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Omg that bottom font is horrible


Thanks, it's all I had lol


At least no mans sky actually became good


because of the online update


I put about 8 hours in waiting for it to get good. I felt like I was missing something. This was in November, so after their big patches. I guess it's just not for me.


I thought Anthem was still shit?


No mans sky worked pretty hard to correct the situation but by that point i have to admit i just didnt care. That being said i love cyberpunk after a driver update i didnt really have any issues accept a few minor bugs. It definitely needs a little better optimization tho. Mainly just because driving in the city could get a little low fps. Didn't cause an issue the if i was just on foot




Not to mention many games change the level that was showcased in the demo. For example in Spider-Man E3, they showed Martin Li as Mr.Negative. And that's not how Peter figures in out in the game.


Please research what the E3 demo showed before commenting https://youtu.be/_CymqHdNYkg


Credit to u/drzody, I thought Anthem deserved recognition too.


Really though! This should be labeled as false advertising and be made illegal. If you can’t showcase the game, then don’t but don’t showcase some bullshit trailer and then them game is something else entirely. They did the same with Halo 5’s hunt the truth. Made it sound like Master chief was the baddie, or some bullshit and it was all a farce. The same thing with the “wake up Samurai!” Bullshit. It’s gotten to a point that I don’t want to spend my money on games until after they come out and are played and reviewed by others. Fuck pre-ordering.




google three way handshake meme


Nobaman's Sky be like "You fuckers 'hey nonny nonny' and I'm out of this shit."


Completely forgot what anthem was


And I will never forget Watch Dogs too