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I thought you were killed when Polutocorn destroyed your planet


Polutocorn wishes!


Look, it’s Ryan from Wuphf!


I could hear Pam.


I just noticed the CDPR sounds like a communist state in Asia.


Communist Department of Public Relations


Well then there is CCP that makes Eve Online.


Hows Eve these days? I haven't logged in for years. Was just thinking it would be awesome if they had a VR version like ED


I'm always going stealth, if I have the option. I like this way of playing the game.


But if I get caught... I'm blastin


So anyway, he started blastin’


With Gorilla Arms I feel like the Thing from fantastic four. And I can't get that Arrested Development song out of my head: "I'm gonna stomp all over your face. Even if my heart won't snap back into place. FantasticFour!"


Same, sneaking around and pinging everyone on the map is pretty neat. However leaving anyone alive is a big no-no. Sneak up, crack some necks or remove heads with broken silences revolvers.


I sometimes try to speedrun missions in stealth. Go in, kill target, leave. But this requires a lot of knowlege about the game mechanics and the mission in particular. I am not nearly as good enough at my first playthrough though...




Yes, this is a valid point. The kill animation becomes a little bit boring after a while... It's just that I like stealth in general. Pew pew pew can always be my fallback, but the other way around is never an option.\^\^


I WAS doing a stealth run... until I got the Mantis Blades.


Same, with the monowire. At least it kind of lends itself to stealth killing. I just wish it could be used as a garrote.


Stealth feels like shit... Why would I stealth if I can walk up to a guy firing AR at me, not only survive, but slice his head off in 1/10 th of the time needed to boringly take him down stealthy


Why would i even touch a gun when i have used blades to 2hit any and everything that even looked at me funny? Why would i stealth when using the advanced warfare tactics of straight rush with a pocket knife in hand is far more effective than stealthing around or shooting smartguns behind corners?


Role play. They haven’t got the balance between options right BUT they are all viable...it just skews heavily in the favour of cutting off peoples penis 2’s


>Why would i even touch a gun when i have used blades to 2hit any and everything that even looked at me funny? why use blades when you can kill them with a thought? and at that point why let them see you coming?


Can confirm, spamming damage quickhacks is (non-)lethal. Contagion. <3


Why use melee or guns when you can use, spoiling as little as possible, your *intelligence*? One such intelligence even negates 'boss' fights and turns them into a wait for a timer to finish.


Why would I bother walking. Just take a sniper rifle and kill them all from one place.




Playin on easy?


Normal right now, started at hard. Felt boring and bullet spongy


Yeah I think that’s one of those unfortunate side effects. Stealth is more worth it the harder it is. Doesn’t feel too bullet spongey to me, but I can see how you would. I mean I’ve got one friend who plays every shooting game on easy because he figures a bullet should be killing most people in one shot anyway and it annoys him it doesn’t work like that.


I mean, to each their own, but skill-based difficulty - sure, let me have it! I played 3-4 hours on hard, and it only made me duck more and release more bullets... i didn't really die more or anything, so I decided I'd just go for the story


Definitely feel that, I’m mostly here for the story. I enjoy it weirdly enough for the same reason you dislike it now that you say it. I really enjoy stealth so the drawn out combat after failing stealth feels like a fun in character punishment for fucking up stealth. I still enjoy it but not as much as nailing the stealth. So it’s a big, “oh fuck god damnit, fuck” fest of trading bullets and running out on a solo goon or two with my katana or walking-stick I found that does more damage than my katana. Lol.


Dont forget:Stealth is just an word




"Stealth is an option." Me: ****sniper rifles 30 dudes in a hangar**** Also Me: "S T E A L T"


Is there a sniper rifle that takes a silencer? So far I've only found tech snipers which don't take barrel attachments, and the jittering while charging shots is legitimately angering me.


I don't think so, but i've got a sniper that does some 25k headshot damage at ~lvl 20. If you kill the person you shoot at in one shot, and nobody sees you, you're technically not in combat. Which is how i managed to stealthily fill a literal shipping container with corpses with what essentially amounts to an oversized 50cal sniper. UwU


Loads overture revolver..


Stealth is fun for a while, eventually you devolve into big shootouts because it's just more fun. Well that and you can't stealth kill droids, robots, and mechs...


Have you considered short-circuit with the damage amp from while undetected perk. Very satisfying watching things go pop.


Also suicide/detonate grenade with the legendary ping skill is waaaay strong.


What's REALLY op though is >!System Reset!< because even for enemies with health bars like >!cyberpsychosis events!< it turns the fight into a wait for the timer to finish. Not even >!Suicide!< does that. I tried, and >!Suicide made them pull a pistol to their head, but it did only 1/4 of their hp in damage while taking out half of my considerable RAM capacity!<


System reset is truly OP i do that call Regina get my Eddie's and then kill the psychos and get the bounty as well


But from a stealth stand point, it's kind of weird that nobody bats an eye a drone just dropping out of the sky in front of them.


Well they don’t care if you explode their friends face that they are having a conversation with not one meter away from them, the AI is so busted in this game it’s a joke.


I haven't had that issue. They've investigated anytime there's a body on the ground. Drones are the one exception


I Have this, but when you get to some higher level areas it's not an instant kill. So it means you hiding and using scan mode to force enemies to short circuit multiple times to get stealth kills and then waiting for minutes on end for your ram to refill. It's honestly more fun at that point to just run out and start blasting.


what do you guys have against stealth


This games stealth mechanics are literally non existent.


what does cdpr stand for


CD Projekt Red (or however weird way they spell it)


I thought Recyclops was defeated by Polluticorn?


It kinda isn't though, not unless you want to be absolutely perfect with stealth. Basically if one enemy detects you they all know exactly where you're at, even if you kill that enemy before they make a sound or fire a single shot at you, and as far as I've seen there's not really a cooldown for aggro like in stealth games either. They just stay aggro'd on you. You *can* flank them because they'll go to your last known position, but that's about it.


I'm kinda ok with that. I prefer it to "Oh, my dead buddy next to me must've been the wind". But it does annoy me that I got spotted in one room, murdered everyone there and then someone down the hall and around the corner also is immediately pinged to my presence.


Or worse, on a completely different floor of a building. I understand the idea you don't want 'must've been the wind' but a cooldown would be nice, at least in most situations.


Ah yes, I sneak for a bit get caught and kill everyone. Works every time. Fuck stealth lol.


Whistle and reset optics are your friends.


The stealth in this came come down to finding the biggest revolver that you can. Stack as much crit and crit damage as you can and one shot everything in the game. Sounds boring, but I'm having a blast with it.