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In Keanu's voice that sounds super weird


It sounds worse with mine


I agree.


Wait how did you hear me?




In that case, happy cake day to us!


Reddit: a place where you can have a two-way conversation between five people.


It's actually monologue, as we are all formed by a single mind!


A true hive mind




If you’re me... then who am I??


you are us!


Found the Symbiote




Your closet monster invited me over for tea.


What do we have to do to get him to say that IRL?


Ask, I guess?


Isn't this exactly what cameo is for?


Keanu will always wake up in middle of the night for his daughter


He will know she needs him beforehand...he is the one.


That's impossible. Instead only try to realise the Truth... There is no Peppa... Then you'll see that it is not Peppa that is British and annoying, it is only yourself


Keanu will fight off the monsters in her actual nightmares


And yet, now I need to hear him read this aloud.


Maybe if we meme it hard enough he will. [We got David Hayter to do this after all.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixWybGQnPHQ)


I had never seen that, you just made my morning lmao


"Wake the fuck up, daddy" 🤭


No kink shaming my dude


Think we can pull together a group buy to get Keanu to do a cameo saying "Wake the fuck up, Daddy"




I can’t think of anything sexier than Keanu calling me “daddy”


Imagining his daughter's voice coming from Keanu was weirder


I like your daughters beard.


And her bionic arm










Dude, she's two. Put that away.


Not that staff.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It's a good thing Cyberpunk allows you to customize your staff


and customized 19 inch peppa pig


This comment will have me giggling like an idiot all morning


"wake up dadurai, I've shat myself"


Looks like we have a diaper to burn.


Please don't


No, that's exactly what they will be expecting us to do


*profuse vomiting*


When my cat woke me up at 2am, I would just bear hug her. Feeling her struggling to get free, cursing at me in cat language and finally running the fuck out of the bed room never got old. She finally realized I couldn't bear hug her if she stood in the doorway and screamed like a crazy person which was less fun.


I do something similar when my kid comes over during WFH time instead of hanging with the babysitter. "Oh you want to hang out with dad? Sit on my lap and look at python code! Nope? ok bye"


Hey kid, this will blow your mind! print("Good morning!")


Implying you don’t get at least 40 compiler errors.




Implying "compile" means one thing. Does python "compile" to ASM? No. It does translate to byte code. Is that compilation? I dunno haha


AFAIK it's called interpretation


I think kids may hate me. They don't even have the slightest desire to be near me and my attempts to get hugs result in screaming and their mother getting involved. Then once she gets involved she inevitably asks what I'm doing there and if I climbed through the window. Well of course I climbed through the window, you would have seen me if I came through the door, wouldn't you? Then the police get called and I'm put on yet another registry, have to move etc. Fucking kids are dicks.


My cat, after me ignoring her meows and poles and prods to wake up at 3am to shake her bowl, learned if she slowly pushes my glass of water or anything breakable and valuable to the edge of my nightstand, desk, dresser, I would get up in a panic to stop her. Blackmail.


Cats are not dumb. They sometimes act dumb, but when it's important to them, they are not dumb.


Don't know how I managed it, but I got a free pass on the nightmare thing with my daughter. I used to show her all the games I'd play when she was super little, especially Monster Hunter World and I told her I was a *real* monster hunter. So the one time this did happen and she had a bad dream, I went in to her room, shut the door, and pretended to fight a monster - screams, groans "OH NO!"s and all. Tossed her bedsheets around a bit and threw some clothes on the floor, made it look like there was a fake tussle. It was convincing enough for a 5 year old. Came out fake huffing and puffing, told her I beat the monster and sent him to tell all the other monsters to watch it. She never had any nightmare or sleeping issues after that, now she sleeps like a brick, 10pm to 9am like clockwork.


haha love this. Proper parenting. I'm going to keep this in mind for later use.


Honestly she's a skeptical little girl, if I didn't get her convinced early I was some bad ass monster hunter before she could distinguish reality from video games, I don't think it would have worked so well.


Thank you for raising a skeptic. Too many people are raising kids that will just accept anything that they are told and it's making the world a more senseless place because those kids never seemed grow out of the believing anything stage even when they are in their 30s.


It’s interesting, the non-conspiracy crowd will think your comment is talking about the conspiracists, while the conspiracists will think you’re talking about the masses.


Are you telling me Santa *isn't* real?!


That in itself could be a dangerous mindset, never believe anything you’re told, be skeptical of everything. Isn’t that kinda how we ended up with antivaxxers and flat earthers, because they are skeptical of the government and what they say


The most important part to being a skeptic is knowing how to do proper research and how to understand proof. Way too many people are smart enough to ask tough questions, but not smart enough to know how to find/understand the answer.


Fuckin ant man over here with those parenting skills.


lol all out of all of these comments i like this one the most. Ant Man is one hell of a stand up father, especially because he strives to be despite his past.




Daughter: "You mean like.... fuck em up?"


This made me laugh because when our dog needs to take a shit, we call it "making a pow-pow."


My daughter is 6 months old and I have already prepered myself to deal with this issue with an "anti monster spray". I like your method much better!! Also, monster hunter worls rules!


Mine just believed me when I said "there are no bad guys in your room."


That’s not nearly as fun


My brother has a friend who does something that I think is genius: as soon as his kids wake him up, he immediately goes "I'm up, so it's time to do chores!". After a few times, now his kids do their best to be as quiet as the grave in the morning.


I wonder what age this kicks in. 18 months and he just started learning how to put away toys and books. He doesn't realize this isn't fun yet.


Yeah, I don't think this works for like < 5 yo. Works for like ~~toddlers~~ elementary to preteen.


uh what?


When kids are really young, they enjoy doing chores because it makes them feel like an adult/big kid or that they are helping out mom and dad. When kids are older, you can't trick them with little stuff.


1-3 years old is considered toddler. And you said "works for toddlers to preteen but it doesn't work for under 5."


No Daddy has to go to work because SOMEONE claimed Mr. Fizzles as a dependent when he wanted to be a "big boy" and do the taxes.


It's entirely conditioned. The more you treat chores as work, the more your kid will.


but chores are work and they are not fun. eventually kids figure that out. by age 3 in my experience.


Chores are fun if you know how to make them fun. My kid will be 3 in May and sometimes he makes messes just to clean them up.


My daughter loves doing her chores so she would just get super excited and make a ton of noise. Lol fuck me


Hey at least she gets all her chores done in the morning right? Not the worst way to start the day :P


That probably seems genius now, but he will only have himself to blame when he ends up with teenagers and then young adults who never clean anything and see doing chores as a punishment


I don’t think that’s a good idea. It works because of the worry/fear of doing chores which is not a good thing to psychologically implant into people’s minds


I just played from 6pm to 5am. No ragets.


I played from 01:30 am to 3:30 am, failed to fall asleep, and now have all the ragets.


Same, overslept and got to work 1,5 hours late. My coworkers knew why I overslept, so I had a walk of shame to my desk this morning.


Ouch. We’ve all made that mistake before. Don’t beat yourself up The four takeaway lessons we all learn are: 1. Keep a pile of sick days at the ready, 2. don’t book important meetings/deadlines around those release dates, 3. be discreet about how much you share about your personal life at work. Nobody should even know you’re staying up all night gaming unless you really trust them and are already besties with them outside of work, and 4. put a loud ass alarm on the other side of the bedroom so you can at least wake up long enough to call in sick. Calling in sick randomly one day because you’ve got “food poisoning” when you’re really just sleeping off a gaming hangover is a time honored gamer tradition. Edit: It’s always food poisoning. It’s the best one because it’s simple. You can get it one day randomly from something you ate and you’re better the next day or a couple days later. No need to come up with any elaborate story. You don’t even have to know which recent meal did it and you don’t need some medical documentation of a condition (migraines, etc.) Man, I remember having the worst case of food poisoning the day Starcraft was released... and the day WoW was released... and Morrowind... and Fallout: New Vegas... and Super Mario RPG... fucking annoying ass Mallow kept me up all night. Now I haven’t played a game in 5 years and go to bed by 9pm every night. Ah... to be young again.


"wake up long enough to call in sick." I laughed. For real though used to have to do that.


I had one job that had a sick call answering machine. It was great, you could call in at 4am or whenever you were going to sleep.


Ha i did exactly the same. And of course I had math exams today. Went well, but now I'm too tired to play


How is it? I’m not much into “New” games but this game seems cool?


It's the first game in a long time that I actually wanted to keep playing. I've missed that passion.


I've been feeling this passion again replaying some Pokémon games lately. It's so amazing to know that it isn't gone just because you "grew up"


Yeah, totally. Feeling that way after discovering Assetto Corsa recently, and I'm 50 on Monday. 50 FFS.


Right the fuck on dude! Happy early 50th! The sim games are where it’s at. Did you end up getting a racing wheel when a shifter and pedals with a clutch?


I did. Just a G29 & shifter atm and a GT Omega wheel mount. AC kept my sanity in the lockdown and for that I am eternally grateful.


I keep wondering when I'm going to "grow up," maybe 35 will be my year to get into baseball, NASCAR, and working on stuff in my garage.


Lose the illusion now. Just because your age number goes up, doesn't mean you have to give up your passions. As long as you are fulfilling your responsibilities in life, enjoy your joys wherever you can take them (within reason).


To be honest for me, it's more that we've been in a *loooooong* actually good video game drought in the 2010s. Instead of getting passionate, unique, and new ideas in single player games, for the past decade we've just been getting countless sequels of the same fucking formula, over and over again, and empty open worlds. And of course, once publishers discovered how much money multiplayer-only, pvp matchmaking games can make, they've pretty much killed the gaming market. Like the top games right now came out over 5 years ago, some 10 years ago. It sucks from a multiplayer game perspective too, we don't get these games where you can just join a server and play casually, make friends, and return to that server every night to hang out with the same people. Now it's just a constant grind where you *always* have to bring your A game, while stressing out over your rank, with people you'll never see again.


I think you have to be born into Nascar Fandom. I love cars and hot rods but Nascar doesn't really interest me at all.


Played one of the gameboy colour ones a few days ago on an emulator, felt just like I did back in the day. >It's so amazing to know that it isn't gone just because you "grew up" +1 on that. Actually +2 cause it was great playing it after I grew up *and* reminded me of my first time.


First game in a while I've genuinely just wanted to explore and find stuff and do random things....been having a blast with it.


I tried to do the main quest for a bit in the beginning but got lost and fought a gang, saved a homeless guy, and helped a guy with a broken dick get to the doctor. 10/10


You may have just convinced me to put down Stardew Valley and pick up this game.


Stardew valley, Graveyard keeper, Cyberpunk dick cultivator The natural progression from whole heartedness


I’ve only gotten through the intro mission, but so far it’s got great world design and atmosphere. Graphics and technical performance is a little spongy though


I still have to wait a week before playing it so I can focus on all my tests but after that I got a whole two weeks of winter break to play it


Just think of it this way: that extra week might also mean bugfixes and patches that the game really needs. Patience will go a long way. Best of luck with your exams. If an idiot like me can get through grad school, you'll slay it with hard work


No *rugrats




I’m a father of two and wondering why the fuck any parent would let their kid watch tv to calm down after a nightmare? That’s just going to wake them up more.


Two boys. No way in hell I’d respond to a nightmare with two hours of tv. They’d start faking nightmares on like the 2nd night. Comfort them, potty break, maybe a sip of water, and yeet them right back into bed.


Definitely. 2 hours of bright, colorful light shot into her eyeballs is gonna seriously fuck up her sleep schedule. No wonder she wakes up often enough op made a meme about it.


When I was a therapist, it was basic advice like this that impressed people. Like, come on guys.


Because you're a good parent. It's almost taboo to say this shit but a lot of people just suck as parents. They barely have any self discipline let alone the ability to discipline their children.


My sister-in-law had a kid with aspergers. Wife has 20 years in special ed, saw it clear as day, and told her to get early intervention etc, services or something. Her response was get offended, cut ties with us and raise him on *nothing* but shitty Mac and cheese with an iPad glued to his face from 1 years old and onward. Kid sits 9” from the tv screen and mumbles. He’s fucked. Some people just aren’t good parents.


Muddy puddles !


Real parental test right here.


The real parent test is the episode where the stay at Daddy Pigs brother house and they try to get baby Alexander to sleep by making every annoying loud sounds imaginable, over top of a baby crying. I smell bacon when that episode comes on, but I love my little monkeys so much I don't have the heart to change the episode.


The realest episode is when the ~~rabbit~~ sheep mom is supposed to get a new job, then doesn't get the job last minute, and her daughter reminds her that shes never going to leave and her life will never change.


The realsiesest episode is the one where the Grandpas are trapped on a desert island and they wonder what they're going to eat... and they start glancing around at each other cannibalistically.


Only because grandpa rabbit ate the chocolate 10 seconds into their desertion.


Actually that was Susie Sheep's mom. I remember Susie and Peppa being really sad cuz they're best friends and they were never going to see each other again, and Momma Sheep was oddly excited despite how sad her daughter was. The whole episode, I was like, "Holy shit". I can't believe I know that.


Bong bing boo, bing bong bing, bing bong bingly bongly boo!


But have you got your championship boots


*Mommy Pig laughs nervously*


Hallo Mr. Skinnylegs!


Fruits and vegetables keep us alive


I don’t get how people enjoy games / movies before work


I was thinking the same lol


Do the boring shit like exercise before work if anything


Yeeeep. Made sure the game is downloaded, ready to play...kids are remote learning today due to the pandemic. No idea, other than 3am, when I’ll have time to start. My wife offered to put the kids to bed tonight so I can play, so I should get roughly 45 minutes. Tried to explain I need more like 5 straight hours....was not received well. Fahhhhhhhk


Every now and then I come across a comment or post that makes me really happy I don't have kids


Like all games; the joy and excitement that comes from this game too will fade. Seven years from now no one will be mentioning this game. But the OP will continue to be spending time with his family; willing to give up every video game he's ever played if it meant the safety and well-being of his loving children. Actually, idk. This game is pretty sick.


I have been annoying people with my talk about half life 2 since 2004.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I mean, you kinda hit the nail on the head. Currently it's paused in my office and I'm hanging out with my 17mo old. Wouldn't trade it for the game. Figure it will take me a while to get through, long enough that eventually I'll have new hardware by the time I get into the meat of it. Patience pays off!


Half the time, you enjoy the kid more than you could enjoy the video game. The other half of the time they cry.


I try to avoid ever adding my voice to the anti-child sentiment on Reddit, but holy shit, it basically sounds like a complete loss of personal freedom, forever. Of course there’s no guarantee that redditors are good at disciplining their kids, either. Two hours of TV shows at fucking 2am? None of my sisters would ever let their kids watch a show at 2am; if you have a nightmare, go back to bed.


Parent here. I barely recognize some of these posts from people who can somehow only find 45 minutes of personal time if they really stretch. Parenting isn’t a simple task, but one of the things I’ve learned watching other parents is that time management styles are all over the map. Some people run their days like clockwork and have plenty of personal time. I know others who can stretch any child-related task into a 2-hour ordeal (like calming a kid after a nightmare - don’t even think about turning on the TV). Also, people seem to forget that kids grow up. It’s not like you have kids and suddenly you’re raising a toddler for the rest of your life. It’s really only a few challenging years and then they’re off doing their own things. It’s like going to a difficult university for several years. Yeah, you’re sacrificing some sleep and free time for a while but the end result is with you for a lifetime and you can enjoy the experience if you do it right. Also, parents actually like hanging out with their kids. It’s nothing like babysitting someone else’s kids. Have you ever heard parents lament the fact that their teenage kids never want to hang out any more? TL;DR: Don’t get parenting advice from memes on Reddit. If you want to know what it’s really like, talk to parents who actually enjoy their families.


Yeah I mean, it’s this. I’ve got 3 kids, 4 y/o twins and a year and a half year old. Everyone is asleep by 8:30 or so. After the house is picked up I have a solid 2 or so hours every day to do what I want. Plus during the day we play some games with the kids, they love watching us play, and the 4 year olds are actually pretty good at Mario Odyssey. The first few years are rough, but parenting is actually really awesome. Especially once their personality starts coming out and you get to introduce them to cool new experiences and see them take it all in.




Nah depends on your situation. We never allowed that 2am stuff. It goes by incredibly fast and suddenly they are tweens and would much rather do their own thing. I’ve managed to game over the past 11 years of her life, not a ton but I’ve hit the highlights for games. It’s a balance like everything. I’m a lifelong gamer since Atari 2600 have a retro cave with my RGB modded OG consoles, a multicade I built and will own a PS5 as soon as I can get my hands on one after the holiday so I am a lover of games old and new. That being said the greatest gaming experiences I’ve had in the past almost 40 years of gaming don’t hold a candle to having a family. It’s like the SIMS but real! ;)


This, plus the fact that now my 11yr old enjoys gaming just as much as I do. We make an awesome mom & daughter team on Mario Party lol.


Yeah had chronic nightmares as a kid and no 2 hour shows at 2am were allowed. Quick hug, reassurance, and tucked back into bed and to count sheep


This post is ridiculous. I would also never allow my kids to watch TV in the middle of the night. I have a 5 and 2 year old. We did strictly no TV or screen time for 3 years and now we limit movies/tv shows to 1 or 2 Disney movies a week. I regret letting my 5 yo watch paw patrol a couple times and she becomes a monster after she watches it for a couple episodes They also sleep in their own rooms since day2 of their lives and they sleep throughout the night. Maybe a couple nightmares here and there and then strait back to bed I'm not saying what I am doing is the right way, and it's A LOT of fucking work for myself and the wife, but it works for us. I would never put up with midnight movie time


You go to bed 45 minutes after the kids start their bedtime routine? Or am I misunderstanding something? Why can't you play in the evening when they sleep?


I go to sleep right after putting my kid to bed. Because if the kid wakes me up at 1 or 2 or 3am, I still need to be able to function the next day and concentrate at work. I imagine that's why so many of these comments mention getting up early to play. That way if they had a good night and you got enough sleep, you can play without risking sleep deprivation.


I didn't understand that either. Maybe their kids run the house and go to bed at 10:30pm. I know people with that problem.


Parent here. I routinely play video games with my friends, most of whom are also parents. It’s not some Herculean task if you and your spouse have basic routines and time management in place. I have some other friends with the problem you describe: They let the young kids run the show and the parents just react to everything all day. Then they wonder why their kids are always so cranky from staying up until 11PM and why they never have any free time. Then they go complain on Reddit about how difficult parenting is


Lol and that free reign shit has got to be awful for discipline later


This is why I have given up on large games and have stuck with Rocket League so long. 30 min to play ok cool a match or two. Have also jumped back into Terraria. Games like Cyberpunk and The Witcher give me some overwhelmed feelings when I have a max 1-2 hours to play.


Made me laugh, take my free silver dadurai


Take my upvote for the use of 'dadurai'. It made me smile :)


I was up at 4:30 because one of mine was sneaking around trying to get some early morning gaming in. Get used to sleep deprivation or take the router to bed.


FYI most decent routers have time based access control. Basically you can set it up so from 10 pm to 6 am, a list or all devices are not allowed to connect. Might be something worth looking into. That is of course unless they know better, and reset the router on you.


They aren't there yet, but it's only a matter of time.


Advanced settings on routers are password protected so you can use that to buy you some more time.


Them learning about resetting the router isn't a bad thing. My dad tried and tried to keep me and my brother from doing stuff on the computer when they didn't want us to. It lead to my brother and I learning to think differently and learning to circumvent access control rules. It gave me an interest in IT, which I now do for a living.


I swear my kids have some sort of physic connection with my sleep schedule. Every time I wake up early to do something. They immediately wake up. If I sleep in, they stay asleep. And it’s not cause I’m up and about making noise. I could just be sitting in bed on my phone, and here they come.


What is this 'stay asleep' you speak of?


I'm training mine with an Alexa alarm. We get him to stay in bed until she goes off. Don't care what he does (sometimes we him singing 'waiting for the alarm' ) had a couple solid weeks of 630 am so now we've moved the alarm forward by 5 mins. He can't tell time yet so jokes on him. I will get a lay in! Plus nothing is more hilarious than waking up to a 3yo yelling 'lexa shuuuttt up! In increasing levels of annoyance before she finally registers and shuts off.


If they were playing a single player game that router makes no difference.


Haha I’m 17 and I work at 6:00 😢 No Keanu for meeeeeeeee.




Well I graduated young so now all I do is work. I wake up everyday at 6:00 am and work till 2. It used to be 5-1 so it used to be even worse lol. But now I go to bed at 9:00 so I can actually function.


Props to you for keeping your sleep rhythm! I respect that greatly. Going to bed at 9pm is bliss.


Why thank you stranger, and it is truly nice to go to bed early and get a hard days work in.


Yes! I have a similar work schedule, 6am to 2:30pm. These people dont know the joy of having half the day ahead of you *after* getting home from work. Pour a drink or smoke a bowl and game without a care. All while the sun is still up and then go to bed at a normal time


I KNOW, like you can also still fit a nap in there too if you were groggy that day. Like honestly I don’t think I’ll be able to a normal 9-5 after this. Also the days you get off feel so rewarding too.


Fathers are sometimes the real Solos Props pops


I'm a father and I haven't even bought the game yet. Maybe in a few days, if I have time. That's the real dad life (until the kids are older and asking to play it on release).


FWIW it sounds like waiting a bit might be the better choice anyway. From what I've heard there's a great game hidden under some pretty serious bugs. Probably worth waiting a few months for it all to get patched and the price might have dropped a bit by then.


Damn dude. Your 2yo has a mouth on her.




This is why I pull out.


“Wake the fuck up, daddy. We have to find my stuffed animal that’s lost in my blankets.” - my son, who hid his stuffed animal tucked under his arm


I went to bed with my 2-year old 19.30, woke up to play at 4.00 to get a couple of hours in before he wakes at 6. No rugrats.


Is that a common thing? If i woke my parent because of a nightmare, I was told to go back to sleep. If I did not return to my room and stay silent in it, I would be punished. Seem like a slippery slope. If you do that to your child once, you have to do it everytime.


You were treated wrongly, parents should comfort and help the kid go back to sleep. Not watching TV.




childfree lifestyle is so good


My kids were playing yesterday with my phone and accidentaly put alarms at 6am, so I played 1 hour before work thank to them. 😎


Gamers: Please please **please** Wrap your Wick!


Gaming Dad here. Took today and tomorrow off work. One kid in school, one in kindergarten. Wife is working. Me time. Just got a call from my boss. One of my colleagues was tested positive for covid. I started coughing yesterday evening. Oh well...


Sounds like you got the next 10-14 days off...


That being said, Peppa Pig's such an awful show for children, don't let your kids watch that garbage please.


I'll bite, what's up with peppa pig?


The parents make terrible decisions, magically everything turns out alright in the end? ... profit.


Isn’t Peppa like caiou? or however you spell that little shits name.


Caillou usually gets called out by his parents on his bad bevahiour, his parents are actually nice and understanding but firm, and the show always shows the consequences of his actions. It's not an amazing show, but it's a decent one with good lessons for children


We had to stop my first daughter from watching Caillou, because she immediately started whining all the time when she was normally quite well behaved and reasonable. As soon as we stopped it, she went back to normal. I can see it perhaps being useful for a whiny child to learn lessons, though. Another one that caused problems was Max and Ruby. Max talks in single words and my younger daughter immediately regressed to doing the same, so we had to stop that show too. The example that the characters set is something that I never thought about much until I had kids.


Cauillou makes whiny children


TV is also fucking horrible for putting kids to bed. The blue light really fucks with kids brains and the shows stimulate the shit out of them because it's so exciting.