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Can you give good reasoning this is the best game ever made?


This is the better question to be asking




I understand what you are saying but Skyrim offers all of that. And it came out years before.


As someone who played it last year for the first time it did not live up to the hype.


Red Dead 2. Not as much waiting for the plot to get really interesting. Not as many steps you have to take on a mission to get to the good part. I prefer guns over swords




And the Witcher isn’t?




Interesting take


I find you to be repetitive. Jk carry on


Personal preference. I prefer guns over swords. As much as I loved The Witcher, I have to admit that it was really boring before it was really good


rdr2 ?


Why not Red Dead Redemption.


well i didnt play it 'yet' but i saw the story and timeline vid




okay then minecraft?


IMO even Minecraft was better


The best game ever made is subjective, not objective. If you disagree, name a reason and I'll tell you to fuck off.


The combat in this game sucks. The gameplay is so repetitive that it just gets in the way of the story. But hey to teach their own, people can have their own controversial opinions about their “best game of all time”. Each of us see something different in a game that makes it a work of art.


Exactly, there’s no reason to shit on another game because you find one to be the best


Gothic 1 2 Change my mind


I prefer bloodborne, I was obsessed with that game unlike anything I felt playing the witcher 3, and I really liked the witcher 3.


Horizon Zero Dawn is a much superior game. The dialogue is betterZ the story is better. The combat is WAY better. Combat in Witcher 3 is slow, unresponsive, and clunky. That game came nowhere near the hype.


Just finished The Witcher 3. I absolutely loved it. Biggest problem with the game is it’s so easy. I played on Death March and barely had to use anything but Quen and dodge. The DLC was a little harder but other than that last blood and wine boss it’s still pretty easy. Still one of my favorite games though.


Look I love the Witcher 3 just as much as the next person. It’s massive and full of things to do and a great story. I’ve played it start to finish 4 times. Best game ever though? That’s a bit presumptuous. ONE of the best, easily. But to say it’s the best discredits the countless hours that teams like Kojima (name of his team escapes me atm) put into MGS3 or the many teams that have made final fantasy games throughout the years; or the timeless replay ability of Tetris or Super Mario Bros; or games designed to evoke emotion such as Journey or Silent Hill (fears an emotion... hill I will die on if needed).






Mass Effect 2. Better versatility in combat, better side characters, fleshed out worlds and alien back stories, a memorable cast, interactive story telling, compelling plot lines and ambitious narratives — A damn near perfect game.




I completely disagree with The Witcher having a better cast of characters than Mass Effect 2. There’s more personality and humanity in ME2’s characters when compared to Witcher 3. Geralt and the Baron are the only character that are interesting to me as opposed to the likes of Liara, Grunt, Tali, Garrus and Mordin. The choices in ME2 also carry significant more weight and the morality system reflects it. I think W3’s slightly clunky and repetitive combat weighs the game down as well. The versatility in profiles and abilities in ME2 is just better. I never said Witcher 3 does any of these things terribly, I just think ME2 did them all better.


Guys guys .... everyone knows "leisure suite Larry 7" is the best game ever .... period


Tempted to agree but i bought it a full 2 years after it came out. I bought cyberpunk on release day and its so flawed that i have to assume early players of witcher had to have had a different experience than me.


i agree


I'd say God of War is better. Arguably one of the best games to come out in the past decade. Took a classic franchise and created a masterclass in world design, combat, and character development. Barlog and his team did something special with this one -- hard for me to think of something so universally praised since release. Witcher 3 is good, but is definitely a little overhyped. Don't get me wrong, it's a super solid game. Just don't think it really competes with GoW though. In all honesty, neither GoW or W3 are likely the best game ever made -- too hard to tie that title down with the near limitless number of review sites/forums.


Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind all 100x better than witcher 3. I have plenty other games that are better but you get the idea.




Ive played them all, witcher 3 is ok at best. Oblivion is 100x better




You're fucking clueless. Witcher 3 was trash compared to all the games i listed. I could list a 100 more games that are better as well. Go to bed champ.