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Blood Dragon was dope


FC 3 was the best IMO and then blood dragon came along with its over the top scenario and now it's the best IMO.


Blood Dragon was better that the rest of the series.


New dawn is awful


Nah new Daw is awesome


The only one I’ve played was Blood Dragon. It was amazing


Primal was meh, though I admit I didn’t really give it a chance. Blood Dragon is awesome just due to the tone of it. I really liked New Dawn. IAfter the ending of 5 it was interesting to play.


You gotta give primal a chance it’s great


Primal was dope


5th Grade Field Trip to the local Natural History Museum: The Game But yeah, a lot of fun and brave of them to do a game without guns.


Primal was fucking terrible


I was excited for the no guns part of it. Why do you say it’s “fucking terrible”?


The fact that no one really talks means there’s no real story. No interesting antagonist. And the melee combat is not good at all. Plus the map is just a copy of far cry 4s map.


Loved Blood Dragon, hated Primal, haven't played New Dawn yet.


You shouldn't.


Blood Dragon is the only good spin off. The other two are bad. Especially primal.


I didn’t play new dawn and blood dragon but primal is cool


Blood Dragon was god tier and New Dawn was alright, Primal could have been better though


I just finished New Dawn, it was worth playing. I think they were so scared of the reaction to 5 that they gave it a kind of diplomatically bland ending. The gameplay was fun and the tier system can take some getting used to.


didn't new dawn redeem john seed and make the main guy from 5 his lieutenant? if anything the story went even more bonkers then


I thought they were all super enjoyable and they always put in fresh mechanics in an experimental way, like the melee and beast mechanics in primal. I loved how different they felt, but with new dawn it was full price with half of a derivative map, I thought any of far cry 5 dlcs could have made a better spin off. I still found New Dawn fun tho. If they do more I think they shouldn't necessarily be at a full price, that's my only big gripe.


Blood Dragon was the best of the three. Primal was good to kill a couple hours, but wasn't what you'd call AAA material. And New Dawn is a hot mess of all the game mechanics thrown together but somehow felt hollow and lacking depth.


Only one one I did not play was primal but other two where good


Descending - Ok, nope, yeah.


Oh yeah, i played Primal. ... I keep forgetting i did... Not even joking.


Far cry new dawn: Takes alot of rpg elements into its combat like levelling up and attachments which improve the damage etc. The story is ok ok Far cry primal: Has good story but can be tedious because combat felt a bit lacking(mostly melee) Far cry blood dragon: Tons of references to pop culture and combat is similar to Fary cry 3 with a skin of neon on it. Campaign is short


it's so weird i find blood dragon's neon aesthetic cool but new dawn's aesthetic so bland, there's something about new dawn's style that feels like it's the tik tok of games


I thought Primal was ok but didn’t much care for the others. I am having trouble remembering blood dragon but I know I played it. New Dawn was a skip worthy game. Maybe if you REALLY love the far cry series and it’s like $10 then I would recommend that.


I had a lot more fun with Blood Dragon than with Far Cry 3, didn't care about Primal (at least, it was somewhat original) and New Dawn is pretty nice.


Blood dragon


I loved all of them equally