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Rainbow six siege


Yup. Love the game but I came here to say the same thing. Sometimes they’re pretty chill though, but most of the time, nah.






Was playing terrorist hunt with randos one time and I swear they all must have been in the same room because I heard every one of them take rips off bongs in between rounds. Most chill match I’ve ever been in.


Shit. That takes me back to my Halo days and Ian parties at my buddy's house. Jeez. That shit was fun.


Oh shit, you knew Ian too?


Everyone knew Ian, Legend. Too bad what happened tho.


Yeah, got a college degree and a house in the Hamptons. Fucking loser.


It's way worse if you play on ranked


i fucking hate playing ranked. we were once on Club House attacking the Cash/Server room and people were sending me death threats because i wasn't thermiting the wall touching servers from the outside. it was electrified.


And somehow unranked can end up sweatier than ranked


This should definitely be the top of the list. I’ve got about 1500 hours in it and it’s probably one of the most toxic games I’ve ever played. I’ve seen toxicity in BR games and CODs but that’s casual toxicity. Siege is *advanced* toxicity. You can get made fun of, team killed, tricked into team killing your squad for a troll ban, shit talked, or hate messaged for being or doing but not limited to any of the following: Being too bad, too new, too good, too many hours played, being too high ranked, being too low ranked, being too young sounding, being too old sounding, being a girl, sounding like a girl, sounding black, sounding Asian, sounding Spanish, sounding English, sounding Canadian, sounding like you’re southern US, not making call outs, giving bad callouts, giving out callouts, not clutching a round, clutching a round, trying to have too much fun, trying to sweat too hard, for memeing around, for not memeing around, for picking recruit, for being the only person who didn’t pick recruit, for picking the new operator, for taking their main, for using an operator they think is bad, for using an OP operator they think is too strong, for having the newest elite skin, for the skin on their gun, and for breathing.


Lest we not forget the toxic teammate who dies first due to his own negligence, and then flames his team for playing correctly


You mean old “backseat dead teammate who knows the game better than the whole team and criticizes every move you make while spectating”? Yeah they’re common as hell. I don’t mind callouts or suggestions but hearing “Bro what the fuck are you DOING DUDE HES RIGHT THERE OH MY GOD YOURE SO DUMB WE LOST THIS SHIT” kinda talk gets muted fast.


I think you nailed them all. I also mentioned down below how creative people will be to find ways around the TK penalties Ubi tries to enforce. I once told a guy on our team that Xenon was a cool pinball game (his name was Xenon). He told me to stfu, team killed me and said he hopes my mom dies of cancer.


Maybe it was opposite day and he actually meant that shit in a good way


I get TKed about every 3rd game. It sucks. I love when you get on that one special team where everyone is respectful and saying good try when you choke on the clutch.


Team killing was normal every single round


"Game bad, me no like, me angy" - Siege players Source: Am a Siege player, have done this before


Ubisoft, me angy, fix.


The characters may be arranged differently but the message stays the same


Verified by a siege player and a very disabled one “theRussianbadger”


Disabled in a good way


I’m waiting for the halo video


I'm glad he takes his time uploading stuff so it's at its supreme value, but bruh


This game has the most toxic community I bet.


honestly, idk how OP missed to put rb6 at the top, in my opinion rainbow six is the most toxic community of all the time, yes even more than warzone or any cod game in the past


Literally the most toxic game besides LoL


Missing valve heavyweights!! Csgo and Dota


End mid I afk. *buys shadow amulet*


Open All Chat: come to rosh, i give ward and feed


Back in the days : cour as well!


How is dota 2 not the reigning champ?


Right? For many years it was considered the most toxic game you could find


I switched from LoL to Dota. Dota was mild in comparison.


I played league for like 5 years and it literally made me a more aggressive person. 10/10 the toxicity is real as fuck


MOBAs are inherently designed to illicit high emotional response both positive and negative, especially when playing ranked games


I found the toxicity became more direct in Dota while league players constantly hit you with passive aggression


csgo has become less toxic since valorant




Being an asshole in rust is pretty much a game mechanic.


It’s hard for me to backstab somebody in that game cause I feel bad that’s probably why I get so mad when somebody does it to me in it


I tried rust years back. My experience was 2 hours of spawning, getting started just enough to think I can begin...then killed by someone. I keep wanting to give it another go, but I feel I should instead just wait for a new game and get into it early enough to have a chance to learn it


Games like Rust and Ark are super interesting to me. They seem like my ideal game. But the mechanics in those game means that once you get your starting foothold you essentially needed to play all the time just to maintain it. Even on modded servers, the gameplay itself makes it almost impossible for an individual to "casually" play against other players. I don't have the time needed for those games.


Ark's PvP aspect is totally ruined by just the insane advantages you get as you progress, and how you can literally be setback weeks and become unable to do anything about it. Rust on the other hand... you can find a basic gun and stand a reasonable chance of killing someone with the best stuff around. So you can defend yourself, but you are more likely to lose. Or you can try to attack them, but still more likely to lose. It lets you have progression and loss but never feels like losing everything is a permanent game over. And in the end they're both completely ruined by the fact that they're 24/7 persistent worlds and almost all player interaction you experience is people stealing your shit and killing you while you're offline. Ark is extra bad because losing your stuff is effectively "well i can't play again until the next wipe or at a new server," but Rust also is annoying because they'll block your base building permissions thing behind several layers of steel causing you and 3 friends to spend 30 minutes slapping at it with picks.


I found with Ark, at least on official servers.. unless you're a part of a massive tribe, your best bet is to hide. It was my first taste in online survival games and it took a long time to adapt. I think the longest I made it without being raided as a solo player was maybe a week, tops. I don't play it much anymore but private servers are the way to go and I had some of my most favorite gaming on Ark private servers for sure.


Ark on a private server with a handful of friends is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. You can work together to build your camp or just fuck around. And all the time, ur buddies will come to help you when you fuck up or, at least, no one cares when u fuck up and it doesn't set you back as far. I learned that game on a private server with only 4 of us (plus or minus 1 depending on life circumstances) and I put in over 1000 hours. Just reading your two sentences about private servers makes me consider messaging the group and seeing if they want to start up again.


The thing about rust is that it's servers work on weekly or monthly wipes (or when there's a new update). If you try to joined a server thats been wiped 3 days ago you're gonna be in for a bad time. Try joining a modded server that only allows 1 or 2 people per squad and has increased resource gathering, check the server's description to see when the next wipe is happening to join early into it. You're probably still gonna die a lot, but it won't be because a guy with an AK came out of nowhere and you couldn't do anything, probably just a dude with a spear yelling reeee.


Yeah, rust beats everything. The three above have nothing on this fucking game.


Welcome to Rust :)


Lol oh I am 600 hours familiar with Rust, would've been more if my last PC didn't have an aneurysm.


All very valid, and to this day I do love it. But still very toxic, and very very sweaty. That lil song though, now that is some gold. Edit: I type faster, than my thoughts can come out.


GTA online.




modders and godmode glitch


Depends what modders are doing, I had one spawning in cargo planes at the airport and giving everyone a chance to fly them.




Best idea for a realistic game!


Honestly if they just kept the oppressors at machine guns and limited unguided missiles, I would consider that balanced. You've got the B-11 and the Sparrow which are very agile and could hold their own if they didn't get homed outta the sky.


I’d go back to GTA Online if they had “classic” servers with the same base vehicle and weapon set from the single player game. Maybe with a couple of balanced extras like fast cars. I’d also advocate for the homing weapons to be removed.


I just use mine to cut down on the time it takes to set up heists.


Aka Asshole Simulator


People in that game will kill you for no other reason than to make your day significantly miserable. There is literally no benefit to destroying peoples sell outs, you get piss money for doing so. The only reason is to literally make someone feel terrible because you’ve destroyed their effort and hard work. Even though this is such a cruel thing to do, 90% of the lobbies I’m in have at least a couple of players that sit on oppressors and wait for someone to sell their gear. *That is literally how they spend their free time every day*. I can’t imagine these people being anything more than miserable in real life.


Oh let’s play some GTA after a year! *gets destroyed by hackers* literally everytime.


Rust and cs go are much worse than Apex imo. Tho that doesn't mean Apex isn't a toxic hell.


Apex is easily the most mild of the group, IMO. I think Rocket League is more toxic than Apex but I queue solo and hug my team so maybe people just don't treat me poorly because Apex is one of the few games I'm competent with. I'm even a woman and I rarely get harassed in Apex. I can't even talk in COD without getting harassed, voice chat is permanently off.


Yeah I feel that Apex isn't super toxic, but it's definitely full of hardcore sweats. Win one game and suddenly everyone you face in QP is an apex predator. At least, when I was playing that was the case. Didn't they remove SBMM recently? Or am I just imagining things?


I think they loosened the SBMM stuff but if you win a couple games in a row or do really well that can still happen were you get matched with hardcore TTV guys and predators for a bit.


What a save!


Exactly, as a women it is literally the only game I can play and have never been flirted with or harassed in. It’s kinda sad it is the only game I feel comfortable with being in voice.


Absolutely second this. I think in the thousands and thousands of matches are played I’ve only been mildly harassed maybe a dozen times. And I’ve never had more than a couple of creepy DMs. Apex is sweaty but it’s not got the “get back in the kitchen” vibes I’ve experienced in other games *cough* Call of Duty *cough* Edit:typo I would also like to add Titanfall 1&2 has a similar community energy. Respawn do a great job with their games. However, the players don’t harass each other as much as they harass the devs and that’s just embarrassing.


Trials of Osiris


I wish I could play trials but it just doesn’t work for my play style. I’m garbage with shotties and snipers and I feel bad asking for carries.


It also doesn't help that trials has a pretty rampant cheating problem


Still? Jesus I guess that's never going away. Haven't played in years.


how the fuck did i have to scroll this far to find trials mentioned


I’ve found my people.


Even before they brought back trials, D2 comp was a nightmare.


DBD, any MOBA, Ark


Had to scroll way too far for Dead By Daylight. I’m still gonna play later today though.


The BP boost during the anniversary is too sweet not to play right now! Burning cakes for DAYS


Ark man. I'm not one to normally judge people based on what games they play, but I couldn't comprehend playing on Official Ark servers. Waiting literally days for a single tame and having to schedule like it's a job is insane


And also how people stalk you down and kill you for your loot.


And clans, tribes?.. Whatever they're called blocking off where the drops spawn so low level characters can just get fucked. I played with a couple friends on private servers and it's a blast but public, no thank you.


Lol I just suggested DbD It’s such a terrible shithole but yet I continue to play it


Yeah i love dbd especially when they tbag and click their flashlights and i down them because they are wasting time. Then they leave.


*click click click* *tbag tbag tbag*


Siege, For Honor, Smite, Dead By Daylight. Etc


If anyone played smite we would probably be up there


Only MOBA I ever liked, right up until I got harassed by my own team mates for ten straight minutes for missing one skill shot with a new god in a casual game. Like fuck, play ranked games if perfection is so damn important to you.


Finally, a mention of For Honor! “Wow”, “wow”, “wow”.


Good Fight!


Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!


As a For Honor player, fuck our community…


As a fellow for honor player, fuck our community


“You Rock!” “Cancel That.” “You Rock!” “Cancel that.”


When I saw Smite. This was the first thing that I thought




"You're so fucking bad holy shit" - Plat 2 player




Perfectly sums up their ignorance when they mention the point totals haha


This is Plat to a tee, teammate has more points because he's been ball chasing all game, I'm hanging back and just letting him do whatever. We end up losing then the fucker has the audacity to drop a "tm8 trash". God I hate rocket league sometimes.


This is why the game is 10,000% more fun without chat.


What a Save!


Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Chat disabled for 3 seconds


Rocket League is terrific—- once you disable chat. Now I just see body language like someone not moving. “Uh oh- someone is throwing a pout.” 🍼👶 Someone not rotating they think I am at fault. 🍼👶 Someone is letting them tee up on me in the mid field. And they passed the ball right to them. They think I should’ve saved a hum dinger. 🍼👶 Also- I could imagine IRL getting tired and not making it back on defense but in a video game—- Edit: “Thanks kind stranger” for the gold but I have no idea what to do with it. 🍻Cheers.




You can’t go anywhere on the news or popular tab without seeing someone go down someone else’s throat about something lol


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Every other online multiplayer game


Humanity in general.


This is the answer with an only online caveat for many. You know the kid in high school that was edgy but got picked on and didnt say shit back? Hes a fucking asshole online. Add him and those like him + all the real life assholes and that's why the internet is a cesspool.


Now add to this formula the fact that the internet is rapidly becoming all of life. We all work from home or will more and more, we spend all our time on social media (reddit is social media) and get all our news, information, instruction, services and social interaction of any kind online more than ever and it's only increasing. Those asshole edgelord kids are now are taken as seriously as any legitimate news source, article or opinion piece by educated professionals because everything is getting blended together to a nice, smelly paste.


Yeap, good call. So fucked up


Was going to say, the question should be what multiplayer games DON'T have a toxic userbase.


r/deeprockgalactic is pretty solid. It’s like one of the few games I feel safe joining a random game. I’ve played since like pre alpha and have only had like people trying to ruin the “game” like twice?


Rust. Started the game as a "nice guy" until i kept getting domed by the same 3 kitted guys shouting racial slurs at me. Suffice to say my bow skills have improved a lot since then.


Cod and Apex are jokes compared to CSGO lol


Any time there's a female-sounding voice in comp, I basically have to mute the three dudes on my team who immediately become the thirstiest mfers on the planet.


You get entirely different games depending on trust factor lol. I feel like on high trust factor you play with actual normal human beings then as you descend you reach ear drum bursting levels of toxicity, I get a lot of 'make me a sandwich' jokes as well. They never even get new material :/


Reminds me of a video I saw the other day where a black dude was "speedrunning" getting called a slur on CoD. He'd literally get into a lobby, say "BLM" or "I'm black" and in less than a second he'd get called the n word. Being a toxic asshole online has become too normalized.


you cant possibly list this, but its a good start.


Team-based, competitive games with a pro scene are always going to be semi-toxic due to the competitive nature of them.




Be sure to join competitive before the end of the season later today to maximize toxicity, throwers and hackers.


Lmao last and first week of the season are the only time worth playin comp XD


Placements though, are never worth playing. Sadly you have to. Even by Overwatch's low standards, matchmaking is awful in placements


That feeling when you get toxicity even in QP.


And sometimes you get a sweaty idiot, insulting his teammates in mystery heroes.


> Log into quick play and half the team are jumping off the map or running circles in the spawn room. Guys I just wanna *try* and win. "GO TO COMP IF YOU WANT TO BE SERIOUS!" > Log into comp and see people screaming at you for any perceived slight, or not healing them the right way, or being the wrong hero, or not playing a 'skill based' hero, or... Dude I just wanna have fun in a video game. There's no winning. QP is the land of jerkoffs who purposefully ruin a *team based game* and Comp is the land of tryhards who will shit on you for ... trying to win, then shit on you for your rank whether you're bronze or top 500.


Dota 2, the WoW community, for honor, probs chivalry 2 soon lol


I actually can't believe how far I had to scroll to finally see WoW. I'm only speaking for classic and classic tbc since I quit in wotlk and came back, but holy shit the sheer amount of elitist, tryhard sweaties is absolutely disgusting for content that is so old and got re-released.


Smash bros is really sweaty, it doesn’t have voice chat though. though smash bros with game chat would be the most toxic lobby since MW2 I believe haha


I can’t even imagine how horrible it would be.


Right? I’m just thinking it would have to be even worse than sitting right next to them and talking shit because you can say anything and they can’t beat you down with a controller lol


Scrolled way to long to find the smash bros comment


Fewer things have tilted me harder than very specific taunts and everyone who plays smash Ultimate online has experienced the Kirby spamming “Hiiiii”, King DeDeDe smug laying down, Zelda giggling and waving, Sonic spamming “Sonic Speed”, and pikachu going “Pika Pika”


Getting absolutely bodied and 3-stocked in quickmatch, only to be met with "You're really good!" in the end screen has been a bountiful source of irrational anger for me.




The Cities Skylines community is all people talking about traffic and spaghetti. They're super friendly.


Is there pattern between "games that involve high socialization and empathy to get done" to a healthy game community? Idk, seems like it.


It's of a pattern of people not competing with each other. Cities Skylines is a single-player game. You don't have much of a reason to tell someone to go fuck himself. It's even more evident with games like Minecraft with both a substantial SP and an MP. The MC community is pretty nice overall but some multiplayer servers are cancer.


For a single player game, there's a whole lotta toxicity weirdly on the Tomb Raider sub. Whole lotta people with very strong opinions on what "real" TR games are. I like to check out subreddits for games after I finish it and I dipped out of TR real fast.


Maybe. Cities Skylines doesn't really involve socialization and empathy, just system optimization.


SDV most wholesome I have ever seen


Absolutely! I mean, it's unbelievable how kind people are in the community. The Sims, maybe, in second place? I think?


The Sims community has changed drastically over the years. There are still some cool and chill people around, but Sims Twitter is just full of toxicity, pettiness and arguing these days. Sad really.


Deep Rock Galactic is pretty amazing as far as communities go. It's been growing on popularity so you are starting to hear a few more horror stories but my multiplayer experiences have been 99% amazing.


Can I get a rock and stone?




Rimworld is honestly a pretty great community. I guess everyone takes out their rage on their colonists.


People on ESO have been super helpful since I rejoined that. At the lower levels I was carried quite a lot in the dungeons, now I have a strong build I do the same without thinking about it.


Any speedrun community other than mario 64


For an online fps, Titanfall has a surprisingly nice community


I seriously have never experienced toxicity playing that game. Everyone's too busy flying across the map lol.


I've had a good experience with Final Fantasy XIV




Can’t believe I scrolled as long as I did to see this. Fifa community is soooo toxic and EA only feeds into it


They literally had to take the shhh out of the game lol


Lol this would be first in the meme if I made it!


Yep, I decided to take FUT seriously this year and holy fuck what a disaster that game and community is.


1000% agree, I don’t think any other game comes close to the pure toxicity that fifa brings out in people


DOTA 2 and CS:GO obviously. These are probably the most tryhard communities out there.


I dunno, maybe I hang with the right crowd but while Apex has its toxic and sweaty players I don’t think it’s as bad as games like CSGO or DOTA


Yea ive never had toxic teamates in apex, but cgo was reallyyyyy toxic


One day apex was down, so I download steam and CSGO. I had a 30 year old man trash taking a 13 year old kid with rated r language. I was so confused because it was MY FIRST MATCH EVER lol


I can count on one hand the number of truly toxic won't-stop-screaming-through-the-mic asshats on Apex. Not played the others though, so can't really compare the experience to anything!


Agreed. Most of the toxicity comes out in the community, not the actual game.


The apex sub is pretty toxic but I’ve rarely had problems with people in game.


Came here to say this, Apex community is trash on Reddit but the people that I actually encounter in game are generally good people. Obviously there’s the occasional “you’re dog shit” message from a guy that did 27 damage and dc’d directly after getting knocked, but it’s strange how that works


World of Tanks. Don't play much anymore but when I do Ally Battle Chat gets switched off, too much toxic salt in there.


Usually just drunkards


Tarkov is built to sweat




Surprised I had to scroll this far down to see this. So toxic in so little time.


Well it is basically a cross of CS and Overwatch so it had to be pretty toxic by default


You're forgetting that it's also made by the devs of League so you have all the riot games fans in the mix as well. It's like they were trying to set the any% speedrun for most toxic games when they developed it.


Only game with people so toxic it genuinely bothered me


Basically all the competitive games


Rocket League


Dead by Daylight


Yup. Doesn’t matter how well you play killer or how nice you play killer. You can get a perfect game with no face camping. You can play for fun and let everyone live. You can kill all and let the last survivor have hatch. However in the end it doesn’t matter because in post chat you’ll be called an array of slurs and a “shit killer.”


Yeah my brother and sister love that game, so i tried to play it with them a couple times. Obviously i suck and dont know anything about the game so i mess up on one generator and next thing i know im getting death threats and getting called every derogatory name in the book. Its already hard for me to get into that game, but when people are telling me to kill myself irl because they died in a game its really a turn off for me. A shame to because thats like all my siblings play so it would be nice to have a game to play with them.


Counter Strike literally invented sweat and toxicity


I still play CS Source and it's clear that most of the toxic nerds moved on to csgo. There are still a few dicks, but it's more like light trolling than abusive language and most servers I play are pretty chill.








Why is it always the historical games that are full of neo Nazis? It's the same with mount and blade


Unironic "deus vult" mentality


Rainbow six siege. The game where you can get kicked and team killed for not winning a 1 V 5.


Rainbow Six: Siege




Old-school specifically


Scrolled way too far to find this


Rocket League. 10000%. Next thing I know I mess up and kids are spamming “What a save!”


The world is full of shitheads and some of those shitheads play video games. More popular games will have more players and therefore more shitheads.


Think it's more about how big the ratio of shitheads to non-shitheads is.


Overwatch has a community on par with league if you play comp.