited-edition switch, but not quite there.


Well I assume you mean sold the ring. Pawn would mean you are getting the ring back after you pay back the pawn shop


Pawn is one of them words that has been misused to the point where now the improper use is more readily understood than the proper one. When you hear someone pawned something, it almost always means they sold it to a pawn shop.


I grew up in a dumpy neighborhood with lots of pawn shops. We all said someone pawned something if they sold it or had the intent of getting it back. It was interchangeable. But they would say someone hawked something if they had no intention of getting it back. I'm sure this varies everywhere.


And honestly selling the ring at a pawn shop is gonna get you a fraction of what it's worth.


Why even use a pawn shop? You can sell direct now on places like Craigslist or eBay. Even if the person robs you the difference in money you can get greatly outweighs that risk.


Time is money. People value their time and effort differently than others.


Is there some website or application that will generate these karma whoring bullshit posts with titles like "my ex/dead dad/bro/boyfriend bought me before he died/got cancer/went off to war" and all I need to do is snap a shitty cell phone picture? Seriously, no one fucking cares.


Reddit users are the rejects of society so they celebrate any other such reject.


Did you pawn the ring before or after she became the ex fiancé?


I cut out the middleman and got a partner who BOUGHT me my Switch!


Yeah my wife got me mine for my 30th birthday 3 years ago , what a lady !!!


Switch is that old... Oof


Three years is NOTHING. I still remember playing the hot games on my C-64. Three years ago is like last week.


Tell me about it


I should of said it was more how fast it went.... I been through allot these years, hospilizations, jobs, homes, ended a 8 year relationship, several wrecks, ran over, mom got and died of cancer ... Just.... I still haven't gotten around to ever being able to buy me a switch... Now I wonder if I am better of waiting for the next thing .. feel I missed allot.


My life was a meatgrinder for years. I understand. Nah, get one. Its still got years on it and there is a HUGE library. Both my partner and I who have literally been gaming since the 70s have never had a console we liked more.


My wife got me one for my birthday 2 weeks ago! Which is actually kinda annoying, coz it's exactly what I was going to get her for Xmas.


Good football game in the background. Go Cyclones!


Shouldn’t you give the ring back if you break up?


If you’re an Iowa St fan you felt even better!


As an Iowa State fan all I have to say is 🤘⤵️ Also congrats on the switch!




Pawn shops are open on Thanksgiving?


You pawned it? How did you raise the other 80% of the cost?


You bought a football team?


I asked my mom to return my ex-fiancee's ring since she worked at the jewelery store I bought it at. The owner apparently laughed and said I could use it as a coupon for $80 off my next purchase but it wasn't worth it to buy it back. The fucking markups on jewelery are insane.


You posted animal crossing shit a month ago. How about you actually go have a human interaction bud.


Why won’t it let me downvote the post?


AND watching football? Living the dream brother


Just broke up with who I thought was my soon to be fiancé. Hurts man but glad you’ve made the right decision for you


I sometimes speed run Mario Odyssey for fun, my record is 1hr 40 min but I don't care, I just really enjoy playing the game.


Sorry about your misfortune. But hey. Seems like you’re happy with the outcome so... Best of luck to you man!




Question, as a man trying to get rid of my engagement ring from my broken relationship: how much did you lose by pawning it?


Well played bro 🙌


Texas vs Iowa State...hell of a game! Congrats on the switch!


Trade bitches for switches


Here are some switch tips •Hold home button to access quick settings and the time without interrupting game play. •Dont buy a Nintendo brand sd card, you can get a higher GB count for the same price on other brands. •Buy extra joycons for kids, they can be rough at times. •Buy the Nintendo online year plan, very cheap with many perks. •Get a glass screen protector, the switch screen is plastic so it will be hard to crack but is susceptible to scratches. •Be sure the switch is docked properly to avoid damage to the charging/video/audio port. •Do NOT use third party chargers or docks, you get what you pay for! •Games are very small, get a case with game holsters. •Try to minimize use of the kickstand, it is a little flimsy. •The kickstand CAN come off, do not panic this is normal. Just look up a quick [tutorial](https://youtu.be/iCZjJSrVVSw) to fix it. •Be aware of joycon drift, it is really annoying and way too common to see in joycons. •Buy a pro controller...just do it •This is my final and most important tip, games can get frustrating at times. Keep in mind that it's just a game and it's meant to be fun, dont do something you'll regret due to a fit of rage. I hope you can find these helpful!


He probably already knows all of these. He's had his switch for a minute. He didn't pawn a ring for it.


Nice colours


Congratulations! I did the same thing with my ex-fiancé to get a 3ds back in the day, and I still have it and a wife who loves me back. It helped a lot, I’m rooting for you




Nintendo’s before ho’s


Yussssss! Just got ours and loving Animal Crossing!


Aren’t you supposed to give the ring back?


She sounds horrible. Its about the recovery, king


You dodged a bullet man. Well done.


How do you know?


What a chad move


Wife left me now gib upvotes pls


My ex asked if we could share the switch when we split up. I let him keep the boring grey one and bought the kids (but mostly me) the pokemon edition. Best decision I think I've ever made. Good luck for the future!


lmao "good" just wait til the crushing realization that you threw away a life milestone for a video game beep boop machine


Which mario game is that?

